More Petes Musings
DoD/DMED cover up/Signature Reduction Forces/234 trillion derivative bubble/IHR-Gates Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization/Ritter-Ukraine/Taipei COVID update/Perpetual State of Emergency
Just some Musings of bits and bytes I have come across. Not really inspired to go into the weeds on anything at the moment. The calm before the storm me thinks.
Lets start with a couple of quotes
"Absolute certainty is a privilege of uneducated minds-and fanatics. It is, for scientific folk, an unattainable ideal." -Cassius J. Keyser
"Most people use statistics like a drunk man uses a lamppost; more for support than illumination." -Andrew Lang
DoD is part of the CDC's Vaccine Safety Technical (VaST) workgroup. The military publishes” Absolute and relative morbidity burdens attributable to various illnesses and injuries, active component, U.S. Armed Forces” for the previous year. Last years report was for 2020.
This year, no report.
What are they hiding?
This might help you understand
For those who prefer to watch and listen
Remember that story on Signature Reduction Forces that broke 1 year ago?
The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called "signature reduction." The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies
Funny how that story went away. Not a peep from anyone, even the so called alternative investigative media and activists. Frankly, I suspect most of them are coopted.
Interesting stuff from Wall Street on Parade
Some extracts below the end of 2019, the market value of all publicly-traded equities (stocks) in the United States had reached $38.47 trillion. By June 30, 2021, despite an ongoing pandemic, the market value of all publicly-traded stocks had surged to $54.768 trillion,an increase of 42 percent. (See page 130, Line 29 at this link.)
At $54.768 trillion, the U.S. stock market was larger than the combined GDP of the United States, China, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the U.K., according to GDP data from the World Bank.
.....under Jerome Powell as Fed Chair, assets at commercial banks have exploded in just the past two and a quarter years, mushrooming from $17.8 trillion on January 22, 2020 to $22.6 trillion on May 4, 2022.
And thanks to the Fed’s history of rubber-stamping megabank mergers, as of December 31 of last year, just six bank holding companies (out of a total of 4,839 federally-insured commercial banks and savings associations) hold $13.699 trillion or 61 percent of all assets of all commercial banks.
....And not to put too fine a point on it, but those are the same six bank holding companies that control 89 percent of the $234 trillion in derivatives that have a habit of blowing up during every Fed rate-hiking cycle.
That comes out $700,000 per human American citizen (the Global Corporate citizens are off the hook). Lets hope that bubble doesn’t pop.
IHR -Member states will vote on whether to amend the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Health Regulations between May 22-28.
For more on that see this
Some believe any amendments needs to be ratified by the Senate. It doesnt. Its a Regulation. Not a Treaty.
Treaties need domestic ratification to begin to have effect at a national level, Regulations automatically come in to force after the notice period allotted for rejection/reservation lapses.
As I indicated in the sub-stack article above we had a Formal Reservation in the 2005 IHR. That must stay. If it does this is not binding on States in the US. The Amendments will allow the US (controlled by Global Elites) to use WHO as a weapon against Countries without similar Constitutional Protections.
This article by Engdahl is not one of his best but he makes a couple of interesting observations
A hint of what’s in store under the new [IHR]rules was given by WHO’s largest donor (including his GAVI), the self-appointed “Globalist Everything Czar”, Bill Gates. On his April 22 blog entry, Gates proposes something amusingly with the acronym GERM — Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization—team. It would have a “permanent organization of experts who are fully paid and prepared to mount a coordinated response to a dangerous outbreak at any time.” He says his model is the Hollywood movie, Outbreak. “The team’s disease monitoring experts would look for potential outbreaks. Once it spots one, GERM should have the ability to declare an outbreak…” It would be coordinated by, of course, Tedros’ WHO: “The work would be coordinated by the WHO, the only group that can give it global credibility.”
A dystopian notion of what could take place is the ongoing fake “Avian Flu” epidemic, H5N1, that is causing tens of millions of chickens to be terminated worldwide if even one chick tests positive for the disease. The test is the same fraudulent PCR test used to detect COVID-19.
Recently, Dr Robert Redfield, Trump’s head of CDC, gave an interview where he “predicted” that Bird Flu will jump to humans and be highly fatal in the coming “Great Pandemic,” for which COVID-19 was a mere warm-up. Redfield declared in a March 2022 interview, “I think we have to recognize – I’ve always said that I think the COVID pandemic was a wakeup call. I don’t believe it’s the great pandemic. I believe the great pandemic is still in the future, and that’s going to be a bird flu pandemic for man. It’s gonna have significant mortality in the 10-50% range. It’s gonna be trouble.”
Under the new WHO dictatorial powers, WHO could declare a health emergency on such a fraud regardless of contrary evidence.
He could also have mentioned WHO’s intention to make Climate Change as part of its Health Security Agenda
Musings on Ukraine.
I had written previously that I figured thought Putins hidden objective was to take the Eastern Part of Ukraine from Belarus down to Moldova essentially cutting off the Western Ukraine from the Black Sea and Russias borders. It would have been nuts to take the Western Part since unlike the East they are more Nationalists and anti Russian.
This would give Putin a significant buffer between the Eastern part of NATO backed West Ukraine which he could live with from a security stand point, plus Ukraines most valuable resources are in the East.
Most of you probably are aware of Scott Ritters turnaround. Whats concerning Scott is the Russians inexplicable failure to stop hardware from making its way from the West to the front lines, and the slow pace of Russias efforts in the Donbas giving Ukraine time to train on using equipment coming in from NATO countries.
How is it all transport routes (rail, air, road) from West to East have not been pulverized from the air and distribution points for NATO hardware also pulverized?
My feeling now is Putin never had any intention of taking anymore than what used to be called New Russia or New Khazaria. Without taking the Northeast as well, Russias security situation will be even worse than before the invasion
Plus Ukraine will never stop trying to reclaim the territory taken. It will be a forever war.
If I were Russian I would suspect Putin Is a Trojan Horse for WEF interests since the only apparent winner of this war as its being prosecuted seems to be WEF and the NATO Military Industrial Complex. Perhaps they have compromised him in some way.
Closer to home. Taipei feels like a ghost town. Hardly any people out and about in my neighborhood. Traffic is light. Carbon emissions must be down. The Net Zero Carbon boys who will meet in Davos for the WEF meeting next week will be happy.
85K + cases reported yesterday (only 41 new deaths, mostly elderly, almost half on DNR, and almost half of those on DNR were boosted). A normal day w/o COVID sees 400-500 deaths. Another 40 severe cases and COVID hospital beds utilization ~50%.
To put things in perspective, with a population of 23 million, adjusted for US population thats translates to about 1.2 million new cases and 600 deaths in one day. CFR (not IFR) looks to be running at 0.5% although it may creep higher as deaths lag cases. Compare that to the first wave 4% CFR.
The population is over 60% boosted with the 4th booster starting and mandatory masking indoor/outdoor has been in place for over a year. About 85% have at least 1 jab in them.
No lockdowns or forced business closures but some do so voluntarily due to lack of business. Close contacts must self isolate for 3 days and can go out day 4-7 if the test negative with an antigen test at home
Doctors are handing out Pfizer and Mercks COVID drugs to those deemed worthy after a positive test. Maybe all of thats lowering the CFR or maybe its just a mild strain. 5-11 yo kids just began getting their shots. Moderna shot authorized here before FDA has authorized it
I must say WHO must be very happy with Taiwan as they head into the WHA meeting next week to discuss Biden’s IHR amendment proposal.
I just found out Taiwan signed onto the 2005 IHR in 2009 despite not being a member of WHO
I guess thats why they never allowed IVM, HCQ, Fluvoxamine. Of course, WHO never prohibited these drugs, they authorized them if used in a clinical trial. With Taiwans centralized health care system and the delay in COVID waves compared to US/EU they would have had plenty of time to prepare one.
However, the parade of US congressional and military delegations coming to Taiwan probably reminded them who is the boss.
Timeline Extracted from this CHD Article
March 28, 2020, when the WHO — the supposed global authority on infectious disease — tweeted, “FACT: #COVID19 is NOT airborne.”
The statement included a “fact check” box, authoritatively stating that information circulating on social media that COVID-19 is airborne was “incorrect” and “misinformation.”
“The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks,” the WHO wrote. “These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air. They quickly fall on floors or surfaces.”
July 2020 marked the first time that the WHO acknowledged that short-range aerosol transmissionin certain areas, namely crowded, inadequately ventilated indoor spaces over a prolonged period of time, “cannot be ruled out.”
Sept. 18, 2020, the CDC posted updated COVID-19 guidance on its “How COVID-19 Spreads” page that, for the first time, mentioned aerosol transmissionof SARS-CoV-2, saying “this is thought to be the main way the virus spreads.”
The CDC then deletedthe mention of aerosols and the possibility of spreading beyond 6 feet the following Monday, Sept. 21, 2020, saying a draft version of proposed changes had been posted “in error.”
As of October 2020, WHO had quietly updated their advice to state that aerosol transmission could occur outside of medical facilities, such as in restaurants, choir practices, fitness classes, nightclubs, offices and places of worship.
But it would still be more than a year before they updated their official advice to clearly state that SARS-CoV-2 is airborne.
May 2021, a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study revealed the importance of simple steps like improving ventilation.
The study compared the incidence of COVID-19 in Georgia kindergarten through grade 5 schools that were open for in-person learning in fall 2020 with various recommended prevention strategies, such as mandatory masks and improvements to ventilation.
After adjusting for county-level incidence, the study revealed that COVID-19 incidence was 39% lower in schools that improved ventilation. Dilution methods, which work by diluting the number of airborne particles, include opening windows and doors or using fans.
This led to a 35% lower incidence of COVID-19, while methods to filter airborne particles, such as using HEPA filtration systems with or without ultraviolet germicidal irradiation, led to a 48% lower incidence.
If SARS-CoV-2 weren’t airborne, these measures would not have such a significant effect.
Dec. 23, 2021.
WHO finally admits SARS-CoV-2 is airborne
In a monumental move that should have made front-page news, the WHO finally acknowledged that SARS-CoV-2is airborne.
Their “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): How is it transmitted?” webpage, updated Dec. 23, 2021, now states:
“The virus can spread from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe. Another person can then contract the virus when infectious particles that pass through the air are inhaled at short range (this is often called short-range aerosol or short-range airborne transmission) or if infectious particles come into direct contact with the eyes, nose or mouth (droplet transmission).
“The virus can also spread in poorly ventilated and/or crowded indoor settings, where people tend to spend longer periods of time. This is because aerosols can remain suspended in the air or travel farther than conversational distance (this is often called long-range aerosol or long-range airborne transmission).”
So why the delay in admitting the obvious? Masks and social distancing would have been a harder sell if it was admitted the virus was airborne early on. Now that both are part of our Social DNA after 2 years its safe to tell us the truth
Here is an idea, make the telling of a Noble Lie or not so Noble Lie illegal for all public institutions , corporations and politicians , with severe penalties.
Anyone accused of telling one can get hauled before a Grand Jury who will then decide if the evidence warrants an indictment. This is much better than a easily corruptible Ministry of Truth deciding such matters
In this case it would be a slam dunk, and the process would lead to a Guilty Verdict
Of course, this is a Pipe Dream, the Health Nazis would not permit it
Hey, did anyone know we are still in that State of Emergency declared after 9/11?
Consistent with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1622(d), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency previously declared on September 14, 2001, in Proclamation 7463, with respect to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States.
Because the terrorist threat continues, the national emergency declared on September 14, 2001, and the powers and authorities adopted to deal with that emergency must continue in effect beyond September 14, 2021.
On March 13, 2020, by Proclamation 9994, the President declared a national emergency concerning the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause significant risk to the public health and safety of the Nation.
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause significant risk to the public health and safety of the Nation. For this reason, the national emergency declared on March 13, 2020, and beginning March 1, 2020, must continue in effect beyond March 1, 2022. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing the national emergency declared in Proclamation 9994 concerning the COVID-19 pandemic.
Something tells me this will still be in effect 20 years from now.