Some short posts (collectively this is too long for email) on recent events, articles, videos I have come across
One Health-New World Religion
Dogs and Bird Flu >Vaccine
Did Hitler Escape Germany?
Big Banks License to Kill
Election-Silly Season Begins
The Enterprise
Bilderbergers To Meet Early. Whats the Rush?
Depopulated Ukraine to be Raped of Assets and Undergo IMF Shock Therapy
IMF endorse a New Reserve Currency
Republican Senator introduces bill for Digital ID
Taiwan is Next
Not Winning
End of American Hegemony, World War -East vs West- Will Middle East be Flash Point?
Meryl touches on One Health
One Health (integration of Climate Change, Disease, Domestic and Wild Life, Food and Land Use under the WHO Health Umbrella) is the New World Religion with Scientists as High Priests . They will integrate other religions into One Health as they transition into a single World Religion albeit with different flavors (rituals from religions to be phased out, much like paganism rituals /symbols adopted for Catholicism by Rome)
Dogs-Bird Flu-Vaccine
A pet dog has died in Canada after testing positive for bird flu, according to officials, raising further concern over the spread of the disease in mammals.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) said that the dog caught H5N1 after chewing on a wild goose, and died last week in Oshawa, a city on Lake Ontario.
Dog flu ‘creeping’ towards being able to infect humans, study warns
Our results showed that canines may serve as intermediates for the adaptation of avian influenza viruses to humans,” the scientists wrote in their paper, published in the journal eLife.
Six dogs were deliberately infected with each of the six known dog flu strains of H3N2 in a lab and all were found to be only mildly unwell. The most severe symptoms were a fever, sneezing and coughing.
.A version of avian influenza called H3N2 first infected dogs around 2006. It has since established itself in canines and evolved to become a mammalian-adapted form of bird flu.
Current subtypes of influenza A viruses that routinely circulate in people include A(H1N1) and A(H3N2). Influenza A subtypes can be further broken down into different genetic “clades” and “sub-clades.”
Dog Vaccine
On Nov. 20, 2015 Merck announced it had received a conditional license from the USDA to market Canine Influenza Vaccine H3N2--just one week after Zoetis received the same USDA nod for its vaccine. Both of the new vaccines require two doses, administered a few weeks apart.
I don’t know folks, but they might be coming for your dogs next. How long before they implement mandatory flu vaccines for dogs to prevent spread to people.
Did Hitler Really Commit Suicide?
Or did he live out the rest of his life in South America helping to plan the Fourth Reich (aka Klaus Schwab’s “Fourth Industrial Revolution”).
Global SIFI’s cant be criminally prosecuted according to John Titus (eg HSBC)
After the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) BIS set up Financial Stability Board (FSB) to monitor Global Financial Stability and systemic risk and they designated 25 banks as Globally Systemically
Important Financial Institutions (G’SIFI’s) which essentially made them protected and essentially free from prosecution
They set up offices is each location to monitor central banks of each country in which these SIFI’s operate in order to protect them
3 members of each country sit on FSB. In US they are the Fed Reserve Chairman, US Treasury Secretary and head of SEC. When one of these SIFI’s run afoul of the DOJ, they intervene to set them straight.
As a result the Too Big to Fail (TBTF) became To Big to Jail (TBTJ). Sure, you can fine them as this comes out of their shareholders pockets, and is written off as a business expense, but jailing the Jamie Dimons of the world can’t happen. According to John, they literally have a license to kill
Makes me wonder how many other Industries management under the Military Industrial Everything Complex enjoy TBTJ status, beyond designated patsies.
I don’t imagine Jamie Dimon is too worried about being questioned over Jeffrey Epstein. After all, he was Madoffs banker and partner too, and only one of them went to Jail
Desantis was in Israel during long International Trade Mission for Florida
In his speech, DeSantis also complained about the UN and international organizations’ criticism of Israel, and said that groups "targeting the one Jewish state” were engaged in antisemitism.
He added that "U.S. policy should recognize the truth" on Jerusalem as Israel's "eternal" capital, while bragging about Florida's record against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction movement and taking issue with the categorization of the West Bank as occupied territory.
“It’s disputed,” he said, calling the area “the most historic Jewish lands there are going back thousands of years” and stating that he “wouldn’t fund” the Palestinian Authority or the United Nations agency dedicated to Palestinian refugees if the Palestinians “are engaged in terrorism against Jews.”
DeSantis also touted his record on combating antisemitism, signing a bill to combat antisemitism during his press conference in Jerusalem as well as a proclamation celebrating the 75th anniversary of Israel’s founding.
He has long centered Israel as a tent pole of his political career, including openly pushing then-President Trump on Israel-related policies while serving as a member of Congress.
This includes a January 2017 House speech calling for the U.S. to defund the United Nations until the UN Security Council revoked a resolution condemning Israeli settlements as a violation of international law, visiting potential U.S. Embassy locations in Jerusalem and criticizing Trump for waiting too long before moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to the city.
But Bibi didn’t act too enthused
Both Ynet and Haaretz speculated that Netanyahu didn’t publicize the meeting for possible fear of angering President Joe Biden, a Democrat, and former president Donald Trump, DeSantis’ main Republican rival in the run-up to the 2024 nomination.
We know Bibi loved Trump, a true Israeli Firster
2018-JTA — Before their Oval Office meeting on Monday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lavished praise on US President Donald Trump for, among other things, declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and vowing to fix or scrap the Iran nuclear deal.
In doing so, the Israeli leader likened Trump to Harry Truman, Lord Balfour — and Cyrus the Great.
Cyrus the Great. High praise indeed if you know the true story of the origination of Judaism
Trump and Biden don’t want to debate in the primaries. Gee whiz, with their track record who can blame them? Both of their Presidencies were disasters and they certainly dont want to answer any hard questions relating to their decisions
He announced he is a candidate as a Democrat. He supports the Climate Change Agenda. It’s unclear to me what his position is, but the below links make me uncomfortable. Until he clears that up I cant get excited about him.
On the Kim Iverson show he said he could do a bunch of stuff without Congress, but the problem is, those can all be rolled back once he leaves office without legislation that seals the deal.
Looks like he will be censored on MSM though.
RFK Jr being censored makes me more interested, despite his Climate Change position. Those who get all the attention , even disfavorable, are establishment favorites. They are Trojan Horses, unwitting or not
Maybe he hooks up with DeSantis or Tucker as a running mate as an Independent or New Party, assuming Trump and Biden get the nominations. That would be interesting.
That said I don’t think we have had a fair election in the 21st century and maybe not one since 1960, although now assassinations, impeachments and October Surprises are not needed any longer, so not sure we should expect one in 2024
The Enterprise
In the late 1980s Iran-Contra whistleblower Gene Wheaton expanded on what General Walters and his associates had been doing since the 1960s. Wheaton had been a former police officer, military criminal investigator, and security contractor. He also used to be a counter-terrorism consultant for the Rockwell Corporation, the Saudi Royal Family, and the Shah of Iran, among other things. All this was before he was brought into the "inner circle", which turned out to consist of people he didn't want anything to do with.
In 2002 Wheaton recalled: In the late 70s, in fact, after Gerry Ford lost the election in ’76 to Jimmy Carter,
...and then these guys became exposed by Stansfield Turner and crowd for whatever reason ... there were different factions involved in all this stuff, and power plays ... Ted Shackley and Vernon Walters and Frank Carlucci and Ving West and a group of these guys used to have park-bench meetings in the late 70s in McClean, Virginia so nobody could overhear their conversations.
They basically said, "With our expertise at placing dictators in power," I’m almost quoting verbatim one of their comments, "why don’t we treat the United States like the world’s biggest banana republic and take it over?" And the first thing they had to do was to get their man in the White House, and that was George Bush..."
“Who are these people? They are the group that is popularly called the Enterprise. They are in and outside [the] CIA. They are mostly Right Wing Republicans, but you will find a mix of Democrats, mercenaries, ex officio Mafia and opportunists within the group. They are CEOs, they are bankers, they are presidents, they own airlines, they own national television networks.
They own six of the seven video documentary companies of Washington, DC and they do not give a damn about the law or the Constitution or the Congress or the Oversight committees except as something to be subverted and character assassination, and planted stories, the incomplete thought and sentence. They burn and shred files if caught, they commit perjury, and when caught they have guaranteed sinecures with large US corporations. If you let them, they will take over not only [the] CIA but the entire government and the world, cutting off dissent, free speech, a free media, and they will cut a deal with anyone, from [the] Mafia to Saddam Hussein, if it means more power and money.
They stole $600 billion from the S & L’s and then diverted our attention to the Iraqis. They are ripping off America at a rate never before seen in history. They flooded our country with drugs from Central America during the 1980s, cut deals with Haro in Mexico, Noriega in Panama, and the Medillin and Cali cartels, and Castro, and recently the Red Mafia in the KGB. They ruin their detractors and they fear the truth. If they can, they will blackmail you. Sex, drugs, deals, whatever it takes.”
–Former CIA officer and Iran-Contra whistleblower Bruce Hemmings, circa 1990
Yeah, and 1980 we had the October Surprise that helped get Bush in as VP, with Trumps mentor Roy Cohn assisting the campaign. Bush Sr was to Reagan what Cheney (who worked for Bush Sr) was to Bush Jr.
Bilderbergers To Meet Early
The 2023 Bilderberg, is scheduled for May,which would be earlier in the year than the Bilderberg meetings of the 2010s, all of which occurred in June.
Lisbon May 17-20
So is something up in June? Or do they just want to decide who should win the primaries for each party early
June 10 is the 56th anniversary of the end of 6 Day War,. On June 8th the USS Liberty was attacked
Russian author Joseph Daichman, in his book History of the Mossad, states Israel was justified in attacking the Liberty. Israel knew that American radio signals were intercepted by the Soviet Union and that the Soviets would certainly inform Egypt of the fact that, by moving troops to the Golan Heights, Israel had left the Egyptian border undefended.
Lenczowski notes that while the Israeli decision to "attack and destroy" the ship "may appear puzzling", the explanation seems to be found in Liberty's nature and its task to monitor communications from both sides in the war zone. He writes that timely knowledge of their decision to invade Syria and preparatory moves toward it "might have frustrated Israeli designs for the conquest of Syria's Golan Heights" and, in the sense of Ennes's accusations, provides "a plausible thesis that Israel deliberately decided to incapacitate the signals-collecting American ship and leave no one alive to tell the story of the attack".
The U.S. ambassador to Israel, Barbour, had reported on the day of the Liberty attack that he "would not be surprised" by an Israeli attack on Syria, and the IDF Intelligence chief told a White House aide then in Israel that "there still remained the Syria problem and perhaps it would be necessary to give Syria a blow".
Be interesting to see what happens in the region this summer.
The Rape of Ukraine
Sometime last year I mused over at Scott Ritters Telegram channel that the only purpose being served by the battle over Ukraine was its depopulation. Between deaths and maiming of seed carrying young males which may reach 500,000 on both sides of the Dnieper River, and emigrations as millions flee West into the EU and UK or East into Russia, the population has plummeted and recovery will be slow, that is if what seems to be the Forever War ever Ends.
This does not include the prospects of Ukraine being given depleted uranium ammo or escalation to include tactical nuclear weapons. This would of course have dire consequences for the present and future population.
Anyways, Scott banned me☹️
All Wars serve multiple purposes and there are other purposes being served here.
The War on the EU , UK and US people to reduce living standards and consumption via inflation
Take down of USD to pave the way for new currency to settle international transactions and eventually CBDC for domestic transactions
Rebuild the US Armaments Production Capacity to be ready to enter the War against Russia and expand that to China
The eventual break up of Russia and China into various states much like the former Soviet Union was Balkanized. There are Oligarchs and Elites in both sides who see the opportunities in this.
Finally, the break up of the US and EU into smaller pieces since the Globalists realize their dreams of One World Government requires the end of the Super State. Divide and Rule
The British tried this with the US once and failed. Trump has set in motion the eventual break up of the US into several autonomous regions with the peoples consent. There are now those on both the left and right who seek a divorce. Hate and Anger have clouded their thinking, such a break up will lead to perpetual war between the different regions.
The latter two are down the road a bit, but there is one more immediate objective I suspected but has been well articulated by Ben Norton here.
Which is basically just to rip off Ukrainian assets from the people
Ukraine Reform, Recovery, Advantage
IMF-US is only country with veto power. The IMF LOAN to Ukraine of $15.6 billion violated IMF’s own rule against loans to countries at War. Once a country defaults on a loan it is ransacked and subject to draconian terms to obtain new credit and stabilize its currency
Documents from the 2018 Ukraine Reform Conference emphasized the importance of privatizing most of Ukraine’s remaining public sector, stating that the “ultimate goal of the reform is to sell state-owned enterprises to private investors”, along with calls for more “privatization, deregulation, energy reform, tax and customs reform.”
Lamenting that the “government is Ukraine’s largest asset holder,” the report stated, “Reform in privatization and SOEs has been long awaited, as this sector of the Ukrainian economy has remained largely unchanged since 1991.”
In March 2022, the Ukrainian parliament adopted emergency legislation allowing employers to suspend collective agreements. Then in May, it passed a permanent reform package effectively exempting the vast majority of Ukrainian workers (those at businesses with fewer than 200 employees) from Ukrainian labor law.
While the most immediate beneficiaries of these changes will be Ukrainian employers, Western governments have been lobbying to liberalize Ukraine’s labor laws for years.
The July 2022 Ukraine Recovery Conference, which was held by Lugano, Switzerland and jointly hosted by the Swiss and Ukrainian governments, featured representatives from many states and institutions
At the conclusion of the meeting, all governments and institutions present endorsed a joint statement called the Lugano Declaration. This declaration was supplemented by a “National Recovery Plan,” which was in turn prepared by a “National Recovery Council” established by the Ukrainian government.
This plan advocated for an array of neoliberal reforms, including “privatization of non critical enterprises” and “finalization of corporatization of SOEs” (state-owned enterprises) – identifying as an example the selling off of Ukraine’s state-owned nuclear energy company EnergoAtom.
In order to “attract private capital into banking system,” the proposal likewise called for the “privatization of SOBs” (state-owned banks).
Seeking to increase “private investment and boost nationwide entrepreneurship,” the National Recovery Plan urged significant “deregulation” and proposed the creation of “‘catalyst projects’ to unlock private investment into priority sectors.”
In an explicit call for slashing labor protections, the document attacked the remaining pro-worker laws in Ukraine, some of which are a holdover of the Soviet era.
In the 1990s, following the overthrow of the Soviet Union, the United States imposed what it called capitalist “shock therapy” on Russia and other former constituent republics.
A 2001 UNICEF study found that these harsh neoliberal reforms in Russia caused 3.2 million excess deaths, and pushed 18 million children into poverty, bringing about rampant malnutrition and public health crises.
Washington and Brussels appear committed to return to this very same neoliberal shock therapy in their plans for post-war Ukraine.
And guess who is endorsing a New Global Reserve Currency
IMF endorses Universal Monetary Unit (UMU).
UMU is a legal money commodity that can transact in any legal tender settlement currency and functions like a CBDC to enforce banking regulations and “protect the financial integrity of the international banking system.
UMU attaches SWIFT codes and bank accounts to a UMU digital currency wallet, banks can conduct SWIFT-like cross-border payments entirely over the digital currency rails bypassing the current system.
In addition to using artificial intelligence, the UMU uses a central banking monetary policy framework to ensure continuous purchasing demand, minimal price volatility, and annual asset pricing targets.
Under proposed UMU Model Law legislation, Unicoin will be enacted as a complementary money commodity and function as a store of value.
Unicoin will help mitigate risk against local currency depreciation and function as a payment currency at the time of settlement.
IMF did not create this new currency, but it was unveiled by them
Universal Monetary Unit” was created by the Digital Currency Monetary Authority.
Well, DCMA is a private organization that apparently advocates for the advancement of digital currencies in central banks and money systems.
They will also be responsible for drafting global laws regarding all CBDCs.
Very little is available about true owners but IMF press release says it consists of “sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and OTHER financial institutions."
Universal Monetary Unit” is already being hailed as Crypto 2.0 and owners backed by the IMF are hoping that it will be widely adopted by all countries in global economy.
IMF itself is headquartered in Washington U.S. and is often used as a weapon by the west against adversaries.
George Walker, a Partner at Practus, LLP, specializing in international law, facilitated meetings between the DMCA and the IMF, states "Although the IMF has not officially endorsed Universal Monetary Unit, in reviewing the DCMA's Whitepaper and in weekly team discussions, the IMF has yet to state any objections to UMU's FX premium rates and its monetary sovereignty approach."
According to Darrell, "UMU is not attempting to disrupt the international monetary system. If fact, it strengthens it by helping the IMF achieve its stated mandate to provide economic and financial stability to its member states. UMU is a game-changer in how cross-border payments are transacted and mitigates against seasonal and systemic local currency depreciation."
Universal Monetary Unit Model Law legislation has been drafted in collaboration with several sovereign states. In this proposed legislation, UMU should not be enacted as legal tender for negotiating domestic prices or international trade agreements. Instead, the legislation proposes UMU to be enacted as a complementary money commodity for the store of value, mitigating against potential seasonal and systemic local currency depreciation, and tendered as a payment currency at the time of settlement.
Merchants and trading partners could accept UMU for the equivalent market value for their good and services priced in any national legal tender. UMU has premium exchange rates built into its wallet and can convert any settlement currency amount to the equivalent UMU amount.
Universal Monetary Unit is cryptocurrency reimagined from the ground up to support central banking and regulated financial institutions. It features a trusted consensus protocol, Staked Proof of Trust (SPOT) Protocol, and a multi-dimensional DLT (mDLT) capable of supporting any asset or liability ledger enabling full-service digital banking and international trade payments.
The Unicoin Network is a decentralized international banking network open to central banks, retail and commercial banks, Fintech, governments, and cryptocurrency exchanges. The Unicoin Network provide our financial services providers (“FSPs”) access to revenue-generating digital financial services.
The Unicoin Network can support all asset and liability ledgers to enable full-service digital banking and financial services with a monetization framework.
Central banks can deploy a resilient CBDC monetary system adopting the Unicoin Network Crypto 2.0 protocol.
The Unicoin Network is powered by Universal Monetary Unit (UMU) aka (“Unicoin”).
Universal Monetary Unit is an innovation in Store of Value cryptographic cash. It is a continuous demand money commodity leveraging monetary policy to minimize high volatility and to ensure continuous market demand.
Universal Monetary Unit can be adopted as an official currency for settling trade payments and as a central bank cash reserve currency to mitigate against seasonal and systemic local currency depreciation.
Universal Monetary Unit can be purchased in the local currency of each national economy strengthening central banking monetary sovereignty. Central banks can enter into a bilateral agreement with Universal Monetary Unit if they prefer to hold UMU on their CBDC ledger.
Crypto 2.0 is an Open Standard for a Digital Currency Public Monetary System for central banks, member banks, Fintech, and cryptocurrency exchanges.
The following comes from the official White House website…
A United States central bank digital currency (CBDC) would be a digital form of the U.S. dollar. While the U.S. has not yet decided whether it will pursue a CBDC, the U.S. has been closely examining the implications of, and options for, issuing a CBDC.
If the U.S. pursued a CBDC, there could be many possible benefits, such as facilitating efficient and low-cost transactions, fostering greater access to the financial system, boosting economic growth, and supporting the continued centrality of the U.S. within the international financial system.
IMF has actually already put together an extensive handbook “to assist central banks and governments throughout the world in their CBDC rollouts”…
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is putting together a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) handbook to assist central banks and governments throughout the world in their CBDC rollouts.
Published publicly on April 10, the “IMF Approach to Central Bank Digital Currency Capacity Development” report outlines the IMF’s multi-year strategy for aiding CBDC rollouts, including the development of a living “CBDC Handbook” for monetary authorities to follow.
The following comes from the official website of the European Parliament…
To restrict transactions in cash and crypto assets, MEPs want to cap payments that can be accepted by persons providing goods or services. They set limits up to €7000 for cash payments and €1000 for crypto-asset transfers, where the customer cannot be identified.
Ultimately, they will just keep lowering the limits until the use of cash is almost completely eliminated.
Republican Senator introduces Bill for Digital ID
U.S. Senators Kyrsten Sinema, an independent of Arizona, and Cynthia Lummis, Republican of Wyoming, have introduced Senate Bill 884, also known as “the Improving Digital Identity Act of 2023.”
The bill was introduced March 21 and ordered to proceed out of committee on March 29 without amendments and with a favorable recommendation.
Digital ID and CBDC go hand in hand
Reminds me of this passage from CS Lewis “That Hideous Strength” where the chief of the police arm of the NICE (Tavistock Institute) states
H/t Cynthia Chung
Both parties are controlled by the Globalists. One is blatant about it and the other pretends to be against the Globalists . They are the Controlled Opposition. They whisper sweet nothings , throw a few bones to their faithful, and do exactly what their Globalist Masters command.
Weep for Taiwan
Thanks to Tsai Ing-wen and her Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwanese people are learning first-hand the true meaning of Henry Kissinger’s famous dictum, “To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”
Under Tsai, Taiwan has, with great effort and commitment, turned itself into the epicentre of this conflict that will shape international politics for the rest of the century.
Already, the de facto US alliance is hollowing out its hi-tech sector; its world-beating semiconductor industry is being undermined, not by the mainland, but the US. That’s why the presidential election on the island in January will be fascinating to watch.
Taipei has been using backchannels to quietly ask Washington to tone down its rhetoric about the dangers of relying on the supplies of the most advanced semiconductors from the island.
TSMC was, for many years, one of Warren Buffett’s major holdings. But recent corporate filings show his flagship Berkshire Hathaway cut its stakes in TSMC by 86 per cent in the fourth quarter, the reason cited being geopolitical risks over Taiwan.
Meanwhile, TSMC has been compelled by the Americans to shift production offshore to the US with a US$40 billion investment in Arizona. That is part of the industrial policy under the Joe Biden administration to redevelop America’s domestic hi-tech industry, but it has led to warnings by the opposition in Taiwan that the island’s own industry is being hollowed out.
The fear is more than justified. US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo recently called the US dependence on Taiwanese chips “untenable” and “unsafe”. During a recent trip to Taipei, top Republican legislator Michael McCaul warned that the island’s semiconductor industry was a strategic asset that’s “very vulnerable to invasion”.
The US must therefore diversify supplies and production. “The window’s closing,” he said. “We don’t have a whole lot of time.”
Some friendly visit to shore up support for Taiwan! If you think all these aren’t bad enough, wait for the inflammatory statement from Robert O’Brien, national security adviser under Donald Trump, Tsai’s personal favourite president. Out of office, he could speak more frankly. So last month, he warned the US would rather destroy the island’s semiconductor factories than let them fall into the hands of the Chinese.
Tsai and Co have turned their island into a geopolitical powder keg, ostensibly for US protection. It used to be a no-brainer for Taiwan to keep equidistant from mainland China and the US. Since the 1980s, the one had offered economic opportunity, the other security. No one was any the wiser by making “one China” to mean whatever you wanted it to mean.
To maintain the status quo, all the island had to do was to avoid tilting towards one side or the other. Now, though, Tsai has bet the ranch on Washington. She has put the island directly in the eye of the storm that could plunge the whole region into a terrible war. She has sown the seeds, but it’s the Taiwanese who will reap the whirlwind
Now, Taiwan has got itself completely wrapped in
Washington’s embrace.
[I edited for brevity, you may read the whole thing from source]
Del ‘s Happy Talk
How naive do you have to be to pat yourself on the back because 2 years after lockdowns and forced vaccinations some judges ruled the workers had to be reinstated (only a small fraction were able to make the choice to stay unvaxxed) , or a few elected officials resigned or were voted out of office (to be rewarded handsomely with lucrative jobs and board memberships for serving the Globalists).
How many of these criminals have been successfully sued or prosecuted? Nada.
Nice to know you can kill up to 1.8 million Americans over 3 years (600,000 a year) and make billions and get way with it, the only penalty being a new job and no doubt higher pay,
But hey, winning feels good so we have to pretend we won.
This is not to take away from the fact that Del and his show have done a great job, and maybe these court victories inhibit them from repeating it again (unless the Pandemic Treaty makes those decisions moot), but still.
Start at about 6:40
The problem with being an Activist Journalist is the Journalist is biased when evaluating the effectiveness of their Activism, and must convince his supporters to keep donating by selling them on the value and impact of these wins. They are wins, but IMO too little too late. Only prosecution and significant financial penalties on the criminals will serve as a deterrence and compensation for those harmed.
End of US Hegemony-Reason for Celebration?
Some people look forward to Americas fall, blaming us for the Worlds Evil. And certainly we have been an instrument of Evil since the Globalists took over, starting first with the assassination of JFK in 1963, and then the Nixon Coup which was arranged by the same dark forces. Nixon might not have been a great guy but he was a Nationalist, and maybe the last true Democrat which shows just how far right the Democratic and Republican Parties have moved.
After all, he lobbied for national health care, formed the EPA (the air and water were so filthy at that time) and Consumer Product Safety Commission, ended the War in Vietnam, froze Prices and Wages to Combat Inflation which actually worked for a time before it was sabotaged. His greatest mistake was bringing on Rockefeller’s Man Henry Kissinger and China.
Anyways, that was the end of America as we knew it. The Globalists have controlled both parties ever since and used the differences in each party to drive our Evolution to where it is today.
If you could have told anyone 50 years ago what 2023 would look like you would be laughed at or punched in the mouth.
Yes, American Hegemony is Ending. Yes, they will end the Petro Dollar and Dollar Supremacy. Your living standards will be drastically reduced as a result. Thats what the Globalists want
We have the East and West divide. Without the US there is no Western Power. Lets look at what the East has to offer. We all know what China is about. From James Corbett
“Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan flew to Damascus last week, where he met Syrian President Bashar Assad. This visit followed that of Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad earlier this month to Riyadh.
The two countries severed diplomatic relations in 2012 at the beginning of a Syrian civil conflict that saw Saudi Arabia throwing its money behind anti-regime fighters seeking to remove Assad from power.
The startling diplomatic about-face is part of a new Saudi Arabian foreign policy, embodied in its historic new relationship with Iran, which seeks to engender regional stability through conflict resolution instead of military-brokered containment.
As the Saudi Foreign Ministry noted on bin Farhan's visit to Damascus, the Saudi goal is "to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis that would end all its repercussions and preserve Syria’s unity, security, stability and Arab identity and restore it to its Arab surroundings."
Indeed, let's keep in mind that the very Saudi regime looking to thaw relations with Syria is the same Saudi regime that's attempting to position itself as a leader in the technocratic, "post-carbon" world by recognizing robot citizens and promoting Neom nonsense and launching its "Vision 2030," an overhyped globalist plan whose "Vision Document" mouths all the same platitudes about "environmental sustainability" and "digital transformation" that the UN uses to talk about its 2030 Agenda.
And let's also keep in mind that the very Russian regime brokering the Syria-Saudi talksand the Syria-Turkey talks is the same Russian regime that has gone out of its way to inflict the biosecurity agenda on its own citizens, pushing the same experimental genetic slurry clot shots on its population as the bad guys in the West (and when I say "the same shots" I mean literally the same shots, producing the same "died suddenly" results) and rolling out the Digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currency infrastructure to track, trace and surveil every Russian citizen in the same way the technocrats in the West want to track, trace and surveil their citizens.
So . . . yay! The US' ability to determine world events is waning.
But also . . . nay! We should not be excited about the rise of an "alternative" bloc that has openly demonstrated time and time again that it is no alternative whatsoever, no matter how much we'd like to believe it's going to deliver us from NATO's evil.
Eventually they will need to integrate the Globalist controlled East and West. Will they need another World War to get it done?
I don’t know. But it might well be that this war starts in the Middle East, especially with Bibi Back in the Saddle. Surely Saudi Arabia can’t be allowed to divorce its long time American Master without consequences, and surely Israel is not going to tolerate Saudi Arabia making nice with Syria and Iran.
Could be a Hot Summer, or maybe Bibi waits for Cyrus to return.