See “Was JFK Bushwhacked” to understand the likelihood that Bush may have been CIA or at least a CIA intelligence asset
From a variety of sources, such as Whitney Webb (Unlimited Hangout), David Livingstone (Ordo ab Chao ) ,Russ Baker (Family of Secrets) , Secret Agenda (Jim Hougan) William Engdahl (EIR), etc. Question Everything.
As Poppy has a tendency to fly under the radar during this period, as any good spook does, its hard to know what his role if any in some of the events that occurred during the Nixon-Ford years but he was well positioned in Congress, Ambassador to UN, on Nixons cabinet, as Republican National Chairman , China envoy, and CIA Director
Throwing in a few nuggets on Trump , Cohn and Epstein as well given Poppys connections to CIA and Bill Barr and Trumps future relationship with Barr and Epstein. Also Poppy spent time in NYC as UN Ambassador and might well have run into Trump, Cohn, Barr (Donald), Epstein during this period
1967-Poppy is elected to House of Representatives. Bush and CIA’s Thomas Devine (Bushs oil Business colleague) traveled to Vietnam the day after Christmas , Devine was in his new CIA capacity, operating under commercial cover.
Handwritten notes from the trip show that Poppy was especially interested in the Phoenix Program, which he referred to by the euphemism “pacification.” The two remained in Vietnam until January 11, 1968.
Whatever information they were seeking, they left just in time. Only three weeks after the freshman congressman from Texas and his CIA sidekick departed Saigon, the North Vietnamese and Vietcong launched the massive Tet Offensive.
For the CIA, the hot item at the time was the so-called Phoenix Program, a secret plan to imprison and “neutralize” suspected Vietcong.
One person involved in Phoenix’s early stages was Felix Rodriguez, a Cuban exile and CIA operative. Rodriguez would go on to become a great friend of Poppy Bush’s, even visiting him in the White House.
Operation Phoenix begun in 1967 was overseen by Ted Shackley, CIA station chief in Saigon from 1969-1972; later CIA deputy director for operations.
Some sources have claimed that Singlaub was involved in Phoenix on the military side, although he denies this vigorously. He certainly was close to many people involved, including Shackley.
William Colby told a Senate hearing that Phoenix killed over 20,000 Vietnamese civilians (men, women and children) suspected of being communists; others put the total over 70,000.
Congressional hearings declared that Phoenix was a ‘totally unlawful operation’. Yet Phoenix continued in rogue violation until the U.S. pulled out of Saigon in 1975.
“Phoenix was the creation of the old-boy network,” says Colonel Stan Fulcher, who was part of the operation, “a group of guys at highest level – Colby and that crowd – who thought they were Lawrence of Arabia.”
The same old boys were in El Salvador, this time using proxies, including Taiwanese officers trained by Ray Cline’s special warfare academy.
Journalist Douglas Valentine explains: “What these ‘old Phoenix boys’ all have in common is that they profit from antiterrorism by selling weapons and supplies to repressive governments and insurgent groups like the contras. Their legacy is a trail of ashes across the third world.”
1967-Moshe Dayan was minister of defense when the Israeli military attacked the defenseless USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, killing 34 crewmen and wounding 174.
To this day, the mainstream media refuses to say a word about the attack on The USS Liberty. And not one single U.S. president has given the surviving crew of The Liberty due public recognition—not Nixon, not Bush I, not Reagan, not Bush II and not Donald Trump:
All of them gave The Liberty survivors the royal snub.
And when is the last time you heard any Republican House or Senate member say anything about The USS Liberty?
1968-RFK assassinated ensuring Nixon wins the election
When the subject of the Kennedys came up in a late-night session with friends in 1973, David Sanchez Morales allegedly launched into a tirade that finished: "I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard."
[This may be a fake quote so I’d treat this with some skepticism ]
He was allegedly seen standing at the back of the ballroom, in the moments between the end of Kennedy's speech and the shooting.
According to one source In ‘68-‘69, Morales was one of four regional CIA directors in South Vietnam and over-saw the Agency’s component of the bloody Phoenix program. Another had him in Laos in 1968.
But coming a few months after Bush and Devines visit to Vietnam it makes you wonder (its only a 10-12 hr flight from Vietnam to LA)
Morales died of a heart attack in 1978, weeks before he was to be called before the HSCA. Other members in Morales circle at JMWAVE station linked to JFK assassination - Artime, Robertson, Rosselli and Sforza all died just as the HSCA began investigating.
1969-When Nixon was inaugurated Bush took the unusual step of leaving the GOP festivities to see LBJ off at the airport. Soon thereafter, he was a guest at the LBJ ranch. There is no public record of what the two men talked about.
1969-Congressional hearings of July 29, organized by Rep. George Bush (R-Tex.). Bush arranged testimony by Gen. William Draper of the Population Crisis Committee.
Draper, in a 1971 article, had likened the developing nations to an “animal reserve,” where, when the animals become too numerous, the park rangers “arbitrarily reduce one or another species as necessary to preserve the balanced environment for all other animals. . . . But who will be the park ranger for the human race? . . .
Following these hearings, Bush gained Congressional support for Third World population control programs backed by President Nixon and his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger.
1969-Pentagon official Donald MacArthur on June 9 requested $10 million to develop, over the next 5 to 10 years, a new, contagious microorganism which would destroy the human immune system. Such research could be categorized as “defensive" as in order to defend oneself against a possible new virus, one must first develop the virus.
1969-Responding to lobbying by General William H. Draper, Jr., the former under secretary of the Army and a leading overpopulation fear monger, Nixon approved U.S. government support for the establishment of the U.N. Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA).
1969, Gelli who would soon become head of Le Cercle/P2 developed close ties with General Alexander Haig who was then Assistant to National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger.
As an internal report of the Italian anti-terrorism unit confirmed, it was Ted Shackley, founder of the Secret Team, and then director of all covert operations of the CIA in Italy in the 1970s, who introduced Gelli to Haig.
The links between the US and Italian Masons were established through the activity of Frank Gigliotti, agent of the OSS with close ties to the Sicilian Mafia. Gigliotti personally recruited Gelli and instructed him to set up an anti-Communist parallel government in Italy in close cooperation with the CIA station in Rome.
Gelli and Haig were joined together as members of the Knights of Malta, which has close associations with the CIA.
P2 was sometimes referred to as a “state within a state” or a “shadow government.” During a fraud investigation, a search of Gelli’s villa discovered a list of 953 members of P2. The coded list mentioned three cabinet ministers, thirty generals, eight admirals, including the head of the armed forces, the heads of two intelligence services as well as the civilian collator of intelligence, 43 MPs, police chiefs of Italy’s four main cities, the mayors of Brescia and Pavia and the editor of the influential Milan daily Corriere della Sera. P2 also included eventual Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
In the 1970s, Le Cercle became an Atlanticist organization, pursuing the objective of a strong alliance between Europe and the United States.
High-ranking American personalities thus began attending Le Cercle meetings, such as Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, CIA-directors Knight of Malta Bill Casey and William Colby, who was also a member of Opus Dei.
Casey, a former member of the OSS, was closely involved with the Black Eagle Fund conspirators.
Casey was John Singlaub’s case officer in World War II, while Paul Helliwell was Singlaub’s direct superior.
According to Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, authors of Gold Warriors, “This put Casey in a position to know a great deal about the Black Eagle Trust, and one source insists that Casey’s financial skills made him one of the key players, along with Paul Helliwell and Edwin Pauley, in implementing the Black Eagle Trust under the guidance of Robert B. Anderson and John J. McCloy.”
Casey also was a close friend of Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles, worked with Ray Cline, and became involved with Edward Lansdale in the hunt for the Golden Lily treasure.
Casey would be CIA Director during the Reagan-Bush administration
Cline was CIA Chief of Station in Taipei from 1958 to 1962. During this period, he was also a channel for financial and logistical support for the founding meeting of WACL in 1958.
Cline would become CIA Deputy Director of Intelligence from 1962 to 1966, and, after resigning from the CIA in 1969, would serve as Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) at the State Department, where he would contribute to the coup against Allende in 1973.
1969, the first year that the ARPANET came online, a group of students at MIT and Harvard attempted to shut down research taking place at their universities under the ARPANET umbrella.
They saw this computer network as the start of a hybrid private-public system of surveillance and control—“computerized people-manipulation” they called it—and warned that it would be used to spy on Americans and wage war on progressive political movements.
Almost as soon as the ARPANET was rolled out on a national level, the network was used to help the CIA, the NSA, and the US Army spy on tens of thousands of antiwar and civil rights activists.
In 1972 ARPA settled on a basic plan for a flexible networking language that could connect multiple types of networks. It was called TCP/IP—Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the same basic network language that powers the Internet today.
1970 -the Phoenix Program of assassination in Vietnam implemented the National Police Evaluation System in conjunction with the VCI Neutralization and Identification System to track Vietcong “from identification to neutralization”
This may have been an early version of “PROMIS” (software that tracks data-banked information). Bill Hamilton had returned from Vietnam in -1967 and worked for NSA. He later developed software that was called Prosecutors Management Information System or PROMIS and is the focus of the infamous Inslaw case.
1970, Ronald Reagan appointed Brian director of the California Department of Health Care Services. He was only 27 and destined to remain a part of Reagan’s inner sanctum.
U.S. and Israeli intelligence sources linked Brian’s name to the sale of weapons to Iran in the 1980’s. “He was serving U.S. intelligence people, “ said Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Israeli intelligence officer who claims he met Brian several times, once in Tel Aviv.
Brian allegedly had more to do with the financial end of the transactions. Other publications listed Brian’s holdings in the rapidly developing biotechnology field. The high-tech empire of Dr. Brian was a grab bag of fledgling companies involved in all the hot areas – lasers, cancer detection kits, blood-testing products, genetic engineering, computer programs, telecommunications and investment databases.
1971-following Poppy’s second unsuccessful bid for the U.S. Senate, Nixon named him his ambassador to the United Nations.
Nixon disappointed Poppy by choosing Spiro Agnew over him as a running mate. Poppy suggested a job to Nixon: ambassador to the United Nations.
There was a “dearth of Nixon advocacy in New York City,” where the U.N. was based, Bush wrote the president, noting that he was well suited to “fill that need in New York social circles.”Nixon complied.
Among the hot-button issues on which he was expected to hold forth were the China-Taiwan dispute, Vietnam, and the Middle East conflict.
Not only did Nixon appoint Poppy to the U.N.; he also upgraded the post to that of full ambassador, a title previously conferred only upon envoys to foreign states. He even made Bush a member of his cabinet.
This was most unusual, but it put Bush in a unique position: although he traveled to Washington regularly for cabinet meetings, he was “a Washington outsider” by dint of his being based in New York.
When the Watergate scandal erupted, nobody thought to include George H. W. Bush in the circle of blame. He was literally out of sight, out of mind. But not necessarily out of the loop.
1971-David Rockefeller’s Chase was one of a number of corporations doing business in Chile, along with ITT and Pepsi-Cola, who were concerned about Allende’s left-leaning policies. A coup against the democratically-elected Salvador Allende in Chile, known as Project FUBELT, was unofficially endorsed in 1970 by the CIA and President Nixon, who was personally beholden to Donald Kendall, the President of Pepsi Cola.
It was around that time that Kissinger famously said, “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people.”
1970 Felix Rodriguez joined the CIA front company Air America, which allegedly played a role in trafficking heroin from Laos to the United States. The Laotian operation was led by Donald Gregg, who would later serve as national security adviser during Poppy Bush’s presidency.
1971-As a longtime protégé of the Rockefeller family, Kissinger was suspect on both the left and right. Movement conservatives in particular feared that the Rockefellers had a grand global design that included accommodation, rather than confrontation, with the Russians and Chinese.
Nixon would become embroiled in this growing dispute within the Republican Party, between the two factions known as the “traders” and the “warriors.”
However, this determined effort to conduct foreign policy in secret and exclude the entities normally charged with that function caused growing alarm, particularly within the military and the defense industry.
Eventually, the Nixon administration would discover that the military had its own powerful “back channel.” That apparatus, little recalled today, was the equivalent of a spy ring inside the Nixon White House.
Its operatives passed top-secret documents from the National Security Council to the Joint Chiefs of Staff without Nixon’s knowledge. On discovering what seemed to him not only disloyalty but also borderline treason, Nixon expressed his fury to aides, who convinced him that the only option was to handle the matter quietly.
Nixon’s reign was a highly complicated one, far from doctrinaire, with issues handled on a case-by-case basis. Thus, Attorney General John Mitchell could say the administration was against busing but for desegregation. Nixon himself could complain about people in his administration being too tough on corporations, yet his Justice Department aggressively pursued antitrust actions that angered industry. While waging the Vietnam War, Nixon held secret peace talks with the North Vietnamese Communists.
He also produced a series of liberal-leaning reforms, including creating the Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. And Nixon implemented the first major affirmative action program.
But some of his Supreme Court nominees leaned far to the right, and Nixon and his attorney general championed tough law-and-order tactics against political protesters and dissidents.
1971-The secret history of the US involvement in Vietnam was revealed when Daniel Ellsberg smuggled reams of documents from the RAND Corporation. Known as the Pentagon Papers, they detailed the history of the US’ political-military involvement in South East Asia from 1945 to 1967.
The study was begun in 1967 by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, who had become disillusioned by the futility of the war and wanted future historians to be able to determine what had gone wrong.
Researchers, including Ellsberg, RAND Corporation experts, civilians and uniformed Pentagon personnel, obtained Pentagon documents dating back to arguments within the Truman Administration on whether the US should help the French in their effort to put down Communist-led Viet Minh in Vietnam.
One of the scholars called in early to help guide the project was Harvard’s Henry Kissinger.
The Pentagon Papers were first brought to the attention of the public on the front page of The New York Times in 1971.
To ensure the possibility of public debate about the papers’ content, on June 29, US Senator Mike Gravel, an Alaska Democrat, entered 4,100 pages of the papers into the record of his Subcommittee on Public Buildings and Grounds.
These portions of the papers, which were edited for Gravel by Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky, were subsequently published by Beacon Press, the publishing arm of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations.
On June 18, 1971, The Washington Post began publishing its own series of articles. Benjamin Bradlee, the executive editor of The Washington Post, became a national figure during when he challenged Nixon over the right to publish the papers and oversaw the publication of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein’s stories documenting the Watergate scandal.
Bradlee was married to Antoinette Pinchot, the sister of Mary Pinchot Meyer, the wife of Cord Meyer, a key figure in Operation Mockingbird, a CIA program to influence the media.
Antoinette was also a close friend of Cicely d’Autremont, who was married to CIA counterintelligence chief James Jesus Angleton. Bradlee and Angleton became friends but the two allegedly parted ways after the murder in 1964 of Mary Pinchot Meyer, whose CIA connections and affair with President John F. Kennedy made her death the object of intense scrutiny.
Bradlee and Angleton gave conflicting accounts of the events surrounding the search for and disposition of the diary in which Pinchot Meyer recorded her affair with Kennedy
1971 , in response to increasing inflation caused by the Vietnam War Nixon imposed wage and price freezes, surcharges on imports, and the unilateral cancellation of the direct international convertibility of the United States dollar to gold.
Nixon had followed the advice of his Treasury and notably, that of the Under Secretary for International Monetary Affairs, Paul Adolph Volcker. Volcker had come to the Treasury from the post as Vice President at David Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank
Although Nixon's actions did not formally abolish the existing Bretton Woods system of international financial exchange, the suspension of one of its key components effectively rendered the Bretton Woods system inoperative.
While Nixon publicly stated his intention to resume direct convertibility of the dollar after reforms to the Bretton Woods system had been implemented, all attempts at reform proved unsuccessful. By 1973, the Bretton Woods system was replaced de facto by the current regime based on freely floating fiat currencies.
1972-while Bush was US UN Ambassador Shanghai Communiqué was agreed to in which the United States acknowledged PRC’s claims on Taiwan as its own territory. And this had happened 8 years before the two countries established full diplomatic relations.
A decades-long loss of international support for the Republic of China (Taiwan) regime had led to the loss of its UN seat in 1971 to the government of PRC as the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations.
At the time, Taiwan also seized to be a member of UN agencies, such as the World Health Organization.
1972-In June 1970, after George W. had completed his jet pilot training in Houston, his full-time obligation with the Guard gave way to the part-time status commonly referred to as “weekend warrior.”
In 1972 George W. Bush failed to take his mandatory National Guard physical and was joined in this violation by his 36 yo friend Jim Bath , a former Air Force pilot who worked in Poppys 1970 election campaign.He had went up with Bush on some retraining flights before both were rejected as “ineligible,”
Bush got permission to join a flying unit in which he would not be required to fly — where, as best as can be determined, he never even bothered to show up
May 1972, he abruptly left Houston for Alabama, the future president and commander-in-chief had simply walked away from his National Guard duty during the Vietnam War.
Neither could an honorable discharge received in 1973 explain why the sole evidence that he had actually shown up anywhere after May 1972 was a machine-generated form listing dates and points earned.
Though he was supposed to serve as a pilot through 1974, Bush’s last time in a cockpit was in April 1972. The Bush White House explained that W. had stopped flying because to continue he would have needed to take an annual flight physical.
In short, Bush abruptly stopped flying, walked away from his unit, failed to take a physical, and, all credible evidence indicates, never again put in a day of service.
1972-three business organizations merged to form the Business Roundtable, the first business association whose membership was restricted to top corporate CEOs. In part at the urging of Bryce Harlow, lobbyist for Procter & Gamble, this new organization combined two groups focused on relatively narrow business issues with an informal organization called the March Group.
The March Group had grown out of a meeting with top Nixon administration officials and prominent executives and was designed to bring together many of the nation’s most powerful CEOs.
Within five years the new mega-organization had enlisted 113 of the top Fortune 200 companies, accounting for nearly half of the economy.
The Business Roundtable quickly developed into a formidable group, designed to mobilize high-level CEOs as a collective force to lobby for the advancement of shared interests.
President Ford’s deputy treasury secretary Charls Walker, a leading corporate organizer, later put it this way:
“The Roundtable has made a lot of difference. They know how to get the CEOs into Washington and lobby; they maintain good relationships with the congressional staffs; they’ve just learned a lot about Washington they didn’t know before.”
1973-Kissinger was also a member of the newly formed Trilateral Commission, founded in July by David Rockefeller and another Bilderberger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, to foster closer cooperation among Japan, Western Europe and North America.
Brzezinski was a professor at Columbia University and a Rockefeller advisor who was a specialist on international affairs.
Brzezinski was its first Director from 1973 to 1976.
Other members would include Alexander Haig, Caspar Weinberger, George H.W. Bush, as well as Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker, both later heads of the Federal Reserve.
In his 2002 autobiography Memoirs, David Rockefeller confessed the goal he and those within his network have pursued:
“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
1973 Nixon’s Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, another Rockefeller protégé, orchestrated events that erupted in the October, Yom Kippur War, a war that was actually manipulated to trigger an OPEC oil embargo that would raise the price of the world’s most valuable commodity by 400% in months.
For rich nations like the United States, the resulting financial blow was severe. For poor countries like India, it was devastating.
The US dollar went from a gold-backed currency to a petrodollar-backed currency. Washington made sure OPEC would sell oil only in US dollars, a pact that held until Saddam Hussein broke it decades later.
Paul Volcker’s role in August, 1971 to decouple the dollar free from gold was key to the Petrodollar strategy. Saudi Arabia, Iran and others in OPEC recycled their huge petrodollar gains to London where Chase Manhattan and other New York and London banks relent it to developing countries at low “floating” interest rates.
1973-The Bilderberger meeting that preceded the Oil Price shocks discussed countermeasures for such an event. Kissinger was an invitee but unable to attend. No doubt he participated in the pre-meeting preparatory discussions that no doubt take place in the months before the meeting takes place
1973-As requested by President Nixon, Poppy took over as chairman of the Republican Party forcing out Bob Dole. It was a quick rise from relative obscurity to the highest level of national politics
1973-Donald Trump met Cohn at a Manhattan nightspot, Le Club, a pre–disco era successor to café society haunts like El Morocco and the Stork Club, where the fixers and society swells had drinks and traded favors..
Cohn helped the Trumps battle a 1973 lawsuit by the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department alleging that Trump rental properties refused to rent to minority applicants. Cohn advised Donald to tell the government “to go to hell and fight the thing in court.” Which is precisely what Trump did, with Cohn as his lead attorney, suing the United States government for $ 100 million (roughly $ 575 million in 2018 dollars) on behalf of Trump Management, asserting that the charges were “irresponsible and baseless.”
In effect, Donald had adopted Roy Cohn’s credo as his own: Always attack. Never apologize. Attack, attack, attack.
The countersuit was unsuccessful. Trump settled the charges out of court in 1975 without admitting guilt, saying he was satisfied that the agreement did not “compel the Trump organization to accept persons on welfare as tenants unless as qualified as any other tenant.”
Frank Snepp, a coworker in the Agency’s Saigon office, recalls that in 1971 Shackley sent a series of cables to Kissinger boasting of his CIA agents’ efforts to ensure the success of their candidate in the approaching South Vietnamese elections. The cables became known as “Shackleygrams.”
In 1972, Shackley transferred from Saigon back to the United States where he became head of the CIA’s “Western Hemisphere Division.” Thomas Clines became his deputy. When Shackley took over the division, one mission for him was the coup against Allende in 1973.
It was core members of Shackley’s “Secret Team,” also known as Operation 40, and JFK conspirators Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt, who were involved in the infamous Watergate Scandal.
However, the wily Kissinger escaped investigation in the Watergate scandal, though Seymour Hersh suggested in “Kissinger and Nixon in the White House” that he was as deeply implicated as those who were convicted for the crime. “That Kissinger had lied about his role … was widely assumed in the Washington press corps, and even inside the Watergate Special Prosecution Force, but Kissinger was permitted to slide by with his half-truths and misstatements.”
The team of Watergate “plumbers” had been assembled by E. Howard Hunt, who had retired from the CIA in 1970.Through the Brown University Club of Washington, Hunt met Charles Colson, who served as Special Counsel to President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1973.
Charles “Chuck” Colson was an Evangelical Christian leader, a member of Vereide’s The Fellowship, and founded Prison Fellowship, Prison Fellowship International, and BreakPoint.
Once known as President Nixon's “hatchet man,” Colson gained notoriety at the height of the Watergate scandal, for being named as one of the Watergate Seven, and pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice for attempting to defame Daniel Ellsberg.
Hunt and Colson soon developed a strong association. Hunt was hired as a consultant by Colson and joined the White House Special Investigations Unit. Also in the summer of 1971, Colson authorized Hunt to travel to New England to seek potentially scandalous information on Senator Edward Kennedy, specifically pertaining to the Chappaquiddick incident and to Kennedy’s possible extramarital affairs.
The Watergate “plumbers” were first assembled to gather incriminating evidence on Ellsberg.
Back in September 1971, the team hit the Beverly Hills office of Dr. Lewis Fielding, the psychiatrist of Daniel Ellsberg, the whistle-blower who leaked the explosive Pentagon Papers to the New York Times.“the Plumbers, operating on Nixon’s behalf—but without his actual approval—Hunts team broke into Dr. Fielding’s office, having been told to photograph Ellsberg’s patient files.
On June 28, 1971, two days before a Supreme Court ruling saying that a federal judge had ruled incorrectly about the right of The New York Times to publish the Pentagon Papers, Ellsberg publicly surrendered to the United States Attorney’s Office. He and Anthony Russo faced charges under the Espionage Act of 1917.
Due to governmental misconduct and illegal evidence gathering, the defense dismissed all charges against Ellsberg and Russo on May 11, 1973.
In 1971, Hunt and Liddy recruited five men including Sturgis, and two other anti-Castro Cubans, Virgilio Gonzalez and Eugenio Martinez, as well as Bernard Barker, and Southern Baptist CIA agent James W. McCord, Jr.,for the Watergate burglary.
In a long-standing tradition, both Hunt and McCord had officially “resigned” from the CIA prior to the Watergate time frame. But their continued involvement in CIA-related cover operations suggested otherwise.
Indeed, many figures, including Poppy Bush’s oil business colleague Thomas J. Devine, officially took retirement prior to participating in seemingly independent operations in which deniability was crucial.
Eugenio Martinez, one of the anti-Castro Cuban burglars, was another CIA operative in the break-in crew. Bernard L. Barker, who first worked as an FBI informant before being turned over to the CIA during the run-up to the Bay of Pigs.
Frank Sturgis, too, had CIA connections.Martinez, Barker, and Sturgis had worked with Hunt and McCord on the Second Naval Guerrilla operation.
The money used to finance the plumbers unit was provided by George H. W. Bush’s business partner and lifelong friend, Bill Liedtke, from days of old, in the oil business.
Liedtke was president of Pennzoil. In 1972, Liedtke raised $700,000 in anonymous contributions, including what appears to have been a single contribution of $100,000.
According to Harry Hart, part of the money came from Bush’s good friend, Robert Mosbacher, his former secretary of commerce, and head of Bush’s re-election campaign.
One account revealed that “two days before a new law was scheduled to begin making anonymous donations illegal, the $700,000 in cash, checks, and securities was loaded into a briefcase at Pennzoil headquarters and picked up by a company vice president, who boarded a Washington-bound Pennzoil jet and delivered the funds to the Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP) at ten o’clock at night.”
The Mexican checks were turned over to Maurice Stans of CREEP, who gave them to Watergate burglar G. Gordon Liddy.
Liddy then passed them to Bernard Barker, aka “Macho.” Macho Barker had been Hunt’s right-hand man since the Bay of Pigs, and before that he headed Cuban President Batista’s secret police.
On June 17, 1972, the five were arrested while installing electronic listening devices in the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters in Washington, DC. Hunt’s phone number was found in the address books of the burglars. Some of the “Bush” money was found on Barkers person.
Reporters were able to link the break-in to the White House, leading to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by members of the Nixon administration. Those abuses included such “dirty tricks” as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious.
At this point, the U.S. House of Representatives Banking and Currency Committee started to investigate the money financing the break-in. Chaired by Texas Democrat Wright Patman, the committee soon discovered the money trail. Patman was relentless, and soon more than a few “donors” were sweating it out. Patman, although not having specific authorization by his committee, reported that the largest amount of money, $100,000, had been sent by Bush ally and partner Texas CREEP chairman William Liedtke to a Mexican bank where it was laundered and then sent back to Barker’s account in four smaller checks totaling $89,000, plus $11,000 in cash, which was found on Barker.
Originally the $100,000 had come from a Robert H. Allen, a nuclear weapons material executive. Allen was also chairman of Gulf Resources and Chemical Corporation in Houston. As it turned out, Allen was Texas CREEP’s chief financial officer.
In addition, it was learned, in 1982, that the H. L. Hunt family owned 15 percent of Gulf resources shares. In 1977 they hired George Bush to be the executive committee chairman of their family enterprise, the First International Bank in Houston.
Although indirectly, Bush’s name and connection was all over much of the money used to finance the Watergate break-in. It was looking like Poppy might be swept in with the rest of the lot.
On October 3, 1972, a vote was cast in the House Banking and Currency Committee to decide if the investigation would continue (as Patman wanted) or not. In a 20–15 count against Patman, the investigation into the financial aspects of Watergate was ended.
This prevented the issuance of 23 subpoenas for CREEP officials to come to Congress to testify. This was a blow to uncovering the truth, and a resounding victory for George H. W. Bush.
Key to the Watergate Coup was Woodward. Woodward did not fit the profile of the typical daily print reporter.Young, midwestern, Republican, he attended Yale on an ROTC scholarship and then spent five years in the Navy. He had begun with a top-secret security clearance on board the USS Wright, specializing in communications, including with the White House.
His commanding officer was Rear Admiral Robert O. Welander, who would later be implicated in the military spy ring in the Nixon White House
According to Silent Coup, an exhaustive study of the military espionage scandal, Woodward then arrived in Washington, where he worked on the staff of Admiral Thomas Moorer, chief of naval operations, again as a communications officer, this time one who provided briefings and documents to top brass in the White House on national security matters.
According to this account, in 1969–70, Woodward frequently walked through the basement offices of the White House West Wing with documents from Admiral Moorer to General Alexander Haig, who served under Henry Kissinger.
In September 1971, after one year of training at the Maryland-based Sentinel, Woodward was hired at the Washington Post. The Post itself is steeped in intelligence connections. The paper’s owner, the Graham family were aficionados of the apparatus, good friends of top spies, and friends also of Prescott Bush. They even helped fund Poppy Bush’s earliest business venture.
Woodward demonstrated his proclivity for clandestine sources a month before the Watergate break-in, in his coverage of the shooting and serious wounding of presidential candidate George Wallace at a shopping center in Washington’s Maryland suburbs. A lone gunman, Arthur Bremer, would be convicted. Woodward
1974-On August 7 , George H. W. Bush delivered a letter to his embattled president. Dear Mr. President, It is my considered judgment that you should now resign. I expect in your lonely embattled position this would seem to you as an act of disloyalty from one you have supported and helped in so many ways. My own view is that I would now ill serve a President whose massive accomplishments I will always respect and whose family I love, if I did not now give you my judgment. Until this moment resignation has been no answer at all, but given the impact of the latest development, and it will be a lasting one, I now firmly feel resignation is best for the country, best for this President. I believe this view is held by most Republican leaders across the country. This letter is much more difficult because of the gratitude I will always have for you. If you do leave office, history will properly record your achievements with a lasting respect.
Nixon delivered his resignation on August 9.
1974-Nixon was replaced by his vice-president Gerald Ford, a former member of the Warren Commission, known for his pro-Israel positions. One of his first decisions was to recognize Jerusalem as capital of the Jewish state, in violation of UN resolutions(another Cyrus).
Under Ford, the infiltration of Israel into the heart of the American state apparatus entered a new stage, which we will explore in the next chapter.
1974- 1974 United Nations World Food Conference, which set up the World Food Council (suspended in 1993), derived from a Rockefeller proposal for a World Food Bank.
Just weeks before Nelson Rockefeller would be appointed Vice Presidentof the United States, the Rockefeller machine had been threatening administration officials held over from the Nixon Administration to go along with the agenda, including that of a world food authority. Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz “capitulated” to these demands during his role at the November 1974 UN World Food Conference in Rome and backing the “Malthusian” eugenics views on controlling the world food supply in conjunction with efforts to limit the population.
Butz, who officially heads the U.S. delegation, called for the establishment of a new “world food agency” along the same lines proposed by the UN’s Food and Agricutlure Organization (FAO). The Rockefeller Foundation-authored FAO proposal would establish a supranational agency allowing the Rockefeller cabal fingertip control over world food supplies.
Significantly, just one month after the pivotal 1974 United Nations World Food Conference, Henry Kissinger officially issued the National Security Council document “National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.”(NSSM 200 for short).]
1974-National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200, “Implications of World-Wide Population Growth for United States Security and Overseas Interests.”
This memorandum was completed on Dec. 10, 1974, under the direction of Kissinger. It became U.S. official policy on Nov. 26, 1975. The document cited the World Population Plan of Action drawn up by the First United Nations Population Conference in Bucharest, Romania, in the summer of 1974, and stressed that the plan would only succeed if it were enforced by United Nations agencies and using the power of countries like the United States.
NSSM-200 concentrated on 13 developing countries, which it declared were responsible for 47% of the world’s expected rate of population growth.
The basic thesis of the memorandum was that population growthin the least developed countries(LDCs) is a concern to US national security, because it would tend to risk civil unrestand political instability in countries that had a high potential for economic development. The policy gives "paramount importance" to population control measures and the promotion of contraception among 13 populous countries to control rapid population growth which the US deems inimical to the socio-political and economic growth of these countries and to the national interests of the United States since the "U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad" and the countries can produce destabilizing opposition forces against the US.
It recommends for US leadership to "influence national leaders" and that "improved world-wide support for population-related efforts should be sought through increased emphasis on mass media and other population education and motivation programs by the UN, USIA, and USAID."
This document called for using “food as a weapon” to aid in Third World depopulation efforts. One part of the proposal discusses withholding food aid to induce population reduction and family planning on the basis of food shortages.
Kissinger states, “It is questionable whether aid donor countries will be prepared to provide the sort of massive food aid called for by the import projections on a long-term continuing basis,” suggesting that Western nations might opt out of giving rations to countries that have not followed international programs to cut population numbers.
The veiled threat is clear as Kissinger, a top Rockefeller envoy places a high priority on reducing population, is directing U.S. foreign policy, in the name of national security, to essentially blackmail countries into compliance with “family planning” programs to implement contraceptives, sterilizations and abortions to reduce the birthrate with the leverage of food supply and food aid.
1974- United Nations passed Resolution 3201, Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order . Contrary to the resolutions call for more government control in reality public-private partnerships (PPP) were introduced as a way to finance the development of the new order which included deindustrialization of the West and transfer of technology to the developing world
It would involve private corporations putting up cash in return for government favors with the result being a sort of Mussolini type bonding of industry and government.
The government favors could be in the form of free tracts of land, tax breaks, special zoning considerations, waivers of regulations, exclusive rights to development, etc.
1974-Bill Barr’s father (Donald) worked for the precursor to the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and recruited a young Jeffrey Epstein, then a high school drop-out, to teach at the elite Dalton School, from which Epstein was later fired.
Jeffrey Epstein grew up in Sea Gate gated community on Coney Island, across from what is now, and probably was, a Chabad Lubavitch synagogue. Epstein’s maternal grandfather is Lithuanian Jewish. Chabad has roots in Lithuania.
This is of interest only because Trumps daughter and son in law would also belong to Chabad Lubavitch, as well as Poppy signing a Congressional Declaration in 1991 on Noahide Laws being a foundation of the Constitution and Chabad’s Rebee Schneersons teachings that non-Jews should follow these laws, as well as the fact every President since 1978 has issued a Presidential Proclamation that his birthday be honored with a holiday (Education Day) on his birthday
A year prior to hiring Epstein, Donald Barr published a science fiction fantasy novel about sex slavery. Notably, the same yearDonald Barr hired Epstein, his son was working for the CIA.
Bill Barr as Trumps AG would refuse calls to recuse himself from the Epstein case, even though he worked at the same law firm that has represented Epstein in the past.
Trumps Labor Secretary Acosta during the George W. Bush administration gave Epstein after his arrest a sweet heart deal after being told Epstein was intelligence.
1975, conditions in India became so bad due to high oil prices that Prime Minister Gandhi declared a state of national emergency and assumed dictatorial power.
Driven once again to desperation, she found herself at the mercy of the World Bank, led by arch-Malthusian Robert S. McNamara. McNamara made it clear: if India wanted more loans, Gandhi needed to use her powers to deal more definitively with India’s supposed population problem. Tough measures were implemented.
During 1976, eight million Indians were sterilized. Far from being dismayed by the massive violation of human rights committed by the campaign, its foreign sponsors expressed full support. Sweden increased its funding for Indian population control by $17 million. Reimert Ravenholt ordered 64 advanced laparoscope machines — altogether sufficient to sterilize 12,800 people per day — rushed to India to help the effort.
World Bank president McNamara was absolutely delighted. In November 1976, he traveled to India to congratulate Indira Gandhi’s government for its excellent work. “At long last,” he said, “India is moving effectively to address its population problem.”
Prime Minister Gandhi got her loans. She also got the boot in 1977, when, in the largest democratic election in history, the people of India defied three decades of precedent and voted her Congress Party out of power in a landslide.
Despite the fall of the Gandhi government, the financial pressure on India from the World Bank and USAID to implement population control continued. By the early 1980s, four million sterilizations were being performed every year on India’s underclasses as part of a coercive two-children-per-family policy.
1975-Church Committee, set up in January by the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate. The Rockefeller Commission was in part an attempt to preempt a serious congressional probe of intelligence, but in that it utterly failed.
In 1975 and 1976, the Church Committee would publish fourteen reports, which covered the formation of U.S. intelligence agencies, their operations, and their alleged abuses, together with recommendations for reform.Some of these—such as a law requiring warrants for domestic wiretapping—were actually instituted.
1975-Ford got Poppy out of town with an assignment to China as a defacto Ambassador. Since we had no official diplomatic relations with China this meant he did not require confirmation by Congress and thus did not have to answer any questions regarding his role if any in Watergate
On November 1, 1975, while U.S. envoy George H. W. Bush was with his wife, Barbara, riding bicycles through Beijing AS DEFACTO Ambassador of China, he was approached by a messenger with a telegram. It was from Henry Kissinger, and it informed Bush that the president was about to appoint him director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
The current director, William Colby, had been too candid and forthcoming. Without consulting Nixon or Ford, he had released to the Justice Department the 693-page “Family Jewels” document, and confirmed details after it was leaked to New York Times reporter Seymour Hersh.
Colby was not the one to hold the fort during the coming onslaught; and his ouster was part of what came to be called the “Halloween Massacre,” in which the White House rid the administration of elements it deemed undesirable.
The orchestrators were Donald Rumsfeld, Ford’s young chief of staff, and his deputy, Dick Cheney. After the putsch, Rumsfeld would become defense secretary and Cheney would take Rumsfeld’s post. The new national security adviser, taking Kissinger’s place, was Air Force Lieutenant General Brent Scowcroft. Finally, the moderate Vice President Rockefeller was removed from the ticket for the upcoming 1976 reelection campaign.
Under the guidance of Rumsfeld, Cheney, a young Paul Wolfowitz, and others who had ascended in the Halloween Massacre, Poppy began finding ways to get around the analysts who did not sufficiently hype the Soviet threat. To that end he created a second analytical team, which produced alarming estimates of Soviet military capabilities. The concept was known as Team A/Team B.
Future President George W.’s Iraq War strategist Paul Wolfowitz—produced a scathing report, claiming that the Soviet threat had been badly underestimated. . . Iraq is part of a pattern. In each of these cases, arguments about the threat posed by a country rest in large part on the character of the regime. The Team B report explains that the CIA’s analysis was flawed because it was based on too much “hard data”—meaning facts.
Poppy oversaw some intriguing new projects. He enlisted the Saudis to provide financing for agency covert operations that Congress had barred or refused to fund. In effect, Bush privatized U.S. covert operations.
In September 1976, Washington was rocked, literally, by a car bombing on D.C.’s Embassy Row that killed Orlando Letelier, the former ambassador of Chilean president Salvador Allende and a critic of Augusto Pinochet’s military regime. Letelier’s American colleague Ronni Moffitt, also died.
Bush insisted that the U.S. government had no knowledge of, nor hand in, this act of terrorism. But subsequent Chilean investigations and trials showed that the assassination had been carried out by former CIA contract employee Michael Townley, a U.S. expatriate who had gone to work for Pinochet’s intelligence chief.
The strangest part was that Townley, who had been on the State Department watch list as a potential terrorist, had nevertheless managed to freely enter the United States before the assassination.
Under President George H.W. Bush, Cheney would became defense secretary, with Scowcroft again serving as national security adviser. Under George W. Bush, Cheney returned to power, this time as vice president, and with Rumsfeld, now defense secretary, they engineered the disastrous invasion of Iraq.
1975, Sen. Frank Church, the chairman of the Senate panel probing U.S. Intelligence agencies says the government has the technological capacity to impose “total tyranny” if a dictator ever came to power. “There would be no place to hide,” . Church said the eavesdropping technology given the government by intelligence agencies would enable the government to impose total tyranny“and there would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know , such is the capability of this technology.”
1976-After NSSM 200 was formally adopted by the Ford administration, a follow-up memo issued in 1976 by the NSC called for the United States to use control of food supplies to impose population control on a global scale.
It further noted the value of using dictatorial power and military force as means to coerce Third World peoples into submission to population control measures, adding: “In some cases, strong direction has involved incentives such as payment to acceptors for sterilization, or disincentives such as giving low priorities in the allocation of housing or schooling to those with larger families. Such direction is the sine qua nonof an effective program.”
1975 Roselli testified before the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence led by Idaho Senator Frank Church about Operation Mongoose (to assassinate Castro) Shortly before Roselli testified, an unknown person shot and killed JFK assassination suspect mobster Giancana in the basement of his Illinois home just days before Giancana was to testify before the committee.
In 1976 Roselli was called before the committee to testify about a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy. Three months after his first round of testimony, when the Committee wanted to recall Roselli, he went missing. Roselli’s decomposing body was found on August 9, 1976, in a fuel drum floating in Dumfoundling Bay near Miami, Florida.
After Roselli’s death, journalists Jack Anderson and Les Whitten published an editorial stating that Roselli had told associates that individuals he had recruited to kill Castro assassinated President John F. Kennedy.
1975, as Carter and Lance were planning the presidential campaign, Lance was approached by one of the biggest bank-holding companies in Washington, Financial General Bankshares (FGB).
Although federal law barred American banks from engaging in interstate banking in those days, FGB had a special exemption. It owned banks in a number of states; and as the only such company it was potentially quite valuable. It was controlled by General George Olmsted (Ret.), a former OSS chief in China, an old intelligence hand with longstanding ties to the late Allen Dulles.
FGB’s stable included the National Bank of Georgia, and that entity offered Bert Lance the job of president. Lance readily agreed, and took a large stock position in the firm. He was now in deep.Before long, Jimmy Carter would be too.
1975-Project Democracy would originate out of a Trilateral Commission meeting on May 31st, in Kyoto Japan, where the Trilateral Commission’s “Task Force on the Governability of Democracies” findings were delivered. The project was overseen by Trilateral Commission Director Zbigniew
Brzezinski and its members James Schlesinger (former CIA Director) and Samuel P. Huntington.
It would mark the beginning of the end, introducing the policy, or more aptly “ideology”, for the need to instigate a controlled disintegration of society and weakening of Democracy
1975 the CFR launched a public study of global policy titled the 1980’s Project. The general theme was “controlled disintegration” of the western economies, and the report did not attempt to hide the pain its policy would bring.
The study explained that the world financial and economic system needed a complete overhaul (Great Reset) according to which key sectors such as energy, credit allocation and food would be placed under the direction of a single global administration.
1976- Barr worked at CIA when CIA Director George H. W. Bush rallied the agency to undertake covert activities that included propaganda, regime change, infiltration of groups, creation of scandals, assassinations , drug running and revolutions.
Barr prepared briefs for Bush’s stonewalling responses to congressional probes, led by Sen. Frank Church and Rep. Otis Pike, that attempted to bring the Bush and [Secretary of State Henry] Kissinger covert action under the rule of American law….
1976-Bath was recruited by then CIA Director, George Herbert Bush, to create offshore companies to move CIA funds and aircraft between Texas and Saudi Arabia
1976-As CIA director, Poppy Bush worked closely with his Saudi counterpart, Kamal Adham, who in addition to being chief of the Saudi General Intelligence Division, was also head of a separate agency charged with protecting the Saudi royal family. Poppy put his CIA resources to use in working with Adham to protect the royals. There had been threats on the king’s life when a mullah had issued an edict proclaiming the Saudi royal family to be corrupt. Protection or not, at a conference in March 1975, one of King Faisal’s nephews shot and killed the king. Bush’s CIA quickly launched an investigation into the assassination, working closely with Kamal Adham’s intelligence apparatus. It was in this climate of fear that the CIA/Saudi pact was spawned. Yet years later, when Adham was caught up in a banking scandal, Poppy denied ever knowing Kamal Adham. “I don’t know anything about this man except I’ve read bad stuff about him.”
1976-In Bush’s first few months as director, the CIA launched a ruthless campaign to destabilize Jamaica for the purpose of preventing the re-election of Prime Minister Michael Manley. Included in this campaign were rallies to foment violence, illegal shipments of arms into the island, and three attempts to assassinate Manley. The CIA spent roughly $10 million on that secret campaign.
1976, author Michael Canfield, author of Coup d'etat In America, visited Paul Raigorodsky, he retorted, “I told everything I knew to the Warren Commission. What is your interest in all of this?” When Canfield answered, “Oh, I’m just curious, that’s all.” Raigorodsky warned, “But don’t you know that curiosity killed the cat?”
Raigorodsky was killed in 1977 less than two weeks before de Mohrenschildt died, at a time when HSCA investigators were seeking to interview both of them about the assassination
1976-Swine Flu scare while Bush was 11th CIA Director. United States mass vaccinated 45 million people in four weeks with the swine flu vaccine.The official toll of people who qualified by government standards as having Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) was more than 200, 11 of whom died.
There was a clustering of cases in the second and third weeks after vaccination. The epidemic never arrived, and the ill-conceived campaign was labeled a fiasco..CDC and IOM today agree that the vaccine led to “an increased risk” of GBS.
Dr. John Anthony Morris was a bacteriologist and virologist who worked for thirty-six years at NIH and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), beginning in 1940. Morris served as the chief vaccine officer for the Bureau of Biological Standards (BBS) at the National Institute of Health and later with the FDA when the BBS transferred to that agency in the 1970s.
Dr. Morris irked his superiors by arguing that the research carried out by his unit demonstrated there was no reliable proof that flu vaccines were effective in preventing influenza; in particular, he accused his supervisor of basing HHS’s mass vaccination program for the swine flu primarily on a scientifically baseless fear campaign and on false claims made by pharmaceutical manufacturers.
He warned that the vaccine was dangerous and could induce neurological injuries. His CDC superior warned Dr. Morris, “I would advise you not to talk about this.” When vaccine recipients began reporting adverse reactions, including Guillain-Barré, Dr. Morris disobeyed that order and went public. He declared that the flu vaccine was ineffective and potentially dangerous and said that he could find no evidence that this swine flu was dangerous or that it would spread from human to human.
In retaliation, FDA officials confiscated his research materials, changed the locks on his laboratory, reassigned his laboratory staff, and blocked his efforts to publish his findings. The FDA assigned Dr. Morris to a small room with no telephone. Anyone who wished to see him had to secure permission from the chief of the lab.
HHS fired Dr. Morris on the pretext that he failed to return library books on time. Subsequent events supported Dr. Morris’s skepticism about the swine flu shot.
Fauci’s boss, NIAID director Richard Krause would one day say of the 1976 response :
“These efforts to prevent an epidemic were, in some ways, like a big "fire drill." We proved it was possible to organize a mass influenza immunization program from start to finish: identify the virus, grow up stocks, prepare and field test the vaccine, provide for indemnity, and immunize a large segment of the population, all within 10 months. We learned a great deal from that drill, and I am sure we can do better the next time. The day will come when we will again retrace this race against time.”
Flash forward to Pompeo saying in March 2020 “We are in a live exercise‘ in relation to the pandemic
1977 Bush begged Carter to reappoint him after his inaguration in January , but Carter declined, choosing to name Stansfield Turner, who then started to clean house.
In the next few years Poppy flies mostly under the publics radar before running for President in 1980 and ending up as Reagans running mate.
1977-Bush moved back to Texas and started his plans to campaign for President in 1980. At that time, he began to consolidate a secret cabal of disgruntled intelligence persons removed from the C.I.A. Covert operations and went rogue.
1977-A 1970 law had made it possible for banks to expand rapidly into giant holding companies.
One such entity was the Dallas-based First International Bancshares (FIB). At FIB’s Houston location, Poppy set up his government-in-exile after being dumped by Carter
H. L. Hunt family owned 15 percent of Gulf Resources and Chemical Corp and got George Bush hired to be the executive committee chairman of their family enterprise, the First International Bank in Houston.
In the 1950s, when Poppy’s “uncle” Neil Mallon was assembling his off-the-books covert operations via Dresser Industries and the Dallas Council on World Affairs, First International had sent high executives to the council’s first planning meeting. (Its competitor, Republic, had done so as well.) First International’s association with the Bush family went back many years.
The holding company chairman, Robert H. Stewart III, came from a family with long-standing personal ties to J. Edgar Hoover. FIB was intimately associated with the powerful Bass, Hunt, and Murchison families. Its largest shareholder was Joe Allbritton, whose D.C.-based Riggs Bank held the accounts for several embassies, including Saudi Arabia.
During his time with the company, Bush would serve as chairman of the Houston subsidiary’s executive committee and join the boards of the Dallas-based parent and a subsidiary of First International in London. First International had no trouble getting the needed approvals from the Federal Reserve for its steady diet of acquisitions.
After Bush came on board in 1977, FIB began a massive expansion. First International (known as “Interfirst” by 1980) would merge with its rival Republic to form First RepublicBank, which became the biggest commercial bank in Texas. Fourteen months later, the giant holding company failed, resulting in a $3.5 billion federal bailout.
At the very time Poppy was at First International Bank, across town in Houston a number of his friends were starting up the Main Bank, with a paltry seventy million dollars in assets.
Main was to BCCI what a tiny hatchling is to a giant condor. But it achieved one thing that BCCI failed to do: publicly creating a joint banking venture between Saudis and Texans.
Main Bank brought together the Saudi geopolitical agenda, funding for U.S. covert operations, and related money-laundering, as well as the chance to make a buck.
Among Main’s principal investors were Bush’s friend Jim Bath, his Saudi billionaire business partner Khalid bin Mahfouz, and Mahfouz’s fellow Saudi billionaire, Ghaith Pharaon. A fourth member of the Main Bank team was John Connally, the former Texas governor and former secretary of the Treasury under Nixon.
One of the figures implicated in BCCI’s activities in the United States was its largest shareholder, none other than Jim Bath’s partner Khalid bin Mahfouz. Mahfouz ended up paying $225 million to settle fraud allegations in 1993 as part of a deal in which New York state dropped criminal charges.
Mahfouz’s own Saudi bank, National Commercial Bank, was barred from operating in the United States. Nothing, however, was ever made of the Bush connection to all this.
Mahfouz’s ties to Jim Bath were not raised, and therefore, neither was Bath’s connection to the Bush family. It is worth noting that the Treasury Department official responsible for scrutinizing BCCI’s affairs in the Reagan-Bush administration was assistant secretary for enforcement John M. Walker Jr.—who happened to be Poppy’s cousin.
1977-1977, Poppy also joined the board of Purolator Oil Company, Eli Lilly and Co., a huge pharmaceutical company, and Texas Gulf, Inc. Bush also became a director of Baylor Medical College, a trustee of Trinity Medical College in San Antonio, and a trustee of Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts.
1977-. One of Turner’s first steps as CIA Director was to force out hundreds of officers from the Operations (“Dirty Tricks”) Division—the perceived “rogue element”—along with their paid outside agents. Since the CIA’s clandestine services already had been purged by previous directors Schlesinger and Colby, Turner was stepping onto an angry anthill.
1977, former CIA counterintelligence czar James Angleton and some former colleagues started an organization, the Security and Intelligence Fund (SIF), ostensibly to defend U.S. security and intelligence organizations.
1977, Le Cercle’s Brian Crozier created his intelligence network The 6I with funding from both the CIA and the Heritage Foundation to serve as Le Circle’s own internal intelligence service separate from any single nation’s government. In his book Free Agent, Crozier described 6I as “a private sector operational intelligence agency” to “provide intelligence in areas which governments were barred from investigating” and “to conduct secret counter-subversion operations in any country in which such actions were deemed feasible.”
6I included four-star Army General Richard G. “Dick” Stilwell, formerly of the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA). Stilwell had worked closely with the CIA in the 1950s and 1960s to develop US counterinsurgency policy, which laid the groundwork for the American pacification program for Vietnam.
After serving in the DIA, Stilwell was appointed Reagan’s Assistant Secretary of Defence in charge of administration, and joined the board of the ASC.
1977-in the wake of the Church Committee investigations, the CIA had been forced to back off from its recruiting of agents from within the media.
Therefore, as an alternative, the CIA made use of intellectuals at think tanks like CSIS, whose work was made public in publications like the National Review, Commentary, New Republic, and Harper’s.
CSIS’s funding is provided in part by the Rockefeller Foundation, and major funders from Big Oil and the Military-Industrial Complex, including ExxonMobil, Bank of America, Boeing, Chevron, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Saudi Aramco.
CSIS is formally a branch of Georgetown University, but its offices are all independent of the administration or faculty of the university. It conducts policy studies and strategic analyses with a specific focus on issues concerning international relations, trade, technology, finance, energy and geostrategy.
Members of CSIS made their way to the pinnacles of American policymaking, particularly during the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations. The CSIS board of trustees included many former senior government officials including Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, William Cohen, George Argyros and Brent Scowcroft.
Within the intelligence community, CSIS is known for having “some of the most insightful analysis and innovative ideas for strengthening our national security,” according to former CIA Director John Brennan.
1977, November 22- the first successful test of the Internet-grade TCP/IP network took place , it simulated a military scenario: using radio, satellite, and wired networks to communicate with an active mobile unit battling a Soviet invasion of Europe.
1977- Operation Mockingbird. Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein, writing in an October article in Rolling Stone, claimed that more than 400 American journalists worked for the CIA from inside of leading news organizations, but that the Church Committee report “covered up” CIA relations with news media, when top officials of the CIA, including former directors William Colby and George Bush, persuaded the committee to restrict its inquiry and to deliberately misrepresent the actual scope of the activities in its final report.
1977 March 29,, de Mohrenschildt gave an interview to author Edward Jay Epstein, during which he claimed that in 1962, CIA agent Moore had given him the go-ahead to meet Oswald. “I would never have contacted Oswald in a million years if Moore had not sanctioned it,” de Mohrenschildt said. “Too much was at stake.”
That afternoon, de Mohrenschildt was found dead from a supposedly self-inflicted shotgun wound to the head in a house where he was staying in Florida. The coroner’s verdict was suicide.
After de Mohrenschildt’s death in 1977, an address book was retrieved from his briefcase, in which was found the names, among others, of key MK-Ultra agent Gordon Wasson, who himself was associated with at least six people suspected of being involved in the JFK assassination, including C.D. Jackson and Henry Luce. The address book also contained an entry for “Bush, George
Other entries included William F. Buckley Jr. and William S. Paley of CBS, a key agent of Operation Mockingbird.
1977-Senate Governmental Affairs Committee began poking into the financial affairs of Bert Lance, whom Carter had appointed director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Shortly after Labor Day 1977, Lance resigned as director of the Office of Management and Budget. He was out of work and nearly broke—and susceptible to being compromised further.
It was at this time that he was introduced to Agha Hassan Abedi, the Pakistani who headed BCCI. Abedi ostensibly wanted to use Bert Lance as a front man for acquiring a banking operation in the United States, something foreigners then could generally not do under U.S. law.
In November 1977, just three months after the group of which he was part purchased Main Bank of Houston, the charming, gift-bearing Ghaith Pharaon, now a business partner of Jim Bath, came into the harried life of Bert Lance.
The matchmaker was none other than Agha Hassan Abedi. In what was to transpire, Pharaon’s true function became apparent: he was essentially a front for BCCI.
Abedi explained to Lance that Pharaon was interested in buying Lance’s bank stock—which Pharaon, unlike Abedi, could do because he had already been approved by American regulators and had already acquired substantial interests in domestic banking. Lance,
Lance, who was deeply in debt, agreed enthusiastically, and Pharaon bought out his shares in the National Bank of Georgia at a 25 percent premium over market value.
Washington-based Financial General Bankshares (FGB), shareholders told Lance they were looking for a bank to acquire their FGB stock. In retrospect, this all seems a little too neat.
Lance was now essentially the possibly unwitting midwife for both the entry of the criminal bank BCCI into the United States and its assumption of the CIA-connected banking activities previously handled by FGB.
1978- Barr went to Washington University's law school as a night student clerk, upon Bush's recommendation, for U.S. District Judge Malcolm Wilkey in Washington, DC.
Wilkey had dissented, as widely reported, from the court’s historic opinion ordering President Richard M. Nixon to turn over his secret Watergate tape recordings, arguing that discussions between a president and his advisers are protected by “absolute privilege.”
During the 1960s, Wilkey had been general counsel to a copper-mining conglomerate operating in Chile under the political management of Prescott Bush’s banking partner, Spruile Braden.
Salvador Allende became Chile’s President and confiscated Braden’s huge El Teniente mine. Allende was soon overthrown and murdered in 1973.
Malcolm Wilkey, later served as George Bush’s ambassador to Uruguay and arranged cool-out payments to Chileans who might have fingered Bush’s CIA for the Letelier bombing.
Barr immediately took up the representation of B.F. Saul II, a Maryland real estate magnate who only a few months earlier had become chairman of Financial General Bankshares. In his later testimony to the Senate hearings on his confirmation for Justice Department posts, Barr revealed that he had represented B.F. Saul beginning November 1978, and in 1979, 1981, and 1982 when BCCI acquired FGB
This was an extraordinarily important stretch of time in
his client's life. During this period, Financial General was taken over in stages by BCCI, a London-based bank with Arab and other principal investors tied to Anglo-American intelligence.
Saul's Financial General Bankshares changed its name to First American Bankshares, and functioned as the Maryland, District of Columbia, and Virginia arm of the British spook-bank BCCI
1978-Arbusto Energy was organized in 1977 by George W but did not begin operations until after George W Bush's unsuccessful 1978 run for Representative from Texas's 19th congressional district.
With little success in its drilling program, the company merged with Spectrum 7Energy Corp. in February 1984, with Bush holding the positions of Chairman and CEO.
One of the early investors in Arbusto was Houston businessman James R. Bath. Bath and Bush became acquainted when both men were serving as reserve pilots in the Texas Air Guard in the early 1970s,and according to journalist Craig Unger, Bath invested $50,000 in Arbusto.
At the time of the investment, Bath was a representative for Saudi businessman Salem bin Laden, the oldest son of Mohammed bin Laden, founder of the Saudi Binladin Group, the largest old construction company in Saudi Arabia.
Bath's business partner Charles White later became involved in a legal dispute with Bath, during which he claimed that Bath had actually invested in the company on behalf of bin Laden and other Saudi businessmen. Both Bath and Bush have since denied this
In 1986, a rapid fall in oil prices made investment in oil exploration unattractive, and put the company in financial difficulties. Spectrum 7 began looking for partners or purchasers, and in September of that year it was acquired by Harken Energythrough a stock swap, with Bush joining the Harken board of directors
Meanwhile, Carter soon became pals with Abedi. In the 1980s, the now ex-president and the banker would spend holidays together in Switzerland and make missionary appearances in Bangladesh, China, and Pakistan, among other countries.
1978, Marcos issued a decree mandating that all gold mined in the islands had to be sold directly to the government. As the Seagraves note: “This made it possible for him to sell some of his own gold to the Central Bank through a variety of intermediaries, and the bank could then send the gold to financial centers without attracting attention.” In effect, Marcos seems to have turned the Philippine government into a laundry for his own stash.
1978-Reza Pahlavi, the shah’s son had come to the United States to train as a jet fighter pilot, and spent the year at Reese Air Force Base in Lubbock, Texas. But in 1979, with his father overthrown, the shah’s son needed to lay low.
The Ayatollah Khomeini had just put out a contract on the shah’s family, and by December, a nephew of the shah would be assassinated in Paris. So Reza was hiding out at Jim Bath’s place, pretending to be an aircraft salesman.
David and Nelson Rockefeller used the takeover as a pretext to prevent the Iranian revolutionaries from withdrawing petrodollars from the Chase Manhattan Bank in London, where the shah kept most of his assets.
According to several thoughtful accounts, the shah’s looted billions were crucial to Chase’s then-shaky finances. Their withdrawal could have precipitated an international financial crisis.
The hostage crisis then provided a justification for the Carter administration, under pressure from Rockefeller interests, to seize all of Iran’s assets.
The presence of the shah’s son in the Houston offices of Jim Bath might have surprised Bill White. But it made sense for the Poppy Bush operation to serve as guardian of the shah’s most prized possession: the heir to the Peacock Throne.
Bill White recalled Bath saying that he “had been tapped by George Senior to set up a quasi-private aircraft firm that would basically engage in CIA-sponsored activities funded by the Saudi royal family.”
As a military pilot who had top-secret clearance and had been vetted by the FBI, Bath was a perfect candidate to organize and run covert aviation operations.
Since the Federal Aviation Administration will certify only planes owned by Americans, Bath acted as the front man for Saudi aviation purchases.
In 1977, ostensibly on behalf of Salem bin Laden, Bath bought the Houston Gulf Airport, a small, private facility in League City, Texas, twenty-five miles east of Houston. Bath also bought aircraft for bin Laden.
Houston Gulf—unlike the city’s other airports—had no U.S. Customs presence. This absence of oversight could prove handy in many an instance.
1978-Jeffrey Epstein, would be recruited, after his firing from the Dalton School in 1978, by Alan “Ace” Greenberg, a close friend of Roy Cohn, to work at Bear Stearns until 1981.
Bear Stearns also worked directly with BCCI during this period. Indeed, Bear Stearns served as a brokerto BCCI, a fact that remained hidden until a lengthy court battle in the U.K. concluded in 2011 and forced the government’s “Sandstorm Report” about BCCI’s activities to unredact the names of Bear Stearns and other institutions, individuals and countries that had done business with the CIA-linked bank.
Furthermore, there is the additional fact that BCCI trafficked underage girls for sex as a means of obtaining favors from and gaining leverage over powerful individuals,something in which Epstein would later become deeply involved.
The reason Epstein left the bank remains murky. Though some former Bear Stearns employees claim he was fired, others — including Epstein himself — claimed that he resigned of his own volition.
Ward suggests that Epstein may have left the bank owing to a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigation into insider trading in a case that involved a tender offer placed by the Seagrams corporation for St. Joe Minerals Corp. Seagrams owner Edgar Bronfman, son of Meyer Lansky associate Samuel Bronfman and member of the Mega Group, had tipped offseveral investors and bankers of the coming tender offer.
Epstein resigned from Bear Stearns the day after the SEC opened the case and later claimed he had left the company as a result of a relatively minor “Reg D” violation and rumors that he had an “illicit affair with a secretary.”
1979-The newly formed group some refer to as the “Enterprise “ was a cluster of private intelligence organizations (PIOs) and private military firms (PMFs). These were staffed by former CIA and Pentagon officers who saw themselves as Paladins of the Cold War. Many PIOs and PMFs got their start in the 1970s during shakeups at the CIA.
They mushroomed in the 1980s after Jimmy Carter stirred up the anthill, and strongly motivated men had to continue their careers elsewhere.
The Enterprise grew into a powerful and influential network during the late 1980s. Although they were now private citizens, these men continued to have close ties to serving military officers, to top men in the CIA and the armed services.
This overlap made it nearly impossible to distinguish between official U.S. Government operations and those that had private objectives. This was especially true because so many of these individuals had long experience in covert operations, deception, and the clandestine use of government resources and secret funds.
They were accustomed to working with CIA proprietaries that had every appearance of being legitimate companies in private industry but were actually Trojan Horses for the intelligence community and, by extension, for the armed forces.
In fact, some of the PMFs were little more than fronts set up so that generals, admirals, and former spooks could continue to draw salaries and pensions as if they had never left government service.
Many CIA agents spent years or even decades under various covers, so it was hard to establish beyond any doubt whether they ever left the Agency, or merely went underground.
Under Presidents Reagan and Bush, the PIOs and PMFs multiplied and deployed as a virtual private extension of the White House.
The companies George H.W. Bush sanctioned under the code name “the Enterprise” were soon to be responsible for the CIA-financed coup that brought down Mikhail Gorbachev and the Soviet Union in 1991. But the machinery and organization of the Enterprise was also responsible for bribing or corrupting key KGB generals and creating what came to be called the “Russian oligarchs” to loot the crown jewels of the former Soviet State, now legally known as the Russian Federation.
Their looting included the entire gold reserves of the Russian National Bank in the early 1990s. That loot was funneled into the vaults of handpicked CIA-controlled banks in Switzerland, offshore bank havens, and New York.
To this day, leaders of The Enterprise and advocates of PMFs insist that the White House needs a private clandestine service run by experienced intelligence officers turned entrepreneurs.
Accordingly, PMFs were involved in South Africa, Angola, Colombia, Croatia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Sierra Leone, to name only a few. When not engaged by the White House, they work under contract to regimes whose human rights record is as bad as it gets.
The Vinnel Corporation, PMF subsidiary of Dick Cheney’s Haliburton, worked with the army dictatorship in Myanmar, which has one of the worst human rights records on the planet. Some of their motives are of questionable constitutionality.
The Enterprise network was also used recovered Japanese war loot to set up a private FBI-style security force to police the American public, and a separate military-industrial complex
1979- It can be rightly said that the War on Terror was born at the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism in July .
The conference was arranged by the Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, the former terrorist head of the Irgun, along with Moshe Dayan, and hosted by Benjamin Netanyahu and his father Ben-Zion at an institute called the Jonathan Institute.
Menachem Begin, who became Israel's prime minister in 1977 had a long history of terrorism, including the bombing of Jerusalem's King David Hotel in 1946.
Four former chiefs of Israeli military intelligence participated in the conference. Shimon Peres, head of the opposition party at the time, also participated.
George H.W. Bush, who was a presidential candidate at the time, attended and spoke on the final day of the conference.
The purpose of the conference was to launch a new construct to be promoted by the global media: the doctrine of waging war on terrorism, i.e. the War on Terror.
It should be noted that the Jerusalem conference that brought us the War on Terror was in fact an Israeli "propaganda offensive" organized by the most notorious masterminds of terrorism: Menachem Begin, Moshe Dayan, and Shimon Peres, along with the heads of Israeli military intelligence.
Among other terrorist crimes, Menachem Begin was responsible for the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 and the massacre of the entire Palestinian village of Deir Yassin in April 1948.
Moshe Dayan was minister of defense when the Israeli military attacked the defenseless USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, killing 34 crewmen and wounding 174.
Both Dayan and Shimon Peres were involved in the Lavon Affair in the summer of 1954 when a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside American and British civilian targets in Egypt: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers.
Just three months before the conference, the Israeli military chief-of-staff, Rafael Eitan, had established an Israeli underground terrorist organization called the Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners, which carried out bombing operations in Lebanon from 1979 through 1983.
1979- Two keep happenings would play a big role in the future of the War on Terror.
In Afghanistan Operation Cyclone would arm and train Mujahideen against the Soviets. They would later form the nucleus for what became known as Al Qaeda
In Iran the Shah was deposed with an assist from the BBC, and replaced by Ayatollah Khomeini who was in exile in France. Thus leading to the first Islamist state.
Iran would then found Hezbollah in Lebanon, fight a 8 year war with Iraq that weakened Saddam’s military in advance of the first Gulf War, and unite Israel and Sunni Saudi Arabia against Shia controlled Iran whereas previously Saudi Arabia got on quite well with the secular Shah
1979-insider recolection about Frank Carlucci, the executive who headed up the dark side of the Carlyle Group.
“In the late 1980s Iran-Contra whistleblower Gene Wheaton expanded on what General Walters and his associates had been doing since the 1960s.
Wheaton had been a former police officer, military criminal investigator, and security contractor. He also used to be a counter-terrorism consultant for the Rockwell Corporation, the Saudi Royal Family, and the Shah of Iran, among other things. All this was before he was brought into the "inner circle", which turned out to consist of people he didn't want anything to do with.
In 2002 Wheaton recalled: In the late 70s, in fact, after Gerry Ford lost the election in ’76 to Jimmy Carter, and then these guys became exposed by Stansfield Turner and crowd for whatever reason ... there were different factions involved in all this stuff, and power plays ... Ted Shackley and Vernon Walters and Frank Carlucci and Ving West and a group of these guys used to have park-bench meetings in the late 70s in McClean, Virginia so nobody could overhear their conversations.
They basically said, "With our expertise at placing dictators in power,"I’m almost quoting verbatim one of their comments, "why don’t we treat the United States like the world’s biggest banana republic and take it over?"And the first thing they had to do was to get their man in the White House, and that man was George Bush..."