Effective March 20, mild COVID-19 cases are exempt from reporting, isolation and should seek medical care immediately if they experience severe symptoms/warning signs; high-risk individuals meeting criteria can still receive oral antiviral medications
As such, cases have dropped to 1/3 last weeks average (2,601 on March 21).
People at high risk of severe illness, elderly people 65 years of age and older, pregnant and postpartum women, and individuals with chronic diseases, are advised to seek medical attention immediately so that doctors can evaluate their health conditions and prescribe government-funded oral antiviral medications.
Before this, Cases who qualify for Paxlovid, an oral antiviral drug for treating COVID-19, could ask a family member or friend who is not in quarantine or home isolation to visit a doctor to consult on their behalf
They might want to rethink this, as I can see another wave come May. For some reason COVID loves Taiwan in May, although it has been giving too much love every month since May 2022
This will likely reduce the reported COVID deaths as those dying with COVID but not from COVID will be less likely recorded as COVID deaths. Will keep an eye on All Cause Mortality though
On another interesting note Our World in Data no longer reports Taiwan data and has scrubbed the historical data, lumping Taiwan with China.
This serves to hide the smoking gun that shows COVID and excess deaths were virtually non existent until vaccinations began April 2021. Of course, correlation does not mean causation.☹️
Thank you.