It’s interesting watching how Rene Girard’s Mimetic Theory and Scapegoat Mechanism play out in real life regarding COVID Origins and todays political theater over USAID.
Let’s begin with COVID Origins.
To protect those behind the Bioterrorist Attack on the World and given that Sars-Cov-2 was only a Natural Virus in certain Virologists imagination they must construct another option, which is Accidental Lab Release at WIV.
To get this theory to spread they rely on Rene Girards Mimetic Theory. In this theory Humans are simply Great Imitation Machines. We simply mimic those who have a higher social or economic standing, or politics, both in actions and thought.
For example, on social media those with high follower counts tend to be mimicked, so its desired to amplify those preaching a desired message and deboost those who deliver a contrarian message. Whoever controls Twitter, Facebook, Tik Tok, YouTube and Rumble gets to decide. Very powerful tools of conditioning.
Social Media is a great medium for mimetic spread. Of course, one can argue that the Natural Origin can make use of Mimetic Theory as well.
For those seeking to protect the Bioterrorists it matters not which side wins the popularity battle, Natural Origin and Accidental Lab Leak are both relatively harmless. In a perfect world they would prefer Natural Origin would win out but unfortunately for them China could not deliver an intermediate host. But they can live with Accidental Lab Leak.
Scapegoats are a key to getting support for both of the prevailing theories. The Lab Leakers have China/WIV, Fauci, Eco Health Alliance/Daszak, USAID/Predict to scapegoat with a fringe element also pointing to Ralph Baric. Both a desireable External Enemy (China) and for those on the Right a political enemy (left leaning Fauci/USAID). And of course anyone supporting the Natural Origin story are also are scapegoats.
The Natural Origin crowd lacks an External Enemy making it less attractive. They must rely on the Political, and anti-China, anti-science and anti-Fauci rhetoric leads them to Trump and his supporters as the scapegoats.
Seymour Hersh recently made an attempt to bring the pro-Fauci anti-Trump camp into the Lab Leakers camp by offering Trump as the scapegoat for ignoring their imaginary intelligent assets warning of an outbreak from a lab leak in November 2019
Anyways, for those who pick a side (free choice) they then mimic the top influencers for their side, happily regurgitating whatever they are fed.
As long as they can keep the Natural Origin and Lab Leakers occupied with their scapegoats and with each other and away from contemplating if this virus was deliberately released to terrorize the population the Bioterrorists can relax.
But in the back of each Lab Leakers mind is a little voice whispering to them that maybe it was deliberate. So every so often the Bioterrorists must unleash their Lab Leaker influencers to serve up another patsy or re-flog an old patsy
Now with Elon Musk and Trump going after USAID the Lab Leakers are focusing on USAID as a not so new patsy for its role with PREDICT
None of this is meant to say that Fauci, EHA-Daszak, China, Baric, USAID were not part of the Bioterrorists, just that they are designated patsies served up as scapegoats for the larger BLOB behind it all. Baric is protected, Fauci has his preemptive immunity, China is untouchable, Daszak is disposable. We will talk about USAID in a bit.
Indeed, part of the purging going on in government by the current regime, which was in charge from 2017-2020 , might be to wipe away the evidence of this crime.
As for USAID, it was created in 1961 by JFK at the direction of Congress it has done a lot of good throughout the world , helping with development and disasters. As a CIA cutout it also served as a vehicle for destabilizing governments and fomenting color revelations and facilitating US business interests. So not all good. If eliminated its activities will continue under the State Department, merging its $40 billion budget with the State Dept $60 billion budget and giving Rubio more power, and perhaps some will eventually be outsourced to NGO’s and for profit corporations. Of course, Congress is going to have to authorize it all.
USAID accounts for 2.5% of discretionary spending and much of it will still be spent regardless, maybe more given Trumps big plans over Gaza (related?).
As you know in 2009 USAID set up its PREDICT program which funded virus collection , sequencing and testing throughout the world. A fairly benign program although its viruses and sequences could no doubt be used by others for GOF work. Kind of like blaming the gun manufacturers for war. But even though PREDICT is gone Lab Leakers have decided to reflog USAID give its recent popularity amongst the political right who are celebrating its demise as another victory, although some probably never heard of it before.
USAID PREDICT was copied and privatized as Global Virome Project (GVP) in 2016 and PREDICT defunded in 2019 (good timing). The head of PREDICT (Dennis Carrol) went over to run GVP as Chairman with Daszak as Treasury Secretary. For some reason GVP disappeared and took down its website last year. Perhaps reborn as some clandestine organization.
I suppose the same fate awaits USAID, at least the profitable parts that are not absorbed by the State Department.
Of course, another State Department entity known as Global Engagement Center (GEC ) was authorized in December 2016 ostensibly to fight against propaganda from foreign governments. It was only made fully operational by Pompeo’s State Department in 2019 following his transfer from CIA to Secretary of State. It would play a large role in the governments censorship on social media during COVID in both Trumps and Bidens administration.
So the fact the State Department is going to run USAID operations should not be thought of as a big victory.
Curiously GEC was closed on December 23, 2024. Good riddance.