From a variety of sources, such as Whitney Webb (Unlimited Hangout), David Livingstone (Ordo ab Chao ) ,Russ Baker (Family of Secrets) , Sterling Seagrave (Gold Warrior) Cheri Seymour (The Last Circle), Heidner (Collateral Damage) etc. Question Everything.
1989-Tiananmen Square slaughter. hours after the tanks rolled in, former president Richard Nixon called President George H.W. Bush and urged him not to let the episode derail the bilateral relationship. Unlike Kissinger, Nixon at least described the Tiananmen Square slaughter as “deplorable,” though he stressed that the United States needed to “take a look at the long haul.”
Bush agreed and emphasized that while he would have to impose some economic sanctions and put the relationship on hold for a while, he would not recall Ambassador James Lilly from Beijing.
As such Most Favored Nation (MFN) status was maintained and trade continued with little interruption . Foreign investment to spur Chinas economic growth would explode in the coming years.
1989-Operation cyclone ended with Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan
1989- The Senate Foreign Relations Committee concluded that “senior U.S. policy makers were not immune to the idea that drug money was a perfect solution to the Contras’ funding problems.”
The congressional report, known as the Tower Commission (nicknamed from Texas Senator John Tower) went on to say that “the Contra drug links included … payments to drug traffickers by the U.S. State Department of funds authorized by the Congress for humanitarian assistance to the Contras, in some cases after the traffickers had been indicted by federal law enforcement agencies on drug charges, in others while traffickers were under active investigation by these same agencies.”
Former DEA agents testified that drug trafficking was conducted with full knowledge of the CIA. The agents further alleged that investigations were hindered by U.S. government agencies.
Once again, congressional inquiries found alarming criminal evidence against this surging power in the Intelligence Community
1989-FICO introduced the FICO Score . The FICO score has since become the de facto measure for measuring an individual's creditworthiness, with 90% of top lenders using it to make billions of credit-related decisions each year.
1989-The Carlyle Group was created by Frank Carlucci with A coterie officials from the CIA, the State Department . He was Reagans Defense Secretary and deputy CIA Director under Carter
He had the mission of cleaning up after the Iran-Contra affair in the Reagan administration, and according to those involved, allowed four of the five supply operations to continue while declaring the “unnecessary expense.’ If anyone suspected a ‘covert ops program’ was under way, no one reported their suspicion. In retrospect, that seems to have been the case.
This was in January of 1989, the same year when George H.W. Bush was placing key National Security assets in Riggs Bank, and starting the Riggs-Valmet financial penetration of the Soviet Union.
In a world where it is common for departing senior officials to enter the revolving door between government and the private sector, the practice of being accompanied by a “phalanx of CIA and Pentagon staffers” is not common, especially when joining a company that has not been financially successful in the prior years. This should have been even more so suspicious in Carlyle, where co- founder Bill Conway had a notorious reputation of being extremely harsh on
Under Carlucci, Carlyle’s first Defense industry acquisition was a defense consulting company known as BDM, in September 1990. BDM was the company used by the Iran Contra CIA operation to move illegal weapons between the Israelis and Nicaraguan Contras. It was also a major contractor in the world of “Black Projects” whose budgets remain secret for the benefit of National Security.
The world was witnessing the endof the Cold War at that time, and the stock values of Defense firms were dropping across the board. However, the Carlyle Group chose as its first acquisition, a trusted firm with the capability of discretely conducting illegal activity.
1989 Maxwell and Charles Bronfman partnered up to bid on the Jerusalem Post newspaper and the Post described the two men as “two of the world’s leading Jewish financiers” and their interest in the venture as “developing The Jerusalem Post and expanding its influence among world Jewry.”
A year prior, Maxwell and Bronfman had become top shareholders in the Israeli pharmaceutical company Teva.
1989-After having left his job as an ABC News correspondent in the 1980s, Craig Spence found success as a prominent conservative Washington lobbyist.
Spence would soon find his fortunes shift dramatically when, in June 1989, it was revealed that he had been pimping out children to the power elite in the nation’s capital throughout the 1980s in apartments that were bugged with video and audio recording equipment.
Much like Jeffrey Epstein, who ran a similar operation, Spence was often likened to Jay Gatsby, the mysterious, wealthy figure from the well-known Fitzgerald novel The Great Gatsby.
A1982 New York Times article written about Spence said that his “personal phone book and party guest lists constitute a ‘Who’s Who’ in Congress, Government and journalism” and stated that Spence was “hired by his clients as much for whom he knows as what he knows.”
Spence was also known to throw lavish parties, which the Times described as “glitter[ed] with notables, from ambassadors to television stars, from senators to senior State Department officials.”
Roy Cohn, William Casey and Roy Cohn’s journalist friend William Safire were just some of the other attendees at Spence’s festivities.
“According to Mr. Spence,” the Times article continues, “Richard Nixon is a friend. So is [former Attorney General under Nixon] John Mitchell. [CBS journalist] Eric Sevareid is termed ‘an old, dear friend.’ Senator John Glenn is ‘a good friend’ and Peter Ustinov [British actor and journalist] is ‘an old, old friend.’”
Notably, Ustinov wrote for The European newspaper soon after it was founded in 1990 by Robert Maxwell, the father of Epstein’s alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell and a known Mossad agent.
It was revealed just seven years after the Times’ published its doting profile of Spence that his “glittery parties for key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, media stars and top military officers” had been bugged in order “to compromise guests.”
According to the explosive report published by the Washington Times, Spence was linked to a “homosexual prostuition ring” whose clients included “government officials, locally based U.S. military officers, businessmen, lawyers, bankers, congressional aides, media representatives and other professionals.” Spence also offered cocaine to his guests as another means of acquiring blackmail.
According to the report, Spence’s home “was bugged and had a secret two-way mirror, and … he attempted to ensnare visitors into compromising sexual encounters that he could then use as leverage.”
One man who spoke to the Washington Times said that Spence sent a limousine to his home, which took him to a party where “several young men tried to become friendly with him.”
According to DeCamp, Spence was known to offer young children for sex to attendees at his blackmail parties, along with illegal drugs like cocaine.
The report also documented Spence’s connections to U.S. intelligence, particularly the CIA. According to the Washington Times report, Spence “often boasted that he was working for the CIA and on one occasion said he was going to disappear for awhile ‘because he had an important CIA assignment.’”
He was also quite paranoid about his alleged work for the agency, as he expressed concern “that the CIA might ‘doublecross him’ and kill him instead and then make it look like a suicide.” Not long after the Washington Times report on his activities was published, Spence was found dead in the Boston Ritz Carlton and his death was quickly ruled a suicide.
The Washington Times report also offers a clue as to what Spence may have done for the CIA, as it cited sources that had claimed that Spence had spoken of smuggling cocaine into the U.S. from El Salvador, an operation that he claimed had involved U.S. military personnel.
Given the timing of these comments from Spence, Spence’s powerful connections, and the CIA’s involvement in the exchange of cocaine for weapons in the Iran Contra scandal, his comments may have been much more than just boasts intended to impress his party guests.
One of the most critical parts of the scandal surrounding Spence, however, was the fact that he had been able to enter the White House late at night during the George H.W. Bush administration with young men whom the Washington Times described as “call boys.
Spence later stated that his contacts within the White House, which allowed him and his “call boys” access, were “top level” officials and he specifically singled out George H.W. Bush’s then-National Security Advisor Donald Gregg.
Gregg had worked at the CIA since 1951 before he resigned in 1982 to become National Security Advisor to Bush, who was then vice president.
Prior to resigning from his post at the CIA, Gregg had worked directly under William Casey and, in the late 1970s, alongside a young William Barr in stonewalling the congressional Pike Committee and Church Committee, which investigated the CIA beginning in 1975.
Among the things that they were tasked with investigating were the CIA’s “love traps,”or sexual blackmail operations used to lure foreign diplomats to bugged apartments, complete with recording equipment and two-way mirrors.
Barr would later become Bush’s Attorney General, rising to that post yet again under Trump.
Furthermore, Barr’s father worked for the precursor to the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and recruited a young Jeffrey Epstein, then a high school drop-out, to teach at the elite Dalton School, from which Epstein was later fired.
A year prior to hiring Epstein, Donald Barr published a science fiction fantasy novel about sex slavery. Notably, the same year Donald Barr hired Epstein, his son was working for the CIA. Bill Barr has refused calls to recuse himself from the Epstein case, even though he worked at the same law firm that has represented Epstein in the past.
Donald Gregg is also connected to Roy Cohn’s “influence machine” throughhis daughter’s marriage to Christopher Buckley, the son of conservative journalist William Buckley, close confidant and friend of both Roy Cohn and Cohn’s law partner Tom Bolan.
One of the Times’ sources for its first story on the scandal alleged that he had attended a birthday party for Roy Cohn that Spence had hosted at his home and that CIA Director William Casey was also in attendance.
1989-Leslie “Les” Wexner, the other Mega Group co-founder, also has ties to organized crime. Wexner’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein have come under scrutiny following the latter’s recent arrest, as Wexner was the only publicly acknowledged client of Epstein’s suspicious hedge fund, the source of much of this wealth, and the previous owner of Epstein’s $56 million Manhattan townhouse, which Wexner transferred to an Epstein-controlled entity for free.
Before Epstein received the townhouse, Wexner appears to have used the residence for some unconventional purposes, noted in a 1996 New York Times article on the then-Wexner-owned residence, which included “a bathroom reminiscent of James Bond movies: hidden beneath a stairway, lined with lead to provide shelter from attack and supplied with closed-circuit television screens and a telephone, both concealed in a cabinet beneath the sink.”
The Times article does not speculate as to the purpose of this equipment, though the allusion to famous fictional superspy James Bond suggests that it may have been used to snoop on guests or conduct electronic surveillance.
The 1996 Times article also noted that, after Wexner bought the residence for $13.2 million in 1989, he spent millions more decorating and furnishing the home, including the addition of the electronic equipment in the “James Bond” bathroom, only to apparently never live in it.
The Times, which interviewed Epstein for the piece, quoted him as saying that “Les never spent more than two months there.” Epstein told the Times, which identified Epstein as Wexner’s “protege and one of his financial advisers,” that the house, by that time, already belonged to him.
That same year, Epstein was commissioning artwork for Wexner’s Ohio mansion
As to Wexner’s alleged links to organized crime, the report focuses on the close business relationship between Wexner’s The Limited and Francis Walsh, whose trucking company “[had] done an excess of 90 percent of the Limited’s trucking business around the time of Shapiro’s murder,” according to the report.
Walsh was named in a 1988 indictment ss a “co-conspirator” of Genovese crime family boss Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno, whose long-time lawyer was Roy Cohn; and the Shapiro murder report stated that Walsh was “still considered associates of the Genovese/LaRocca crime family, and Walsh was still providing truck transportation for The Limited.”
Notably, the Genovese crime family has long formed a key part of the National Crime Syndicate, as its former head, Charles “Lucky” Luciano, co-created the criminal organization with his close friend Meyer Lansky. Upon Luciano’s imprisonment and subsequent deportation from the United States, Lansky took over the syndicate’s U.S. operations and his association with Luciano’s successors continued until Lansky’s death in 1983
1989- December , Bush ordered the U.S.bombing and invasion of Panama, killing thousands. Panamanian Gen. Manuel Noriega, who knew the dirtiest drug-pushing secrets of BCCI, Bush, and North, was kidnapped and imprisoned in Florida.
Barr, as the head of the OLC, justified the U.S. invasion of Panama to arrest Manuel Noriega.
1989-Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act .
It promised $157 billion eventually to save the thrift industry, but it offered only $50 billion at the moment; this was supposed to dispose of 500 to 700 ailing thrifts over the next six years.
It was a stupidly unrealistic estimate because it understated the level of inflation in the economy, understated interest rates, projected no recession or economic downturn whatsoever and projected a 7 percent growth in thrift deposits when they were actually dropping by 9 percent.
Worst of all, with only $50 billion available, the program would start out $20 billion in the hole because Danny Wall, it turned out, had secretly promised $70 billion in “assistance” to those lucky guys who had taken thrifts off his hands under the Southwest Plan.
Not to bore you with all the bureaucratic reshuffling that took place with the new legislation, let it be noted that the bank board was killed, the F.S.L.I.C. was absorbed into the F.D.I.C., Danny Wall eventually resigned and William Seidman, who as head of the F.D.I.C. had proved himself a master manipulator of press and Congress, was put in charge of a new piece of bureaucratic bric-a-brac called the Resolution Trust Corporation.
The R.T.C. would control the cleanup and sell-off of the S&Ls and their assets. R.T.C. created an even bigger giveaway than the Southwest Plan of Wall’s era. Nor should you be surprised at the identity of some of the sharks circling the R.T.C. meat.
ABC News economics reporter Stephen Aug found that “some of the best-known names in finance are waiting for the government to start selling.”
Edward Furash, a well-known bank adviser, said , “There’s a small army of investors and lawyers and consultants and people who’ve been in government…who see this as the next best thing to the Oklahoma landrush.”
Martin, whose Wespar Financial Services has snapped up several S&Ls, said the method of exploitation is easy as pie. What you do, he explained, is manage the rescued S&Ls conservatively for five years or so, raking in up to 20 percent profit a year, and “at the end of that time” you sell out to a “commercial bank holding company” or to a “group of investors from Japan.”
Reagan was right. It was a Jackpot.
1989-The revelation of Craig Spence’s “call boy ring” soon led to the discovery of the infamous Franklin child sex abuse and ritual murder scandal.
That sordid operation was run out of Omaha, Nebraska by Larry King, a prominent local Republican activist and lobbyist who ran the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union until it was shut down by federal authorities.
Buried in a May 1989 article in the Omaha World Herald’s probe into King’s Credit Union and sex ring, is a telling revelation: “In the 61/2 months since federal authorities closed Franklin, rumors have persisted that money from the credit union somehow found its way to the Nicaraguan contra rebels.”
The possibility that King’s fraudulent credit union was covertly funding the Contras was supported bysubsequent reporting by the Houston Post’s Pete Brewton, who discovered that the CIA, in conjunction with organized crime, had secretly borrowed money from various savings and loans (S&L) institutions to fund covert operations.
One of those S&Ls had Neil Bush, George H.W. Bush’s son, on its board and it had done business with King’s organization.
Another link between King and the Iran Contra team is the fact that Kinghad co-founded and subsequently donated over $25,000to an organization affiliated with the Reagan administration, Citizens for America, which sponsored speaking trips for Lt. Col. Oliver North and Contra leaders.
One of the investigative journalists who researched the Craig Spence ringlater told DeCamp that Spence’s ring was connected to King:
The way we discovered Larry King and his Nebraska-based call boy ring, was by looking through the credit card chits of Spence’s ring, where we found King’s name.”
It was later revealedthat King and Spence were essentially business partners as their child trafficking rings were operated under a larger group that was nicknamed “Bodies by God.”
Exactly how many groups operated under this umbrella group, “Bodies by God,” is unknown. Yet, what is known is that the rings run by both King and Spence were connected to each other and both were also connected to prominent officials in the Reagan and subsequent George H.W. Bush administrations, including officials with ties to the CIA and Roy Cohn and his network.
It is also worth noting the role of the FBI in all of this, particularly in the Franklin child sex abuse scandal. Indeed, Larry King’s child sex abuse ring wasquickly and aggressively covered up by the FBI, which used a variety of under-handed tactics to bury the reality of King’s sordid operation.
On Feb. 5, 1999, in U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, an extraordinary hearing occurred in Paul A. Bonacci v. Lawrence E. King, a civil action in which the plaintiff charged that he had been ritualistically abused by the defendant, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring linked to powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment.
Three weeks later, on Feb. 27, Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King, who is currently in Federal prison, to pay $1 million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci's attorney John DeCamp said was a clear signal that "the evidence presented was credible."
During the Feb. 5 hearing, Noreen Gosch stunned the court with sworn testimony linking U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide pedophile ring.
"Well, then there was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He's founded the Temple of Set. And he was a close friend of Anton LaVey (founded Church of Satan) .
"I know that Michael Aquino has been in Iowa. I know that Michael Aquino has been to Offutt Air Force Base [a Strategic Air Command base, near Omaha, which was linked to King's activities]. I know that he has had contact with many of these children."
A second witness who testified at the Feb. 5 hearing, Rusty Nelson, was King's personal photographer.
He later described another incident which linked King to Aquino, while the Army special forces officer was still on active reserve duty. Some time in the late 1980s, Nelson was with King at a posh hotel in downtown Minneapolis, when he personally saw King turn over a suitcase full of cash and bearer-bonds to "the Colonel," whom he later positively identified as Aquino.
According to Nelson, King told him that the suitcase of cash and bonds was earmarked for the Nicaraguan Contras, and that "the Colonel" was part of the covert Contra support apparatus, otherwise associated with Lt. Col. Oliver North, Vice President George Bush, and the "secret parallel government" that they ran from the White House.
Aquino was also a prime suspect in a series of pedophile scandals involving the sexual abuse of hundreds of children, including the children of military personnel serving at the Presidio U.S. Army station in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Furthermore, even as Aquino was being investigated by Army Criminal Investigation Division officers for involvement in the pedophile cases, he retained highest-level security clearances, and was involved in pioneering work in military psychological operations ("psy-ops").
1989, Donald Trump spent time on Robert Maxwell's yacht. Robert Maxwell was the Israeli spy also known as Abraham Hoch.
Robert Maxwell was the father of Ghislaine Maxwell, who reportedly supplied young girls to Jeffrey Epstein.
When Maxwell wasn't making hundreds of millions hocking Israels pirated and bugged version of Bill Hamilton’s PROMIS software to intelligence agencies, governments, and criminals around the world - even penetrating the Unites States' most secure nuclear installation, Sandia National Laboratories - Maxwell was helping Jewish-Soviet mob bosses like Simeon Mogilevich launder money ..."
1990-In January , Harken, which had never drilled overseas or in offshore waters, came out of nowhere and beat the oil giant Amoco for the rights to drill in the offshore waters of the Persian Gulf island nation Bahrain.
In April, Bush signed a “lockup” letter requested by underwriters of a planned public stock sale, pledging not to sell his shares for six months after a proposed public offering.
Nevertheless, two months later, he cashed out his Harken shares for nearly $850,000. This transaction enabled him to cover a loan he earlier used to join a group in purchasing the Texas Rangers baseball team
A week after Bush sold his stock (and the day a largely favorable Forbes magazine profile of the company appeared), Harken announced a second-quarter loss of $23.2 million. The stock plunged 20 percent.
Six weeks after Bush sold his shares, the plans to begin exploratory drilling off Bahrain got a jolt. On August 2, Iraq invaded Kuwait over disputed oil lands.
Eight months would pass before W. filed the required forms. Bush claimed at the time that the SEC had lost his original filing;
1990-Meanwhile, after the Wall fell, Putin moved back to Leningrad and continued with the KGB, while keeping a low profile.
July 1990: Despite being on a US terrorist watch list for three years, radical Muslim leader Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman enters the US on a “much-disputed” tourist visa issued by an undercover CIA agent.
Abdul-Rahman was heavily involved with the CIA and Pakistani ISI efforts to defeat the Soviets in Afghanistan, and became famous traveling all over the world for five years recruiting new fighters for the Afghan war. The CIA gave him visas to come to the US starting in 1986
However, he never hid his prime goals to overthrow the governments of the US and Egypt.
FBI agent Tommy Corrigan will later say that prior to Abdul-Rahman’s arrival, “terrorism for all intents and purposes didn’t exist in the United States. But [his] arrival in 1990 really stoke the flames of terrorism in this country.
A mentor to bin Laden, he was involved with the MAK over in Pakistan.” The charity front Maktab al-Khidamat (MAK) is also known as Al-Kifah, and it has a branch in Brooklyn known as the Al-Kifah Refugee Center.
The head of that branch, Mustafa Shalabi, picks up Abdul-Rahman at the airport when he first arrives and finds an apartment for him. Abdul-Rahman soon begins preaching at Al Farouq mosque, which is in the same building as the Al-Kifah office, plus two other locals mosques, Abu Bakr and Al Salaam.
He quickly turns Al-Kifah into his “de facto headquarters.” He is “infamous throughout the Arab world for his alleged role in the assassination of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat.” Abdul-Rahman immediately begins setting up a militant Islamic network in the US.
He is believed to have befriended bin Laden while in Afghanistan, and bin Laden secretly pays Abdul-Rahman’s US living expenses.
For the next two years, Abdul-Rahman will continue to exit and reenter the US without being stopped or deported, even though he is still on the watch list .
1990-All told at least twenty-two of the failed S & L's can be tied to joint money laundering ventures by the CIA and organized crime figures .
If the savings and loan scandals of the 1980s reveal anything, they demonstrate what has often been stated as a maxim in organized crime research: that corruption linking government, business, and syndicates is the reality of the day-to-day organization of crime. Investigations of organized crime in the United States, Europe, and Asia have all uncovered organized crime networks operating with virtual immunity from law enforcement and prosecution.
1990 the MCI-IBM consortium, with approval from NSF, split into two corporate entities: a nonprofit called Advanced Network Services and a for-profit confusingly named ANS CO+RE Systems..
More fundamentally, it allowed a corporate entity with a direct stake in the business of computer networking to privatize a government asset without doing so explicitly.
This public-private flip was not announced to the public, and it was also hidden from other NSFNET providers. When they finally discovered the existence of this sly deal a year later, they raised alarm and accused the agency of privatizing the network to a favored corporate insider.
Built and sustained with government funds, the network spanned the width of the United States and had connections to more than thirty other countries. Regional networks, on the other hand, were smaller, usually restricted to geographic areas like Greater New York, the Midwest, or northern California.
Those that expanded into the national commercial market could not route commercial traffic through the NSFNET backbone but had to build their own private networks without government funding.
1990- Rothschild employee Wilbur Ross and billionaire Carl Icahn saved Trump in 1990-91 from tipping over the brink of financial disaster. Together, the two men rescued one of Trump’s Atlantic City casinos, the Taj Mahal, from foreclosure after Trump had missed an interest payment on bonds. Ross would later acknowledge the importance of his handiwork to the New York Post.
“We could have foreclosed [on the Trump Taj Mahal], and he would have been gone,” Ross told the paper last year. Trump was allowed to keep a 25-percent share of the Taj. The bondholders took half. And as the Post reported, “To outsiders it seemed Trump was still running the casino.”
In the late 1970s, Ross began 24 years at the New York City office of N.M. Rothschild & Sons, where he ran the bankruptcy-restructuring advisory practice. Along with Carl Icahn, Ross convinced bondholders to strike a deal with Trump that allowed Trump to keep control of the casinos.
By the mid-1990s, Ross was a prominent figure in New York Democratic Party politics and had caught the attention President Bill Clinton who appointed him to lead the U.S.-Russia Investment Fund.
1990- Kuwait had been a close ally of Iraq, and a top financier of the Iraqi invasion of Iran in 1980
Saddam Hussein felt that Kuwait should forgive part of his regime’s war debt because he had halted the “expansionist plans of Iranian interests” not only on behalf of his own country, but in defense of the other Gulf Arab states as well.
After an oil glut knocked out about two-thirds of the value of a barrel of crude oil between 1980 and 1986, Iraq appealed to OPEC to limit crude oil production in order to raise prices — with oil as low as $10 per barrel, the government was struggling to pay its debts.
But Kuwait not only resisted those efforts — and asked OPEC to increase its quotas by 50 percent instead — for much of the 1980s it also had maintained its own production well above OPEC’s mandatory quota.
According to a study by energy economist Mamdouh Salameh, “between 1985 and 1989, Iraq lost US$14 billion a year due to Kuwait’s oil price strategy,” and “Kuwait’s refusal to decrease its oil production was viewed by Iraq as an act of aggression against it.”
There were additional disputes between the two countries centering on Kuwait’s exploitation of the Rumaila oil fields, which straddled the border between the two countries. Kuwait was accused of using a technique known as “slant-drilling” to siphon off oil from the Iraqi side.
George HW Bush told the public that Iraq’s invasion was “without provocation or warning,” and that “there is no justification whatsoever for this outrageous and brutal act of aggression.”
Saddam reportedly decided on war sometime in July 1990, but before sending his army into Kuwait, he approached the United States to find out how it would react.”
In a now famous interview with the Iraqi leader, U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie told Saddam, “[W]e have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.”
The U.S. State Department had earlier told Saddam that Washington had “no special defense or security commitments to Kuwait.” The United States may not have intended to give Iraq a green light, but that is effectively what it did.
Only a few weeks before the invasion, Amnesty International accused the Kuwaiti government of jailing dozens of dissidents and torturing them without trial. On August 2nd Iraq invaded Kuwait
Bush deployed troops to the Gulf in August 1990 claiming that Iraqs troops were amassing at Saudi Arabias border “I took this action to assist the Saudi Arabian Government in the defense of its homeland.”
Jean Heller of the St. Petersburg Times obtained two commercial satellite images of the area taken at the exact same time that American intelligence supposedly had found Saddam’s huge and menacing army and found nothing there but empty desert.
A hearing held by the Congressional Human Rights Caucus in October 1990 played a major role in making the case for war.
A young woman who gave only her first name, Nayira, testified that she had been a volunteer at Kuwait’s al-Adan hospital, where she had seen Iraqi troops rip scores of babies out of incubators, leaving them “to die on the cold floor.” Between tears, she described the incident as “horrifying.”
Seven US senators cited her testimony in speeches urging Americans to support the war, and George HW Bush repeated the story on 10 separate occasions in the weeks that followed.
Subsequent investigations by Amnesty International, a division of Human Rights Watch and independent journalists would show that the story was entirely bogus—
In 1992, John MacArthur revealed in The New York Times that Nayirah was in fact the daughter of Saud Nasir al-Sabah, Kuwait’s ambassador to the US.
On Jan 17, 1991 Iraq was attacked by aerial and naval bomardment by a coalition of 35 nations. This was followed by a ground assault by coalition forces on 24 February. 20,000–50,000 Iraqis were killed
Many returning coalition soldiers reported illnesses following their action in the war, a phenomenon known as Gulf War syndrome or Gulf War illness. Common symptoms reported are chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and gastrointestinal disorder.
1991 In his Senate confirmation hearings, Barr was asked by Sen. Strom Thurmond (R- S.C.), "What are your goals during your tenure as Attorney General?"
In reply, Barr first made it clear that an attack on the leadership of the world narcotics trade, or any top-down approach to the drug problem,was strictly ruled out:
“Obviously, drugs has to continue as a top priority. In my view, it is a long-term struggle. We are talking here about the cold war. We are not talking about Desert Storm. This problem took decades to come about, and it is going to take decades to cure. But part of my responsibility and my priority will be to keep the pressure on, so we continue to make progress."
What progress? The money-laundering bankers, the covert-action drug smugglers,and the corrupters of the security and military services, are all untouchable by law enforcement, because they are "gentlemen and men of distinction" for Barr,as they were for the ancient Callicles.
1990-The first Noahide gathering, which took place in Texas in 1990, was attended by Rabbi Meir Kahane.
After Kahane’s assassination, that same year, the Temple Institute, which advocates the building of the Third Temple on Jerusalem, on the site of the first two, started to promote the Noahide project.
In the view of the institute’s rabbis, the gentiles’ upholding of the Seven Laws is an important stage in the messianic process at the height of which the temple will be built and Israel will become a theocracy that will gain the gentiles’ support.
This is the world order being promoted by the Noahide Project, which has the support of Israel’s Chief Rabbinate and of the Israeli government.
Noahides are a theological phenomenon of very recent vintage. It’s a form of Zionist mission, which seeks to create a world religion whose believers adore the Jewish people and the State of Israel – without belonging to either.
The believers are required to accept the supremacy of Judaism but are not accepted into the Jewish people and are even barred from upholding such commandments as Sabbath observance. Anyone who wishes to be a Noahide is called upon mainly to recognize the Jewish people and its state.
” Universal religion therefore implies “the recognition that humanity must accept the truth of the doctrine of Israel.” This universal religion will not be Judaism proper, but an inferior form, founded on the laws God gave to Noah and not on the more demanding ones given to Moses. The universal religion of the Gentiles will be Noachism. “
Not unlike Judaism which itself was created by the Persian Cyrus and was a version of Zoroastrianism
1991 - The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in a declaration that was passed by both houses of Congress and the President of the U. S., George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization.
They also acknowledged that the Seven Laws of Noah are the foundation upon which civilization stands and that recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society, and that justified preoccupation in educating the Citizens of the U.S. of America and future generations is needed. For this purpose, this Public Law designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day.”
March 26 was the birthdate of the now late Rebee Schneerson in 1992
1991 - November 26, Barr became Attorney General under Bush -six months after the convenient back-to-back deaths of a sitting and former senator who were involved in investigating Iran-Contra and the October Surprise.
Barr played a key role in helping Bush arrange pardon of "the Iran-Contra Six" of high-level criminals.
Barr, as Bush's Attorney General, not only helped Bush in his pardon of the Iran-Contra Six but he did everything in his power to stymie the Walsh investigation and efforts by Kerry, the chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations, and House Banking Committee chairman Henry Gonzalez of Texas, to get to the bottom of Iran-Contra, the October Surprise, BNL, BCCI, and the Inslaw scandals.
Bush was under investigation by the special prosecutor, Judge Lawrence Walsh, for his role in the Iran-Contra conspiracy. Also under investigation were former defense secretary Caspar Weinberger and two top CIA officials, Clair George and Dewey Clarridge.
They had all plotted to evade a congressional ban on aid to the counterrevolutionaries in Central America by illegally selling weapons to Iran.
1991, Under the leadership of Attorney General Richard Thornburgh and William Barr, who was then an official in the Bush Justice Department, the BCCI investigations were stopped..In exchange for leniency, officials of BCCI agreed to help Bush prosecute General Noriega for alleged drug trafficking.
Barr then reached a final settlement of the BCCI case, foreclosing all further investigations of the BCCI-linked drug apparatus. In December , now as Attorney General, Barr announced that BCCI had entered a guilty plea to certain racketeering charges, in return for which the U.S. Justice Department agreed to drop all other federal and state charges that might be brought against BCCI entities in the future.
In the plea bargain arrangement,BCCI forfeited all of its estimated $550 million assets in the United States, and there were some minor jail sentences. But the global drug apparatus, which had for a time been publicly challenged,was safe.
Most of the bank’s top officials will escape prosecution, and remnants of the bank will continue operating in some countries under new names . A French intelligence report in 2001 will suggest the that Osama bin Laden built his financial network on the ruins of the BCCI network, oftentimes using former BCCI officials
According to a NYT report BCCI was more than just a criminal bank. A clandestine division of the bank called the “black network,” functions as a global intelligence operation and a Mafia-like enforcement squad … (which) has used sophisticated spy equipment and techniques, along with bribery, extortion, kidnapping and even, by some accounts, murder. The black network – so named by its own members – stops at almost nothing to further the bank’s aims the world over.
The black network, which is still functioning, operates a lucrative arms-trade business and transports drugs and gold. —According to investigators and participants in those operations, it often works with Western and Middle Eastern intelligence agencies.
The National Security Council used BCCI to funnel money for the Iran-Contra deals, and the CIA maintained accounts in BCCI for covert operations. ThebDefense Intelligence Agency has maintained a slush-fund account with BCCI, apparently to pay for clandestine activities.”
The CIA may have used BCCI as more than an undercover banker: U.S. agents collaborated with the black network in several operations, according to a BCCI black-network “officer,” who is now a secret U.S. government witness. Sources have told investigators that BCCI worked closely with Israel’s spy agencies and other Western intelligence groups as well, especially in arms deals. The bank also maintained cozy relationships with international terrorists.
The Justice Department not only reined in its own probe of the bank, but is also part of a concerted campaign to derail any full investigation.
Says Robert Morgenthau, the Manhattan district attorney who first launched his investigations into BCCI two years ago: “We have had no cooperation from the Justice Department since we first asked for records in March 1990.
In fact, they are impeding our investigation, and Justice Department representatives are asking witnesses not to cooperate with us.”
The chief of the Justice Department’s white collar crime criminal division under former President Bush was our friend Robert Mueller (who was appointed by President George W. Bush as the director of the FBI on September 4, 2001, one week before 9/11 and by Trump to head the Russia Gate investigation)
At the highest levels, BCCI officials whisked deposits into secret accounts in the Cayman Islands. —These accounts constituted a hidden bank within BCCI, known only to founder Abedi and a few others. From those accounts, BCCI would lend massive amounts to curry favor with governments … or to buy secret control of companies.
The First American takeover was assisted by Jackson Stephens, head of a powerful Little Rock investment firm and husband of the Bush for President 1988 campaign manager in Arkansas
1991 investigation of criminal insider trading connected to Harken Energy, a Houston company where George W. Bush served on the board of directors as a major stockholder with his some of his father's key campaign contributors.
On January 30, 1990 Harken, with a remarkably unsuccessful history of drilling projects, signed major oil drilling contracts with Bahrain. Five months later, Bush's company suffered an unexplained huge loss of stock value just prior to the Gulf War — but not before the future president had already cashed out, making close to a million dollars selling his own stock.
The future president completed his key insider trade eight days before Harken announced a $23 million second quarter corporate loss and about six weeks before the invasion.
Having just profited by nearly $1 million--representing a 200 % insider windfall-- the SEC investigation of George W. was led by general counsel James R. Doty who, according to a UPI report, mysteriously neglected to interview any of the Harken directors --including the younger Bush — regarding "enforcement" oversight.
1991-Robert Maxwell (1923-1991), the flamboyant billionaire British publisher, who allegedly drownedafter falling off his yacht in the Canary Islands near the northwest coast of Africa. Maxwell’s last wordsin communication were on November 5, 1991.
Maxwell’s investment bankers included Salomon Brothers, confirmed by the NY Times. Eventually, the pension funds were replenished with monies from investment banks Shearson Lehman and Goldman Sachs, as well as the British government.
There were complaints before Maxwell died about dealings between his other public company, Maxwell Communications CoThe Guardianrp, and Wall Street bankers Goldman Sachs according to .
It was 1991 when William Browder went to work for British billionaire Robert Maxwell as his “investment manager”. The BBC called Maxwell “the biggest fraud in British history”. Just how deep into the investment decisions of Maxwell did Browder participate as an investment manager.
Interestingly, after Maxwell died, Bill Browder went to work for the notorious Salomon Brothers. Browder was put in charge of the Russian proprietary investments desk at Salomon Brothers.
Robert Maxwell is Ghislaine Maxwell’s father. The scandal unfolding was the manipulation of the US Treasury auctions back then.
Salomon Brothersscandal manipulating the U.S. Treasury Auctions broke August 18, 1991 and Goldman Sachs would take advantage
After that scandal where the government was going to shut down Salomon Brothers who was the biggest bond dealer in the USA for manipulating markets, all of a sudden, people from Goldman Sachs started getting offers to take posts in government.
1991 November 10, Maxwell's funeral took place on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, the resting place for the nation's most revered heroes. It had all the trappings of a state occasion, attended by the country's government and opposition leaders. No fewer than six serving and former heads of the Israeli intelligence community listened as Prime Minister Shamir eulogized: "He has done more Israel than can today be said."
1991-Emboldened by the lack of consequences for subverting the U.S. constitution and breaking international law during the Iran-Contra scandalof the 1980s, a Bush administration group known as “the Vulcans” planned a bigger drive to crush Communism once and for all.
They waged war against the Soviet Union and Iraq under George H.W. Bush, and against Iraq and Afghanistan under George W. Bush. Belonging to this group were Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Armitage, and Condoleezza Rice.
The Vulcan’s drive to bring an end to the Cold War was fueled by a covert war chest invisible to congressional oversight. This war chest would be known by several names: Black Eagle Trust, the Marcos gold, Yamashita’s Gold, the Golden Lily Treasure, the Durham Trust or Project Hammer.
The program also seems to have lined the pockets of the individuals that executed this policy. This was done to the tune of a staggering $240 billion dollars in covert and allegedly illegal bonds
The Bush administration’s attack on the post-communist Russian Federation, was dubbed “Operation Hammer,” and it had four distinct covert elements.:
1) the CIA would secretly finance the August 1991 generals’ coup against Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev;
2) they would use their secret financial war chest to destabilize the ruble;
3) they used corrupted Russian Gosbank national bank officials to organize the theft of the country’s official gold reserves;
4) and they began a systematic takeover of strategic energy, raw materials, and high-tech state military industries in the Soviet Union via IMF-dictated privatization operations run by Yeltsin’s finance minister Yegor Gaidar.
Gaidar worked in league with Harvard’s Jeffrey Sachs and other friends of billionaire hedge fund speculator George Soros.
Bush’s Operation Hammer allegedly used an estimated 240 billions of dollars of illegal funds—funds not authorized by the US Congress—to bring down the Soviet Union.
The funds reportedly came from a secret CIA war chest of undisclosed gold seized from Japan after World War II.
On September 11, 1991 , the same day Bush announces a New World Order -$240 billion in 10-year securities were allegedly illegally created that were backed by the Marcus Gold and scheduled to come due on September 12, 2001.
In preparation for their war against Communism, and in the years leading up to the failed – or faux – coup of 1991 which initiated the last days of Gorbachev and the rise of Yeltsin, Bush and a cadre of rogue KGB officials built a complex international network of banks and holding companies that would be used to take over ownership of the Soviet economy.
Over 300 KGB who supported this operation would later be re-located to the US in the early 1990s and pensioned.
Periodic CIA reports to Congress would review KGB and organized crime complicity in the takeover of Russia by criminal elements, but all mention of the formidable role of the U.S. would be expunged from Congressional oversight and the public record.
In the first phase of the economic attack on the Soviet Union, George Bush authorized Leo Wanta and others to destabilize the ruble and facilitate the theft of the Soviet/Russian treasury. This would result in draining the Russian treasury of between 2,000 to 3,000 tonnes of gold bullion, ($35 billion at the time).
The gold was ‘stolen’ in March of 1991, facilitated by Leo Wanta and signed off by Boris Yeltsin’s right hand man. The majority of the leaked reports from the CIA and FBI suggest the theft of the Russian treasury was a KGB and Communist party operation, but what those reports omitted was the extensive involvement of Boris Yeltsin, the U.S. banking industry and the CIA.
In the second phase, Wanta, George Soros and a group of Bush appointees would begin to destabilize the ruble. There were two major operations: the largest was coordinated by Alan Greenspan and Oliver North, and implemented by Leo Wanta.
1991-For a brief period that year, Putin took an administrative post at Leningrad State University—a fairly standard cover for a KGB operative. Then, just as the Soviet Union was dissolving, Anatoly Sobchak, a former law professor of Putin’s at Leningrad State, became mayor of Leningrad and would become one of the co-authors of Russias new constitution.
In sync with the changing times of the Gorbachev era, Sobchak had positioned himself as a strong pro-democracy politician, but he also knew that the KGB was scrambling to take charge of whatever institutions might survive—including the municipal government in Leningrad.
In addition, he was wise enough to realize that he’d be better off if he picked his own deputy from the KGB rather than allowing the KGB to choose the man who would work directly under him.
He hired Vladimir Putin, a mere lieutenant colonel, whom he had known when Putin worked at Leningrad State. Putin was still on active reserve with the KGB, which was monitoring the ascent of the new “democratic” leaders in Russia.
Putin made a killing by signing export licenses, despite lacking the proper authority to do so, for various dubious companies. In the process, he doled out more than $ 120 million in goods to highly suspect people—and the city received nothing in return.
Various Mafias stepped in to fill the breach—Azeris, Chechens, Solntsevo, the Mogilevich Organization, and, in St. Petersburg, the Tambov crime gang.
The criminals needed export licenses, tax exemptions, below-market-rate loans, business visas, and freedom from arrest and prosecution for their crimes. All of this and more was available from Putin and corrupt bureaucrats under him.
Money could not go abroad without the approval of Putin’s KVS. The same was true for businesses that wanted to be licensed and registered. He also was able to control the movement of money across international borders. All of which put an enormous amount of power in Putin’s hands—not Sobchak’s.
1991-Mogilevich reportedly cultivated a relationship with Czechoslovakia-born Robert Maxwell, the powerful British press lord who had bought control of the Bulgarian Cooperative Bank.
That became another vehicle through which Mogilevich could launder money for Solntsevskaya. Now was the time to go global.
Thanks to Israel’s Law of Return, the easiest route for Mogilevich, one favored by countless Russian mobsters, was to get Israeli citizenship.
“There is not a major Russian organized crime figure who we are tracking who does not also carry an Israeli passport,” said Jonathan Winer, the former money-laundering czar in the Clinton State Department.
Many of them, Winer added, such as Sergei Mikhailov, were not even Jewish. It was not unusual for Russian gangsters to suddenly discover a Jewish grandmother lurking in their family tree.
Not long after his arrival, according to an Israeli intelligence report, Mogilevich “succeeded in building a bridgehead in Israel . . . [and] developing significant and influential [political and business] ties” by forging relationships with both Russian and Israeli criminals to run businesses in tourism, real estate, and catering through proxies.
That included opening bank accounts in Israel, attending gatherings in Israel with other criminals, and, according to a classified FBI document, the “alleged purchase” by Mogilevich of an unnamed Israeli bank, with branches in Moscow, Cyprus, and Tel Aviv, for “laundering money for Colombian and Russian Organized Crime groups.”
The Taj Mahal had become a favorite destination for the Russian mob because Trump made a point of giving high rollers “comps” for up to $ 100,000 a visit, an amenity that casinos often offered big-time gamblers.
Later, two other Trump casinos, the Trump Castle Hotel and Casino, and the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, agreed to pay fines for “willfully failing to report” currency transactions over $ 10,000 and failing to comply with laws designed to prevent money laundering.
Ivankov’s mandate from Mogilevich was to consolidate the Russian Mafia in the US, to form alliances with the Cosa Nostra and other Mafias, to take over smaller gangs, and to bribe politicians as part of a plan to infiltrate governments in the US and elsewhere.
Ruthlessly systematic, the Russians began scrutinizing the vulnerabilities of America’s campaign finance system, the K Street lobbying system, Wall Street, and more. Even after he was locked up for extortion in 1996, Ivankov continued to order the murders of his underworld adversaries from his prison cell.
1991-just three months after the fake August KGB generals’ coup against Gorbachev was used to propel little-known Soviet official Boris Yeltsin to the fore as champion of democracy and of a new Russia, Viktor V. Gerashchenko, Chairman of the Presidium of Gosbank, the state bank of the USSR, made a shocking brief announcement to the Russian Duma, or parliament.
Of an estimated 2,000 to perhaps 3,000 tons of Gosbank state gold reserves then worth $35 billion at the market price, less than 400 tons could be accounted for.
He told the shocked members of parliament that he had “no idea” what happened to the missing gold. That, of course, was a lie.
To cover the trail of the missing gold and give his government the pretense of innocence, Yeltsin, on the advice of two former KGB generals, announced that he had hired the financial detective firm Jules Kroll Associates to track the whereabouts of the Soviet gold, as well as an estimated $14 billion in Soviet Communist Party and other assets.
Kroll Associates, which would be tied with the CIA-created AIG insurance group of Hank Greenberg and known in the US as a “private CIA,” was linked to the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6.
1991, Chubais became a minister in the Yeltsin cabinet, where he managed the portfolio of Rosimushchestvo—the Federal Agency for State Property Management, which Yeltsin decreed to be the agency responsible for devising Russia’s privatization of the state companies.
Gaidar and Chubais worked in league with George Soros, the Wall Street speculator and “colleague” of the CIA front the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
Soros, in turn, brought Harvard’s Jeffrey Sachs—architect of the Polish “economic shock therapy”—and other of his American “friends” to the Yeltsin circles.
George Soros and his Open Society Foundations had been linked to the CIA by Chinese intelligence and others. His Open Society institutions seemed to appear operational, of course just by coincidence, in every situation where the CIA’s NED front and the US State Department sought regime change to a pro-Washington government.
1991-The Mega Group — a secretive group of billionaires to which Lauder belongs — was formed in 1991 by Charles Bronfman and Leslie Wexner, the latter of whom has received considerable media scrutiny following the July arrest of his former protege Jeffrey Epstein.
Mega Group members founded and/or are closely associated with some of the most well-known pro-Israel organizations. For instance, members Charles Bronfman and Michael Steinhardt formedBirthright Taglit with the backing of then- and current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Steinhardt, an atheist, has stated that his motivation in helping to found the group was to advance his own belief that devotion to and faith in the state of Israel should serve as “a substitute for [Jewish] theology.”
Other well-known groups associated with the Mega Group include the World Jewish Congress — whose past president, Edgar Bronfman, and current president, Ronald Lauder, are both Mega Group members — and B’nai B’rith, particularly its spin-off known as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
The Bronfman brothers were major donors to the ADL, with Edgar Bronfman serving as the ADL’s honorary national vice-chair for several years.
Other Mega Group members that are donors and major supporters of the ADL include Ronald Lauder, Michael Steinhardtand the late Max Fisher. As previously mentioned, Roy Cohn’s father was a long-time leader of B’nai B’rith’s influential New England-New York chapter and Cohn was later a celebrated member of its banking and finance lodge.
In addition, Mega Group members have also been key players in the pro-Israel lobby in the United States. For instance, Max Fisher of the Mega Group foundedthe National Jewish Coalition, now known as the Republican Jewish Coalition — the main pro-Israel neoconservative political lobbying group, known for its support of hawkish policies, and whose current chief patrons, Sheldon Adelson and Bernard Marcus, were among Donald Trump’s top donors.
Though the Mega Group has officially existed only since 1991, the use of “philanthropy” to provide cover for more unscrupulous lobbying or business activities was pioneered decades earlier by Sam Bronfman, the father of Mega Group members Edgar and Charles Bronfman.
Prominent members of the Mega Group were business partners of Mossad agents, including media mogul Robert Maxwell and commodities trader Marc Rich.
1991-After her father’s mysterious death and alleged murder on the same yacht that bears her name Ghislaine Maxwell quickly packed her bags and moved to New York City. There, she soon made the acquaintance of Jeffrey Epstein and, a few years later, developed close ties to the Clinton family.
There are some who allege Ghislaines relationship with Epstein dates before her Fathers death and this is plausible but not proven
1991-Epstein’s shady financial activities involved currency markets and offshore tax havens — activities he began to perfect while working for prominent Iran-Contra figures in the early 1980s, several of whom were tied to the CIA-linked bank Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) and had known relationships with Israeli intelligence, namely the Mossad.
The nature of Epstein’s work for these individuals and other evidence strongly suggests that Epstein himself had a relationship with BCCI after leaving Bear Stearns and prior to the bank’s collapse in 1991.
1991-Systematics Inc., which Stephens acquired in the late 1960s was a primary vehicle or front company for the National Security Agency in the 1980s and early 1990s to market and implant bugged software in the world’s major money-center banks and clearinghouses as part of the Reagan/Bush ‘follow the money’ effort to break the Soviets.”
The late journalist Michael Ruppert asserted that this “bugged software” was none other than the Promis software, which both U.S. and Israeli intelligence had bugged in order to spy on intelligence and which had been marketed in part by Robert Maxwell, father of Jeffrey Epstein’s madam, Ghislaine Maxwell.
Ruppert cited Systematics as “a primary developer of Promis for financial intelligence use.” Promis had originally been leased by Inslaw Inc., a small software company founded by Bill Hamilton, to the Department of Justice — which later stole it from Inslaw, forcing it to declare bankruptcy.
According to a 1995 document sent on behalf of Inslaw’s founders to then-independent Counsel Ken Starr that asked him to review Inslaw’s case, Systematics had “covertly implanted [software] into the computers of its bank customers” that allowed “allied intelligence agencies surreptitiously to track and monitor the flow of money through the banking system” and had done so at “the behest of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and its partner in Israeli intelligence.”
Inslaw also stated that the software was used by these same intelligence agencies in the “laundering of money, especially drug profits.”
Systematics also had a subsidiary in Israel that, according to a former Israeli intelligence officer, was operated by contractors for the Mossad and sold software to banks and telecommunications companies.
According to Richardson’s letter, that Israeli subsidiary of Systematics also had a Massachusetts-based front company, which was partially owned by a former U.S. intelligence official.
Two partners in the Rose Law Firm who would later serve in the Clinton administration, Vince Foster and Webster Hubbell, acquired significant financial interests in Systematics through ownership in Alltel, which purchased Systematics in the early 1990s.
BCCI itself was known to employ the Promis software after its theft by the DOJ; and one of its subsidiaries, First American Bank, also “filtered PROMIS money” — i.e., laundered the money generated from the sale of the stolen Promis software — according to the late journalist Danny Casolaro.
Casolaro had been investigating an international crime syndicate he termed “the Octopus” at the time of his death in 1991.
Casolaro believed that this “Octopus” involved powerful individuals in the private and public sectors as well as the criminal underworld and that they were collectively responsible for some of the biggest scandals of the 1980s, including Iran-Contra, BCCI and the theft of the Promis software.
Casolaro had told friends and family that he was close to concluding his investigation and several people close to him had seen documents involving money transfers involving BCCI and the World Bank to people involved in these scandals, such as Earl Brian and Adnan Khashoggi.
Casolaro went to Martinsburg, Virginia to meet with some sources to get the final piece of the puzzle and “bring back the head of the Octopus.” Two days after arriving in Martinsburg, Casolaro was found dead in his hotel room and his briefcase full of his research notes and evidence was missing. His death was ruled a suicide.
Speculation only grew following the FBI investigation, given that the FBI lied to Congress, pressured its own agents not to question whether it was a suicide and lost 90 percent of its files related to Casolaro’s death — among other glaring inconsistencies.
The person who had arranged Casolaro’s final meeting before his death was a U.S. military intelligence officer named Joseph Cuellar.
1991-The same year that Casolaro died, there were several other suspicious deaths involving people directly connected to the Promis scandal or involved in Casolaro’s investigation of “the Octopus” — including Alan Standorf, one of Casolaro’s sources; Robert Maxwell, father of Ghislaine Maxwell, Mossad operative, and salesman of the bugged Promis software; and John Tower — the former Texas senator who assisted Maxwell in selling the bugged Promis software to the Los Alamos laboratories.
1991-John Heinz chaired a three-man presidential review board that probed the Iran-Contra affair and had in his possession all the damning documents from that sordid affair, while John Tower led the infamous Tower Commission that investigated a variety of different CIA criminal activities and dirty dealings.
Coincidentally, both John Heinz and John Tower died in plane wrecks on successive days in 1991 – Tower in Georgia, and Heinz in Montgomery County, Pa.
Both men had close ties to George Bush Sr., who was a former CIA director in the mid-1970s
After Senator John Heinz died, his wife married Senator John Kerry, who was chairman of the 1988 Kerry Commission, described in the Senate Committee Report on Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy as “focusing on allegations of illegal gun-running and narcotics trafficking associated with the Contra war against Nicaragua” in relation to the CIA, Department of Justice, the U.S. State Department, and the office of the President and Vice President.
The testimony that took place during these trials (both in open and closed door sessions) was quite possibly the most damning ever against our federal government, yet mysteriously, nearly all of it was suppressed and not widely reported in the mainstream media.
Senator Kerry as a Democrat, had every opportunity to blast a Republican administration out of the water, yet he inexplicably remained silent and the status quo prevailed. Could it be that someone tapped him on the shoulder and told him that if he played his cards right and kept these sordid matters hush-hush, he would be rewarded sometime in the future?
1991-During Gorbachev’s reign, the KGB began to hide communist party funds abroad, according to top-level Western and U.S. intelligence sources.
The KGB consequently set up some two thousand shell companies and false-flag bank accounts, some as far away as Nevada and Ireland. Over the next eleven years, perhaps as much as $600 billion was spirited out of the country, in the greatest looting of a nation in world history.
No matter what happened to Russia during a political transition from communism to a quasi-market economy under perestroika, the party bosses had effectively guaranteed that they would continue to control key state resources and property.
Stealing such a massive amount of wealth, however, turned out to be a larger job than anyone had expected. The KGB ran out of people to sequester assets, so they expanded their operation to the criminal Mafiya, explained Richard Palmer, a twenty-year veteran of the CIA, whose final assignment was as a station chief in the former Soviet Union from 1992 to 1994.
in early 1992 the Bratsky Krug, or the Circle of Brothers, the ruling council of the vors, is said to have ordered Ivankov to “Go to the New Land and invade America!”
Vyacheslav Kirillovich Ivankov’s arrival in America on March 8, 1992, was tantamount to the coming of a great white shark.
Swiftly setting up offices in Brighton Beach, Ivankov recruited two “combat brigades” led by an ex-KGB officer and composed of 250 former athletes and Special Forces veterans of the Afghanistan war.
He put the combat brigades on a $20,000-a-month retainer to kill his enemies, collect tribute from legitimate businesses worldwide, “arbitrate” disputes among Russian businessmen, and establish “an international link closely connecting thieves-in-law to the United States,” according to a classified FBI document. “When Ivankov came into town, I never saw such fear,” remarked a Genovese wiseguy.
1992- On December 24, President George H.W. Bush granted pardons to six defendants in the Iran-Contra Affairs. The defendants were Elliott Abrams, a former assistant secretary of state for Central America; former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane; former CIA officials Duane Clarridge, Alan Fiers, Jr., and Clair George; and former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger.
The Iran-Contra conspirators executed their crime with the heavy involvement of three individuals:
_• Adnan Khashoggi;
_• Khalid bin Mahfouz, owner of 20% of BCCI; and
• Shiek Kamal Adham, who belonged to a group that owned approximately 55% of BCCI, and was on the board of directors with Mahfouz.
At the same time that Bush pardoned the convicted Iran-Contra conspirators, he authorized a procedural change which allowed Barrick (a company started with funding from Khashoggi and Shiek Kamal Adham as an original investors) to claim $10 billion in unmined reserves in Nevada
It is speculated this process needed to be expedited because it was anticipated the Clinton administration would not approve transaction without sizeable royalty requirements.
Some speculate that Bush expedited the approval so that laundering of gold could happen much sooner – that having the reserves on the books was a necessary step to begin laundering the stolen treasuries.
Not often reported, Barrick claims it paid $63 million for the company that owned those rights, although the details of that investment are not known.
1992-As the Journalnoted, the Epstein Florida home is about a mile from Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s primary residence. Last year the New York Timesreportedthat Trump and Epstein hosted a party at Mar-a-Lago in 1992 with a guest list consisting of the two of them and “28 girls,” and MSNBC’s Morning Joeaired newly found footage from the same year of Trump and Epstein laughing together while watching dozens of NFL cheerleaders dance at a Mar-a-Lago party. The two crossed paths in business and social circles for years.If Trump loses the election and manages to make it back to Palm Beach rather than prison,one fewer familiar sight will await him.
1992-President George Herbert Walker Bush met with the directors of Monsanto in the White House in a closed-door meeting, American agriculture and the American people have been the experimental guinea pig for testing the effects of planting of GMO crops paired to specific toxic weed-killers. G.H.W. Bush after the Monsanto powwow ordered US Government agencies to treat the untested GMO seeds and their paired weed-killer chemicals as “substantially equivalent” to non-GMO plants and not requiring extra government testing, one of the more lunatic decisions of a President who seems to have had a morbid affinity for lunatic decisions
1992- President George H. Bush had personally attended the Earth Summit in Rio, and while he rejected some parts of the signing ceremonies, he did sign the Framework Convention on Climate Change giving birth to Agenda 21
1992 -In June 1990, Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari requested a free trade agreement with the U.S. In September 1990, Reagan’s successor, President George H.W. Bush, began negotiations with President Salinas for a liberalized trade agreement between Mexico, Canada, and the U.S.
In 1992, NAFTA was signed by outgoing President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. Earlier that year, the European Union had been created by the Treaty of Maastricht.
NAFTA was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The U.S. House of Representatives approved it 234–200 on November 17, 1993. The U.S. Senate approved it 61–38 three days later.President Bill Clinton signed it into law
1992, Chile’s Supreme Court decided that President Bush could be legally ordered to appear in Chile, to testify on the role of the CIA in the Letelier case; Chilean generals claimed that they have been wrongly blamed for the killing, and that the Bush’s CIA ordered the 1976 bombing.
The U.S. chief law enforcement officer, Attorney General William Barr, did not respond. But what he did was to hire Malcolm Wilkey as a special prosecutor to intimidate the Democratic Congress in the House Post Office affair.
1992-Barr as attorney general in 1992 authored the report The Case for More Incarceration, where he argued for an increase in the United States incarceration rate.
Today the US With about 4.4 percent of the world's population houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners.
After the passage of Reagan's Anti-Drug Abuse Actin 1986, incarceration for non-violent offenses dramatically increased.
1992- Barr played direct role in sidelining an investigation into an Italian bank that the CIA used to funnel aid to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. The scandal was known, briefly, as Iraq-gate.
The backdrop was the geopolitics of the horrific war between Iran and Iraq in 1980-88, which killed millions. In the interests of harming Iran.
President Bush authorized a program of covert support for Iraq, including the provision of targeting intelligence and commercial loan guarantees. The latter were made via the Atlanta branch of the Banco Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL).
The story was politically potent because Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had just invaded Kuwait in August 1990. President Bush had to raise an international military coalition to drive him out.
The Iraq-gate story illustrated how, once again, a U.S. covert operation had backfired. The Iraqi dictator had been emboldened by the covert support of the CIA to launch a war on a weaker American ally.
Barr made sure the Iraq-gate scheme was not fully investigated.
Under pressure to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate, Barr slyly appointed a special examiner, a magistrate with much less time and money. A retired judge conducted a cursory investigation and absolved both the CIA and Justice Department of wrongdoing.
1992- Federal Judge Bua was given oversight over Inslaw case by Attorney General Barr in lieu of an independent counsel.
1992-As attorney general during the George H.W. Bush administration, Barr played a key role in developing a secret program that served as the blueprint for the NSA’s mass surveillance of Americans’ phone records.
The data collection began in 1992 during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, nine years before his son, President George W. Bush, authorized the NSA to gather its own logs of Americans' phone calls in 2001.
It was approved by william Barrs Justice Department
The DEA used its data collection extensively and in ways that the NSA is now prohibited from doing. Agents gathered the records without court approval, searched them more often in a day than the spy agency does in a year and automatically linked the numbers the agency gathered to large electronic collections of investigative reports, domestic call records accumulated by its agents and intelligence data from overseas.
The result was "a treasure trove of very important information on trafficking," former DEA administrator Thomas Constantine said in an interview.
The extent of that surveillance alarmed privacy advocates, who questioned its legality. "This was aimed squarely at Americans," said Mark Rumold, an attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation. "That's very significant from a constitutional perspective.
1992-Obviously, there were high-crimes committed that warranted congressional hearings which led to special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh. After a five year investigation Walsh wrote that there was “a vast, lucrative international arms and drug trafficking market had prospered” just below President Reagan.
1992 on Christmas Eve of 1992, shortly before leaving office, President George H. W. Bush pardoned all six defendants in the scandal: Elliott Abrams, Duane R. Clarridge, Alan Fiers, Clair George, Robert C. McFarlane and Caspar W. Weinberger.
Elliott Abrams had pleaded guilty to obstructing justice. In 2001, President George W. Bush appointed Abrams as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director on the National Security Council for Near East and North African Affairs.
In 2011, Intelligence insider Steve Pieczenik said that Abrams was a Bush Administration operative in the false flag on 9/11, along with Cheney and Rice.
John Poindexter had been convicted of multiple felony counts for conspiracy, obstruction of justice, lying to Congress, defrauding the government and the alteration and destruction of evidence. Although the conviction was overturned on appeal in 2001, President George W. Bush named him his Director of the Information Awareness Office.
Ollie North can be seen on national television as a Fox News icon, having come within a whisker of being elected U.S. Senator from Virginia in 1994. On election eve, Nancy Reagan told a reporter that North had lied repeatedly to her husband about Iran-Contra.
1992 Barr had started the Justice Department's internal investigation of the FBI director sessions over trivial issues.
Sessions, is a native of Fort Smith, Arkansas. He was a former federal judge nominated by Republican presidents to high-ranking federal posts, including as a federal prosecutor and federal judge in the Western District of Texas before his appointment by President Reagan to lead the FBI.
Sessions FBI was probing drug-running via Mena and related money laundering via BCCI that implicated the Bush and Clinton networks, and Barr himself in various ways, including a purported 1980s money laundering relationship with Vince Foster, a partner with Hillary Clinton at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock.
Sessions was forced to resign in early 1993 by the incoming Clinton Administration, including its Attorney General Janet Reno.
Foster, by then White House deputy counsel during the first six months Clinton Administration, was found dead that summer in a Northern Virginia park in a purported suicide that has long raised questions among independent investigators about the official story.
1992-During the presidency of George H.W. Bush in the early 1990s, at the U.S.’ top biological warfare research facility at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Specimens of highly contagious and deadly pathogens – anthrax, ebola, hanta virus and a variant of AIDS were found missing, and two of the missing specimens had been labeled “unknown” – “an Army euphemism for classified research whose subject was secret,” according to reports.
The vast majority of the specimens lost were never found and an Army spokesperson would later claim that it was “likely some were simply thrown out with the trash.
1992-An internal Army inquiry would reveal that one employee, Lt. Col. Philip Zack, had been caught on camera secretly entering the lab to conduct “unauthorized research, apparently involving anthrax,” the Hartford Courant would later report.
Despite this, Zack would continue to do infectious disease research for pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and would collaborate with the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) throughout the 1990s.
Zack, in 2001, was working for the U.S. biotechnology company Gilead Sciences.
Though he first began working for Gilead in 1999, he was “handpicked” in 2001 to lead the establishment of “a new Project Management Department in conjunction with a complete restructure of R&D [Research and Development].”
Donald Rumsfeld, another member of PNAC, became the chairman of Gilead Sciences in 1997 and he served as chairman of that company up until he became George W. Bush’s Secretary of Defense in early 2001.
1992-Redfield and Birx were former Army medical officers who, in the 1980s and 1990s, led the military’s AIDS research, a specialty that seems like a magnet for hucksters and quacks.
US military documents show that in 1992 Redfield and Birx, his then-assistant—both serving at Walter Reed in Washington—published inaccurate data in the New England Journal of Medicine, claiming that an HIV vaccine they helped develop and tested on Walter Reed patients was effective.
An Air Force medical office accused Redfield of engaging in “a systematic pattern of data manipulation, inappropriate statistical analyses and misleading data presentation in an apparent attempt to promote the usefulness of the GP160 AIDS vaccine.”
A specially convened Air Force tribunal on scientific fraud and misconduct concluded that Redfield’s “misleading or, possibly, deceptive” information “seriously threatens his credibility as a researcher and has the potential to negatively impact AIDS research funding for military institutions as a whole.
His allegedly unethical behavior creates false hope and could result in premature deployment of the vaccine.” The tribunal recommended investigation by a “fully independent outside investigative body.”
Under threat of court-martial, loss of his medical license, and possible imprisonment, Dr. Redfield confessed to angry DOD interrogators and to the tribunal that his analyses were faulty and deceptive. He agreed to correct them and to publicly admit the vaccine was worthless
As astonished prosecutors watched, he then brazenly parroted his debunked perjuries in testimony before Congress, swearing that his vaccine cured HIV.Redfield’s bold gambit worked.
Bamboozled by Redfield’s brazen ballyhoo, Congress immediately appropriated $20 million to the military to support Redfield and Birx’s research project. Enraged military prosecutors wanted to court-martial Redfield.
A 1994 letter to the Congressional Committee’s Chairman, Henry Waxman, the dedicated budget hikes promised by Congress prompted the Army to kill the investigation, silence its own prosecutors, and “whitewash” Redfield’s misdeeds.
As indicated, Redfield would go on to established the Institute for Human Virology (IHV) with Gallo in 1996
1993-President George Bush, a Texas Yankee in Queen Elizabeth’s court, was knighted at Buckingham Palace
.Bush joined a select group of American presidents, all Republicans, who have been knighted.
Because he’s an American, he didn’t have to kneel like an English knight. For the same reason, he is not entitled to call himself “Sir.”
Like Ronald Reagan, Bush was made a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath--or GCB--the highest honorary rank Britain can give a foreigner.
LONDON (AP) _ Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger received an honorary knighthood Tuesday from Queen Elizabeth II.
1993 After US election victory of Bill Clinton, Larry Summers, the new US Treasury deputy secretary responsible for Russian “reform”—himself a former Harvard economics professor—brought a group of his former Harvard colleagues, including George Soros’s Polish shock therapy adviser, Jeffrey Sachs, and economics professor Andrei Shleifer to Moscow under the auspices of their Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID).
That Sachs–Shleifer–Summers triangle essentially orchestrated all key aspects in the implementation of the Gaidar–Chubais “shock therapy” in the early Yeltsin years.
1993, a high-ranking Russian immigration official in Moscow told U.S. investigators that there were five million dangerous criminals in the former U.S.S.R. who would be allowed to immigrate to the West. It’s nearly impossible for the State Department to weed out these undesirables because the former states of the Eastern bloc seldom make available the would-be émigré’s criminal record. “It’s wonderful that the Iron Curtain is gone, but it was a shield for the West,”
Boris Urov, the former chief investigator of major crimes for the Russian attorney general, has declared. “Now we’ve opened the gates, and this is very dangerous for the world. America is getting Russian criminals. Nobody will have the resources to stop them. You people in the West don’t know our Mafiya yet. You will, you will!”
1993-Poppy Bush joined the Carlyle Group in 1993, and became a member of the firm’s Asian Advisory Board.
1994-George W, Bush elected Governor of Texas. During Bush’s five-year tenure as governor, 152 people were executed in Texas - more than 30 per year. This is a rate more than any governor ever
Only 1 temporary stay of execution was granted during this time
1994, the Washington Post was reporting that Carlyle Groups BDM was procuring ex-Soviet/Russian military technology, suggesting that the very discrete privatization of key Soviet Defense assets was already well under way.
This of course is speculation, and the unknown ownership of those ex-Soviet defense industries is now protected in the off-shore offices of the Carlyle Group and Group Menatep, which became the major financial power in the Soviet Union after the collapse of Gorbachev.
It might only be coincidental that two members on Carlyle’s Advisory Board are Planton Lebedev, the Chairman of Group Menatep and Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the primary Russian front man for the Riggs-Valmet operation and Russian founder –in name – of Menatep.
It might also be ‘only coincidental’ that seven of the key players in the execution of the 1991 covert economic war were also members of Carlyle: Fred Malek, George Soros, George H.W. Bush, Robert Gates, Bruce Rappaport, James Baker, and Robert Zoellick.
With the alleged releasing $240 Billion in covert bonds to finance the collapse of the Soviet Union, this small group of politicians and bankers may have created a U.S. based, private sector vehicle for controlling and profiting from those funds.
That vehicle may have been the Carlyle Group. Moreover, in managing the laundering of the Black Eagle Fund/Yamashita/Golden Lily/Marcos gold, Carlyle could became the focal organization for doing that as well.
At least six members of Carlyle that were either familiar with the creation of the gold trusts, or were advisors to Barrick Gold included: George H.W. Bush, Richard Helms, Vernon Jordan, Fidel Ramos, Paul Desmarais Sr. and Karl Otto Pohl.
It should seem no less coincidental that “on September 11, 2001... the group had organized a meeting at Washington's Ritz Carlton Hotel with five hundred of its largest investors”.
George H.W. Bush was in attendance, sitting with Osama Bin Ladin’s brother as the 9/11 terrorists executed the carnage that was to be the cover-up for the laundering of the $240 Billion in covert bonds that seem to have fed the success of the Carlyle Group.
In the aftermath of 9/11, there would be a plethora of criticism of Carlyle and its ability to channel the profits from the Iraq War and the Homeland Security Act to individuals with the ‘inside track’.
1995-In a private ceremony at Windsor Castle, Kissinger became an Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of St. Michael and St. George, a distinction given for achievement in foreign affairs.
1995-Southern Air Transport (SAT) — a well-known front company for the CIA — relocatedfrom Miami, Florida to Columbus, Ohio. First founded in the late 1940s, SAT from 1960 until 1973 was directly owned by the CIA, which sought to use the company as a cover for covert operations.
After 1973, the company was placed in private hands, although all of its subsequent owners would have CIA ties, including James Bastian, a former lawyer for the CIA, who owned SAT at the time of its relocation to Ohio.
SAT was intimately involved in the Iran-Contra affair, having been used to funnel weapons and drugs to and from the Nicaraguan Contras under the guise of delivering “humanitarian aid,” while also sending American weapons to Israel that were then sold to Iran in violation of the U.S. arms embargo.
In 1986 alone, SAT transported from Texas to Israel 90 tons of TOW anti-tank missiles, which were then sold to Iran by Israel and Mossad-linked intermediaries like Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi.
Even though the airline’s CIA links were well known, Leslie Wexner’s company, The Limited, sought to coax SAT to relocate its headquarters from Miami, Florida to Columbus, Ohio, a move that was realized in 1995.
When Edmund James, president of James and Donohew Development Services, told the Columbus Dispatch in March 1995 that SAT was relocating to Columbus’ Rickenbacker airfield, he stated that “Southern Air’s new presence at Rickenbacker begins in April with two regularly scheduled 747 cargo flights a week from Hong Kong,” citing SAT President William Langton. “By fall, that could increase to four a week.
Negotiations are underway for flights out of Rickenbacker to the Far East…Much of the Hong Kong-to-Rickenbacker cargo will be for The Limited,” Wexner’s clothing company. “This is a big story for central Ohio. It’s huge, actually,” James said at the time.
The day following the press conference, Brian Clancy, working as a cargo analyst with MergeGlobal Inc., told the Journal of Commerce that the reason for SAT’s relocation to Ohio was largely the result of the lucrative Hong Kong-to-Columbus route that SAT would run for Wexner’s company. Clancy specifically stated that the fact that “[The] Limited Inc., the nation’s largest retailer, is based in Columbus … undoubtedly contributed in large part to Southern Air’s decision.”
Epstein exerted substantial control over Wexner’s finances; and, according to Fitrakis and his extensive reporting on Wexner from this period, it was Epstein who orchestrated logistics for Wexner’s business operations, including The Limited.
As was revealed in the Arthur Shapiro murder file and in ties between SAT and The Limited, much of The Limited’s logistics involved figures and companies connected to organized crime and U.S. intelligence.
It is also important to note that SAT was well-known for being a CIA front company prior to the efforts of Wexner et al. to bring the airline to Columbus, and that, a few years prior, Epstein himself had previously worked for intelligence-linked figures also involved in Iran-Contra, such as Adnan Khashoggi.
In an exclusive interview, Bob Fitrakis told MintPress that Epstein and Wexner’s involvement with SAT’s relocation to Ohio had caused suspicion among some prominent state and local officials that the two were working with U.S. intelligence.
1995-Felix Sater grew up near Brighton Beach and, as a teenager, counted among his friends Michael D. Cohen, who later became President Trump’s personal attorney.
In 1995, Sater was given an opportunity to take part in a telecommunications deal for AT& T in Russia, and while he was there, he entered the world of espionage. He began working for the US government—the Defense Intelligence Agency.”.
1995: New allegations began to emerge regarding the use of PROMIS in Swiss banking operations, possibly leading to a wave of congressional resignations in 1992
1996- Trump’s trip to Moscow to allegedly negotiate for a Trump Tower Moscow
The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on ‘collusion said On page 650 of this thousand-page doorstop of a report, that Trump went to a party at the Kempinski hotel on a visit to Moscow in 1996 and: ‘at the party, Trump may have begun a brief relationship with a Russian woman named XXXX XXXX.’ The name is of course redacted.
The report says that Trump may have met the woman again when she came to New York two years later. It quotes a Russian newspaper story as saying he welcomed a number of guests to an event in New York ‘among whom was the charming XXXX XXXX,
“Miss Moscow”…Trump recalled that two years ago, during his stay in Moscow, [she] was for him the most beautiful hostess of the capital, whose charms were not overshadowed even by Claudia Schiffer and Tina Turner, who lived in the same hotel. He recalled with pleasure the excellent company with which he spent time in Moscow.’
According to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, “Counterintelligence Threats and Vulnerabilities,” Leon Black was on the Trump trip, along with David Geovanis and Bennett LeBow, two men Black knew from his days as head of mergers and acquisitions at Drexel Burnham Lambert, the long defunct Wall Street investment bank.
Black came out of Drexel and Drexel attempted to entrap its clients with sex. Connie Bruck’s The Predators’ Ball described the famed annual bash for Drexel’s raiders. One part was when the heavy hitters were brought to a room full of enticingly beautiful women.
1996, prize-winning investigative journalist Gary Webb wrote a series for the San Jose Mercury News that linked North’s project to the CIA and further to the distribution of crack cocaine in the 1980s into Los Angeles, the profits having been funneled to the Contras. Webb found that the influx of Nicaraguan-supplied cocaine had fueled the widespread crack epidemic that swept through urban areas.
In 1998, CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz confirmed much of what Webb had alleged, reporting that Contra-related entities involved in the drug trade had been protected from law enforcement by the Reagan-Bush administration.
1999 George H.W. Bush, on April 26, a seemingly rather uninteresting event took place in Langley, Virginia, when the Central Intelligence Agency’s Headquarters were given a new name. Oddly enough, the building was named for a man who had served as CIA director only one year. It was named for a man who had been knee-deep in Iran-Contra, BCCI and more during his term as Vice President of the United States. As for the celebrated War on Drugs, while Nancy and Ronald Reagan were mounting a campaign to “just say no” to drugs in the early 1980s, the Bush covert operation was supplying cocaine in epidemic proportions to America with a pipeline from Columbia using contractors like Barry Seal. This is just some of the special activities that were found in the Bush-Baker years.