Russia -Ukraine War Update
How Anti-Radiation Vaccines and Genetically Modified Radiation Resistant Humans Put Nuclear War Back on the Table
I haven’t written much about the proxy war with Russia over Ukraine, simply because its a war being fought in slow motion and its hard to know whats really going on there given the lies and propaganda from both sides.
Supposedly Putins guys are about to win this great battle at Bahkmut where there are supposedly 80,000 Ukraine troops that are all but encircled yet still are supplied somehow and not easily defeated
Despite all the moaning about lack of stockpiles and Ukraine running out of weapons and men there is talk about an upcoming Ukrainian offensive. Meanwhile, 6 months after Putin mobilized an additional 300,000 troops there is no sign of an upcoming Russian offensive , while we hear about Russia mobilizing troops at the Belarus/Russian border and the border with Finland
Somehow, after almost 14 months of fighting the Ukrainians are still sitting on Donetsk’s door step. Putin seems reluctant to use his airforce in this battle and as a result many of Ukraines bridges, railroads and highways needed to supply weapons and troops to the front remain open
This strikes me like a Forever War fought for no other purpose to distract us from the Crime Against Humanity known as OPERATION COVID that has killed over 20 million people, and to feed the Military Industrial Complex to fund more adventures, and of course to further the Great Reset Agenda so they can Build Back Better
But what do I know. I am not a Military guy and no expert on War, but I can look at a map, and I don’t see any progress.
The Russiaphiles tell us Putin is making mincemeat of the Ukranian forces who are running out of weapons and men and will soon collapse as quickly as the WTC Towers sudden collapse due to fires. Never bought the story of the fires taking down the Towers and I don’t buy the idea that a victory in Bahkmut , which is basically just rubble at this point, will bring down Ukraine.
If Putin wont use his Air force because he cant risk losing a few planes and put a million boots on the ground, or at least double or triple what he has committed, he is never defeating Ukraine.
Indeed, he is setting himself up for a catastrophic reversal where he may be forced to use tactical nuclear weapons which will open the door to further escalation and maybe direct NATO intervention. But what do I know? Nothing.
So none of this is post is worthy by itself, just idle musings by a no-nothing.
Russell Tex Bentley has similar fears. An American living and fighting in the Donbas for 8 years, so maybe his proximity to the action and his fear of being “filtrated” should Ukraine get the upper hand has him over reacting, I don’t know. I’ll let you decide.
Some excerpts from his oped
The original attack plan, scheduled for the first week of March, 2022, for a decisive Ukrainian victory over the DPR/LPR/Crimea was to begin with a concentrated assault on the major cities of the Republics - Lugansk, Gorlovka and Donetsk/Makeevka. That plan has been postponed by the SMO, but it has not been abandoned or forgotten.
Russia's lack of military progress, the fact that after a year of heavy fighting, the UAF/NATO military positions near these cities are effectively in the same place they were a year ago, in the same positions the original offensive was planned to be launched from, is almost an invitation for them to try again.
.....Ukraine currently has a reserve force of 200,000 troops, in theater, and ready for action. The number of Russian troops in the Donbas theater of operations is not known, but what is known is that Russian forces have also suffered heavy casualties over the last year, and it does not appear that the reserve troops raised are actually in the conflict zone, ready for action.
If UAF/NATO counter-attacks from Bakmut or Ugledar, or towards Melitopol or Berdyansk, what are the military advantages? Very little, if any. The first two are empty cities razed to rubble, the second two are over 100 Km from the current UAF/NATO positions on the Zaporozhia Front, across open and empty enemy territory, with UAF/NATO assault groups and re-supply columns open to attack from both sides along the entire route. A frontal attack on the Bakmut or Ugledar Fronts gain the UAF/NATO nothing of military value
But if the 80,000 UAF/NATO troops around Bakmut suddenly withdraw to Konstantinivka, giving a "victory" to Russian Forces attacking Bakmut, which move in to take the empty pile of rubble, the ukrop troops are free to move south along the Ukrainian-controlled T0304 and T0516 highways, and by the time they reach the front line RF/DPR positions, they are literally 7 Km ( 5 miles) from the city center of Gorlovka. If half the 80,000 troops from Bakmut area move on Gorlovka, they will certainly break the Gorlovka Front (barring Russian use of tactical nukes) and be able to move into the city.
If the other 40,000 troops move down the H20 Highway, (which is also under UAF/NATO control and mostly out of range of Russian artillery) they can break the northern pincer of the Russian attack on Avdeevka and simultaneously attack Yasynuvata, and moving south behind the Front, split Makeevka and Donetsk.
Factor in the artillery in and behind Avdeevka, and the UAF troops concentrated around Ugledar making a sudden shift to Mariinka, about 15 miles (24 Km) north and all the major DPR cities suddenly, in a matter of a day or two, find themselves facing another 100,000 to 200,000 combat-ready troops, in addition to the thousands already there, right on their doorstep, if not actually within their city limits.
If a UAF/NATO assault force is able to advance a mere 15 Km (9 miles) forward from their present positions on the city limits of Donetsk/Makeevka and Gorlovka, they will literally be in the center of these cities, surrounded by well over a million Russian civilian human shields, which negates Russia's main military advantages - air, missile and artillery power. Occupying these cities also gives the invaders the opportunity to loot food, water, fuel, housing and other resources that do not exist in razed cities or open terrain, and do not have to be transported forward or even paid for.
Furthermore, an attack on the main cities would immediately trigger a mass exodus of refugees towards the Russian border, which would cause instant gridlock, paralyzing the roads between the cities and border in both directions.
The instant gridlock would make Russian reinforcements from the Southern Military District in and around Rostov, Taganarog or Sambek extremely slow and difficult, if not impossible. And whatever Russian reinforcements did arrive to defend the cities, would arrive after a more than 100 Km road march across open country, undoubtedly under fire, only to arrive and have to go directly into combat against an already ensconced enemy, dispersed throughout a built-up urban area filled with friendly civilian human shields.
On March 23rd, it was reported by EurAsia Daily and others that Taiwan has already delivered «almost 1,000» drones to Ukraine that were not only capable of dropping bombs, but were also programmed to function as a swarm, and interact autonomously with each other. UAF terrorists have already posted multiple videos of their production and use of chemical weapons, including one which filmed two Russian soldiers being killed by poison gas.
Now, imagine a thousand, or even a hundred, drones swarming across the Front and into a major city full of civilians. If even a few civilians or soldiers were killed by poison gas, how long do you think it would be before videos of them convulsing and choking to death in the streets got on social media and panic starts? Ukrop media says the drones will be used to sow panic, "in Crimea", but there are no major population centers within drone range in Crimea. But Donetsk/Makeevka and Gorlovka are literally on the front lines, and heavily populated.
Russia must immediately, fully and permanently prevent the movement of troops and weapons from the West to the Donbas Front. The primary method of transport for these troops and weapons is by rail, on railroad bridges across the Dnieper River. There are 40 bridges that cross the Dnieper River in Ukraine, 12 of which are operational railroad bridges. To destroy some or all of these rail bridges (which should have been done in the first few days of the SMO) will severely degrade the ability of UAF/NATO forces to rotate, reinforce and resupply the nazis attacking the Donbas Front.
There are 12 rail bridges across the Dnieper in Ukraine, none of which could remain operational after a strike by 18 satellite-guided bombs of 1,100 pounds each. Russia had at least 63 TU-22M's in service in 2018, it probably has more today. Do the math.
Yes, major airstrikes on bridges in central Ukraine would entail some serious risks, and the loss of some aircraft is almost a certainty.
The Russians may suffer significant losses of their air force in an air raid on the Dnieper rail bridges, but the alternative is to lose the war, and suffer a devastating and humiliating defeat.
Food for thought.
I am not rooting for any side here. I understand the reason for Russias invasion which I have written on, and hoped it would be over with quickly. That didn’t happen.
And here
The longer it goes on the greater risk for escalation. Unlike the US , Russia and China don’t have thousands of miles of ocean and protecting them from their nearest enemies bases. They cant just go home when things don’t work out as planned. If threatened to a sufficient degree, where loss of sovereignty or a first strike by the enemy becomes possible or likely, they have only 1 card to play, and that card is nuclear. They also have hypersonic missile delivery systems
A caged animal will fight.
Unfortunately the nutters in the Military today now think they can win a Nuclear War. The ghost of Herman Khan is dancing in joy somewhere .
Herman Kahn inspired film-maker Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964). In 1960, Khan published a book called On Thermonuclear War where he proposed the idea of a Doomsday Machine, a stay-at-home nuclear weapon that, since it did not have to be delivered, could be made immensely large and totally destructive.
If set to go off automatically at the advent of a nuclear attack, and if programmed to do so regardless of human intervention, such a Doomsday Device would serve as the ultimate deterrent, because no one would dare start a nuclear war, since the result would be the destruction of the entire planet.
Kubrick read On Thermonuclear War, realized that the military strategy expressed there was totally insane, and set out to make a movie lampooning the policy of what was then called "mutually assured destruction
I actually prefer “mutually assured destruction” policy over trying to win a preemptive or otherwise nuclear war.
Russia actually has a similar system we call the Dead Hand but Russia calls it the Perimeter
Perimeter would guarantee that the Soviet Union (and now, Russia) could respond even if its entire armed forces were wiped out.
Once switched on, the Perimeter system can launch the entire Russian nuclear arsenal in response to a nuclear attack. It was part of the Cold War doctrine of mutually assured destruction, a means of deterring nuclear attacks by ensuring the side who initiated a first strike also would be annihilated.
Called "Dead Hand" in the West, the theory is that a command and control system measures communications on military frequencies, radiation levels, air pressure, heat and short-term seismic disturbances. If the measurement points to a nuclear attack, the Perimeter begins a sequence that would end in the firing of all ICBMs in the Soviet (now, Russian) arsenal.
This would scare the hell out of me if I did not believe many of these conflicts are just Fake Wrestling and that the ELites in charge of every government do not have a suicide wish. So it cant happen if my hypothesis is correct.
However, whats giving me pause for thought is I thought what if they have a vaccine for nuclear radiation?
And sure enough Google says they are working on it
Here is a crazy thought for fellow anti-vaxxers, what if COVID and Covid Vaccines are just a cover to deliver Anti-Radiation Vaccine to the compliant population so as to weed out the freethinking rebellious members of society?. Start a nuclear war, and rid the world of us leaving behind the obedient class who will not protest when the Digital Gulag is rolled out . Damn😳
Here is another one
The Chinese team said it had found a way to introduce this gene into human DNA using CRISPR/Cas9, a gene-editing tool now available in most bio-labs.
To increase the chance of humans surviving an apocalyptic event, the modified cells could be implemented into bone marrow to generate new blood cells with resistance to radiation, according to their paper.
The Pentagon might be 20 years ahead of this. Or maybe not.
So….Hmmm. I need to rethink this one. That could be a game changer and makes their insanity more like evil genius.
2019- War Game simulating a Russia Invasion of Ukraine with NATO getting sucked in. 1 billion dead.
They certainly seem to be planning it out.