So 24 hours after the bombing and 12 hours after my last post we have a clearer picture of the extent of damage done.
After reporting up to 500 dead and then more precisely 471 dead yesterday , the Gaza Health Authority is now reporting 200-300 dead. The precision reported yesterday has been replaced with an estimate, with quite a large range. I suppose some of the bodies were not intact making it hard to count.
So only 200 dead, whats all the fuss about (thats sarcasm)
We also have some daytime photos. As mentioned yesterday it did not appear that the buildings took a direct hit and the missile hit the courtyard which includes the parking lot. From the photos it can be seen the parking lot took a direct hit
Some damage to exterior buildings but not as much as you would expect, even with a small size JMAB (500 lbs), so it probably wasn’t.
At the same time , Hamas rockets don’t pack that much of a punch as we have not seen anything comparable from the rockets that manage to escape Israels Iron Done and hit Israel
Its been suggested that a US made Hellfire missile was used
Israel bombed, probably with a U.S. made Hellfire missile, the courtyard of the Baptist al-Ahli Arab hospital where thousands had sought refuge. A short video of the immediate aftermath shows several dozens if not hundreds of dead and wounded. Doctors later held a press conference while standing among some of the casualties.
Valeria Scuto, lead Middle East analyst at Sibylline, a risk assessment company, notes that Israel has the capacity to carry out other forms of air strike by drone, where they might use Hellfire missiles. These missiles generate a significant amount of heat but would not necessarily leave a large crater.
A hellfire missile from what I understand (not a military guy) targets vehicles and wouldn’t be expected to kill a large number of bystanders, but this was a very crowded area as civilians seeking safe haven from Israels bombing congregated in the Hospitals courtyard and sleeping in nearby buildings
So could such a missile kill 200 civilians, many of which would be children
The Hellfire Kill/Injury Radius is 15-20 m or 30-40 m diameter
I imagine at 7 pm most civilian residents were not sleeping and many congregated outside in the courtyard where they would be hit by shrapnel.
So the good news is not as many were killed as we were first told, and the hospital is more or less intact.
I still consider Israel as the leading suspect unless someone can show Hamas doing comparable damage to Israel with one of their homemade rockets.
As you can see here, whatever it was that hit came in fast and packed quite a punch
Unlike one of Hamas homemade rockets
One thing we have to understand is that Israel created Hamas and its not beyond reason to believe they have infiltrated it to some degree over the years because frankly, Hamas is causing as much damage to Palestinians in Gaza as Israel is. Their Homemade Rockets do nothing for them against Israel but to justify more atrocities, so just stop already.
Former Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin has said:
“Supporting and creating Hamas was Israel’s fatal mistake.”
Former Gaza Commandant Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev, in a New York Times interview said that:
“The government gave me money to spend on supporting the Islamists in Gaza to prevent the growing influence of Fatah and the Communists”.
Rabbi Avner Cohen, who was in charge of religious affairs in Gaza for 20 years said:
“Hamas, to my great regret, is a creation of Israel.”
In the 1980s, he prepared an entire report for the Israeli government, concluding with a warning about the threat of a terrorist Islamist cell and, as a consequence, a strong recommendation to immediately stop playing divide and conquer in Gaza.
One of his quotes on the subject:
“Stop supporting this monster before you face the dire consequences.”
Even PM Netanyahu himself recommended support for Hamas:
Given this admitted history of collaboration with Hamas it was surely totally unacceptable for Israel’s President Herzog to say:
“It is an entire nation out there that is responsible. It is not true this rhetoric about civilians not being aware, not involved. It’s absolutely not true. They could have risen up. They could have fought against that evil regime which took over Gaza in a coup d’etat.”
So now that Biden has safely visited Israel and is on the way home we may ask Cui Bono? Biden didn’t get to meet any Arab leaders on his trip due to the Bombing. Big Win for Bibi. Maybe something else was accomplished, but that seems to be the biggest.
Anyways, people will believe what they want to believe. Israel has been doing this stuff since it came into existence
Eva Bartlett says the same hospital was attacked in 2009
But they say they didn’t this time, so we should believe them. Right?
Have you seen this?
Thanks. Thats well done. Its only fault is lack of discussion of the payload of Hamas Homemade Rockets, in other words, we have not seen any Hamas rockets deliver comparable damage to Israel (the few that escape the Iron Dome).