Non-Covid Deaths-Debunking the Mainstream Narrative
I see the Mainstream is finally tackling Non-Covid Deaths after ignoring them for so long (still being ignored in Taiwan though).

Monica is pushing lockdowns and despair as cause
Others blaming Long Covid seemingly unaware that mechanism of action for Long Covid if such a thing exists is likely the same as for Vaccine injuries
And then there are the dingbats blaming Climate Change. I will ignore their insanity
This post will be limited to negating the Lockdown hypothesis (for 2021 and 2022 excess deaths) and showing how the Non-Covid Excess Deaths in the US is far greater than we think.
Taiwan offers the proof to support the Vaccine hypothesis. There was no Covid or Excess Death until Vaccination began in April 2021. Starting in May 2021 we had Covid and non-Covid deaths, then after August 2021 excess deaths were almost entirely Non-Covid Death until May 2022 when it exploded (following a series of visits from high level US officials in the previous months).
Note that small blip in the first wave compared to the 2022 waves. That blip caused over 800 COVID deaths over 4 months that created the fear responsible for Taiwans high vaccine up take (94% with at least 1 dose) and acceptance of quarantine and masking measures
Total Excess Deaths since Vaccination Began in April 2021 is 43,736 and over 28,136 Non-Covid Excess Deaths (64.3%). There were no excess deaths and only a handful of COVID deaths before May 2021
There were no lockdowns or interruptions of medical care. There were school closures and many Restaurants were closed except for take out. Gyms closed. Thats about it. Hospitals maintained business as usual although no doubt some people skipped a few appointments as a result of fear. My wife never missed an appointment.
In May 2022 Taiwan began the worst of its COVID (4 months into a booster campaign) and despite tapering off in August it has sustained a high Excess Death rate including COVID and Non-Covid into January 2023
A 2nd booster was approved in May 2022 and a new Omicron wave began in late September which also coincided with the start of a bivalent booster campaign
There simply isn’t any other explanation I can think of for the Non-Covid Excess Deaths in Taiwan other than the Vaccines, which is probably why the mainstream media (in and outside Taiwan) wont even mention there is such a thing in Taiwan, and the Controlled Opposition outside Taiwan wont touch Taiwan Excess Deaths either, perhaps because so many are aligned with the anti-CCP right and don’t want to tarnish Taiwans image in their hope to make Taiwan the Asian -Pacific Ukraine .
Lets break it down by period
Period A (4 Months)
2021 - Wave 1. 800 COVID Deaths
Month. Excess. Excess
Deaths. Deaths%
May. 1,027 7%. Vax began April
June 3,012 22%
July 1,072. 7%
Aug. 708. 5%
5,819 excess deaths (vs 2016-2020 avg)
5,019 Non-Covid Excess Deaths (86% of Total Excess Deaths)
Period B (8 months)
2021/2022-Between Waves (<100 COVID deaths)
Month. Excess. Excess
Deaths. Deaths%
Sep. 519 4%
Oct. 125. 1%
Nov. 1,795 13% missing wave?
Dec. 1,426 10% missing wave?
Boosters began End of December
Jan. 918. 6%
Feb. 0 0
Mar. 1,287 8%
Apr. 448 3%
6,518 Excess deaths (vs 2016-2020 avg)
>6,418 Non-Covid Deaths (>98.5% of Total Excess Deaths)
Period C (8 Months)
2022-Wave 2. 14,700 COVID deaths
Month. Excess. Excess
Deaths. Deaths%
May. 3,328. 24%
2nd Booster Approved in May
June. 7,406. 54%
July. 3,764. 26%
Aug. 3,586. 25%
3rd Wave Began End of August
Sep. 3,130. 23%
Bivalent Booster BA.1/2 began end Sep
Oct. 2,859. 20%
Nov. 3,954 29%
Dec. 3,372 24%
4th Wave Began in December
Bivalent Booster BA.4/5 began December
31,399 Excess Deaths (vs 2016-2020 avg)
16, 699 Non-COVID Deaths (53.2% of Total Excess Deaths)
Here are the 3 waves in 2022 (2nd -4th overall) . The third wave peaked in January 2023
The good news is each wave is getting weaker with lower peaks
NCD= Non-Covid Excess Deaths
TED= Total Excess Deaths
Apr-Aug 2021
Period A (4 Months) 5019 86%
Sep (21)-Apr (22). . >6,418. 98.5%
Period B (8 months)
May-Dec 2022. 16,699. 53.2%
Period C (8 Months)
Total. 28,136. 64.3%
Lets look at the US
From CDC data we can calculate
Expected. Actual. Excess
2022- 2,842,593 3,229,957. 387,364
2021- 2,842,593 3,471,732 629,239
2020- 2,842,593 3,390,079. 547,486
Excess. Covid. Non-Covid
2022 387,364 242,709 144,655 (37%)
2021 629,239. 463,203. 166,036 (26%)
2020 547,486. 385,676 161,810. (30%)
Total. 1,564,089. 1,091,588. 472,502 (30.2%)
There is a problem though, we have a lot of people dying earlier than expected but CDC uses 2016-2019 average as a baseline. This undercounts excess deaths in 2021 and 2022
Assume expected deaths is reduced in following year by 20% of that years excess death and 10% in the 2nd year. This seems reasonable given the high number of excess deaths in the elderly in 2020 and 2021
2020 excess deaths reduce 2021 expected by 109,497 and 2022 expected by 54,749
2021 excess deaths reduce 2022 expected by 125,848
So 2021 excess deaths should be adjusted upward by 109,497 and 2022 excess deaths adjusted upward by 180,597
Excess. Covid. Non-Covid
2022 567,961 242,709. 325,252 (57%)
2021 738,736. 463,203. 275,533 (37%)
2020 547,486. 385,676 161,810. (30%)
Total. 1,854,183 1,091,588. 762,595(41%)
But wait, one more problem, we know many of the COVID deaths were not really Covid deaths, especially in 2020-2021 when they were attempting to drive up the death count by giving hospitals financial incentives to inflate cases/deaths , and early on not even requiring a positive test. Some studies estimate this at 30% or even higher. Lets stick with 30% for 2020-2021 only because in 2022 they started distinguishing between dying with and dying from to make the vaccine look good (doing the right thing for the wrong reason)
Excess. Covid. Non-Covid
2022 567,961 242,709. 325,252 (57%)
2021 738,736. 324,242 414,494 (56%)
2020 547,486. 269,973 277,513 (51%)
Total. 1,854,183 836,924. 1,017,259(55%)
So there you have it, over 1 million of 1.8+ million Excess Deaths due to Non-Covid. To me that means Lockdowns (2020) and Vaccines (2021-2022)
Some will say its Long Covid but unless they can prove that Long Covid is a thing and that it can kill I will ignore that.
Lets take this one step further, by my conservative estimate we had as many as 836,924 COVID deaths. How many of them died because of NIH protocols that seemed designed to kill using Remdesivir, no steroids or low dose steroids, inappropriate use of respirators which require sedatives that inhibit respiration, and denial of early use of medicines like Ivermectin and HCQ?. Some estimates from people like Dr Kory put the number at 80%
So lets recalculate
COVID . COVID malpractice Non-Covid
167,385. 669,539. 1,017,259
So of the 1,854,183 estimated excess deaths, 91% were preventable. Somebody is responsible for the death of 1,686,798 Americans and maybe over 10 million globally
Unlike the first Holocaust there will be no Nuremberg Trial