Sometimes I think Musk is right and we are living in a simulation, at least in regard to events outside our senses . Many of these events may be from a Hollywood Script that were written up for Hegelian Purposes to direct our Cultural and Biological Evolution to a predetermined end point.
The Directors of this Simulation are most likely the ELite, like Musk himself. They are the Creators of our Reality, and thus they are our Lords. I jest about them being our Lords, more like Demons, or perhaps Dark Lords
But then again, maybe I am nuts
H/t Robert Malone
Twitter of course is part of this Simulation, along with MSM and Hollywood. AI controlled bots assuming human identities generate much of the discourse on Twitter to create the perception that we are surrounded by imbeciles who are bark raving mad and that clearly we need someone to control them (us).
No doubt even some substack authors are simply AI Chatbots like ChatGPT, pushing out content to influence our perceptions and sow confusion and discord.
Perhaps even my good self has been hacked and my posts serve the Conspirators. But if that were the case they would try to amplify me , and clearly they have not.
So with the latest leak even the NY Times is wondering whats up
Leak or hack? Information or disinformation? A coup for Russia or a ploy by the United States?
Days after U.S. intelligence documents, some marked “top secret,” were found circulating on social media, questions remain about how dozens of pages from Pentagon briefings became public and how much stock to put in them.
I am inclined to think some of it may be disinformation among some truths. Perhaps to sow confusion or as some conditioning to prepare people for what is coming. Is the target Russia, Ukraine or US or all of us
Perhaps to trick Russia into believing the enemy is weaker than expected so they get overconfident. Create paranoia in Russia as to who is leaking on their side? Perhaps to panic Congress so they write the Pentagon a bigger check. Maybe to get Israel more involved in supporting Ukraine. Blame Ukraine for the leak and kick out those who might be going soft and want to end the conflict.
Maybe just another distraction of no other consequence
Its impossible to say.
The fact the leak lay dormant for some time before being amplified is of some interest, but perhaps that was just to lend it credibility.