HHS Does Not Have a Monopoly on Clowns
I feel the need to comment on Malones latest substack.
While I certainly dont have any respect for HHS at this point I feel the focus on HHS and Birx as well as China is myopic and we are missing the forrest for the trees
One might want to review my latest post on Birx here
Now for Malones substack post
Deborah Birx re-wrote CDC guidelines on the above without CDC or White House approval (as discussed in her book, Silent Invasion). How was this allowed to happen?
She said worked with Trumps Robert Redfield (Bob), who was CDC Director. They go way back
The US Government was intentionally subjected to a concerted propaganda attach from the CCP, and Deborah Birx and her cronies completely swallowed the CCP propaganda hook, line and sinker. Birx apparently continues to remain clueless that she was played!
Nobody was played. China , the US and NATO members states (as well as Russia and others) were partners with WHO in playing their Citizens to facilitate the WEF Agenda. China was chosen to set the example and show that it worked (with bogus data) so the West could follow. These plans were developed for over a decade since the last Pandemic Live Exercise (2009 Swine Flu) during what they called the Decade of Vaccines
The Bayh-Dole Act has corrupted both NIH and the CDC. Federal officials should not be profiting from patents in the specialties for which they are hired.
The patent revenue by Federal employees is corrupting the FDA, CDC and NIH employees. The Bayh-Dole Act must be amended to exclude federal employees from profit-sharing of publicly funded patents.
Bayh-Dole act as written did no such thing. It was Reagans Executive Order after he appointed Fauci to NIAID in the midst of the HIV Fraud that expanded patent rights under Bayh -Dole.
Good article on Bayh Dole here
But it was Reagans 1987 EO (and 1983 Memorandum) that was the problem
1987, President Reagan signed an executive order (12591) that aimed to legitimize his 1983 memorandum that instructed heads of executive branch departments and agencies to “promote the commercialization . . . of patentable results of federally funded research by granting to all contractors, regardless of size, the title to patents made in whole or in part with Federal funds, in exchange for royalty-free use by or on behalf of the government.”
….promote the commercialization, in accord with my Memorandum to the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies of February 18, 1983, of patentable results of federally funded research by granting to all contractors, regardless of size, the title to patents made in whole or in part with Federal funds, in exchange for royalty-free use by or on behalf of the government;
….implement, as expeditiously as practicable, royalty-sharing programs with inventors who were employees of the agency at the time their inventions were made, and cash award programs; …
This 1987 executive order is nothing like Bayh-Dole. Bayh-Dole has nothing to say about promoting commercialization. Bayh-Dole does not grant title to patents to contractors. Bayh-Dole does not even grant title to inventions to contractors.
Fauci took many pages from the HIV playbook with COVID especially when it came to getting ineffective/unsafe drugs through Clinical Trials, withholding recommendations for safe and effective repurposed drugs that may be used off label , using tests with high false positive rates initially and fudging mortality rate (first up then down) to generate fear and then to support the efficacy of the approved drugs.
Birx and Trumos CDC Director Redfield were both implicated in allegedly falsifying results in an HIV vaccine trial while in the Army and Redfield is a partner of illegitimate Father of the HIV -Robert Gallo -to boot
Its curious Malone leaves out the Military as a partner in this crime. Of course working with them for over 20 years might explain that
Yes, Birx/Fauci/Gates and CCP were all involved in this crime. But so too were the US Military, Trump Administration and many of Americas top Global Corporations who facilitated mask/test/vaccine mandates and the disruption of supply chains and collusion to create inflation of prices/profits/stock prices and the controlled demolition of the economy in line with the Net Carbon Zero and WEF Green and Sustainable Agenda.
Biden’s job is in perpetuating the Crime and accelerating the Controlled Demolition (which began in the 1970’s) to Warp Speed
Of course, Militarism and Corporatism are the other 2 secular religions along with Scientism that make up the 3 legged stool the High Priests of the ELites stand on. There is hardly an American today who has not adopted one or more of the Holy Trinity of Secular Religions involved in the Destruction of America on behalf of the Global ELite
Wake up and get your head out of your ass (in which lies the false 2 party paradigm). The Elite are Hegelian’s. They control all sides and get you fighting with each other and chasing red herrings/patsies to drive change in the direction they want and to obscure who is really behind the chaos.
Beware of Controlled Opposition. They present many truths to establish credibility so they can then mislead you.
I will leave you with one more thought. The discrediting of HHS through the misdeeds of FDA, CDC and Faucis NIAID and his wife who is in charge of HHS Bioethics is so blatant and Clownish it has to be intentional.
Intent implies there is Purpose in destroying their credibility. That Purpose may be so they can Build Back Better, perhaps as an officially sanctioned (as opposed to defacto ) Public Private Partnership which will likely be far worse.
To give it credibility I suspect some of the Doctors who may be throwing us puppies some Truth Bones will be brought out to sell it and perhaps be a part of it.
This is just speculation on my part. Something to watch for, especially after the 2024 elections (assuming we have them) lead to the Republicans coming back to power.