In September, 2021 UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres launched an 85-page report entitled Our Common Agenda. The report offered a "roadmap for upgrading the UN" and "calls for reinvigorated multilateralism, renewed solidarity and stronger consideration of future generations."
The 12 Commitments are here
Pay key attention to this one
Introduce accountability criteria for discrimination and misleading content
Promote regulation of artificial intelligence
Digital commons as a global public good
Upgrade the United Nations
un.orghttps://www.un.org › pdf › C...PDFOUR COMMON AGENDA
The report's Summary begins by reminding us of the "existential crises" that are threatening humanity's existence, such as COVID-19, geopolitical conflict and climate change.
It demands that the peoples of the world:
"re-embrace global solidarity....a global vaccination plan to deliver vaccines against COVID-19 into the arms of the millions of people who are still denied this basic lifesaving measure"
"renew the social contract between Governments and their people and within societies...... updated governance arrangements to deliver better public goods and usher in a new era of universal social protection, health coverage, education, skills, decent work and housing, as well as universal access to the Internet by 2030 as a basic human right"
"end the 'infodemic' plaguing our world plaguing our world by defending a common, empirically backed consensus around facts, science and knowledge”
It also calls for a new, UN-led "Emergency Platform" that will be "triggered automatically in crises of sufficient scale and magnitude, regardless of the type or nature of the crisis involved," to the adoption of a new, UN-led "Global Digital Compact" for "promoting a trustworthy Internet by introducing accountability criteria for discrimination and misleading content."
In addition the convening of a "Summit of the Future" in conjunction with the meeting of the UN General Assembly in New York in September 2024
As the World Future Council notes: "a Summit for the Future will be essential towards accelerating the implementation of the SDGs and ensuring that the talks and discussions finally turn into actions on the ground to truly leave no one behind."
The UN-led "Emergency Platform is of special interest given the Summit of the Future is now only a year away
The Emergency Platform was just published
Excerpts from article linked below
The emergency mode refers to a set of protocols that are activated in the event of a "complex global shock". When activated it brings together leaders from member states, the United Nations, core member groups (such as the G77, G20), international financial institutions (IMF, World Bank), regional organizations (EU, ASEAN), civil society, the private sector, businesses, research institutes and other experts .
In the event of a complex shock, all parts of the multilateral system must be held accountable for implementation and act in unison…..
A secretariat with technical experts must be attached to the panel, who must be prepared in advance and who must be immediately and automatically put to work on the current crisis.
A complex global shock is defined as "an event with seriously disruptive consequences for a large part of the global population and leading to secondary effects in a number of sectors". Examples of nearby crises of this kind are COVID-19 and the increased global cost of living that occurred last year (cost-of-living-crisis).
In the overview, the UN lists seven possible future crises that could justify activating the platform.
Climate or environmental disasters
Pandemics with secondary cascading effects
Events where biological substances (bioweapons) are intentionally or unintentionally released
Interrupted global flows of goods, people and finance
Cyber attacks and interruptions in the digital infrastructure
A large-scale event in outer space that damages one or more critical systems on Earth
Unpredictable risks
The overview states that the global shocks and the response to them can lead to restrictions on human rights including structural discrimination and other inequalities.
To be better prepared for the shocks, the United Nations must also improve its strategic foresight by establishing a "Futures Lab" and regularly publishing global risk reports. The goal is for everyone on the planet to have access to a system that warns of possible crises by the year 2027.
Last year, Global Challenges Foundation's board member Johan Rockström , together with Thomas Homer Dixon from the Canadian Cascade Institute , proposed the establishment of an international research program on "polycrises" to assist the UN's Futures Lab .
We therefore propose a worldwide scientific collaboration… The consortium would connect and strengthen existing research groups in a worldwide project with the aim of elaborating a generalized global systems science; and it would serve as the international scientific complement to the Secretary-General's proposed UN Futures Lab, which would integrate all of humanity's “work on forecasts, megatrends and risks”.
The consortium is intended to discern causal mechanisms that can generate a polycrisis and propose actionable measures to mitigate this risk. It just so happens to be exactly what the Cascade Institute aims to do. As stated on their website:
The world and humanity is seen as a system that can be influenced and steered in the desired direction.
The Cascade Institute was established shortly after the pandemic was declared in 2020 through a grant from Canada's McConnell Foundation to identify key actions that can counter "climate change".
Rockström, who sits on the advisory scientific board, also determines the room for action for humanity through the Earth Commission in the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisor's grandiose project Global Commons Alliance at the same time as the Potsdam institute runs its own FutureLabs.
It can be assumed that both Rockström and Homer-Dixon will be part of the new scientific priesthood that will determine the planet's carrying capacity, determine the algorithms that analyze the data of the future laboratory and, based on this, warn the UN about which catastrophic global risks must be addressed.
“I propose that the General Assembly give the Secretary-General and the UN system standing authority to convene an emergency platform and automatically make it operational in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient magnitude, severity and scope”. (Antonio Guterres)
The decision to convene an Emergency Platform shall be made by the Secretary-General in consultation with the President of the General Assembly, the President of the Security Council, national authorities, regional organizations and relevant UN agencies and other multilateral institutions with special responsibilities for the specific crisis. The platform shall not be permanent, but its mandate may be extended if necessary by the Secretary General.
Everything is closely linked with the UN's future-oriented work, which is dealt with in the simultaneously published policy overview To Think and Act for Future Generations . This overview discussing a declaration for future generations, an emissary to speak for future generations, a forum for future generations, and a more effective use of predictions, science, and data
Decisions on the proposals in Our Common Agenda must be made at the global UN summit "Summit of the Future" in September 2024.
In short, this creates a mechanism that risks becoming more dangerous to humanity than the crises it is supposed to handle. Especially given that our individual carbon footprints are considered so unsustainable that, according to the Club of Rome, the Potsdam Institute, and the Global Commons Alliance, it warrants a planetary emergency . Even UN Secretary-General António Guterres has adopted this rhetoric.
It bears reminding of the "Fortress World" scenario from the Global Scenario Group'sreport The Great Transition: The Promises and Lures of our Times :
Using a renewed UN as a platform, a planetary state of emergency is declared. A campaign of overwhelming force, harsh justice and draconian policing sweeps through hotbeds of conflict and discontent.
AI is also on the UN Agenda. Funny how Elon Musk recently called for a moratorium on AI
If there was ever a Trojan Horse for the Globalists Musk is it, the guy who wants to chip your brain and hook you up to the Global Brain. Also a cofounder of the OpenAI that created ChatGPT , the Wokest AI to date.
The open letter, written by the Future of Life Institute, warned that “out of control” AI could “pose profound risks to society and humanity” and demanded all AI labs halt their work on advancing the technology.
Other signatories of the letter included Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and the head of the Doomsday Clock organisation.
Remember, the UN wants to regulate AI.
One of the things people don’t get his Regulations are Global Capitalists keys to the Kingdom. They legalize behavior that otherwise might be deemed criminal behavior, and the absence of prohibition via omission gives them permission. Complying with onerous regulation whose cost they pass on to the customer also helps to reduce competition from smaller competitors.
So when you see those who might be most affected by Regulation begging for Regulation, be careful, you can bet they will be writing the Regulations for their benefit.
As we all know the UN formally partnered with WEF in 2019. Loe and behold, here is WEF chiming in on AI. Right on schedule.
By 2030, AI is estimated to increase global GDP by $15.7 trillion – more than the current output of China and India combined.
But with great power comes great responsibility. As the transformative benefits of AI become apparent, so too do the risks. Algorithms can introduce bias, preventable errors and poor decision-making, causing mistrust amongst the people it intends to assist. Out of concern for the unprecedented pace of AI development, many organizations have begun to commit to principles of responsible AI.
Study after study has shown that AI-driven decision-making can potentially lead to biased outcomes, from racial profiling in predictive policing algorithms to sexist hiring decisions. As such, recent years have seen governments worldwide tightening regulations to target AI, increasing the adoption of responsible, ethical or trustworthy AI initiatives.
At the European level, the EU Commission has established a High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, which is tasked with developing an integrative framework for responsible and trustworthy AI and has also proposed the AI Liability Directive.
The directive aims to make it easier to sue companies for causing harm as part of a wider push to prevent companies from developing and deploying harmful AI, and adds an extra layer onto the proposed EU AI Act, which will require extra checks for “high-risk” uses of AI, such as in the use of policing, recruitment or healthcare.
However, Europe is not alone in its efforts; the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has recently published a Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, which outlines the US government’s vision for AI governance to prevent harm, and China has proposed a suite of legislation to regulate different applications of AI. As these regulatory regimes come into effect, businesses will need to alter how they operate on a global scale.
Put simply AI is just a complex program. Computer programs are a wonderful thing, they can generate accurate data by performing many complex calculations quickly. However, they can also generate garbage. You all know GIGO. Garbage In Garbage Out
But what is Garbage to you and I might be sweetness and honey or a delicious pepperoni pizza to someone else, or the absolute Truth to the Globalist. Who is the arbiter of truth. The UN? WEF? Your Government?
Whoever it is will be your God and the AI’s judgement will be faced in this world instead of the next one
What if AI is programmed to calculate 2+2= 5 and determines snow is black, and that there are 69 different genders, and what if AI is designated as the arbiter if truth because the FDA equivalent of AI has designated it safe and effective?
Munch on those cookies as you contemplate the AI enforced hell where up is down , lies are truth and the AI tasked with calculating your Social Credit Score can revoke your programmable CBDC access because you identify as Male (Sexist) and insist Snow is White (Racist) and worst of all you have read anything I have posted (a permanent record of your access is on blockchain).
Its loo late, unsubscribing wont help you once AI is unleashed on us.🙃.
In any event, AI will move forward, like it or not. During the World Government Summit 2023, which was held in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates in February , World Economic Forum President Klaus Schwab proclaimed that whoever controls the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution will be the ruler of the world .
Although we don’t make the chips we control the technology. China is hopelessly behind, at least for now
Klaus also mentioned AI
Artificial Intelligence, but not only Artificial Intelligence, but also the Metaverse, new space technologies, and I could go on and on. Synthetic Biology. Our life in ten years from now will be completely different……..
“…,,there will certainly be what we call the black swans. The unpleasant surprises which will come in our way.”
Think about when AI and the Metaverse is up and running. Then they can lock us up in the Matrix, hooking up our brains while using our bodies to harvest energy, organs, blood and run experiments. In return we get a UBI we can spend in the Meta verse for digital food, clothing, housing and fun. How green is that (outside the data centers and running the super computers). Green is a good color for human vegetables too.
Before we get to the Metaverse Dystopia, which I imagine will take awhile, a more likely and soon to arrive future is in the form of the Digital Gulag is here (from Alison McDowell). CBDC will make that a reality.
Makes me happy to be old, I wont get to see all of it. Bit of a bummer for the young ones but many will be brainwashed enough not to mind. The history of my time will be erased, its already starting.
On that joyful note, I shall end this.
Holy cow, Pete! There’s so much here that frosts my flakes that I need to reread it just to focus on the most frightening things.
Being a historian, my initial reaction is always to call up a response from the people of the past who have confronted tyrants. In the English speaking world, we have adopted the phrase “laissez faire” to describe (inappropriately) the free market system. But few people know the original phrase in French was “laissez nous faire” which means “LEAVE US ALONE.”
To the evil cabalists I say, LAISSEZ NOUS FAIRE!