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I must say I don’t have a good handle on whats going on in China these days. I haven’t lived there for over 15 years and I am not all that interested beyond how it affects the US and Taiwan. While COVID, which allegedly was made in and began in China and their 2020 Lockdowns , which were mimicked by the US , certainly had an affect on us all, the COVID situation in China itself has really not interested me much.
That said, I could never get my head around the fact that the Pandemic Virus could circulate in a densely populated city (Wuhan-11 million people) and province (Hubei-50 million) for 3 months without it spreading far and wide throughout China and the world. Wuhan is a major domestic and international transportation hub. Yet they had only reported a fraction of the deaths compared to what was seen in the West and this was accepted without question by Western Experts.
According to most scientists the virus was in Wuhan as early as October or November. Wuhan did not lockdown Wuhan until January 23 when many residents and foreign residents had already left the city and province for the Lunar New Year Holiday
A couple of explanations are possible.
The virus in China was not as pathogenic or most people in China had natural immunity due to frequent coronavirus exposure or BCG vaccination
China had better treatment protocols. Did they use IVM? No idea
Chinas statistics are as Fake as most US MSM News
Regardless, following news of the Chinese protests over Chinas Zero Covid Policy , which struck me as somewhat organized, much like the Color Revolutions that have become so common around the world with MSM amplifying it, I couldn’t help but wonder WTF Xi was doing? It struck me as Gorbachev like stupidity, or more accurately a Gorbachev like Controlled Demolition.
Surely China knows this is a rather benign virus with proper treatment (IVM, high dose steroids, antibiotics, anticoagulants, limited use of respirators, Vitamin D) . In fact Omicron is less deadly than the flu even with the Wests deadly treatment protocols, and China has always downplayed the Flu in China anyways.
Certainly they know that lockdowns and quarantines in populated cities with numerous high rise apartments and lousy plumbing is doomed to fail.
Surely they know the COVID Virus is endemic, and China is not an Island.
They were wise enough to stay away from mRNA vaccines but they are so stupid as to stick with Zero Covid? We know the Chinese are not stupid, so whats up?
This is the big question . Why was Xi providing the West with such a wonderful opportunity over a rather benign virus (Omicron) that can be treated early with drugs the West prohibits. Surely China knows this, and also they should know lockdowns and asymptomatic pcr tests are ineffective and harmful
Is something else at work here?
I have long believed China is a partner in the Global COVID conspiracy/Great Reset. Frankly, CCP (CPC) China is Made in the US. That story is beyond the scope of this post but it goes back to World War I when the US promised that Tsingdao which was a German colony would be returned to China if they entered WWI as an ally. They sent 250,000 men to Europe. After the War the Versailles Treaty gave Japan Tsingdao. This got many Chinese to rethink their plan to adopt Western Liberalism. With the success of the Bolshevick Revolution in Russia many Chinese started considering Communism as a better option. With the West funding China Warlords thwarting Sun Yat Sen’s efforts to unify the country, a deal was cut with Russia where they would assist him in building up his Army with weapons and training on condition he open up the KMT to CCP members. The rest is history. And of course the Rockefeller/Kissinger Faction of the Republican Party selling out Taiwan and opening their doors to China is another story. But I digress.
We must ask what are they accomplishing with their lockdowns/Zero Covid Policy that benefits the party (CCP) and the Global WEF Elite?
Concentration of Wealth in China. Eliminating the small businesses, much like what happened in the West.
Reducing Western Influence in China. Fewer Westerners in China is viewed as desirable to some of the party elite.
Accelerating the building of the Digital Gulag by introducing new or improved means of social monitoring and control
Helping Western Governments show their people they were not as draconian as China so the people there should be grateful for their Democracy.
Increase Supply pressures and inflation in West as a result of Chinas lockdowns at home. Helpful for the Net Zero Agenda
Perhaps setting up a scenario where a new and more severe variant gets released as Lockdown measures are relaxed and China and the Elites can say once COVID EXPLODES “you see what happens when government listens to the people”?
[One] interpretation as suggested above is that General Secretary Xi Jinping and his administration like the idea of reducing foreign influence in China, and the pandemic has provided an excellent excuse to move in this direction.
On social media, some posts by nationalists have decried international influence on "China's" way of doing things.
The emphasis of governance here has certainly shifted from a "reform and opening up" philosophy to one that places the Communist Party at the centre of everything and its leader Xi Jinping at its very core.
I think thats only part of it but we can only wonder.
Of course, its interesting to see Western Leaders cheering protests against Chinas draconian policies they once introduced upon their own people, adopting in part policies China introduced at the start of the Pandemic lamenting only that they could not introduce all of them due to that pesky Constitution
Protest Squasher Justin Trudeau Weighs in on People's Uprising in China
"Obviously, everyone in China should be allowed to express themselves — should be allowed to share their perspectives and indeed protest," stated Trudeau.
But when people challenged Trudeau, he froze their bank accounts and amassed an army to deal with them.
But were these protests truly organic?
This is an interesting thread from a pro-China Twitter guy.

I happen to agree with him on this. Having lived in China I can tell you the CCP has it locked down tightly, especially in the cities. People are united and proud, very nationalistic, and outside the home (and maybe inside today) eyes are watching you. You never met neighborhood snitches like they have in China (70 years of experience in perfecting this network)
These protests were relatively small and organized, yet they exploit something very real that could get out of control.
People certainly were getting fed up and it was a drag on the economy and even before the worst of the protests they were thinking about relaxing Zero Covid policies.
On November 11, 2022, China released 20 key parameters to guide officials on the ground as it eases the contentious Covid Zero policy.
The measures detail what officials should be doing on everything from quarantine to testing, representing a sweeping pullback of the country’s punishing pandemic playbook.
The 20 are:
Cut isolation for close contacts to five days at a central facility and three days at home, down from 7+3;
No longer identify the close contacts of close contacts;
People leaving high-risk areas must spend seven days at home, rather than at a centralized quarantine facility;
Remove the “medium” risk category; only homes, workplaces and areas often frequented by someone infected will be deemed high-risk; all other areas are low-risk; high risk areas should mostly be confined to residential units or blocks, and cannot be extended at will;
Workers in high-risk positions exiting closed-loop operations must spend five days at home, down from seven days at home or in a centralized isolation facility;
Remove mass testing in most areas, with citywide tests given only when the source of infection is unknown;
Scrap circuit breaker bans for incoming flights and reduce pre-flight PCR testing to one from two;
Allow closed-loop systems to ease rules for business executives and sports stars;
Set cycle threshold values at less than 35 to diagnose Covid in new arrivals;
Cut quarantine for new arrivals to five days in a hotel and three at home, down from the previous 7+3;
Increase health care resources, including hospital beds;
Promote vaccine usage, especially booster shots for the elderly;
Stockpile medicine and equipment to treat Covid;
Determine the size of the population still at risk for Covid;
React quickly to outbreaks to reduce size and duration needed for pandemic control;
Halt excessive anti-Covid measures imposed by local governments;
Provide adequate supplies and necessary medical care for people in quarantine;
Improve pandemic control measures on school campuses;
Implement pandemic control measures in industrial parks to ensure smooth supply chain operations;
Arrange orderly departures for people who are stranded during lockdowns.
After this release protests seemed to escalate in a coordinated fashion. China seemed caught unprepared, and recognizing this has since relaxed some measures until they can clean their house of the organizers. At least , thats how it seems.
Paradoxically, as the West gleefully announced how successful protests were in getting Authoritarian China to back down from their authoritarian policies, its not lost on us that far larger protests in Democratic Canada, UK, France and Australia were met either by force or were ignored with no relaxation
The 10-point plan unveiled on Wednesday (Dec 7) followed last month’s 20-point guidelines to fine-tune the policy – they aimed to make it less disruptive to the public and the economy, but have not been consistently implemented.
Under the new plan, anyone who is infected and has mild or no symptoms can now isolate at home, as can their close contacts, instead of being sent to a quarantine facility.
Meanwhile, polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, tests will only be required for people living and working in high-risk areas. Everyone else will be encouraged to use RATs, or rapid antigen tests, instead of having to regularly line up at testing sites.
Negative PCR test results and health codes are no longer required for most public venues and on public transport, though they will still need to be shown to enter hospitals, schools and aged care homes.
Another key change is that residential complexes will no longer be totally sealed off when a case is found. Instead, high- and low-risk areas will be designated within a building, meaning just a single floor or household might be affected.
At Wednesday’s press briefing, National Health Commission spokesman Mi Feng said the new plan was focused on residents and he did not give a timeline for when China might lift quarantine requirements for inbound travellers, except to say that the process would be sped up.
So following this the MSM started worrying about how the Chinese were defenseless against COVID as a result of Chinas Zero Covid policies and not having Good (mRNA ) vaccines. Models show over 1 million could die.
Actually, if you adjust Taiwans official excess death toll from May-June (Covid + Non-Covid) it would be close to 1 million (840,000) dead.
Of course, this assumes the population of China is COVID NAIVE, something I doubt, and it assumes their vaccines are as damaging to health as mRNA vaccines (they might be, I don’t know), and it assumes China uses the same treatment protocols as West (No IVM and low dose, not high dose steroids, and plenty of Remdesivir , Paxlovid and Ventilators)
Here is the thread by the pro-China Twitter guy on Western involvement in the protests that I found convincing (linked to above)
Protests are not uncommon in China.
After all, there are 1.4 billion people. Not everyone is happy with the government 100% of the time.
But the current lockdown protests, although small in "protester" numbers, has all the hallmarks of a colour revolution.
Let me explain...
2/The lockdown protests in China are nowhere near as large or violent as the ones in the Western world.
Unlike what Western media is trying to portray, the protests are currently sporadic and consist of a few actual protesters surrounded by mostly curious onlookers filming.
3/The number of protesters are currently few.
But there are evidence that some have collaborated with foreign journalists & anti-China influencers in the West to organise larger & more violent protests.
They planned to turn the lockdown protests into a call for regime-change.
The 2019 Hong Kong colour revolution began as a protest against a proposed extradition law.
After the HK gov acceded to the demands of the rioters, they began to chant for Western style electoral "democracy".
Then it quickly morphed into a call for HK secession from China.
The 1989 Tiananmen colour revolution saw Nancy Pelosi & George Soros on the ground working with student protesters.
In the same way, the 2019 Hong Kong colour revolution saw U.S. Senator Ted Cruz & a number of Western agents disguised as "journalists" supporting the rioters.
Just like 1989 Tiananmen & 2019 HK, Western agents & Chinese dissidents are helping a very small number of locals hijack a legitimate protest... and turn it into a colour revolution.
It's no longer about ending lockdowns.
It's now a blank piece of paper; it can be anything.
Fortunately the China of today is a lot more resilient against Western instigated colour revolutions.
The population is less exposed to Western propaganda than in 1989 Tiananmen.
The people are not brainwashed by years of anti-China education like those in Hong Kong.
The anti-China mob is wishing for chaos & regime-change in China, but it will not happen.
An overwhelming majority of people in China support the Chinese government.
The CPC has proven to be highly competent & farsighted.
And Chinese people rightly trust their leaders.
Nevertheless, China must still exercise maximum precaution.
The Anglo-American cartel will never give up on its desire to regime-change China.
They know that as long as China has a strong leader like Xi Jinping, Chinese people cannot be contained or exploited.
If you want to understand why the Anglo-American cartel is so desperate to overthrow China, then read this thread that I wrote previously...
Telegram Channels of protesters.
Translation : “are you going to the protests ?”
“Nahhhh for 200 yuan, won’t do it”
They were paying protesters also in Hong Kong.
Majority of the frustration is aimed at the mismanagement on the local level
So, It's hilarious to see many western "news agencies" trying to frame this as an anti-Xi movement
Their argument is based on that one guy in Shanghai who started an anti-Xi chant of a few dozen people
This makes fun of the protest sign someone put up in Shanghai pretending to write in simplified Chinese, but in their haste
they wrote 這 instead of 这 exposing their identity to be either from Hong Kong or Taiwan
Here, the agent provocateurs are teaching them how to make a human shield wall
On telegram groups, these people have their list of contacts
So what you see on twitter is NOT the voice of the people, it's the voice of western journalists
Four pictures of police in different countries to handle protesters. Which ones look "authoritarian" and which ones look "democratic"?
The countries are China, France, Germany and the USA.
1. Got arrested at a protest and busted on a Telegram chat group that incited protest (with calls to 'bring weapons').
2. Fool the masses by getting your mate to do an innocent 'I'm just a journalist photographer' photo-op.
Very smooth. Very sly.
Woman protester: "Can't I represent Guangzhou people's stand?"
Masses: "No!"
Woman protester: "Guangzhou people stand up! You sons of b*tches! F*cK!"
Masses: "Shou pi la... "(Cantonese, which means F*ck off.)
Here is another Pro-China View
Godfree Roberts
Writes Here Comes China Newsletter
Remember that 82% of Chinese support Dynamic Covid Zero because, after 3 years with the virus,
1. US GDP grew 3.4%, with 1,000,000 Covid deaths and 3,000,000 Long Covids.
2. China's GDP grew 13.8%, with 7,000 deaths and 38,000 Long Covids.
3. Chinese life expectancy rose to 77.1 years, US fell to 76.1 years.
4. 72% of Chinese participate in the labor force, vs. 62% of Americans.
5. America has 100 new Covid cases every day per million people, China has 20 .
6. 0.0003 deaths/million Chinese, 0.8/million Americans, though Chinese testing catches every case.
7. 95% of China deaths are unvaccinated. In other words, the inactivated vaccines used in China seem to be doing what they are designed to do - prevent serious illness and death.
8. Free: 69% of Americans are fully vaccinated vs. 91% of Chinese
9. Free testing, vaccination, treatment and hospitalization: 69% of Americans fully vaccinated vs. 91% of Chinese (FT)
10. Fewer than 10% of Chinese have ever been quarantined.
11. "Long Covid is a $3.7 trillion drag on the U.S. economy equal to 17% of pre-pandemic economic output”. Harvard economist David Cutler says cost rivals the Great Recession**.
[No sources given and Chinese data is not to be trusted. I have provided just so as to present what the China apologists are saying. My sense is that after the initial lockdowns until the winter of 2022 quarantines and lockdowns were rather sporadic , not very long lasting and geographically limited but I cant vouch for that]
Now , lets look at the official statistics on the impact of 3 years of COVID (my god, has it really lasted this long? I remember predicting it would be over by May 2020. Lol)
From the start
Now here is Taiwan with about 1/60 the population and a stones throw away from the Mainland
From the start
Here is US
About 1/4 the size of Chinas population and 15 x Taiwans population
US numbers may hit 99.9 M cases, 1.11 M deaths.That would make it a 9-11 Pandemic.
Consider also the Pandemic was declared on March 11. They do love the number ELeven.
The Twin Towers
Now I don’t trust any of Chinas data, and I don’t trust a lot of Taiwan and US data.
Here is my last post on Taiwan Excess Death.
Here is US Excess Deaths
It appears to me Taiwan may be suppressing COVID DEATHS while the US certainly inflated COVID deaths up to February 2022. Chinas data is the stuff of fairy tales but they did the same with flu data for years. So Ignore Chinese data, but do follow the trends they are reporting
US is 68% % fully vaxxed and Taiwan and China about 90% (although only 66% of over 80’s are vaccinated). Main difference is China does not use mRNA. Both China and Taiwan reported minimal COVID until the Vaccines were rolled out. Both China and Taiwan experienced their worst COVID outbreaks in 2022. I cant find any ALL cause Mortality Data for China, not that I would trust it if I could
Thats all I got on this