Monkey Pox Update
Here is the WHO summary following a seminar last week. Its incredible how much is not known about stuff like incubation, transmission, etc despite all the efforts and money spent on Pandemic Prevention , Vaccine and Therapeutic Development.
CDC just recommended wearing masks although stops short of saying its airborne. CDC took almost a year to admit airborne transmission accounts for some infections. It took WHO almost 2 years, so pardon me for doubting anything they say.
Oops. CDC just dropped the recommendation. Seems the science isn’t settled on how its transmitted or something.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday scrubbed a recommendation from its website for travelers to wear face masks due to the threat of Monkeypox, a rare disease that had been transmitted mostly through sexual contact.
The CDC added the mask recommendation last week under its “Traveler’s Health” section
The mask advisory was removed from the page as of Tuesday.
The CDC described monkeypox risk to the general public as “low,” but the agency has elevated the threat from the virus to “Alert - Level 2 - Practice Enhanced Precautions.”
The level 2 alert is one step away from a CDC advisory to avoid non-essential travel
Science. Don’t you love it?
Since we have seen CDC flip flops before, we cant rule out masks being brought back as a recommendation or mandate .
But wouldn’t masks cover the pox on face making it harder to detect if they concealed their hands? (Maybe CDC considered this in their reversal)
Can someone transmit via aerosols or droplets before the pox appears?
How about asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic transmission. Is it even possible for someone to be infected and not develop the pox in a visible area?
It doesn’t matter what they say since they have proven they cant be trusted. They have completely lost the trust of anyone with functioning neurons and an ounce of critical thinking skills. Even half the papers published are lies, especially Lancet and NEJM, and CDC’s own non-peer reviewed rag
I don’t have time to look though it all as yet, but it looks like they are ramping this up so I will have to at some point
But a quick search pulls up this
Human monkeypox, as described through the active surveillance and case ascertainment studies sponsored by WHO in the 1980s, was depicted as resembling discrete ordinary smallpox.
In natural human infection, exposure leading to infection is believed to occur via a respiratory route,with subsequent progressive viremias/lymphemia, ultimately leading to seeding of the skin to generate a generalized rash. Percutaneous exposure, also leading to generalized rash formation, has also been described for both viral infections.
The disease pathogenesis has been conjectured and modeled largely from animal studies; initial models were using ectromelia infection of mice; some kinetic observations of virus shedding and viremia have been made in human studies of smallpox and monkeypox.
The time course of disease is generally thought to include an asymptomatic phase of 10–12 days, during which time the virus initially enters the host, replicates, seeds reticuloendothelial organs, replicates, then spreads via the bloodstream (inducing a febrile response) which is the first symptomatic hallmark of disease.
The fever is usually described as occurring 10–12 days post initial exposure/infection. The range has been 7–17 days. Fever is accompanied by other symptoms, including headache, backache, myalgias, and or abdominal pain. Two to three days following the fever, rash develops—initially presenting as a macular, then papular, then vesicular and pustular eruption.Scabbing then begins.
Each stage of rash lasts 1–2 days. Approximately 2–3 weeks post initial symptoms, scabs begin to separate from the skin. Death and disease severity have had some correlation with rash burden in epidemiologic studies of hospitalized smallpox patients. Severe outcomes are more frequent in unvaccinated, younger age groups; death occurs within the first week of illness in cases with hemorrhagic manifestations, and during the second or third week of illness in “ordinary” cases.
In the human monkeypox cases studied in Zaire/DRC between 1981–1986, of the 33 deaths among 338 patients, all occurred in unvaccinated children less than eight years of age.
Death occurred during the first week of illness in 21%, the second week in 52%, and the third week of illness in the remaining 27%
If Africa is any example it looks like kids are going to be a real target if this disease spreads
Of course, this supposedly is a new variant so maybe none of the previous data holds up.
Initial reports have the CFR up to 10%. We know thats the East Africa strain and probably overstated. The West Africa strain (which is circulating) has a CFR around 1-3% in West Africans. This does not account for undetected cases, nutritional and immunological status, all of which would expected to be more prevalent in West Africa than Europe/US/Asia and mean a much lower CFR/IFR in the developed world
As of 6 June, monkeypox infections have been confirmed in more than 900 peoplein 27 countries, including more than 200 in England. Supposedly spreading in men who have sex with men but data is scarce and some cases are clearly not. This is unprecedented.
So far no deaths are reported. Thats a good sign.
And of course as you would know Monkey Pox had its own Event 201 done by Nuclear Threat Initiative and Munich Security Conference in March 2021 with Dark Winter Participant Sam Nunn simulating an outbreak with a lab engineered variant starting May 15, 2022. You can’t make this stuff up. They are flaunting it right in your face. They no longer care if you know they are behind this.
Now obviously, you have an old virus which is a remarkably stable DNA virus (unlike single stranded RNA viruses like Sars-Cov-2) which according to genomic analysis has quite a few widespread single nucleotide mutations that adopts it better to human hosts. Where have we seen this script before?
Supposedly only two countries have any Small Pox (Russia and US) but no doubt others have Monkey Pox. China supposedly has no Monkey Pox virus but according to a recent paper (February) synthesized parts of the virus for a Monkey Pox PCR Test (they say they could have made an infectious virus but did not because they want to be safe Global citizens).
One of the authors was from the Wuhan Institute of Virology
Clearly, expecting conspiracy theories alleging a lab release to feed the Pandemic Economy and help fast track a Pandemic Treaty a cover story has been prepared. It might even be true.
“Genome sequencing shows that the monkeypox viruses responsible for these cases are closely related to ones detected in a small number of cases in Israel, Nigeria, Singapore and the UK between 2017 and 2019.
There are up to 47 DNA-letter changes in the latest viruses compared with these earlier cases. That is an unexpectedly high number given that monkeypox is thought to evolve slowly, by around one mutation per year.
What is striking is that 42 of these 47 changes involve the DNA letters TT changing to TA, or GA to AA. There is a group of human enzymes called APOBEC3 that help defend against viruses by inducing mutations in their DNA, and these are the kinds of changes they produce.
“If these APOBEC3 edits are specifically indicative of replication in humans as opposed to another host species then this would confirm this entire clade to be representative of the emergence of a human epidemic by 2017,” O’Toole and Rambaut stated in a 5 June update to their report.”
Now according to Robert Malone,
“....a quick pubmed search reveals that Poxviruses are resistant to the mutational effects of APOBEC3!For example, see this 2006 paper published in “Virology”.
Frankly, whether through lack of curiosity or fear of attack from government controlled media and journals, the failure of the authors to even mention this Virology article is a major oversight at best. My inference and interpretation? On the basis of this sequence analysis report from the INSA team cited above, to me this is looking more like a laboratory manipulated strain than a naturally evolved strain”
I don’t know what to make of Malone. Clearly an insider whose business is apparently unaffected by speaking out. Screams controlled opposition. Brilliant guy speaking many truths, but we have to question everything he says.
Here is the 2006 paper.
For one thing its talking about Vaccinia Virus.
From Wikipedia
The precise origin of vaccinia virus is unknown due to the lack of record-keeping, as the virus was repeatedly cultivated and passagedin research laboratories for many decades.[9] The most common notion is that vaccinia virus, cowpox virus, and variolavirus (the causative agent of smallpox) were all derived from a common ancestral virus. There is also speculation that vaccinia virus was originally isolated from horses”
But its related to Monkey Pox so maybe close enough
The paper states
APOBEC3G, -F and -H, and mouse APOBEC3 are located in the cytoplasm of the cell, the location of poxviral replication.
VACV undergoes its complete viral life cycle in the cytoplasm, and most poxvirus genomes are relatively A/T-rich, which could be caused by APOBEC3G-induced mutational pressure [9].
We were, therefore, interested to determine whether APOBEC3G is also a restricting factor for this virus.
It also states
However, it cannot be excluded that VACV has evolved another mechanism to escape inhibition by APOBEC3G.
The paper concludes
The data indicate that APOBEC3G is not a restriction factor for vaccinia virus replication nor is vaccinia virus able to degrade APOBEC3G
Now maybe I am misreading this but the paper does not seem to deny APOBEC3G induces mutational pressure, only that it does not restrict viral replication
Malone may very well be correct here, I am not a scientist, but here is an interesting thread on the other side
And another
Here is some guy (Gustave Palacios, from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai ) who is not buying the APOBEC3G narrative and seems to know what he is talking about. Not because it cant cause mutations in Monkey Pox but that it does so in a more limited way.
Gustave makes a lot of sense to me, but I may be biased.
So is new Monkey Pox variant a product of persistent and silent undetected human infections whose mutations are accelerated by APOBEC3G? Sounds fishy to me, but I don’t think Malones paper definitively rules it out
The most suspect part of this evolving narrative is that Monkey Pox could simmer in the human or animal population and mutate extensively without detection. I thought we were doing all of this sequence testing on viruses with pandemic or epidemic potential.
Something called the Global Virome Project which took over from 10 years of the USAID/PREDICT program is supposed catch these budding variants. I’ll describe them a bit more at the end.
If there was ongoing human transmission, especially in US/EU/UK lets face it, anyone covered with monkey pox isn’t going to stay at home until they get better. They are rushing to the hospital. Which takes us back to my earlier question, is there such a thing as asymptomatic or just mild symptomatic monkey pox (like a small rash that could be dismissed).
Taken altogether, given the Event 201 like simulation last year and its timeline, with some of the same Dark Winter Actors that gave us Anthrax, the obvious Profit motives of Pandemic Profiteers, the agenda to build a Bio-Security State by WHO, Gates and other Fascist Forces, and the sudden widespread distribution of the virus with a degree of mutations unlikely to be natural, I think we needs to consider lab origin and open an investigation into Bio-Terrorism and Racketeering .
Start by rounding up for questioning under oath everyone involved in Pandemic Planning, Monkey Pox Simulations, Monkey Pox vaccine and therapeutic funding, development, manufacture and procurement.
Here is something else to consider in terms of motive. We have all seen the WEF (Natural Capital Assets), Virus Hunters (Zoonotic Disease) and Environmentalists (Pollution) seeking to keep people from nature . They call it protecting Nature. Biden wants to Protect 30% of it by 2030 , which means keeping us mostly off of it
Officials from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control are also warning that if monkeypox spills into local wildlife, it could become endemic to that continent, like in parts of Africa — referring to when a virus is consistently circulating within a specific region.
I imagine they will make it harder or more expensive to fish or hunt so we don’t get infected by animals and cause a pandemic
At what point will they say get rid of your pets (cats, dogs, hamsters) to prevent them harboring Monkey Pox?
The Virus Hunters Missed This Monkey Pox Variant, Or Did They?
Since the Global Virome Project was established in 2016/2017 we have had a Pandemic from some virus said to have originated from a remote bat cave in China (China has its own GVP equivalent) and now a Monkey Pox epidemic said to have originated from Western/Central Africa but may have been simmering outside silently for 5 years. Just saying.
Our old friend Peter Daszak is a regular advisor to WHO on pathogen prioritization for R&D, Carroll and Joana Mazet – former global director for USAID’s PREDICT – all joined together in 2016 to form the Global Virome Project;
This was a “10-year collaborative scientific initiative to discover unknown zoonotic viral threats and stop future pandemics”.
Mazet was also co-director of UC Davis’ One Health program, which recruited Dr. Wacharapluesadee and her team in Thailand to conduct a multi-year research project on bats. She detected the first COVID-19 patient outside China
Dennis Carroll, former US director for pandemic influenza and emerging threats. “But any virus that poses a future threat already exists. So why wait for it?”
Under Barack Obama, Carroll ran the US government’s Predict programme, which aimed to be an early warning system. By the time Trump closed it down in 2019, Predict had worked with virus hunters, universities, conservationists and natural history museums to collect more than 2m mucus and saliva samples from thousands of bird and mammal species.
He now chairs the Global Virome project, a $4bn (£3.1bn) plan to build on Predict and discover and genetically record all the world’s unknown viral threats. It is billed as “the beginning of the end of the pandemic era”, and a “change from responding to threats to proactively preparing for them to strike”.
Carroll says: “We need to understand viruses and their ecosystems better, gain a better understanding of hotspots.
They are joined by Edward Rubin of Metabiota Inc, a recipient of PROPHECY funds at DARPA and, notably, an $18.4 million DTRA contract award for scientific research and consulting work in Ukraine and the Lugar Center in the Republic of Georgia.
GVP attendees in Bellagio in 2016
W. Ian Lipkin-NIH
Jonna Mazet-former Global Director of USAID PREDICT
Ariel Pablos-Mendez USAID
Edward Rubin -Metabiota
Steven Solomon -WHO
Dennis Carrol-USAID
Cara Chrisman -USAID
Peter Daszak -Eco Health Alliance
Keiji Fukuda-WHO
George Gao-CDC China
Michael Kurilla -NIAID, Office of Biodefense Research Resources
Using data from testing 509,721 samples from 74,635 animals as part of a virus discovery project and public records of virus detections around the world, GVP ranked the spillover potential of 887 wildlife viruses in 2021.
GVP has recently partnered with the Trinity Challenge .
Founding members ofTrinity Challenge
Other members of note
Clinton Health Access Initiative
John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health
Swiss Re
Tsinghua University
The Vaccine Confidence Project
Its looks to me like the Global Virome Project and Trinity Challenge is a working arm of the WEF , US Govt agencies/Military and BMG foundation (GAVI/WHO)
Its interesting that few making the connection between USAID Predict, Darpa, DTRA, DoD , GVP, Eco Health Alliance, Rockefeller Foundation , Welcome Trust, GAVI, and UN Agenda 2030, WEF, CDC China when it comes to SARS-Cov-2 , Monkey Pox and the Pandemic Industry/Economy.
Some earlier Monkey Pox posts below.