In Defense of The Vaccinated (excluding the Zealots)
Its understandable the Unvaxxed like myself might be tempted to say “I told you so” or “why were you so gullible”, in part because of how brutally we were treated for not following them.
However, its not fair to treat the Vaxxed as one thing. They were not a homogenous group.
Lets try and break them down
A. Zealots
This group fully committed. No questions asked. If you weren’t with them, you were evil scum for which no hell could be too awful for you. This group would have burned witches, gassed Jews, whatever , with no problem. Remember them.
B. Scared.
This group was just scared having swallowed the Fear Porn, but not so scared to have lost their humanity, although they might not have socially engaged with the known unvaxxed. They simply believed that which they were told, and this was easy to do for everyone before it became politicized. They may not have had the education , intelligence or time to do their own research. This group became somewhat smaller once COVID was politicized as the once scared on the right fell back on the Group Think of the political right and placed their trust in big social media influencers. They bet on the right team. Regardless, those who were still scared of COVID (most on the left, many on the right) lined up and took their shots
C. Skeptical but Coerced.
This group wasn’t so scared and wasn’t really excited to get the jab, but did so for convenience (travel/eat out), job related ( avoid weekly tests/masks), keeping peace in the family and avoid social exclusion. And also, some of them might have wanted to be good social citizens willing to take on a bit of risk for the greater good while also enjoying some of the benefits.
D. Forced
Those in some Universities, Hospitals, and Military (and some city/state workers) that did not fit into one of the A-C and didn’t want to be unemployed or discharged
E. Pretenders
This group along with the Zealots is the must disgusting group . No hell is too hot for them. They preached the virtue and safety of the Vaccine to get rewards from their employment or for political and financial gain , all the while knowing it was poison and knowing COVID wasn’t that dangerous for most people , especially if you had access to drugs they called horse paste (and they had access). They did not get vaxxed but pretended they did using fraudulent vax cards and staged saline injections.
I have no idea what the percentages were for each group. I like to think the True Zealots were relatively small but I fear the Pretenders who resemble Zealots, but were technically grooming them, may have been larger and were far more influential.
At some point we are going to have to get behind support for compensating those who were harmed by the vaccinations and also harmed by being unvaccinated by virtue of being unemployed, underemployed, not to mention other unmeasurable harms.
Who should pay for this? How about legislation that requires every WEF corporation /member to give up a 10% equity stake in their corporation or donate 10% of their foundation/endowments assets to be shared equally by every non-corporate citizen
Some might argue this should only be distributed to those who were harmed but who can you trust to determine this? The same government and Doctors who lied to you for 3 years?. I recommend keeping it simple, not that such a thing will happen given Congress is bought and paid for by WEF corporations/Members, but its a nice dream.
I think its important to keep reminding everyone of the risks of taking these vaccines, but at the same time we should not be exaggerating the toll and promote fear porn ourselves.
What follows is a bit of a ramble, so you might want to end it here
COVID is certainly a disease that can be unpleasant and indeed dangerous for some people, as can many viruses. Mostly the elderly, immunocompromised and those with multiple gross comorbidities. And while the vaccines may promote immune escape and new variants, the chance it creates a new deadly scary variant is low. Almost the entire population has been exposed to the virus and while the vaccines have altered many immune systems in a negative way, immunology is a science with many unknowns, its likely most of the vaccinated will be fine, especially if they stop boosting.
Plus, we also know there are medicines like IVM that help. We should push Congress to intervene, break up the FDA/CDC and build back better, and one of the first things that should be done besides bringing back manufacture liability for vaccines is making Ivermectin OTC. If people can buy booze, cigarettes and pot w/o a prescription, they can take IVM for a cold
On the subject of excess deaths, and I have been guilty of this myself, we need to provide context. On average, 1% of us is expected to die every year. A 20% increase in excess death is 0.2% increase in total deaths. So instead of just 1/100 dying and additional 1/500 will die. Tough for the 1/500, I don’t mean to make light of it, but unless you have a lot of contacts its not all that noticeable. Also we have every reason to believe this number will decline as vaccinate rates decline
This goes for the alarmists who keep touting that 2021 3rd quarter report about excess deaths in the working age population of 24-64 with Group Life Insurance. Yes, 40% is alarming but 60% of that was COVID. Even if you think 1/2 of the COVID deaths were not COVID that brings the non-Covid excess death to 30%. This group dies at rates only 30% of the general population, so instead of only 1% per year 0.3% die per year. A 30% increase is 0.1% increase in mortality rate. Thats 1/1000 workers over a full year, but this is just 1 quarter, at the peak of mandates, so assuming that holds for the entire 100 million workforce thats 25,000 deaths, most of which are probably in the over 50 population. Nothing to sneeze at for sure, but a National Security Concern?
Maybe if it continued each quarter but until recently we never got that number updated, just repeated. Finally we got something more recent in the post-mandate era. This one stratified by age
I am not sure how to read the white columns on the right but as you can see the numbers are declining up to Q2-2022. Still on the high side but they are lower than the pre-vaccine numbers in 2020.
Now Ed also sites disability numbers, millions more are disabled he says, based on telephone surveys.
In his book he states
As of September 2022, there were 33.2 million disabled Americans — an extra 3.2 million to 4.2 million — a three standard deviation rate of change since May 2021
Since May 2021, the overall U.S. population has experienced an 11% increase in disabilities, while the employed — which is about 98 million out of a total population of about 320 million — experienced 26% increased rate of disability
When I think of disabled, I think of being unable to walk or unable to work due to vision , health or hearing loss. Apparently these days you can be counted as disabled because you don’t work because you think you have Long Covid. I don’t really know, but according to Social Security Disability numbers approved claims are declining and only about 1% (~40k ) of estimated 4 million Long Covid patients are collecting benefits.
This is from Social Securities 2021 report dated October 2022
Maybe this ticked up in 2022 since it takes awhile to make a claim and get approval
Here is Supplemental Security Income. No increase in 2021
Is this a National Security issue as Edward says? I don’t know. I am skeptical, but is Long Covid permanent ? Is some it psychological? I just don’t know, but I think we need more information before declaring an emergency.
FWIW- Edward doesn’t reply to me on Twitter or Gettr, and most of his followers don’t question anything, so maybe he has answers
Anyways, just asking that we be careful not to be spreading fear porn. I could go on about Naomi Wolf and her misuse of data such as claiming 80% miscarriage rate in Pfizers trials, but I am too tuckered out