The COVID test that never was, the new non-spike mRNA COVID vaccine, Twitters new CEO’s prediction, the big mistake of 1981, Bank Collusion ripping off Depositors, the Revelation (Enemy of the State) and Censorship Industrial Complex
Wouldn’t it have been nice to have a test to tell who is infectious after getting a positive COVID test?
How many people who were asymptomatic or who had already recovered were needlessly quarantined and isolated, or needlessly treated with antivirals like Remdesivir or Paxlovid. Good for the drug salesmen I guess
Turns out such a test was available, but they chose not to use it.
CDC issued the good news on February 2021 when everyone was distracted by the Jan 6 Theatrics. Maybe somebody reported this at the time but it was censored. In any event I never saw it
(h/t CHD)
Real-time reverse transcription PCR (rRT-PCR) is the standard diagnostic method for coronavirus disease 2019, but it cannot differentiate between actively replicating and inactive virus. Active replication is a critical factor for infectiousness; however, its time course is difficult to estimate because of the typical 20–50 days before rRT-PCR negative conversion occurs . PCR cycle threshold (Ct) values might help physicians to determine a patient’s infectiousness, but researchers have isolated replicating virus from patients with a wide range (28–33) of Ct values .
Given the stringent biosafety precautions needed for viral culturing of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), physicians require additional diagnostic tools. Actively replicating virus produces minus-strand RNA intermediates that can be detected by PCR . We developed and validated a 2-step strand-specific rRT-PCR for the detection of actively replicating SARS-CoV-2 and assessed its clinical performance.
In total, we analyzed specimens from 146 patients: 93 in the retrospective phase and 53 in the prospective phase (Appendix Tables 3, 4). The median age was 50 years (interquartile range 36–63 years); 73 (50.0%) were women, 26 (17.8%) were immunocompromised, and 30 (20.5%) were admitted to the intensive care unit for coronavirus disease during the course of the study (Table 1).
Samples were collected a median of 9 days (interquartile range 4–18 days) after symptom onset (Figure 1, panel A). We detected minus-strand RNA in 41 (28.1%) patients.
The median Ct value of samples with detected minus-strand RNA (20.7) was significantly lower than those in which the minus strand was not detected (33.2; p<0.01) (Figure 1, panel B). The results of this strand-specific assay were closely correlated with the standard rRT-PCR results (Figure 2, panels A, B). The ratio of minus:plus strands varied by patient within 14 days after symptom onset (Appendix Figure 2).
We detected the minus strand in 7 patients in the prospective cohort (out of 53) (Table 1). Two of these patients were nonimmunocompromised inpatients tested within >10 days after symptom onset, including 1 who had been asymptomatic for >48 hours; the Ct values for these samples were 39.0 and 38.6. We detected minus-strand SARS-CoV-2 RNA up to 30 days after symptom onset in an immunocompromised patient with persistent fever.
For 2 patients in the prospective cohort, a negative result might have facilitated the approval of medical procedures despite prolonged positive results by standard rRT-PCR (Appendix
The standard SARS-CoV-2 rRT-PCR is appropriate for most routine clinical diagnostic applications. However, because this assay does not determine whether SARS-CoV-2 is actively replicating, it cannot infer infectiousness in samples with mid-level Ct values (i.e., Ct 25–35)
We detected minus-strand RNA up to 30 days after symptom onset, which is longer than the 14-day period previously reported for subgenomic RNA , and 8–15 day period for viral culture
To be brief, the take home is 28.1% of hospitalized patients at a median of 9 days after symptoms developed were not infectious, meaning there was no viral replication
There was then a follow up study for asymptomatic positives
36% of inpatients were asymptomatic
The majority of patients with positive SARS-CoV-2 PCRs on admission were found to be non-infectious based on strand-specific rRT-PCR testing.
Only 4-25% of asymptomatic inpatients had a detectable minus strand.
Our findings agree with prior studies which have identified persistently positive SARS-CoV-2 PCRs without the presence of culturable live virus.
Positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR in asymptomatic individuals often leads to delays in medical care, highlight the importance of confirming infectiousness.
The take home from this is 36% of hospitalized patients who tested positive in the period were asymptomatic, and 75-96% were not infectious (did not have COVID), the higher infectious percentages were during Delta and Omicron.
Perhaps there was good reason not to pursue the test. I didn’t see they validate it with cultures, but it would be nice to know why this test is not available
New Pfizer-BNT mRNA COVID Vaccine in the Works
Pfizer/BioNTech working on a mRNA Covid Vaccine that produces non-spike proteins and is testing it on animals, to be used in addition to their spike producing vaccine
Non-Spike Covid Vaccine
BNT162b4 encodes conserved, immunogenic segments of SARS-CoV-2 N, M and ORF1ab antigens
Mass spectrometry detects BNT162b4 encoded peptides bound to diverse HLA-I alleles
BNT162b4 elicits non-Spike T-cell responses in mice while maintaining Spike immunity
BNT162b4 protects animals from severe disease and enhances viral clearance by BNT162b2
BNT162b4 is currently being clinically evaluated in combination with the BA.4/BA.5 Omicron-updated bivalent BNT162b2 (NCT05541861).
Hopefully this new one will be evaluated properly now that the emergency is ended. As a reminder
Companies were allowed to skip testing for gene and cancer toxicity and even studies showing how much spike is produced, for how long and where in the body it reaches. Pfizer said these studies were “not considered necessary.”
No human studies were carried out to see what happened to the synthetic modified RNA – no-one knows how long it takes to be removed from the body. There is evidence that in some it lasts between at least 28 days and 4 months in the blood.
The regulators let the pharma companies get away with terminating the placebo arm of the study after ~3months by offering them all the novel products.
The lipid nanoparticles that deliver the modified synthetic mRNA are themselves toxic. This mechanism of delivery was shelved in 2016 for gene therapy to treat inherited genetic conditions because of the multiple doses needed. It was claimed it could still be used in vaccine technology because that only requires one dose…
So everyone has heard of Elons new Twitter CEO. A WEF Globalist and member of the Ad Council, indeed the Chair of its Board during 2021-2022 responsible for managing the governments vaccine propaganda. For those who dont know about the Ad Council its been the USG Domestic Propaganda Arm for 80 years
But What do you make of this?
The currency we have all been using for years is going to disappear in September 2025
With a potential default looming with catastrophic effects thanks to Republicans who wish to Terrorize the Opposition into giving them what they want, with little regard for the consequences the the country, and giving good reason for the rest of the World to dump the dollar, I was thinking the Fed Could just buy the Treasuries Direct like they used to .
Unfortunately, I did not realize that in 1981 Reagan did not overturn the 1979 legislation that forbid this starting in 1981
Until 1935, Federal Reserve Banks from time to time purchased short-term securities directly from the United States Treasury to facilitate Treasury cash management operations. The authority to undertake such purchases provided a robust safety net that ensured Treasury could meet its obligations even in the event of an unforeseen depletion of its cash balances. Congress prohibited direct purchases in 1935, but subsequently provided a limited wartime exemption in 1942. The exemption was renewed from time to time following the conclusion of the war but ultimately was allowed to expire in 1981.
The original version of the Federal Reserve Act provided a robust safety net because the act implicitly authorized the new Reserve Banks to buy securities directly from the Treasury. The Banks made active use of their “direct purchase authority” during, and for a decade and a half after, World War I.
[T]here was a feeling that [the absence of a prohibition] left the door wide open to the Government to borrow directly from the Federal Reserve bank all that was necessary to finance the Government deficit, and that took off any restraint toward getting a balanced budget.
The matter of Treasury borrowing directly from the Federal Reserve in anticipation of a debt ceiling constraint rubbed at least a few Congressmen the wrong way. Treasury resorted to such borrowing in September 1977 and again in March 1979. The motivation for those borrowings was not viewed as comparable to a national emergency or a temporary cash shortfall pending the arrival of tax receipts.
Representative George Hansen of Idaho stated that he was “not particularly pleased” with the 1977 draw and, in a dissent to the House Banking Committee majority report on the 1979 bill renewing the exemption, Representative Ron Paul of Texas expressed the view that “in recent years, ... Treasury has been using the [exemption] not to finance a war, but to make end runs around Congress and the law. ... Starting as a war power, the [exemption] has become a device that is used by the Treasury to ignore Congress and the law.”
Big Banks are not increasing saving account interest rates, but then, you know that.
As you can see by the below charts the average depositor is getting slammed while the banks are making hey charging higher interest rates for loans.
I imagine some bigger depositors negotiate better rates, but for the average Joe your savings are being rapidly devalued by inflation.
Money Market
Effective Federal Funds Rate at 5.08%. But “core” CPI, which excludes the volatile food and energy components, has gotten stuck at around 5.5% to 5.7% for the fifth month in a row.
The interesting thing about the Effective Funds Rate is every time there is a significant increase this is followed by an unpleasant event
As you can see increases were followed by the Dot.Com bust in (1999-2000), Global Financial Crisis-(2007-2008), Repo Market Crash -(2019 ) and of course, what we are seeing now with some pretty big bank failures -(2022-2023) with more to come
As you can see here core inflation has not been an issue for most of the last 25 years and started increasing in February 2021.
I wont bother to mention that from September 2019-January 2021 the money supply had increased by almost $4.5 trillion and 6 trillion during the previous administration, but most of this money was locked up by the rich and unlikely to cause core inflation. I believe this inflation is an act of collusion disrupting supplies and creating shortages, and an active campaign to create inflation expectation so as to justify the interest rate increases to crash the system and bring on the CBDC. FedNOW is being rolled out in July. Republicans are threatening to cause us to default in June . Very convenient timing
Remember, Twitters new CEO, a WEF Globalist and head of the USG Donestic Propaganda Arm (Ad Council) seems to have predicted the dollar will be gone by September 2024 (conveniently before the election). That will be irreversible. Biden will have accomplished his mission and can retire and Trump can pick up where he left off and finish the demolition.
Enemy of the State (1998)
A Warning, Predictive Programming or Revelation
Congressman Phillip Hammersley: Telecommunications Security and Privacy Act. Invasion of privacy is more like it. - You read the Post?"This bill is not the first step towards the surveillance society. It is the surveillance society."
"I'm not gonna sit in congress and pass a law that lets the government point a camera and a microphone at anything they damn well please."
Then he is Killed
Maria-Oh, well there goes the Fourth
Amendment... what's left of it.
Bobby- Hey, Maria.
Maria- Hello, Mr. Bobby.
- [TV Blaring]
Maria-Baby, listen to this fascist gas bag.
TV- ... and freedom has always existed in a very precarious balance, and when buildings start blowing up, people's priorities change.
Bobby- He's got a point there, sweetie.
Maria- I mean, who is this idiot? He is talking about ending personal privacy.. You want your phone tapped?
Bobby- I'm not plannin' on blowing up the country.-Oh, I know.- We'll just tap the criminals. We won't suspend the civil rights of the good people.
Maria- Right. Then who decides which is which?
Bobby- I think you should.
Maria- Bobby, I think you should take this more seriously.
Bobby - Honey, I think you're taking it
seriously enough for both of us,and half the people on the block.
TV-Tens of millions of foreign nationalsliving within our borders, and many of these people consider the United States their enemy. They see acts of terrorism...
[Brill introduces Dean to his Faraday cage and starts activating his equipment]
Edward "Brill" Lyle: The government's been in bed with the entire telecommunications industry since the forties. They've infected everything. They get into your bank statements, computer files, email, listen to your phone calls...
Bobby Clayton Dean: My wife's been saying that for years.
Lyle: Every wire, every airwave. The more technology used, the easier it is for them to keep tabs on you. It's a brave new world out there. At least it'd better be. [analyzes disk] There it goes. It's some kind of simple encryption.
Bobby: Oh, conspiracy theorists of the world, unite.
Lyle: It's more than a theory with me. I'm a former conspirer. I used to work for the NSA. I was a communication analyst. Listen to international calls, calls from foreign nationalists. That GPS tracking device we found in your cellular telephone? I designed one of the first models in that series. Fort Meade has 18 acres of mainframe computers underground. You're talking on the phone and you use the word, "bomb," "president," "Allah," any of a hundred keywords, the computer recognizes it, automatically records it, red flags it for analysis; that was twenty years ago.
You know the Hubble Telescope that looks up to the stars? They've got over a hundred spy satellites looking down at us. That's classified. In the old days, we actually had to tap a wire into your phone line. Now calls bouncin' around on satellite, they snatch right out of the air.
Flash forward 25 years later. They know you better than yourself, even stuff you forgot all about. Fourth Amendment is long gone
As a historical refresher 3 years later they pushed through the Patriot Act following 9/11. This was 5 years after they tried but failed to pass similar legislation (sponsored by Biden) following the 1993 WTC and 1995 OKC Bombing
Censorship Industrial Complex is an arm of the Military Industrial Everything Complex.
This article here is worth reading. Lots of details. I wont even try to summarize it beyond this excerpt
Graphica-Graphika, Inc. creates large-scale maps of social media landscapes and provides in-depth analysis to help clients and partners understand and navigate complex online networks. The Company's analytical capabilities serve electoral integrity and disinformation detection, market research, online audience discovery, and online influence assessment.
What we know about funding: $3 million from the Department of Defense for 2020-2022, “to support and stimulate basic and applied research and technology at educational institutions”; boasts of partnerships with the Defense Advanced Partnerships Research Agency (DARPA) and the U.S. Air Force. According to, defense agencies have provided almost $7 million.
In sum: With deep Pentagon ties and a patina of public-facing commercial legitimacy, Graphika is set up to be the Rand Corporation of the Anti-Disinformation age.
Connected to: Stanford Internet Observatory, DFRLabs, Department of Defense, DARPA, Knight Foundation, Bellingcat
Some articles on new developments
Pentagon’s new Influence and Perception Management Office
In the fall of 2017, the FBI established the Foreign Influence Task Force. In 2018, the Department of Homeland Security established the Countering Foreign Influence Task Force — which in 2021 was updated to include a misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation team — as well as a Foreign Influence and Interference Branch and last year, the Disinformation Governance Board.
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, established on March 1, 2022. Influence and Perception Management Offic (IPMO ) is tasked with “the development of broad thematic messaging guidance and specific strategies for the execution of DOD activities designed to influence foreign defense-related decision-makers to behave in a manner beneficial to U.S. interests deliberately conceal or selectively reveal information to a foreign audience in a manner beneficial to U.S. Interests.,” according to a document obtained by the authors.
“Defense related” is a key phrase here, because in this new era of “cyber deception and adversary engagement” as it’s being called, the CIA carries its own covert deception activities oriented towards civil decisionmakers. Some of this is accomplished through the technical skills and brute force of the NSA and U.S. Cyber Command.
The State Department conducts overt messaging – a lot of good that’s doing. The Department of Homeland Security and FBI are trying to wrap their heads around countering disinformation on the domestic battlefield. Lots of mischief there.
Similarly, in the Internet age, when U.S. deceivers operate online under false “personas”, there is the issue of veracity: who’s engaging, who’s spying, who else is following? Arkin has already written about the vast world of signature reduction and the growth of military undercover, clandestine and covert activity.
The Washington Post reported in September that the Pentagon was ordering a review of how psychological operations and online messaging over social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter were blowing back, indeed even whether they were legal.
Military deception (MILDEC), a name and an acronym that has been around since at least World War II, just isn’t good enough anymore. The name has been changed this year to “deception activity (DA)” a new term to match a new Cold War and a cyber era of constant battle, never before revealed.
We can reveal that the DOD Inspector General is now initiating an Evaluation of Combatant Command Military Deception Planning (Project No. D2023-DEV0PD-0019.000) “to determine the extent to which the combatant commands have effectively conducted military deception (MILDEC) planning in support of ongoing operations.”
In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee Thursday, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines for the first time mentioned the creation of the Foreign Malign Influence Center, or FMIC. “Congress put into law that we should establish a Foreign Malign Influence Center in the intelligence community; we have stood that up,” Haines said, referring to legislation passed last year. “It encompasses our election threat work, essentially looking at foreign influence and interference in elections, but it also deals with disinformation more generally.”
Because it is situated within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, or ODNI, it enjoys the unique authority to marshal support from all elements of the U.S. intelligence community to monitor and combat foreign influence efforts such as disinformation campaigns.
The FMIC is authorized to counter foreign disinformation targeting not just U.S. elections, but also “the public opinion within the United States” generally, according to the law.
Haines also made clear that the effort to counter disinformation has expanded beyond not just elections and Russia, but also to other foreign adversaries: “What we have been doing is effectively trying to support the Global Engagement Center and others throughout the U.S. government in helping them to understand what are the plans and intentions of the key actors in this space: China, Russia, Iran, etc.” The GEC is a State Department entity tasked with countering foreign disinformation by amplifying America’s own propaganda.
U.S. Air Force Reserves intelligence officer Maj. Neill Perry echoed the concerns in a 2022 piece in the Army’s Cyber Defense Review, a West Point-funded journal. “The decision to create a new agency is puzzling for two reasons,” Perry wrote. “First, the FMIRC [Foreign Malign Influence Response Center, an earlier name for the FMIC] duplicates the mission of the GEC. The GEC already produces assessments on influence operations, including a team of thirty data scientists who monitor the public information environment and share their analysis with the State Department and interagency partners.
From its perch atop the intelligence community, the FMIC has been designated the U.S. government’s primary authority for analyzing and integrating intelligence on foreign influence, according to a brief entry on ODNI’s website. The FMIC’s acting director, Jeffrey K. Wichman, is a former CIA executive who previously served as chief of analysis for the agency’s Counterintelligence Mission Center.
“Exposing deception in defense of liberty” is the center’s motto, ODNI’s website says. It enjoys access to “all intelligence possessed or created pertaining to FMI [foreign malign information], including election security.”
Don’t be fooled by the deception that these activities only target and affect foreigners. Much of the information we rely on comes from those outside our borders in this globally connected world, and many Americans outside our borders could be considered foreign. Furthermore, our allies adopt similar measures which would be directed against Americans and they share the intelligence with the US (Five Eyes-comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States and no doubt a few other countries like Israel)