Substack-Twitter Synergy, Elites Hegelian Dialectic Game, Absolute vs Relative Increase/Reduction
Final Post of the Year. Happy New Year!
Just going to post the essence of a couple of my recent Twitter threads to close it out
I havent been posting many threads there since Twitter went nuts in 2021 but things seem safer now for some subjects.
Many of the Twitter banished went over to Substack and built big paid followings. Twitter looking at ways to monetize and according to Elon might be interested in buying Substack
Many of the banished from Twitter that were on Substack are now being returned to Twitter (and still on Substack) as Substack makes it easier to post substack articles direct to your Twitter account. Substack has also adopted a Twitter like check mark system for those with lots of subscribers so you know how popular they are.
The synergy between Substack and Twitter is obvious. Twitter gets to use Substacks payment infrastructure and model while Twitter brings its algorithms used to amplify or limit reach and censor
What might a Twitter-Substack merger bring to the users. Twitter users w/ big platforms who wish to be monetized would require those who wish to see all their tweets and/or reply to take out a paid subscription with Twitter (or Substack) getting 10% (as on substack) up to 50%.
Those who chose not to take out paid subscriptions with the major twitter influencers will see some or most of their tweets, but not all, and may or may not be able to reply to their tweets, but interaction with other twitter users will not be affected
How does this benefit the censors? Rather than censoring with a stick (strikes and suspensions) they get tweeters who are making big bucks now to self censor as the cost of being suspended over content not sanctioned by the establishment becomes too high especially if it costs them their Substack too.
Furthermore, Dark Money influencing operations can reward good tweets with more paid subscribers and punish “bad” tweets with the loss of paid subscribers
Monetized Tweeters can then be conditioned like Pavlov’s dogs. Example, say something good about Trump or Biden and get a bump in paid subscribers, say something bad and lose 💰. Pretty soon you figure out what you should tweet
So here is how the Hegelian Dialectic Game is played. The ELite fund both the Official Narrative and the Controlled Opposition Counter Narrative
The Official and Counter Narrative are a False Dichotomy. For example, you are allowed to consider Origins of Sars-Cov-2 as
Being Natural or Accidental Lab Release from Wuhan, China. But not to entertain the idea of intentional release, by non-China actors (example: by WEF-USG collaborators )
Anyone attacking (arguing against) the Official Narrative is a Conspiracy Theorist or Foreign Disinformation Agent and Censored (suspended, shadow banned, etc).
Anyone opposing the Controlled Counter Narrative is a Paid Troll or Chaos Agent and Blocked on Twitter or suspended by platforms pushing and defending the Controlled Counter Narrative
This also goes for the Left-Right Two Party Paradigm. The ELite back both the Democratic Narrative and Republican Counter Narratives (except when they are the same like with 9/11, Some Wars, COVID -early on).
With COVID vaccines, there is a limited hangout counter narrative for mainstream Republicans , which is limited to no mandate, but stays short of investigating FDA, CDC, DoD and Pfizer/Moderna for willful misconduct and Crimes against Humanity.
For the non-mainstream there is a fringe pushing the more extreme counter narrative but this is being discredited with Controlled Opposition disinfo specialists like Naomi Wolf. There are others. The same tactics were used on the 9/11 Truth movement
3/ (haven’t actually posted this thread yet)
There are clearly many issues with the COVID Vaccines. However, our use of Relative Increases exaggerates the harm, at least when it comes to Excess Deaths. I stand guilty of this myself.
Many of those on our side saw clearly how misleading this could be when it came to Vaccine Efficacy. While Pfizer and Moderna Trials showed 90-95% Efficacy, we warned this is misleading because this is the Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) and not Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR). The ARR was only 1-2%
The same goes for Excess Deaths. When we talk about 20-40% Excess Deaths what does this tell the average person about their risk of death in taking the jab?
Some poor souls might think they have a 20-40% chance of dying. Obviously, this is not the case. To put it into context and without getting into too much detail the average person has a 1% chance of dying each year.
A 25-64 year old working a job that provides Group Life Insurance has a 0.3% chance of dying each year
So 20% Excess Deaths in the population means an absolute increase of death equal to 0.2% . 1/500 more people would die. So instead of 10 deaths/1000 population, we have 12. Sucks for those 2 but 988 people keep on going
In the 25-64 age group where we saw a 40% increase in deaths, that translates to a 0.1% absolute increase in deaths. So instead of 3 persons dying in a population of 1000, we have 4 deaths. Again, too bad for that person. I don’t mean to minimize it, its a big deal if its you or a family member/friend
Putting numbers into context is important. I find some people have difficulty with this.
That said, god only knows what the long term effects are on deaths, development, quality of life and fertility. We are just one big experiment where the scientists are hiding the results so they can get their bonuses and stock options cashed and stay out of jail.