We have all been treated to a close look at the Infamous Teleconference Call with Scientists to discuss the Origins of Sars-Cov-2, and rightly so. Much less attention has been paid to the February 3rd meeting two days later.
This article attempts to do so but requires clarification
What happened next is crucial. The impartial investigation Fauci proposed never took place. What happened instead was that on February 3rd – two days after the teleconference and Fauci’s email – another teleconference was convened, this one hosted by the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NAS). This was in response to requests from the U.S. Government for scientific advice on the origin of the virus. Fauci was invited to give the “perspective from NIH/NIAID” ahead of an open discussion. The proposed output prior to the meeting appears to have been a “based on science” web posting, not unlike what Andersen and others were already working on.
However, the following day an email went out from Andrew Pope, an official in the NAS, saying the “plans have changed” and in place of a ‘based on science’ web posting there was now to be a statement signed by the Presidents of the three National Academies and sent to the Government. It appears that this change was what was agreed at the teleconference, though that is not completely clear as the email doesn’t specify who the “we” are who now think the original plan is not “appropriate”.
What makes it likely it was agreed at the teleconference is that the email does not seem to expect anyone to object to the change and assumes all are on board with the new proposal.
While they did attach the letter by NAS saying they convened the meeting at the request of the OSTP, most people don’t know this is the White House Office of Science and Technology
They also barely mention Ralph Baric who is cc on the Emails and was not invited to participate on the infamous conference call regarding Origins a couple of days earlier.
My hypothesis is the White House wanted to rule out Lab Origin so had OSTP request the NAS convene a meeting to do so. According to Kristian Andersen intelligence agents (and likely military as well) were physically present during the meeting whereas most of the scientists participated virtually
Why would they want to rule out lab origin from the start?
To better focus on Operation Covid which involved lockdowns , suppression of repurposed drugs, harmful protocols, inflating death/case counts to terrorize the population into taking the Militaries Operation Warp Speed Vaccine . All of these no doubt were in the pipeline on February 3.
Trump had just concluded a Trade agreement with China and was praising their handling of COVID as the US NSC was preparIng to adopt many of their draconian measures in the US. China lab leak would have been a distraction. Remember, most of the API’s used in drugs and PPE’s came from China.
The virus was likely engineered in the US by Baric under the DEFUSE project using alternative funding (perhaps in part by EHA funder Farrar’s Wellcome Trust) and possibly weaponized at FT Detrick during a series of lab safety incidents between 2018-2019 that culminated in its being shut down in 2019 for several months (July-November) by CDC (now doubt after the virus was ready to be deployed). Given that knowledge, they set up a false dichotomy (Natural Origin vs Wuhan Lab Leak) while carefully protecting the likely Engineer (perhaps with good intentions) from public scrutiny.
However, playing up the Wuhan Lab Leak would need to be deferred until the Vaccines were ready to be deployed so the Vaccine Resistant Right would have a patriotic motivation to be Vaccinated with Trump Shots against the Wuhan Virus (Made in China to kill Muricans)
After Trump lost the election and the Operation Warp Speed jabs began going into arms, and as the plausibility of Natural Origin began to fade, Wuhan Lab Origin needed to be played up with a couple of patsies served to the herd. Fauci, Andersen, Garry and Daszak will be enough for most. Of course the Virus Deniers and Pandemic Deniers in lala land have turned this all off. No virus so no lab leak and no crime.
There is likely a good reason Ralph Baric was not on the teleconference call with Fauci, and why he was not invited to be a Proximal Origin Author, because the real decisions were being made at the OSTP/NAS meeting to which Ralph Baric was invited. There is nobody on the planet that knows more about Coronavirus Engineering than Baric.
Curiously, in Ralphs presentation to Congress later in February, what with all the talk by fellow scientists about the FCS, he says nothing about the novel FCS in the Sars-Cov-2 virus, which is the first member of this sub-genus to have one , and which helps the virus be more transmissible than SARS.
So thats my hypothesis. I don’t rule out Chinas participation. OPERATION COVID directed from US it was a Globally Coordinated Operation with even China and Russia going along, and no doubt was meant to facilitate the WEF/WHO/BIS and their Great Reset/One Health/CBDC objectives and advance the Bio-Tech Pharma Industries which is essential for the Transhumanism Agenda
Ultimately OPERATION COVID was about engineering the human herds behavior and conditioning them to accept the roll out of the Censorship Industrial Complex which will control what we are allowed know and be able to say, and even think
The Censorship Industrial Complex (including CISA, GEC, etc) was a parallel operation being built up as Operation COVID was in its planning phases. Both began in earnest in late 2016 and accelerated through 2019-2020.
I am guessing they did not fulfill all their goals but they certainly have done a good job in-preventing much discussion of deliberate engineering and release, at least outside of China. Chinas CCP no doubt encourages their population to consider that as to hide their own role in this crime
I suppose one day we might hear Ralph Barics testimony and those who worked at Ft Detrick and Rocky Mountain Laboratories, but I have no doubt it will be a Limited Hangout with softball questions
The article ends with this question
“Who ordered the cover-up?”
Its a good question. I always start by looking at the BOSS. Who was the BOSS? And then I move on from there.
I then look to the Scientist who knows more about Engineering Sars like Coronaviruses than any man on the planet. Not Daszak, not Fauci, not Andersen nor Garry. That man is Ralph Baric.
This is not to accuse the BOSS or Baric, but this is where I start if I really want to know the truth.
I also would love to see testimony from Matt Pottinger, who was Assistant National Security Adviser to Trump , and Michael Callahan, an ex DARPA man alleged to be CIA who happened to be in Wuhan in December or January (there are several conflicting timelines) and who apparently had first hand knowledge of Chinas COVID treatment protocols that we adopted with deadly results.
We think alike!
This fits my hypothesis that there were/are hundreds of "research labs" where bad viruses could have escaped. Who knows if anything nefarious happened at these labs? This line of inquiry would be off limits to MSM "investigation" so this could never be "confirmed."
Of course, the official narrative is that the birthplace of this pandemic was the WIV (in December or, now, November 2019). Just about every story I've read reports this as a known fact - but it's not a known fact. This false, dubious or questionable narrative precluded any investigations that lab leaks or virus-manipulation might have been occurring at other labs. So: Mission accomplished on the narrative-control front. This possibility has never been "investigated" thus it will never be “confirmed.”
In this group thread, I’ve posted numerous times one of my iron-clad Covid maxims: “Officials never investigate that which they don’t want to confirm.”
I finally decided to highlight this maxim in one of my Substack articles - with numerous examples that support said maxim (Part 2 to come today).