Dangerous times. Almost like Herman Kahn and the rest of those Nuclear nutters were reincarnated with all the talk of False Flag nuclear attacks intended to blame Russia and precipitate a Nuclear War or Armageddon
Excerpt from Scott Ritters well written article. Best to read the whole thing for context
Under published U.S. nuclear doctrine, which continues to enshrine a policy of nuclear pre-emption promulgated during the administration of President George W. Bush, nuclear weapons are but another tool in the military’s toolbox, to be used as and when needed, including occasions where the destruction of battlefield targets for the simple purpose of gaining an operational advantage is the objective.
Biden came into office in February 2021 promising to enshrine in U.S. nuclear doctrine a “sole purpose policy,” under which “the sole purpose of our nuclear arsenal should be to deter — and, if necessary, retaliate against — a nuclear attack.”
Speaking at a fund raiser on Oct. 6, the president of the United States said that, “For the first time since the Cuban missile crisis, we have a direct threat of the use of a nuclear weapon if in fact things continue down the path they are going.”
Biden went on: “We’ve got a guy I know fairly well. He’s not joking when he talks about potential use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons because his military is, you might say, significantly underperforming.”
Biden concluded: “I don’t think there’s any such thing as the ability to easily use a tactical nuclear weapon and not end up with Armageddon.
There has been zero talk about the employment of tactical nuclear weapons from the Kremlin.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has indicated that Russia would use “all the means at its disposal” to protect Russia. He said this most recently on Sept. 21, when in a televised address announcing partial mobilization, he accused the West of engaging in “nuclear blackmail,” citing “statements of some high-ranking representatives of the leading NATO states about the possibility of using nuclear weapons of mass destruction against Russia.”
Jens Stoltenberg, NATO secretary general, stage right in the nuclear theater. In a statement to the press on Oct. 11, Stoltenberg declared that, “Russia’s victory in the war against Ukraine will be a defeat of NATO,” before ominously announcing, “This cannot be allowed.”
To that end, Stoltenberg stated, the STEADFAST NOON nuclear drills would continue as scheduled. These drills, Stoltenberg said, were an important deterrence mechanism in the face of Russian “veiled: nuclear threats.”
Volodymyr Zelensky. Speaking to the Lowy Institute, a nonpartisan international policy think tank in Australia, the Ukrainian president called for the international community to undertake “preventative strikes, preventive action” against Russia to deter the potential use of nuclear weapons by Russia against Ukraine.
On Monday, Oct. 17, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization kicked off Operation STEADFAST NOON [will end on Oct. 30], its annual exercise of its ability to wage nuclear conflict. Given that NATO’s nuclear umbrella extends exclusively over Europe, the indisputable fact is that STEADFAST NOON is nothing more than NATO training to wage nuclear war against Russia.
Russia has responded to the NATO nuclear drill by going forward with its own annual nuclear exercise, “Grom” (Thunder). These drills will involve the large-scale maneuver of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces, including live missile launches. In a statement unmatched in its hypocrisy, a U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said “Russian nuclear rhetoric and its decision to proceed with this exercise while at war with Ukraine is irresponsible.
In November 1983 NATO carried out a command post exercise, codenamed ABLE ARCHER ’83, designed to test “nuclear weapons release procedures.” The Soviets were so alarmed by this exercise, which they believed could be used to mask a preemptive nuclear strike by NATO against the Soviet Union, that they loaded nuclear warheads onto bombers, bringing NATO and the Soviet Union to the brink of a nuclear war.
Later, upon receiving intelligence reports about the Soviet fear of a U.S. preemptive nuclear strike, President Ronald Reagan commented that,
“We [the U.S.] had many contingency plans for responding to a nuclear attack. But everything would happen so fast that I wondered how much planning or reason could be applied in such a crisis…six minutes to decide how to respond to a blip on a radar scope and decide whether to unleash Armageddon! How could anyone apply reason at a time like that?”
A little more than four years after ABLE ARCHER ’83, Reagan sat down with Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev and signed the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty (INFT) a landmark agreement which, for the first time in arms-control history, eliminated an entire class of nuclear weapons from the arsenals of both the U.S. and Soviet Union.
[Under President Trump in 2018 the US withdrew from the INFT and began the first shipment of Lethal Weapons to Ukraine]
So whats it all about
The events written in the biblical Book of Revelation go by a number of names — Armaggedon, Apocalypse, The End Times — and for thousands of years, people have been seeing the signs of Armaggedon in the world around them.
At the heart of this millenialism is the description of Armageddon, the final battle on Earth between God and Satan, in the Book of Revelation.[I edited this section somewhat as there are many different interpretations of how things unfold]
Putin referenced the “satanic west” in his recent Sept 30 speech where he announced Russia’s claims over territories in Ukraine, it certainly caught my attention however.
Let’s answer some very simple questions for ourselves. I now want to return to what I said, I want to address all the citizens of the country – not only to those colleagues who are in the hall – to all the citizens of Russia: do we want to have, here, in our country, in Russia, instead of mom and dad there was “parent number one”, “number two”, “number three” – are they completely crazy already there? Do we really want perversions that lead to degradation and extinction to be imposed on children in our schools from the primary grades? To be drummed into them that there are supposedly other genders besides women and men, and to be offered a sex change operation? Do we want all this for our country and our children? For us, all this is unacceptable, we have a different, our own future.
I repeat, the dictatorship of the Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of the Western countries themselves. This is a challenge for everyone. Such a complete denial of man, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, the suppression of freedom acquires the features of a “reverse religion” – outright Satanism.
The U.S. has managed to convince itself that it can emerge victorious from a pre-emptive nuclear war, but cannot afford be seen as the aggressor in the eyes of the global community; a ‘False Flag’ event is therefore set to be staged in Ukraine using a low-yield device for which Russia would quickly be blamed, triggering an immediate NATO response. As inadvertently confirmed by Ukrainian president Zelensky while addressing the Australian Lowy Institute on October 6th, the scheme involves a ‘decapitation strike’ on Moscow against Putin and his Cabinet, after which the rest of the regime would collapse like a house of cards.
Assuredly, if this suicidal policy is ever applied outside a computer simulation, the world would have to concur with Mr. Putin’s assertion that the collective west is being run by satanists.
Sadly, that realization will have come too late to save humanity.
2017 Deagel.com forecast in which the U.S. is projected to lose two-thirds of its population by 2025; Deagel is a branch of the US military intelligence, preparing briefs for agencies such as the NSA, NATO, UN, and the World Bank. This forecast has been purged after the founder Edwin Deagel passed away in 2021
Artist Marina Abramovich and Jacob Rotschild posing in front of a painting titled
‘Satan Summoning His Legions’ by Thomas Lawrence at the Royal Academy of Arts;
Now, I am going to talk about something folks might think as nuts, but lets give it a shot. This may seem a bit disjointed as I am still in the process of figuring things out and researching the interlocking nature of the Evil that is upon us, so its probably not everyones cup of tea, and no doubt will lead you to more questions than answers, so you may be doing yourself a favor and ending the read here.
Still here? Ok, Lets go back 100 years ago when the World went really nuts, maybe as nutty as m today
On July 13, 1917, [Right before the Bolshevik Revolution during WWI, and a year before the Spanish Flu Pandemic] the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to a group of shepherds in Fatima, Portugal, to whom she gave three secrets to be revealed to the world.
The trio, a group of child shepherds, claimed to have been visited six times by the Virgin Mary. The children described three visions they say were given to them – one of hell, one of the end to World War I, and a final vision of an unnamed pope being killed by gunfire, as well as angels sprinkling blood of Christian martyrs on the deceased.
[In 1925 Sister Lúcia reported an apparition of the Virgin Mary at the Convent of Saint Dorothea at Pontevedra, Galicia. She said she was asked to convey the message of the First Saturday Devotions. By her account a subsequent vision of the Child Jesus reiterated this request. In 1930, she wrote to her confessor that in 1929 she had a vision of both Mary and the Holy Trinity in which God had asked for the Consecration of Russia to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary by the Pope in communion with all the bishops of the world]
However, a clause of the second vision has remained under scrutiny – a request to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The apparition allegedly told the children that a consecration of Russia would stop the nation's "errors throughout the world, promoting wars and persecution of the Church."
If the consecration did not happen, the apparition claimed "the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be destroyed."
Catholics have debated for decades both the validity of the Our Lady of Fatima apparitions and whether this specific consecration was performed.
Pope Pius XII consecrated the entire world in 1942, and followed it with a similar blessing in 1952, this time for "all the peoples of Russia." In 1964, then-pope Paul VI renewed the Russian consecration during the Second Vatican Council. Pope John Paul II also composed a prayer of "entrustment" for Russia in 1981.
[CIA Puppet Pope Francis consecrated Russia in March 2022]
Seems like they are following a script.
Father of Russian End Times-Aleksandr Dugin
Some of you have heard of Aleksandr Dugin, most of you after the Ukrainian assassination of his daughter.
He is basically the Father of Russian End Times from what I can see. Some fascinating stuff from this article. I have no idea if true or not.
Known as Putin’s brain” or, irresistibly, “Putin’s Rasputin”: he is a maverick “political philosopher” -Aleksandr Dugin. [There is no evidence Dugin has even met Putin let alone directly influences him, although he may have indirect influence through others]
Dugin has had a lifelong obsession with the occult, ranging from the legacy of magician and huckster Aleister Crowley (a 1995 video shows him reciting a poem at a ceremony honoring Crowley in Moscow) to much more sinister Nazi occultism. His first appearance on Russian television, in 1992, was as an “expert commentator” in a shlocky documentary that explored the esoteric secrets of the Third Reich, which he claimed to have studied in KGB archives.
Hе now rails against Ukrainian “Nazis” but once penned a poem in which the apocalyptic advent of an “avatar” culminates in a “radiant Himmler” rising from the grave. (While he later tried to disown this verse, it was posted on his website under a name he has elsewhere acknowledged as his pseudonym.) Dugin’s oeuvre also includes a 1997 essay proposing that the notorious Russian serial killer Andrei Chikatilo, who gruesomely murdered more than fifty young women and children between 1978 and 1990, should be regarded as a practitioner of Dionysian “sacraments” in which the killer/torturer and the victim transcend their “metaphysical dualism” and become one.
He talks casually and cheerfully about living in the “end times.”
Yet the theme of a cosmic battle between good and evil was still very much a part of Dugin’s thesis. Foundations of Geopolitics posits a fundamental antagonism between “land-based” and “seafaring” civilizations, or “Eurasianism” and “Atlanticism”—the latter represented primarily by the United States and England, the former by Russia.
While the idea of conflict between “land-based” and “seafaring” powers was borrowed from the fairly obscure Edwardian British geographer Halford Mackinder, Dugin reconceptualized this rivalry as a spiritual struggle, in terms drawn largely from twentieth-century German anti-liberal philosopher and prominent Nazi Carl Schmitt (with additional borrowings from earlier “Eurasianist” intellectual Lev Gumilev, son of two celebrated poets, who thought that ethnicity derived from space radiation).
In Dugin’s scheme, the values of land-based civilizations are those of traditionalism (“The hardness of the land is culturally embodied in the hardness and stability of social traditions”), community, faith, service, and the subordination of the individual to the group and to authority, while the values of seafaring civilization are mobility, trade, innovation, rationality, political freedom, and individualism. Also: Eurasian good, Atlanticist bad.
The other central message of the book is that, for Russia, it’s empire or bust. Dugin asserted that Russian nationalism has a “global scope,” associated more with “space” than with blood ties: “Outside of empire, Russians lose their identity and disappear as a nation.” In his vision, Russia’s destiny is to lead a Eurasian empire that stretches “from Dublin to Vladivostok.”
In comments about the evils of unchecked liberalism in (Dugins] Fourth Political Theory and the coming battle that will happen when “the metaphysical significance of liberalism and its fatal victory” is fully understood:
“This evil can be vanquished only by tearing it out root and branch, and I do not rule out the possibility that such a victory will require wiping off the face of the earth those spiritual and physical territories where the global heresy which insists that ‘man is the measure of all things’ first emerged.”
In case the location of those “physical territories” is unclear, the next line urges a “world crusade against the USA and the West.”
There is little reason to think that Dugin has discarded his flirtations with Nazism (it is perhaps revealing that, in Foundations of Geopolitics, he urges Russia to form an “axis” with Germany and Japan as the core of its strategy).
Nor has he moved on from his occult obsessions, despite a nominal conversion to Russian Orthodoxy—which he has tried to syncretize with various neopagan and esoteric teachings (including the work of Aleister Crowley, a reputed Satanist).
A lengthy two-part essay he wrote in 2019 for the Izborsk Club, a “socially conservative” website he cofounded, returns to his old favorite Julius Evola and then segues into an abstruse discussion of Hindu and Zoroastrian eschatology.
Which brings us to another startling aspect of the Dugin persona: his fascination with the apocalyptic. The Fourth Political Theory at one point flatly states that the new theory and practice the book seeks to formulate is “invalid” if it doesn’t “bring about the End of Time.”
A video of a 2012 Dugin lecture at Moscow’s New University shows him offering an eclectic stew of ideas—the Christian apocalypse, the dark Kali Yuga cycle from Hindu mysticism, the French metaphysician René Guénon, global warming—to make the case we are “obviously” living in the end times and that the end of the world is something we should actively desire. For one thing, isn’t it great to know how the story ends? For another, isn’t it terrible to be alive and know that you will never be God? And isn’t this world an illusion anyway?
Dugin, on his part, has had a love/hate relationship with Putin over the years, admiring him as the leader who reclaimed Russia’s sovereignty and routed the Western-style liberals but deploring his pro-capitalist tendencies and his alliances with the West, particularly his participation in George W. Bush’s War on Terror. (The rabidly anti-American Dugin was an early 9/11 “truther,” asserting in an interview in October 2001 that the United States itself was probably behind the attacks and was using them to shore up American hegemony.)
Still displaying his penchant for mystical terminology, he has spoken of the conflict between the “solar Putin,” the heroic fighter against Western evil and for Russia’s messianic destiny, and the “lunar Putin,” the pragmatic rationalist who wants a thriving economy and a partnership with the West.
He has been coy on whether or not he knows Putin personally, claiming to be “in contact” with him in a 2012 interview on the American white-nationalist website Countercurrents but flatly denying it in conversations with Clover. Most recently, when asked whether he communicates with Putin in an interview in the Russian newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets, he replied, “That’s a question I never answer.”
In November 2007, several months after Putin’s famous “Munich speech“ signaling a sharp anti-Western turn and challenging the U.S.-led international world order, Dugin made a curious comment in an interview with the Eurazia TV web channel:
In my opinion, Putin is becoming more and more like Dugin, or at least implementing the program I have been building my entire life.. . . The closer he comes to us, the more he becomes himself. When he becomes 100 percent Dugin, he will become 100 percent Putin.
And indeed, many aspects of Kremlin strategy in the Putin years reflect, to a startling extent, Dugin’s proposals going back to the late 1990s. That includes the “hybrid warfare” of subverting democracies from within and exploiting their internal divisions, something Dugin advocated in Foundations of Geopolitics.
It includes cultivating both far-right and far-left movements and groups as antiliberal allies. It includes the focus on homosexuality as the ultimate symbol of Western decadence: In a 2003 interview with the Ukrainian website Glavred.info, Dugin warned that embracing a pro-Western “Atlanticist model” would expose Ukraine to the menace of “gays, and homosexual and lesbian marriage.”
Even the Putin regime’s preoccupation with Ukraine is anticipated by Foundations of Geopolitics, where Ukraine occupies a central place in the clash-of-civilizations scheme as laid out by Dugin. The book stresses, again and again, that Ukrainian sovereignty is an intolerable threat to the Eurasian project. “The existence of Ukraine within its present borders and with its present status of a ‘sovereign state,’” Dugin warns, “is equivalent to the delivering of a monstrous blow to the geopolitical security of Russia; it represents the same thing as the invasion of Russia’s territory.” Remarkably, this passage is from twenty-five years ago—eight years before Ukraine turned westward during the Orange Revolution and ten years before there was any talk of Ukraine joining NATO.
Clover reports that it was Dugin who revived the term “Novorossiya,” or “New Russia,” as the preferred designation for Eastern Ukraine, using it three years before Putin did. Did he inspire Putin, or merely (as he has often claimed) intuit which way things were going? Or was he floating a trial balloon at his Kremlin patrons’ behest? Nobody knows.
However, it’s a fact that in 2014, Dugin was not merely cheering for the Kremlin’s “Novorossiya Project” of building pro-Russian enclaves in Eastern Ukraine but actively helping: There is a video in which he strategizes with a separatist activist on Skype. The foreign “observers” who were invited to monitor Crimea’s referendum on joining Russia were mainly drawn from Dugin’s network of “Eurasianist” political figures, running the gamut from Stalinist to fascist. Moskovsky Komsomolets reports that two of the main founders of the “Donetsk People’s Republic,” businessman and politician Aleksandr Borodai and retired military officer and possible KGB/FSB veteran Igor Girkin-Strelkov, were both Dugin acolytes.
Yet, oddly enough, the events of 2014 also led Novorossiya’s prophet to something of a fall from favor. After some overly bloodthirsty comments that urged the wholesale killing of Ukrainians who supported the “Nazi junta” and of Russians who had joined the “fifth column,” Dugin became the target of a petition urging his removal as section chair at Moscow State University. (It didn’t help that Dugin’s exhortation to “Kill, kill, kill!” on Donetsk television was followed by the claim that he was “speaking as a professor.”)
Surprisingly, the university did in fact boot him, having suddenly discovered that his appointment in 2009 had been a “technical error” due to his guest-lecturer status.
Dugin, on his part, took his dismissal as a sign that liberals and Satanists were winning and that the “lunar Putin” had prevailed. In subsequent months, he was harshly critical of Putin for scaling down the war in Ukraine and “abandoning” the separatists in Donetsk and Luhansk.
Now, after nearly eight years of lying low, Dugin should be the man of the hour. There seems to be very little daylight left between Putinism and Duginism, and one might say that Putin has indeed become “100 percent Dugin.” In his interview in Moskovsky Komsomolets on March 30, Dugin declared, “The solar Putin has won.”
And yet Dugin himself does not sound like a winner. Moskovsky Komsomolets may toe the government line on the “special operation” in Ukraine, but he still had to fend off uncomfortable questions about what to tell mothers who have lost their children in war zones. (His reply: “We’ll explain it all once we have liberated Ukraine.”) In the same interview, Dugin describes the “special operation” as an apocalyptic battle of good against evil, but also ruefully admits that “the Russian people are not yet fully involved” in this battle. While he suggests that a call from Putin would be enough to mobilize the entire nation, popular enthusiasm for the war is distinctly lacking so far.
In his latest piece for the Izborsk Club website, Dugin sounds a little dispirited. He worries that Russia’s leadership thinks it can declare victory after keeping Donetsk, Luhansk, and Kherson, or maybe after taking all of “Novorossiya” while leaving the rest of Ukraine “in the power of Nazis and globalists.”
Dugin insists that, at this point, Russia can no longer settle for anything other than total control of all Ukraine, because “Christ needs it” and because to leave would mean the “death, torture, and genocide” of millions of Orthodox believers. Invoking his familiar eschatological themes, he asserts that “we have become not merely spectators but participants in the Apocalypse.”
Now according to this
Fourth Political Theory is pseudo-intellectual Anti-Cosmic Satanism masquerading as a form Russian Nationalism which intends to unite Russia, Europe and parts of Asia for the purpose of destroying America and the “Old World Order.”
“The end times and the eschatological meaning of politics will not realize themselves on their own. We will wait for the end in vain. The end will never come if we wait for it, and it will never come if we do not. . . . If the Fourth Political Practice is not able to realize the end of times, then it would be invalid. The end of days should come, but it will not come by itself. This is a task, it is not a certainty. It is an active metaphysics. It is a practice.”
– The Fourth Political Theory
The type of worship in which Dugin follows is essentially a form of Satanism which called Chaos-Gnosticism and also Anti-Cosmic Satanism. Among their practitioners, it is simply known as the Current 218.
While such a theistic style of practice is less known than LaVeyan or atheistic Satanism, the Current 218 may hold more influence in the spectrum of those who pursue it.
So basically, if you believe that, he follows one of several factions of Satanism. I am agnostic on what Dugin believes or does not believe, just reporting what I run into.
Dugin is also an associate of Kerry Bolton, international distributor for David Myatt’s fascist Satanist Order of Nine Angles (O9A), whose ideology is linked to the neo-Nazis in Ukraine.[According to Connell Monette, the O9A may include as many as two thousand members, making it the largest Satanist organization in the world.
The O9A surfaced around 1970, when “Anton Long,” according to his own account, was initiated into a Wiccan coven and later became its leader, transforming it into a Satanist movement. Long was the pseudonym of the British neo-Nazi activist David Myatt. At the age of sixteen, Myatt made contact with a coven and later joined secret groups in London practicing the magic of the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley. In 1968, he joined the British Movement (BM), a member organization of WUNS. Later called the British National Socialist Movement (BNSM), BM was started by WUNS co-founder Colin Jordan, for whom Myatt became a bodyguard. Myatt was impressed by Jordan’s writings on National Socialism and was also introduced by Jordan to the writings of Savitri Devi.
From the 1970s until the 1990s, he was involved with paramilitary and neo-Nazi organizations such as Column 88 and Combat 18. Column 88 was founded by former Major Ian Souter Clarence, with the help of the Security Services. As the eighth letter of the alphabet is 8, 88 stands a code for “Heil Hitler.”
It has been reported that the O9A is linked to a number of high-profile figures from the far right and shares members with neo-Nazi terrorist groups who draw a significant amount of influences from American Nazi Party member James Mason’s newsletter Siege, a mid-1980s newsletter of the National Socialist Liberation Front.
Since the 2010s, the political ideology and religious worldview of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A), have increasingly influenced militant Neo-fascist and Neo-Nazi insurgent groups associated with right-wing extremist and White supremacist international networks, most notably the Iron March forum.
The O9A encourages its members to adopt “insight roles” in anarchist, neo-Nazi, and Islamist groups in order to disrupt modern Western society.
I have wrote a bit on Satanism, not in the religious sense but in the sense of a Cult and Ideology where whatever you wish to do is OK, or as Aleister Crowley said, “Do as Though Wilt”
So in a sense what I am suggesting is that the Satanic Elite are fighting among themselves to determine which Satanic Faction will Rule for the Next 1000 years. This is not a fight between Good and Evil. The Good Guys were defeated long ago. Almost 60 years ago in fact although there was some mopping up of what was left of the Good guys over a 25 year period but but by 1990 the Satanic Elite were in charge
Some of you don’t like using the word Satanic, sounds too religious. I agree, its more comfortable just calling it Fascism or Transhumanist, but both are just other names for what is Satanic. Its important to understand Satanidm or Fascism if you like comes in flavors appealing to the Left (Woke) and Right (Libertarianism)
By the mid 20th century, Satanism had undergone two vivifying phases. The first was the English and French occult revival of the latter part of the 19th Century
The second vivifying phase was that engendered by Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), the self-proclaimed ‘Great Beast 666’ and the tabloid acclaimed ‘wickedest man in the world’. Crowley was a complex and multifaceted figure and while he identified with the Great Beast of Revelations, once sacrificed a toad to Satan, and called for the destruction of Christianity, Crowley did not consider himself a Satanist in any real sense except as a public persona. Crowley, through his infamy and along with some very real accomplishments (such as mountaineering in Tibet and trekking through Burma and China during the 1910s), as well as an impeccable occult pedigree, provided a role model for generations of occultists who embraced, or certainly did not shy away from, activities which have been traditionally associated with the blasphemous inversions of religion.
The great gift of Crowley was, however, using blasphemy as a path of transcendence or liberation away from constraining, constricting and unthinking societally enforced habit patterns. This ethos of challenge and the seeking of intellectual and spiritual emancipation became the fundamental idea which inspired a new generation of Satanists. To such eyes, society forced on individuals behavioural patterns that were essentially conditioned, unnatural and unthinking, which stultified their reasoning and repressed their True Self. By challenging such culturally defined patterns of behaviour (especially the consequences of religious orthodoxy), one can free oneself from its ‘negative’ hold and become liberated into a whole new understanding of the human condition. Satanism had become therapy.
In 1964, Anton Szandor LaVey became the next great influential figure in Satanism, effectively becoming the ‘founder’ of modern Satanism and responsible for its development as a sophisticated and comparatively public religio- philosophic system. LaVey founded the Church of Satan (CoS) in San Francisco on April 30, Walpurgisnacht, 1966 and through the church articulated his understanding of what it means to be Satanic.
One distinctive and influential feature of LaVey’s Satanism was the premise that the secular-scientific world- view was essentially the correct one and that religious world-views are fundamentally wrong and to be rejected. As such ‘Satan’, as a real individualized spiritual figure, does not exist and supernatural powers are simply natural laws as yet undiscovered
Closely allied with this was the embracing of Libertarianism/Objectivism in the mould of Ayn Rand, so much so that LaVey’s ‘credo’, the Nine Satanic Statements, was modelled on passages from Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.
This placed LaVey in a curious political position in regards to many members of the CoS, and society in general, as the late 1960s ushered in the era of flower-power and hippydom. As youth culture moved to the left, LaVey was moving to the right and flirting with the trappings of Nazism and the Ku Klux Klan.
While LaVey did not acknowledge Rand’s influence in the Nine Satanic Statements in the Satanic Bible, he did express his debt to her elsewhere, describing the Church of Satan as being ‘just Ann Rand’s philosophy with ceremony and ritual added.
Today there are many branches of Satanism, in fact, modern Satanism is best considered an umbrella term for a wide variety of sets of beliefs and practices. The different belief systems reject western moral laws, replacing them with a combination of a positive self-image and a decided lack of conformity.
Satanic sects share three characteristics in common: An interest in magic, played out as psychodrama or mystical events; the creation of a community which defines the roles of membership as somewhere between people who share a mystical pursuit to those who live according to set of religious tenets; and a philosophy that thrives on non-conformity.
Satanist Branches and Left Hand Paths
Satanist themselves range from individuals who simply follow a self-centered philosophy. to organized groups with meeting houses and scheduled events. There are many Satanist groups, the best known of which are the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set. They embrace a low level of hierarchical leadership and a loosely agreed-upon and widely varied set of religious practices and beliefs.
Satanists say they follow left-hand paths, life ways which unlike Wicca and Christianity are focused on self-determination and the power of the self, rather than submitting to a superior force. While many Satanists do believe in a supernatural being, they see their relationship with that being as more of a partnership than a mastery of a god over a subject.
Below you will find listed three main styles of Satanist practices—Reactive, Theistic, and Rationalistic Satanism—and afterwards a sample of what are dozens of smaller sects which follow idiosyncratic pathways to enlightenment.
Reactive Satanism
The term "reactive Satanism" or "adolescent Satanism" refers to groups of individuals who adopt the stories of mainstream religion but invert its value. Thus, Satan is still an evil god as defined in Christianity, but one to be worshiped rather than shunned and feared. In the 1980s, adolescent gangs combined inverted Christianity with romantic "gnostic" elements, inspired by black metal rock music and Christian scare propaganda, role-playing games and horror imagery, and engaging in petty crime.
In contrast, most modern "rationalistic and esoteric" Satanist groups are loosely organized with a set of moralities which explicitly focus on this world. Some may have a more transcendent, spiritual dimension that might include the possibility of an afterlife. Such groups tend to be more exclusively naturalistic and all shun violence and criminal activities.
In the 1960s, a highly secularized and atheistic type of Satanism arose under the direction of American author and occultist Anton Szandor LaVey. LaVey created the "Satanic Bible," which remains the most readily available text on the Satanic religion. He also formed the Church of Satan, which is by far the most well-known and most public Satanic organization.
LaVeyan Satanism is atheistic. According to LaVey, neither God nor Satan are actual beings; the only "god" in LaVeyan Satanism is the Satanist [Man]himself. Instead, Satan is a symbol representing the qualities embraced by Satanists. Invoking the name of Satan and other infernal names is a practical tool in Satanic ritual, placing one's focus and will upon those qualities.
In Rationalistic Satanism, extreme human emotion must be channeled and controlled rather than suppressed and shamed; this Satanism believes the seven "deadly sins' should be considered actions which lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.
Satanism as defined by LaVey is a celebration of the self. It encourages people to seek their own truths, indulge in desires without fear of societal taboos, and perfect the self.
In 1974, Michael Aquino, a member of the hierarchy of the Church of Satan, and Lilith Sinclair, a group leader ("grotto master") from New Jersey, broke away from the Church of Satan on philosophical grounds and formed the splinter group Temple of Set.
In the resulting theistic Satanism, practitioners recognize the existence of one or more supernatural beings. The major god, viewed as a father or older brother, is often called Satan, but some groups identify the leader as a version of the ancient Egyptian god Set. Set is a spiritual entity, based on the ancient Egyptian notion of xeper, translated as "self-improvement" or "self-creation."
Regardless of the being or beings in charge, none of them resemble the Christian Satan. Instead, they are beings which have the same general qualities as the symbolic Satan: sexuality, pleasure, strength, and rebellion against Western mores.
Among the minor sects is Luciferianism, whose adherents see it as a separate branch of Satanism which combines elements of rational and theistic forms. It is largely a theistic branch, although there are some who see Satan (called Lucifer) as symbolic rather than an actual being.
Luciferians use the term "Lucifer" in its literal sense: the name means "light bringer" in Latin. Rather than being a figure of challenge, rebellion, and sensuality, Lucifer is seen as a creature of enlightenment, the one who brings light out of the darkness.
Practitioners embrace the seeking of knowledge, delving into the darkness of mystery, and coming out better for it. They stress the balance of light and dark and that each depends upon the other.
While Satanism revels in physical existence and Christianity focuses more on spirituality, Luciferians see their religion as one that seeks a balance of both, that human existence is an intersection of the two.
Also known as Chaos-Gnosticism, the Misanthropic Luciferian Order, and the Temple of the Black Light, the Anti-Cosmic Satanists believe that the cosmic order that was created by God is a fabrication and behind that reality is an endless and formless chaos. Some of its practitioners such as Vexior 21B and Jon Nodtveidt of the Black Metal band Dissection are nihilists who would prefer that the world to return to its normal state of chaos.
An important American Satanist is
the late Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino. He joined the original Church of Satan in 1969, becoming one of its chief officials by 1975 when he founded the Temple of Set
He was in Military Intelligence, U.S. Army, and qualified as a Special Forces officer, Civil Affairs officer, and Defense Attaché.
He attended 16 separate military schools during 1968-87, including advanced courses in "Psychological Operations" at the JFK Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and "Strategic Intelligence" at the Defense Intelligence College, at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C.
Aquino was deeply involved in what has been called the "revolution in military affairs" ("RMA"), the introduction of the most "Third Wave," "New Age" ideas into military long-range planning, which introduced such notions as "information warfare" and "cyber-warfare" into the Pentagon's lexicon.
In the early 1980s, at the same time that Heidi and Alvin Toffler were spinning their Tavistock "Third Wave" views to Air Force brass, Aquino and another U.S. Army colonel, Paul Vallely, were co-authoring an article for Military Review.
The article, titled "From PSYOP to Mindwar: The Psychology of Victory," allegedly endorsed some of the ideas published in a 1980 Military Review article by Lt. Col. John Alexander, an affiliate of the Stanford Research Institute, a hotbed of Tavistock Institute and Frankfurt School "New Age" social engineering.
Aquino and Vallely called for an explicitly Nietzschean form of warfare, which they dubbed "mindwar." "
And what is "mindwar?" For Aquino, "mindwar" is a permanent state of strategic psychological warfare against the populations of friend and foe nations alike.
"In its strategic context, mindwar must reach out to friends, enemies and neutrals alike across the globe ... through the media possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth. These media were, of course, the electronic media—television and radio. “
Aquino argues, mindwar must target the population of the United States, "by denying enemy propaganda access to our people, and by explaining and emphasizing to our people the rationale for our national interest.... “
Rather it states a whole truth that, if it does not now exist, will be forced into existence by the will of the United States."
Aquino would later be caught up in a series of pedophile scandals involving the sexual abuse of hundreds of children, including the Franklin scandal, and children of military personnel serving at the Presidio U.S. Army station in the San Francisco Bay Area.
In 2016 Michael Aquino published a book titled Mind War. He is also author of Temple of Set. He died in 2019 a month after Kary Mullis.
Aquino supposedly received a direct revelation from Satan, later published as The Book of Coming Forth by Night (1985). In the book, Satan identified himself as Set, presented the twentieth century as the beginning of a new satanic dispensation and included Crowley’s prophecy of a new Age of Horus, marked by power politics and mass destruction.
The temple was dedicated to Set, the ancient Egyptian god of chaos, sometimes interchangeable with the dying-god Osiris, and regarded by Grant as Sirius, which according to Albert Pike is the “blazing star” of Freemasonry.
Aquino had also composed a “Call to Cthulhu” ritual before he left the Church of Satan, and adopted aspects of Lovecraft’s mythos. Aquino devised the “Ceremony of the Nine Angles,” which includes an evocation of Lovecraft’s deities, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep and Shub-Niggurath.
Impressed by the power and conquests of the Third Reich, Aquino also dabbled in Nazi occultism. In Church of Satan, his account of his time within the organization, Aquino provides a communication he sent to prominent members, including LaVey, in 1974, where he discusses in detail the relationship between Nazism and Satanism:
“According to Satanic criteria, the importance of Nazi Germany is that it succeeded in touching the very core of human behavioral motivation factors. In short, Adolf Hitler knew what really makes people tick, and he formed a political party designed to make those desires legitimate and respectable in German society. As you know from the Satanic Bible, people are motivated basically by crude and bestial emotions—greed, lust, hatred, envy of others’ success, desire for power, desire for recognition, etc. Civilization has repressed such anarchic emotions in order that people may live together with a certain amount of peace. When one deliberately unleashes those emotions, consequently, there is going to be a bit of unpleasantness—war, domestic purges, or the like. The keys are there for those who can read them. “
[I don’t mean to suggest Aquino’s beliefs are widespread in the military but they were certainly tolerated]
According to Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma the Book of Revelation is a Kabbalistic Book. The purpose of Free Masonry is to fulfill the Book of Revelation.
The Kabbalah
Joseph Dan, professor of Kabbalah at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem:
The Kabbalah insists that there is a feminine aspect within the divinity itself, the Shekhinah, and therefore all terms concerning family and sexual life are applicable to the divine world. The Kabbalah often presented the universe as a battleground between satanic divine powers and good divine powers, drawing a parallel of divine “emanations” of the left which are the enemies of God, yet they are divine in the full sense of the term.
Lurianic Kabbalah found the origin of evil within the eternal Godhead itself. … [I]t is the task of the Jewish people to correct (tikum) the incompleteness of divinity itself.[i]
This is to say, the goal is to bring about what the Greeks called Apocatastasis (“Universal Salvation”), “to harmonize the forces of good and evil that exist within the Divinity.”[ii] The Jewish scholar Gershom Scholem explained it the following way: “Evil, therefore, for the Kabalist is simply the sitra ahra or ‘emanation of the left’ and at the end of time, through the process of man’s work of tikkun even the devil, ‘Samael’ (Satan) will become Sa’el, one of the 72 holy Names of God.”[iii]
What can be seen here is that, in the Kabbalah, it is believed and foreseen that Satan will himself become like God.
The world’s foremost authority on the Jewish Kabbalah: Gershom Scholem.
The Kabbalah is a series of Gnostic mystical texts begun following the destruction of the Second Temple, further developed in medieval Spain and the French Provence, and then moving on to Eastern Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.[iv] It is the core doctrine of modern-day Chabad-Lubavicher Hasidism.
Scholem (1897-1982) was a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a historian of Jewish mysticism, but himself not formally a Kabbalah practitioner.
This is not the case with the Chabad-Lubavicher Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, a world leader in Hasidic and “Orthodox” Jewish circles. It is known that Rabbi Steinsaltz – the original “Nasi” or prince of the newly created (Oct. 2005) Sanhedrin – has openly stated that Kabbalah is now the official theology of the Jewish people.
On December 5, 2016, Pope Francis met with Rabbi Steinsaltz. What was discussed has yet to be revealed.
Pope’s 17 January speech where he quotes from the Kabbalah, he says that “evil originates in the rift [‘cleavage’] produced in the human being by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Knowledge thus gained the upper hand over creation, subjecting it to its own designs and desires [6; reference: cf. Gershom Scholem, La mystique juive, 86.].”
He goes on to say: “This will always be a subtle temptation in every academic setting: to reduce creation to certain interpretative models [ideology] that deprive it of the very mystery that has moved whole generations to seek what is just, good, beautiful, and true.”
As Jorge Luís Borges attempts to inform us in his scholarly essay on the teachings of the Kabbalah, “[e]vil is in the variety, but variety is necessary for the world.”[v] The true aim of the Kaballah is not simply that “[e]vil is necessary for the world,” but, as stated above by Gershom Scholem and corroborated by Borges, the true aim of Kaballah is the incorporation of Satan as necessary to the harmony of the divine essence. “All creatures, including the Devil will … to be mingled again with the Divinity from which they once emerged.”[vi]
satan through the antichrist meanta rule for 7 years.... then jesus comes.... who is the one who rules for 1000..... what passage from the bible does it say satan rules for 1000?