Martial Law Coming?
Biden s speech last night was a Pure Psychological Warfare Operation on the American People. Stanley Kubrick could not have designed the set any better.
One of its purposes seems to be to divide the people and radicalize those who identify as Trump MAGA supporters
Anyone who has read more than a few of my posts know I am not a fan of Trump, not even close. However, I do have family members who are and they are anything but Extremists.
Are there Extremists among MAGA members?. I have no doubt but then there are Extremists among all groups. Fortunately many of them are too drunk, fat, high or entertained to do much more than rant on Social Media. Hardly a threat IMO.
However, Bidens speech does one more thing. It defines a group as being a threat and conditions the people to accept a potential False Flag Event as real. Following such an event they will be prepared to accept it as Domestic Terrorism requiring a Declaration of National Emergency and even Martial Law with Lockdowns (aka Shelter in Place) and draconian Domestic Terrorism legislation that will remove the last vestiges of Freedom
Biden actually authored a bill following the 1995 OKC bombing. It didn’t get passed then but parts of it were made into the Patriot Act in 2001. They trued to get a Domestic Terrorism Bill passed in 2006 but failed
After the Boston Marathon Bombing in 2013 the first “Shelter in Place” Orders (lockdowns) were issued for Boston and surrounding area residents because 2 suspects were on the loose. I was astounded that people went along with it (I was visiting Boston at the time) and accepted it as reasonable. “Boston Strong” my arse. Its interesting but before the Marathon Bombing an exercise was being planned simulating such an event.
If such a thing should happen (remember we are in the most dangerous month-September) , its doubtful elections would be held unless people voted from home (and you know how that will go).
I hope what I am speculating on does not come to pass