You know, either the Deep State has gotten more Incompetent or these are Psyops meant to Influence the Election
Alternatively , 2 Lone Nutters with Crooks being massively assisted by Gross Incompetence of Secret Service and Local Counter Snipers. Your pick.
So any of my takes on Trump might be called TDS, but if so I wear the badge proudly. My big regret is being forced to defend Biden/Kamala and so I am probably falling for the BLOBS trap to herd us all into separate camps
This post will focus on the 2nd so called Assassination Attempt.
Before I go on this could be just a copy cat nutter and the Secret Service did its job. I cant rule that out. If its a Copy Cat he better not have a Haitian Cell Mate who eats cats (sorry, couldn’t help myself)
So you can see how this will be played, Trump was going to be taken out because he wants to end the War in Ukraine (so we can concentrate on Iran and maybe China).
But what happens if Trump is killed?. Its then JD vs Kamala. Heck, I might even vote for JD if he makes RFK Jr his VP and ending the Ukraine War might be the only thing I agree with Trump on.
I don’t think Trump is the only hope to end the Ukraine War. Indeed, killing Trump makes it more likely
BTW, we have well over 100,000 Ukranians brought in since 2022, and there are going to be a lot of pissed off Neo-Nazis on the loose in Europe once the War Ends. Some of them might become the New Al Qaeda looking for revenge (h/t Whitney Webb)
Ok, but lets consider some other possibilities. First, lets review my take on the First Attempt which evolved during the month after the shooting.
I posted a lot on that as new information came out. Nothing much has come out in the last month though
I believe that was a Deep State Op to get Trump Elected. I don’t think Trump knew. Trump is a Trojan Horse for the Deep State (I prefer BLOB which is more broader than the popularized definition which seems to be limited to government agencies united against Trump). If you think other wise you have been fooled by Fake Wrestling Kayfabe.
The Details on how they pulled off the first we will never know. Clearly the Secret Service Stood Down. I believe the local Counter Snipers in charge of AGR were enlisted to do the same, which is why we know so little about their actions. They are the weak link and are being protected.
How they got Trump to react to the bullet and draw blood I cant say. Perhaps a ear tracking device rigged so they could detonate a tiny spark that caused pain and a little blood
Trump looked shaken up. Probably a bit pissed off but I guess he needed some convincing to pick JD as his running mate. JD’s benefactor is a big part of the BLOB
Crooks was probably told to shoot into the crowd as an act of Domestic Terrorism. Probably promised a job with CIA and protection afterward . He likely fired on signal so they knew when it was coming. After that they took him out so he couldn’t talk. They are a watching his Dad very closely and threatening him with prosecution. If he has a heart attack soon don’t be surprised
Admittedly, this is speculation. A hypothesis
FBI has made clear they are only investigating Crooks, not the Secret Service nor Local Enforcement Officers. So thats it.
Now for the 2nd , possibly Fake Assassination, since the First Worked so well.
Hypothesis: After a disastrous week they needed a distraction. His debate was awful and his Pet Eating Haitian Defamations sickened anyone with a soul
They like to release information in dribs and drabs so their AI algorithms can digest the feed back and predict which of their options will fly.
They kept this simple. No video, nothing live. Their patsy seems Deep State connected. The fact he is alive means he is probably a willing patsy. Rewarded in some fashion.
He is aligned with Biden on Ukraine and Taiwan raising foreign armies for both, begging us all to connect him to CIA. Trump is cool on Ukraine and Taiwan. Good choice
The story at this point is despite there being no public announcement Trump will golf there, he is hiding behind a fence about 300-500 yards away from Trumps location when an advance SS scout spots his rifle and begins shooting. No further details.
The person detained is Ryan Wesley Routh, according to three law enforcement sources. Routh is a self-employed affordable housing builder in Hawaii who went on social media to weigh in on politics and current events, at times criticizing the former president
Routh also has ties to North Carolina, where public records show he registered as an “unaffiliated” voter without a party in 2012. He voted in that state’s Democratic primary in March of this year, according to the North Carolina State Board of Elections.
Separately, judges have ordered him to pay tens of thousands of dollars to plaintiffs in various civil suits.
Routh’s eldest son, Oran, told CNN via text that Routh was “a loving and caring father, and honest hardworking man.”
The son wrote, “I don’t know what’s happened in Florida, and I hope things have just been blown out of proportion, because from the little I’ve heard it doesn’t sound like the man I know to do anything crazy, much less violent.”
I just noticed something. Crooks is from PA and Routh from NC. Both states badly needed by Trump. Probably means nothing, just thought I would mention it.
So he leaves his gun and stuff behind, runs to car and escapes. Witness takes details (plate,make,model), gives to cops who grab him on highway and take him in.
So I guess I dont see much wrong with this narrative but why would you have your gun out in the open and poking through the fence when Trump is so far away and Secret Service Agents on the prowl
While I understand Trump and the Secret Service not being willing to secure the entire golf club when he golfs (its his business, cant inconvenience the patrons too much), why are they not using drones?. If nothing else it scares away the baddies.
How does an out of state guy without any public announcement of Trump golfing that day know he was golfing at that time? Does Trump keep a regular Sunday Schedule?
Anyways, It seems it will be hard to prove he was attempting to assassinate Trump, if he argues he was not aware Trump was there , but I guess that depends on the Jury. Trespassing and gun charges definitely. I suppose if he got paid enough he might be willing to do the time. Seems he had some money issues and going nowhere. Could be susceptible to such an offer. And if we was not a CIA asset he was probably on the FBI’s Radar with his record and Internet post and travels
Cui Bono
Trump for obvious reasons
Secret Service. Reputation partially redeemed
Erik Prince , if this leads to Secret Service being privatized
Russia. If enough people buy in and try to link Ukraine to the attempt
Of course, Secret Service is being blamed for not securing the entire golf course but Trumps a billionaire and if he is that scared he could hire his own security. You know, help reduce the deficit so Secret Service can afford to pay $800 a night at your hotels. That will be blamed more on Biden than Secret Service, and the Secret Service does have a budget.
So these are my initial thoughts. Can’t wait what they have for us tomorrow.
Ps-Apparently Elon (or is it Leon) deleted the shooters X account. I had looked at it briefly. What harm is his X account doing now?. I guess FBI requested it because “Investigation”.
This guy videoed his twitter feed. Probably gets deleted soon
You know, secrecy breeds conspiracy theories, but I guess thats what they want, that way they can grow the population of potential Domestic Terrorists and increase their budget. FBI first linked Conspiracy Theories with Domestic Terrorism in 2019, this was a year after DHS set up its Media Influencer Data Base and hired contractors to monitor them.
We aren’t in Kansas anymore Dorothy.
Routh was charged in NC with possessing a Weapon of Mass Destruction in 2002. This was a a fully automatic machine gun, referred to in court filings as a weapon of mass destruction.