In the first half of 2020 I wasn’t on Twitter (my 2nd tweet after signing up in 2012 was in August 2020) or Substack (September 2021) . I was mainly commenting on Moon of Alabama until I got banned because despite being a good analyst on Geopolitical skirmishes (albeit too much of a Putin and Xi apologist) he was an avid COVIDIAN
I do most of my work on Notes before posting so I thought it would be of interest to see what my thought process was then and extract relevant notes by date.
This might not be of any interest to anyone but myself.
As we entered 2020 we were all at different levels of “awareness” that may have affected how quickly we could figure things out. I was 5 months past Kindey Cancer Surgery that had me doing a deep dive into Immunology and Cancer while worrying about reduced kidney function and possible metastasis and the need for Immunotherapy
I had also developed a deep distrust of the Medical Mafia based on some personal experiences, and my deep dive on Vaccine Safety and Viruses thanks to guys like RFK Jr and books by Suzanne Humphreys (Dissolving Illusions) The Virus and the Vaccine, Peter Duesberg (Inventing the AIDS Virus) , Oslers Webb, Judy Mikovits (Plague of Corruption) and after watching how various states were pushing hard to eliminate Childhood vaccine exemptions (thinking Adults were next).
I also had a healthy skepticism of China and knew from living there that none of the psyops coming out of China was possible without their permission.
My contempt for Trump was beyond words but going into 2020 I found myself thinking he didn’t screw things up as much as I expected. I realize now his Administration’s priority was OPERATION COVID, although I suppose it was possible he was clueless.
I was also somewhat of a Conspiracy Theorist post 9/11 and familiar with Technocracy , Transhumanism, Agenda 21/2030, Sustainable Development, and I had read Larry Finks 2020 letter to investors while Trump was attending Davos for a 2nd time with great alarm.
So you might say I was primed from the get go, but I was also in Taiwan so I pretty much had to watch things from afar , as things were relatively stable here in 2020
I also had a poor grounding in Virology and Cell Biology due to my age and this resulted in a bit of a lag from entering too deep into the origins and engineering of the virus discussion, although I was quite sure early on it was deliberately released if there even was a virus. I wasn’t quite sure there was a virus at first (not that I denied the existence of all viruses) .
So anyways, lets get to it. My first Comment was when China announced its Lockdown. Until then I wasn’t sure this was going anywhere, although I did note the sequences were released on an auspicious date-January 11 (and Pandemic was declared March 11)
Of course, we now know that China sent the sequence to NIH on December 28, 2019 but they did not release it.
January 24,2020
So Chinas first BSL-4 biohazard lab was built in 2015. Guess where? Wuhan. One of its early projects was working on coronaviruses like SARs.
China with its 1.4 billion population, much of it aging due to birth rates are at its lowest levels since the famines under Mao, has a big problem. Makes you wonder if they are working on a solution.
As the most advanced Technocratic state in the world due to its authoritarian state control and technology , and complete control over the media, its the perfect technocratic lab to undertake projects like forced quarantining of mega cities like Wuhan.
Technocrats worldwide are salivating at the idea and eagerly awaiting results so they can update their own plans. If all goes well they can conduct their own quarantines having a better idea what to expect.
And can mandatory vaccines be far behind? NIH has already announced scientists are hard at work developing a vaccine working with Pharma, despite only just having got the gene sequences. Clinical trials should be ready to start in a couple of months but since vaccine makers have zero liability they could fast track approval and abbreviate if not eliminate any safety testing
Right now this just seems like a bad cold. Not really worth the hype but people today are so easily terrorized they will meekly submit to forced quarantine and forced vaccination. After all, you cant unleash a virus that might actually endanger the elite , and you can be sure the elite wont be quarantined or receive an experimental vaccine. Leave that to the cattle.
Feb 4,2020
So how do we know this or anything else for that matter is real. What if its a global media-government fiction. As a famous neocon once said, we create your reality and all you can do is try and keep up. The Noble Lie as espoused by philosophers from Plato to Leo Strauss condone lies by the elite to manipulate the lower classes for their own good (their being the elite)
We are told China has a bunch of people who are sick. I don’t doubt it. Lots of people in China. Lots of pollution. Its cold/flu season. High population density facilitates spread of any virus. But what if they just made up the fact that its a new disease to scare their people into accepting draconian measures like forced quarantines, drone harassment, travel bans.
Perhaps to implement forced vaccinations that may help their aging overpopulation problem? Perhaps to distract a population growing uneasy with an economic down turn, growing personal debt, increasing inequality, pollution and a faction that cant be too happy with a trade deal in which China got nothing in return? Maybe blame the US to spark nationalistic support for the party elite?
Maybe the West is playing along because Big Pharma sees an opportunity (Gilead Science-Rumsfelds Tamiflu company is trialing a new antiviral in Beijing).
Vaccine developers at Big Pharma/NIH are hard at work, can mandatory vaccinations for travelers be far behind?
Event 201 and Netflix Pandemic production (released in January), both with neomalthusian Bill Gates connections /sponsorship show this was something the elites had prepared for.
But some might say “what about the tests showing they have the virus”? These tests developed by China only show patients have certain antibodies that are claimed to be specific to the virus. Maybe they are common in a certain group of patients with respiratory infection and not specific to this virus.
Genome sequences? Who knows where they came from. In the US , CDC has a monopoly on all testing. CDC is a captured agency of Big Pharma caught several times of lying about vaccine data. Not trustworthy.
Now I am not saying this is a hoax, I don’t know this, I am just asking you to think about what you really know, which is nothing except 2nd-10th hand reports.
Now, people in Wuhan may know a lot more, but there is no free speech in China. The internet is heavily censored. People are for the most part imprisoned in their homes now, allowed out to shop every other day. There are no reports out of Wuhan that are not censored.
As for the crematoriums. Hey, Wuhan has 500+ deaths a day without a pandemic. They cremate everyone who dies, not just coronavirus victims.
Sick people in hospital? Duh. People wearing masks? Most wear masks season round due to pollution, and now they are mandatory, so nothing new there.
Feb 26,2020
Call me small brain if you like but I’m sticking to its not worse than a bad cold or flu. Both cold and flu also affect the elderly and chronically ill hardest.
Like flu and pre-vaccine measles, confirmed cases are only 1-10% of actual cases. Thats because mild cases are not tested or reported. In fact most never see a Doctor. This is probably exacerbated by those who fear being quarantined with really sick people. So that brings the 3% fatality rate to 0.03-0.3% because only the dead and seriously ill get tested.
Then there is an issue of test validity. The tests have been rushed to market. Sensitivity and specificity not well established. A better indicator is hospitals admissions due to pneumonia and comparison to other winters. A socialized country like China should have no problem providing that data.
According to WHO there are 200 million pneumonia cases worldwide each year. If half occur in winter China would have 14 million pneumonia cases in a typical winter. So far only 80,000 covid-19 cases (not all are pneumonia, only 20%). Drop in the bucket.
Anyways, there is a clear agenda. Vaccine profits, more government control, etc. China is a member of the WEF/WHO club. They have other reasons for going along as well. A distraction for the people growing increasingly unhappy over wealth inequality, pollution and censorship. As a one party state they cant blame the other party. Blaming the US for their virus helps deflect the anger.
Meanwhile HK protests all ended.
Feb 27,2020
Its basically a bad cold thats being hyped to get support for mandatory adult vaccinations. Just need to look at who was behind Event 201 and the Pandemic documentary released at the start of the outbreak in January to know this was planned. The same guy who funds GAVI and WHO and behind ID2020 alliance to give digital ID’s by vaccine.
Seriously, people need to do some math. WHO reported that the world experiences 200 million cases of pneumonia each year, and CDC says over 30,000 deaths due to flu in the US each year. Of course both are pushing vaccines so take with a grain of salt but still, this virus contribution to deaths and pneumonia is a drop in the bucket by comparison. The tests used to confirm positives has not been validated, maybe some false negatives but probably more false positives.
The main difference is draconian actions by government taking peoples rights away with quarantines and travel restrictions, and soon mandatory vaccines. These are creating disruptions and the MSM does its part to cause panics with hysterical reporting. Thats exactly what they want.
China actually passed a new law in December to enforce mandatory vaccinations for certain diseases and emergency vaccines. One of Gates funded companies got a patent approved in November that applies to processes used for coronavirus vaccine. China signs trade deal in January promising to honor intellectual property like vaccine patents.
Hollywoods best writers must have been hard at work putting the script together. That would explain the dismal shows on TV and movies.
Feb 27, 2020
The Fed letting Trumps precious stock market plunge in an election year over coronavirus proves this is a psyops. The Fed as you know took over the Plunge Protection Teams operations in 2009. The market wont plunge without it standing down. Something big going down.
Mandatory vaccinations coming I think, maybe martial law and postponement of election. This may be just the preconditioning phase.
I predict it winds down my April. Another wave in the fall after vaccines are prepared and then martial law to round up everyone for their shots.
Trump will be called a hero for saving us, and made President for life. Ivanka will inherit his throne when he dies. No more elections. Yay. Bernie threat alleviated.
Dow will go to 50,000. The vaccines will implement Gates digital ID as worked on by his ID2020 Alliance. 5G will allow 24/7 tracking of each individual. Nanobots will monitor health 24/7 and report instantly via 5G to nip future pandemics in the bud. The DHS (department of health security) will keep us safe. This will of course be global in scope.
Hollywood must have worked 24/7 in 2019 on the script. No wonder tv and movies are so awful, the best writers were working on the 2020 reality show.
March 10,2020
Coronavirus is not a new virus. There are several strains in circulation every year. This is a new strain. Like other cold viruses, it mutates, so nobody ever has full immunity. Thats why flu vaccines have low effectiveness. Thats why people get the flu and colds repeatedly through their lifetimes.
People seem to have little understanding of how our immune system works. Most of us don't need antibodies to fight off a cold or flu virus. Our innate immune system is the first line of defense and for most people sufficient to defeat the virus. Antibodies take up to 2 weeks to be produced in sufficient quantities after infection. While antibodies can help minimize symptoms after reinfection, if the new virus is sufficiently different, something called the original antigenic sin comes into play and can actually cause worse symptoms.
In older people, which are more severely affected by covid-19, an over reaction by the complement system of the innate system is responsible. Due to chronic inflammation due to aging the elderly have more active complement molecules than younger people. When antibodies are produced after a couple of weeks this actually amplifies the complement response and symptoms worsen, followed by death in some cases.
Younger people who have no more humoral immunity than older people are not severely affected as they have less inflammation and complement molecules. Indeed young children's immune systems respond differently than adults as their innate immune system works to minimize inflammation.
Now, people like to recite the CFR. Unfortunately, the mortality rate must be calculated by deaths divided by total infections. Confirmed cases are not total infections. Total infections are an order of magnitude higher because mild cases are not tested and confirmed. The flu mortality figures reported by cdc are not based on testing and confirmed cases, its based on models. If they reported data based on actual testing. There would be far fewer deaths and mortality rate would be higher.
Measles is a good example. In 1963 before vaccines, 400 deaths and 400,000 reported cases. A fatality rate of 1/1000 or 0.1%. However, doctors know that every child got measles during childhood, although most were mild and not reported. So measles infections had to be 4 million a year. This brings the mortality rate to 1/10,000 or 0.01% .Big difference.
Outside of hubei, italy and iran, mortality rate based on confirmed cases is under 1%. For those under 50 its less than 0.2%. The actual mortality rate is likely 10 times lower.
So, hate to say it, but Trump is right.
<Trump was right, but 6 days later he locked us down. Secret Epstein Files?>
Lots of money to be made by hyping this though. When the market carnage is done lots of buying opportunities for the rich. Former CDC director working at Merck sold off half her shares in January for millions. Going to be some choice scraps to buy when markets hit bottom.
<Billionaires all got richer>
March 20, 2020
There is zero evidence that the virus is from a Chinese or U.S. or other (weapon) laboratory and the claim actually makes no sense. The genome of the virus consists of more then 23,000 'letters'. It is significantly different than the genome of other known viruses.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Actually, its pretty similar to the bat virus found in 2013 as reported by Shi Zheng Li in January , 2020. And the key word is “known”. How stupid would you have you have to be to publish the sequence data in public papers of the exact virus that will be used as a weapon before unleashing the virus. Shi Zhengli was involved in gain of function research for over a decade working with Ralph Baric at UNC on some research.
If you look at the research thats been done on corona viruses gain of function and corona virus/ebola/zika virus vaccines you run into the same names a lot, Chinese scientists like Shi Zhengli, American scientists like Ralph Baric of UNC, Wuhan institute of Virology/BSL-4 lab, ,Duke University and USAMRIID, both of which has ties with Wuhan University-Institute of Medical Virology all funded by USAMRIID, DARPA, NIAD, BARDA, NIH , chinese military, chinese CDC, Bill Gates (WHO, Event 201, AMC, CEPI) , and various vaccine makers such as Innovio, Moderna, NanoViricides, etc, often in collaboration with each other. George Gao of China CDC attended Event 201.
Look close at Project Bioshield-The Department of Homeland Security uses intelligence reports to decide which diseases and biological threats are considered "material," or realistic threats to US security. It then refers these findings to Health and Human Services (HHS), which determines whether it's necessary for the government to order new drugs from pharmaceutical companies to combat the threats.
A funding agency within HHS called the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) hands out lucrative contracts, parts of which can be paid up front.
The parent agency (HHS) in charge of funding drugs and vaccines for the national stockpile, is also the one that is separately funding research into new diseases that could result in a bioterror or accidental infection, which would in turn demand a response from the national stockpile. Sounds like a racket
More on Ralph Baric- also known as the Godfather of Corona Virus due in part to a corona virus vaccine patent in 2002 as well as his subsequent research. But Dr. Ralph Baric's lab
is designed to develop drugs against new emerging pathogens focuses on coronaviruses. Baric and his 30-person team partnered with Gilead Sciences, Inc. six years ago to test antiviral drugs such as Remdesivir to curb emerging viral diseases that were then largely overlooked by big pharmaceutical companies.
Gilead Science as you recall struck gold with Tamiflu thanks to Bird Flu scares that followed after SARS. Also known for its association with Donald Rumsfeld.
March 23,2020
Hopefully this is short lasting but I think given they were so quick to slam the economy I suspect the early stage is akin to the planes striking the towers. The next stage is demolition followed by rebuilding, and elimination of whats left of our freedoms. Patriot Act II has probably already been written
There is an agenda of course, and its the same agenda as those behind Climate Change Terror. A total remake of the economy and global/national governance. Total control over individuals. The same folks behind the Pandemic Industrial Complex are behind Climate Change and Digital ID/Reproductive Management, Mandatory Vaccinations. Bill Gates, Rockefeller Foundation , Global Financial Institutions, and of course the worlds Central Banks and UN institutions like WHO and World Bank (pandemic bonds anyone?).
Its about the coming Green Economy thats being planned. An authoritarian world government where everyone is controlled by Technocrats using technology (5G, IoT, surveillance, smart meters, big data, digital ID, social credit scores), for the purpose , so they say, of meeting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. And lets not forget Big Pharma with Mandatory Vaccinations for all. Experimental DNA changing vaccines this fall, what could go wrong?
They knew they couldn’t achieve what they want with only Climate Change fears since the dubious consequences are too distant for most people, so they need to resort to something that will generate immediate fears, especially for older people and perhaps something that will reduce the number of older people.
They have actually been preparing for a large scale Pandemic for 20 years with a few trial runs conducted with SARS, MERS, Swine Flu, Ebola, Zika, Bird Flu. Of course. The 1976 Swine Flu and maybe even HIV pandemic gave them the idea of how useful Pandemics or the threat of Pandemic can be to create social demand for testing, vaccinations,
travel/immigrant restrictions and behavioral changes. Bioterrorism is clearly effective.
What next, Global War on Pandemics? Nanobots that monitor individuals health 24/7 and reports to authorities via 5G health and location data for each individual with their digital id. Homeland Security to screen incoming travelers for disease? Automatic quarantine for anyone who is on the streets and detected with fever by IR cameras and drones? Fever prisons?
Obviously they couldn’t unleash a deadly new virus that puts them at risk too. So this is not too deadly, assuming its even a new virus and not just of a test designed to be positive in a percentage of people who mostly only get tested when they are real sick.
People would figure it out eventually so they had to bring down the economy to reinforce the Pandemic Virus, that way they guarantee panic and fear that would allow them to make rapid changes.
Nobody was worried much in 2009 because the economic collapse had already happened and it was business as usual, especially when people realized it was just the flu, and nobody was turning into zombies or dropping dead in the streets.
<I was flirting with the no virus hypothesis then>
The collaboration with China is interesting as well, but that would take up too much space to explain fully. Two Words. Fake Wrestling. We made China, from when we betrayed the KMT and withheld aid as Stalin was arming the Communists, to throwing Taiwan under the bus and recognizing China, to MFN despite them being communists (unlike sanctions against FSU, Cuba, Iran, Venezuela). Tariffs are not sanctions.
If you look at the research thats been done on corona viruses gain of function and corona virus/ebola/zika virus vaccines you run into the same names a lot, Chinese scientists (Shi Zhengli) , American scientists (Ralph Baric-UNC) , Wuhan , UNC, Duke all funded by DARPA, NSAID, NIH , USAMRIID, chinese military, chinese cdc ,Bill Gates, etc, often in collaboration with each other. George Gao of China CDC attended Event 201 funded by Gates
China is the model for future governance. Look at the praise they get for the handling of Covid 19. Completely ignoring the reality that China did not tell its own people about the risk immediately and refused to let in major foreign epidemiological teams and delayed release of samples and genomic sequences.
Nationalism is now a useful tool of the Globalists. Globalism is for the controlling elite (corporate and philanthropic individuals via Foundations). They control nationalist leaders who use alleged external threats from other nations as a means to control their populations. Immigration and party politics serves to divide populations. Divide and rule.
China has neither party politics nor immigration to divide people so they must resort to playing up conflict with other countries (like the US was behind Covid). The same is true in Russia albeit to a lesser extent. Conflicts between nations, and conflicts between political parties are for the most part Fake Wrestling.
There is unification among the global elite and has been since around 1990 when the US, FSU, Chinese and European (under the EU) elites united under WTO and neoliberalism with its associated wealth inequality, while forcing austerity measures on populations used to socialism, with democratic socialism faring better than communist socialism . China and Soviet elites saw how much better Western Elites lived and wanted the same.
Russia went all in with oligarchal capitalism and Democracy. China decided to keep their socialist religion with Fake Socialism while turning state assets over to the party elite who privatized (in their name) the profitable assets while socializing the losses (not unlike us).
Democratic capitalist countries like the US who once had a productive economy that made stuff were transitioned into neoliberal debt based service sectors that produced mainly financial products like derivatives and sub-prime backed securities and food increasingly dominated by Big Agribusiness. Profits by multinationals were increased by labour arbitrage using cheap labor and booking profits overseas to avoid taxes in US and Europe.
The Rockefeller Foundation funded a study on the consequences of the next Pandemic in 2010. One of the more likely scenarios was what they called Lock Step .
“A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership...”
“The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.”
“During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.”
At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty— and
their privacy — to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for
top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests. In many developed countries, enforced cooperation with a suite of new regulations and agreements slowly but steadily restored both order and, importantly, economic growth.
By 2025, people seemed to be growing weary of so much top-down control and letting leaders and authorities make choices for them. Wherever national interests clashed with individual interests, there was conflict. Sporadic pushback became increasingly organized and coordinated, as disaffected youth and people who had seen their status and opportunities slip away— largely in developing countries — incited civil unrest...... Even those who liked the greater stability and predictability of this world began to grow uncomfortable and constrained by so many tight rules and by the
strictness of national boundaries. The feeling lingered that sooner or later, something would inevitably upset the neat order that the world'sgovernments had worked so hard to establish”
So they are expecting pushback, and perhaps desire this so they can take the next step (culling the herd)
Thats the background. Fast-forward. Millions of people thrown out of work and confronting poverty, food riots, looting, and violence. Troops on the street to enforce an unnecessary lockdown and confront with deadly force rioters, looters, as well as folks outraged over the dismantling of civilization, many of whom will see this for what it is—a cover for an economic reset and the establishment of an elitist-driven totalitarian global authority. The internet kill switch might even be used if censorship proved ineffective. Martial Law, rights removed, perhaps suspension of elections. Maybe Trump is crowned king (corona means crown). Who knows? I am sure Hollywood was pulled in to write the script. Maybe Tom Hanks had a say writing himself in.
Those in power also realized the asset bubble and Ponzi economy could not be sustained. COVID-19 can be blamed for the crash. That takes central banks, the Federal Reserve, investment firms, and other economic criminals off the hook . They will be reward with tens of trillions of bailout dollars. Some will trickle to the little people to pacify them. Maybe Medicare for all (last scare in 2009 gave us Obamacare and 4 billion for the vaccine industry)
Anyways, recommend reading William Engdahl on the money behind the Green Economy and Patrick Wood on the Technocracy Agenda.
There is also a religious motivation (Transhumanism) but I will leave that for another time.
I hope I just have an overactive imagination.
March 26,2020
Your former classmate [Pompeo] misspoke and called it an exercise. Maybe thats all it is. Trump has a nice bump in the polls I see. Bibis trial is on hold, France has the yellow coats off the street and HK protesters are no more. Lot of wins here. Moderna is first in line with a vaccine and based in Cambridge close to the Boston outbreak at Biogen , Lombardy is home of the ousted right wing party's leader Salvini and Trump promised to finance Italys debt with them issuing US denominated bonds, Wuhan is Chinas biotech center home to Biolake and a new BSL-4 lab, Iran is dependent on China for trade so a nice market for China to sell their vaccines since sanctions wont allow them to buy US /EU vaccines, Mnuchin’s says the stock sell off a good buying opportunity
April 1, 2020
This is interesting
“On January 13, Agnes Buzyn, still France’s Health Minister, classifies chloroquine as a “poisonous substance,” from now on only available by prescription. An astonishing move, considering that it has been sold off the shelf in France for half a century.....
On Tuesday, the French Health Ministry officially prohibited the utilization of treatment based on chloroquine recommended by Raoult. In fact the treatment is only allowed for terminal Covid-19 patients, with no other possibility of healing. This cannot but expose the Macron government to more accusations of at least inefficiency – added to the absence of masks, tests, contact tracing and ventilators.
On Wednesday, commenting on the new government guidelines, Raoult said, “When damage to the lungs is too important, and patients arrive for reanimation, they practically do not harbor viruses in their bodies any more. It’s too late to treat them with chloroquine. Are these the only cases – the very serious cases – that will be treated with chloroquine under the new directive by [French Health Minister] Veran?” If so, he added ironically, “then they will be able to say with scientific certainty that chloroquine does not work.”
Then this
“Nevada's governor has signed an emergency regulation limiting the use of two anti-malaria drugs to treat coronavirus patients....”
April 11,2020
Thinking out loud here. Chinese scientists announce the virus is a corona virus and releases the genome sequences. We believe them without question. Granted, perhaps this is a new virus and this is true.
However, how do we know this is the only virus? Has anyone in the West done the investigation to confirm this is the only factor behind covid-19??
Perhaps this is a trojan horse. If a bioweapons lab releases 2 viruses and announces only one as the culprit, when the other one is the major or at least a significant problem, then everyone else is wasting their time looking for a vaccine based on the the first virus.
Meanwhile China has had almost no significant cases outside hubei despite the virus circulation for over 2 months in what is a major domestic and international transportation hub.
Something to ponder.
April 20, 2020
According to a Stanford University study, actual infections in the region vastly outnumber confirmed ones by a factor of more than 50....
The authors claim their data helps prove undetected infections are more widespread than reported (duh, well we knew that but nice to see it confirmed), thus the death rate in the county may be at least 50 times less (CFR/50) assuming deaths are properly counted (might be over counted actually but thats not in study)
It’s also hard to extrapolate from Santa Clara, one of the wealthiest counties in California, to the rest of the country
People had to be on Facebook and have a car to respond to their ads....
....in Manhattan, two hospital obstetrics wards decided to test every woman coming to give birth—the 215 expectant mothers were something of a random sample—and found that 15% were infected, though many didn’t have symptoms at the time of testing. They used genetic tests, which are considered the most accurate way to detect current infection but don’t capture those who’ve already recuperated.
A Boston homeless shelter also tested 408 residents, using the genetic tests, and found that infection there was rampant: more than 35% tested positive.
So hey, maybe herd immunity is closer than we think.
Here is a theory on why they are doing lock downs.
Gates and others have already clued us in on whats coming. Those who have antibodies will get immunity certificates and be free to travel. Those without immunity will need to wait for a vaccine and then be required to be vaccinated to get a vaccine certificate (or microchip) proving you are vaccinated and thus free to travel outside your home.
So, since the vaccine will take up to 18 months, the powers that be want to minimize those who have antibodies. This will mean a larger number of people who will need to get these DNA changing vaccines which are highly experimental and not safety tested over long periods.
The group most likely to have antibodies and exempt from testing will be those who were free to move around during the outbreak, being in essential services. Those include the elites , health care workers, public officials, military and first responders. Those subject to lock down, elderly, retired folks, non essential workers (restaurants, bars, gyms, kids, teachers, etc) will be antibody free and need to be vaccinated. Lockdown subjects are the most expendable members of the population.
April 21,2020
In Taiwan they banned flights from Wuhan on Jan 26, had started temp checks at airports earlier, and closed schools for a month after the Lunar New Year holidays. Thats it. No lock downs. No mandatory mask wearing except at hospitals and over the last couple of weeks on Trains. Hundreds of thousands of residents/citizens returned from China by Feb 1. Many more from infected areas in US and Europe over the next 2 months. Foreign visitors prohibited from mid-March
They do a lot of contact tracing and impose home quarantines on those who came in contact with infected persons but given how rapidly the virus can spread its pretty amazing there are so few cases of local transmission (vast majority are imported cases)
Personally I think the virus has been spreading for months and there is already herd immunity, but we cant know this for sure until they do widespread antibody testing.
<Look at that bump in excess deaths at end of 2019. Vaccination began in Q2-2021>
Covid-19 testing has been limited to those hospitalized with serious symptoms or those with contacts who are infected although I think I read they have expanded this recently to include anyone with pneumonia regardless of severity or contacts.
One thing I have noticed is that despite national health care the hospitals were quite less populated in February and into March. Being a cancer patient with diabetes and kidney disease I had no choice but to make all my appointments. This meant less chance of being infected because the hospitals are usually very crowded. So people choose not to go to hospital or doctors unless they are very sick. This might be changing over the last month though. In waiting areas every other seat is marked no sitting to help social distancing (instead of 3 cm now 40 cm distance)
<Look at the chart above again and see the negative excess deaths in 2020. Why? Maybe seeing Doctors less?>
People also self regulate. More people out walking in the parks, fewer people eating out. Social distancing not really a reality because of population density but trains seem slightly less crowded. When schools were closed kids were out traveling in packs and mingling with retired older populations that are not working. Not sure how effective that was but certainly understable.
<Maybe people were living healthier too>
They have done a good job of making people aware and concerned without creating panic like you see in US and parts of Europe. Being free of WHO and Big Pharma interests probably helps. Wish everyone could follow Taiwan and perhaps Swedens model.
April 22,2020
So 25% of Covid deaths in NYC are from nursing homes. British hospital beds at 50-60% utilization (normally 90%). NY ET’s instructed not to do CPR , and ER’s refusing to treat anyone over 80 (not verified though). Also respiratory cases in hospital not given oxygen. According to one Doc they let them crash and go direct to respirators which then kills them faster. Apparently thats to keep the virus from contaminating the O2 system ( who knows?).
Then there is the question why children who also have no immunity to this new virus are not dying as well. Back when PNAC declared a virus that targets certain ethnic groups could be valuable, perhaps they found a virus or synthesized one that attacks older people. Thats one way to save social security. Europe, China and US all have a problem with too many old people. Common cause.
<I later discovered a 2006 paper by Ralph Baric where he pointed out that coronavirus has a particular affinity for older people over 60>
Its hard to know whats real or not anymore. Definitely more deaths in NYC according to CDC numbers. Is CDC double counting death certificates? Are more people dying of other causes (heart attacks, suicides, drug overdoses, etc) because of depression, financial woes, lack of treatment (fear of going to ER and ignoring warnings, cancelled appointments, etc).
Don't know anything for sure. I suspect something is going around. Not sure its this virus though. Reminds me of HIV, something was happening but maybe not just HIV, yet the discredited Gallo said it was so and nobody looked for anything else. In this case based on Chinas say so its a coronavirus. Maybe something else involved though. Maybe not.
Maybe its all an illusion, or maybe the illusion is not all fake. Something there, but its being blown up into something larger than the reality.
All lies work better with some truth to them.
May 2, 2020
I agree with you but surely you see where this is going. Trump says everyone is going to have to get the shot of whatever experimental vaccine comes out, unless you have antibodies. So voluntary testing wont be an option.
<I cant find a link where he said that now, so maybe its fake or scrubbed>
Besides, these tests don't indicate you are infectious (even PCR can test positive once you have recovered and are no longer infectious), not to mention false positives/negatives of tests not thoroughly validated
In addition, the vast majority of positives are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. Knowing you are positive has little value from a treatment perspective unless you are sick enough to be admitted
Since the vaccine manufacturers don't have any liability just hope you get lucky and have antibodies or escape the side effects. It will probably end up being an annual shot as the virus mutates.
May 3, 2020
I can speak first hand on Taiwan. There was no lockdown. Schools closed for a month in February. They started temp checks at airport early January. In middle of March they banned foreign visitors and imposed 14 day stay at home for all incoming residents.
They did a pretty good job with contact tracing for the few (400+) who tested positive (5 dead). No over testing.
They did close a couple of nightclubs and stopped large gatherings. Baseball being played without fans in the stands.
They encouraged mask wearing and made masks a available. It was only mandatory for hospitals until recently on trains too. Gyms open with temp checks and registering name/tel number. Only employees wear masks.
Pretty much everything open from what I see. Schools since March 1, you can eat out, shop, whatever you want pretty much.
A large number of people here travel abroad, especially before and shortly after the lunar new year when it was at its peak in China. Lot of people living and working in China came back for the holiday. Many others travelled abroad to Europe and US for holidays. Many Taiwan kids returned from schools in Europe and US when colleges closed. Most confirmed cases were from those coming back. Very little local spread.
People of course exercised caution especially in the beginning . Fewer people at hospitals. Some ate out less. Pretty much normal over the last month. More people walking in parks
Social distancing here is just a pipe dream. Way too high a population density. Plus culturally, its just not done by most people especially older people. Most elderly live with family and not nursing homes.
May 6, 2020
Lockdowns were planned. The reason for the lock downs was to destroy the current economic order so as to start from close to scratch a new green economic order. The new order will use digital currency that will be distributed based on behavior that is monitored 24/7 to calculate your social credit score. Microsoft and Gates as a major shareholder has a patent for such a system.
The other reason is related to flattening the curve. This also lengthens the tail. Lengthening the tail keeps the “virus” around longer by delaying herd immunity, buying time for vaccine trials. They had done the preparatory work for the vaccine with government funding before the “virus” was unleashed. But trials could not begin until the disease was spreading and the “virus” was identified and sequenced , which China was kind enough to do promptly and share with us.
Of course, virus creators have a head up on virus discovery and vaccine development and US and Chinese scientists were collaborating with US government funding from health and military agencies, all of them captured by Big Pharma/Big Tech industries. Chinas CDC Director participated in Event 201.
Scientists had lamented lost opportunities with previous manmade outbreaks because they peter out too quickly to get a vaccine to market, unlike natural viruses. Lockdowns were the solution.
Like Jon said, any planned op undergoes exercises and simulations before hand. Crimson Contagion and Event 201 are just the most recent, but this has been planned since even before the Rockefeller Lockdown study in 2010, going back to the Jadon Groups studies report released around the SARS outbreak calling for exercises to test capabilities. This study may well have been in the works before the Dark Winter exercise. Plenty of Dark Winter veterans in running key agencies today
The current CDC director is known for his admitted fraud in a HIV vaccine trials. Fudging the numbers to make it seem effective to grab 20 million in additional funding. Investigation was whitewashed. So he is well positioned for this vaccine.
Indeed, Fauci announced in 2017 a pandemic would come to test the Trump administration . Trump closed the pandemic office of the NSC and rescinded the ban on GOF studies. Perhaps being duped by his Dark Winter and Big Pharma controlled advisers. Nobody knows.
Lots of activity the past 5 years from Agenda 2030, CEPI, ID 2020 ALLIANCE, introduction of Fake Meat investors like Cargill, Tyson, Gates (meats part of the same op, look at China did to its pork industry, as China leads, we follow). And of course the attack on Free choice for children's vaccines in many states was in part a bit of pre-programming since if the kiddies can be required to get a shot so can adults. Trump said everyone will have to take the shot (except elites who will have an antibody certificate).
Social Medias censorship followed Obamas 2016 Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act and lifted some restrictions on the domestic dissemination of government-funded media.The roots of all these social media Giants -Google, FB, Twitter , etc , lie in Government Funding and the public private partnership is strong as ever. Thats why most of alt media is simply controlled opposition. A different flavor of MSM.
May 14, 2020
The 10-city Boston-Newark-NYC Megalopolis spans 30,000 square kilometres along America’s northeast coast and hosts 36 million people. Ninety percent of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island citizens reside in this Megalopolis.
These 5 states (with 12% of America’s population) post 44,546 (55.2%) of America’s 80,789 C-19 deaths.
These 5 states’ combined population equals that of California’s (40 million). California reported C-19 cases earlier. Now, California records only 2,717 C-19 deaths
Smells like a small group have been cooking the books, yet states like California and many others simply follow along, probably because MSM focuses its attention on the Megalopolis to terrorize those in minimally affected areas so the become compliant.
None of this is possible without serious lowering of our collective IQ.
May 16, 2020
This science vs Trump charade is amusing. Trump is on board all the way. His proposing to use a cheap widely available drug is no worse than Fauci recommending a drug that failed his studies primary end point (reducing mortality rate) and then changing the endpoint after the data is in (and science by any measure) and claiming success because patients recovered a couple of days earlier.
Trump could have used his authority as President in an Emergency to prevent lockdowns (threaten to withhold aid or call in national guard) . Instead he supported lockdowns by allowing his CDC and Fauci (who serves at his pleasure) to issue lockdown guidelines,
Now Fauci says lockdowns must continue until a vaccine is developed, yet he also says there is no guarantee a vaccine will work because of what is known as antibody immune enhancement seen in animal studies on SARS vaccines (and with humans in Dengue snd RSV vaccines)
But Operation WarpSpeed continues. God knows how many will be harmed by it as manufacturers with no liability rush to market with experimental mRNA vaccines and experimental adjuvants . Remember, those under 50 are not at great risk for Covid but will be given these vaccines.
May 17, 2020
Is anyone sure there even will be elections?
Whitney Webb pointed out in January an Israeli company Cybereason based out of Boston conducted election simulations named Operation Blackout with Us intelligence agencies. Apparently hackers took down power infrastructure, took over vehicles and other stuff that caused martial law , messed with 911 call systems, and canceled elections. I am sure more simulations are planned. Maybe we do better next time.
Another Israeli company with investments from Peter Theil , the late Epstein and former Israeli Prime Minister and close Epstein associate Ehud Barak is Carbyne. They are selling digitized 911 system that helps first responders better process incoming emergency calls using information sources including live video streaming, voice over IP, and location detection. On Carbyne911’s leadership team is former Unit 8200 commander Pinchas Buchris. He is also an adviser to Cybereason
Trump signed an EO looking into protecting the power grid (we haven't been doing that for 20 years?) on May 1 . Remember last summer there were short blackouts within 1 months in LA, Bay Area and NYC. All had innocent explanations. This followed more extensive blackouts in Venezuela that was blamed on hackers. Wonder who did that. In August London and .much of the UK also had significant blackouts
Meanwhile a whistleblower named Rick Bright, who is also connected with Gates warns of the Darkest Winter from the 2nd wave of COVID
Hopefully elections happen but with Biden the only choice why bother. Besides social distancing and covid fears will cut turnout in urban areas by half or more. Thats the Dems base.
<I didn’t foresee the volume of mail in ballots, but Bidens winning was still a surprise given his obvious Dementia>
Trumps in for 4 more years. Maybe forever. Corona may have made him King. Ivanka next in line of succession
<I am calling for Trump to win in 2024. Hopefully my bad track record continues>
May 18,2020
Basically a global coup d’etat is taking place. Otherwise known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution that will lead to a Global Technocracy based on Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Nothing can stand in its way, they will steam roll it through. Censorship over corona virus is on Warp Speed.
A New Order will be brought forth based on Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development making use of 5G, IoT, AI/Robotics , Big Data to control all aspects of life of each individual
Trump announced 5G has a National priority in 2018. 5G is now being rolled out in US and much of Asia snd Europe at Warp speed in 2020, Under Trump the National Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (NSAIC ) was created in 2018 . It is made up of top members of the military-intelligence and tech industrial complex.
In 2019 they recommended” structural” changes for the American economy and society so as to follow China’s lead and surpass them in AI-driven technologies, particularly mass surveillance, self driving cars, fleet ownership of cars replacing personal ownership, cashless society, herding people into high urban density areas, eliminating in-store shopping, etc. They call for a civilian DNA databases a “logical next step and AI based health care to replace doctors
Trump then signed an EO making AI development a national security priority. Trump justifies his plans to defeat the fake enemy in China in the AI race by making us like China structurally. Although the US is the leader in developing AI technology we fail in the adoption phase due to structural factors and privacy rights which must be changed or removed. Recently the Republican Senate struck down an amendment to strengthen privacy rights. Privacy is a thing of the past.
At the Bilderbergs meeting 2019, under the motto “A Stabile Strategic Order “ and with an agenda obviously connected to AI and monitoring technologies, there were several prominent participants closely connected to Donald Trump: his son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner (business-partner with another participant of the particular meeting – Peter Thiel), the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (former head of the CIA) and Trump’s close friend, Henry Kissinger, one of the world’s most influential globalists.
Coronavirus like 9/11 will make such changes possible . From chaos to order.The 4th Industrial Revolution must demolish the current order to bring in the new order
This operation to demolish the current order was left to the Biotech Military Industrial Complex who have been hard at work developing and finding new virus and technologies for vaccines, and in developing technologies for Digital ID , Digital Currencies, Tracking, Surveillance, Data Collection and Control. Led by Bill Gates, Big Pharma, Military , Public Health and Intelligence Agencies, Big Banking and Big Data/Tech/Telecom.
They have been busy bees over the past few years planning to move. More recently note the following:
Crimson Contagion by the Trump administration’s US Department of Health and Human Services (January-August 2019).
Urban Outbreak Exercise, by the US Naval War College and Johns Hopkins (September 2019). Followed immediately by the US government’s creation of Flu Vaccine Task Force.
Event 201, by Johns Hopkins, the World Economic Forum, and Gates Foundation (October 2019).
One of Trumps appointments is especially interesting. Robert Kadlec is in charge of the Pandemic as Assistant Secretary of Pandemic Preparation and Response and responsible for doling out stock piles and funding for drugs and vaccines development and purchasing. Indeed, he was the positions creator 15 years ago who just happened to get appointed at the right time. Whistleblower Bright worked for him at BARDA Kadlec participated in the June 2001 exercise simulating a bioweapons attack called “Dark Winter.”
Interestingly the NYT warns in a recent article that 2020 that Bright said this will be the "darkest winter in modern history" if the U.S. doesn't quickly ramp up its coronavirus response
Meanwhile Operation Blackout simulations led by Israeli company(Cybereason) in conjunction with US military and security agencies are continuing, predicting hackers will take down the power grid to cancel elections . Trump issues EO on May 1 to protect the power grid. No power makes for a Dark Christmas for sure.
Before elections, a vaccine will be ready thanks to Operation Warp Speed , Project Jumpstart” and “RAPID USA,” and the mobilization of the military to administer these vaccinations.
Until we are all vaccinated, and even after that, plans are underway to monitor health and implement contact tracing. A House of Representatives’ Bill H.R. 6666, the “COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, and Contacting Everyone (‘TRACE’) Act” was introduced on May 1, incorporating what is considered the number of the beast in the Book of Revelation.
The bill grants $100 BILLION to entities around the country “to trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts.”
Curiously the CDC placed recruiting advertisements for dozens of quarantine officers in 20 locations last fall. While quarantine has been a CDC responsibility the need for such a large number of new officers is curious especially as there was no pandemic in sight
Administration officials – Jared Kushner, Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Alex Azar have “widely circulated” memos throughout the administration relating to proposals from 3 companies – Collective Medical, PatientPing and Juvare – to collectively “supply the government with information on where and how many patients are seeking care across 80 percent of the U.S. ‘in short order.’”
These three companies have ties to Silicon Valley giants with dubious records regarding data privacy and coordination with U.S. intelligence agencies, but also ties to controversial simulations that took place last year and seemingly predicted the current coronavirus crisis.
It is also worth pointing out the significance of Jared Kushner’s involvement in leading this effort, as his wife Ivanka Trump – the President’s daughter – was one of the leading proponents of a controversial program last year called the Health Advanced Research Projects Agency (HARPA).
Last September Trump had proposed is to establish a new agency called the Health Advanced Research Projects Agency or HARPA, which would sit inside the Health and Human Services Department. Its director would be appointed by the president, and the agency would have a separate budget, according to three people with knowledge of conversations around the plan. One of the leading proponents of this agency’s main program, called “Safe Home” (Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes), aims to develop an artificial intelligence-based system that would analyze data harvested from consumer electronic devices as well as information provided by health-care providers to identify those who might threaten others.
Though HARPA ultimately failed to gain traction, a similarly mass surveillance system is now being promoted in its place, with coronavirus now replacing mass shootings as the official justification. Its possible some event caused by an alleged COVID Lockdown Denier will be used to gain support for HARPA
Attorney General William Barr has spent the past months fine-tuning and implementing a “pre-crime” program. Officially known as the “National Disruption and Early Engagement Program” (DEEP), it aims to “identify, assess and engage” potentially violent individuals “before they strike.” Barr first announced this program last October in an official memorandum and therein stated that the program was to be implemented sometime over the course of 2020 and would involve “an efficient, effective and programmatic strategy to disrupt individuals who are mobilizing towards violence, by all lawful means.”
In the part of the document where Barr outlines what actions will be taken once an individual is deemed potentially violent or threatening, he writes that those individuals will be subject to detention, court-ordered mental health treatment and electronic monitoring, among other measures.
The FBI recently stated in an internal memo "conspiracy theories" were motivating some domestic terror threats and a series of questionable academic studies link "conspiracy theorists" to mental illnesses. Thus the DOJ could even make the case that failure to blindly trust government narratives presents a threat to the public order. Get ready for the rounding up and detaining of people for thought crimes.
None of this is really new, its just an evolution of Continuity of Government that was transformed by Reagan Administration into the devil that exists today.
As the de facto leader of COG development and planning during the Reagan administration, North oversaw the creation of a database that later became known simply as “Main Core.” The Main Core database, first built using the stolen PROMIS software , was essentially a list of American dissidents and “potential troublemakers.”
Main Core today likely involves the same software now used by every U.S. intelligence agency and numerous other federal agencies that is marketed by Palantir, a company created and owned by Trump ally Peter Thiel. Palantir’s software boasts “predictive policing” capabilities and tracks a category of person using the label “subversive,” very much in keeping with the spirit of Main Core.
The possibility of pre-crime detention was also present in the DOJ’s recent request for new “emergency powers” in light of the coronavirus crisis, as it specifically asks that those new powers apply to “any statutes or rules of procedure otherwise affecting pre-arrest, post-arrest, pre-trial, trial, and post-trial procedures in criminal and juvenile proceedings and all civil process and proceedings.” The inclusion of the term “pre-arrest” likely means that “you could be arrested and never brought before a judge until they decide that the emergency or the civil disobedience is over. “
A week before Gates funded World Economic Forum’s 2020 Davos meeting was held, the report Unlocking Technology for the Global Goals was released by WEF’s Global Future Council Working Group on 4IR for Global Public Goods. The report, written in collaboration with the audit and consulting firm PwC, reviews how the advanced technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) will contribute to meeting the objectives of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
This campaign is very well coordinated and includes governments, international organisations, and representatives of “civil society”. Also onboard are the big tech giants who all see great opportunities for profit (read: tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars) in “saving and improving the world”. All according to WEF’s principle of Public-Private Partnership
The report presents a technocratic society where the whole world is to be controlled and governed with the help of AI, satellites, robotics, drones, the Internet of Things, and with artificial food on the menu. A global digital panopticon where all human activities are to be recorded, analysed, and corrected with the help of Social Credits – yes, even here in the West!
<I think much of the above is from one of Whitney Webbs articles>
Also, just days before the Davos meeting in January, BlackRock founder and CEO Larry Fink published an unusual annual newsletter to corporate CEOs.
He wrote in a closely read letter that guides numerous corporations seeking investment from some of BlackRock’s $7 trillions, “Climate change has become a defining factor in companies’ long-term prospects.” Citing recent climate protests, Fink states, “awareness is rapidly changing, and I believe we are on the edge of a fundamental reshaping of finance..”
Fink tells us, “because capital markets pull future risk forward, we will see changes in capital allocation more quickly than we see changes to the climate itself. In the near future – and sooner than most anticipate – there will be a significant reallocation of capital.”
BlackRock plans to demand that companies it invests its $7 trillion into show proof that they are green compliant by, “making sustainability integral to portfolio construction and risk management; exiting investments that present a high sustainability-related risk, such as thermal coal producers; launching new investment products that screen fossil fuels; and strengthening our commitment to sustainability and transparency in our investment stewardship activities.”.
In recent months the world’s leading central bankers have come out declaring climate change, surprisingly, as a key part of the central bank “core responsibilities,” forgetting issues like inflation or currency stability.
This is important for another reason. Its recently come out that Larry Fink is advising the Federal Reserve as a consulant. Is this another Public Private Partnership the WEG , Rockefeller and Gates love to promote? Controlling the Fed or at least influencing them will certainly help his investments and his push for a Green Economy.
All told it seems like a well coordinated coup d’etat taking place globally and nationally along many fronts with many players having interlocking interests.
June 3, 2020
Politics is about religion, albeit a secular religion. Right vs Left. Us vs Them. Its about Faith and Not Reason.
People don’t want to give up their faith. Its comforting. The 2 party system makes Kayfabe a superb tactic. Trump is a master at Fake Wrestling
I believe that Trumps mission all along has been to bring reality to the people and discredit democracy in the eyes of the world, destroying the 2 party democracy into a single party Fascist State broken into regions along FEMA’s lines. The Nazis biggest supporters were US Industrialists and Finance. After the war we brought over many Nazi scientists and intelligence officers who should have been hung.
Fascism wasn’t defeated in Germany. It underwent a diaspora renaming its ideologies of fascism and eugenics to democratic Neoliberalism and Reproductive management/genetics. We are entering the 4th Reich. Also known as the 4th Industrial (Technocratic) Revolution
At the end of the day the right and left will undergo a synthesis. People will accept an authoritarian state like China which has been built up as the model Technocratic government the rest of the world will follow. Sustainable Development requires population reduction. That will follow. The Deagel population prediction may be correct
<Deagels prediction might be correct but not by 2025>
June 19,2020
Only 5 states had 10% or more excess deaths and 37 states had no more than 5% excess deaths
40% of these excess deaths were in nursing homes, and as many as 25% excess deaths were due to the lockdowns themselves (stress induced heart attacks/strokes, delayed or denial of health care, suicides, etc)
Interesting 150 fewer infant deaths per week occurred during this time A 40% reduction in deaths. Fewer vaccine shots given maybe?
June 30,2020
I don’t disagree that masks can be partially effective in reducing transmission. However, given what we know now from CDC own data, its mortality rate being not much more than the flu for anyone not in a nursing home or older people suffering from other serious disease, we must consider the safety of wearing masks for prolonged period.
Man needs oxygen. Where are the studies of masks and oxygen levels to prove they are safe?.
According to This “Human beings must breathe oxygen . . . to survive, and begin to suffer adverse health effects when the oxygen level of their breathing air drops below [19.5 percent oxygen]. Below 19.5 percent oxygen . . . , air is considered oxygen-deficient. At concentrations of 16 to 19.5 percent, workers engaged in any form of exertion can rapidly become symptomatic as their tissues fail to obtain the oxygen necessary to function properly (Rom, W., Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2nd ed.; Little, Brown; Boston, 1992). “
<I have since learned the elevation in CO2 levels may be much more significant than the drop in O2>
I would say mask wearing can be dangerous for those with heart or lung disease (of which there are many), young children (under 2) and anyone engaged in manual labor or exercise, or who has a respiratory infection.
Furthermore, in just the last week on 2 occasions I have seen people remove their mask to sneeze or blow their nose.
And ask yourself, someone with a running nose that causes the mask to get wet with mucus, how effective is that mask then?
People will try and save on cost of masks and reuse then. They then become virus collectors and probably spread virus.
What next? Hair can collect viruses in the air. A breeze can blow the virus from the hair into your eyes (unprotected by masks). Mandatory haircuts for all?
Suck it up and move on. There were more deaths from flu in 1957 with half the population. I managed to survive without masks or lockdowns. Same in 1968. Schools remained open. Churches too. You could visit grandma in a nursing home (unless you were sick). We all survived (except for the ones who didn’t). After that flu became less severe for decades. I didn’t get the flu again for 30 years. Haven’t had another for 20 years (no flu shots either)
Also, those elderly in nursing homes that accounted for 40% of deaths all had the Fluad flu shot per policy (approved for elderly only and with a super adjuvant to stimulate immune system- and cytokine storm killed many with Covid). Most elderly outside of nursing homes get the run of mill free FLU shot at CVS, if then (not 100% take it) . Death rate from COVID more than 10 times lower.
A curious thing too, during lockdown there were fewer vaccinations for children. Deaths dropped 30%. In Italy there were no SIDS deaths until they reopened and kids started getting shots again. Correlation is not always causation but thats worth a study.
July 9, 2020
Yeah, they are doing more testing, and yeah, the percent of positive tests are increasing, so they say
The problem is they dont report test positivity by test. At the end of May it was disclosed by CDC that they were combining antibody tests with PCR tests. This counted past and current infections together, thereby inflating cases while lowering positive percentage. Even PCR tests dont indicate a current infection as its not differentiating between live infectious particle and non-infectious particles
What they are doing now I dont know. If they are still combining antibody tests, well of course, the number of those who have antibodies will increase and so will positive percentage. This is a good thing. Closer to herd immunity
They are testing many people who are healthy and young. They dont get very sick. Its just a cold to them. They dont spread it without symptoms, WHO says asymtomatic spread is rare.
Everone who gets admitted to hospital or ICU gets tested, even if they are having knee surgery or had a heart attack . If you test positive you get listed as a COVID hospitization or ICU case, even if you are not sick from COVID.
As for masks, according to this immunologist
“Those young and healthy people who currently walk around with a mask on their faces would be better off wearing a helmet instead, because the risk of something falling on their head is greater than that of getting a serious case of Covid-19.”
Anyways, deaths are trending lower, getting to pre-epidemic/lockdown status. Its ovah for corona. May she rest in peace although she has made a lot of billionares richer so she will no doubt be replaced. They got a good thing going, not stopping here.
July 17, 2020
The developer of the uCampaign app, Vladyslav Seryakov, is an Eastern Ukrainian military veteran who trained in computer programming at two elite Soviet universities in the late 1980s. Interesting. Also of interest is Donald Trump Jr meeting with the israeli owner of Psy Group along with Eric Prince to discuss a proposal for Psy Group to manage perceptions for the election and influence social media. They also did opposition research honey traps. Thats right up Ghislaine and Jeffreys alley. Due to Muellers investigation they closed up shop. Erick Prince works for China.
Larry Fink of BlackRock used to be Trumps Investment Manager. Trump said he made him a lot of money before he stopped handling individual accounts. I find evidence of Israeli investment in BlackRock skimpy. They have a small presence in Israel but they are all over. I did find a photo of Larry playing a prominent role at a Chabad ceremony 10years ago. Nothing after. That should be explored given Kushners, Bayrock partners, a couple of Putins Oligarchs and Putins Rabbi are all Chabad supporters. I suspect it operates as an intelligence safe house as they have locations in many places outside the US. Thats just my speculation. Every President since Carter pays allegiance to its former Rebee, and in 1991 Congress issued and Bush signed a Declaration that said America was founded based on Noahide Law. Strange.
Larry is part of the Sustainable Development and Green Economy crowd. China is as well. Fink was a cofounder of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures ((TFCD )set up in 2016 . In January he sent out a letter indicating he would reallocate investments to companies practicing SDG.
220 CEO’s were forced to resign as a result of the coup by the Big Asset Managers Cartel led by Larry Fink.
Curiously PNC which was Black Rocks largest shareholder sold off their 22% stake at a discount in May. Don’t know what that was all about, but they have over a trillion $ and change to invest. Waiting for the bottom to fall out maybe. Preparing for the reset they will announce in January after a very Dark Winter
My idea on China is that like the 2 party illusion, the conflict with China is fake. There is just an enormous amount of collaboration with China on so many levels. Todays China is Made in USA starting with Kissinger and our MFN deals with Deng, not to mention giving them HK. China benefits from external enemies as well. Its a great control tool. So long as the leaders of each country know its a game there is no danger of escalation.
July 18,2020
Asymptomatic positive tests should not be counted as cases. If we tested everyone for common cold or flu viruses the case rate would be high too.
Death rates are falling, and COVID 19 deaths are no longer at epidemic levels, let alone pandemic. Heck if we tested everyone for measles antibodies and counted positives as cases we would say there is a measles pandemic
Most people are immune by virtue of a healthy cellular and innate immune response. Despite statements to the contrary, Sar-CoV-2 is not a new virus, and has similarities with other non-pathogenic corona viruses. Exposure to these viruses have provided partial immunity via trained innate and cellular responses, even if they are different enough that existing antibodies wont be effective. You don't necessarily need antibodies to recover from infections. They are needed as a last resort (takes 2 weeks to produce) but most recover before they have significant levels of antibodies.
During a flu season where a new strain is circulating only 20% will get infected. This is about what we are seeing with COVID.
Hospitals have adequate capacity. Once the viruses circulates enough we will have herd immunity (we may have it already)
The focus should not be on preventing young people from being exposed and locking them down, it should be on protecting the population most at risk (elderly and sick). 40% deaths occurred in nursing homes charging 5,000-10,000 a month. Start there. Ban the elderly from public events or places social distancing cant be practiced if needed. Heck most do so anyways, you don't need to mandate that.
<I cant believe I actually proposed that>
In Taiwan masks are not mandated except on public transportation and hospitals. Few cases. About 50% still wear masks outside these areas. Let people decide for themselves. If a business thinks mask wearing will help his business by making customers feel safe, let the business mandate it and those who don't like it will go elsewhere. Free markets can work unless government interferes and there is competition (free of monopolies)
Waiting for a vaccine before opening up is dumb. No guarantee it will be effective (like the flu) and there are potential adverse effects with any new vaccine. Make HCQ+zinc available to all who want to take it. Its cheap and relatively safe. Might not be totally effective but a placebo effect might help (masks are a placebo, making people think they are safe). There is just as much medical evidence that HCQ works as there are that MASKS are effective. Let those that want either have it. Their choice.
August 9, 2020
I don’t deny there is foreign influence in elections. Thats been true since the first election. But it seems to focus on foreign interests that seek to circumvent the democratic process we fail to consider the far more effective domestic influences that seek to do the same. The election process is so utterly corrupt at every level, but the keys to fair elections are simple
Eliminate all financial influence with public financing. Public financing is equal for all candidates (no party financing or private financing allowed)
Require news providers to give equal time to all parties.
Require equal access to all polling stations in number and quality as measured by turnaround time.
Paper ballots and hand counts required
Popular vote must replace electoral college system the latter was designed to address the large population of slaves who did not count or vote and should be cancelled
Vote on Saturday and Sunday (voters can choose which). Tuesday voting is an absurdity
August 15, 2020
I hate Trump and his swamp as much as anyone. However, I cant stomach Biden/Harris. Basically the DNC flipped off their base so it looks to me like the DNC is throwing the election (actually we knew that with Biden but going with Harris is giving them the bird with both hands) . Trump couldn't have picked a better opponent for himself.
Both parties are controlled by the same Globalists. Trump is their trojan horse, pretending to be otherwise but allowing the Globalists to exploit COVID/BLM so they can push through their Green Technocratic 2030 Agenda.
OTOH, if Trumps mission was to bankrupt America, he has already accomplished his mission. Him, Ross and Mnuchin are experts in bankruptcy and foreclosures. They have demolished the Real Economy and got the gun toting right sitting on the sidelines rooting for their favorite Tyrant.
A complete disintegration of the US would occur if Biden/Harris were to win or contest a Trump win, as the right has little tolerance for Tyranny by others. That would lead to civil war no doubt. Remember, its not who votes that counts, or how they vote, its who counts the votes. Thats done in each state.
I suspect the election results will be contested with the purpose of creating total chaos and breaking up the US into several parts that will lead up to the Great Global Reset in January.
While a civil war in the US seemingly puts the US on the sidelines a New World Order free of American hegemony will be supported by the rest of the world. Unknown to most, the Global elite who secretly control the US will also control the new Global Republic.
Out of the cooking pan and into the fire for them since there will be no freedom or democracy in this New World, and the same tyrants will rule them as in the US.
A divided America, after the end of the Civil War will reluctantly join the Global Republic as several separate nations. Global peace keeping forces will keep the peace and the US military will be integrated into the Global Republics Peace Force.
Biden/Harris will run the West Coast state. Trump gets the East Coast . What they plan for the middle I don’t know, maybe just a bunch of independent states with trade agreements with the East and West. Or maybe a group of non-Trump Republicans take it and run it.
Bipartisan Plans are being worked out for the chaos to come that will be triggered by the elections
August 19, 2020
Cant say I am optimistic about Scott Atlas. This is pure politics IMO. Scott talks sense on lockdowns but nobody is going to listen to him. Fauci is the man, not the only one, but his support brings in the money.
Also, the narrative is the Governors are pursuing their own course and the majority are not listening to Trump on stuff like HCQ and see him and his loyalists as promoting Fake News/anti-science. He is allowed to speak the truth on this because he has a reputation for being a pathological liar. If he says it peoples knee jerk reaction is it must be a lie. The best liars tell the truth once in awhile
Scott Atlas is a health policy expert, not infectious disease. As a doctor he was a radiologist. He pushes privatized health, wants to eliminate Obamacare and medicare. Thats why he is onboard to establish his credibility among those questioning lockdowns and masks so people will listen more when they go on to eliminate health care access for all. Thats my opinion. The Hoover Institution contains notables like Condi Rice and the late father of neoliberalism Milton Friedman. He is not in good company.
There is dated data (from 1981) showing a 37,000 increase in deaths for each percentage-point rise in the unemployment rate. It comes from a book called “Corporate Flight: The Causes and Consequences of Economic Dislocation” by Barry Bluestone, Bennett Harrison and Lawrence Baker.
According to the study a 1 percent increase in the unemployment rate will be associated with 37,000 deaths [including 20,000 heart attacks], 920 suicides, 650 homicides, 4,000 state mental hospital admissions and 3,300 state prison admissions.”
Multiply by 1.5 -2.0 to adjust for increase in population today. This doesn’t even include the excess deaths from lockdowns. All this is the reason for the majority of excess deaths. Not all COVID
Saw Plandemic II. Bit of partisan bias here. This is not all WHO/Gates/Fauci/China. Maybe useful for those not knowing much
Not mentioning Crimson Contagion run by Dark Winter veterans Azar/Kadlec that began a full 9 months before Event 201. No mention of NSAIC headed by Eric Schmidt which is part of the planning for the 4th IR, no Larry Fink and his plan to bail out Wall Street last August followed a month later by the banks causing a crisis by not loaning to each other, nor Trumps lifting the restrictions on GOF research and Barrs pre-crime program that rolled out last October, and Urban Warfare exercises in LA in January 2019, nor Urban Outbreak exercise run by the Navy last fall. Despite all the planning even today not enough N95 masks in nursing homes, yet nobody is fired. Oh yeah, last October Trump handed control over the national stockpile to Kadlec at BARDA. BARDA is exempt from FOIA requests. And how can they not mention Operation Warp Speed, 12 billion to vaccine makers and putting Modernas Dr Slaoui in charge? Trumps FDA still not authorizing HCQ and BARDA not widely distributing the stockpiles of HCQ
Oh well.
Good article on reset here. Have to translate from Swedish though
Interesting talk by RFK and Ron Paul on vaccines/COVID.
August 24, 2020
There was a lot of planning that went into this, not just nationally but globally. In order to bring on a New Order the Old Order must be destroyed. This one actually began in 1968 with RFK jr. assassination and Brzezinski’s book on the coming Technocratic Era. He later cofounded the TLC with Rockefeller, Bush, Kissinger, Volcker and Carter and they rolled out Project Democracy which called for a disintegration of society and the economy over the next several decades which has indeed occurred.
Now the technology and tools have given them the means to transform us into their Utopian World Order (dystopian for us).
I see the 2009 Swine Flu was a trial run for COVID (and SARS before that). The 3 things they learned was 1) they needed to flatten the curve to delay herd immunity until a vaccine was developed. 2) They also needed to inflate the death count by changing how cause of death is defined, and 3) they needed to increase testing especially when death rates dropped at end of the flu season and count asymptomatic positives as cases
In 2010 Rockefeller Fund issues its Lock Step report and Gates declares this to be the Decade of Vaccines. The Billionaires Good Club meets and agree to tackle the population problem (curiously a Deagle.com population estimate for 2025 lists the US population at 99 million, quite a drop)
Global Warming /Climate Change is hyped over the next decade with the push for a Green Economy escalating at the start of 2019. Larry Fink /Black Rock was cofounder of the 2015 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In 2016 the TCFD along with the City of London Corporation and the UK Government created the Green Finance Initiative, aiming to channel trillions of dollars to “green” investments.
AI, Robotics, IoT, 5G are the key to the 4Th IR and private public philanthropic funding goes into overdrive as plans for Digital Currency , Digital ID., Social Credit Scores planned
In 2018 Trump created the NSAIC for AI development led by Eric Schmidt , former Google CEO, Bilderberger and Team 8 member. In 2019 his report stated we needed to transform society to become more like China so that we could compete with them without being hindered by concern of violating privacy and rights. He also suggested social credit scores like in China could be used without being punitive. Trump issued an EO not long after making AI a national priority. He also issued an EO making flu vaccinations a national security concern
Censorship against Climate Deniers and Anti-Vaxxers escalated during the decade. Later expanding to other realms using Prop or Not, Poynters Gates funded IFCN , Obamas Countering Foreign Propaganda Act and in 2018 DHS compiling files on social media influencers using private contractors hired to monitor and collect info on them.
First Shelter in Place (Stay at Home) orders issued during Boston Marathon Bombing in 2013 to gage compliance of the population for future use.
17 Sustainable Development Goals for Agenda 2030 agreed to in 2015
In the 6 months before COVID several Central Banks and Larry Fink declared the urgency of Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Larry Fink tells companies in January that he will pull his 7 trillion in investments from companies who don’t focus on sustainable development. Now he is directing trillions in Fed money to companies he favors
Larry Fink proposed an Emergency Financial Bail Out to the Fed in August, 2019 claiming the Fed was running out of tools. A mini - crisis in September (false flag) when banks decided to to lend to each other followed as a warning , and COVID then gave Larry and his crew what he wanted. Larry incidentally was one of Trumps Personal Wealth Managers when he did that sort of thing. Made him a lot of money according to Trump.
Barr released his Precrime program in October and later requested the authority for precrime detentions during COVID outbreak
GOF research on natural viruses and synthetic virus development amply funded , as are Pandemic Prevention and DNA/mRNA vaccines. Trump lifted the temporary ban on GOF research in 2017 and Fauci immediately resumed funding some of which went to Wuhan
Dr Fauci said there will be a surprise outbreak during the Trump administration. He said this in a speech in January 2017 -given at Georgetown University on Pandemic Preparedness
CEPI was founded in Davos in 2017 by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and the World Economic Forum . Its mission is to stimulate and accelerate the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases and enable access to these vaccines for people during outbreaks.
In September 2019 European Commission (EC) “Roadmap on Vaccination” months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. The Roadmap will lead to a “commission proposal for a common vaccination card / passport for EU citizens by 2022”.
In September 2019 the Global Preparedness Monitoring Boards 15 board members issued their first annual report. Fauci and Chinas CDC Director are both on the board (as is Russia)
In the report they state that by September 2020:
“The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen”
Of course Event 201 occurred in October (following Crimson Contagion exercise in first half of 2019) and then comes COVID, supposedly in circulation at the start of October
Pompeo called the COVID outbreak a “live exercise” in March.
What next? Operation Blackout? War with China (an exercise, not real)? another Pandemic virus or just a 2nd wave of COVID enhanced by a nasty new flu vaccine specially made for the elderly over 65 (Quadravalent Fluad)? Maybe all of the above? Guess we will have to see what comes.
Incidentally Netflix showing a lot of old war /military movies, leading me to think a war may be in the cards somewhere soon.
Sep 4, 2020
My big picture view is the predatory elite wish to provoke an all out civil war between the 2 sides of the political divide. For what purpose? To create a new order one must destroy the old order. The Constitution needs to go, and the US needs to be dismembered into fewer and more manageable sovereign states, lets say 13.
They tried to change the constitution in 1975 when they conceived Project Democracy but failed. A stop gap measure using FEMA and COG was used to circumvent the Constitution. They may try to hold these 13 super states as a loose Republic with a new Constitution free of rights, or maybe keep them divided and fighting among themselves like in Middle East and Balkans. I cant say
In order to get the world to go along with a Global Government, they need to offer the US as a sacrifice and give the appearance it has been broken up, thus alleviating fears the US will dominate the new government. Of course the predatory elite who dominate the US will also dominate the Global Government
As for the apparent conflict with China, I am not buying it. I feel this to be a Fake Cold War. Trump is a Trojan Horse and as pro China as anyone else before he wad elected but the US MIC needs an external enemy. Terrorism was losing steam and Russia is simply too small to be a credible threat alone or even teamed with Iran. China is big enough to keep the MIC well fed. At the higher levels among the Global Elite China is a partner and fully on board the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Agenda 2030 Sustainable Goals
Maybe I am wrong but if The DNC and Never Trumpers really wanted Trump out they would have brought forward a more credible candidate and not pursued that ridiculous Russia Gate and promoting Lockdowns/Mask Mandates which Trump actively supports if you look past his rhetoric. Like I said. Trump=Trojan Horse. Master of Fake Wrestling and Kay Fabe. The King of Bankruptcy sent to break up and bankrupt the US
Its going to be a wild ride the next few months and probably longer. From the ashes they will build their New World Order. Deagle.com says there will be 99 million left in US by 2026 (maybe the drop is from secessions, or maybe excess deaths or some combination).
Sep 6, 2020
Trump vaccine psyops. Brilliant. Many of his supporters associate the vaccine with Fauci and the left. They make up most of those reluctant to take it. Now it becomes their duty to
take the Patriotic shot. As for blue states resisting the vaccines, the military is being deployed to provide the shots. That was announced months ago
Reduce tests to increase mortality rate. Increase tests to increase case counts. The focus will be on deaths with flu seasons/flu shots given, so less tests will be better. Contact tracing will be ramped up and “contacts” will get mandatory testing and confinement. Family breakups for those living in small apartments and larger families. They get to go to camps
Health Data. Well, Data is the New Oil.
But I wonder if they are beginning an operation to genetically modify us and plan on tracking the impact of the manipulations via accessing health data at the population level. These DNA vaccines wont be a one shot deal so they may be planning multiple incremental modifications and making adjustments on the fly. Eventually they may get to obtaining the information directly from chipped individuals through 5G uploads. The vaccines will have nanowire so Lieber was working on with Modernas Langer which will penetrate cells much like a virus does and transmit data on cell activity to an implanted chip which will be able to broadcast the data to-a central database via 5G when activated by an external power source. Hence the need for a unique digital ID for each individual
CDC moratorium on rental payments. You pretty much nailed it. Small Rental owners will be killed. Foreclosures will skyrocket. While Trump and Ross are Kings of Bankruptcy, Mnuchin is known as the King of Foreclosures. He made a killing lasttime.
It will also be an opportunity to move those centers who will eventually be evicted from foreclosed properties into smart homes/cities which are being financed by Big Tech billionaires where every activity in and out of the home will be monitored and controlled
In Taiwan they announced no talking on public transportation in March even with mask mandates. No enforcement or fines unless you don’t wear mask.
One perspective argued masks are the reason for lower mortality rate as it lowers viral load. They are clever, lol.
Sep 20, 2020
The PCR test is very inaccurate precisely because its so sensitive. There are way too many false positives if used to screen people without symptoms or risk factors. Thats why it was never used for screening HIV except for those with symptoms (like Covid not specific for HIV) and high risk behavior (in Covid case that would be pronged contact with a confirmed Covid patient)
So CDC is correct. Over testing causes more problems than it solves. For one thing it delays testing times. Many labs taking a week to process tests. For another a test with 95% specificity with a disease prevalence of 1-5% will generate a false positive rate of 50% -83%.
Furthermore FDA has not validated these tests. Mfr can self validate. Nobody has published a peer reviewed study showing the accuracy of the tests against when compared against a gold standard (culturing the virus) . So we dont know how accurate they are beyond the mfr say do (they have no liability)
Mfr have set the cycles in the PCR test at 37-40. Studies have shown thats way too high.
“Ninety RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2–positive samples were incubated on Vero cells. Twenty-six samples (28.9%) demonstrated viral growth. Median tissue culture infectious dose/mL was 1780 (interquartile range, 282–8511). There was no growth in samples with a Ct > 24 (RT-PCR cycle) or STT > 8 days (symptom onset to test )”
October 2, 2020
In mid-September, (Modernas) Bancel had reportedly said the company hoped to see results by October, but a dip in the average national cases made it difficult for researchers to compare the vaccine’s success against a placebo.The U.S. has tallied over 7.2 million cases of novel coronavirus and more than 207,000 deaths.
Here are monthly cases. Maybe he has inadvertently admitted these are not real cases ?
Official Cases (rounded off)
April (800K)
May (700k)
June (800k)
July (2 million)
Aug (1.5 million)
Sep (1.2 million)
Of course, testing healthy asymptomatic people with a test that has a false positive rate of 90% are inflating these numbers.
I suspect Moderna is defining cases as symptomatic cases
<As we saw from Pfizer and Moderna Clinical Trial Reports thats precisely what they did>
Well, thats enough of that
This is fascinating. I hope you similarly weave together your notes from 2021, 2022, and 2023.