The Fascism we find ourselves in today did not come overnight. Some might prefer to use some other -ism but no matter, its been a work in progress for over a century, seen much clearer in hind sight.
Book Sources w/o links
1)Tower of Basel by Adam Lebor
2)From Yahweh to Zion by Laurent Guyénot
3)Black Gold - Ordo ab Chao by David Livingstone
4)Red Scare - Ordo ab Chao by David Livingstone
5)Treasure Islands, Nicholas Shaxson
6)The Last Circle -
by Carol Marshall
7)Technocracy Rising The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation by Patrick M. Wood
8)Surveillance Valley :The Secret Military History of the Internet by Yasha Levine
9)Transhumanism by David Livingstone
1918-In the United States, the top rate of tax for individuals rose from 15 percent in 1916 to 77 percent in 1918 due to WWI. The nation introduced the corporate income tax only after the Sixteenth Amendment was ratified in 1913, and it rose to 12 percent in 1918, by which time corporation taxes amounted to half of all federal tax revenues.(5)
1919-Keynes first properly made his reputation in 1919 with his pamphlet The Economic Consequences of the Peace, arguing that the vast reparations being heaped on Germany after the First World War would ruin it, with terrible results for the wider world. He was quite right: The stringent demands for reparation helped trigger the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Second World War. (5)
1919-Roundtable Movement began a conversion into its new costume with the creation of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) in 1919, followed immediately thereafter with branches in the United States under the heading of the Council on Foreign Relations and International Pacific Institute. Carrol Quigley demonstrates that the CFR and IPI featured crossovers of members from the RIIA, CIIA, while funding was provided through the Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation and RIIA. While possessing nominally American names, these organizations and their members were fully British.
Both the RIIA, CFR and IPI were financed through large grants by the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations which themselves were set up merely as financial instruments to further the British Imperial agenda at the same time the Round Table Movement was unveiled in 1910. These were two of the core foundations which had been used to finance eugenics laws and the statistics-based “scientific” premises justifying their political implementation. Quigley documents in his works the extensive array of financial support which these “philanthropic” organizations bestowed upon their London controllers.
The Canadian branch of the RIIA (aka:’ Chatham House’) was created only in 1928, (at the same time as its Australian counterpart) largely as a response to the anti-Round Table tendencies of the Laurier Liberals upon King.
1924 -Montagu Norman, Governor of The Bank of England prior to the crash of 1929, addressing the United States Bankers’ Association, New York, Idaho Leader, 26 August 1924.
“When, through process of law, the common people lose their homes, they will become more docile and more easily governed through the strong arm of the government applied by a central power of wealth under leading financiers. These truths are well known among our principal men, who are now engaged in forming an imperialism to govern the world.”
1928-In his work Open Conspiracy H.G. Wells targeted the institution of the sovereign nation state itself, which had to be purged in favour of a new structure of global governance:
“It is the system of nationalist individualism that has to go… We are living in the end of the sovereign states… In the great struggle to evoke a westernized World Socialism, contemporary governments may vanish…. Countless people… will hate the new world order….and will die protesting against it.”
1929-The balmy months in 1929 were the last hurrah of the Roaring Twenties. The American bull market was still growing. Share prices kept rising. The value of stock in Radio Corporation of America (RCA) rose by almost 50 percent in a single month. Even Wall Street’s shoeshine boys were passing on tips to their broker customers.
Between 1924 and 1928, Germany borrowed $600 million a year, half of which was provided by American banks. Much of it swiftly returned from whence it had come. Like modern bailouts, the money swirled back and forth, raising and lowering balance sheets, boosting confidence and keeping the markets happy.
As John Maynard Keynes wrote, “The United States lends money to Germany, Germany transfers its equivalent to the Allies, the Allies pay it back to the United States Government. Nothing real passes—no one is a penny the worse. The engravers’ dies, the printers’ forms are busier. But no one eats less, no one works more.”
Some, like Schacht, believed that no one was a penny the better—and he was right. The vast sums were merely a financial adhesive strip. And in October 1929, when Wall Street crashed, American investors frantically pulled out of their German investments in droves.
1930- in 1910, Bernard Baruch had become one of Wall Street’s best-known financiers, regarded as “The Lone Wolf of Wall Street” for his refusal to join any financial house. In 1916, Baruch left Wall Street to advise President Woodrow Wilson on national defense and terms of peace. He served on the Advisory Commission to the Council of National Defense and, in 1918, became the chairman of the new War Industries Board (WIB).
Under his leadership, the WIB successfully managed the US’s meconomic mobilization for the war. Throughout the remainder of the war, private businesses and the military worked closely to fulfill wartime needs.In 1919, Baruch was asked by Wilson to serve as a staff member at the Paris Peace Conference, and he supported Wilson’s call for the creation of the League of Nations.
During the inter-war years, business leaders and the military met regularly to draw up plans for economic mobilization in case of war.
The result was a series of industrial mobilization plans drawn up between 1930 and 1939. In the end, the military realized the degree to which it was dependent on the cooperation and capacity of business for the materials it needed, while business became more aware of what the present and future needs of the military might be for supplies of all types.
1930- . Schacht had pushed for an institution that would retain channels of communication and collusion between the world's financial leaders even in the event of an international conflict.”
BIS formed as an intergovernmental organization of central banks of six nations: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom. According to the Bank’s charter, the respective governments agreed that the BIS should be immune from seizure, closure, or censure, whether or not its owners were at war. These owners included the Bank of England, the Reichsbank, the Bank of Italy, the Bank of France, and three private international banks from the United States: J.P. Morgan & Company, First National Bank of Chicago and First National City Bank of New York, which later became Chase Manhattan Bank when it merged with the Rockefeller-dominated Chase City Bank, and eventually Citibank. Established under the Morgan banker Owen D.
Young’s so-called Young Plan, the BIS’s ostensible purpose was to provide the Allies with reparations to be paid by Germany for World War I. At the time, Young concurrently served on board of trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation, and also had been one of the representatives involved in a previous war-reparations restructuring arrangement, the Dawes Plan of 1924.
The Bank soon turned out to be the instrument of an opposite function. It was to be a money funnel for American and British funds to flow into Hitler’s coffers and to help Hitler build up his war machine.”
By the outbreak of World War II, reports Higham, the BIS was completely under Hitler’s control. Among the directors under Thomas H. McKittrick were Hermann Schmitz, head of I.G. Farben, Baron Kurt von Schroder, head of the J.H. Stein Bank of Cologne and a leading officer and financier of the Gestapo; and Dr. Walther Funk of the Reichsbank and Emil Puhl, who were Hitler’s personal appointees to the board.(1)
1932-Organized crime in the United States began to take a serious interest in the U.S. tax code after the mobster Al Capone was convicted of tax evasion in 1931. His associate Meyer Lansky became fascinated with developing schemes to get Mob money out of the United States and bring it back, dry-cleaned. A slick Mafia operator—the inspiration for the figure of Hyman Roth in the film The Godfather—Lansky would beat every criminal charge against him until the day he died in 1983. He once boasted that the Mob activities he was associated with were “bigger than U.S. Steel.”
Lansky began with Swiss offshore banking in 1932, perfecting the loan-back technique. This involved first moving money out of the United States—in suitcases stuffed with cash, diamonds, airline tickets, cashier’s checks, untraceable bearer shares, or whatever.
Next, he would put the money in secret Swiss accounts, perhaps via a Liechtenstein anstalt (an anonymous company with a single secret shareholder). The Swiss bank would loan the money back to a mobster in the United States, who could then deduct the loan interest repayments from his taxable business income there.
Lansky opened operations in Cuba, outside the reach of the U.S. tax authorities, where he and his associates built up gambling, racetrack, and drug businesses, becoming what the author Jeffrey Robinson called an “anti-Disneyland . . . the most decadent spot on the planet.”
1932-Mussolini described as the Fascist State:
“The Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State. [. . .] Liberalism denied the State in the name of the individual; Fascism reasserts the rights of the State as expressing the real essence of the individual. [. . .] The Fascist conception of the State is all embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. Thus understood, Fascism, is totalitarian, and the Fascist State — a synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values — interprets, develops, and potentates the whole life of a people.”
1933-At a meeting to bring Hitler to power were John Foster’s bother Allen Dulles, with the New York law firm Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the Schroeder Bank. Dulles, a president of the CFR, was later to become the most famous head of the CIA.
Also in 1933, while at Sullivan Cromwell, Dulles helped Standard Oil gain Saudi Arabian concessions with the assistance of Harry St. John “Jack” Philby, who made a feigned conversion to Islam, taking on the name “Abdullah.” According to Loftus and Aarons, Dulles and Philby, together with Ibn Saud “were the secret source of oil, wealth, and international influence that worked behind the scenes to put Hitler onto the world stage.”(3)
1933-On March 24 less than two months after the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor of the Reich, the British Daily Express published a front page article entitled “Judea Declares War on Germany. Jews of All the World Unite in Action.” The article proclaimed: “The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany. Fourteen million Jews dispersed throughout the world have banded together as one man to declare war on the German persecutors of their co-religionists.”
This campaign was supported by the majority of Jewish representative bodies and coordinated by influential Zionist lawyer Samuel Untermeyer.
In a radio speech reproduced by The New York Times on August 7, 1933, Untermeyer called for “a holy war” against “medieval Hitlerland,” “a war that must be waged unremittingly,” by “the economic boycott against all German goods, shipping and services. […] we will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends.”
Untermeyer called “traitor to their race” all Jews who refused to join this boycott. He had no doubt that Jews, who had overcome persecution “from time immemorial,” would once again prevail. “For the Jews are the aristocrats of the world.” (2)
1933, when Hitler came to power, the Soviets had just committed genocidal massacres followed by organized famine in Ukraine, at the gates of Germany, killing nearly eight million people, or one-third of the population. This crime against humanity, carried out by the NKVD, would never be mentioned in the Nuremberg trials, and still today is hardly ever discussed. (2)
(When in 2009, Ukraine opened a tribunal to prosecute the crime, Aleksandr Feldman, the chairman of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, forced the cancellation of the proceedings on the pretext that it would constitute an incitement to hatred, since the names of many of the Soviet officers charged were Jewish.)
Nevertheless FDR recognized Stalin and Russia and provided loans for trade. Uncle Joe would later be an ally in WWII.
1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s (1933–1945) attempt to plan for economic recovery after the Great Depression adapted the scheme of the WIB for his short-lived New Deal program, the National Industrial Recovery Administration.
Baruch pushed to have his protégée, former General Hugh Johnson, with whom he had worked at WIB, to be placed amongst on Roosevelt’s “Brain Trust.” Others belonging to the Brain Trust included Felix Frankfurter, Louis Brandeis—who introduced the group to the ideas of John Maynard Keynes—and Benjamin Cohen.
Cohen, a student of Frankfurter, served as counsel for the American Zionist Movement and attended the 1919 Paris Peace Conference and helped to negotiate the League of Nations mandate for Palestine. Cohen also worked for Louis Brandeis as a law clerk.
Within a week of Roosevelt’s nomination, one member of the Brain Trust, Rexford Tugwell, worried that Baruch now dictated president’s financial policies. At the first meeting of the Cabinet in 1933, Baruch and Johnson came with a copy of a book by the Italian Fascist theoretician Giovanni Gentile, Mussolini’s Education Minister, which each Cabinet member read it with “great care.”
In 1933, Roosevelt put Johnson in charge of the National Recovery Administration (NRA), the prime agency of the New Deal, known by its “blue eagle” campaign.
The NRA essentially legalized cartelization, by allowing thousands of businesses to organize “under fair trade codes drawn up by trade associations and industries.”
In practice, however, the codes of competition that were drafted under the NRA reflected the power and interests of the large corporations. Time nevertheless made Johnson “Man of the Year.”
Roosevelt fired Johnson in September 1934, after which he became one of his Roosevelt’s vocal critics. In 1940, Johnson would join the national board of the America First Committee (AFC).(4)
1934- Hearings in 1934 by the Nye Committee led by U.S. Senator Gerald Nye were intended to hold war profiteers like Baruch and Du Pont company officials, the “merchants of death,” to account.
The Nye Committee, officially known as the Special Committee on Investigation of the Munitions Industry, was a United States Senate committee established in 1934, to investigate the financial and banking interests behind United States' involvement in World War I.
Nye created headlines by drawing connections between the wartime profits of the banking and munitions industries to America's involvement in World War I. Nye promised, “when the Senate investigation is over, we shall see that war and preparation for war is not a matter of national honor and national defense, but a matter of profit for the few.”
Although the Nye Committee failed to achieve its goal of nationalizing the arms industry, it inspired three congressional neutrality acts in the mid-1930s that signaled profound American opposition to overseas involvement.
1934-George Bernard Shaw outlined the pro-eugenics Fabian philosophy clearly in 1934 when he said:
“The moment we face it frankly we are driven to the conclusion that the community has a right to put a price on the right to live in it … If people are fit to live, let them live under decent human conditions. If they are not fit to live, kill them in a decent human way. Is it any wonder that some of us are driven to prescribe the lethal chamber as the solution for the hard cases which are at present made the excuse for dragging all the other cases down to their level, and the only solution that will create a sense of full social responsibility in modern populations?”
1934-Technocracy grew out of the efficiency movement during the US progressive era in the early 20th century. It capitalised upon the principles of scientific management suggested by Frederick Winslow Taylor and the economic ideas of social-economist like Thorstein Veblan, who famously coined the term “conspicuous consumption.”
Veblan was among the founding members of a private research initiative in New York funded by John D. Rockefeller called the New School For Social Research. This soon led to the creation of the Technical Alliance.
Howard Scott, the leader of the Technical Alliance, subsequently joined M. King Hubbert at Columbia University. In 1934, they published the Technocracy Inc. Study Course.
This was a blueprint for a North American Technate. It proposed a society led by science, engineering and academia rather than politics. Hubbert wrote:
“Technocracy finds that the production and distribution of an abundance of physical wealth on a Continental scale for the use of all Continental citizens can only be accomplished by a Continental technological control, a governance of function, a Technate.”
Technocracy demands that the activity of every citizen be continually recorded and controlled. It requires constant surveillance of the population.
This enables the Technate’s total energy expenditure to be calculated in real time. The data is then collated and analysed in order for the central committee of technocrats to manage and distribute the Technate’s resources right down to the level of the individual.
Scott and Hubbert planned a new monetary system based upon energy consumption, with goods and services priced according to the energy cost of production. Citizens would be allocated the new currency in the form of “energy certificates.”
In the US of the 1930s, this was a technologically impossible task. Though popular for a decade or so, the people came to realise that the suggested Technate was something of an absurdity.
Despite the seemingly preposterous system proposed by Scott and Hubbert, the Rockefellers in particular could see the potential to use technocracy to enhance their control of society. They continued to bankroll the technocracy movement and associated programs, for many years, regardless of waning public interest.
Technocracy is a system of dictatorial rule based upon the allocation of resources. In 1938, Technocrat Magazine described it as follows:
“Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population.”
1935-Nazism and Zionism shared more than one ideological foundation; they had as their common enemy the assimilationist Jew. They also had a common goal: the emigration of Jews from Germany.
Reinhardt Heydrich, chief of the SS Security Service, wrote in 1935 in Das Schwarze Korps, the official SS journal: “We must separate Jewry into two categories: the Zionists and those who favour being assimilated.
The Zionists adhere to a strict racial position and by emigrating to Palestine they are helping to build their own Jewish state. […] The time cannot be far distant when Palestine will again be able to accept its sons who have been lost to it for over a thousand years. Our good wishes together with our official good will go with them.”
It would be exaggerating to say that Hitler was ideologically a Zionist,
nevertheless, the Nazis were largely favorable to the project originally formulated by Herzl, who had boasted in his diary: “I believe I have found the solution of the Jewish Question. Not a solution, but the solution, the only one,” repeating further that Zionism was “the only possible, final, and successful solution of the Jewish Question.”
The first Zionist association inspired by Herzl’s book, the National-jüdische Vereinigung Köln , declared as its goal in 1897: “The Final Solution of the Jewish Question lies therefore in the establishment of the Jewish State.”
As Hannah Arendt has shown in her controversial book Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), Nazi policy was pro-Zionist until 1938, and “all leading positions in the Nazi-appointed Reichsvereinigung’. [compulsory organization of all Jews in Nazi Germany] were held by Zionists.”
This created “a situation in which the non-selected majority of Jews inevitably found themselves confronted with the Nazi authorities and the Jewish Zionist authorities.”
Arendt was the first Jewish intellectual to unveil that (e.g., by Tom Segev in The Seventh Million ): “There existed in those first years a mutually highly satisfactory agreement between the Nazi authorities and the Jewish Agency for Palestine—a ‘ Haavarah’ , or Transfer Agreement, which provided that an emigrant to Palestine could transfer his money there in German goods and exchange them for pounds upon arrival. It was soon the only legal way for a Jew to take his money with him. The alternative was the establishment of a blocked account, which could be liquidated abroad only at a loss of between fifty and ninety-five percent).
The result was that in the thirties, when American Jewry took great pains to organize a boycott of German merchandise, Palestine, of all places, was swamped with all kinds of ‘goods made in Germany’.”
Some sixty thousand wealthy Jews benefited from this Haavara Agreement , making a decisive contribution to the Jewish colonization of Palestine. This collaboration between Ben-Gurion’s Jewish Agency and Hitler’s Nazi government started in 1933 and ended officially in 1938 with Great Britain’s entry into the war. But the Lehi or Stern Gang, a dissident faction of the Irgun, led by future head of state Yitzhak Shamir, continued to bet on the Germans.
In a document dated January 11, 1941, it recognized that “The evacuation of the Jewish masses from Europe is a precondition for solving the Jewish question,” envisioning “the establishment of the historical Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, and bound by treaty with the German Reich,” and, with that aim, “offers to actively take part in the war on Germany’s side.”
The talks came to an end with the arrest by the British authorities of several Lehi members, including Yitzhak Shamir, for “terrorism and collaboration with the Nazi enemy.”
Ben-Gurion protested against the plan to open all borders to the persecuted Jews on the pretext that “pity will take over and the energy of the people will be channeled to save Jews from various countries.
Zionism will be removed from the agenda not only in public opinion in Great Britain and the United States, but elsewhere in Jewish public opinion. If we allow the separation of the refugee problem from the problem of Palestine, we will endanger the existence of Zionism.”
1936, Aldous Huxley and the leading synarchist Jean Coutrot founded the Center for the Study of Human Problems (CSHP), which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Also included in the CSHP were controversial Jesuit priest and associate of Julian Huxley, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, as well as Maria Montessori, the founder of the Montessori Method of education, and Alfred Sauvy the French demographer who coined the term Third World
The CHSP were inspired to fulfill the “Plan,” which coincided exactly with the ideas of Wells’ Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution.Wells wrote:
…It will appear first, I believe, as a conscious organization of intelligent and quite possibly in some cases, wealthy men, as a movement having distinct social and political aims, confessedly ignoring most of the existing apparatus of political control, or using it only as an incidental implement in the stages, a mere movement of a number of people in a certain direction who will presently discover with a sort of surprise the common object toward which they are all moving… In all sorts of ways they will be influencing and controlling the apparatus of the ostensible government.
Huxley and H.G. Wells were members of the Fabian Society, a British socialist organization whose purpose is to advance the principles of democratic socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow. The Fabian Society founders were influenced by John Ruskin, the English art critic, Social Darwinist, Freemason, occultist and pedophile, who inspired the Round Table’s imperialistic ambitions.
Leading Fabians included Bertrand Russell, George Bernard Shaw, and Aldous’ brother Julian Huxley. Shaw revealed that their goal was to be achieved by “stealth, intrigue, subversion, and the deception of never calling socialism by its right name.”
Nazi eugenics actually began in the United States, and emerged in Germany under Rockefeller funding. Joseph Mengele’s superior, Otmar Verschuer, as wartime director of the Rockefeller Foundation created the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics, and Human Heredity in Berlin, and secured funds for experiments at Auschwitz from the German Research council. The foundation's German centers combined the search for organic signs of mental illness with eugenic projects.
1937-Vito Genovese fled to Italy to avoid a murder prosecution in 1937, Genovese grew close to Mussolini by befriending his son-in-law and foreign minister, Count Galeazzo Ciano. The shrewd Genovese courted Mussolini by donating $250,000 for the construction of a Fascist party building.
The hoodlum grew so cozy with Il Duce that he soon dispatched his hitmen to assassinate New York newspaperman Carlo Tresca, a vocal critic of the Italian regime. For his work, Mussolini awarded Genovese the Commendatore del Re, the highest civilian honor in Italy, but Genovese was as apolitical as he was amoral.
Genovese was an anomaly. The Mafia represented the most antifascist organization in the world. Under Mussolini’s savage purges, Sicilian mafiosi were bombed, machine-gunned, and arrested in droves. Many of the founding fathers of the American Mafia had fled their homeland because of the attacks.
1939-As partners in the firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, Allen and John Foster also represented the giant German chemical firm IG Farben, which was indispensable to the German war effort. IG Farben was also a Nazi agency for worldwide military and economic espionage and a spearhead of the Nazi psychological and economic warfare program.
IG Farben and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil of New Jersey were effectively a single firm, having been merged in hundreds of cartel arrangements. Up until 1937, it was led by Rockefeller partners the Warburgs.
Beginning in 1933, Max Warburg also served directly under Hjalmar Schacht on the board of the Reichsbank under the Nazi regime, before emigrating to the US in 1938.
There were over two thousand cartel agreements between IG Farben and foreign firms, including Standard Oil of New Jersey, DuPont, Alcoa, Dow Chemical, and others in the US.
An agreement to coordinate all trade between Germany & America was reached in Berlin after negotiations between Hjalmar Schacht and John Foster Dulles. As a result Oliver Harriman, Averell’s cousin formed a syndicate of 150 firms to conduct all business between Germany and the United States
1941-On July 11, 1941, William “Wild Bill” Donovan was named Coordinator of Information (COI), and organized its New York headquarters in the Rockefeller Center in 1941 and asked Allen Dulles to head it. The offices Dulles took over had been the location of the operations of Britain’s MI6. In 1942, the COI became the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).
Commander Charles R. Haffenden of the U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence(ONI) Third Naval District in New York to set up a special security unit called Project Underworld.
He sought the help of Joseph Lanza, who ran the Fulton Fish Market, to get intelligence about the New York waterfront, control the labor unions, and identify possible refueling and resupply operations for German submarines with the help of the fishing industry along the Atlantic Coast.
To cover Lanza’s activities, he approached Meyer Lanskyand solicited his help in reaching Charles Lucianowho was an important boss of the five New YorkMafiacrime families. Luciano agreed to cooperate with authorities in hopes of consideration for early release from prison.
In 1936, Luciano had been tried and convicted for compulsory prostitutionand running a prostitution racket after years of investigation by District AttorneyThomas E. Dewey. He was sentenced to 30 to 50 years in prison, but during World War IIan agreement was struck with the Department of the Navy through his associate Meyer Lanskyto provide naval intelligence. In 1946, for his alleged wartime cooperation, Luciano's sentence was commutedon the condition that he be deported to Italy.
Luciano’s contacts even assisted in the Allies’ 1943 amphibious invasion of Sicily by providing maps of the island’s harbors, photographs of its coastline and names of trusted contacts inside the Sicilian Mafia, who also wished to see Mussolini toppled.
Luciano directed Calogero Vizzinito assist the Allied Forces in the invasion of Italy. Vizzini is the central character in the history of direct Mafia support for the Allied Forcesduring the invasion of Sicilyin 1943.
Luciano’s influence in stopping sabotage remains unclear, but authorities did note that strikes on the docks stopped after Luciano’s attorney Moses Polakoffcontacted underworld figures with influence over the longshoremen and their unions.
Some speculate that cooperation with the Underworld continued after the War with the CIA
1943-U.S. government investigated both Bert Walker and Prescott Bush, and under the Trading with the Enemy Act, seized all shares of Union Banking, including shares held by Prescott Bush, whose empire had been operated on behalf of Nazi Germany and had greatly assisted the German war effort.
1944 August , soon after 430,000 Hungarian Jews had been deported to Auschwitz, where most were gassed on arrival, A. Leon Kubowitzki of the World Jewish Congress wrote to McCloy asking that Auschwitz be bombed. McCloy refused. He replied that such an operation would demand diversion of resources being used elsewhere and would be of “doubtful efficacy,” an argument also echoed by British officials. McCloy also made the macabre claim that bombing Auschwitz might “provoke even more vindictive action by the Germans,” although it is hard to imagine what could be more vindictive than the industrialized extermination of thousands of people per day.
McCloy had been instrumental in the internment of some 120,000 American citizens and residents of Japanese ancestry, causing an enormous amount of human suffering—a bitter legacy that still lingers today. Arguably, he had blood on his hands. McCloy used his office and influence over Henry Stimson, the secretary for war, to repeatedly block attempts by Jewish organizations to have the US Air Force bomb Auschwitz. (1)
1944-As the Allies advanced on Germany, the Nazis stepped up their plans for the postwar era. On August 10, 1944, an elite group of industrialists gathered at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg, including representatives of Krupp, Messerschmitt, Volkswagen, and officials from several ministries.
Also in attendance was a French spy, whose report reached the headquarters of the Allied invasion force, from where it was forwarded to the State Department and the Treasury. The account of the meeting is known as the Red House Report.
Germany had lost the war, the Nazi industrialists agreed, but the struggle would continue along new lines. The Fourth Reich would be a financial, rather than a military imperium. The industrialists were to plan for a “postwar commercial campaign.” They should make “contacts and alliances” with foreign firms but ensure this was done without “attracting any suspicion.” Large sums would have to be borrowed from foreign countries.
Just as in the prewar era, the US connection and links to chemical firms, such as the American Chemical Foundation, were essential to expanding German interests. The Zeiss lens company, the Leica camera firm, and the Hamburg-American line had been “especially effective in protecting German interests abroad.” The firms’ New York addresses were passed around the meeting.
A smaller group attended a second, select meeting. There the industrialists were instructed to “prepare themselves to finance the Nazi party, which would be forced to go underground.”
The prohibition against exporting capital had been lifted, and the government would help the industrialists to send as much money to neutral countries as possible, through two Swiss banks.
The Nazi party recognized that after the defeat, its best-known leaders would be “condemned as war criminals,” the intelligence report concluded. However, the party and the industrialists were cooperating in placing the most important figures in positions at German factories as research or technical experts. (1)
1945-Emil Puhl discussed the Nazi leadership’s postwar strategy with McKittrick at the BIS in March 1945, during the last few weeks of the war. The information he passed to McKittrick echoes that included in the Red House Report and Harry Dexter White’s discussion at Bretton Woods. Military defeat was merely a temporary setback. The Nazis were fanatics and would never give up their ideals, Puhl explained. Instead they would go underground. McKittrick immediately informed Dulles of the conversation.
Dulles sent the information on to London, Paris, and Washington on March 21, 1945. His telegram noted that Puhl had “just arrived” in Basel: He said that the jig was up but that Nazis had made careful plans to go underground, that every essential figure had his designated place, that Nazism would not end with military defeat as Hitler and his fanatical followers would no more change their philosophy than would Socrates or Mohammed, that these men were just as convinced of their cause as ever and carried a great body of people with them. He emphasized that Nazism was like a religion, not merely a political regime. (1)
1945-THE BRETTON WOODS motion calling for the dissolution of the BIS, and the campaign against the bank led by Henry Morgenthau and Harry White had been the most serious threat yet to the BIS’s existence. Although the full details of the bank’s role as a channel between the Allies and the Axis were not yet public in the immediate postwar years, the BIS was thoroughly tainted by its acceptance of Nazi gold and its cozy relationship with the Reichsbank.
1945-According to one of the field’s pioneers, anthropologist Gregory Bateson, cybernetics, an approach to controlling societies, is “the biggest bite out of the Tree of Knowledge that mankind has taken in the last 2,000 years.”
Bateson was a leading member of the Cybernetics Group, a CIA project that both directed the evolution of the personal computer, and contributed to the CIA “mind-control” program, known as MK-Ultra. MK-Ultra was imported to the US from the eugenic practices of the Nazis, in relation to their psychiatric studies into the roots of schizophrenia, which sought to explain the causes of neurosyphilis, bwhich was the source of Nietzsche’s insanity.
1945-Puhl revealed how the Reichsbank had used the BIS to pull out its money from neutral countries before it was blocked and then traded the rescued funds with the BIS. He said that German officials had wanted McKittrick to be reelected as his opinions were “safely known” and that the BIS was also of great value to the Reichsbank as an “open window to financial information about the outside world.”
Much of this information, it seems, was provided personally by McKittrick in his conversations with Emil Puhl. Perhaps the most shocking revelation is that McKittrick, after his return from the United States in May 1943, reported to Puhl directly on “the general picture of the current opinions and financial problems in the United States.”
McKittrick, the report notes, also provided Puhl with advance information about the Allied Tripartite Mission to Switzerland in February 1945, when the Allies pushed Swiss officials to freeze Nazi assets and stop trading with Germany.
McKittrick traveled to Germany at least twice in 1945 and in September stayed at Allen Dulles’s house in Dahlem, in Berlin. Although McKittrick was still president of the BIS, his laisser-passer was organized by the OSS and numerous senior American officials received him.
1945-MK-Ultra was an extension of the collaboration between the CIA and the Nazis after World War II. In 1945, when the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and given direct responsibility for Operation Paperclip, a precursor of the CIA’s notorious MK-Ultra program of human research into behavioral modification was begun.
Operation Paperclip was a project of the OSS, whose contacts with Nazis inside the Third Reich were initiated by Allen Dulles, later head of the CIA. Dulles had been stationed in Berne, Switzerland, where he was the organization’s Swiss Director.
Through Operation Paperclip, over 1,500 German scientists, technicians, and engineers from Nazi Germany and other foreign countries were brought to the US for employment in the aftermath of World War II.
At the end of the war, Nazi psychiatrists were rescued from Germany under the supervision of Montagu Norman and John Rawlings Rees, a doctor at the psychological warfare unit called the Tavistock Institute
MK-Ultra, begun in the 1950s, developed from the behavior control research project coordinated by the Tavistock Institute, with the Scottish Rite Masons, the CIA, and other British, American, Canadian and United Nations agencies.
Captain John McCarthy, US Army Special Forces (Ret.), who ran CIA assassination teams out of Saigon during the Vietnam War, told his friend, LAPD whistleblower Mike Ruppert, that “MK-Ultra is a CIAacronym that officially stands for “Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassinations.”
The German chemical company I.G. Farben directly financed Joseph Mengele’s experiments at Auschwitz. In 1940-41 . I.G. Farben built a gigantic factory at Auschwitz in Poland, to utilize the Standard Oil-I.G. Farben patents with concentration camp slave labor to make gasoline from coal. The SS, who were paid by Standard Oil funds, guarded the Jewish and other inmates and selected for killing those who were unfit for I.G. Farben slave labor.
Mengele was among the hundreds of high-ranking Nazis which the US intelligence and military services extricated from Germany during and after the final stages of World War II, known as Operation Paperclip. Of particular interest were scientists specialising in aerodynamics and rocketry, such as those involved in the V-1 and V-2 projects, chemical weapons, chemical reaction technology and medicine.
However, Christopher Simpson shows how the CIA hired former Nazis “for their expertise in propaganda and psychological warfare,” and other purposes. According to the author of Mind Control The Ultimate Terror, it was through Mengele that the MK-Ultra and Monarch programs were developed. The project was begun in the 1950s and coordinated by the British psychological warfare unit called the Tavistock Institute, with the Scottish Rite Freemasons, the CIA, and other British, American, Canadian, and UN agencies.
1946-Keynes’s negotiations culminated in the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, the outcome of which would shape the international financial architecture for decades.
Keynes had hoped that the IMF would become a depoliticized institution, overseeing automatic mechanisms to resolve global financing imbalances automatically and remove politics—and raw American power—from the equation as far as possible.
He did not get his wishes, and when these matters were decided at a subsequent meeting in 1946
Many people today see the IMF and World Bank—the children of the Bretton Woods Conference—as the handmaidens of globalization, of unfettered trade and capital flows, and the instruments of Wall Street bankers. This was not the original idea.
Keynes did want open trade, but finance was to remain tightly regulated: otherwise, surges of flighty capital would generate recurrent crises that would hamper growth, disrupt and discredit trade, and possibly drive fragile European economies into the arms of the communists.
Keynes understood the basic tension between democracy and free capital movements. In a world of free capital flows, if you try to lower interest rates, say, to boost struggling local industries, capital is likely to drain out overseas in search of higher returns, thwarting your original intent.
Investors hold a kind of veto power over national governments, and the real lives of millions of people will be determined not by their elected representatives but by what the Indian economist Prabhat Patnaik called “a bunch of speculators.”
Freedom for financial capital means less freedom for countries to set their own economic policies: from financial freedoms a form of bondage emerges.
Keynes’s answer was simple and powerful: control and constrain the flows of capital across borders and limit the trade in currencies through exchange controls. He believed that financing was usually best when it happens inside, rather than between, countries.
Capital controls would give governments more room to pursue objectives like maintaining full employment: Instead of limiting the scope of democracy in the interests of speculators and financiers, the plan was to limit the international mobility of capital: Finance would be society’s servant, not its master.
“Let goods be homespun whenever it is reasonably and conveniently possible,” he wrote. “Above all, let finance be primarily national.”
The Bretton Woods plan, for all its faults, was designed to tame the forces of international finance.
Capital controls can be hard to imagine for those who have not experienced them. To get foreign exchange for overseas trips, for example, you needed official permission. Frequent international travelers, for instance, would have a section in their passports, “Foreign Exchange Facilities—Private Travel,” that would be filled with official stamps and signatures authorizing access to sums of foreign exchange. Companies had to get permission to shift money across borders.
In the earliest drafts of the Bretton Woods agreements, both Keynes and White had required that the governments of countries receiving the flight capital would share information with the victims of that flight. In short, they wanted transparency in international finance. Without the lure of secrecy, capital would have far fewer incentives to flee.
Enter Wall Street bankers and their lobbyists. U.S. banks had profited hugely from handling European flight capital in the 1930s, and, fearing that transparency would hurt New York’s allure, they gutted the proposals.
While early drafts of the IMF’s Articles of Association had “required” cooperation on capital flight, the final version that emerged from the Bretton Woods conference saw that word replaced with “permitted.” And through that one-word gateway drove a great, silent procession of coaches and horses across the Atlantic, laden with treasure from a shattered Europe.
And the capital flight that ensued was as bad as Keynes and White had feared: A U.S. government analysis in June 1947, admitting that it only saw a part of the picture, found that Europeans held $4.3 billion in private assets, an enormous amount in those days, and far bigger than America’s jumbo postwar loan to Britain that year. American bankers were thrilled. And a new economic crisis exploded in Europe.
America filled the hole with aid: the giant Marshall Plan of 1948. It is widely believed that the plan worked by offsetting European countries’ yawning deficits. But its real importance, Helleiner argues, was simply to compensate for the U.S. failure to institute controls on inflows of hot money from Europe.
The new economic crisis in 1947, discredited the bankers, and from the following year things became more restrictive. The quarter century that then followed, from around 1949, in which Keynes’s ideas were widely put into place, has become known as the golden age of capitalism: an era of widespread, fast-rising, and relatively untroubled prosperity around the world. As Britain’s prime minister Harold Macmillan put it in 1957, “Most of our people have never had it so good.”
From 1950 to 1973, annual growth rates amid widespread capital controls (and extremely high tax rates) averaged 4.0 percent in the United States and 4.6 percent in Europe. Not only that, but as the Cambridge economist Ha-Joon Chang notes, the per capita income of developing countries grew by a full 3.0 percent per year in the 1960s and 1970s, significantly faster than the record since then. And from the 1970s, as capital controls were progressively relaxed around the world, and as tax rates fell and the offshore system really began to flower, growth rates fell sharply.
1946-Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, was founded under a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, when it separated from the Tavistock Clinic. Tavistock became known as the focal point in Britain for psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic theories of Sigmund Freud and his followers. Tavistock is ostensibly a British charity concerned with group behavior and organizational behavior.
Tavistock engages in educational, research and consultancy work in the social sciences and applied psychology. Its clients are chiefly public sector organizations, including the European Union, several British government departments, and some private clients.
Its network now extends from the University of Sussex to the US through the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Esalen Institute, MIT, Hudson Institute, Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, Heritage Foundation, the Center of Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown, US Air Force Intelligence, and the RAND Corporation.
1946-Trump DOJ William Barr’s father, Donald Barr aided in “de-Nazifying companies and industry” and “investigated German industrialists and SS men who fled to South America” according to a tweeted screen shot of what is apparently a New York Daily News article from August 4, 1985:
Donald Barr served in the OSS, which was the predecessor of the CIA, and probably served in the CIA, too.
1946-After being condemned to death for war crimes , the chief philosopher of Nazi Ariosophy Alfred Rosenberg declared: “Within fteen years we will begin to be talked about again, and within twenty years Nazism will again be a force.”In other words, the Nazis were preparing for a Fourth Reich.
As Carl Oglesby explained, while it is popularly assumed that the Nazis suffered defeat, “on the contrary, the evidence as of 1990 is that... Nazism did not surrender unconditionally and disappear, that indeed it finessed a limited but crucial victory over the Allies, a victory no less significant for having been kept a secret from all but the few Americans who were directly involved.
“The fact that the Gehlen Org evolved into the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), West Germany’s foreign intelligence service seems to represent the fruition of the Nazi plan to regain power in a defeated Germany.
Many former Nazis received the support of Odessa members at the polls. Dr. Gerhard Schroeder, who served with Hjalmar Schacht during the Third Reich, became Interior Minister in the Bonn government.
Hans Globke, who had worked for Adolf Eichmann in the Jewish Affairs department and helped draft the 1935 Nuremberg laws, became Chancellor Konrad Adenauer’s national security advisor in the 1960s and was, according to the Guardian, “the main liaison with the CIA and NATO.”
“Kurt-Georg Kiesinger, a Nazi since 1933, was elected chancellor in 1968 and many other former Nazis continued to exercise great influence in the West German government.
Hjalmar Schacht was also the first member of the Pan-European Union (PEU) headed by Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, which he co-founded with Archduke Otto von Habsburg.
Of the 24 directors of IG Farben indicted in the so-called IG Farben Trial (1947–1948) before the subsequent Nuremberg Trials, 13 were sentenced to prison terms between one and eight years, but most were quickly released and several became senior industry executives in the post-war companies that split off from IG Farben and other companies.
1946-The European Union began with the founding of the European Movement by Joseph Retinger, who was also one of the founding members of the Bilderberg Group, which was funded by the CIA.
In 1946, Retinger helped create the European League for Economic Cooperation (ELEC), dedicated to the establishment of a common market, the precursor of the European Union.
Retinger was then brought to America by Averell Harriman, then US ambassador to England, to secure support for the ELEC. Retinger visited David and Nelson Rockefeller, John Foster Dulles and then CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith.
The ELEC were soon joined by president of France Giscard d’Estaing, and Hermann Abs, a key figure in pursuing the preservation of Nazi power after the war.
Abs had joined the board of Deutsche Bank during the rise of Nazis and also sat on the supervisory board of IG Farben. It was Abs who was put in charge of allocating Marshall Aid to German industry and by 1948 was effectively managing Germany’s economic recovery.
According to historian Dr. Michael Pinto-Duschinsky, an adviser to Jewish former slave labourers, “the continuity of the economy of Germany and the economies of post-war Europe is striking. Some of the leading figures in the Nazi economy became leading builders of the European Union.”
Count Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi was an Austrian politician and philosopher and a pioneer of European integration, as the secret head of a synarchist group whose aim was to create a united Europe.The creation of a united Europe was central to the vision of Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, the founder of synarchism, a call for which appears on the first page of his rst book on synarchy, Keys to the East.
The need for Europe to unite a single, synarchist state, Saint Yves tells us, is prompted by the rise of Islam as a world power, which threatens a weak, fragmented, and materialist West.
1946-The guidelines for the post-1945 path to a New World Order were laid out clearly by Sir Julian Huxley in his 1946 UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy:
“The moral for UNESCO [United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization] is clear. The task laid upon it of promoting peace and security can never be wholly realised through the means assigned to it- education, science and culture. It must envisage some form of world political unity, whether through a single world government or otherwise, as the only certain means of avoiding war… in its educational programme it can stress the ultimate need for a world political unity and familiarize all peoples with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization.”
To what end would this “world political unity” be aimed? Several pages later, Huxley’s vision is laid out in all of its twisted detail:
>“At the moment, it is probable that the indirect effect of civilization is dysgenic instead of eugenic, and in any case it seems likely that the dead weight of genetic stupidity, physical weakness, mental instability and disease proneness, which already exist in the human species will prove too great a burden for real progress to be achieved. Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable.
1947-IG Farben was broken up into four successor companies: BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, and Cassella. The dismantling was no punishment. The shareholders asked the occupation authorities to transfer the conglomerate’s assets to the successor firms, and they agreed. BASF, Bayer and Hoechst immediately reconstituted themselves, with the same staff working in the same offices and factories. A new holding company was created to deal with the legal fallout and consequences of the breakup. The legacy firms said they had no obligations for IG Farben’s sins, as they had not legally existed during the war.
1947-Nuremberg Code introduced in August . This was an international legal agreement that two Americans helped to write. The Code was established to prevent, and forever avoid, forced medicine in any form including experimental medicine, which was rampant in Nazi Germany during World War II.
The Nuremberg Code has been hailed as a landmark document in medical and research ethics. The entire code is included in Chapter Sixteen. The first and foremost point is that people involved in an experiment must give their informed consent. Nobody can be forced to participate in medical experiments without understanding potential risks.
1947-it was decided the German business elites would not be punished. The Morgenthau Plan, which called for Germany to be stripped of its industrial might and turned into a pastoral state, had been so watered down by General Lucius Clay, the American commander of occupation forces, that it was meaningless. (Clay had set up shop in Frankfurt at the former headquarters of IG Farben, whose buildings had mysteriously escaped Allied bombing.)
Washington’s JSC Directive 1779, passed in the summer of 1947, institutionalized this change in policy. German industry would be rebuilt; its steel mills and forges would once again be the powerhouse of Europe
The Marshall Plan was certainly a triumph for the prewar Wall Street–Berlin financiers. McCloy, Black, and Harriman all had extensive prewar financial interests in Nazi Germany, as McKittrick had.
1947-In July , soon after General Marshall announced his plan, the Conference for European Economic Cooperation (CEEC) met in Paris to work out how it would be implemented. The State Department made it clear to its European allies that American aid would come at a price: financial and economic cooperation between the recipient countries with a view toward eventual European union.
The first step was to replace bilateral trade deals and exchange controls with multilateral policies. The following year, the CEEC was institutionalized as the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), which still exists today as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
The OEEC’s mandate was, essentially, to ensure that the State Department’s plan for Europe, and, especially Germany, was implemented. (1)
1947-an agreement on multilateral payments, which was signed in Paris in November . The BIS was appointed agent in charge of executing the transfers. The bank hosted a conference for the five signatories and observers from Switzerland, Britain, and the US Treasury and State Departments.
1947, 36 scholars, mostly economists, were invited by Hayek to meet in the Swiss village of Mont Pelerin to discuss the state and possible fate of classical liberalism.
This Mont Pelerin Society rebranded the fascist corporatist economic philosophy as “neoliberalism,” which today disguises itself as conservatism and is ravaging the world in the name of privatization, austerity measures and fighting “Big Government.” The term “neoliberalism” was defined as “the priority of the price mechanism, the free enterprise, the system of competition and a strong and impartial state.”
Twenty years later at the Rockefeller-funded University of Chicago Friedman would go on to build an intellectual community that produced a number of Nobel Prize winners, known collectively as the Chicago School of Economics based on neoliberal economics
Neoliberal economics became the ruse through which America expanded its imperial ambitions. By claiming to oppose “communism,” America imposed its antithesis, neoliberalism, which opened foreign nations to exploitation by American corporations.
1948-During World War II, the CIA’ predecessor, the OSS, provided opium to Kachin guerrillas fighting the Japanese. The OSS and the US military also forged ties with the American criminal underworld during the Second World War, and would thereafter secretly provide protection to American drug traffickers whom it hired to do its dirty work at home and abroad.
After the Nationalists were chased out of China, the CIA established these drug traffickers in Taiwan and Burma.
1949-Fairness Doctrine, a rule established to require that the networks—all three of them—air all sides of issues. The doctrine was abandoned in the 1980s with the proliferation of cable, leaving citizens with little recourse over broadcasters that misuse the public airwaves, except to oppose the renewal of licenses.
1949-John McCloy left the World Bank and started work as US High Commissioner for West Germany. McCloy, the former partner in the Cravath law firm that had represented GAF, the American wing of IG Farben, did not forget his former business partners.
It was Freddie Warburg who had persuaded McCloy to take the position of president of the World Bank. The two men had known each other since the 1920s when McCloy had done legal work for Kuhn, Loeb, a branch of the Warburg empire. When Eric Warburg and McCloy dined together in August 1949, Warburg pleaded with McCloy to stop the dismantling and destruction of German industrial plants. Soon after, Warburg gave McCloy a list of ten steel, gas, and synthetic rubber concerns, including the Thyssen steel works and the Krupp gas works, to be saved. All were spared.
Hermann Schmitz was released from prison in 1950, and by February 1951 all of the IG Farben executives were free. McCloy also freed Alfried Krupp.
The Krupp industrial empire had worked about eighty thousand slave laborers to death in a network of fifty-seven labor camps guarded by the SS. Krupp was sentenced to twelve years imprisonment, but he served less than three.
McCloy ordered that Nazi camp doctors who had conducted experiments on inmates, Nazi judges who had dispensed Gestapo justice, and SS officers who had organized mass killings be freed or have their sentences drastically reduced.
Seventy-four of the 104 defendants convicted at Nuremberg had their sentences substantially reduced, and ten death sentences were commuted.
The IG Farben managers were swiftly welcomed back into the German business community. Hermann Schmitz joined the supervisory board of the Deutsche Bank. Otto Ambros, provider of soup to slave laborers, joined numerous company boards and set up as an economic consultant.
His clients included Konrad Adenauer, the federal chancellor. Kurt von Schröder, the banker and BIS director who had brokered Hitler’s rise to power, was found disguised as an SS corporal in a POW camp in France. He was tried by a German court for crimes against humanity and was sentenced to three months in prison.
Walther Funk, the dissolute Reichsbank president and BIS director, was found guilty of war crimes and sentenced to life imprisonment. The trial established how Funk had worked with Himmler, the SS chief, to ensure that gold and valuables from camp victims were credited to a special account at the Reichsbank in the name of “Max Heiliger” for the SS. Funk was released from Spandau prison for health reasons in 1957 and died three years later.
Emil Puhl, Funk’s deputy, BIS director, and friend of Thomas McKittrick, was also convicted of war crimes. Sentenced to five years, he was released in 1949.
1950 (1950-1960)- Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 –1955), a key figure in the history of transhumanism and the New Age. Known as the “Catholic Darwin,” Teilhard de Chardin was a key figure in the history of transhumanism and the New Age.
Teilhard developed the Omega Point Theory, which posits that all the organisms on Earth will reach a higher evolutionary point by merging into one “planetized spirit.” Teilhard argued that the Omega Point resembles the Christian Logos, namely Christ, who draws all things into himself, and who in the words of the Nicene Creed is “God from God” and “through him all things were made.”
However, humans would have to merge their collective intelligence into one super-mind through computer technology, as a necessary first step in the collective evolution of the universe. Teilhard writes briefly but positively about computers and the “young science of cybernetics.”
Explaining the significance of his vision, Erik Davis in TechGnosis: Myth, Magic and Mysticism in the Age of Information, explains of Teilhard: Writing in the early 1950s, he underscored the global reach of radio, cinema, and television, while also drawing attention to “the insidious growth of those astounding electronic computers.”
In a sense, Teilhard recognized the emergent outlines of a worldwide electronic and computational brain at a time when few engineers were even thinking about the possibilities of networked computers. Or as Jennifer Cobb Kreisberg bluntly declared in Wired, “Teilhard saw the Net coming more than half a century before it arrived.
Teilhard laid the ground for aspirations of creating artificial intelligence by arguing that as mankind organizes itself in more complex social networks, the Noosphere will grow in awareness, culminating in the goal of history, which he referred to as the Omega Point, a maximum level of complexity and consciousness towards which he believed the universe was evolving. Teilhard called on humanity to create a “sphere of mutually reinforced consciousness, the seat, support and instrument of super-vision and super-ideas.”
In other words, mankind was to build the Noosphere. Effectively, man will create God, the all-seeing eye featuring on the back of the dollar bill, floating above the pyramid of human society, whose omniscience and wisdom will be derived from mining the accumulated data from recording every facet of human activity.
What Teilhard was saying here can easily be summed up in a few words. The point of all evolution up to this stage is the creation of a collective organism of Mind.
In his 1962 book Profiles of the Future, Clarke predicted that the construction of what H.G. Wells called the World Brain would take place in two stages.
Clarke identified the first of these as the construction of the World Library, or Wells’ universal encyclopaedia, accessible to everyone from their home on computer terminals by the year 2000 (wikipedia)
In the second stage, the World Library would be incorporated into the World Brain, a superintelligent artificially intelligent supercomputer that humans would be able to interact with to solve various world problems. He suggested that this supercomputer should be installed in the former war rooms of the US and the Soviet Union, once the superpowers had matured enough to agree to co-operate rather than war with each other.
Clarke predicted the construction of the “World Brain” would be completed by the year 2100.
1950-a dedicated grant of $350 million of Marshall Plan funds was given to set up the European Payments Union. Established in 1950, at a single stroke the EPU removed the thicket of regulations governing European trade. EPU member states all agreed to accept each other’s currencies for export payments. Bilateral balances were offset against a central fund, so all debts and credits were owed or received from the EPU. Eighteen countries signed up: all of Western Europe (excluding Scandinavia), Greece, Iceland, Switzerland, Britain, and Turkey.
The BIS was appointed agent to the EPU. It managed its banking, kept its accounts, and controlled its funds.7 The EPU “was the European Union of payments,” said Lamfalussy. (The EPU applied to non-residents. Currency controls remained in place for residents.)
1950-Adenauer was the first leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), which attracted conservative, anti-Communist former Nazis and Nazi collaborators into its higher ranks, like Hans Globke (1898 – 1973) and Theodor Oberländer (1905 – 1998).
Globke, helped to formulate the Enabling Act of 1933, the law that effectively gave Hitler dictatorial powers. He worked for Adolf Eichmann in the Jewish Affairs department and helped draft the 1935 Nuremberg laws. Globke had a later controversial career as Secretary of State and Chief of Staff of the German Chancellery, writing a law that restored back pay, pensions, and advancement to civil servants who had served under the Nazi regime. Globke became a powerful éminence grise of the West German government, working as Adenauer’s national security advisor in the 1960s and was, according to the Guardian, “the main liaison with the CIA and NATO.”
Oberländer, had participated in Adolf Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch, became a member of the Nazi Party in 1933 and a member of the SA. Oberländer is considered by some historians to be among the academics who laid the intellectual foundation for the Final Solution. After the war, he worked for American intelligence as an expert on Eastern Europe until 1949.
Oberländer served as Federal Minister for Displaced Persons, Refugees and Victims of War in West Germany from 1953 to 1960, and as a Member of the Bundestag from 1953 to 1961 and from 1963 to 1965.
1950-Francois Genoud joined the pro-Nazi National Front in 1934, and two years later he traveled to Palestine where he met the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Amin el-Husseini. Working for both Swiss and German intelligence agencies, Genoud traveled extensively in the Middle East. During World War II, he played an active role in negotiations between Allen Dulles, the head of the OSS, and Nazi SS agents looking to end the war.
Genoud is notable for being the executor of the last will and testament of Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels, and for reportedly making a fortune from publishing Goebbels’ diaries for which he held the posthumous rights along with Hitler’s and Bormann’s works. Allegedly Genoud was the principal financial manager of the hidden Swiss assets of the Third Reich after World War II.
1950-With ties to Egypt, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and the Vatican, Skorzeny’s ratlines operated out of Argentina, and helped many other war criminals find refuge in Latin America and the Middle East. Those who reached safety included Bormann; the most notorious Nazi war criminals, including: Klaus Barbie, known as the “Butcher of Lyons”; Franz Stangl, Commandant of the Treblinka extermination camp; Gustav Wagner, Commandant of Sorbibor extermination camp; and Alois Brunner, an official in the Jewish deportation program. Most famous was Adolf Eichmann, the chief architect of the Holocaust. An entire Waffen SS division, the notorious “Galician Division,” consisting of 8000 men were smuggled to England and given “free settler” status.
1950-There were allegations that Schacht’s International Bank of Settlements (BIS) had helped the Germans loot assets from occupied countries during World War II. During the period of 1933–45, the board of directors of the BIS included Walter Funk, a prominent Nazi official, and Emil Puhl, as well as Hermann Schmitz the director of IG Farben and Baron von Schroeder, the owner of the J.H. Stein Bank, that held the deposits of the Gestapo.
Funk boasted that by 1938, the German state had confiscated Jewish property worth two million marks, using decrees from Hitler and other top Nazis to force German Jews to leave their property and assets to the State if they emigrated. Puhl was instrumental in moving Nazi gold, some of which had been looted from countries occupied by the Nazis, and some also stolen from Jewish victims incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps. Gold or jewelry as well as gold teeth were even removed from corpses before being passed on to the Reichsbank.
Funk and Puhl were both convicted at the Nuremberg trials after World War II, As a result of these allegations, the Bretton Woods Conference in July 1944 proposed the liquidation of BIS. Though initially approved, the liquidation of the bank was never undertaken, and the decision to liquidate the BIS was officially reversed in 1948.
1950-John J. McCloy, a past president of the World Bank, was chairman of the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations. He was also chairman of the CFR, where he was succeeded by David Rockefeller, with whom he had worked closely as chairman of the Chase Bank.
Prior to the war, McCloy had been legal counsel to IG Farben. He became friendly with W. Averell Harriman, and worked as an advisor to the fascist government of Benito Mussolini.
In his dealings with Germany, McCloy worked closely with Paul M. Warburg, as well as his brother James Warburg in America. In 1936, he traveled to Berlin where he met with Rudolf Hess, and shared a box with Hitler and Herman Goering at the Berlin Olympics.
In 1941, Skull and Bones member Henry L. Stimson selected McCloy to become his assistant secretary of war.
McCloy later blocked the executions of Nazi war criminals, forged a pact with the Regime of pro-Nazi Admiral Darlan, displaced Japanese-Americans in California to internment camps, refused to recommend the bombing of Nazi concentration camps to spare the inmates on grounds that “the cost would be out of proportion to any possible benefits,” and refused Jewish refugees entry to the US.
After World War II, McCloy helped shield Klaus Barbie from the French.
1950-Ter Meer had handled IG Farben’s negotiations with Standard Oil and oversaw the building of IG Auschwitz. Found guilty of war crimes, ter Meer was sentenced to seven years imprisonment in 1948. He was freed in 1950 and later joined the supervisory board of Bayer. Bayer was one of IG Farben’s successor companies,.
In 1964 Bayer set up a foundation to honor Fritz ter Meer on his eightieth birthday with a donation of 2 million deutschmarks. Bayer’s foundation honoring him was renamed in 2005 and existed until 2007.
1951, France, West Germany, Italy, and the Benelux states signed the Treaty of Paris, establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). The ECSC created a common market for coal and steel. This dry-sounding construct was, in fact, a profoundly significant development. The coal and steel market was now regulated by the ECSC’s governing authority, which meant that the ECSC was a supranational institution, with regulatory powers over its members. For Jean Monnet, the architect and president of the ECSC, the new institution had transcended the old idea of the nation-state. (1)
1950 In April , John McCloy gave a widely quoted speech in London, saying that the German problem could be solved only by a combination of economic and political factors, echoing the arguments of Per Jacobssen in 1946. “The fact is, we cannot solve the German problem without fitting it into the larger context of a united Europe. . . . These economic factors lead directly to the political. To insure the freer flow of trade and the development of European markets will require effective political machinery.” McCloy concluded, “I say no permanent solution of the German problem seems possible without an effective European union.” (1)
1951-Lord Bertrand Russell, who joined with the Frankfurt School in this effort at mass social engineering, explained the basis of the strategy, in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society: I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology.... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda.
Of these the most influential is what is called “education.” Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part.... It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment. ...
The subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship...
Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.
1951-McCloy commuted the death sentences of a number of Nazi war criminals, and gave early releases to others. This included Fritz Ter Meer, the senior executive of I.G. Farben. The two most powerful Nazi industrialists, Alfried Krupp of Krupp Industries and Friedrich Flick, whose Flick Group eventually owned a 40 percent stake in Daimler-Benz, were released from prison after serving barely three years. Krupp, the ultra-wealthy German industrialist who was represented by Otto Skorzeny in Argentina, and Hjalmar Schacht, subsequently went on the payroll of Aristotle Onassis . After the war, the Krupp empire achieved infamy for their brutal use of slave labor during World War II
1951-It is estimated that around 70,000 of those working for Krupp died as a result of the methods employed by the guards of the camps.
Krupp was eventually found guilty of being a major war criminal and sentenced to twelve years in prison and had all his wealth and property confiscated. In 1951, McCloy announced that Krupp was to be released, and his property restored to him, making him one of the richest men in Europe.
From 1954 to 1970, McCloy was chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), having succeeded David Rockefeller. Because of his stature in the legal world, his long association with the Rockefellers and as a presidential adviser, he was sometimes referred to as the “Chairman of the American Establishment.”
Along with other members of the Goergetown Set, including George Kennan and Charles “Chip” Bohlen, McCloy was among the six “wise men,” a group of US government officials and members of the East Coast foreign policy establishment who, beginning in the 1940s, developed the containment policy of dealing with the Communist bloc, and crafted institutions and initiatives such as NATO, the World Bank and the Marshall Plan.
The six friends, who also included Dean Acheson, Skull and Bones member W. Averell Harriman, and Robert A. Lovett, were important foreign policy advisors to US presidents from Roosevelt to Lyndon B. Johnson. According to Frances Stoner Saunders, the author of Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War, the Georgetown Set were responsible for the creation of the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), a CIA plot to contain the influence of communism, by enrolling the support of the “non-communist left.”
Stonor Saunders revealed a broad list of intellectuals also on the CIA payroll, including Isaiah Berlin, Lionel and Diana Trilling, Julian Huxley, Arthur Koestler, Robert Lowell, Daniel Bell, Mary McCarthy, Mark Rothko, Arthur Schlesinger, and Edward Shils. The plot also implicated members of the Bloomsbury Group as well as the Cambridge Apostles.
Known as the “Sovietologists,” regular meetings of the Georgetown Set took place at Bohlen’s home in Georgetown with George Kennan and Isaiah Berlin. Berlin, the British philosopher of Russian-Jewish origin, was implicated in the early-1950s Kim Philby espionage scandal. Kim Philby, the son of St. John “Abdullah” Philby, was a high-ranking member of British intelligence who worked as a double agent before finally defecting to the Soviet Union.
Philby was among three Cambridge graduates who brought the Cambridge Apostles to public attention following the exposure of a spy ring in 1951 that they had passed information to the KGB. Known as the Cambridge Five, they included MI5 officer Anthony Blunt, the grand-nephew of Wilfred Wilfrid Scawen. Chip Bohlen was posted after the war as Ambassador to France where he helped direct the international secretariat the CCF.
One of five honorary chairmen of the CCF was Bertrand Russell. The CCF was launched with the help of author Arthur Koestler, working with Bill Donovan and Allen Dulles. Over a series of meetings it was decided to create a flagship intellectual journal for CCF, which became known as Encounter. Irving Kristol, later the leader of the neoconservative movement, was chosen to become co-editor with Stephen Spender, a Fabian connected to the Bloomsbury Group. Spender was also close to W.H. Auden and Aldous Huxley’s friend Christopher Isherwood, who served as British intelligence operatives.
1952-Wisner ran most of the early peacetime covert operations as head of the OPC, which integrated into the CIA’s Directorate of Plans in 1952, under Dulles. By mid-1953 the department was operating with 7,200 personnel and 74 percent of the CIA’s total budget. According to Daniel Brandt: Wisner created the first “information superhighway.” But this was the age of vacuum tubes, not computers, so he called it his “Mighty Wurlitzer.” The CIA’s global network funded the Italian elections in 1948, sent paramilitary teams into Albania, trained Nationalist Chinese on Taiwan, and pumped money into the Congress for Cultural Freedom, the National Student Association, and the Center for International Studies at MIT. Key leaders and labor unions in western Europe received subsidies, and Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty were launched.
1952- In 1951, senior CIA officer Kermit “Kim” Roosevelt, Jr., grandson of the president, and a member of Dulles’ “Park Avenue Cowboys,” had opened secret negotiations with Gamal Nasser in Egypt. Agreement was soon reached that, following a coup against King Farouk, the US would assist in building up Egypt’s intelligence and security forces. Under the leadership of Allen Dulles, the CIA embarked on a project of hiring ex-Nazis in Egypt, who were led by Gehlen, Schacht and Skorzeny. The Germans in Egypt began conspiring with Nasser and his Free Officers who, in turn, were working closely with the Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow the king.
On July 23, 1952, the Free Officers carried out a coup d’état with assistance from the Brotherhood and the Nazis.
1952- Cohn’s dedication to anti-communist activities in the 1950s is allegedly what first endeared him to J. Edgar Hoover, whom he first met in 1952. During that meeting, as described by Hersh in Bobby and J. Edgar: The Historic Face-Off Between the Kennedys and J. Edgar Hoover That Transformed America,
Hoover expressed admiration for Cohn’s aggressive and manipulative tactics and told Cohn to “call me directly” whenever he had information worth sharing. From that point on, Cohn and Hoover “traded favors, effusive compliments, gifts and elaborate private dinners. It quickly became ‘Roy’ and ‘Edgar.’” Hersh also describes Hoover as Cohn’s soon to be “consigliere.”
1953, the Operation Mockingbird media network was overseen by Dulles, by which time Mockingbird had major influence over 25 newspapers and wire agencies, the most valuable being The New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and Time and Life. Other organizations included the ABC, the NBC, the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Newsweek, the Mutual Broadcasting System, the Miami Herald and the old Saturday Evening Post and New York Herald-Tribune..
1953-Project MKULTRA was created by CIA officer Richard Helms, a good friend to CIA psychiatrist Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. It was the brainchild of then CIA director Allen Dulles. Dulles reportedly was intrigued by reports of mind-control techniques allegedly conducted by Soviet, Chinese, and North Koreans on U.S. prisoners during the Korean War. Published accounts show this project not only used drugs to manipulate a person’s personality, but also electronic signals to alter brain functioning. According to a 1975 internal CIA document, “MKULTRA was a group of projects, most of which dealt with drug or counter-drug research and development. The Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and the Deputy Director of Plans (DDP) were kept informed on the program via annual briefings by Chief Technical Services Division (C/TSD) or his deputy. Most of the research and development was externally contracted…. The objectives were behavioral control, behavior anomaly production, and countermeasures for opposition application of similar substances. Work was performed at U.S. industrial, academic, and governmental research facilities. Funding was often through cutout arrangements.”
1954-Dulles and Wisner orchestrated the overthrow of the Socialist President Arbenz of Guatemala in 1954, an operation known as PBSUCCESS.
Substantial evidence points to the role of the United Fruit Company—later known as Chiquita, which had several direct ties to the White House and the CIA—as instrumental in this coup.
United Fruit had acquired their holdings in Guatemala cheaply through a deal that was settled by John Foster Dulles through the firm of Sullivan Cromwell. Allen Dulles, who led the coup, had served on UFCO’s board of trustees. In the end, more than a hundred thousand Guatemalan peasants were tortured and killed by the American-trained anti-guerrilla rampages. Military dictators ruled for the next thirty years, provided with weapons and training by the Americans. The term “banana republic” actually originated in reference to United Fruit’s domination of corrupt governments in Guatemala and other Central American countries.
1954- a private detective agency, founded in 1954 by former FBI man George Wackenhut, taking over the Cabazon Indian reservation in Indio, CA. (6)
1954-First Bilderberg meeting in Holland. The Netherlands Prince Berhard was allegedly an officer of Reiter SS Corp and was on board of IG subsidiary Farben Bilder. After the war he became a top official in Royal Dutch Shell before creating the Bilderberg Group.
1955 when staffers at the Bank of England, the UK’s central bank, noticed some odd trades going on at Midland Bank, now part of the globetrotting HSBC. Exchange rates in those days were mostly fixed against the dollar, and banks in London were not supposed to trade in foreign currencies unless it was for financing specific trades for their clients, and they were not allowed to lend against deposits in foreign currencies.
Midland Bank was apparently contravening UK exchange controls by taking U.S. dollar deposits that were not related to its commercial transactions, and it was also offering interest rates on these dollar deposits that were substantially higher than those permitted by U.S. regulations.
A Bank of England official called in Midland’s chief foreign manager for a chat, to ask why the bank was contravening official controls. Afterward he noted down that the Midland official “appreciates that a warning light has been shown.”
Luckily for Midland, though, Britain was struggling to shore up its shaky foreign exchange reserves, and the Bank was reluctant to snuff out a new area of international business. “We would be wise, I believe, not to press the Midland any further,” the Bank concluded.3
The Bank of England not only did not stop Midland’s trades, but it actively decided not to regulate the market either. It simply deemed the transactions not to have taken place in the UK for regulatory purposes. Since this trading happened inside British sovereign space, no other regulatory authority elsewhere was allowed to reach in and regulate it, either.
Banks in London began keeping two sets of books—one for their onshore operations, where at least one party to the transaction was British, which was regulated, and one for their offshore operations, where neither party was British. A new offshore market had been born, which would become known as the Eurodollar market or the Euromarket.
The new unregulated Euromarket that emerged amid the dust and fire of Suez would grow explosively and become nothing less than the heart of a new British financial empire centered on the City of London. It would raise the City to even greater financial glories, provide a new playground for U.S. banks, and prove the key to resurrecting an old alliance between the City of London and Wall Street, helping each break the grip of their governments at home and restore them to their full powers. (5)
1955 cofounder of Technocracy Inc Hubbert went on to create “ Peak Oil Theory”, commonly known as Hubbert’s Peak. It stated that known reserves of oil would peak and go into decline as demand and consumption increased to an unsustainable level.
Hubbert is often revered as a “founding father” of the modern environmental and Sustainable Development movements. Technocracy Inc had to go underground after WWII as it was clearly promoting fascist principles which Hitler made unpopular. Hence the need to give fascism and eugenics new names to continue the progress of these elitist ideals
1955-The Heart of the Military-Industrial Complex” has been the American Security Council (ASC), founded in 1955, the successor organization of the America First Committee (AFC), who used the fear of communism to justify the build up of the military.
Its boards was filled with retired senior military officers, executives of major corporations, including some of the largest military contractors, and numerous denizens of the New Right.
Wes McCune of the Washington, D.C.-based Group Research, which monitors the political right, described the ASC as “not just the representative of the military-industrial complex, it is the personification of the military-industrial complex.”
The network of the ASC-affiliated organizations defended American corporatism by continuing the Nazi tradition of using the notion of a conspiracy to denounce the purported threat of communism. By purportedly opposing the “globalist” agenda—of the likes of the Rockefeller-dominated Council on Foreign Relations—they disguised themselves in anti-establishment and populist rhetoric, in order to advance their fascist agenda.
In a democratic society, to maintain the illusion of abiding by the will of the people, the elite proponents of fascism are also caught in the quandary of requiring the support of the masses at election time.
It therefore becomes necessary for them to posture as representing the common people, even going so far as presenting themselves as their defenders against exploitation by the elite. As explained by Roderick T. Long:
Plutocracy could hope to triumph only by donning populist guise; hence the paradox of an elitist movement marching forward under the banner of anti-elitism.
1955-The ASC cosponsored a series of annual meetings from 1955 to 1961, which inspired President Eisenhower’s famous exit speech, called National Military-Industrial Conferences,
The key organizer of these events was America First Committee (AFC) founder General Robert Wood, the man most responsible for establishing the ASC,. The factionalism and paranoia of a “communist conspiracy” was nurtured by the ASC, which Wes McCune of the Washington, DC-based Group Research, characterized as, “not just the representative of the military-industrial complex, it is the personification of the military-industrial complex.”
The ASC’s early members included Bernard Baruch, Douglas MacArthur, James Jesus Angleton, Walt Disney, Jay Lovestone, James Burnham, Sam Rayburn, Ray S. Cline, Thomas J. Dodd, W. Averell Harriman, Nelson A. Rockefeller, Henry and Dame of Malta Clare Boothe Luce, Eugene V. Rostow, John G. Tower, Lyman Lemnitzer, John K. Singlaub, Larry P. McDonald, Sid W. Richardson and Albert Wohlstetter. Important funders of the ASC included General Dynamics, General Electric, Lockheed, Boeing, Motorola, and McDonnell-Douglas. Patrick J. Frawley, who has been referred to in Power on the Right as “the most visible, resourceful, and possibly wealthiest,” is believed to have been the most generous individual donors.
At its founding, the ASC was staffed primarily by former FBI agents. Corporations joined to take advantage of what former FBI agent William Turner described in Power on the Right as “a dossier system modeled after the FBI’s, which was intended to weed out employees and prospective employees deemed disloyal to the free enterprise concept.”
The ASC began collecting dossiers in the McCarthy era as part of a blacklisting operation against union organizers and others of “suspect” political orientations. Files and documents were collected from the House Committee on Un-American Activities and several private file collections.
The ASC was behind the establishment of the Mid-America Research Library (MARL), the objective of which was to compile files on suspected communists who might apply for jobs in the private sector. On August 3, 1948, ASC founder Whittaker Chambers, a former U.S. Communist Party member, testified under subpoena before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) that Hiss had secretly been a Communist, while in federal service. ASC/MARL worked very closely with the FBI and with Joseph McCarthy and the House UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC).
1950-1955 The American Jewish League Against Communism (AJLAC ) held a copy of an FBI report on Communists within the US government, which they decided to expose to the American public. The AJLAC settled on supporting Senator Joe McCarthy and had Roy Cohn appointed as his chief counsel.
Cohn was described by Michael Kruse in Politico as, “a tangle of contradictions, a Jewish anti-Semite and a homosexual homophobe, vehemently closeted but insatiably promiscuous.” Cohn was remembered by college friends as “reacting almost violently to any Jew suspected of pro-communist leanings”
Cohn was also a member of the US Department of Justice’s prosecution team at the 1951 espionage trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Cohn’s direct examination of Ethel’s brother, David Greenglass, produced testimony that was central to the Rosenbergs’ conviction and subsequent execution.
On June 18, 1952, Cohn was awarded a plaque by the AJLAC for outstanding accomplishment in the cause of Americanism and his noteworthy devotion to the principles of Judaism.
The trial brought Cohn to the attention FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, who recommended him to McCarthy.
Both Hoover and Cohn also maintained a close personal friendship with the fascist and Knight of Malta Cardinal Spellman, the “Grand Protector and Spiritual Advisor” to the SMOM’s American wing, and a close ally of Liberty League plotter Jacob Raskob.
During the 1950s and the early 1960s, relations between the US and the Vatican were conducted largely through Spellman. Spellman had worked with Pius XII to help Nazi war criminals escape justice.
In October 1952, the Las Vegas Sun identified McCarthy as a homosexual, naming one of his partners, and claimed that McCarthy was a well-known patron of gay bars in Milwaukee. This was despite the fact that Hoover, Cohn and McCarthy were involved in the Lavender Scare, where homosexuals were said to be security risks and communist sympathizers, which led to the call to remove them from state employment.
Cohn and McCarthy attempted to enhance anti-Communist fervor in the country by claiming that Communists overseas had convinced several closeted homosexuals employed by the US federal government to pass on important government secrets in exchange for keeping the identity of their sexuality a secret.
McCarthy was finally disgraced when the Army charged Cohn and McCarthy of using improper pressure to procure special treatment for Cohn’s lover David Schine when he was drafted in 1953.
Cohn had invited Schine to join McCarthy’s staff as a consultant. When Schine was drafted into the US Army in 1953, Cohn made repeated and extensive efforts to procure special treatment for Schine. At one point he even threatened to “wreck the Army” if his demands were not met.
That conflict, along with McCarthy’s accusations of Communists in the defense department, led to the Army–McCarthy hearings of 1954. One of the most famous moments during the hearings, marking the end of McCarthy’s crusade, came on June 9, when the Army’s lead counsel, Joseph Welch, responded to a McCarthy attack with the words “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?” Two days later Senator Ralph E. Flanders (R-VT) introduced a Senate resolution to censure McCarthy.
McCarthy was finally disgraced when the Army charged Cohn and McCarthy of using improper pressure to procure special treatment for Cohn’s lover David Schine when he was drafted in 1953. Cohn had invited Schine to join McCarthy’s staff as a consultant. When Schine was drafted into the US Army in 1953, Cohn made repeated and extensive efforts to procure special treatment for Schine. At one point he even threatened to “wreck the Army” if his demands were not met.
That conflict, along with McCarthy’s accusations of Communists in the defense department, led to the Army–McCarthy hearings of 1954. One of the most famous moments during the hearings, marking the end of McCarthy’s crusade, came on June 9, when the Army’s lead counsel, Joseph Welch, responded to a McCarthy attack with the words “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?” Two days later Senator Ralph E. Flanders (R-VT) introduced a Senate resolution to censure McCarthy.
Cohn returned to New York to live with his mother and practice law.
A few years later New York Judge David Peck, a long-time associateof former CIA Director Alan Dulles, orchestrated Cohn’s hireto the New York law firm Saxe, Bacon and O’Shea — which would later become Saxe, Bacon and Bolan after Tom Bolan, a friend of Cohn’s, became a partner in the firm.
Upon his hire, Cohn brought the firm a slew of Mafia-linked clients, including high-ranking members of the Gambino crime family, the Genovese crime family and, of course, Lewis Rosenstiel.
1955-German-born Kissinger was study director in nuclear weapons and foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). David Rockefeller and Kissinger first met in 1954 through their membership in the CFR, after which Kissinger was invited to sit on the board of trustees of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Kissinger was also a member of the Bilderberg Group, the Aspen Institute and Bohemian Grove.
and attendee of meetings of Le Cercle
Eisenhower would draw many Cabinet members from the CFR, such as his Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. Dulles gave a public address at the CFR headquarters, Harold Pratt House in New York City, in which he announced a new direction for Eisenhower’s foreign policy: “There is no local defense which alone will contain the mighty land power of the communist world. Local defenses must be reinforced by the further deterrent of massive retaliatory power.” After this speech, the council convened a session on “Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy” and chose Henry Kissinger to head it. Kissinger spent the following academic year working on the project at Council headquarters. The book of the same name that he published from his research in 1957 gave him national recognition, topping the national bestseller lists.
The pioneers in the field of study known as “strategic studies,” which emerged as a separate and specialized scholarly discipline as a result of the development and use of atomic weapons, included Kissinger and ASC founder Albert Wohlstetter, both important advisors of the RAND Corporation.
RAND (“Research and development”) is an American nonprofit global policy think tank originally formed by Douglas Aircraft Company to offer research and analysis to the United States Armed Forces. It is financed by the US government and private endowment, corporations, universities and private individuals, including the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, both known CIA fronts.
The achievements of RAND stem from its development of systems analysis. Important contributions are claimed in space systems and the United States’ space program, in computing and in artificial intelligence. RAND researchers developed many of the principles that were used to build the Internet.
Ultimately, RAND is the core of the Military-Industrial Complex, a broad network of political influence that includes the Rockefeller-founded Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission, as well as the Hudson Institute, Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, Heritage Foundation, the Center of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) at Georgetown, US Air Force Intelligence, MIT, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and Esalen.
1956-BIS criticized the cost of the substantial programs of public works launched by postwar European governments to raise standards of living, housing, and public services. “With regard to all these activities, the governments should, in the first place, abstain from inflationary methods of financing,” warned Jacobssen in the 1956 annual report. “But usually that is not enough; if the private economy is to develop and maintain a high level of investment for productive purposes—as would certainly be advantageous for a number of countries—other claims on resources must be kept within reasonable limits and in a great many cases this means that public expenditure should be curtailed.” An unelected, unaccountable, and secretive financial institution was issuing policy prescriptions for democratic governments. This was Jacobssen’s last report. He left the BIS in 1956 to run the IMF.
1956-Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s Special Studies Project begun resulting in the Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reportsissued in 1960, it can be seen as a starting point with the mission to shape a new international order in all its dimensions – spiritual, economic, political, and social. This report stated that global health issues, togetherwith oceanography and meteorology, were important areas to support due to their international dimensions and being interconnected problems that span the globe. One of the main architects of the project was Henry Kissinger.
1956-article in the Rockefeller-financed Eugenics Review, “The very word eugenics is in disrepute in some quarters…. We must ask ourselves, what have we done wrong? We have all but killed the eugenic movement.” Osborn had a ready answer: people for some reason refused to accept that they were “second rate” compared to Osborn, Rockefeller, Sanger and their “superior class.” As Osborn put it, “We have failed to take into account a trait which is almost universal and is very deep in human nature. People are simply not willing to accept the idea that the genetic base on which their character was formed is inferior and should not be repeated in the next generation…. They won’t accept the idea that they are in general second rate….”
1957-A study initiated in 2012 by former justice minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, reported that 77 percent of German senior ministry officials in 1957 were former Nazis—a higher proportion even than during the 1933-45 Third Reich.
Historians had previously found that in the 1950s, more than 70 percent of West Germany’s top judges also had former Nazi connections. Of those 90 officials, 34 had been members of the SA.
A report released in 2015 found that between 1949 and 1970, 54 percent of Interior Ministry staffers were former Nazi Party members, and that 8 percent of them had served in the Nazi Interior Ministry, which at one point was run by SS chief Heinrich Himmler.
1958-Members of the AJLAC were closely affiliated with the John Birch Society (JBS). The ASC and the Shickshinny Knights also shared many members with the society, into which they introduced their rabid anti-communism, non-interventionism and the idea limited government.
It was the JBS who pioneered the Military-Industrial Complex’s use of a conspiratorial view of history to present communism as a menace to American “freedom” and “democracy.” The organization is an unbroken ideologically-driven conspiracy linking the Illuminati, the French Revolution, the rise of Marxism and Communism, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the United Nations.”
Founding members of the JBS included Harry Lynde Bradley, co-founder of the Allen Bradley Company and the right-wing Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, and Fred C. Koch, founder of Koch Industries, and father of the infamous Koch brothers, Charles and David.
Koch Industries started out as Winkler-Koch, which between 1929 and 1932 trained Bolshevik engineers and helped Stalin’s regime set up modern oil refineries in the Soviet Union.. Koch partnered with William Rhodes Davis to build the third-largest oil refinery serving the Third Reich, a project which was personally approved by Adolf Hitler.
According to a 1956 AP article, Fred Koch was among 11 prominent residents of Wichita, Kansas who traveled to Moscow “in an effort to convince the Russian people that Soviet propaganda about capitalists is untrue.”
Koch wrote that one of the “Potential Methods of Communist Take-over in U.S.A. by Internal Subversion” was “Infiltration of high offices of government and political parties until the President of the U.S. is a Communist… Even the Vice Presidency would do as it could be easily arranged for the President to commit suicide.” JFK was soon replaced by LBJ but it wasn’t suicide and he wasn’t communist
On its website, the Birch Society describes it mission as to:
…to warn against and expose the forces that seek to abolish U.S. independence, build a world government, or otherwise undermine our personal liberties and national independence. The John Birch Society endorses the U.S. Constitution as the foundation of our national government, and works toward educating and activating Americans to abide by the original intent of the Founding Fathers. We seek to awaken a sleeping and apathetic people concerning the designs of those who are working to destroy our constitutional Republic
1958-Department of Defense outfit called the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)—better known today by the slightly retooled name of Defense Research Projects Agency (DARPA). was created. A crash program to protect the United States from a Soviet nuclear threat from space, it launched several groundbreaking initiatives tasked with developing advanced weapons and military technologies. Among them were Project Agile and Command and Control Research, two overlapping ARPA initiatives that created the Internet. Roy Johnson, an executive at General Electric, was chosen to head the new agency. (8)
1958-One of the “blackmail parties” Susan Kaufman attended with her then-husband Lewis Rosenstiel was hosted by Cohn in 1958 at Manhattan’s Plaza Hotel, suite 233. Kaufman described Cohn’s suite as a “beautiful suite…all done in light blue.” She described being introduced to Hoover, who was in drag, by Cohn, who told her that Hoover’s name was “Mary” in a fit of barely concealed laughter. Kaufman testified that young boys were present and Kaufman claimed that Cohn, Hoover and her ex-husband engaged in sexual activity with these minors.
Roy Cohn was providing protection. There were a bunch of pedophiles involved. That’s where Cohn got his power from — blackmail.”
Perhaps the most damning confirmation of Cohn’s activities in Suite 233 comes from statements made by Cohn himself to former NYPD detective and ex-head of the department’s Human-Trafficking and Vice-Related Crimes Division, James Rothstein. Rothstein later told John DeCamp — a former Nebraska state senator who investigated a government-connected child sex ring based in Omaha — among other investigators, that Cohn had admitted to being part of a sexual blackmail operation targeting politicians with child prostitutes during a sit-down interview with the former detective.
The fact that Cohn, per Rothstein’s recollection, stated that the child sex blackmail ring was part of the government-sponsored anti-communist crusade suggests that elements of the government, including Hoover’s FBI, may have been connected at a much broader level than Hoover’s own personal involvement, as the FBI closely coordinated with McCarthy and Cohn for much of the red scare.
The question that necessarily arises from revelations regarding Cohn’s activities in Suite 233 is who else was Cohn “protecting” and servicing with underage prostitutes? One of them could very well have been one of Cohn’s close friends and clients, Cardinal Francis Spellman of the Archdiocese of New York, who was said to have been present at some of these parties Cohn hosted at the Plaza Hotel.
Spellman — one of the most powerful figures in the Catholic Church in North America, who was sometimes referred to as “America’s Pope” — was accused of not only condoning pedophilia in the Catholic church and ordaining known pedophiles including Cardinal Theodore “Uncle Teddy” McCarrick, but also engaging in it himself to such an extent that many New York area priests widely referred to him as “Mary.”
Furthermore, J. Edgar Hoover was said to have a file detailing the cardinal’s sex life, suggesting Spellman’s involvement in the ring and pedophile protection racket in which Cohn and Hoover were personally involved.
1959-Congress amended the Communications Act of 1934 to enshrine the Fairness Doctrine into law, rewriting Chapter 315(a) to read: “A broadcast licensee shall afford reasonable opportunity for discussion of conflicting views on matters of public importance.”
1959, immediately after Fidel Castro drove the dictator Batista out of Cuba, then Vice-President Richard Nixon established and chaired a Special Committee within the National Security Council for the purpose of carrying out a non-Congressionally authorized operation to mount a covert war against the new socialist government of Cuba, using expatriate right-wing Cubans who had been loyal to Batista. This secret operation was then code-named “Operation 40.”
In late 1959, Nixon, with the direct participation and cooperation of CIA Director Allen Dulles, undertook the supervision of the recruiting of expatriate, right-wing Cubans who had fled from Cuba to Miami, Florida. Dulles assigned CIA Agent and former Marine Corps officer Carl Jenkins to supervise the training of these forces in guerilla warfare tactics in Florida and under the CIA-installed regime in Guatemala.
Nixon secretly reached out to one Robert Maheu, the Chief of Staff and de facto Director of billionaire Howard Hughes’s financial empire.
Robert Maheu (1917 – 2008) was an American businessman and lawyer, who worked for the FBI and CIA, and as the chief executive of Nevada operations for the industrialist Howard Hughes. In early 1960, Nixon selected Robert Maheu, the Chief of Staff and de facto Director of billionaire Howard Hughes’s financial empire, to attend a secret meeting in Florida with two men representing Santo Trafficante, John Roselli and Sam Giancana.
According to their own documents, Giancana was “the chieftain of Cosa Nostra and the successor to Al Capone.” Maheu told Roselli that he has been retained by international businesses suffering “heavy financial losses in Cuba as a result of Castro’s action.
Trafficante’s Havana casino, hotel and prostitution operation, which was run by Resorts International, a Meyer Lansky company, had been driven out of Cuba, along with Trafficante’s business associate Batista in 1959. Trafficante was a close associate of Meyer Lansky, head of the Jewish Mafia, who was responsible for managing the finances of Lucky Luciano’s heroin smuggling empire.
The largely Jewish-American and Italian-American gang known as Murder, Inc. Jewish mobsters such as Meyer Lansky, Mickey Cohen, Harold “Hooky” Rothman, Dutch Schultz, and Bugsy Siegel developed close ties with and gained significant influence within the Italian-American Mafia, eventually forming a loosely organized, mostly Jewish and Italian criminal syndicate known in the press as the “National Crime Syndicate.”
During the 1950s, the Sicilian Mafia began to divest itself of the heroin manufacturing and started relying on Marseille’s Corsican syndicates for their drug supplies. Based out of Marseille, the Corsican Gang operated what is known as the French Connection, where heroin was smuggled from Turkey to France and then to the United States through Canada. The Corsican Gang was protected by the CIA and France’s SDECE after World War II, in exchange for working to prevent French Communists from bringing the Old Port of Marseille under their control.
The Corsicans opened up smaller laboratories and began producing for European markets and export to the United States. Thus, Italy gradually declined in importance as a center for illicit drug manufacturing, and Marseille became the heroin capital of Europe.
Luciano also forged an alliance between the Mafia and Meyer Lansky, whose control over the Caribbean and his relationship with the Florida-based Trafficante family were of particular importance, since many of the heroin shipments passed through Cuba or Florida on their way to the US. For almost twenty years the Luciano-Lansky-Trafficante triumvirate remained a major feature of the international heroin traffic. Organized crime thrived in prerevolutionary Cuba, and Havana was probably the most important transit point for Luciano’s European heroin shipments. Luciano’s 1947 visit to Cuba laid the groundwork for Havana’s subsequent role in the international narcotics trade. Cuba was to be made the center of all international narcotic operations.
By the early 1950s, Trafficante in turn delegated his Havana concessions to Santo Trafficante, Jr., the most talented of his six sons. It was reportedly his responsibility to receive the bulk shipments of heroin from Europe and then forward them through Florida to New York and other major urban centers, where their distribution was assisted by local Mafia bosses.
1959-Lansky’s close ties to Cuba’s right-wing leader General Fulgencio Batista helped stoke the violent anger that eventually brought Fidel Castro to power in 1959. When Castro came to power Lansky moved to Miami, from where he plotted to find his next Cuba, with a pliable tyrant.
1960, OPEC was founded by five oil producing countries: Venezuela, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Kuwait in an attempt to influence and stabilise the market price of oil, which would in turn stabilise their nation’s economic return. The formation of OPEC marked a turning point toward national sovereignty over natural resources.
However, during this period OPEC did not have a strong voice in such affairs, the main reason being the “Seven Sisters” which controlled approximately 86% of the oil produced by OPEC countries. The “Seven Sisters” was the name for the seven transnational oil companies of the “Consortium of Iran” cartel which dominated the global petroleum industry, with British Petroleum owning 40% and Royal Dutch Shell 14%, giving Britain the lead at 54% ownership during this period.
1960-According to Fabian Escalante, a senior officer of the Cuban Department of State Security, in 1960 Richard Nixon recruited George H.W. Bush to gather the necessary funds for the Bay of Pigs operation, and according to Reinaldo Taladrid and Lazaro Baredo the man assigned to assist him was Felix Rodriguez.
1960, Jean Lesage became head of the Quebec Government, and launched the “Quiet Revolution,” which was a process that had a bipolar character. This process became a key battleground between two opposing forces. The first had aimed to install a technocratic elite in Quebec while secularizing the province. The opposing force was represented by those nation-building, largely Catholic forces then centered around Lesage and Daniel Johnson who desired to direct the revolutionary energy then enveloping Quebec around an anti-imperialist strategy of republicanism and technological progress.
1960 (1950-1970) Headquartered in Menlo Park, California, SRI is one of the world’s largest scientific research organizations, funded directly by US intelligence agencies, particularly the CIA’s Office of Technical Services and Office Research. Originally founded as a means of attracting commercial business research at Stanford University in California, SRI began taking on military and intelligence contracts, many of them classified. Research at Stanford was connected to work in computing at MIT, which began with Vannevar Bush (1890 –1974), a Dean of the MIT School of Engineering.
His most important contribution was as head of the US Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) during World War II, through which almost all wartime military R& D was carried out, including initiation and early administration of the Manhattan Project. His office was considered one of the key factors in winning the war.
He is known in engineering for his work on analog computers and for founding Raytheon. Bush is also known for the invention of the Memex, an adjustable microfilm viewer with a structure analogous to that of the World Wide Web. In 1945, Bush published “As We May Think” in The Atlantic Monthly in which he predicted: Consider a future device for individual use, which is a sort of mechanized private file and library. It needs a name, and, to coin one at random, “Memex” will do. A Memex is a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory.
Much of the work at the Artificial Intelligence labs at Stanford University in Palo Alto, and at MIT was funded through the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In 1952, Dr. Jerome Wiesner, the president of MIT, who had participated in several of the Macy Foundation sessions, took over the directorship of the Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE) at MIT, where leading members of the Cybernetics Group had all taken up residence.
Soon, the RLE had spun off the Artificial Intelligence Lab. DARPA began as the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) created in 1958 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, for the purpose of forming and executing research and development projects to expand the frontiers of technology and science able to reach far beyond immediate military requirements.
ARPA funded the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), the progenitor of what was to become the Internet. The Arpanet developed when, in the late 1960s, Robert Taylor, a rocket specialist from NASA and enthusiast of Wiener’s cybernetics and the first computers, transferred to the Pentagon. While Taylor was trained as an experimental psychologist and mathematician, his earliest career was devoted to brain research and the auditory nervous system.
At the Pentagon, Taylor became a scientific manager, and made the decisions on Defense Department funding for research, projects for university laboratories, companies or individual scientists. In late 1962, Taylor met J.C.R. Licklider, who was heading the new Information Processing Techniques Office of ARPA. Licklider, who had done his graduate work in psychoacoustics, has been called “computing’s Johnny Appleseed” and been credited as an early pioneer of cybernetics and artificial intelligence (AI). He is particularly remembered for being one of the first to foresee modern-style interactive computing, and its application to a wide variety of applications. He is also remembered as an Internet pioneer, with an early vision of a worldwide computer network long before it was built. Licklider did much to initiate all that through his funding of research, resulting in today’s canonical graphical user interface, and ultimately the ARPANET, the direct predecessor to the Internet
. In 1960, Licklider’s seminal paper on “Man-Computer Symbiosis” foreshadowed interactive computing: The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly, and that the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the information-handling machines we know today.
Licklider formulated the earliest ideas of a global computer network in August 1962 in a series of memos discussing ideas around an “Intergalactic Computer Network,” which contained almost everything that the Internet is today, including cloud computing.
During his time as director of ARPA’s Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) from 1962 to 1964, he convinced Ivan Sutherland, Bob Taylor, and Lawrence G. Roberts that an all-encompassing computer network was a very important concept. During his time as director of ARPA’s Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) from 1962 to 1964, Licklider funded Project MAC at MIT, which had produced the first computer time-sharing system, CTSS, in which many users could work at terminals to share a single large computer.
Project MAC (Multiple Access Computer, Machine Aided Cognitions, or Man and Computer) was launched in 1963 with a grant from the DARPA. The project was interested principally in the problems of vision, mechanical motion and manipulation, and language, which was viewed as the keys to more intelligent machines. It enlisted an “AI Group” that included Marvin Minsky as director, and John McCarthy who invented Lisp. Computer scientist Marvin Minsky was co-founder of Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s AI laboratory, and wrote on relationships between human and artificial intelligence beginning in the 1960s.
Taylor worked for NASA in Washington, DC while the Kennedy administration was backing scientific projects such as the Apollo program for a manned moon landing in late 1962. In 1965, Taylor moved from NASA to ARPA, first as a deputy to Ivan Sutherland, to fund a few large programs in advanced research in computing at major universities and corporate research centers throughout the US.
Among the computer projects that ARPA supported was time-sharing. Taylor hoped to build a computer network to connect the ARPA-sponsored projects together. Taylor’s office in the Pentagon had a terminal connected to time-sharing at MIT, a terminal connected to the Berkeley Timesharing System at the University of California at Berkeley, and a third terminal to the System Development Corporation in Santa Monica, California. Taylor noticed each system developed a community of users, but was isolated from the other communities.
In 1968, when Licklider became director of Project MAC, he and Taylor published “The Computer as a Communication Device,” which lays out the future of what the Internet would eventually become. Their paper starts out stating: “In a few years, men will be able to communicate more effectively through a machine than face to face
1961-outgoing President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about government influence in science in his farewell speech “..Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.
In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.
Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.
The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever prese and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientifictechnological elite.
It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system -- ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society.”