I think Emily is laying the ground work for them pushing legislation or a Presidential Pardon (as Biden steps down) doing just that. They might be getting nervous.
Amnesty-the act of a sovereign power officially forgiving certain classes of people who are subject to trial but have not yet been convicted."Though the term general pardonhas a similar definition, an amnesty constitutes more than a pardon, in so much as it obliterates all legal remembrance of the offense
So the author is confessing crimes have been committed which need forgiving?
Some other definitions we should review before proceeding
Organized crime is a category of transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals to engage in illegal activity, most commonly for profit.
A person is guilty of criminal conspiracy when, with intent that conduct constituting a crime be performed, he or she agrees with one or more persons to engage in or cause the performance of such conduct, and any one of them takes a substantial step in pursuance of such agreement.
Racketeering, or "organized crime," is a type of criminal activity that includes extortion, fraud, trafficking in contraband goods or illegal drugs, and labor racketeering such as union corruption and bribery
To convict a defendant under RICO, the government must prove that the defendant engaged in two or more instances of racketeering activity and that the defendant directly invested in, maintained an interest in, or participated in a criminal enterprise affecting interstate or foreign commerce.
Those found guilty of racketeering can be fined up to $25,000 and sentenced to 20 years in prison per racketeering count. In addition, the racketeer must forfeit all ill-gotten gains and interest in any business gained through a pattern of "racketeering activity
Amnesty? Hell no.
For those acting in good faith, people who simply recommended policies they believed would help, they have nothing to worry about. There is no need for Amnesty needed. Forgiveness? Yeah, of course, they were just victims of Mass Formation and psychological operations using Fear and Misinformation to brainwash them into thinking some of these measures were reasonable. Some were just stupid and /or lacking empathy. But there was no criminality
However, we know many people within government, media and business including school, medical and vaccine committees likely committed crimes against humanity using fraudulent or coercive means to implement measures that would harm peoples lives and economic well being for profit or other gains
Crimes Against Humanity
One of the most common crimes against humanity is genocide, which is the murder of a large portion of the population. Genocide is often either condoned, or carried out by the government.
I’d say 25 million excess deaths globally constitute a Genocide (18 million through Dec 2021-https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)02796-3/fulltext)
Perhaps some of the most famous examples of crimes against humanity are those that were investigated during the Nuremberg Trials, which took place from 1945 to 1949. The very purpose of these 13 trials was to try Nazi Party officials, as well as the German lawyers, doctors, and businessmen who were associated with them, for the crimes they had committed against humanity during WWII.
Let the Nuremberg II Trials begin
Charges To Be Investigated and Prosecuted
Creating a pathogenic virus and deliberately releasing it to kill people and create a market for patented vaccines and tests
Withholding and lying about the safety and efficacy of repurposed drugs which could have saved millions of lives
Designing and recommending treatment protocols designed to harm patients (eg. Remdesivir, low dose-not high dose steroids, Respirators, etc).
Ignoring patients instructions not to use Remdesivir, Respirators or denying their request to use cheap safe and approved drugs off-label if for no reason than to provide a placebo effect
Failing to fill prescriptions of approved drugs issued by a licensed Doctor for treating COVID
CONSPIRING with Pfizer and Moderna to discredit Repurposed Drugs, threaten Doctors, Hospitals and Pharmacies that prescribed, used or filled these prescriptions or bribed them in the form of financial incentives not to use them
CONSPIRING with Pfizer and Moderna in the design of Trial Protocols meant to disguise the lack of safety and efficacy of the vaccines
Fraudulently Withholding or minimizing Adverse Events in Trials and in Post Marketing, and refusing to investigate reported (alleged) Fraud in Pfizer Clinical Trials
Deliberately deceiving potential recipients of EUA Product, which denies them Informed Consent by exaggerating the benefits and hiding the risks
Coercing or Mandating an EUA Product despite knowing the limited benefits and known risks, especially in younger and healthier populations (working age, military and universities)
Recommending an EUA Product Off-Label without providing Informed Consent (eg Pregnant Women) and lack of evidence showing its safety (absence of evidence they are not safe is not evidence since this group was excluded from trials)
Failing to conduct adequate Pharmacovigilance and disseminate results of post-marketing safety data in a timely manner.
Terrorizing the Population early in the Pandemic by willfully exaggerating the IFR and conflating IFR with CFR. Inflating death counts by unlawfully changing the way Death Certificates would classify Cause of Death for someone with a positive PCR test who died of other reasons. Exaggerating case counts by including asymptomatic positive tests with high Ct (>30) in case counts.
Deny Free Speech to those exposing these Crimes
Restricting Freedoms of those who were not Sick and did not have contact with anyone known to have COVID (aka Lockdowns) without a proper Risk-Benefit Assessment
Mandating Masks without any adequate Safety Studies for the target population (all ages and variable health status in all sorts of environmental conditions) and without reasonable accommodation for those whose health does not permit wearing a mask, and exaggerating their effectiveness which may have led to those at most risk of COVID thinking they were protected
Promoting and Publishing studies on repurposed drugs that were clearly fraudulent to influence public opinion knowing that the retraction would not be publicized as widely as the initial reports
Companies and organizations directors and CEO’s to be targeted for investigation, in know order of importance (US Focus)
Welcome Trust
School Boards
Teachers Unions
Governors in all 42 Lockdown States
Michael Bloomberg
Governor Andrew Cuomo,
John's Hopkins Center for Health Security
Participants in Event 201
Participants in Crimson Contagion
CA and ME State Medicine Boards (maybe more)
Tony Fauci
Bill Gates
Klaus Shwab
President Trump/Biden
Deborah Birx
Mathew Pottinger
Michael Callahan
Ralph Baric
Peter Daszak
Eco Health Alliance
Robert Kadlec
WEF (Corporate and Individual Members)
I might add to this
You cant forgive people who don't ask for it and still don't think they did anything wrong. OTOH we can understand that they are in some ways victims of social engineering and psychological warfare. Somehow we all got to get along but the powers that be prefer to keep us polarized so thats going to be difficult.
One thing that unites groups of people is a common enemy. The PTB prefer we consider the enemy our neighbors and not them. Somehow, we need our neighbors to understand their rage should be directed towards those criminals who killed over 1.5 million Americans. By now they should at least recognize it wasn't the unvaxxed and unmasked or the kids in school. The rage is best directed at those responsible by supporting criminal prosecutions. I am not optimistic though.
If nothing changes soon they will just increase the push toward Totalitarianism via another Pandemic, Domestic Terrorism Event, maybe even a Fake Alien Invasion.
You cant forgive people who don't ask for it and still don't think they did anything wrong. OTOH we can understand that they are in some ways victims of social engineering and psychological warfare. Somehow we all got to get along but the powers that be prefer to keep us polarized so thats going to be difficult.
One thing that unites groups of people is a common enemy. The PTB prefer we consider the enemy our neighbors and not them. Somehow, we need our neighbors to understand their rage should be directed towards those criminals who killed over 1.5 million Americans. By now they should at least recognize it wasn't the unvaxxed and unmasked or the kids in school. The rage is best directed at those responsible by supporting criminal prosecutions. I am not optimistic though.
If nothing changes soon they will just increase the push toward Totalitarianism via another Pandemic, Domestic Terrorism Event, maybe even a Fake Alien Invasion.