The MASA Terrorists are at it again. Thats Make America Scared Again (MASA) . On the “Left” you have the Bird Flu fear mongerers. I take them serious because the guy who let OPERATION COVID happen is back in the saddle.
Here is what his former CDC director Robert Redfield said
It’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when.’”
Remember him? Masks are the best vaccine and his department inflating death counts?
On the “Right”, we have the Vaccine fear mongerers jumping on another chance to scare those who took the jab (those that are still alive) about the regular flu .
Regular flu is just flu. It sucks when you get it but unless you are old or have gross morbidities you will survive. The good news is that although hospitalizations are high they are trending flat according to the week 6 reports although deaths (lagging indicator) are up.
But it does seem to be taking its toll despite a slow start. Here is a report from a family member in Northeast last week
Spreading rapidly and widely . Literally every single person, family, teacher, random person I know and have spoken to in the last few weeks either had or has this flu. This is even more widespread than covid was when omicron first came through (which felt like it was spreading not as fast as this but pretty quickly, but most people were only minimally to moderately sick for a day or two and then fine).
“The worst sickness” anyone has ever had. Every single person I’ve spoken to, and this is all anyone is talking about lol so it’s happening in many interaction, has emphasized that they have never been this sick and/or seen a family member this sick in their life. I actually was pretty scared myself with how sick #### got, she had very high fevers and was completely listless for days. It was terrifying, and a lot of people are reporting similar symptoms-especially in kids. The flu shot didn’t seem to have any effect on this flu nor have the kids who got the Covid vaccine been getting more sick or less sick than other kids
Sounds like pretty severe.
I would say its due to the fact we have not had much flu circulating in recent years due to COVID (viral interference). COVID was the greatest flu vaccine ever (besides flu infection). As a result, population immunity decreased and symptoms more severe. Among the multi-boosted population their immune systems are trashed also leaving them more susceptible. So flu becomes more widespread and easier to catch.
Kids first flu infection is usually the worst although adults can get it bad. My last flu was 1998, knocked me on my ass for 3 days, weak as a baby for 2+ weeks. Fever of 103 at highest, and lingering hacking cough. My wife didn't get sick
Anyways, anyone getting the flu may consider themselves vaccinated
Fauci said its the best vaccine.
Of course, I cant rule out this flu is a bioweapon or a self spreading vaccine. Perhaps the strains of flu circulating have an antigen that will provide neutralizing immunity to H5N1 and they want to pre-immunize the population before releasing human Bird Flu. They don't really want to kill people under 50 (just us old farts), just scare them enough to take the tests and jabs.
Older people tend to have fewer contacts so fewer will get “vaccinated” by the self spreading vaccine and will be more vulnerable to the novel bird flu.
Regardless, my money is on Bird Flu being the next big thing.
Especially concerning is it looks like the USDA which may be behind the virus that has jumped to cows is approving a vaccine for chickens, and as we all know leaky vaccines can themselves cause GOF in circulating viruses, especially when given during epidemics , as we saw with Mareks Disease in Chickens and for awhile with COVID (Delta).
They are also considering other options for chickens, perhaps in addition to vaccination
Director of the National Economic Council Kevin Hassett is preparing, along with Secretary of Agriculture Brook Rollins, to present a plan to President Donald Trump to combat bird flu, including options that would sidestep the need to kill chickens, he told CBS’s “Face The Nation” on Sunday.
“What we need to do is have better ways with biosecurity and medication and so on” to avoid killing chickens, Hassett said. “And so having a smart perimeter is what we’re working on, and we’re finalizing the ideas about how to do that with the best scientists in government.”
In the meantime, Americans can continue to expect high prices for eggs this year due to the ongoing avian flu outbreak and inflation, according to new estimates.
Egg prices are estimated to increase about 20% in 2025, compared to about 2.2% for food prices in general, according to the US Department of Agriculture’s price outlook. Beef, coffee and orange juice are among groceries with higher prices, but eggs are uniquely affected by the aggressive strain of avian flu, which has strained supply.
Bird Flu has a mortality rate of 75%-100% so not sure the Smart Perimeter helps much, but perhaps the surviving birds will pass on their resistance to offspring and future generations of chickens will do better.
My thoughts on the Bird Flu hype is they have been setting up the evidence for natural origins with intermediate hosts (chickens and cows) before releasing the human variant. This is something they failed to do with COVID. They know they cant get away with a virus with no clear natural origin again. Now that RFk Jr is on board they can sell the new human mRNA vaccine.
So thats all I got to say on that
Just yesterday my mom/88 gets a call from her friend/98 that her husband/88 is vomiting/fever. So mom drives over & assesses the situation/retired RN, he needs care so she loads them into her car, 14 degrees out. The ER is full, all neighboring hospitals/urgent care centers full. So 6 & 1/2 hours later they return home w/o care? Mom made them potato soup, chicken thighs/rice, feeling better.