Malthusian Depopulation
Igor has a good article on the Depopulation Agenda which he suggests was developed in 2009.
No doubt they put the finishing touches on the latest phase of the Agenda in 2009, but the Depopulation Agenda actually began with Thomas Malthus over 200 years ago and the USG and CDC has played an active role over the last 70 years
Malthusian policies were first manifested by Public Health England forcing Small Pox Vaccines on the public in the 19th century and into the early 20th century. If you think COVID vaccines are poorly tested and unsafe , compared to those early small pox vaccines they are a health elixir.
Darwin energized the movement and others gave birth to Eugenics in the US and Britain. Hitler adopted it with help from the Rockefellers and IBM but its name was discredited as a result , so at the request of Julian HUXLEY it was revitalized in the 1950’s under other names such as Public Health (vaccines), Population Council and Planned Parenthood.
In the 1960’s and 1970’s the USG got into the population control game funding various measures to curb 3rd world population, while the Rockefellers Club of Rome got into the Act pushing the Limits to Growth while bestsellers like the Population Bomb came out
In 1969 the Military got $10 million funding to research and develop a virus which could wipe out the immune system within 10 years. Not long after Fauci joined the NIH
Kissinger made Population a National Security Concern with NSSM 200 in 1974 at the same time WHO began looking into vaccines to cause infertility and high Oil Prices and Debt was used to create Famines which was made possible thanks to the Rockefeller’s Green Revolution , OPEC being given the green light to raise oil prices and the Bretton Woods scrapped to be replaced by the Petrodollar. A debt bomb was unleashed on the 3rd world so they could pay for Oil and then interest rates were raised to cause defaults with IMF bailing out nations in return for austerity, population control and opening up markets for Multi national corporations which looted their resources
In the 1980’s we unleashed AIDS and scared people from having too much sex, while giving them a cure (AZT) that dropped those with a positive test like DDT kills flies, thus inflating the CFR and reducing life expectancy after infection. The AZT trial done by Fauci made the Pfizer trial for COVID Vaccines look good
It was the 80’s that the Elites turned their attention to the West. It was not population that was the biggest concern, although that was certainly a concern, but consumption. The richer nations citizens just consumed too much for their liking.
They needed to lower living standards in a covert fashion over the next 50 years (so as to not precipitate a revolution ) and they needed to give the next generation an ideology that would have them embrace sustainable austerity and fix them so they couldn’t have too many kids (AIDS helped a bit). So they pushed the idea Global Warming is caused by mans CO2 which meant we had to consume less or Earth would Burn and Kill us all . In 1992 at Rio (Agenda 21) they sealed the deal with Bush signing the US on for the Climate provision . The 2015 UN Paris Accords and Agenda 2030 -17 SDG extends that.
Economically, they accelerated the deindustrialization of the West by incentivizing the moving of production to Asia and then China, and they fudged CPI numbers to reduced Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA’s) and broke or infiltrated the Unions so wages for a single worker never kept up with real inflation
Over time families found they needed 2 incomes to support 2-3 kids instead of 1 income supporting 6-7 kids. Debt was required to pay for housing, tuitions and medical insurance as these all skyrocketed in price under neoliberal economics. Hardly noticed by much of the population as easy credit, low interest rates and cheap goods from China helped to conceal the declining living standards,at least until recently
They also gave the Vaccine Manufacturers a liability waiver in 1986. After doing so kids went from getting only 3 vaccines and 8 doses to over 15 vaccines and 70+ doses. Chronic illnesses and Autism exploded (correlation is not causation) and Fertility Rates are now at below replacement levels
Not content with just vaccines and economics, they also attacked the food with increased fluoride, aspartame, GMO foods, glyphosate, etc. And the environment with increasing RF/EMR that is inadequately regulated despite underfunded private and some government funded research that shows it has some deleterious biologic effects. Don’t discount the effects of 5G on health (rolled out in 2020)
All of these are Malthusian Tools of Population Reduction. The COVID vaccines have killed, no doubt, but its not exactly the mass culling that is yet to come.
They got away with this one. They will be bolder next time.