Petes Musings : Feb 13, 2024
Tucker-Carlson Putin Interview-Taiwan COVID Study-US Troops on Kinmen-ICJ-Genocide Border Crisis and Next 9/11-Florida Grand Jury Limited Hangout-Taiwan Excess Deaths in January
I have been bogged down with a Measles Post I am working on (involving Cancer, GOF , immune amnesia and general history) plus cleaning windows ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday that has ushered in the Year of the Dragon. So haven’t posted much.
Tucker-Carlson Putin Interview
Felt like a bit of a Psyop to me, but then everything is looking like a psyop these days. Not sure what the purpose was. Perhaps to invigorate the Russia Gate Crowd ahead of the election. Maybe just getting Tucker some exposure and conditioning us for the inevitable Ukrainian defeat with Russia getting a lot of Ukraine territory in a negotiated deal. Hard to say.
I was half expecting him to promote Trump, but to his credit he stayed out of it. That would have really fueled the Russia Gate fire.
Lots of criticism of Putins long history lesson. I wondered about the translator. I have heard Putin speak before and he is usually more articulate, or at least his translator is. Maybe Putin suffering Cognitive Decline? He still did well enough. Left out Khazaria in his history, but thats understandable
Couldn't help but notice that Putin would not answer if he would be satisfied with territory he now holds, and Tucker never followed up.
Tucker failed to ask if the agreement negotiated in 2022 is still on table as is. Big Miss
Very interesting Putin offering to help NATO find a face saving way to a negotiated settlement.
Anyways, Putin realized most Americans knowledge of history is deficient. To understand that parts of Ukraine were historically Russia is essential. Lenin/Stalin created the administrative state named Ukraine for various reasons, which persisted after the USSR breakup.
After the coup in 2014 Ukraine went to war against ethnic Russian territories and after they renounced the Minsk agreement and escalated bombing of Donbas while moving closer to joining NATO (imagine MEXICO joining a Russian-China military alliance) Putin took action (so he says)
I covered a lot of the history 2 years ago
The Rus which later became known as Russian were Varangians from Eastern Sweden, also known as Vikings who invaded from the North in the early 9th century
The Khazarian Empire held much of todays Ukraine at its peak. The Slavic Tribes living there paid tribute to Khazaria, who were mostly a Turkic People. The Rus invaded Eastern Ukraine along the Dnipier as the Khazaria Empire began its decline early in the 9th century and soon began setting up permanent settlements
For a time there was an uneasy truce, as the Vikings focused more on trade with intermittent clashes with Khazaria and over time became Slavinized while also imposing their culture on the Slavs
By 859 tribute paid by the Slavic people were divided between Varangians (Rus) and Khazaria with Khazaria controlling Kiev until 1862 when the Rus took control. Kiev soon became the capital of the Rus led by Prince Rurik, displacing Novogrod as its center. After the Golden Horde invasion by Batu Khan in the 13th century the capitol moved North to Moscow
With the Rus in control of Western Khazaria (Ukraine) they began working on the Eastern part of Khazaria and by the end of the 10th Century Khazaria was all but finished when the Rus and Byzantine Empire joined up to attack them. At that time the Rus adopted Orthodox Christianity. Vladimir the Great was baptized in 988. Much like the Khazarian elite converting to Judaism around 750.
The Soviet Regime and Russia have suppressed this early history preferring to downplay the Varangian influence in their history.
Many people think the US-Ukraine Project was a mistake. Consider this, maybe we got precisely what we wanted. An indebted depopulated Ukraine, ripe for looting by the IMF and Western Corporatons, lots of Weapons sales to Defense Corporations
In return Putin got Crimea, Donbas and will get much of Novorossiya, perhaps after negotiations whereby he promised to stay neutral in the event of Conflict with China
Dark Green = claimed territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republic and Light Green = the extent of Novorsossiyan historical claims
Far fetched? Maybe. But consider this exchange
Tucker: Would you be willing to say congratulations, NATO, you won and just keep the situation where it is now?
Putin: They have driven the situation to the point where we are at. It is not us who have done that. It is our partners, opponents who have done that. Well now let them think how to reverse the situation. We're not against it.
Partners who are opponents. Like Fake Wrestling
Everyone got what they want. Except the Ukrainian people, many of them displaced and in Russia, Europe, US. Hundreds of thousands dead.
We have 166,000 Ukrainians being processed for Asylum in US now. What fo you think happens when they figure. out what was done to them by us.
Taiwan COVID Study
Taiwan study published by CDC
SARS-CoV-2 infection rates were 24.3% for unvaccinated (0 dose) persons, 31.4% for persons with 1 dose, 27.5% for persons with 2 doses, and 27.5% for persons with 3 doses. We found that 0.43% of unvaccinated persons had moderate to severe illness, which we defined by hospitalization, and 0.16% died.
The above data was for March 22, 2021–September 30, 2022.
Its important to note that almost all of the 850 COVID deaths in 2021 were unvaccinated because the vaccination program began just before the outbreak and uptake was low.
The study should have limited its results to 2022 because Omicron is a different virus and the vaccinated status of the population was quite different between 2021 and 2022
There were 10,207 reported deaths in 2022 through September despite the high vaccination rate and extensive use of Paxlovid. 5,342 unvaccinated deaths. If we assume 800 deaths were in 2021 that means 4,542 of the 10,207 deaths in 2022 through September were unvaxxinated. The majority of deaths occurred in the vaccinated population (a much larger population).
But the study came up with only 10,667 COVID deaths (5,325 unvaxxed), probably due to exclusions. Subtracting 2021 deaths we get 9,817 COVID deaths in 2022 through September, 5,275 Vaccinated deaths (53.8%), and 4,542 unvaccinated deaths (46.2%)
The screen shot above pulled from Taiwan CDC on Jan 9, 2023. Granted this is for all of 2022 but there were relatively few hospitalized or confirmed cases in 2021. But this data shows hospitalized were 0.45% for the entire population (vaxxed and unvaxxed), and unvaxxed were only 6% of the population (excluding children ineligible for vaccination 0-5). The CFR overall was 0.16% (moderate 0.19%, severe 0.26%)
The study goes on to say
In contrast, 0.22% of 1-dose vaccinees were hospitalized and 0.08% died; 0.11% of 2-dose vaccinees were hospitalized and 0.04% died. Among persons who completed 3 doses, 0.06% were hospitalized and 0.02% died, which was the lowest death rate in our cohort.
Wow, that really is effective. I dont want to make any accusations, but COVID deaths may have accounted for only 1/2-2/3 excess deaths depending on the model used. They had a selection committee that would classify deaths as COVID or non-COVID deaths, and it would not surprise me if a persons vaccines status influenced the decision with an eye on publication of vaccine effectiveness results at some point.
Fourth, an expert committee reviewed each death case to verify whether the death was SARS-CoV-2–associated according to medical records and death certificates obtained by national cause of death registry. Therefore, the death case numbers might be underestimated compared with studies that defined SARS-CoV-2 death within a specific timeframe
Too bad the study did not look at All Cause Mortality and just looked at COVID deaths, but maybe they new what they would have found
Anyways, the take home for me is the confirmation that Omicron is pretty much not a very dangerous virus for the Unvaxxed .
One thing about the study bothered me.
Our analysis included 23,933,482 unique persons, from which 2,516,382 persons were excluded because they received >4 vaccine doses during the study period; 949 persons were excluded because of incomplete national immunization and reporting system records. We found that 3,373,548 (15.8%) persons were unvaccinated.
They excluded those with 4 or more vaccines, meaning anyone who took a 2nd booster. The study period was March 2021-September 2022. Taiwan began giving the 2nd booster in May which coincidentally was the beginning of a COVID/Excess Death Explosion
Something tells me they are hiding something here. Their explanation makes no sense.
Because persons who had 2 booster doses might have stronger immunity, we excluded persons whose records showed they had received a fourth dose (i.e., second booster) to avoid any possible bias.
But where did they find 3,373,548 unvaccinated persons?
On August 23, 2022 according to CECC only 7.6% of the population was unvaxxed. They have twice that number (15.8%)
Something is wrong here.
CDC Studies make my head hurt. Lets just call them Central Department of Confusion
US Troops on Kinmen
Surprisingly this news has got little attention. Imagine the uproar if Chinese Special Forces were sent to Northern Mexico to train them for an eventual war with the US
Specialists from the U.S. Army are training Taiwanese soldiers in what is described as a permanent arrangement rather than on a rotational basis, including on an island just six miles from the Chinese coast, according to a local newspaper.
Taiwan's United Daily News (UDN) reported on Sunday that the training regimens were being planned and supervised by the 1st Special Forces Group, an airborne unit, under the provisions of last year's National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which was signed into law in December 2022.
That U.S. service members were training Taiwan's armed forces became a yearslong open secret that was not officially acknowledged until 2021, when President Tsai Ing-wen said a few American instructors were on the island for occasional training programs. The NDAA for 2023, however, opened the door to more robust cooperation between the two security partners.
The UDN newspaper said Army Green Berets of the 1st Special Forces Group are this year permanently stationed at two bases of the 101st Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion, a Taiwanese army special operations force.
The instructors were sent to the Penghu or Pescadores islands closer to Taiwan proper, but also to Kinmen, a group of islands visible from the port city of Xiamen in eastern China, on the Chinese side of the Taiwan Strait, the report said.
According to UDN, American service members were also present at a military base in Taoyuan, in northern Taiwan, to provide specialist training on drone equipment that Taipei hopes to procure for its Airborne Special Service Company, an elite special forces unit roughly analogous to the Army's Delta Force.
U.S. military advisers as of 2024 have begun long-term stations in Kinmen and Penghu of Taiwan's army amphibious camps, carrying out periodic training in the island's special warfare camps.
The island's Ministry of National Defense (MND) said last Sunday (Feb. 4), that the NDAA is there to assist Taiwan in developing comprehensive training and institutional abilities.
Taiwan has always known Kinmen and Matsu are undefensible.
Here is a documentary on Kinmen
Kinmen is very dependent on Chinese tourism, water, food, etc. It has a population of 150,000 and only 3000 troops and its closest point 2 Km away.
Pretty sure China has plenty of eyes on Kinmen. Probably not the best place to train Taiwan troops.
By stationing US troops there I suppose the thinking could be it acts as a deterrent to China invading Taiwan, although technically all they need to do is blockade Taiwan
China can do one of 3 things
1. Ignore the provocation, although this might be unpopular in China
2. Cut off any travel to/fm China and the islands.This would make the Americans unpopular in Kinmen
3. Take or blockade the Islands
Hopefully they just choose to ignore it. The timing to announce it before the LNY is interesting. You can be sure if US troops were already there China already knew
If China did use Military Force and Occupy the Island after a lengthy blockade Taiwan would be Chinas Afghanistan. The cost will exceed the benefit. Lots of Mountains and caves fm which to launch an insurgency against occupying force. Few resources. Old population. The chip industry will be demolished by Taiwan or US. China will be sanctioned for decades
Thats why I think China will not do so, at least not over Kinmen. US really cant hurt them much from there. If they try to place missiles there China would quickly take them out. They might face some pressure from the military but they control the media so they can handle that
Weeks after the ICJ Genocide ruling
As reported yesterday, four months into the war in Gaza, Israeli PM Netanyahu's office said it ordered the army to prepare to evacuate civilians from Rafah - a city in Gaza's far south where more than one million displaced Palestinians have taken refuge, many sheltering in tents pushed up against the border with Egypt and the sea - ahead of a planned ground operation against four Hamas batallions it says are deployed in the city; on Saturday, the Israeli military said the air force killed two Hamas operatives in Rafah. The assault is set to escalate substantially, with Israeli Channel 13 news reporting that Netanyahu has requested the remobilization of reserve soldiers for the military operation.
Gaza's Hamas rulers warned on Saturday that Israeli operations in Rafah could cause "tens of thousands" of casualties in the city. The office of Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas said the move "threatens security and peace in the region in the world" and is "a blatant violation of all red lines".
So basically Israel is just ignoring the ICJ. Without the UNSC enforcing its ruling its dead.
<They invaded Rafah during the Super Bowl>
Congress Approves $ Billions for Ukraine-Israel
Most of thats going to the US Military and Defense Contractors. Why don't we just lend them the support and weapons that they can pay us back with Oil and Gas from Gaza‘s off shore sites
Why is a country 33 trillion in debt giving stuff away to a country charged with Genocide
Of course, Trump is jumping on that but I got news for you. He is a con man. Tells you what you want to hear. Trump will never cut off Aid to Israel. He is Bibi’s poodle
Border Crisis and Next 9/11
Both parties support immigration because their corporate bosses want it. One reason is wage suppression. The other is to offset the aging population and decline in births by American born women
Republicans pretend to be against it for political reasons, and there is an awful lot of exaggeration by conflating border encounters with those actually allowed entry to apply for asylum
Border encounters are not border crossings. Most are turned away or detained. Most of those allowed to enter and apply for asylum will be rejected and removed. In 2023 there were less than 500k claims filed (up from 200k per yr in Trumps last 2 years, Bidens 3 yr avg 275K)
CBO explains, higher population growth through 2026 is "mainly from increased immigration", which "more than offset a decline in labor force participation due to slowing demand for workers and the rising average age of the population" - translation: more immigrant workers, fewer native-American workers. And that's not all: according to the CBO, "a large proportion of recent and projected immigrants are expected to be 25 to 54 years old - adults in their prime working years."
And there's your Replacement Theory again, only this time with a beautiful spin, one which as the WaPo columnist was delivered by none other than CBO Director Phill Swagel, who writes that "as a result of those changes in the labor force, we estimate that from 2023 to 2034, GDP will be greater by about $7 trillion and revenue will be greater by about $1 trillion than they would have been otherwise."
"The labor force in 2033 is larger by 5.2 million people, mostly because of higher net immigration. As a result of those changes in the labor force we estimate that from 2023 to 2034, GDP will be greater by about $7 trillion and revenue will be greater by about $1 trillion than they would have been otherwise." - source
... all coming out in full-throated support of immigration (mostly of the illegal, inflation-crushing because wage-hammering variety).
Had an exchange with someone on the subject
How many cases of asylum have been approved? Only 61,000 over 3 years. Most get rejected and removed. Problem is there are almost a million pending cases.
What obligates any country to allow someone into the country to apply for asylum? Just tell them to apply at nearest embassy. Close the border to all but those with visas, US passport or proof of refugee status. Jail employer’s who hire undocumented workers. Problem solved
Drones and satellites can show anyone sneaking in for rapid apprehension and detention
Illegal immigration is allowed because its profitable. An entire industry has been set up for processing them. Those who stay become tax payers, have kids and spend money (income or benefits which come from borrowed money and not taxes). An economy cant grow unless the population grows and Americans born women aren’t having many babies.
Just dont let them in, have them apply at embassy. And for those that sneak in don't let them get hired by anyone by levying very heavy fines and criminal penalties against employers.
We certainly have the technology to track the few who try to cross illegally. Put the border patrol on the ground at the borders and let them patrol instead of processing uninvited applicants. $1000 bonus for each illegal they apprehend within 10 miles of border assisted by the tech
After awhile, when they figure out the odds of getting caught are high, and that there are no jobs if they succeed, they will stop coming
We are a nation of immigrants. My grandmother was an illegal immigrant from Canada a century ago. Came down from Canada selling tea and just stayed. Problem is today they come in with Fentanyl so we really need to close the borders and make them come in legal. Unfortunately, there are those who want the borders open so the drugs can flow in. Lots of money to be made and there is a Prison Industrial Complex to feed.
Open Borders also provide the excuse for the next 9/11
Ohio Sheriff Richard K. Jones Warning The Amercian People
After Meeting With Director Of The FBI Christopher Wray, Sheriff Says The Illegal Immigrants Entering America Will Do Us Harm “It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when”
“China has safe houses in every state in the United States”
“They’re bringing something here to cause us harm. You have to believe that. China has safe houses in every state in the United States. My name is Rick Jones. I'm the Butler County Sheriff, Butler County, Ohio. I just came back from the National Sheriff's Training in D.C. three days ago, two days ago. We were briefed by the FBI director Ray, the director of the FBI, and several federal agencies. There's 3,300 sheriffs in the United States.
The President of the United States refuses to meet with the sheriffs of the 3,300. We have a hierarchy. We have a president. We have a vice president. The President of the United States refuses to meet with the sheriffs.
He also refuses to meet with the police chiefs of the United States. They have a hierarchy also. He refuses to meet with them to talk about border issues or talk about crime that's going on because of the border issue. We were also told by Mr. Ray, the FBI director, that there are more red flags going off now than before 9-11. Okay?
When I say red flags, meaning people that are here in this country that are wanting to do harm to us. We were also explained we're bombing two countries right now. Two countries. These people do not like us before this started. There's thousands of people here from other countries, 160 different countries. They're here not to be our friends.
Some of them are coming because they're wanting to come here to the best country in the world, the way we see it. Some are coming here to do harm to us. And we were told by the FBI director, it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.
We were also told five sheriffs went to Israel five weeks after the attack (10/7). The only thing that saved the Israelis, their government was the local police. They were outgunned, outmanned. They came over. The Palestinians did. They came over. They killed, raped. The sheriffs were there. They talked to the police. The local police are what saved that country. You can't just call, even in Israel, you can't just call the military up, and they're going to be there, okay? They went house to house, raping, killing.
He left out the fact that Gaza is an open Air Prison with a $1.1 billion dollar security fence manned by the Military with Remote Control Machine Guns and sensors that communicate an intrusion and Military Aircraft were only minutes away
When our guys got there, the sheriffs said, they just don't hate us. They hate you guys equally. And the same people that train them are the same people that train people to hate us.
The FBI director said when 9-11 hit, there's more red flags now than then. So, and he said, these are people that want to kill us and do harm to us. Now, so you're wondering, I want everybody to know what I know.
I can't tell you everything, but I want the public to know that we are in a terrible way right now. The United States, and I'm going to get to the local.
The United States, we're on the defense. You can't be just defense and not have an offense. We have no offense. We're just defense. We're absorbing these attacks. We're in other countries. We're supplying them with weapons. We're supplying them with our treasure, our money. And we're not doing much back home. So.
With that in mind, we were also told that they're going, this is from the federal government, three days ago. They're going to attack our elections”
Might want to take a look at Whitney Webbs 2020 article. OPERATION Blackout did not happen in 2020 but keep your eyes open. Trumps former Treasury Secretary has been buying up Israeli backed Cybersecurity and Insurance Companies
Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin’s new private equity firm Liberty Strategic Capital with money from sovereign wealth funds in the Persian Gulf region and other investors bought a 25% stake in Israels biggest Insurance Company, Phoenix Group, valued at up to $225 million
Since its inception, the fund has invested $850 million in two Israeli cyber companies, Cybereason and BlueVoyant, and acquired Zimperium, founded by Israelis
Florida Grand Jury Limited Hangout
As expected, this was a limited hangout. The Florida Grand Jury and their legal advisers (Florida Prosecutors) did not excercise their subpoena power
While the governor was primely targeting COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers and their advertisement of vaccine efficacy, the first report drew conclusions mainly on lockdowns and masks, and the grand jury said the issue of the vaccines was far more nuanced and could not be answered in a “vacuum.”
It also said that the Biden administration did not cooperate with efforts to obtain testimony from officials representing agencies like the CDC, FDA and U.S. Army.
Perhaps the grand jury’s biggest obstacle in seeking out DeSantis’ goal of holding vaccine manufacturers accountable, it does not have strong legal authority to compel testimony out of relevant parties.
“These agencies have elected not to provide representatives to testify before this body, and federal law prohibits us from compelling their cooperation,” it said.
The jury added that some “prospective witnesses” raised concerns about whether the grand jury will be “fair,” and said that prospective witnesses would choose not to testify because of “potential professional or personal consequences.”
Nobody even asks why not subpoena them?
Anyways, here is the report
Taiwan Excess Deaths in January
19,464 deaths in January
For the months of January its hard to find a baseline for expected deaths because of the Lunar New Year Holiday. In 2024 the LNY did not start until Feb 9. So the data for January should be up to date. The only other recent years the LNY happened in the 2nd week of February was 2018 and 2021. Using them the expected deaths should be around 17,000. So almost 2,500 excess. COVID accounted for less than 300 deaths based on weekly reports.
There is some flu going around, and it was relatively cold, so that might account for some of it. Overall, about 15% Excess (estimated)
A bit disappointed after Decembers decent report, although its possible December deaths were underreported and carried over to January due to election and New Year holiday. Hard to say
Can you please provide any tangible evidence of Khazaria? I just need some evidence it's a thing. Some artifact, please.