Russia Gate Insanity
So the Durham Report has those on the Right salivating, proving once again Russia Gate was a big hoax. Unfortunately they cant see beyond the lenses of the 2 party paradigm
I won’t be sending this out by Email because Politics and Trump Worshipping has become a Religion. If you stumble along this anyways , proceed at your peril
Russia Gate was the key to getting support for and building the Censorship Industrial Complex. Much of the infrastructure (not all) was built during the Trump Administration with the State Departments Global Engagement Center (authorized December 2016 on the heels of the Election) but only became a force under Pompeo after 2018
CISA under the DHS was established in 2018 for similar reasons, to combat disinformation from Foreign Actors like Russia while the FBI was declaring Conspiracy Theories as Threatd
Both were prominent in Taibbi’s Twitter Files
This led to the CISA backed Election Integrity Project and Project Virality covered by Mike Benz
The article linked below covers the vast web of the Censorship Industrial Complex , a vast public private network built up with the fuel given provided by Russia Gate.
So was Trump a victim as many on the right claim? I like to think of him as a patsy, perhaps an unwitting victim or more likely in my mind the guy who plays the Heel in a Fake Wrestling Match. Nobody has perfected the art of Kayfabe as well as Trump who used to be a big WWF promoter in his Casino Days . This was after buying the CIA connected Resort International and before being bailed out of bankruptcy by the Rothschilds and Wall Street Giants
Indeed shortly after buying Resort International Trump went to Moscow looking he says to expand his empire. Upon his return he considered running for President and began an ad campaign. This was about the time he began palling around with Epstein, whom we know was likely an intelligent asset.
Consider that Trump was the perfect guy to be a patsy for Russia Gate. After all, he had numerous connections to Russians via their money laundering in Real Estate and his Bayrock partnership. Little Odessa was in his backyard, and then there was Jared Kushners connections to Russian Oligarchs and Putins Rabbi.
Also, Trump has a strange fascination for women of Eastern European descent which were under the Kremlin Umbrella
It wouldn’t take much for the Freedom of Speech Left (at the time) to swallow that Trump was a Putin Puppet, and they did. Of course Trump was never a Putin Puppet, but he was a Puppet.
The question is who is pulling Trumps strings. I have thought for a long while that Trump is the Globalists or Deep States Trojan Horse.
The proof that he is lies in the performance of his Administration while he was POTUS, and with the Swampish creatures he appointed.
But nobody wants to talk about his record.
I can’t even imagine the Cognitive Dissonance required for those opposed to Operation COVID to support Trump. They have my sympathy. Lost causes.
Mass Formation Psychosis has engulfed many on the Left and Right. Once in its hard to escape.
Here is an example, this dope here.
Imagine an American hoping the country defaults on its debt obligations. The same party which sat back while new money was created in amounts equal to 30% of all the money that was created in over 100 years, while exploding the debt from 20 trillion to 28 trillion, and expanding the military budget each year . Now it wants to default so as to stop spending, just as the dollars eventual replacement (FedNOW ) is about to roll out