Sometimes I run into a post I want to rebut in part but a Comment does not quite do it
This one by Michal P Senger is one of them
“Yet the idea that these actions by Farrar and his counterparts represent a “cover-up” is belied by the fact that they immediately reported the possibility of a lab leak to all the major western intelligence services—exactly the opposite of what one would do in a cover-up. In light of evidence that the lab leak theory is biologically impossible and may be being used as a controlled opposition narrative to justify the biosecurity state in perpetuity, Farrar’s informing intelligence agencies of the possibility of a lab leak may be better viewed as setting off a false alarm among national security officials to get them to buy into lockdowns.”
This is an interesting hypothesis. However, the lab origins for Sars-Cov-2 is hardly biologically impossible. GOF Chimera corona viruses have been created in the lab and the results published. Its the most plausible explanation for the FCS.
As for the fact alerting intelligence of the possibility is the opposite of what you would do in a coverup. It was being speculated online as early as January , 2020 once the sequences were released that it was engineered. Alerting the authorities is exactly what you would do if you committed a crime that would eventually be detected by police. By informing the police of a possible crime which you hope there was little evidence that could lead to you, you think this will help prevent them from considering you as a suspect.
As for him wanting to set off a false alarm among national security officials to get them to buy into lockdowns. I don’t think I understand this well. Lockdowns were driven by public health officials and government allegedly to contain the spread of the virus although we know it was really about furthering the Great Reset and culling the herd. Also, there is no evidence National Security Officials or governments acted on the possibility of lab release, or more importantly on the possibility of deliberate release
Consider also the possibility that the real coverup is the fact the virus was created by Western Scientists and deliberately released in cooperation with National Security and Government to Lockdown Society so as to further the WEF Great Reset Agenda.
They then created a false dichotomy, which was natural origins vs accidental lab release out of China. They hope to get everyone on board with natural origin so the acted in concert to prevent the idea of lab release out of China gaining hold as this could hamper future GOF work.
More dangerously, if the lab release hypothesis gained support an investigation could lead to evidence that it was created in the West or at a minimum the West partnered with China in its creation. And even more dangerous, if the investigation uncovered evidence it was not an accidental release but was indeed a deliberate release.
The first release was in China so if evidence of lab origins were discovered the blame could be pointed to China alone, and then likely it was released in the West, starting in Italy and then the Northeast of US and then spreading from there.
What was Chinas price to agree to this?Perhaps that their population would be spared the more virulent virus and the ravages of mRNA vaccines and a better seat at the table in the New World Order. Also, perhaps, they saw an opportunity in helping the West destroy itself. Assisting them in committing suicide must have looked attractive. Not to mention the opportunity to accelerate its own digital control over its citizens, consolidate more wealth in the hands of the party elite from those outside the party (94%) and reduce foreign influence in China. In fact, maybe they were promised Taiwan after Taiwan is tricked into transferring their TSMC chip technology and manufacturing to US to gain protection from a Chinese invasion hyped by the US. Who knows?
I write a bit of Chinas Lockdowns here
A recent paper put out by China suggests two different strains were spread, a less virulent strain in China and a more Virulent strain in the US and Europe.
After all, the main focus of the Great Reset is to lower the living standards of the developed world in the West, and culling the elderly who consume far too many resources relative to their contribution.
Although the Chinese paper tries to suggest this could be a naturally occurring event with this seems improbable. Clearly a desperation measure given Natural Origins as a hypothesis has fallen on its face. Although investigations of the other false choice (accidental lab release out of China) is likely a Limited Hangout, China and Western Scientists /Governments may be worried where it might lead despite the best efforts of Controlled Opposition to misdirect
At best it could lead to serious curtailment of GOF research, and might lead to a call for Chinese Reparations. Faced with the latter China could leak evidence implicating Western Governments, Scientists and certain Altruistic Billionaires to a deliberate release by the West, and China would then call for Reparations on its own, and much of the World deeply resentful of Western Imperialism might join with China.
Before any of those worst case scenarios for the West can play out you can bet they will resort to World War, a new Pandemic or a Global Financial Depression (any or all) to put a stop to pursuing this. After all, desperation leads to extreme measures. They aren’t going down without a fight.
For those interested here I lay out Western measures leading up to COVID
Here Michael seeks to lend support to the Lockdowns are the major Cause of Excess Deaths today.
Ultimately, the lockdowns that Farrar worked so hard for failed to meaningfully slow the spread of the coronavirus and led to the excess deaths of tens of thousands of young people in the United Kingdom and every other country in which they were tried.
Certainly Lockdowns caused some Excess Deaths to Young People who died from drugs, alcohol, suicide, especially in 2020 and the first half of 2022. However, the most likely cause of Excess Deaths the past 18 months are the Vaccines
I agree with Michael on the damage Lockdowns caused, but I don’t want Lockdowns to deflect from the Origins question or the cause of todays Excess Deaths
"Consider also the possibility that the real coverup is the fact the virus was created by Western Scientists and deliberately released in cooperation with National Security and Government to Lockdown Society so as to further the WEF Great Reset Agenda.
They then created a false dichotomy, which was natural origins vs accidental lab release out of China."
Yep. A view I hold as the most likely scenario.