I-Wuhan Institute of Virology develops
II-JYNNEOS Small Pox Vaccine Trial shows Troponin levels increase after vax,
III-Monkey Pox PCR Test in February,
IV-UK Monkeypox Isolation/Testing
V-US Preterm Births increase 4% in 2021, Taiwan 2022 Birth Rate Drops
VI-OMG- Measles are Coming, at least in the 3Rd World
VII Boosting the Children with an Ineffective Vaccine based on 400 Kids in Study who got Boosted
VIII-Low OMICRON CFR/IFR comparable to Flu
IX-But, but, but ....What about “Long Covid!!!!???
X-FSMB-The unelected/ un-appointed Pharma shills directing State Medical Boards to muzzle Doctors that nobody knows much about
XI-CO2 is Food for the Plants, It Keeps the Planet From Being a Snowball. Masks Increase the C02 you breathe. You are not a Plant and Its Warm Enough
I-NIH Paper released on Neuropathic symptoms with SARS-CoV-2 vaccination
“In all three, symptoms improved dramatically within 2 weeks of IVIg treatment with complete resolution in one and mild residual symptoms in the other two”
One of the two (Brianne Dressen) describes her mild residual symptoms and still is on IVIg ($3500 every 2 weeks) and still unable to work
She was also an Astra Zeneca trial participant and her Vaccine Injury after the 1st dose was not reported in the trial data
Here is the paper
Excellent writeup here on this here
II-JYNNEOS Small Pox Vaccine Trial
Pg 189
......most clinical trials under the development program did not show an increased proportion of subjects with abnormal troponin or ECG compared with placebo controls. However, up to 18.4% of subjects in two of the pivotal clinical trials were reported to have abnormal troponins following vaccination without cardiac diagnoses or symptoms consistent with clinical cardiac events. The applicant will be asked to continue monitoring cardiac related events as part of the post-marketing pharmacovigilance plan.
Ok, so tell my how COVID vaccines were not required to conduct Troponin and ECG testing, especially during the Childrens and Booster trials when cardio issues were well known
III- Chinas Monkeypox PCR Test
On 28 February 2022 -Chinese scientists identify detection targets from a a 55-kb genomic fragmentof monkeypox virusfor a quantitative PCR test. Since China has no Monkey Pox they needed a method to synthesize the viral targets. Sounds like they had a heads up something was coming
Where were the authors from?
1)State Key Laboratory of Virology, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Center for Biosafety Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430071, China and
2)University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China
Bit of Deja Vu, huh.
But don’t worry, they are not synthesizing an infectious virus. Unlike a group of scientists recently funded by a biotech company to synthesize a full-length horsepox virus genomeand recover it into an infectious virus(Noyce et al., 2018). This received enormous attention and raised global debate on its biosecurity implications (DiEuliis et al., 2017; Koblentz, 2017, 2018; DiEuliis and Gronvall, 2018).
The scientist who did the work, David Evansof the University of Alberta in Canada, has said his team had to synthesize horsepox because they wanted to study the virus and there was no other way to get it.
There was another possibility, NPR has learned. Evans could have done research on a specimen of horsepox collected from the wild, but he didn't pursue that alternative.
He says using the natural virus might have prevented the pharmaceutical company he is working with from commercializing horsepox as a new vaccine for smallpox.
The possibility of creating a new, safer vaccine is why a pharmaceutical company executive named Dr. Seth Ledermanwanted to get his hands on horsepox. He says historical writings suggest that Jenner's vaccine against smallpox, which was derived from cowpox, actually originated in a pox disease that infected horses[and believed to be extinct in nature]
In the Chinese paper, although a full-length viral genome would be the ideal reference template for detecting MPXV by qPCR, they only sought to assemble a 55-kb viral fragment, less than one-third of the MPXV genome.
So they say🧐
IV-UK Monkeypox Isolation/Testing
“Current guidance does not advise that PCR tests should be offered to close contacts of confirmed cases who do not have any symptoms of the virus.”
Duh, since the swab must be done on a skin lesion caused by the virus no PCR test is possible on someone without symptoms
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is advising these individuals, where they are deemed high risk, to isolate at home for up to 21 days.
Why is anyone who is not symptomatic being asked to isolate for 21 days’. There is no asymptomatic spread of Monkey Pox
V-Declining Birth Rates -How did US do in 2021
Between 2000 and 2019, the number of daily births declined an average 0.39% a year. The pace of decline accelerated between 2010 and 2019, when the number of daily births dropped on average 0.96% a year.
But the decline was much steeper in in 2020: The average number of daily births was 4.06% lower than in 2019.
There were 285,138 births in December 2020 — 23,664 (7.66%) fewer than in December 2019. On average, there were 763 fewer births each day in December 2020 than in December 2019.
[Clearly Lockdown/Economic Factors/Pandemic Fears related]
By March 2021, the decline slowed. Births declined only 0.15% between March 2020 and March 2021. This is substantially smaller than the 0.91% drop from March 2019 to March 2020.
[catching up for lost time,no doubt after the spring lockdowns, in the summer of 2020 young people were in heat]
They found there were 1.74 million births between January and June in 2021, a 2% decline from the 1.78 million births (40,000 drop) that occurred over the same period in 2020.
The drop was largely driven by the decline in births for the month of January, with 304,000 babies born in January 2020 compared to nearly 277,000 in January 2021 -- a 9% decrease.
Provisional datashowed a 1% uptick in births, to 3.66 million in 2021 compared to 2020 but there were there were still about 86,000 fewer births last year than in 2019 (a decline of 2.2%)
The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics examined almost every birth certificate issued in 2021 and logged 3,659,289 births, up 45,642 from 3,613,647 in 2020 (down 131,000 from 2019) but down 86,000 from 2019 (3,745,000)
This means approximately 85, 000 more births in the 2nd half of 2021 than in the 2nd half of 2020 since there were 40,000 fewer births in the first half of 2021 compared to 2020.
Vaccinations didn’t seem to have much effect on total births although we don’t have any data on what percentage of mothers who gave birth in the 2nd half were vaccinated (especially in first trimester) or were vaccinated before becoming pregnant
However, the preterm birth rate rose 4% in 2021 to 10.48%, from 10.09% in 2020. The 2021 rate is the highest reported since at least 2007 (10.44%)
If my math is right thats 132,000 more preterm births than expected
The percentage of infants born preterm (births at less than 37 completed weeks of gestation) fell 8% from 2007 (the first year for which national data are available based on the obstetric estimate of gestation to 2014, rose 7% from 2014 (9.57%) to 2019, and declined 1% from 2019 to 2020
Increases of 4% were observed in both early preterm births (less than 34 completed weeks of gestation) and late preterm births (34–36 weeks) from 2020 to 2021 .
The early preterm rate rose from 2.70% to 2.81%, the highest level reported since 2011 . The late preterm rate rose to 7.67% from 7.40%, the highest level reported since at least 2007
In Taiwan There were 11,222 babies born in Apr 2022 which decreased 8.50% compared with the same month last year.
There were 12,788 babies born in Mar 2022 which decreased 7.46% compared with the same month last year.
There were 9,617 babies born in Feb 2022 which decreased 16.35% compared with the same month last year (the Lunar New Year may have skewed this months numbers)
Mass Vaccination didn’t really get going here until May/June of last year
VI- Measles
The number of reported worldwide measles cases has increased by 79 per cent in the first two months of 2022 compared to the same time last year
In 2020, 23 million children missed out on all basic childhood vaccines. That’s the highest number seen since 2009 and 3.7 million more than in 2019.
Countries with the largest measles outbreaks in the past year include Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen.
I don’t really know what the point of this is, measles is probably the least of the concerns for the people in these countries
VII-With a safety study limited to 400 kids FDA authorizes boosters for 5-11 year olds without a VRBAC meeting
But we’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes.”
Eric Rubin, MD. Editor in Chief, New England Journal of Medicine. October 26, 2021
Well, hopefully they made sure its effective
Estimated vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection for children 5 to 11 years of age was 60.1% 2 to 4 weeks after dose 2 and 28.9% during month 2 after dose 2.
Doesn’t sound too effective to me
For children 5-11 years,at 28-34 days after full vaccination the VE was 12%
That sounds even worse. Its not like the “it prevents serious disease” argument works with children who don’t get serious disease anyways (unless they have gross comorbidities).
VIII-Its incredible to me that 6 months into Omicron there is so little written about Omicrons IFR or CFR
Shanghai, the hardest-hit city in China's current coronavirus wave, has logged a case fatality rate (CFR) of 0.036 percent -- 36 deaths per 100,000 people infected since March 1.
Hong Kong
Conversely, the raw CFR in the unvaccinated population in the fifth wave was 2.26%—higher than the 1.34% CFR reported in the previous waves when most of the population was unvaxxed
[ this wave was in the middle of a vaccine campaign targeting the under-vaxxed elderly who would be labelled as unvaxxed if they just recently received their 1st shot. So vaccine deaths might be inflating the numbers]
These are my own calculations from data collected here
Note the CFR is also low. It looks to be about 0.06% but due to a lag between cases and deaths I wont vouch for anything lower than 0.1%.
I’d also say that the drastic reduction between the 1st waves CFR (4%) and this is in part due to more testing is catching more of the cases (most are asymptomatic compared to almost 100% of confirmed domestic cases being symptomatic last year). The other factor is a high vax rate, treatments (Merck/Pfizer drugs) and of course Omicrons reduced lung pathology
Almost 1/2 of the deaths are unvaxxed and they represent only 15% of the population. Assuming equal infection rates this suggest a CFR among unvaxxed to be ~0.7% which is still low (many of the unvaxxed may be elderly or sick people too sick to be vaxxed)
Also a surprising number of DNR patients are among the deaths, many of who were recently boosted. My understanding is hospice patients are required to have a DNR and those who are institutionalized may be required to get vaccinated. I cant confirm the latter though.
It should be noted that like in Hong Kong the elderly were relatively under-vaccinated so in the midst of this wave an aggressive vaccine campaign targeting the elderly was underway
South Africa
Before Omicron-
The estimated IFR was approximately 0.21%. As mentioned previously, reported deaths amounted to only one-third of excess deaths, and it was generally believed that the excess death is a good proxy for the true COVID-19–related death. Thus, the true IFR could be 0.63%, which was well in line with current knowledge of COVID-19 before the emergence of the Omicron variant.
The relative transmissibility of the Omicron variant is likely three-fold that of the Delta variant.
The reduction in the IFR of the Omicron variant was approximately 78.7% of the IFR of previous variants (0.05%-0.16%)
Thats all I got, my google/duckduckgo skills not yielding anything for US/UK/EU
FWIW- At a congressional hearing, Dr. Anthony Fauci said, “The flu has a mortality rate of 0.1 percent.
IX - About 30% of COVID patients develop “Long COVID,” UCLA research finds
Itshould read 30% of hospitalized COVID patients.
In the wake of low IFR Omicron theVaccine Pimps try to convince us 30% of anyone infected no matter the severity of symptoms or lack of symptoms will suffer debilitating Long Covid symptoms
Here is another paper
Incidence, co-occurrence, and evolution of long-COVID features: A 6-month retrospective cohort study of 273,618 survivors of COVID-19
9 core features of long-COVID (breathing difficulties/breathlessness, fatigue/malaise, chest/throat pain, headache, abdominal symptoms, myalgia, other pain, cognitive symptoms, and anxiety/depression)
36.55% between 3 and 6 months. The incidence of each feature was: abnormal breathing (7.94% ), fatigue/malaise (5.87%), chest/throat pain (5.71%), headache (4.63%), other pain (7.19%), abdominal symptoms (8.29%), myalgia (1.54%), cognitive symptoms (3.95%), and anxiety/depression (15.49%)
OMG. Mommy!😱
They then go on to report:
Long-COVID clinical features occurred and co-occurred frequently and showed some specificity to COVID-19, though they were also observed after influenza
All 9 features were more frequently reported after COVID-19 than after influenza (with an overall excess incidence of 16.60% and hazard ratios between 1.44 and 2.04, all p< 0.001), co-occurred more commonly, and formed a more interconnected network.
So basically it occurs with the flu as well, about 1/3-1/2 less often. But flu has been around forever and everyone has had flu at some point, so a lot of folks have had “Long Flu” but nobody bothered to name it.
Significant differences in incidence and co-occurrence were associated with sex, age, and illness severity.
Most studies lack a control group and have limited generalizability, focusing either on hospitalized patients or individuals who voluntarily responded to a telephone survey or used an app.
X- Doctors being Muzzled and Turned Into Glorified Technicians
Last July the FSMB put out a notice
Last month The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) approved a medical misinformation and disinformation
State Medical Boards
1. State medical boards are encouraged to adopt a policy that clarifies board expectations regarding the dissemination of misinformation and disinformation by licensees.
2. State medical boards must retain their legislated authority to regulate the professional conduct of licensees in order to effectively protect the public.
3. When adjudicating cases regarding misinformation and disinformation, state medical boards are encouraged to consider the full array of authorized grounds for disciplinary action in their Medical Practice Acts.
4. When appropriate, state medical boards should consider whether there are options that do not involve disciplinary action that could help a licensee understand the ethical basis of their duty to convey accurate information to patients and the public and change or remediate their behavior appropriately.
5. State medical boards should not be dissuaded from carrying out their duty to protect the public by concerns about potential challenges to disciplinary decisions when these decisions are based on sound regulatory considerations for public protection.
This is why Doctors are behaving as they are. Not every Doctor is a blood sucking greedy bastard wanting to harm his patients for a buck. Some are, but they would lose business if a stick wasn’t being used against the rest to follow them (Patients figure out who is providing the best care and flock to them, so they have to be intimidated into following the same harmful protocols)
So I did a bit of research (quick and dirty) on FSMB
The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) is a private 501(c)(6) trade associationthat purports to represent the seventy state medical and osteopathic boards of the US and its territories, and cosponsors the United States Medical Licensing Examination. It is tremendously powerful: whatever it suggests in terms of medical care policies are often adopted by the state medical boards
The University of Wisconsin, with funding from Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, developed a continuing education course for doctors based on the FSMB’s manual. This is the drug company that in 2007 paid $600 million in fines in settlement of a guilty pleafor having misled doctors and patients when it claimed that the drug was less likely to be abused than traditional narcotics.
Senate Finance Committee launched an investigationinto the close ties between pharmaceutical companies, the FSMB, and “nonprofit pain groups” like the American Pain Foundation. The Foundation received 90 percent of its $5 million in funding in 2010 from the drug and medical device industry, and its guides for patients, journalists, and policymakers downplay the risks associated with opioid painkillers while exaggerating the benefits from the drugs.
How much money does the FSMB take in total from industry? How does it use it? Who really runs the FSMB? What exactly is its relationship with the American Medical Association? With the so-called Quackbusters? With state medical boards? These are all questions that need answers.
Well thats disturbing. Some Pharma backed group , made up of unelected people that seems to carry a lot of weight with State Medical Boards is calling the shots on how a Doctor may care for his patients, even in Red States
In 2012, the chair and ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), launched an investigation into financial ties between drug manufacturers and medical organizations that were setting guidelines for opioid use. When the investigation began, the federal government had already reported that opioid overdoses were killing more people each year than car accidents. Many staffers working for Baucus considered his home state of Montana to be ground zero for the epidemic of opioid addiction.
The committee focused on the American Pain Foundation, the Center for Practical Bioethics, and five other organizations. It also targeted three leading opioid makers: Purdue Pharma(OxyContin), Endo Pharmaceuticals (Percocet), and Johnson & Johnson (Duragesic). The committee demanded to see documents and get answers to its questions.
So what happened? The Senate Finance Committee never release a report on “the investigation into financial ties between drug manufacturers and medical organizations that were setting guidelines for opioid use.” FSMB was one of the seven “medical organizations” investigated.
XI- Masks and CO2.
Anew study after 2 years of mask wearing. Nothing we didn’t know but at least we have more than Del BigTrees kid showing the same thing.
Inhaled CO2 concentration while wearing face masks: a pilot study using capnography
The mean CO2 concentration was 4965±1047 ppm with surgical masks, and 9396±2254 ppm with FFP2 respirators.
The proportion of the sample showing a CO2 concentration higher than the 5000 ppm acceptable exposure threshold recommended for workers was 40.2%while wearing surgical masks, 99.0% while wearing FFP2 respirators. The mean blood oxygen saturation remained >96%, and the mean end-tidal CO2 <33 mmHg
Among the minors, the mean CO2 concentration when wearing surgical masks was 6439±1366 ppm (5462 to 7415 ppm), and was considerably higher than among the adults (4852±857 ppm; p<0.001), or the elderly (4638±948 ppm; p<0.01). A
They didn’t measure Oxygen. But doing some simple math and given O2 concentration at sea level is 20.9% 5000-10000 ppm would cause an O2 reduction of ~0.5-1.0% (19.9%-20.4% O2). Not really enough to cause hypoxia I don’t think. Higher O2 than in an airplane pressurized to 8000 ft.
Of course, that makes wearing a mask on an airplane worse, perhaps dangerously so for some people🤔
And consider this:
Lastly, the experimental conditions, with participants at complete rest and in a constantly ventilated room, were far from those experienced by workers and students during a typical day, normally spent in rooms shared with other people or doing some degree of physical activity. Since it was observed that speech and even low level physical activity are associated with increases in CO2 concentration, CO2 values in real life are likely to be higher than those recorded in this study
That means more Oxygen being displaced
Concerning the risk of hypoxia, a research on 53 surgeons found that blood oxygen saturation decreased noticeably with a longer time wearing surgical masks.In contrast, the present study was performed at rest and for a short time, during which the recorded levels of CO2 did not substantially alter blood oxygen saturation, as in similar studies.
Nevertheless, the exposure to inhaled air CO2 values higher than 5000 ppm, for long periods, is considered unacceptable for the workers, and is forbidden in several countries, because it frequently causes signs and symptoms such as headache, nausea, drowsiness, rhinitis, and reduced cognitive performance.