As we watch events in Syria unfold I cant help but reflect upon events back in the late 1970’s which began what seems to be this Age of Darkness we are now in. Perhaps the beginning of the End
William Engdahl best describes it in his book “A Century of War”
His description of how Iran really fell into the hands of Khomeini makes the most sense to me. There were other developments occurring at this time not covered (this was written in’1992) Let me provide these first
A.It is known that from Jan 7th to early Feb 1979, the No. 2 in the NATO chain of command, General Robert Huyser, was in Iran and was in frequent contact with Brzezinski during this period. It is thought that Huyser’s job was to avoid any coup attempts to disrupt the take-over by Khomeini’s revolutionary forces by largely misleading the Iranian generals with false intel and U.S. promises. Recently declassified documents on Huyser’s visit to Iran confirm these suspicions.
B. 1979 (July) CIA Operation Cyclone was in operation training Saudi extremists to engage in Afghanistan leading eventually to Taliban control and Al Qaeda. Its success led Washington to deploy the same tactic after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. Veterans of the Afghan Mujahideen war, many of them Saudi and other Arab nationals recruited by bin Laden’s organization, Al Qaeda, were brought on CIA private air transports into Azerbaijan, where British and US oil companies had their eye on the petroleum riches of the Caspian Sea. The CIA brought them into Yugoslavia to fan the flames of war there, from Bosnia-Herzegovina to Kosovo. They smuggled them into Chechnya and Dagestan"
The Lost Hegemon: Whom the gods would destroy" by F. William Engdahl
And today a new generation are the Rebels in Syria
C. 1979- It can be rightly said that the War on Terror was born at the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism in July . The conference was arranged by the Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, the former terrorist head of the Irgun, along with Moshe Dayan, and hosted by Benjamin Netanyahu and his father Ben-Zion at an institute called the Jonathan Institute.
Menachem Begin, who became Israel's prime minister in 1977 had a long history of terrorism, including the bombing of Jerusalem's King David Hotel in 1946.
Four former chiefs of Israeli military intelligence participated in the conference. Shimon Peres, head of the opposition party at the time, also participated. George H.W. Bush, who was a presidential candidate at the time, attended and spoke on the final day of the conference.
The purpose of the conference was to launch a new construct to be promoted by the global media: the doctrine of waging war on terrorism, i.e. the War on Terror.
The only published material I have found about this conspiratorial conference organized by Menachem Begin, the self-proclaimed "Father of Terrorism," is a master's thesis written in 1982 by Philip Paull at San Francisco State University, entitled International Terrorism: The Propaganda War.
According to the War on Terror doctrine advocated by Netanyahu in 1979, “Islamic terrorists” attack Israel because it is a Western state with Western values. The West, is the real target so the U.S. must lead the West in waging a global War on Terror to destroy Islamic terrorists and the regimes that support them
It should be noted that the Jerusalem conference that brought us the War on Terror was in fact an Israeli "propaganda offensive" organized by the most notorious Zionist masterminds of terrorism: Menachem Begin, Moshe Dayan, and Shimon Peres, along with the heads of Israeli military intelligence.
Among other terrorist crimes, Menachem Begin was responsible for the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 and the massacre of the entire Palestinian village of Deir Yassin in April 1948.
Moshe Dayan was minister of defense when the Israeli military attacked the defenseless USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, killing 34 crewmen and wounding 174.
Both Dayan and Shimon Peres were involved in the Lavon Affair in the summer of 1954 when a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside American and British civilian targets in Egypt: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers.
Just three months before the conference, the Israeli military chief-of-staff, Rafael Eitan, had established an Israeli underground terrorist organization called the Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners, which carried out bombing operations in Lebanon from 1979 through 1983.
Many of these Israeli bombings involved truck and car bombs. It was toward the end of this period of Israeli terror bombings in Lebanon, in which thousands were killed, that two truck bombs struck the barracks housing "peacekeepers" of the Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF), killing 241 U.S. Marines and 58 French soldiers on October 23, 1983.
In 1979, the arch-terrorist Menachem Begin and his fellow Likud extremists wanted to "maintain anti-Soviet hostility in Washington" in order to prevent "a settlement in the Middle East which would include the Palestinians."
D. Oded Yinon Plan. Although not published until 1982 it was no doubt in the pipeline in the late 1970’s and describes the establishment of greater Israel by dividing the Middle East
From Engdahl- Comments in italics
By 1978, Iran had the fourth largest nuclear power program in the world and the largest by far among Third World nations. The Shah's plan called for the installation of 20 nuclear power reactors by 1995, to provide some 23,000 megawatts of electricity. The Shah saw nuclear electricity as the rational means to diversify Iran's dependence on petroleum, and as a means to counter the enormous pressure from Washington and London to recycle his petrodollars to New York and London banks.
The major negotiating partners with whom the Shah negotiated his nuclear program were France and Germany. As early as 1974, Iran had signed a provisional agreement with France to construct five nuclear power reactors and a nuclear research center. This was expanded in 1975 to eight reactors, for a total cost of $8.6 billion. In addition, Iran purchased a 10 per cent share in the French uranium enrichment facility being constructed at Tricastin, and lent $ 1 billion for its construction.
In 1976, Iran signed a contract with the German nuclear firm, KWU, for 7.8 billion Deutschmarks, for two reactors and infrastructure; this was followed in 1977 by a contract to supply four more reactors for an added 19 billion Deutschmarks. In addition, Iran under the Shah invested in key European industrial companies, including a 25 per cent stake in the German Krupp, and in French nuclear enrichment facilities. The economic bonds between Iran and Continental Europe were growing in importance. During this time, under the strict antinuclear regime of U.S. President Carter, the United States did not participate in backing the export of U.S. nuclear reactor technology, and Washington tried strenuously to block the German and French deals, to no avail.
In 1977, the Club of Rome, with the Muslim Brotherhood, created an organization to pursue the retardation of Iran’s industry, called Islam and the West. Headquartered in Geneva, Islam and the West came under the guidance of Muslim Brotherhood leader and former Syrian prime minister, Marouf Dawalibi, in addition to two non-Muslim luminaries, Aurelio Peccei, and another original endorser of Planetary Citizens, Lord Caradon, Britain’s Jerusalem expert and former British ambassador to the U.S.
One of the sponsors of Islam and the West was the prestigious International Federation of Institutions of Advanced Studies. Among its funders were Aurelio Peccei, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, and Robert O. Anderson. Islam and the West held its first planning sessions at Cambridge University in England. Backed by the International Federation of Institutes of Advanced Study, headed by Alexander King, Islam and the West assembled a policy outline in 1979, on science and technology, for the subversion of Islam. Alexander King was also a Club of Rome member, and a founder of NATO. According to researcher Dr. John Coleman, when it was decided that a superbody would control European affairs, the RIIA founded the Tavistock Institute, which in turn created NATO.
Islam and the West declared: “We have to return to a more spiritual conception of life... The first lesson of Islamic science is its insistence on the notion of a balanced equilibrium which would not destroy the ecological order of the environment, on which collective survival finally depends.” This argument was used to attack “Western” science and technological progress in Europe and North America, with its focus on Nuclear Power.
In June 1978, in response to growing frictions and outright policy clashes with the Carter administration on nuclear energy policy, international monetary policy, the free fall of the dollar, and just about every foreign policy issue of importance to Continental Europe, the member governments of the European Community, on the initiative of France and Germany, took steps to create the first phase of what was seen as a European currency zone, a first attempt to insulate Continental Europe from the shocks of the dollar regime.
German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and France's President Giscard d'Estaing proposed the establishment what became Phase I of the European Monetary System (EMS), in which the central banks of nine European Community member countries agreed to stabilize their currencies in relation to one another. With growing trade flows concentrated inside the community, the EMS provided a minimal basis for defending intra-European trade and monetary relations.
In early 1979 the EMS became operational and its effect in stabilizing European currencies was notable. But the future possibilities of the EMS were what worried certain circles in London and Washington. It had ominous overtones of becoming a seed crystal for an alternative world monetary order which could threaten the existing hegemony of the 'petrodollar monetary system.' Indeed, one German official at the time privately referred to the new EMS as the 'seed crystal for the replacement of the International Monetary Fund.' And the French government openly said as much at the time. The EMS established a European Monetary Fund with initial capitalization consisting of 20 per cent of each member country's gold and dollar reserves, valued at some $35 billion. Further, Switzerland too linked its currency de facto to the new EMS parities.
As early as 1977, the governments of France and Germany had begun to explore the possibility of an agreement with select oil-producing OPEC states under which western Europe would supply high-technology exports to OPEC, in return for long-term oil supply agreements at a stable price. In turn, under this arrangement, OPEC would deposit their financial surpluses into Continental European banks and, ultimately, into the new EMS, to build a fund which could be used for long-term industrial credits to other developing countries.
London opposed the new EMS concept of France and Germany at every step. Unable to stop its implementation, London refused to join the new stabilization arrangement. The City of London establishment had other ideas.
At a September 1978 Aachen Summit between Giscard d'Estaing and Schmidt, the two countries agreed on plans for joint scientific and technical education, as well as joint nuclear energy cooperation.
Furthermore, the UDF party of Giscard in France had proposed a $ 100 billion five-year development program for Continental Europe and the developing sector. A state visit by President Carter to Bonn and West Berlin in July 1978 only reinforced French and German resolve to pursue an independent polijcy.
Carter had unsuccessfully sought to persuade the Schmidt government, under the Carter administration's new Nuclear Non- Proliferation Act, to abandon export of virtually all nuclear technology to the developing sector, on the false argument that peaceful nuclear plant technology threatened to proliferate nuclear weapons, an argument which uniquely stood to enhance the strategic position of the Anglo-American petroleum-based financial establishment.
Thus, despite all efforts since the early 1970s, the 'danger' of independent industrial and trade growth which undercut the prized domination of the dollar imperium was clearly becoming real in the minds of policy shapers in Washington and London. Even more drastic shocks were required to stop the determination of nations to pursue scientific and industrial development.
Cant have any threats to USD supremacy can we, certainly not at that stage. So we have a couple of motives for the Shahs take down (nuclear power and protecting the Petrodollar)
Drastic shocks they were.
In November 1978, President Carter named the Bilderberg group's George Ball, another member of the Trilateral Commission, to head a special White House Iran task force under the National Security Council's Brzezinski. Ball recommended that Washington drop support for the Shah of Iran and support the fundamentalist Islamic opposition of Ayatollah Khomeini.
Robert Bowie from the CIA was one of the lead 'case officers' in the new CIA-led coup against the man their covert actions had placed into power 25 years earlier.
Their scheme was based on a detailed study of the phenomenon of Islamic fundamentalism, as presented by British Islamic expert, Dr. Bernard Lewis, then on assignment at Princeton University in the United States. Lewis's scheme, which was unveiled at the May 1979 Bilderberg meeting in Austria, endorsed the radical Muslim Brotherhood movement behind Khomeini, in order to promote balkanization of the entire Muslim Near East along tribal and religious lines. Lewis argued that the West should encourage autonomous groups such as the Kurds, Armenians, Lebanese Maronites, Ethiopian Copts, Azerbaijani Turks, and so forth. The chaos would spread in what he termed an 'Arc of Crisis,' which would spill over into the Muslim regions of the Soviet Union.
And another motive, Balkanization of the Middle East in furtherance of Israels plans for a Greater Israel (Oded Yinon Plan published in 1982) and one cant have a War on Terror as called for in the Jerusalem Conference without creating enemies one can call call Terrorists. Iran would help deliver on both creating Hezbollah and also attacking our friend Saddam Husseins Iraq in a bloody 10 year war helped by arm sales from US to Iran with Israels help (Iran Contra) .
This weakened Saddam sufficiently that we could later turn on him in the 90’s weakening Iraq further before finishing him off in 2003. Friend today, Enemy tomorrow. As Kissinger said being a friend of the US is fatal. Iran. Enemy or Partner? No matter, in the end they all become an Enemy at some point if they have something of value.
The coup against the Shah, like that against Mossadegh in 1953, was run by British and American intelligence, with the bombastic American, Brzezinski, taking public 'credit' for getting rid of the 'corrupt' Shah, while the British characteristically remained safely in the background.
During 1978, negotiations were under way between the Shah's government and British Petroleum for renewal of the 25-year oil extraction agreement. By October 1978, the talks had collapsed over a British 'offer' which demanded exclusive rights to Iran's future oil output, while refusing to guarantee purchase of the oil. With their dependence on British-controlled export apparently at an end, Iran appeared on the verge of independence in its oil sales policy for the first time since 1953, with eager prospective buyers in Germany, France, Japan and elsewhere. In its lead editorial that September, Iran's Kayhan International stated:
“In retrospect, the 25-year partnership with the [British Petroleum] consortium and the 50-year relationship with British Petroleum which preceded it, have not been satisfactory ones for Iran ...Looking to the future, NIOC [National Iranian Oil Company] should plan to handle all operations by itself.”
London was blackmailing and putting enormous economic pressure on the Shah's regime by refusing to buy Iranian oil production, taking only 3 million or so barrels daily of an agreed minimum of 5 million barrels per day. This imposed dramatic revenue pressures on Iran, which provided the context in which religious discontent against the Shah could be fanned by trained agitators deployed by British and U.S. intelligence. In addition, strikes among oil workers at this critical juncture crippled Iranian oil production.
As Iran's domestic economic troubles grew, American 'security' advisers to the Shah's Savak secret police implemented a policy of ever more brutal repression, in a manner calculated to maximize popular antipathy to the Shah. At the same time, the Carter administration cynically began protesting abuses of 'human rights' under the Shah.
British Petroleum reportedly began to organize capital flight out of Iran, through its strong influence in Iran's financial and banking community. The British Broadcasting Corporation's Persian-language broadcasts, with dozens of Persian-speaking BBC 'correspondents' sent into even the smallest village, drummed up hysteria against the regime in exaggerated reporting of incidents of protest against the Shah.
The BBC gave the Ayatollah Khomeini a full propaganda platform inside Iran during this time. The British government-owned broadcasting organization refused to give the Shah's government an equal chance to reply. Repeated personal appeals from the Shah to the BBC yielded no result. Anglo-American intelligence was committed to toppling the Shah.
Up until his exile from Iran in 1964, Khomeini was based at the religious city of Qom, where, according to Radio Free Iran – as reported by Dr. Coleman, a former British Intelligence agent – he received a “monthly stipend from the British, and he is in constant contact with his masters, the British.”
Khomeini was kicked out of Iran and settled in Iraq. He lived there for a number of years until he was arrested by the Iraqi government and deported in 1978. French President D’Estang was then pressured to offer Khomeini refuge in France. Khomeini’s stay in France was financed by Francois Genoud.
As Coleman writes, “Once Khomeini was installed at the Chateau Neauphle, he began to receive a constant stream of visitors, many of them from the BBC, the CIA and British intelligence.”
The BBC then became the Ayatollah’s main promoter. Dr. Coleman writes: It was the BBC, which prepared and distributed to the mullahs in Iran all of the cassette tapes of Khomeini’s speeches, which inflamed the peasants. Then, the BBC began to beam accounts of torture by the Shah’s SAVAK to all corners of the world. In September and October 1978, the BBC began to beam Khomeini’s revolutionary ravings directly to Iran in Farsi.
The Washington Post said, “the BBC is Iran’s public enemy number one.” Soon a large segment of the Iranian population, most of them young students, became opposed to the Shah, and were convinced that a return to “pure” Shiah Islam, under the Ayatollah Khomeini’s leadership, was the only way to save their country. The Carter Administration – manipulated by Zbigniew Brzezinski – then collaborated with the British to topple the Shah and install Khomeini.
The Shah fled in January, and by February 1979, Khomeini had been flown into Tehran to proclaim the establishment of his repressive theocratic state to replace the Shah's government.
Reflecting on his downfall months later, shortly before his death, the Shah noted from exile, I did not know it then—perhaps I did not want to know—but it is clear to me now that the Americans wanted me out. Clearly this is what the human rights advocates in the State Department wanted... What was I to make of the Administration's sudden decision to call former Under Secretary of State George Ball to the White House as an adviser on Iran? ... Ball was among those Americans who wanted to abandon me and ultimately my country.
With the fall of the Shah and the coming to power of the fanatical Khomeini adherents in Iran, chaos was unleashed.
By May 1979, the new Khomeini regime had singled out the country's nuclear power development plans and announced cancellation of the entire program for French and German nuclear reactor construction.
Iran's oil exports to the world were suddenly cut off, some 3 million barrels per day. Curiously, Saudi Arabian production in the critical days of January 1979 was also cut by some 2 million barrels per day.
To add to the pressures on world oil supply, British Petroleum declared force majeure and cancelled major contracts for oil supply. Prices on the Rotterdam spot market, heavily influenced by BP and Royal Dutch Shell as the largest oil traders, soared in early 1979 as a result.
The second oil shock of the 1970s was fully under way. Indications are that the actual planners of the Iranian Khomeini coup in London and within the senior ranks of the U.S. liberal establishment decided to keep President Carter largely ignorant of the policy and its ultimate objectives. The ensuing energy crisis in the United States was a major factor in bringing about Carter's defeat a year later.
There was never a real shortage in the world supply of petroleum. Existing Saudi and Kuwaiti production capacities could at any time have met the 5-6 million barrels per day temporary shortfall, as a U.S. congressional investigation by the General Accounting Office months later confirmed.
Unusually low reserve stocks of oil held by the Seven Sisters oil multinationals contributed to creating a devastating world oil price shock, with prices for crude oil soaring from a level of some $14 per barrel in 1978 towards the astronomical heights of $40 per barrel for some grades of crude on the spot market. Long gasoline lines across
America contributed to a general sense of panic, and Carter energy secretary and former CIA director, James R. Schlesinger, did not help calm matters when he told Congress and the media in February 1979 that the Iranian oil shortfall was 'prospectively more serious' than the 1973 Arab oil embargo.
The Carter administration's Trilateral Commission foreign policy further ensured that any European effort from Germany and France to develop more cooperative trade, economic and diplomatic relations with their Soviet neighbor, under the umbrella of detente and various Soviet-west European energy agreements, was also thrown into disarray.
Carter's security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and secretary of state, Cyrus Vance, implemented their 'Arc of Crisis' policy, spreading the instability of the Iranian revolution throughout the perimeter around the Soviet Union. Throughout the Islamic perimeter from Pakistan to Iran, U.S. initiatives created instability or worse.
Then came Brzezinski's 'China card' policy tilt, with U.S. diplomatic recognition of communist China in December 1978, together with U.S. withdrawal of recognition of the nationalist Chinese regime on Taiwan, thereby giving communist China the UN Security Council veto and access to U.S. technology and military aid.
Poor Taiwan. Long time friend thrown under the bus for China. Will history repeat?
At a summit meeting in January 1979, German Chancellor Schmidt delivered a strong protest to President Carter that his new 'China card' policy was proving extremely destabilizing for fragile German-Soviet relations, by creating the impression in Moscow that NATO was aggressively encircling the USSR in an arc of chaos and military hostility.
In October 1979, a devastating new Anglo-American financial shock was unleashed on top of the second oil crisis of that year.
That August, on the advice of David Rockefeller and other influential voices of the Wall Street banking establishment, President Carter appointed Paul A. Volcker, the man who, back in August 1971, had been a key architect of the policy of taking the dollar off the gold standard, to head the Federal Reserve. Volcker, a former official at Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank, and, of course, a member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, was president of the New York Federal Reserve at the time of his appointment as head of the world's most powerful central bank.
1978 Nov 9th, Trilateral Commission member Paul Volcker (Federal Reserve Chairman from 1979-1987) would affirm at a lecture delivered at Warwick University in England: “A controlled disintegration in the world economy is a legitimate object for the 1980s.” This is also the ideology that has shaped Milton Friedman’s “Shock Therapy”.
Despite the fact that an oil price of $40 per barrel represented a dramatic increase in dollar terms, the size of the oil crisis, combined with the growing international alarm over the incompetent Carter administration, led to a further weakening of the dollar. Since early 1978, the dollar had already dropped more than 15 per cent against the German mark and other major currencies. The price of gold was rising rapidly and in September 1979 was at the record high of almost $400 per ounce. Arab and other investors were preferring to invest in gold rather than dollars. In September 1978 the dollar fell in a near panic collapse, when it became known that Saudi Arabia's Monetary Agency had begun liquidating billions of dollars of U.S. treasury bonds. It appeared that Mr. Carter's presidency was proving too much even for these staunch U.S. allies.
The policy strategists based in the City of London and New York then resolved to impose a Malthusian monetary shock on top of the oil crisis, to tilt the balance of world development decisively to their relative advantage.
In October 1979, Volcker unveiled a radical new Federal Reserve monetary policy. He deceived a shocked Congress and a desperate White House by insisting that his radical monetarist cure was aimed at 'squeezing inflation out of the system.' It was aimed at making the U.S. dollar the most eagerly sought currency in the world and to stop industrial growth dead in its tracks, in order that political and financial power flow back to the dollar imperium. Volcker's cold rationalization to Congress was that 'restraint on growth in money and credit, maintained over a considerable period of time, must be an essential part of any program to deal with entrenched inflation and inflationary expectations.'
The defect in Volcker's monetary shock therapy was that he never addressed the fundamental origins of the soaring inflation—two oil price shocks since 1973, which had raised the price of the world's basic energy and transportation by 1,300 per cent in six years. And Volcker's insistence on restricting the U.S. money supply by cutting credit to banks, consumers and the economy, was also a calculated fraud. Volcker knew full well, as did every major banker in New York and London, that control of America's domestic dollar supply was a minor part of a far larger problem.
Volcker knew that his actions had little control on the estimated $500 billion outside the United States, circulating in the so-called Eurodollar markets of London and the Cayman Islands and other offshore hot-money havens.
At the time of the October 1979 Volcker monetary shock therapy, Morgan Guaranty Trust calculated the gross size of the Eurodollar offshore markets at fully 57 per cent of the entire domestic U.S. money supply.
The American citizen was to pay the cost of this rampant offshore money pool, as though it never existed.
In both his objectives, Volcker succeeded. U.S. interest rates on the Eurodollar market soared from 10 per cent to 16 per cent, on their way up to levels of 20 per cent in a matter of weeks, as the world looked on in stunned disbelief. Inflation was indeed being 'squeezed' as the world economy was plunged into the deepest depression since the 1930s. And the dollar began what was to be an extraordinary five-year-long ascent.
The oil crisis and the Volcker shock were further strengthened by a decision of the leading circles of the establishment to 'take the bloom off the nuclear rose' once and for all, in order to ensure that the alarming trend of developing worldwide nuclear energy resources to replace reliance on Anglo-American oil was decisively ended.
Unprecedented diplomatic and legal pressures from the White House since 1977 had not succeeded in significantly blunting the attraction of nuclear power. But on March 28, 1979, in a town in the center of Pennsylvania, a bizarre event occurred, which was then portrayed to the world press in fictitious terms, as though it were a Hollywood movie script or a remake of Orson Welles' 1938 War of the Worlds radio broadcast.
Unit 2 of the Three Mile Island nuclear power reactor complex in Harrisburg underwent an improbable sequence of 'accidents.' Later investigation revealed that critical valves had been illegally and manually closed before the event, preventing emergency cooling water from entering the reactor’s steam generator system. Within 15 seconds, emergency back-up systems had brought the nuclear fission process to a stop. But a plant operator then violated all procedure and intervened to shut off cooling water into the reactor core. The details of what happened next have been extensively documented elsewhere.
On August 3,1979, in its official report on the event, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission posed sabotage or criminal negligence as one of six possible causes for the Three Mile Island event. But even after eliminating the other five possible causes, the government refused to consider the possibility of sabotage seriously.
News to the world's media during the entire Harrisburg drama was strictly controlled by the newly established White House Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). No government or nuclear plant official was allowed to speak to the press, except when screened by FEMA censors.
FEMA had been created by Presidential executive order, based on the blueprint of Trilateral Commission White House adviser Samuel Huntington. Curiously, the agency went into operation on March 27, five days before its stated date of operation, and the day before the Three Mile Island incident.
Under the direction of National Security Adviser Brzezinski, FEMA controlled all news at Harrisburg. The agency ordered the evacuation of the surrounding population, although there was no indication of radiation danger, and refused to brief the media for days, permitting panic stories of fictitious items such as 'Gigantic Radioactive Hydrogen Bubble into Atmosphere,' and worse, to fill the headlines. Curiously too, that same month a spectacular Hollywood movie, The China Syndrome, starring Jane Fonda, portrayed a fictional account almostly exactly parallel with the Harrisburg events, further fueling public hysteriaover the dangers of nuclear energy.
TMI was A False Flag disguised as an accident and timed just after FEMA began operations to discourage Nuclear Power. Islam (Iran) and the West (TMI), coordinating their Psyop with Hollywood and MSM
By the end of 1979, the hegemony of the Anglo-American financial establishment over the world's economic and industrial potentials had been reasserted in a manner never before imagined. Control of world oil flows had again been a central weapon of their peculiar brand of Malthusian policy. Out of the chaos of Khomeini's Iran and Volcker's dollar shocks, these influential policy arbiters virtually saw themselves as gods on Mount Olympus.
Note: The take down of America and the West has continued unabated over the last 50 years. We are now are in an accelerated phase and reaching “Warp Speed”. Buckle up, the turbulence will be rough
As for what next in the region? The Genocide in Gaza continues. Todays rebels in Syria become tomorrows terrorists requiring continued US presence in Syria and justification for Israel taking and holding Southern Syria as a buffer. Time will tell