Pfizer Guilty as Charged, or Not?
Malones last piece is worth reading
He describes Part I perfectly
Glad that so many of you appreciated Part 1 of this sordid tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
I suggest you read Part II to understand what follows. I’ll wait.
Ok. Their vaccine work does not strike me as gain of function. They are using the wild type Wuhan strain as the backbone for variants spike sequence insertion. The variants are evolving to be more transmissible but the spike protein is be coming less pathogenic. So such a virus wouldn’t necessarily gain function
Now if they did something like use Omicron as the backbone and insert the Wuhan spike sequence like that boston lab that would be gain function
Moving on to the Paxlovid research. That does strike me as potential GOF.
However, they say this is required by regulators for antivirals. That being so, then Moderna must be doing something similar.
With a naturally evolving virus, it is important to routinely assess the activity of an antiviral. Most of this work is conducted using computer simulations or mutations of the main protease–a non-infectious part of the virus. In a limited number of cases when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells. In addition, in vitro resistance selection experiments are undertaken in cells incubated with SARS-CoV-2 and nirmatrelvir in our secure Biosafety level 3 (BSL3) laboratory to assess whether the main protease can mutate to yield resistant strains of the virus. It is important to note that these studies are required by U.S. and global regulators for all antiviral products and are carried out by many companies and academic institutions in the U.S. and around the world.
Its clear there is not enough oversight into whatever the hell these virus manipulators are working on, and we know it goes way beyond Moderna and Pfizer
Boy oh boy, the CCP is having a Merry Lunar New Year Holiday thanks to Project Veritas. Nobody talking about WIV now
Malone goes on with some glee
applying the secret decoder ring, that translates to read “hell yes we do gain of function research for our drug development and testing, but the govies made us do it”....
Yeah, thats the ticket. If this is Pfizer’s idea of transparency, then I would hate to see what they think that lack of transparency would look like.
He goes on to say
I rest my case, your honor. Guilty as charged.
Wait a minute, what was the charge?
James O'Keefe: That's right, it appears that Pfizer is internally discussing the possibility of mutating the Covid virus themselves in order to tailor a vaccine to sell to the public. Listen to Walker describe in detail just how they would conduct such a scientific experiment, first in living animals.
So the charge was Pfizer was doing or going to do GOF/Directed Evolution by passaging it in animals so they could prepare a vaccine in advance of the next Variant, which is clearly absurd because
There is no way passage in monkeys in a lab would simulate passage in billions of humans in the real world , so it could not be very predictive
They could not introduce the vaccine until the virus evolved and was transmitting in the population, and they could manufacture it, get approval for it, and distribute it before the variant was replaced by a new variant.
Pfizer has admitted to no such thing and the only evidence is some drunk ESG poster boy saying so to his gay date and who is not a scientist and hardly in a position to know any of Pfizer dark secrets
I have nothing good to say about Pfizer but I feel we are losing sight of the forest for the trees.
Pfizer is just one of the gang, not even the most important member because unlike Moderna, USG and BioNTech Pfizer has no patent rights on any Covid Vaccine and its long term money maker is Paxlovid which is more valuable to them so long as the virus does not mutate enough to become resistant to it
Why are Major Influencers so Pfizer PFocused? Why are their followers letting themselves be herded into Group Think? When did they stop Critical Thinking?
Anyways, I will close this out with a short twitter thread.
I will admit, this did catch my eye (from Pfizers response)
“...when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells....”
This is related to Paxlovid and according to Pfizer is required for all anti-virals
Of course, nobody in their right mind would release such viruses into the wild without first testing on animals and no in-vivo testing is being conducted
Some might challenge that but remember, Pfizer employees and their families would be at risk should they release a deadly pathogen for which no vaccine or anti-viral exists
Now all the focus is on Pfizer, but keep in mind Moderna also has an anti-viral some believe it is even more at risk of creating mutations, so they must be doing the same
Furthermore, it occurs to me , not for the first time, that both Pfizer and Moderna have a vaccine and antivirals, the latter of which may create variants in which a new variant may be created requiring a new vaccine.
In addition, by virtue of having an anti-viral drug for Sars-Cov-2 they also have justification and presumably an obligation to do GOF, or at least engineering of the virus that may lead to GOF that may create variants that require new vaccines. Yikes.
So I don't think this is all that alarming, since I don't think Sars-Cov-2 is especially dangerous nor can it be made so without sacrificing transmissibility, but I do think it calls for tighter regulation on such experiments and a requirement of massive liability insurance for all who engage in it