So, many of us thought they were going to steamroll the Biden sponsored IHR Amendments through during the recent WHA Assembly last week. They didnt even get put up for a vote (except one) .
See below for my take before the meeting.
After all, the thinking was they probably wouldn’t have went public unless they had some assurances it would go through.
Lets face it, they have a lot of weapons to twist arms to get the votes they need. Economic (sanctions, World Bank, IMF, WTO), Military, CIA backed assassinations, Food, bribery, etc.
As we know now, according to the Hopium addicts like Del Big Tree (only teasing, I am a fan of Dels) , African nations (including Tanzania whose President was assassinated for testing Bananas and rejecting vaccines) and India (who mostly rejected IVM and embraced COVID vaccination to such an extent people were given them by force) stood up and saved the day.
Brazil, Russia, China, Iran and Malaysia are also reported to have also expressed reservations to the proposed IHR amendments. No surprises there.
According to Reuters some of the African nations agreed to reconsider on the last day subject to negotiations on Equity . This strikes me as they want to negotiate price. That makes some sense to me, we all have our price
Its also important to remember they did vote on one Amendment and amended Article 59 to shorten the time amendments would take force after approval to 1 year from 2 years
This is may signal they understood it could take a year to gain support to vote in all these amendments, in which case they would come into effect at the same time if they had approved the other amendments without amending Article 59. In other words, May 2024 may be their target for implementation
Its worth remembering the World Bank in 2020 had estimate 2025 would be the last year of the COVID pandemic.
Or more precisely the Fact Checkers say
“World Bank’s document consists of strategies and a scheduled step-by-step plan that comprises projects that run untill 2025 to deal with the damage caused by Covid-19.”
The amended IHR would be ready to go by 2025 . Just in time for a new Pandemic. Perhaps a Monkey pox mini-pandemic helps grease the skids.
One other thought is though these African countries and India can be coerced and bought, most of them still have to consider their citizens opinions. Much of the world, especially Africa, India and South Asia, Latin America and Russia/China is mostly hating America , and this was widely advertised as an American sponsored amendment.
So Politically this would be a hard sell and these nations leaders earn political points at home for saying No to America. Message to people “you can trust us”. Lol
That should have been obvious to even the most dimwitted in Bidens camp including the Chief Dimwit himself. Yet instead of finding someone else to propose it , who might have been more palatable to much of the world they chose to have these Amendments flying the American Flag and to maximize resistance.
Hindsights a wonderful tool, mainly because it brings with it more data to analyze.
Despite my previous comments, while President Biden himself has lost far more neurons than is desired, the secret President(s) are not that dumb. You can bet there is a method to the madness.
After all, they have Palantir, AI, algorithms, Total Information Awareness, predictive programming all running on Super Fast and maybe even Quantum DNA Computers. Sauron was in the dark by comparison
There is also another avenue they are pursuing. A Pandemic Treaty. Details are sketch but Treaty’s are preferred to Regulations as they carry more weight for enforcement.
Who (besides WHO) is pushing the treaty? 25 heads of government and international agencies come together in extraordinary joint call
The article calling for the treaty was signed by :
Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda; Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya;
Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa; Keith Rowley, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago; Kais Saied, President of Tunisia; Macky Sall, President of Senegal, Joko Widodo, President of Indonesia; Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine
Also, J. V. Bainimarama, Prime Minister of Fiji; Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister of Thailand; António Luís Santos da Costa, Prime Minister of Portugal; Mario Draghi, Prime Minister of Italy; Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania; Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Emmanuel Macron, President of France; Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany; Charles Michel, President of the European Council; Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of Greece; Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea; Sebastián Piñera, President of Chile; Andrej Plenković, Prime Minister of Croatia; Carlos Alvarado Quesada, President of Costa Rica; Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania; Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands; ; Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister of Spain; Erna Solberg, Prime Miniser of Norway; Aleksandar Vučić, President of Serbia; Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization.
This is a more palatable sponsorship for the rest of the world. I cant imagine it getting though without another Pandemic though (perhaps Monkey Pox?).
Monkey Pox is taking off at a rather muted pace much like COVID death (dont worry its not expected to be a Pandemic they say now) . Designated at first as mostly spread by a bunch of gays hooking up at some rave in Portugal its clear some of those infected early on had no part in this (right from the AIDS playbook).
There is also some talk in the twitter-verse of a larger than expected number of mutations making it more susceptible to humans to human transmission. Soon we shall be hearing some linking Russia bio labs to the new more transmissible virus

Just a thought, the outbreak might make a useful cover for unleashing a Monkey Pox bioweapon against those in the Donbas and elsewhere in Ukraine thats under Russian occupation.