Taking Our Freedom Under the Ruse of Health Security, Step by Step
And many seem happy to give it up or just let it happen
Health Security is being used to replace Democracy with Technocracy. The COVID Pandemic has normalized the idea that Democratic principles should be suspended during a “declared” Emergency by unelected “Experts” who may or may not have financial or other interests in such a declaration.
Lets first define Technocracy.
Technocracy is a form of government in which the decision-maker or makers are selected on the basis of their expertise in a given area of responsibility, particularly with regard to scientific or technical knowledge. This system explicitly contrasts with representative democracy, the notion that elected representatives should be the primary decision-makers in government, though it does not necessarily imply eliminating elected representatives. Decision-makers are selected on the basis of specialized knowledge and performance, rather than political affiliations, parliamentary skills, or popularity.
Note the point- technocracy is not representative democracy.
Elon Musks Grandfather was a leader of the Technocracy Movement that began in the 1930’s
During the COVID-19 pandemic, political influence was transferred to the hands of unelected scientific experts by governments worldwide
“Democracies have been transformed into technocracies during the global pandemic, especially when it comes to health policy. Driven by the need to address a genuine public health threat, a technocracy is arguably more agile, more responsive in coordinating essential health delivery services, and more able to draw upon available scientific evidence to inform national pandemic responses.”
Timeline of WHO and WEF laying the bricks for the Foundation of Global Health Technocracy. Note that Health can be used as the pretext to regulate everything related to human activity. From food/diet, water, air, energy, medicine, vaccination and fuel consumption to sex
1972-United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden
The conference also laid the groundwork for the UN-fronted, corporate takeover of the world's resources under the pretense of "saving Mother Earth."
It launched the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), it provided a template for the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, and it hosted the first talking shop for what would become Agenda 21 and, eventually, Agenda 2030.
2005-International Health Regulations, is a treaty which itself gave the WHO unprecedented power to declare a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern" and to intervene in the affairs of sovereign nations in the name of combating perceived health threats. It came into effect in 2007
2006, WEF Global Risk Program released the first Global Risks Report . Three main threats were identified in the first report: Terrorism, Climate Change, and Pandemics. The consequences of a lethal flu could be severe and in the end reshape the world.
2007-WHO report on health safety. The World Health Report 2007 - A Safer Future: global public health security in the 21st century marks a turning point in the history of public health, and signals what could be one of the biggest advances in health security in half a century.
2008- October 22, the Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) founded by Maurice Strong—unveiled the Global Green New Deal initiative that aims to create jobs in “green” industries to boost the world economy while curbing climate change at the same time.
2009-The WHO’s original definition of a pandemic was:
“… when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.”
This definition was changed in the month leading up to the 2009 swine flu pandemic. The change was a simple but substantial one: They merely removed the severity and high mortality criteria, leaving the definition of a pandemic as “a worldwide epidemic of a disease.”
2009 we had a Swine Flu Pandemic after WHO revised the Pandemic definition which kicked off a mandated global vaccine campaign . Although that fizzled, it was a valuable exercise to determine what tools were needed so as to prepare for the next Pandemic)
2011-Leading Financial Groups begin developing and maintaining sustainability accounting standards for 77 industries.”
The very financial groups who have steered global capital flows to major mining and coal and oil projects for decades will now become the arbiters of what companies qualify for future “green bond” investment.
Members of the SASB include, in addition of course to BlackRock, Vanguard Funds, Fidelity Investments, Goldman Sachs, State Street Global, Carlyle Group, Rockefeller Capital Management, and numerous major banks such as Bank of America-ML and UBS.
2014- the first Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) meeting was held at the White House. At the GHSA meeting, the US Health and Human Services Department, the WHO, the BMGates Foundation, GAVI, and health officials decided to create a “health security
2013- The creation of the 2030 Agenda is traced directly back to an earlier UN initiative called the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda that met in July 2012 and concluded on May 30, 2013. There were only 27 elite members of this group
2015- September 25 - the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit .
2015- Davos Board member Carney, as former chairman of the BIS Financial Stability Board (FSB) and head of Bank of England created the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), to advise “investors, lenders and insurance about climate related risks.
2016- TCFD along with the City of London Corporation and the UK Government created the Green Finance Initiative, aiming to channel trillions of dollars to “green” investments.
Chaired by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, it includes in addition to BlackRock, JP MorganChase; Barclays Bank; HSBC; Swiss Re, the world’s second largest reinsurance; China’s ICBC bank; Tata Steel, ENI oil, Dow Chemical, mining giant BHP and Al Gore’s Generation Investment LLC.
2019-In September 2019 the Global Preparedness Monitoring Boards 15 board members issued their first annual report. Fauci and Chinas CDC Director George Gao are both on the board (as is Russia)
In the report they state that by September 2020:
The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen
The UN-Forum Partnership was signed in a meeting held at United Nations headquarters between UN Secretary-General António Guterres and World Economic Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
The partnership identifies six areas of focus – financing the 2030 Agenda, climate change, health, digital cooperation, gender equality and empowerment of women, education and skills – to strengthen and broaden their combined impact by building on existing and new collaborations
2020-WHO Global Strategy on Health, Environment and Climate Change
Most global environmental agreements (such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Minamata Convention on Mercury, the Stockholm, Basel and Rotterdam conventions on hazardous chemicals and wastes), regional environmental agreements (including the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution) and international labour conventions on occupational health and safety cite threats to health as a major concern.
Ensuring that environmental risks are fully covered and action to counter them is supported in the national implementation of international health instruments, such as the International Health Regulations (2005), would particularly enhance and augment capacities to prevent, prepare for and respond to environmental emergencies. Such integration would advance the holistic approach articulated in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The health, environment and climate change strategy and WHO’s Thirteenth General Programme of Work, 2019–2023
In WHO’s corporate strategy, three strategic priorities drive WHO’s contribution to ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages. The three strategic priorities, with a description of how health and environment contributes to each of them, are:
(i) Achieving universal health coverage. Essential environmental health services, knowledge and capacities need to constitute an integral part of universal health coverage.
(ii) Addressing health emergencies. Improved resilience of the health sector and communities to climate change, reduced vulnerabilities, and enhanced preparedness, surveillance and response to health emergencies will prevent and reduce the health impacts of environmental emergencies.
(iii) Promoting healthier populations. Conditions for healthier populations include: healthier cities; sustainable provision of safe water, sanitation and hygiene practices; healthy transport solutions; clean energy policies; sustainable food; safe and sustainable products, housing and workplaces; and sustainable agriculture.
Goals to be achieved by the transformational approach
Climate change. Health systems and communities around the world are resilient to climate variability and change, and drive down rates of climate-sensitive infectious disease. Carbon emissions are reduced to meet international commitments. Cleaner energy systems are built, efficient public transport systems promoting active movement are
in place, disease vectors are appropriately controlled, more sustainable diets and more resilient food systems are promoted and implemented, and homes and workplaces should be buildings fit for health in a changing climate.
Global and regional settings. [Ensure that ] International agreements and policies are in place as appropriate that efficiently deal with global and regional drivers of health, such as climate and ecosystemchange.
2021-March 18-
A report titled Covid19: Make it the Last Pandemic teleased. The apublished findings of the Independent Panel on Pandemic Preparedness and Response focuses on how the world can look to prevent “pandemics” in the future.
This “independent” panel is chaired by ex-New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark, ex-President of Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and other political figures (including noted globalist David Miliband), and was established last May by WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. (How a report commissioned by the WHO, calling to give more money and power to the WHO can be called “independent” I don’t know.)
2021- September, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres launched an 85-page report entitled Our Common Agenda. The report offers a "roadmap for upgrading the UN" and "calls for reinvigorated multilateralism, renewed solidarity and stronger consideration of future generations."
The report's Summary begins by reminding us of the "existential crises" that are threatening humanity's existence, such as COVID-19, geopolitical conflict and climate change.
It demands that the peoples of the world:
"re-embrace global solidarity....a global vaccination plan to deliver vaccines against COVID-19 into the arms of the millions of people who are still denied this basic lifesaving measure"
"renew the social contract between Governments and their people and within societies...... updated governance arrangements to deliver better public goods and usher in a new era of universal social protection, health coverage, education, skills, decent work and housing, as well as universal access to the Internet by 2030 as a basic human right"
"end the 'infodemic' plaguing our world plaguing our world by defending a common, empirically backed consensus around facts, science and knowledge”
It also calls for a new, UN-led "Emergency Platform" that will be "triggered automatically in crises of sufficient scale and magnitude, regardless of the type or nature of the crisis involved," to the adoption of a new, UN-led "Global Digital Compact" for "promoting a trustworthy Internet by introducing accountability criteria for discrimination and misleading content."
In addition the convening of a "Summit of the Future" in conjunction with the meeting of the UN General Assembly in New York in September 2023.
As the World Future Council notes: "a Summit for the Future will be essential towards accelerating the implementation of the SDGs and ensuring that the talks and discussions finally turn into actions on the ground to truly leave no one behind."
The same UN General Assembly meeting that will host the Summit of the Future will alsobe hosting a "UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development," which takes place every four years
2021-October 31- Climate Change and Health
Climate change - the biggest health threat facing humanity
Climate change is the single biggest health threat facing humanity, and health professionals worldwide are already responding to the health harms caused by this unfolding crisis.
These climate-sensitive health risks are disproportionately felt by the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, including women, children, ethnic minorities, poor communities, migrants or displaced persons, older populations, and those with underlying health conditions.
Cop 26-Who
Supported by the UK government as the Presidency of COP26, the World Health Organization (WHO), Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) and the UNFCCC Climate Champions, the COP26 Health Programme enables transformational change to protect the health of people and the planet.
Initiatives under the COP26 Health Programme include:
Building climate resilient health systems.
Developing low carbon sustainable health systems.
Adaptation Research for Health.
The inclusion of health priorities in Nationally Determined Contributions.
Raising the voice of health professionals as advocates for stronger ambition on climate change.
The result of COP26 was the Glasgow Climate Pact, negotiated through consensus of the representatives of the 197 attending parties. Owing to late interventions from India and China that weakened a move to end coal power and fossil fuel subsidies, the conference ended with the adoption of a less stringent resolution than some anticipated. Nevertheless, the pact was the first climate deal to explicitly commit to reducing the use of coal. It included wording that encouraged more urgent greenhouse gas emissions cuts and promised more climate finance for developing countries to adapt to climate impacts.
On 13 November 2021, the participating 197 countries agreed a new deal, known as the Glasgow Climate Pact, aimed at staving off dangerous climate change.
The pact "Reaffirms the Paris Agreement temperature goal of holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels" and "Recognizes that limiting global warming to 1.5 °C requires rapid, deep and sustained reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions, including reducing global carbon dioxide emissions by 45 per cent by 2030 relative to the 2010 level and to net zero around midcentury, as well as deep reductions in other greenhouse gases."
However, achieving the target is not ensured, as with existing pledges the emissions in the year 2030 will be 14% higher than in 2010.
The final agreement explicitly mentions coal, which is the single biggest contributor to climate change. Previous COP agreements have not mentioned coal, oil or gas, or even fossil fuels in general, as a driver, or major cause of climate change, making the Glasgow Climate Pact the first ever climate deal to explicitly plan to reduce unabated coal power. The wording in the agreement refers to an intention to "phase down" use of unabated coal power, rather than to phase it out.
From this wording it implicitly follows that utilizing coal power with "abation" (net-zero emission), e.g. by neutralizing the resulting carbon dioxide via the CO2-to-stone process, need not be reduced. However this carbon capture and storage is too expensive for most coal fired power stations.
Over 140 countries pledged to reach net-zero emissions. This includes 90% of global GDP.
More than 100 countries, including Brazil, pledged to reverse deforestation by 2030.
Private sector financial players with assets totaling $130 trillion, many of whom are WEF members, came to COP26 en mass to sign a pledge that the former Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, facilitated, called the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ). It commits banks and investors to decarbonize their portfolios by 2050
The 2015 Paris Agreement is not a treaty between nations, but rather a voluntary accord between 194 nations signed by their legal representatives. As such, it is not deemed legally binding — preventing nations and corporations from being sued to force them to take legal responsibility for harmful carbon emissions and policies.
This includes this year’s Glasgow U.K. climate conference where major declarations to end global deforestation and sharply curb methane emissions were made.
However, the 2005 International Health Regulations are legally binding, so if it can tie climate to health (and Pandemics) this could change everything. Keep an eye out for that Pandemic Treaty
2021-November 29-The World Health Organization (WHO) is convening a World Health Assembly Special Session (WHASS) between November 29 and December 1, 2021. The WHASS will be considering the benefits of developing a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response with a view towards the establishment of an intergovernmental process to draft and negotiate such a “new instrument”.
The WHASS will be conducting its agenda by taking into account the report of the Working Group on Strengthening WHO Preparedness and Response to Health Emergencies (WGPR), which proposes to establish a new intergovernmental negotiating body to be in charge of the development of the new instrument. Although the report is not specifically suggesting to develop a new international convention, a group of Member States of WHO, identified as a Group of Friends of a Pandemic Treaty, primarily led by the European Union (EU), is promoting a proposal for a new “treaty” on pandemic preparedness and response.
Note:Omicron emerged in Botswana shortly before the session began
2022-January -delivered a report in January that concluded that "the WHO's ability to enforce its advice, or enter countries to investigate the source of disease outbreaks, is severely curtailed" and thus new rules need to be set up at the global level to give the WHO more power to police the world for health threats.
This report has bolstered the globalist agenda to conclude a new pandemic treaty that will either expand, reform, revise or override the existing International Health Regulations, the 2005 treaty
The proposed new treaty would be, in UN jargon, an "instrument," of which there are three types: recommendations, conventions and regulations. Regulations (like the International Health Regulations of 2005) are automatically legally binding for all 194 WHO member states unless they explicitly object.
The intergovernmental negotiating body, tasked with drafting and negotiating this international Pandemic Treaty, will hold its next meeting by 1 August 2022, to discuss progress on a working draft. It will then deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023, with the aim to adopt the instrument by 2024.
2022- April 7
OnWorld Health day “WHO estimates that more than 13 million deaths around the world each year are due to avoidable environmental causes. This includes the climate crisis which is the single biggest health threat facing humanity. The climate crisis is also a health crisis. “
2022- June 5, Upcoming Stockholm+50"
will also host "World Environment Day 2022" the anniversary of the creation of UNEP.
“On October 8, 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) recognized the “right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.” For this right to be implemented, structural changes to the legal, economic, social, political, and technological spheres will be required to restore a stable and well-functioning Earth System. A shared consciousness of our global interdependence must give rise to a new common logic, to define and recognize the global commons that support life on Earth — the planetary system that connects us all and on which we all depend. This is a foundational step toward the establishment of a governance system to effectively manage human interactions with the Earth System.”
This Conference should be used as an “ideas laboratory” to develop innovative solutions for the commons, economy, and governance, which will become the seeds of action at the 2023 Summit of the Future, as foreseen in the UN Secretary General’s Our Common Agenda report.