Could Israel have been a primary reason behind the assassination of JFK? Or more precisely, vaulting LBJ to the position of President?
I have been aware of the hypothesis but never gave it much thought because there were so many other alternatives. My preferred simple narrative was this was a coup by the Globalists over Nationalists. But of course, I realize it may have been both.
Ben-Gurion “I believe,” he wrote, “that the future of humanity depends on the establishment of a single state for all humanity, that is the elimination of all states.”A few months later, he again got carried away, in the opposite direction. “Our movement is maximalist. Even all of Palestine is not our final goal,” he said.
A State At Any Cost-Tom Segev
Looking back at the history of Israel in the aftermath of the 10/7 attack, eerily resembling 9/11 or Pearl Harbor in its implausibility, and the subsequent Gaza Genocide, I realize the JFK assassination was the key turnaround in US-Israeli relations, or more like what seems to be our subservience to Israels interests. So I took another look at it given the big 60 year anniversary is here.
Arguments for killing JFK that have stood the test of time include: revenge for Kennedy’s failure at the Bay of Pigs, his attempt at détente with the leader of Communist Soviet Union, his announced intention to incrementally withdraw US personnel from Vietnam, his aggressive pursuit of corporate monopolies and reversal of his initial position on the oil depletion allowance, his March 1963 commitment to deter Israel’s nuclear program, the significant steps to end segregation, and his administration’s increasingly hard line on organized crime.
So the CIA, FBI, the Pentagon, the Mafia, Cuban exiles, Texan oil barons, Israel and what have you all had reason to support the assassination. But the important question is: Which group was the prime mover?
At the end of his life, according to his former aide Roger Stone who conducted a series of interviews with him, Nixon “never flatly said who was responsible [for Kennedy’s death]. But he would say, ‘Both Johnson and I wanted to be president, but the only difference was I wouldn’t kill for it.’
When pressed by Roger Stone on who he thought killed Kennedy, Nixon shivered and said, ‘Texas.’
The Texan connection was quite strong. Members of the Texas Crusade for Freedom would become a who’s who of Texans connected to the events surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy. In addition to Neil Mallon, future members would include the White Russian Raigorodsky, MacNaughton, Everette DeGolyer, and Dallas mayor Earle Cabell, brother of Charles Cabell, who was Allen Dulles’s deputy CIA director. Another member was D. Harold Byrd, who owned the building in downtown Dallas that would become known as the Texas School Book Depository. Still another was E. M. “Ted” Dealey, publisher of the Dallas Morning News, who was a harsh critic of Kennedy.
And of course there was “Poppy” Bush
To say JFK was unpopular among the Texan “Mafia” is an understatement.
The Texan LBJ was about to be dropped from the ticket by JFK and destroyed politically, and Israel was dealing with JFK immediate efforts to eliminate their nuclear development program at Dimona.
Weighing heavily on Ben-Gurion was that April 17, 1963, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq declared the establishment of a United Arab Republic. Its goals included “the liberation of Palestine.” Unlike in 1948 the Arabs were being armed by the Soviet Union.
Ben-Gurion resigned in part over JFK’s pressure and handed the Kennedy problem off to others.
Yitzhak Shamir was possibly the man of the situation. Disgraced by Ben-Gurion after his assassination of U.N. mediator Count Folke Bernadotte in 1948, Shamir had been allowed back into the Mossad in 1955, where he formed a special hit squad with former members of the murderous Lehi (or Stern Gang). This unit was active until 1964, the year after JFK’s assassination. It carried out an estimated 147 attacks on perceived enemies of Israel, targeting especially “German scientists working to develop missiles and other advanced weapons for Egypt.”
According to a Haaretz article written by Yossi Melman and dated July 3, 1992, mentioned by Piper, Final Judgment, pp. 118-119.
Yitzhak Shamir had declared in 1943:
Neither Jewish ethics nor Jewish tradition can disqualify terrorism as a means of combat.
We are very far from having any moral qualms as far as our national war goes. We have before us the command of the Torah, whose morality surpasses that of any other body of laws in the world: “Ye shall blot them out to the last man.”
Yitzhak Rabin’s was present in Dallas “hours before” Kennedy’s death . This was revealed by his wife in her biography. Dallas was a popular place on 11/22/63 - Rabin, Nixon, LBJ, Bush.
JFK was up for election in a year and while he was popular he was slipping in the polls, down to the high 50’s. Despite the discomfort he was causing all of those with gripes could easily have waited a year and tried to topple him without assassination. After all, Hoover and the CIA not to mention the Mossad had many opportunities to catch JFK with his pants down and blow him out of the water with sex scandals. Epstein did not invent The use of Honey Traps. The Jewish Lobby was quite powerful in Democrat circles and could have withheld support and used their influence in media to tarnish him.
However there was one problem, there was no guarantee a Republican was going to be any friendlier. After all, Eisenhower was pretty tough with Israel and the Christian Zionists had not yet taken over the party
LBJ was their man and someone went to some effort to position him as VP , and time was running out. But how did they know this?
. “I was left with no choice, those bastards were trying to frame me,” Kennedy once confided to Hyman Raskin to justify his choice of Johnson, despite strong opposition from his team, especially his brother Robert.
Seymour Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot, Little, Brown & Co, 1997, p. 126,
Although not widely known
Historians demonstrate that Johnson, as a young congressman in 1938 and 1939, had provided visas for Warsaw Jews; and encouraged the illegal immigration of hundreds of Jews to Galveston, Texas. This activity was confirmed by interviews with his wife, family members and relatives. His aunt, Jessie Johnson Hatcher, a member of the American Zionist Organization, exerted a strong influence on his political involvement.
Young Lyndon admired his grandfather "Big Sam," and his father "Little Sam" for their activism on behalf of Leo Frank, the Jewish victim of an anti-Semitic conspiracy in Atlanta; Frank was lynched by a mob in 1915 for a crime of which he was innocent. The Ku Klux Klan of Texas even threatened to kill the Johnson family. It is even said that the Johnsons hid in their basement, while the father and his brothers stood guard, armed with rifles, for fear of an attack by the KKK. Johnson later pointed out that Frank's lynching was the root cause of his opposition to anti-Semitism and isolationism.
Already in 1934, four years before Chamberlain's capitulation to Hitler in Munich, Johnson was very attentive to the dangers of Nazism, and published an essay – "Nazism, an Aggression Against Civilization". He supported a bill for the naturalization of illegal aliens, mainly Jews from Poland and Lithuania.
He was informed of the situation of a young musician, an Austrian Jew, who was about to be expelled from the United States. Through subterfuge, LBJ allowed him to report to the U.S. consulate in Havana, and obtained a residency permit for him. Eric Leindsdorf, the famous conductor, thanked him warmly for his initiative.
In the same year he warned his Jewish friends that their co-religionists in Europe were threatened with destruction. He provided the necessary documents to get 42 Jews out of Warsaw. Johnson saved five hundred Jews, perhaps more.
On June 4, 1945, he visited Dachau. According to his wife, Lady Bird, he came back shocked, terrified, stunned, to have seen these incredible horrors. As Senate Majority Leader, John regularly blocked anti-Israel initiatives by his colleague William Fulbright, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Johnson of Jewish descent? It is known that his ancestors on his mother's side, the Huffmans, German Jews, emigrated to Maryland during the 19th century. Lyndon's grandmother, Ruth Ament Huffman, married Joseph Baines. Their daughter, Rebecca Baines, married Samuel Johnson; and their son is Lyndon B. Johnson.
LbJ and Religion
LBJ views may have been influenced by his aunt, Jessie Johnson Hatcher, who, not being Jewish, joined the Zionist Organization of America. She strongly supported her nephew's plan to go into politics. And then, when Lyndon was already a congressman, according to some accounts, she told him that "if Israel is destroyed, the end of the world will come on that day" (Sohns, 2017: 60).
LBJ’s philo-Semitism was explained simply. Aunt Jesse, as well as "Big Sam," belonged to the so-called Christodelphians, who represented one of the branches of the American evangelical church. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a careful study of Bible prophecy convinced evangelical theologians and believers that the second coming of Christ would precede the return of the Jews to the Holy Land. The very existence of the Jewish people was seen by evangelicals as a strong argument for the existence of God and his role as the creator of history (Mead, 2006)
LBJ was not a member of the Christ-Delphic congregation in the sense of religious activity of his aunt Jesse and grandfather. But he considered himself to be a member of the "Church of Christ" (also known as the "Disciples of Christ"), from which the Christodelphians came.
Operation Texas
In 1939 Johnson believed that it was only a matter of time before the Holocaust would begin. He knew of the international rejection of Jewish refugee ships, including rejection by the United States, and he knew of England's policy of thwarting Jewish migration to Palestine. Unwilling to stand by while Nazis murdered the "People of the Book," Johnson met with Jewish leaders and said simply, "we must do some- thing to get Jews out of Europe."
So LBJ expanded Operation Texas. Using methods, sometimes legal and sometimes illegal, and using cash supplied by wealthy benefactors such as Jim Novy, Johnson smuggled hundreds of Jews into Texas, using Galveston as the entry port. Money bought false passports and visas in Cuba, Mexico, and other Latin American countries. As Johnson smuggled Jews into Texas, he gave them new names and hid them in the Texas National Youth Administration (NYA), a New Deal agency he had once headed in Texas. Johnson's task was made easier because his longtime friend, Jesse Kellum, directed the NYA in Texas. Although most of the Texas NYA recard& were latcr lost or destroyed, Morris Shapiro, Jim Novy'& son-in-law, and other sources, verified that many Jews were routed through the state's NYA. Although it was illegal to harbor and train non-citizens in the NYA programs, the refugees were housed at var- ious sites scattered around the state. Novy reimbursed thc NYA for all expenses, including room-and-board for the trainces. He also covered the cost of classes far those who did not speak English and for vocational training so refugees eould "blend" into American society.
Johnson channeled many men into NYA welding schools since welders were in high demand during the war preparedness campaign of 1940-l94l and then in thc war itself. He also took advantage of his close relationship with President Franklin Roosevelt. Although Johnson became the first congressmen to enlist in the service after Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt called him home and put him charge of the Navy's shipbuilding personnel. In that capacity, Johnson made sure that "his" refugees were hired. Other Jews that he aided worked in a strange assortment of jobs, including liquor stores, carnivals, and janitor& in schools. Jim Novy's son David estimated that Johnson and his father &avcd as
The rescue efforts were offset by failures. With his wife Libi, the physician Otto Lippmann escaped after the Nazis revoked his license to practice medicine and he became a target of the Gestapo. Lippmann's mother, who lived in a kwish ladies home remained in Germany and he appealed to LBJ to help him get her out of Germany. Johnson worked for eighteen months to get her out, hut was ultimately unsuccessful. "We tried everything," Lippmann later recounted. Arrested before she could escape, Mrs. Lippmann was sent to a small death camp in Poland and executed. LBJ also failed to save Herman Winter. Approached by Rabbi Abram Vossen Goodman on Winter's behalf, Johnson tried to extricate him, hut the Nazis arrested Winter before he could escape. Like Lippmann's mother, Winter also died in a concentration camp. Despite such &etbacks, Operation Texas was for the most part successful
Operation Texas also included aid to Jews already in Palestine who were "underground fighters." In March 1942, Novy hosted a World War II bond drive party for thirty or so influential Texans and invited Johnson to make remarks. After they raised their quota for the bond drive, Johnson rose, gave his listeners some "straight talk" about the European and Middle Eastern situ- ations, and then raised yet more cash - the new money car-marked for the Palestine Jewish "underground."
While in the midst of Operation Texas, Johnson gave voice to why anti-Semitism was wrong, especially in America. In his remarks, Johnson said, "without tolerance and mutual understanding, without a sincere sense of the rights of our neighbors to differ in their views from us, this nation is endangered. We spring from too many races and nation- alities and religions here to find unity in any intolerant theory of race and creed."
Operation Texas continued after the United States entered World War II
Novy reported that in 1942 Johnson sent him on a secret mission to Europe. The Jewlsh businessman said that the job was so dangerous that he did not tell his family, not even his wife and children what he was doing. Novy knew that he might be caught, identified, and by German authorities. Soon after hi~ return, Navy, a civilian, received a Purple Heart, something almost unheard of because such an award nonnally goes to only members of the military wound- ed during combat. Years later, in 1958, Novy told a reporter of his mission, but refused to answer specific questions, saying that '~only when Senator Johnson says so will I tell the story."'
And LBJ really wanted to be President
Lyndon Johnson, whose desire was so absolute it was in practically all of his thoughts, awakened or not. He considered the presidency his destiny, and nothing—least of all any other person—could stop him. One of the attorneys in Ed Clark’s Austin law firm, Barr McClellan, described Johnson’s determination as being insuperable, that he would allow nothing to stand in the way of his becoming president.
LBJ The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination, Phillip Nelson
But Dimona was not the only issue for Israel. Ben Gurion and other Zionists were not content with only 78% of the Original British Mandate. They wanted 100% and were planning to get it by force. Indeed, some desire a Greater Israel looking more like this
However, with the Arab Armies now being backed by the Soviet Union Israel needed solid support from the US. They were not going to get that from JFK (although he did break the 1947 Weapons Embargo with Arm Sales to Israel) , and no guarantees any Republican President would do so. But LBJ was their man
According to Ilan Pappe 1963 was part of a new overarching military strategy initiated by the Israeli Chief of the General Staff. The strategy was presented by the CoGS to the army on 1 May 1963 and was meant to prepare the army for controlling the West Bank as an occupied military area.
Since 1948, and even more since 1956, Israel’s military and political elite was looking for the right historical moment to occupy the West Bank.
The plan was code-named the ‘Shacham Plan’ and it divided the West Bank into eight districts so as to facilitate the imposition of an organized military rule. Mishael Shacham was the general military governor of the Palestinian territories inside Israel (and one of the founders, together with Ariel Sharon, of unit 101, a notorious commando unit that carried out daring, and brutal, retaliatory operations against Palestinian guerrillas and farmers attempting to smuggle their way into Palestine). The official name of the programme was ‘the Organization of Military Rule in the Occupied Territories’.
The Palestinian minority in Israel was put under military rule between 1948 and 1966 (in fact, Mishael Shacham was the last Governor General of that rule); thus there was a ready-made rule that could be reimposed in the Occupied Territories. The basis for the old and the new imposition was the same: the British Mandatory emergency regulations. The Israeli interpretation of these regulations – in 1948 as well as in 1967 – gave a military governor unlimited control over every aspect of the life of the people in his area. The rulers became what the first head of the military rule regime in 1948, Colonel Elimelech Avner, described as ‘absolute monarchs’ in their own small domains.
When these regulations were first imposed in 1948 and again in 1967, no one mentioned the fact that when they were originally introduced by the British Mandate they were condemned by all Zionist leaders as Nazi legislation. These leaders described them as regulations with ‘no parallel in any enlightened country’, and continued that ‘even in Nazi Germany there were no such rules, and the actions of Maydanek and its like had been done out of violation of the written law’.
The two most notorious regulations were and still are No. 109, allowing the governor to expel the population, and No. 110, which gave him the right to summon any citizen to a police station whenever he saw fit. Another infamous regulation was No. 111, which sanctioned administrative arrest – an arrest for an unlimited period with neither explanation nor trial.
In the 1950s it was still Ben-Gurion who was the principal policymaker. When he returned to power he translated these aggressive thoughts into action. In collusion with Britain and France, he led Israel into a war against Egypt in October 1956, the Suez campaign, and, despite being forced to withdraw from the Sinai by both the US and USSR, he did not abandon this belligerent policy.
During the tripartite negotiations between Israel, France and Britain in preparation for the joint venture, the Israeli Prime Minister seriously discussed with Guy Mollet, his French counterpart, the possibility of annexing the West Bank within the overall framework of the 1956 attack against Egypt and Arab ‘radicalism’. The Americans somehow got wind of this exchange and explicitly warned Ben-Gurion against such action.
in 1957 France supplied Israel with its nuclear infrastructure. One result of the French aid was that it provided Israel with a military capacity to expand and strengthen the political elite’s self-confidence and uncompromising mood. Worried about Syria’s anti-French role in the Algerian war of liberation, most French politicians accepted the necessity of this alliance, and France granted Israel $30 million credit, most of which was used to buy arms and weapons. The strong alliance with France never distracted Ben-Gurion from the search for an even stronger alliance with the United States.
In many ways, the success of solidifying the military alliance with the United States, seemed to be a pre-condition for the successful implementation of the dream of a greater, expanded Israel. You needed American might behind you not for occupying more of Palestine, but for maintaining that occupation. This was particularly true in relation to the West Bank, which was regarded by the US as Jordanian territory (even if its annexation was never formally acknowledged). None of even the most belligerent American administrations would have backed an Israeli occupation of the West Bank, but all of them supported it after it took place.
Ok, so we have established motive for both LBJ and Israel, but assassinating a President of the US and getting away with it means support must come from many areas.
We know the Texas Boys which represented Big Oil and Christian Zionists in Texas were all in, not to mention a large White Russian Community which is outlined in the below timeline
We also know as described in so many accounts the CIA, Military , FBI and Mafia who were all partners were against JFK/RFK , Castro’s Cuba , and peace with the Soviets and also wanted more action in Vietnam. They would be happy to see JFK out of the picture.
The Jewish Lobby (AIPAC) and Zionists would have been in as well.
They had their designated patsy in Oswald, so they only needed to lure JFK in for a trip to Dallas
The important parts would be selling the narrative (Lone Gunman or CIA for the conspiracy theorists) , something which the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird in Collusion with the Jewish Lobby and Zionists could do. Then the coverup , which Hoovers FBI and LBJ could handle with the help of selected friends on the Warren Commission
There was something in it for everyone. The details don’t matter much, we will never know them.
With JFK taken out, the age of US-Israeli partnership took hold.
Following the JFK Assassination, sometime in the late 1970’s after the CIA/DoD engineered Nixon Coup the Enterprise was created by Bush following his stint as CIA director , made up of the previously relative unstructured elements of the Mafia, Military Industrial Complex, CIA, FBI, foreign intelligence agencies like the Mossad, MI5, P2 , Texan Oil Men and Financial and Banking Firms and the remnants of the World Commerce Corporation set up by former OSS Chief Wild Bill Donovan and its god child Permindex
They have since grown exponentially comprising of more institutions, both political parties and every industry, domestically and globally with control over most governments, and they rule the world. Don’t be fooled by the Fake Wrestling with Iran, China and Russia, they are simply tools used for the dialectic progression of the New World Order
We can only guess what might be the organizational structure or processes involving decisions to proceed with major events. Conspiracies after all do involve secrets.