Governor Green gave an Update on the Lahaina situation and took questions
Says Lahaina Fire is Climates 9/11
38 minutes
Just as 911 led to trillions of dollars spent on global security, Green said he expects that disasters like the one in Lahaina will produce widespread spending on efforts to mitigate future climate- related destruction.
Governor Green seems to be suggesting the Survivors Fund modeled after 9/11 Compensation Fund will pay out only for those who have lost a loved one
33 minutes
In two to three weeks, Green hopes to announce details of a new compensation fund modeled after the U.S. government’s Sept. 11 Victim Compensation Fund.
Attorney Kenneth Feinberg, who serves as special master of the U.S. government’s Sept. 11 Victim Compensation Fund, has been consulting with Green’s office pro bono.
Green insisted that anyone can still file a lawsuit over their losses. But he said that a special fund could allow survivors who lost loved ones to receive compensation much faster while avoiding attorney fees.
Some survivors, Green said, might “want to move forward” without years spent in litigation. “We owe it to them to (get them) the most robust settlement we can.”
My recollection of the 9/11 Compensation Fund administered by Feinberg is victims had to waive the right to litigate against the government
Apparently that wont be the case here
Green insisted that anyone can still file a lawsuit over their losses. But he said that a special fund could allow survivors who lost loved ones to receive compensation much faster while avoiding attorney fees.
Some survivors, Green said, might “want to move forward” without years spent in litigation. “We owe it to them to (get them) the most robust settlement we can.”
To my way of thinking even those who only lost property and had the hell scared out of them, not to mention the long term health effects from the smoke and toxic waste (dioxin) should be part of the fund. Excluding them would be ideal for Hawaii and Maui County keeping the payout low especially since they control the determination of how many and who died. As of this writing 115 are dead, 66 missing and over 500 kids are missing from the Lahaina-Hawaii school system (a number of families may have relatives or 2nd homes on the mainland). There are also roughly 300 unverified missing.
Now before I go on about the rest of his speech, given the allusions to 9/11 and the proximity to the 9/11 anniversary, I would like to discuss this further.
There are of course way too many similarities to the Lahaina Fire and 9/11 to my taste. With both events we are expected to buy into the CIA version, which is massive Coincidence, Incompetence and Accidents.
The one thing in the Lahaina Fire favor is they did not defy the laws of physics in the official narrative. But here are the other similarities
1 - Plenty of warnings which were ignored. Everyone saw it coming. Nobody Acted. Green suggests it would have been too expensive to have gotten the support to have prevented the Lahaina Fires w/o a 9/11 like event.
This is ridiculous. All they needed was an adequately staffed and equipped Fire Department to stop that fire and a bill that required property owners to cut the grass during the dry season
Its kind of like Airport Security. There was no problem with Airport Security, the problem was, if we believe the official narrative, was FAA allowed box cutters to be carried on flights, and Airlines didn’t bother to have cockpit doors that could be securely locked. TSA was not needed to prevent 9/11 and Lahaina did not need to burn down to take the threat of Brush Fires seriously
2- FEMA was present in NYC on 9/11 for a Bioterrorism Drill, and a FEMA Conference on Waikiki on 8/8 gave the MEMA director and Fire Chief to be off the Island to attend.
3 Multiple Fires that day in Kula and Kihei drew Fire Dept resources away from the most important and vulnerable target (Lahaina). Just like Multiple Hijackings allegedly cause the Military to divert resources away from DC allowing the Pentagon to be hit
4- Apparent stand down. Fire Department left the scene of the 100% Contained but not Extinguished Morning Fire at 2 pm despite increasingly high winds and Lahaina’s unique vulnerability to fire. Much like the Military inexplicably did not intercept the plane that hit WTC 2 - 38 minutes after the first plane was reported hijacked and 17 minutes after the first plane hit WTC 1.
5- Governor of Hawaii on 8/8 like the President on 9/11 was away on the day of the Event. Bush was in Florida, Green was someplace on the Mainland
6- Both events left to a quick fingering of designated patsies. HECO was the Al Qaeda of the Lahaina Fires, but as it turns out the power lines are said to have been de-energized after the Morning Fire. HECO’s inexplicable delay in coming forth with this information leads one to believe they were asked to play along.
7-Like 9/11 Lahaina had a delayed event on 8/8. Much of the damage to Lahaina was in full force by 6 pm, much like 9/11 events were concluded by morning. The WTC 7 Pull Down at 5:20 pm long after the Twin Towers came down was comparable to the fires that ripped through Wahikuli after 9 pm in Lahaina. Much like WTC 7 nobody wants to talk about Wahikuli Fire as a separate event
8- Just like 9/11 was required to gain support for a GWOT likewise it seems likely to me Lahaina was sacrificed to do the same for a War on Climate Change. Whether that succeeds or not I cant say.
9 Survivors Fund Modeled after 9/11 Compensation Fund
My final thought on this is that there are four key areas that need investigation. Why did the Fire Department leave the contained fire unattended, why were police impeding evacuation, why was the Mayor so uninformed as to what was happening, and how and when did the Wahikuli fire start (satellite imagery should show where snd when)
Back to Greens Update
He says well over $1 billion FEMA grant to build temporary housing (500-1500 units). Thats about $666,000-$2 million per unit by my math.
“I would like to build those sooner rather than later because after 18 months it’s not totally clear that we’ll have ongoing resources for people.”
It seems here Green is saying Trump will cut them off after the election. He doesn’t seem optimistic Biden is going to still be around
Separate, tiny-home kauhale also are planned for as many as 165 people who were homeless before the fire and do not qualify for relief benefits.
Green planned to meet with FEMA to discuss a potential new phase of transitional housing for evacuees who are spread out in hotels and Airbnbs. It was later announced $ 95 million was approved for this purpose through November, or approximately $12,000 for each person currently being housed (~8000)
But Greens calculation was somewhat different.
Some $100 million in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families could translate into $3,000 to $4,000 per family.
Maybe he misspoke or I am misunderstanding but with 3000-4000 families (2-3 persons) that should be $25,000-33,000
Cleanups are Expensive
Once the removal of toxic materials begins, residents and businesses will be scheduled — “in the coming weeks” and under supervision — to view what remains of their properties.
“The ash, we are told, is quite toxic, so we need to be careful,” Green said. The longer-term toxic cleanup will take as long as a year at a proposed cost of over $1 billion to complete.
Heating up on Maui. Local Boiling
Two months after the fire, on Oct. 8, Green plans to open up all of West Maui — except for the primary area destroyed in Lahaina.
“West Maui will be open to visitors again, so people from Hawaii and around the world can resume travel to this special place and help it begin to recover economically,” he said. “This difficult decision is meant to bring hope for recovery to the families and businesses on Maui that have been so deeply affected in every way by the disaster.”
Seems the Mayor snd Governor not seeing Eye to Eye on Opening up Maui on 10/8
Mayor Emergency Declaration Makes Him King of Maui
Emergency Declaration
Problem/Reaction/Solution - Out of Chaos, Order
It's a familiar pattern. As you mentioned in your article, there were a number of workable solutions to the problem of the Lahina fire if they had not been either ignored or rendered inoperable by 'coincidental circumstances'.
But now the reaction to the fire can be used as a further justification to pass Draconian 'Climate Change Laws' which ultimately will only benefit a privileged few while adding a few more 'bars' onto the worldwide panopticon for the masses.
Whether disasters like this one and 9/11 happen 'naturally', on their own, or if they have to be intentionally created or 'helped along', either way, they can be made use of by the Powers that Be.
You can't impose a New World Order unless you destabilize the Old Order first or, who would accept it?