Finding a Patsy to Support the Narrative? Or the Real Deal? Will This Leak Be Used to Justify More Control of The Internet?
Also Jamie Dimon, Consensus Science, Weather Weapons
I am sorry but I cant imagine that a 21 year old from the Massachusetts State National Guard has a need for or access to high level classified intelligence on a war being fought far from Boston
Indeed, briefings at this level seem more likely to include disinformation propaganda or at least huge gaps in information. For example, the lack of detail on Ukrainian troop and material strengths and losses compared to the Russian details is most striking
[Note-I have not read any of the reports but rely on those who have. I simply don’t have the background to assess them so wont waste my time.]
Assuming the leak came from US intelligence, and I don’t know that, and amidst a seemingly growing doubt as its authenticity, what would you do?
How do you spell Patsy? However its spelled, you find one and hope for a response like this from a ZH report
From the prior... and now looking to be a debunked report:
April 7 (Reuters) - Russia or pro-Russian elements are likely behind the leak of several classified U.S. military documents posted on social media that offer a partial, month-old snapshot of the war in Ukraine, three U.S. officials told Reuters on Friday, while the Justice Department said separately it was probing the leak.
For what its worth, I doubt its from Russia as I cant imagine they gain much from it. Although they would want to hide details on what they know of Ukraine troop and material strengths and of course, a couple of nuggets were in their interest to leak
That said, maybe this kid acted on his own and did leak reports he had access to, but then we have to ask : do those at his level get access to credible reports or are at least some of these reports tailored to disseminate a desired take home message to get or keep officers on board with the narrative, and contain mis or disinformation as necessary?
I don’t know. But it all strikes me as just another distraction. OTOH, could it be more than distraction or a ploy to get Congress to write bigger checks for Ukraine?
Oh, lookie here (November 2022)
Raytheon Co., Tewksbury, Massachusetts, was awarded a $1,216,207,829 firm-fixed-price contract for the procurement of National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems, associated equipment, services and spares in support of the efforts in Ukraine. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work will be performed in Tewksbury, Massachusetts, with an estimated completion date of Nov. 28, 2025.
James Corbett brought up a great point. Perhaps these online dumps of materials that are said to be a National Security threat are to get support for more governmentbcontrol over the internet?
According to John Kirby of Biden’s National Security Council
The internet is part of cyberspace and in the public domain, part of the Global Digital Commons and thus must be controlled as set out by the UN’s “Our Common Agenda”.
Its also a matter of National Security interest
No future war will be won without air, space and cyberspace superiority. The very fact that DOD has now unified the disparate geographies into the more encompassing term global commons and is pursuing a new multidomain theoretical initiative called AirSea Battle hint at the prospect that the notion of the global commons may be more than just a new, more convenient taxonomy scheme and may in fact be an initial attempt to recraft the strategy and concept develop- ment process. The critical issue for security planners thus becomes finding an appropriate methodology for development of a military concept of operations for the global commons that goes beyond the domain-by-domain approach and fully considers the rich interactions between domains that characterize military operations in the commons.
So keep an eye out for any new legislation being proposed along these lines
Meanwhile, keep an eye on the Feds Balance Sheet, rocky roads ahead. Drops in the balance sheet means contraction of the money supply and recession.
And remember this
Not to say there is not a Culture War the ELites are waging. This Woke Transgender Nonsense they are inflicting on kids is Satanic. Think of it as a Cancer on Culture. But thats the Weapon the ELite are using hoping you dont realize who is behind it. Don’t be deceived by the Fake Wrestling, they back both sides of every issue using the Hegelian Dialectic to achieve the desired outcome.
Sun Tzu, a Chinese military general, strategist, and philosopher, once said “Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.”
If people don’t figure out who the enemy is real quick the losses will continue until you are all in the Digital Gulag. Your neighbor is not the enemy unless you live near someone like Jamie Dimon or Larry Fink
Think you own your land and home?. Think again, you only have permission to think you do.
Dont worry, you will get “ just “ compensation, whose value is determined by government lackeys taking orders from Jamie Dimon and the ELite Class
Jamie will have a chance to talk about this next month
H/t to Corbett Report for snapshots
Long before we saw the corruption of Science Exposed by COVID, we had Science tell us open air fires can melt steel and cause steel frame high rise towers to collapse into dust, and Scientists telling us mans puny CO2 Emissions can cause Catastrophic Global Warming. This is called Consensus Science.
Michael Crichton - physician, producer, and writer - explained it best when he gave a lecture on science, politics, and consensus in 2003;
I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled.
He continued:
Consensus is the business of politics….The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it's science, it isn't consensus. Period.
Why does the Pentagon follow Consensus Science?
The Military’s role in perpetuating the Climate Change Fraud
Andrew W. Marshall (September 13, 1921 – March 26, 2019)was an American foreign policy strategist who served as director of the United States Department of Defense's Office of Net Assessment from 1973 to 2015.
In 2003, Andrew Marshall commissioned a report for the Pentagon predicting that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies.
In its 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) officially recognized climate change as a factor worthy of consideration in future national security planning. The report stated, "Climate change and energy are two key issues that will play a significant role in shaping the future security environment," noting that "climate change, energy security, and economic stability are inextricably linked."1
The report goes on to describe the vast geopolitical impacts of climate change anticipated by the intelligence community, including sea level rise, increasing temperatures, food and water scarcity, the proliferation of disease vectors, and the risk of mass migration by vulnerable populations to escape these impacts. These risks led DOD to declare that "while climate change alone does not cause conflict, it may act as an accelerant of instability or conflict, placing a burden to respond on civilian institutions and militaries around the world."2
The department's leaders recognized that the United States' existing role in responding to extreme weather events, delivering humanitarian assistance, and preserving national security would be made all the more difficult by climate change.
Since DOD's public call to action, the department has worked to better integrate climate risk across its operations and long-term planning. DOD has also pursued climate mitigation and adaptation measures in accordance with a broad set of Executive Branch initiatives designed to move the entire U.S. government towards a lower carbon footprint, more efficient resource consumption, and improved resilience against extreme weather events.
The institutionalization of climate adaptation and mitigation measures has transformed how the department does business and has resulted in a more sustainable and agile military.
Responsibilities for these measures have been distributed across the Pentagon for development and implementation and have been outlined in numerous memos, reports, and other official guidance. In addition, each of the five service branches has established its own clean energy goals to be achieved through physical infrastructure upgrades, as well as training to adjust behaviors and risk perception among its personnel.
Tackling the Climate Crisis
The planet's changing climate has a significant effect on Defense Department missions, plans and installations. DOD is elevating climate change as a national security priority, integrating climate considerations into policies, strategies and partner engagements.
Could it be that Man Made Climate Change is a cover for the Military Weather Weapons. In the 1990’s an Air Force Document titled Owning The Weather in 2025 came out. My guess is these weapons are locked and loaded and possibly already deployed
Kind of like Vaccines are a cover for Engineered Viruses to be developed as Biological Weapons to effect Social Change and implement harmful solutions like Lockdowns, Vaccine passports, Unsafe Vaccines.
Weather Weapons can negatively impact weather and cause Society to go along with harmful changes in Energy and Food Consumption and Production proposed as a solution. Indeed the two can be linked by claiming Climate Change causes Pandemic Viruses and implement a One Health Solution as part of the WHO Pandemic Treaty
Here is a bit more on Owning the Weather by William Engdahl
‘Owning the Weather in 2025’
In June 1996 the US Air Force published a report with the provocative title, “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025.” The report outlined the possibilities of manmade geoengineering to, among other things, enhance precipitation or storms, deny precipitation (induce droughts), eliminate cloud cover of an enemy, and other events.
It was produced, “to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future.”
The report noted at the onset, “weather-modification can be divided into two major categories: suppression and intensification of weather patterns. In extreme cases, it might involve
the creation of completely new weather patterns, attenuation or control of severe storms, or even alteration of global climate on a far-reaching and/or long-lasting scale.”
The Air Force document, which curiously enough was deleted from its website only in 2021, also states, “…the tremendous military capabilities that could result from this field are ignored at our own peril… appropriate application of weather-modification can provide battlespace dominance to a degree never before imagined… The technology is there, waiting for us to pull it all together."
Ionospheric Heaters and atmospheric resonance technology
Since the 1970s the work on manmade geoengineering has gotten more sophisticated and also much more secret. The traditional method of “rainmaking”, cloud seeding by planes dispersing, typically, particles of silver iodide onto clouds containing water droplets to induce rainfall has been used since the 1940s.
However, since the 1990s, around the time the US Air Force published Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, significant new methods were developed with far greater reach and effect, and well before 2025.
Notably, that US Air Force 1996 report stated, “…modification of the ionosphere is an area rich with potential applications and there are also likely spin-off applications that have yet to be envisioned.”
Much international attention and concern has been given to a US Air Force and Office of Naval Research ionospheric research project, HAARP-- High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program-- in Gakona, Alaska. In January 1999, the European Union called the project a “global concern” and passed a resolution calling for more information on its health and environmental risks.
Washington ignored the call. Most of HAARP research data has been classified for reasons of “national security,” leading to wide speculation of sinister activity.
In 1985 while working for ARCO Oil Company on a grant from the Pentagon’s DARPA, a brilliant physicist, Dr. Bernard J. Eastlund, filed a patent (US #4,686,605), for a "Method and Apparatus for Altering A Region In the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, And Or Magnetosphere."
The patent description claimed that a specific beaming of powerful radio waves into the ionosphere could cause heating and “elevate” the Earth’s ionosphere. It could be used to control weather, altering jet streams, changing tornadoes or creating or denying rainfall. ARCO was approached by the US military and sold them the patent rights from their then-employee Eastlund. The US military then reportedly turned the patent rights over to top military contractor, Raytheon. Raytheon is reportedly also involved in construction of every major ionosphere heating radar arrays globally.
[Our current Secretary of Defense was a Raytheon Board member]
Coincidence? A HAARP spokesman denied it used the patent of Eastlund in HAARP. They did not mention any of the other sites, however.
HAARP is a highly powerful phased array of radar antennas aimed at the ionosphere. It is sometimes referred to as an ionic heater. The ionosphere is a high-altitude layer of the atmosphere with particles which are highly charged with energy. If radiation is projected into the ionosphere, huge amounts of energy can be generated and used to annihilate a given region. Initially its own website, now deleted, stated HAARP was “a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere… for both civilian and defense purposes.”
HAARP at Gakona was officially shuttered by the US military in 2013. In 2015 officially they transferred operation of HAARP to their civilian partner, The University of Alaska at Fairbanks. The closure provided the excuse to stop the live broadcasting of HAARP's signals on a public website, which had given strong evidence of links between HAARP activities and major weather catastrophes such as Hurricane Katrina or the 2008 China Chengdu earthquake.
Operation of the facility was transferred to the University of Alaska in 2015.
Some researchers have speculated that the Gakona HAARP is a sly diversion, an innocent site open to academic scrutiny, while serious military ionospheric manipulation takes place at other top secret sites.
By 2015 the US military and government agencies such as NOAA had moved well beyond the capacities of HAARP. They oversaw construction of far more powerful phased array ionospheric radar heat arrays around the world. This included a more powerful HIPAS – a 70 megawatt facility east of Fairbanks. It also included Arecibo Observatory, formerly known as the Arecibo Ionosphere Observatory – 2 megawatt facility in Puerto Rico; Mu Radar – 1 megawatt facility in Japan. And the mother of all atmospheric heating radar arrays, EISCAT – a 1 gigawatt facility in Tromsø, Northern Norway. HAARP is only a mere 3.6 megawatt facility.
Many other phased array ionospheric heater sites are either classified secret or give little information. It is believed one such is at Vandenberg Air Force base in Southern California. Another in Millstone Hill, Massachusetts, another in Taiwan and in the Marshall Islands.
[Taiwan has had 3 years without a single Typhoon and has been unusually dry which may lead to significant power disruptions as the shut down nuclear reactors and increasing depend on hydroelectric power. This will help the National Carbon Budget and please Klause. Of course, maybe China is using a Weather Weapon on Taiwan]
Because the Pentagon and other relevant US Government agencies choose to say little or nothing about their inter-connectedness and use in climate alteration, we are left to speculate.
The military contractor Raytheon, who got the Eastlund patents from ARCO, reportedly is involved in many such sites globally.
Because the US Government work on geoengineering has been classified and kept from an open public discussion, it is not possible to prove in a court of law that events like the East Coast Bomb Tornadoes or the September 2022 Florida Hurricane Ian, one of the most powerful storms ever to hit the US, or the January 2023 record floods from repeated waves of Atmospheric River storms lashing California after extraordinary drought, are simply natural freaks. There is no scientific evidence it is due to a surplus of CO2 in the atmosphere. But as the above suggests, there is a huge body of evidence pointing to malicious actors with powers of the state, using geoengineering not to benefit, even if manmade geoengineering could benefit.
I’ll end this here.
Thank you for this powerful post. I just cross reference this to Solution Seeking Substack with the explanation in quotes below.
Solution Seeking Subscribers are invited to consider taking a look this well written article and consider the strengths of writing an article in this way. Several explanations are examined critically and logically. Dialogue is invited. And it is possible that the enemy tactics being discussed here are much more widespread than most realize? Thank you.
If you or others might want to participate in an effort by equals to work together to evaluate and derive new solutions about HOW to stop our root cause enemy from harming humanity and the world, please consider taking a look at the following UR:L.
Thanks again.
You are right, RAY. Do the Leftists just do these things on purpose? Do they really expect people to
believe the whole thing went down this way? That John Kirby is such a phony. He's not the smartest
tool in the shed either like a lot in the White House.