Senate Origin Report-Limited Hangout
Many are excited about this report. Not me
No mention of Event 201, Wuhan Military Games, Ralph Baric GOF work, CDC closing Ft Detrick in July due to safety violations at same time mystery pneumonia outbreaks in VA nursing homes, Barics material transfer agreement with Moderna for coronavirus vaccines in December 2019, Fauci 2017 prediction of an outbreak before the end of Trumps term, CIA’s Michael Callahan presence in Wuhan in December-January, Trump classifying HHS meetings on COVID preparations in January before US had its first case, etc.
You don’t conclude accidental release before investigating intentional release, and you cant conclude it came from WIV without investigating US labs. This reports a white wash-limited hangout.
It does provide good evidence of why its not natural origin and why it is lab origin, but thats only 1/2 the truth
Since I am under the weather, bit of a Cold (maybe COVID again, lot of it here in Taiwan and I am unvaxxed so its not the vax), I will refer you to two great posts on the subject
I will take the time to comment on this from Roger Pielke Jr
….an investigative article published yesterday jointly by Vanity Fair and Pro Publica (VF/PP).
I’ve read both the Senate report and the investigative article, and report here what I take from them. As long-time readers here will know, I have followed closely and even published on the lab leak debate. The new investigative reporting from behind-the-scenes of the Senate investigation provides ample support of the hypothesis that a research-related incident was more likely than not the origins of COVID-19.
Let’s look at some top-line highlights.
VF/PP conducted a forensic investigation best characterized as intelligence rather than science. This is important because science alone, as we have learned, cannot be dispositive on pandemic origins.
Evidence of an emergency situation at WIV during fall, 2019 is the most important conclusion, based on an analysis of documents of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), interpreted and analyzed by experts in China’s politics, bureaucracy and communications. Emphasis added below:
. . . the WIV dispatches did indeed signal that the institute faced an acute safety emergency in November 2019; that officials at the highest levels of the Chinese government weighed in; and that urgent action was taken in an effort to address ongoing safety issues. The documents do not make clear who was responsible for the crisis, which laboratory it affected specifically, or what the exact nature of the biosafety emergency was.
The VF/PP article goes into considerable detail about how they came to this conclusion, which represents a consensus view of a range of experts that they consulted in and out of China. Their conclusions are well supported by multiple lines of evidence.
Senate Report
On November 12, 2019, the WIV’s BSL4 laboratory team issued a report on the achievements of the BSL4 laboratory since it began operations in 2018.172 With respect to the “stranglehold problem”, the report states that the WIV had overcome “the three no’s” of “no equipment and technology standards, no design and construction teams, and no experience operating or maintaining” a high-containment laboratory.173 The report continues to say that WIV personnel “brought into reality the ‘three haves’ of a complete system of standards, a superior team that operates and maintains [the lab], and valuable experience with construction.”
This was achieved by “reinventing” imported equipment to make “the lab construction satisfy domestic and international standards” and making the French design of the BSL4 laboratory “conform to the requirements of Chinese construction.”
The report also described a high-pressure work environment. “In the laboratory, they often need to work for four consecutive hours, even extending to six hours,” the report revealed. “During this time, they cannot eat, drink, or relieve themselves. This is an extreme test of a person’s will and physical endurance. This not only demands that research personnel possess proficient operational skills, but they must also possess the ability to respond to various unexpected situations.”
The November 12, 2019 report suggested a biosafety problem had occurred at the WIV sometime before November 2019:
Owing to [the fact] that the subject of research at the P4 lab is highly pathogenic microorganisms, inside the laboratory, once you have opened the stored test tubes, it is just as if having opened Pandora’s Box. These viruses come without a shadow and leave without a trace. Although [we have] various preventive and protective measures, it is nevertheless necessary for lab personnel to operate very cautiously to avoid operational errors that give rise to dangers. Every time this has happened, the members of the Zhengdian Lab [BSL4] Party Branch have always run to the frontline, and they have taken real action to mobilize and motivate other research personnel. (emphasis added)
On November 19, 2019, seven days after the BSL4 teams’ report was issued, the WIV hosted a special training session run by a senior Chinese Academy of Sciences biosafety/biosecurity official who relayed “important oral and written instructions” from PRC leadership in Beijing to the WIV regarding the “complex and grave situation facing [bio]security work.” At the same training session, the Deputy Director of the Office of Safety and Security at the WIV “pointed to the severe consequences that could result from hidden safety dangers, and stressed that the rectification of hidden safety risks must be thorough, and management standards must be maintained.”
This is the document they are referring to. You may decide if this is evidence of an acute safety emergency incident
[translation provided by me]
事迹 武汉病毒研究所郑店实验室党⽀部是建设中国科学院武汉国家⽣物安全实验室(以下简称“武汉 P4实验室”)的主⼒军。他们建设并运⾏着我国⾸个P4实验室,这个拥有最先进防护设备、⽣物安全 等级最⾼的实验室。郑店实验室党⽀部现有党员17⼈,平均年龄35岁,是⼀⽀年轻有⼲劲的队伍。
Deeds The Party Branch of Zhengdian Laboratory of Wuhan Institute of Virology is the main force in the construction of Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as "Wuhan P4 Laboratory"). They are building and operating China's first P4 laboratory, which has the most advanced protective equipment and the highest level of biosecurity. The party branch of Zhengdian Laboratory has 17 party members, with an average age of 35, which is a young and energetic team
在 该建设团队中,共有副⾼级及以上技术⼈员7⼈,全部为中共党员。多年来,郑店实验室党⽀部在武 汉病毒研究所党委的领导下,根据所承担⼯作的特殊性,以思想建设为引领、组织建设为重点,切实 在武汉P4实验室的建设和运⾏中发挥战⽃堡垒作⽤,并先后荣获了武汉病毒研究所“红旗党⽀部”称号 (2018)、湖北省直机关“红旗党⽀部”称号(2019)。
In this construction team, there are a total of 7 deputy senior technical personnel and above, all of whom are members of the CPC. Over the years, under the leadership of the Party Committee of Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Party Branch of Zhengdian Laboratory has effectively played the role of a fighting fortress in the construction and operation of Wuhan P4 Laboratory according to the particularity of the work it undertakes, with ideological construction as the guidance and organizational construction as the focus, and has successively won the title of "Hongqi Party Branch" of Wuhan Institute of Virology (2018) and the title of "Hongqi Party Branch" of Hubei Provincial Organs (2019).
⼀、思想引领,⽤理想信念凝⼼聚⼒ 郑店实验室党⽀部坚持“三会⼀课”制度,以“两学⼀做”、“不忘初⼼、牢记使命”主题教育等为载 体,认真学习习近平新时代中国特⾊社会主义思想,特别是习近平总书记关于科技创新的重要思想, 结合“讲爱国奉献,当时代先锋”活动,学习南仁东、⻩⼤年、王逸平等新时代优秀知识分⼦的感⼈事 迹和爱国情怀,引导党员树⽴“创新科技、服务国家、造福⼈⺠”科技价值观,将⾏动统⼀到习近平总 书记对中国科学院提出“三个⾯向”“四个率先”上来。
I. Ideological Guidance, Cohesion with Ideals and Convictions The party branch of Zhengdian Laboratory adheres to the "three sessions and one lesson" system, takes "two studies and one doing" and "never forgetting the original intention and remembering the mission" as the carrier to conscientiously study Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on scientific and technological innovation, and combine the activities of "stressing patriotism and dedication and being the pioneer of the times" to learn from the touching deeds and patriotic feelings of outstanding intellectuals in the new era of Nan Rendong, Dadani, and Wang Yiping, and guide party members to establish Innovate science and technology, serve the country, benefit people" science and technology values, unify actions to General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward "three aspects" and "four firsts" for the Chinese Academy of Sciences
2017年,郑店实验室党⽀部开展了“理想照进现实 来源:
我在团队中的位置”系列活动,聚焦党员的理想信念,引导年轻党员从更远的视野、更⾼的⻆度思考 作为党员在精神层⾯的追求,认识本职岗位在⼈⺠健康和国家安全上具有的特殊意义,认识到平凡的 岗位也能做出不凡的⼯作。通过凝练⼀股“每天向前⼀步”的⼯作内劲,促使党员带头主动发现在⽇常 ⼯作技术、流程、管理等⽅⾯存在的不⾜,不断地改进提升,使设施运⾏更加可靠、⼯作流程更加顺 畅、部⻔协作更加默契。 近期,郑店实验室党⽀部在所党委的统⼀安排下,认真开展“不忘初⼼、牢记使命”主题教育。在 主题教育中,所党委书记、副所⻓、武汉P4实验室副主任肖庚富深⼊实验室党员中开展调研,进⼀步 厘清问题、提出解决⽅案,以更好地建⽴武汉P4实验室与研究所协同发展机制,提升实验室团队的服 务能⼒和管理⽔平。
In 2017, the Party Branch of Zhengdian Laboratory carried out the "ideal into reality Source:
My Place in the Team" series of activities, focusing on the ideals and beliefs of Party members, guiding young Party members to think from a farther vision and a higher degree of spiritual pursuit, understand the special significance of one's own post in terms of people's health and national security, and realize that ordinary posts can also do extraordinary work. By consolidating the internal strength of "one step forward every day", Party members are urged to take the lead in discovering the shortcomings in daily work technology, process, management, etc., and constantly improve and improve, so as to make the operation of facilities more reliable, the work process smoother, and the coordination of departments more tacit. Recently, under the unified arrangement of the party committee of the institute, the party branch of Zhengdian Laboratory has seriously carried out the theme education of "not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind". In the theme education, Xiao Gengfu, secretary of the party committee, deputy institute and deputy director of Wuhan P4 Laboratory, conducted in-depth research among the party members of the laboratory, further clarified the problems and proposed solutions, so as to better establish the collaborative development mechanism between Wuhan P4 Laboratory and the research institute, and improve the service ability and management level of the laboratory team.
⼆、担当使命,强化⽀部组织建设 ⼀直以来,郑店实验室党⽀部坚持统筹队伍建设和业务⼯作,做到既抓组织建设不松⼿,⼜抓业 务⼯作不掉队,实现党建⼯作全覆盖。通过开展“书⾹⽀部”活动,聚焦研究所“⼀带⼀路”战略,以读书 及分享会等形式,使党员⼴泛了解沿线国家的地理、⽂化、疾病等,为今后更好地开展⼯作提供知识 储备。
II. Shoulder the Mission and Strengthen the Organizational Construction of the Branch All along, the party branch of Zhengdian Laboratory has insisted on coordinating the construction of the contingent and professional work, so as to ensure that it not only grasps organizational construction without letting go, but also grasps business work without falling behind, so as to achieve full coverage of party building work. Through the activities of the "Scholarly Branch" and focusing on the "One Belt One Road" strategy of the Institute, Party members can have a wide understanding of the geography, culture, and diseases of the countries along the Belt and Road in the form of reading books and sharing sessions, so as to provide knowledge reserves for better work in the future.
同时,郑店实验室党⽀部⾮常重视解决进⼝关键核⼼设备“卡脖⼦”问题,通过组织关键核⼼设 备的管理交流会,由各核⼼设备管理⼈员从设备的结构组成、⼯作原理、逻辑控制等⽅⾯进⾏介绍, ⼤家就所关⼼设备的技术、⽣物安全、使⽤程序等问题进⾏充分讨论,不断克服技术障碍。同时,党 ⽀部组织专业⼩组进⾏技术攻关及国产化替代产品的研发和技术升级,攻克了多项技术难点,以多项 专利展现了团队的技术保障能⼒和创新能⼒。 “追梦需要激情和理想,圆梦需要奋⽃和奉献。”多年来,郑店实验室党⽀部党员⼀直保持着开拓 创新和⽢于奉献的⼯作精神,以实际⾏动展现了党员的先锋模范带头作⽤。
At the same time, the party branch of Zhengdian Laboratory attaches great importance to solving the problem of "stuck neck" of imported key core equipment, and through organizing management exchange meetings for key core equipment, the management personnel of each core equipment will introduce the structural composition, working principle, and logical control of the equipment, and everyone will fully discuss the technology, biological security, and use procedures of the equipment they are concerned about, and constantly overcome technical obstacles. At the same time, the party branch organized a professional group to carry out technical research and development and technological upgrading of domestic alternative products, overcame a number of technical difficulties, and demonstrated the team's technical support ability and innovation ability with a number of patents.
"Chasing dreams requires passion and ideals, and realizing dreams requires struggle and dedication." Over the years, the party members of the party branch of Zhengdian Laboratory have maintained the work spirit of pioneering and innovation, and have demonstrated the vanguard and exemplary leading role of party members with practical actions.
P4实验室由于安全要求, 实验⼈员必须穿着有点像宇航服的正压⼯作服开展⼯作,他们每次更换⾐服,佩戴通讯⼯具,经过化 学淋浴等层层消毒步骤,都要花费半⼩时。在实验室⾥,他们常常需要连续⼯作4个⼩时,甚⾄⻓达6 ⼩时,期间不能饮⻝、排泄,这对⼈的意志和体⼒是极⼤的考验。这不仅要求实验⼈员要具备熟练的 操作技能,还要具备应对各种意外情况的能⼒。除此之外,由于P4实验室的研究对象是⾼致病性病原 微⽣物,在实验室⾥,⼀旦打开了保存病毒的试管,犹如打开了潘多拉魔盒,这些病毒来⽆影去⽆ 踪,虽有各种防护措施,但仍然需要实验⼈员⼩⼼翼翼的操作,避免由于操作失误⽽造成危险。每当
Due to safety requirements in the P4 laboratory, the experimental personnel must wear positive pressure work clothes that are somewhat like spacesuits to carry out their work, and it takes half an hour for them to change their clothes, wear communication tools, and go through layers of disinfection steps such as chemical showers. In the laboratory, they often need to work for 4 hours continuously, or even up to 6 hours, during which they cannot drink or excrete, which is a great test of people's will and physical strength. This requires not only skilled operational skills, but also the ability to deal with various unexpected situations.
In addition, because the research object of the P4 laboratory is highly pathogenic microorganisms, in the laboratory, once the test tube to store the virus is opened, it is like opening a Pandora's box, these viruses come and go without a trace, although there are various protective measures, but still need to be carefully operated by the experimenter to avoid danger caused by operation errors. whenever
这时,郑店实验室党⽀部党员总是冲在第⼀线,他们⽤实际⾏动带动和感染着实验室其他⼈员。除此 之外,他们还探索建⽴各种病原的细胞、动物感染模型和模式动物,以便为科研提供科学的技术⼿段 和⼯具。 2016年,武汉遭遇特⼤暴⾬灾害,城市⼤部分地区淹⽔严重。武汉P4实验室地处江夏区郊区,⾯ 对突发的⾃然灾害,实验室党员⾸先想到的就是设备安全。⼤家冒着特⼤暴⾬驱⻋赶往实验室,由于 绝⼤多数道路积⽔不能通⾏,他们想⽅设法寻找可能的路线,此时实验室微信群俨然成为了“交通路况 播报群”,最终⼤家从⼀条从未有⼈⾛过的矮树林中穿过,到达实验室,保证了实验室的安全运⾏。
At this time, the party members of the party branch of Zhengdian Laboratory were always on the front line, and they used practical actions to drive and infect other personnel in the laboratory. In addition, they also explore the establishment of cells of various pathogens, animal infection models and model animals, so as to provide scientific and technical means and tools for scientific research.
In 2016, Wuhan was hit by heavy rainfall, and most of the city was severely flooded. Wuhan P4 laboratory is located in the suburbs of Jiangxia District, in the face of sudden natural disasters, the first thing that the party members of the laboratory think of is equipment safety. Everyone braved the heavy rainstorm to drive to the laboratory, because most of the roads were impassable, they tried to find a possible route, at this time the laboratory WeChat group became a "traffic situation broadcast group", and finally everyone passed through a low forest that no one had ever walked through and arrived at the laboratory, ensuring the safe operation of the laboratory.
这 份⽆需领导指示、⽆需制度约束的责任担当,展现了武汉P4实验室党员不畏困难,砥砺前⾏的⽆私奉 献精神。 三、开拓创新,为P4“护卫舰”保驾护航 “不要将⼯作任务看作压⼒,每⼀个任务都是你不断提升⾃我的机遇和阶梯。我们这个团队的理念 是吃亏是福,默默付出和负重前⾏终将带你⾛向能⼒的新⾼度、收获⼤家的认可和信任,这不是经济 利益可替代的。”郑店实验室党⽀部书记童骁时常对党员们这么说,也正是这种对⼯作的“尽⼼、尽 ⼒、尽职、尽责”的态度,成为了武汉P4实验室团队⼯作致胜的法宝。
This responsibility, which does not need leadership instructions and system constraints, shows the selfless dedication spirit of Wuhan P4 laboratory party members who are not afraid of difficulties and forge ahead. Third, pioneering and innovating, escorting the P4 "frigate" "Don't think of work tasks as pressure, every task is an opportunity and ladder for you to continuously improve yourself. The philosophy of our team is that suffering losses is blessing, silent efforts and carrying the weight will eventually lead you to a new height of ability, gain everyone's recognition and trust, which is not an economic benefit can be replaced. Tong Xiao, secretary of the party branch of Zhengdian Laboratory, often said this to the party members, and it is precisely this attitude of "dedication, dedication, due diligence, and responsibility" to work that has become the magic weapon for the team of Wuhan P4 laboratory to win the work.
习近平总书记强调,“关键核⼼ 技术是国之重器”。武汉P4实验室在建设伊始⾯临着⽆设备和技术标准、⽆设计和建设团队、⽆运维 经验的“三⽆”困境,经过郑店实验室党⽀部的党员带头攻坚克难、奋勇向前,最终实现了即有完善的 标准体系、有精良的运维团队、有宝贵的建设经验的“三有”。经过多年的磨练,武汉P4实验室现已建 ⽴起国内第⼀套⽣物安全四级实验室管理体系、协助中国合格评定国家认可委(CNAS)、国家卫⽣ 健康委等部⻔建⽴和完善了我国⽣物安全四级实验室的认证认可和资质评审体系。经过对进⼝设备的 消化吸收再创新,使实验室建设满⾜国内和国际标准、法国设计理念符合中国建筑要求等。
General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "key core technologies are important instruments of the country." At the beginning of its construction, Wuhan P4 Laboratory faced the dilemma of "three noes" without equipment and technical standards, no design and construction team, and no operation and maintenance experience, and through the party members of the party branch of Zhengdian Laboratory taking the lead in overcoming difficulties and moving forward bravely, it finally realized the "three haves" with a perfect standard system, a sophisticated operation and maintenance team, and valuable construction experience.
After years of tempering, Wuhan P4 Laboratory has now established the first set of biosafety level 4 laboratory management system in China, assisted the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS), the National Health Commission and other ministries to establish and improve the accreditation and qualification evaluation system of China's biosafety level 4 laboratories. Through the digestion, absorption and innovation of imported equipment, the laboratory construction meets domestic and international standards, and the French design concept meets China's architectural requirements.
例如,实 验室核⼼区域的围护结构,实验室团队通过反复测试,⽤先进的激光焊接⽅式替代了传统的胶密封⽅ 式,具有更好的⽓密性和耐久的效果,P4团队拥有该技术的⾃主知识产权;⾃主设计⾃动控制的数学 模型,达到更稳定的压差控制效果等。 ⽬前,武汉P4实验室已正式投⼊运⾏,标志着我国具有了开展⾼级别⾼致病性病原微⽣物实验活 动的能⼒和条件,中国的科研⼯作者可以在⾃⼰的实验室⾥研究世界上最危险的病原体。2018年,由 武汉P4实验室副主任⽯正丽带领团队完成的“中国 蝙蝠携带重要病毒研究”荣获国家⾃然科学奖⼆等
For example, the envelope structure of the core area of the laboratory, the laboratory team replaced the traditional glue sealing method with advanced laser welding method through repeated tests, which has better air tightness and durability, and the P4 team has independent intellectual property rights of this technology; Independently design the mathematical model of automatic control to achieve a more stable differential pressure control effect. At present, the Wuhan P4 laboratory has been officially put into operation, marking that China has the ability and conditions to carry out high-level highly pathogenic microorganism experimental activities, and Chinese scientific researchers can study the world's most dangerous pathogens in their own laboratories. In 2018, the team led by Shi Zhengli, deputy director of Wuhan P4 Laboratory, completed the "China Research on the Carrying of Important Viruses by Bats" won the second prize of the National Natural Science Award
习近平总书记指出,“P4实验室建设对中国公共卫⽣⾄关重要。”⽬前,依托武汉P4实验室团簇平 台,由中国科学院、国家卫⽣健康委、湖北省⼈⺠政府共建的⽣物安全⼤科学研究中⼼已获批筹建。 郑店实验室党⽀部将以⽣物安全⼤科学研究中⼼建设为契机,继续带领⼤家在推进我国公共卫⽣防御 体系建设和传染病防控
General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the construction of P4 laboratories is of great importance to China's public health. "At present, relying on the Wuhan P4 laboratory cluster platform, the Biosafety Big Science Research Center jointly built by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Health Commission and the Hubei Provincial People's Government has been approved for construction. The Party Branch of Zhengdian Laboratory will take the construction of the Biosecurity Big Science Research Center as an opportunity to continue to lead everyone in promoting the construction of China's public health defense system and the prevention and control of infectious diseases
There is nothing there but acknowledging these labs are dangerous and efforts to make them safer. Could an accidental release have happened there? Hell yeah. However, this not not evidence there was an accidental elease.