PART II How Tavistock, CIA, Futurists, Philanthropic Foundations, Academia , Psychologists , Scientists , Corporate Leaders, and International Institutions conspired to Remake the World
1963-Eric Trist, the chairman of Tavistock's governors described his and Tavistock's work on mass brainwashing, delineating in detail his theory of "social turbulence," based upon the theories of Hegel, although again, Trist is far more quick to cite Lewin.
Trist postulated that the administering of a series of traumatizing shocks upon a society would destabilize it, lowering the overall character of the society's reasoning.
Trist suggested that by late 1963 the world had moved into a condition of "permanent social turbulence" that would serve to usher in a new condition of society, a new paradigm, and a new possibility for remaking the face of the planet.
The "shocks" of the 1960s were the Cuban missile crisis, the sequence of brutal political assassinations escalation of the Vietnam War following the JFK murder and its coverup; and the urban riots and student riots
The shocks continued into the 70’s with Watergate, Oil Shortages and Stagflation
1965, Alvin Toffler, then a lecturer at the Salzburg Seminar in American Studies, wrote an essay in a British intelligence sponsored publication, Horizon magazine, titled "The Future as a Way of Life."
Toffler argued that the only way humanity could cope with the "future shock" caused by the rapid transformation of modem society, was by launching a study of "the future, " and introducing futurism into all policy deliberations and educational programs.
1965- The Club of Rome grew out of an international conference called “The Conditions of World Order,” at the Villa Serbelloni in Bellagio, Italy, which was owned by the Rockefeller Foundation, and which was sponsored by the CIA-front, the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), with a grant from the Ford Foundation and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
1967 at Queen Elizabeth's palatial estate in Deauville, France, a conference was convened. It was intended to update participants on ongoing projects of the Tavistock network.
This was the "Conference on Transatlantic Technological Imbalance and Collaboration," sponsored by the Scientific and Technological Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly and the Foreign Policy Research Institute.
Among the projects mentioned at the conference were the collaboration of Emery and Trist on "social turbulence," and the SRI-Tavistock "Images of Man" project.
Participants in the conference included Tavistock's Harland Cleveland; Willis Harman of the Tavistock offshoot Stanford Research Institute;
Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, the future Carter national security advisor and the Trilateral Commission's founding executive director; and Fred Emery, who delineated the stages of societal disintegration in his Futures We Are In.
Other participants were Dr. Aurelio Peccei, later to head the zero-growth fixated Club of Rome, then chairman of the Economic Committee of the Atlantic Institute, an important NATO think tank; and Sir Alexander King and Sir Solly Zuckerman, advisors to the British crown.
1967 a “ long march through the institutions” was a slogan coined by Communist studentactivist Rudi Dutschketo describe his strategy for establishing the conditions for revolution: subverting society by infiltrating institutions such as the professions.
The phrase "long march" is a reference to the prolonged struggle of the Chinese communists, which included a physical Long March of their army across China.
One of the leaders of Cultural Marxism, aka Critical Theory is, Herbert Marcuse and he corresponded with Dutschke in 1971 to agree with this strategy, "Let me tell you this: that I regard your notion of the 'long march through the institutions' as the only effective way...".
No doubt the infiltration has been underway for decades. He also wrote an essay in 1965 called Regressive tolerance. Read it and weep
1968-a prophetic essay, "The New Left, Local Control, and Fascism," which warned that the student radicals of the 1960s counterculture would be the fascist stormtroopers of the late twentieth century,unless the majority of Americans woke up to the danger.
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1968-Stanford Research Institute (SRI) International was closely interwoven with the U.S. government, the Department of Defense and the CIA.
Its sociology department, the Center for the Study of Social Policy, was established in 1968 by the U.S. Office of Education with the aim of "exploring alternative future possibilities for the society and their implications for educational policy."
The center then began studying "World Macro Problems" to come up with a plan on how the world needed to evolve to meet the challenges of the future and change people so that he better lived up to the demands of the post-industrial era.
1970 -Brzezinski’s book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. It was this book that led him to Rockefeller and other elitists behind the Green Movement that was promoted by the Club of Rome
“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how.
Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control.”
“It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous control over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date files, containing even the most personal details about health and personal behavior of every citizen in addition to the more customary data. "
“These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information. “
“Our existing institutions will be supplanted by pre-crisis management institutions, the task of which will be to identify in advance likely social crises and to develop programs to cope with them.”
1970-Aurellio Peccei wrote “The Chasm Ahead”. Peccei reiterated that a one-world government was the only solution to the problems of the world. Also required was that Russia and the U.S. would have to enter into partnership in global planning and enforcement
1970-Alvin Toffler had coined the term "anticipatory democracy" in his book Future Shock, a popularization of early work by Boulding in 1956-,The Image: Knowledge in Life and Society, which Boulding wrote while on a Ford Foundation Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University.
That 1956 book also formed the basis for a decade-long project at Stanford Research Institute,headed by Willis Harman,called "The Changing Images of Man." Along with Toffler's writings,this too helped popularize the Aquarian Conspiracy.
Anticipatory Democracy meant the elimination of the nation state and the creation of Russellite one-world supranational agencies to regulate the world economy, control global resources,and control the workforce.
To create the appearance of popular participation, he called for the proliferating of local "feedback" groups that would stifle dissent by drawing numbers of people into brainwashing environments in which they would appear to participate in decision-making and give an illusion of Democracy
1971-BF Skinner followed up his vision of Walden Two , with his nonfiction book Beyond Freedom and Dignity, awarded the honor of being the most important book of the year by the New York Times. "What is needed is more control, not less," Skinner reminded us.
1971 Maurice Strong was named Undersecretary of the United Nations and Secretary General of the June 1972 Stockholm Earth Day conference. He was also a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation.
1971, the first meeting of the World Economic Forum founded by Klaus Schwab – then called the European Management Symposium – convened in Davos, Switzerland.
1971-Written to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Lewis Powell Memo was a blueprint for corporate domination of American Democracy.
.1972-three business organizations merged to form the Business Roundtable, the first business association whose membership was restricted to top corporate CEOs.
The Business Roundtable quickly developed into a formidable group, designed to mobilize high-level CEOs as a collective force to lobby for the advancement of shared interests.
1972 Club of Romes book entitled “The Limits to Growth” that largely focused on global overpopulation, warning that “if the world’s consumption patterns and population growth continued at the same high rates of the time, the earth would strike its limits within a century.”
1972, Maurice Strong prepared “Only One Earth: The Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet”In the same year, he created the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and made a fortune as a businessman for Alberta Oil and the mineral industries.
1972 Earth Day UN Stockholm Conference, Strong promoted population reduction and lowering of living standards around the world to “save the environment.”
1972-In consultation with Boulding, on the eve of the Presidential elections, Alvin Toffler hosted a secret planning meeting .
Out of that conference, Toffler and others formed the Ad Hoc Committee on Anticipatory Democracy, which would play a major role in subverting the U.S.Congress over the next decades
1973-Ervin Laszlo led the Club of Romes Goals for Mankind project (published in 1977) in which preached an ideal world population of 500 million inhabitants.
1973 Changing Images of Man study initiated by SRI.
Ervin Laszlo contributed as a referee to SRI International's Changing images of Man project at Stanford University .The project was led by futurists Willis Harman and O.W. Markley.
According to their analysis, the future could take two different paths.
Technological extrapolationist image:
A technocratic and centrally planned society with an expert/elite government in which citizens' leisure time has been institutionalised and behavioural modification techniques are used economically, politically and socially.
Society is characterised by an increasing urbanisation and migration to megacities.
Evolutionary transformationalist image:
A balanced, political and economically decentralized society with less technology and more leisure time where behavioural modifying techniques are used sparingly except when deemed necessary by the group.
Financial equalisation with the reliance on holistic expertise and greater participation of citizens in planning.
Technological and scientific development is adapted to the new "moral" paradigm. With this comes a greater awareness of the world we are part of.
These two "images" constituted the two opposites of the dialectical game. It was then a matter of navigating correctly to minimize the negative effects during the transition.
They then presented an action plan to governments, companies and foundations to lead humanity to the desired utopia with social engineering.
However, changing images of Man expressed the following warning:
Methods of regulation that severely reduce individual freedoms could be welcomed in the face of severe disruptions. We could quickly or, more likely, gradually emerge into the kind of society that Bertram Gross (1970) has termed "friendly fascism.
This is a fascism that "will come under the slogans of democracy and 100 percent Americanism ... in the form of an advanced technological society, supported by its techniques-a techno-urban fascism, American style"
The fear was that Laszlo's and Willis Harman's ideal society would be kidnapped by the industrial elite to be unilaterally transformed into their "technological extrapolationist image."
In any case, some kind of authoritarian reaction was considered necessary to manage the transition to the desired post-industrial society (evolutionary transformationalist image).
Regulation and restraint of behavior will be necessary in order to hold the society together while it goes around a difficult corner. The more there can be general understanding of the transitory but inescapable nature of this need, the higher will be the likelihood that a more authoritarian permanent regime can be avoided.
In order to make people put up with the transition, a vision was also needed that a better society would emerge after the difficult time.
The funder of Changing Images of Man was the Charles Kettering Foundation. One of the Trilateral Commission's early financiers and a close partner of the Rockefeller sphere.
The project can be said to have formed part of the trilateral plan to (with the help of SRIs futurists) create The Technetronic Society.
The study was published in 1982
1973 Club of Rome issued a Report entitled “Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System” which was part of their “Strategy for Survival Project”. It put forth the goal of submerging nation states into 10 Global Regions for the administrative convenience of a World Government
1973-Club of Rome financed a computer program called World One, it was developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT).
It predicted the collapse of civilisation by 2040. The major turning point indicated by the algorithm was 2020! It predicted that by 2020 pollution would become so serious that it would start to kill people, leading to a massive decrease in population.
1973-Trilateral Commission established by David Rockefeller and Brzezinsky to bring together prominent citizens from North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific much like the Bilderberger Group did for North America and Europe
1973-Daniel Bell’s seminal book published, “The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting.”
“Since the post-industrial society increases the importance of the technical component of knowledge, it forces the hierophants of the new society – the scientists, engineers and technocrats – either to compete with politicians or become their allies.”
1975-Project Democracy would originate out of a Trilateral Commission meeting on May 31st, in Kyoto Japan, where the Trilateral Commission’s “Task Force on the Governability of Democracies” findings were delivered.
The report says that in the United States the problems of governance "stem from an excess of democracywhich needs to be moderated by reasserting undemocratic authority and cultivation of political apathy and by instigating a “controlled disintegration of society.”
1975 the CFR launched a public study of global policy titled the 1980’s Project. The general theme was “controlled disintegration” of the world economy,
1975,” In Futures We Are In,” a book published Fred Emery, the three stages of societal disintegration of Trist's paradigm shift are laid out.
The first stage is called superficiality, in which people start to break the bonds with the societal values of the past, the values of Judeo-Christian civilization. Superficiality results in the collapse of moral judgment, says Emery.
The next, lower stage of societal disintegration is called segmentation, in which the larger institutions of society start to disintegrate, and the focus moves from the nation-state to the local community, then to retreat into small and increasingly more paranoid groups, whose interests are pitted against each other.
Then disassociation. The individual becomes the societal unit, withdrawing from society into a "world in which fantasy and reality are indistinguishable," and in which the difference between fantasy and reality hardly matters
Man is reduced to a worldview dominated by "fantasy and superstition," in which he trusts no one. Government-by-reason is impossible, thus it and all its institutions must give way to "direct decisionmaking," with decisions made by "feeling states."
Emery uses the term "Clockwork Orange," as a descriptive metaphor for this type of society gone completely insane, in which habituated, random vioolence committed by gangs of youth is the order of the day, while the adults retreat into their television and other entertainments.
1975, National Institute of Mental Health funded an overall evaluation of behavior modification approaches. Its conclusions were that these techniques should be applied to the general population of the world, and to larger numbers than ever before.
At about the same time, the Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, in their Mankind 2000 report, introduced the following dark vision:
“In the organization of a civilization of the future we anticipate that the individualistically-oriented man will become an anachronism. Indeed, he will be viewed as a threat to the group organization as well as to his fellow man.
Hence, he in all likelihood will have few individual expectations. While such a picture may not be pleasant to contemplate, when viewed with our present orientation and value judgement, we would be amiss were we to deal with unrealistic imageries that would blind us to future reality..."
"The new world of the closed, automated system will necessitate a radical change in political, technologic, and social thinking. All too often, however, we remain bound by the conventional tenets and wisdom of past generations...
The cybercultural revolution is altering all this. It differs radically from previous innovations because now man has devices that will largely supplant his labor and certain activities of his mind."
1978 Nov 9th, Trilateral Commission member Paul Volcker (Federal Reserve Chairman from 1979-1987) would affirm at a lecture delivered at Warwick University in England: “A controlled disintegration in the world economy is a legitimate object for the 1980s.”
1978, the Ad Hoc Committee published a book of essays touting its accomplishments,Anticipatory Democracy-People in the Politics o/the Future (edited by Clement Bezold,New York: Random House,1978).Toffler wrote the introduction to the book,and gave a round-about definition of anticipatory democracy.
"My own espousal of Anticipatory Democracy sprang from the recognition that our political institutions and processes,the mechanics of representative government,the entire apparatus of 'democracy' as we know it-including voting,elections,parties,parliaments and the like-are expressions not of some undying mystical human commitment to freedom but of the spread of industrial civilization that began in England 200 to 300 years ago."
Toffler continued, "This industrial civilization took the idea of representation and merchandised it around the planet as the latest, most efficient, most humane form of government imaginable.
As the industrial way of life spread,representative government, denatured or otherwise, spread with it. In fact, using shorthand, one might declare representativegovernment-whether 'capitalist' or 'socialist' in form-to be the key political technology of the industrial era.”
"This era is now screeching to a halt. Industrial civilization is now in a state of terminal crisis, and a new, radically different civilization is emerging to take its place on the world stage.. . .
We are swiftly entering a new, more sophisticated state of evolutionary development based on far more ad vanced yet more appropriate technologies than any known so far.
This leap to a new phase of history is bringing with it new energy patterns, new geopolitical arrangements, new social institutions,new communications and information net works, new belief systems, symbols, and cultural assump tions.”
"Thus it must generate wholly new political structures and processes. I fail to see how it is possible for us to have a technological revolution,a social revolution,an information revolution,moral,sexual,and epistemological revolutions, and not a political revolution as well. . . .
In this sense the breakdown of government as we have known it-which is to say representative government . . . is chiefly a consequence of obsolescence.
Simply put, the political technology of the industrial age is no longer appropriate technology for the new civilization taking form around us. Our politics are obsolete."
Toffler proposed an alternative political process, which he dubbed anticipatory democracy; ostensibly a blend of grass-roots citizens participation with future-planning.
In reality, Toffler was calling for the elimination of the nation state and the creation of Russellite one-world supranational agencies to regulate the world economy, control global resources,and control the workforce.
To create the appearance of popular participation, he called for the proliferating of local "feedback" groups that would stifle dissent by drawing numbers of people into brainwashing environments in which they would appear to participate in decision-making.
In the Ad Hoc Committee report, he cynically said, "The essence of Anticipatory Democracy is not the goal, but the process by which we arrive at it."
Toffler and the other Anticipatory Democracy advocates were already peddling the idea of using talk radio and TV as a "feedback" mechanism for manipulating large numbers of people into accepting the diktats of the social engineers; of encouraging the spread of religious fundamentalism as a new form of "communalism"; and replacing representative government with such easily manipulated "direct democracy" mechanisms as "focus groups," public opinion polls, and referenda.
1979-Robert McNamara, who became president of the World Bank, and ran the Vietnam War, stated: There are only two possible ways in which a world of 10 billion people can be averted.
Either the current birth rates must come down more quickly. Or the current death rates must go up. There is no other way. There are, of course, many ways in which the death rates can go up.
1979 “The Global 2000 report to the President, prepared by the Council on Environmental Quality and the Department of State. It was very much like the text “Limits to Growth”, creating extreme fears about the “threat” of “overpopulation”.
1980- According to Toffler in his bestseller The Third Wave-a post-industrial, decentralized society will be dominated by "information " and by non-governmental organizations.In the Third Wave, the nation-state is no longer an "appropriate political technology," to use the Tofflers' own fractured lingo.
In the Third Wave,the vast majority of human beings are relegated to the scrap heap,barely surviving on menial labor, while an elite, comprising no more than 10% of society, concentrates all the wealth and political power in its own hands.
1980-Marilyn Ferguson, a protege of Willis Harmon who derived her book The Aquarian Conspiracy from Harmon's Changing Images, talked about how the Tavistock restructuring of the world would take place.
She called it the SPIN principle, Segmented Polycentric Integrated Networks. Although she suggests the idea is new, it is obvious that it has been the approach of the New World Order since the beginning:
"This is a source of power never before tapped in history: multiple self-sufficient social movements linked for a whole array of goals whose accomplishment would transform every aspect of contemporary life.
"Because SPINs are so qualitatively different in. organization and impact from bureaucracies... most people don't see them-or think they are conspiracies. Often networks take similar actions without conferring with each other simply because they share so many assumptions.
It might also be said that the shared assumptions are the collusion. "The Aquarian Conspiracy is, in effect, a SPIN of SPINs, a network of many networks aimed at social transformation.
The Aquarian Conspiracy is indeed loose, segmented, evolutionary, redundant. Its center is everywhere. Although many social movements and mutual-help groups are represented in its alliances, its life does not hinge on any of them."
The upshot of the Tavistock approach and where its SPIN of SPINs is heading is obvious. While a tiny percentage of the population will continue to exist within their plush Xanadus, the majority of the world will be reduced to subsistence standards of living, and denied the benefits of technology and industry, although furnished with all the drugs they desire.
1983-CIA director William Casey "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false".