Fauci’s Self Replicating Funding Machine-CREID
Recently I asked Dr Malone how he knows Fauci funded DEFUSE. Never got an answer but soon a light bulb went off in my brain thanks to a couple of Jim Haslams threads. I had always assumed DEFUSE went through as proposed and never really cared where it came from, but seems this is more important than I thought since the criminals are working on the next one

In 2018 under FASAB they legalized secret national security spending and obscure what is being funded.
“SFFAS 56 – CLASSIFIED ACTIVITIES” permits government agencies to “modify” public financial statements and move expenditures from one line item to another and refrain from telling taxpayers if and when public financial statements have been altered.”
In May 2020 Fauci , instead of being fired was given a new TOY while many of us were all Locked Down
CREID (Irish pronunciation for Believe)
In August 2020
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), one of the National Institutes of Health, today announced that it has awarded 11 grants with a total first-year value of approximately $17 million to establish the Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases (CREID). The global network will involve multidisciplinary investigations into how and where viruses and other pathogens emerge from wildlife and spillover to cause disease in people. NIAID intends to provide approximately $82 million over 5 years to support the network.
Oh DONALD, what have you done? Giving Faucis boys $82 million to play with, that’s good for another 4 Pandemic Viruses
So you may think May 2020 means it could have nothing to do with Sars-Cov-2? Well look at who is behind each? Same folks.
Apparently, fellow Virologist Robert Garry says funding under CREID had been around as early as 2019 as it takes time to formally tie all the knots
Without Sars-Cov-2 could CREID even have been approved? It really is a super self spreading virus, it even replicates funding for Scientists who Engineered it.
When Daszak submitted the DEFUSE proposal to DARPA which had solicited proposals under the PREEMPT program. It went to another group doing the same thing but in Africa with another bat virus (Lassa) and for 4 million dollars less than DEFUSE proposal. It is likely it was already underway since those who grant these proposals like to see preliminary data.
Now, can we say for sure Faucis CREID funded DEFUSE? No. Its unlikely there was direct funding and even if there was it can be hidden. However, these players receive multiple grants and it wouldn’t be hard to inflate the costs of one project to cover the costs of a “Dark” Project
And we must remember, Daszak also had other funding sources he could draw on until the USG came through. According to former VP of EHA Dr Huff they also obtained :
“funding, material support, or data from private foundations (e.g., The Wellcome Trust, the Google Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Skoll Foundation). Most had either donated money to EcoHealth, or in my experience and supported by documents from EHA that I have in my possession, had contracted, or provided earmarked funds, material support, or data, for specific contract work or extensions or formed strategic partnerships with existing US government sponsored programs.”
No mention of Gates? I can’t believe Billy “Boy” Gates didn’t give Daszak some money from his petty cash account, but who knows?
Now some think there is a difference between getting the funding from Fauci and DARPA, directly or indirectly. Its all one big blob really, each of these agencies are interlocked and have the same boss, Fauci himself wears 2 hats thanks to Dick Cheney militarization of HHS in 2002, and while that boss is officially the President I think we know better. There is probably a higher power directing these agencies.
I think its important to take a look at what these Virus Hunters have been up to recently. A rather informative Intercept article from late 2021 helps in this regard
June 11, 2021 ....the NIAID awarded the second year’s funding of an even larger grant the agency had given EcoHealth in August 2020 — after the earlier grant had been terminated...... The new NIAID grant, titled “Understanding Risk of Zoonotic Virus Emergence in Emerging Infectious Disease Hotspots of Southeast Asia,” provides $7.5 million for researchers to track down, sample, store, and collect viruses obtained from animals throughout Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia.
EcoHealth Alliance is also using this funding to build chimeric, or hybrid, viruses from SARS- and MERS-like bat coronaviruses, as it did under the grant that was suspended. This time, however, the scientists are using a pangolin virus rather than a bat virus to serve as the “backbone” of their chimeras.
Both the NIH and EcoHealth Alliance said that work done under the canceled bat coronavirus did not qualify for review under HHS guidelines known as P3CO, which have been in place to guard against the risk posed by federally funded gain-of-function research since 2017. But under the new grant, “building chimeras based on SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2, and MERS-CoV may be subject to the DHHS P3CO Framework and must be submitted to NIAID for review and approval prior to the work commencing.”
Instead of sending viral samples to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is not a partner on this project, the scientists will send the collected samples, including relatives of the Hendra virus and the Nipah virus, to the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories in Boston and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, both of which operate the highest-level biosafety labs.
“It’s good it’s not going to China now. But it doesn’t need to be brought here to my home,” said Chan, the molecular biologist, who lives in Boston. “Why don’t we just keep the virus characterization local?”
Along with the new grant, the NIH also gave Daszak his own research center. The South East Asia Research Collaboration Hub is one of 10 Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases that the NIAID created in 2020 at a cost of $82 million over five years. Some of these new projects entail potentially dangerous research.
In Malaysia and Thailand, scientists are now searching for novel viruses in bats, rodents, and primates, according to the website of the CREID network. In Ethiopia, similar work is being conducted on camels and bats. In Nigeria and Sierra Leone, scientists are isolating the Lassa mammarenavirus, which causes a deadly hemorrhagic fever, and plan to ship the virus samples to a biosafety level 4 lab at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.
Another project, taking place in “North America,” is simply described as “Engineering of reverse genetics for SARS-CoV-2 and testing of mutant viruses in cell culture and animal models.”
[No Doubt Baric ,Munster and Rocky Mountain Labs are involved]
In April 2021, the NIAID also launched another network of research sites. The Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Response will give out $24 million in contracts in its first year for the study of emerging viruses of pandemic potential and SARS-CoV-2 as well as flu viruses.
Additional federal funding for outbreak prediction is also on the way. In October, USAID, which closed out the Predict project in 2019, announced that it would be spending $125 million to scale up the agency’s previous efforts to identify and understand unknown viral threats through a new project called Discovery & Exploration of Emerging Pathogens – Viral Zoonoses, or Deep VZN.
Like Predict, Deep VZN will conduct sampling in select countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America; the project aims to strengthen the detection and characterization of previously unknown viruses and promises that the data and information it gathers will play a critical role in developing diagnostics, medicines, and vaccines. The project has already awarded a $10 million grant to Washington State University.
Meanwhile, Daszak and Carroll are leading an even more ambitious outbreak prediction effort. The Global Virome Project plans to find and map the genomes of more than 500,000 viruses around the world at a cost of roughly $1.2 billion. Carroll, who previously directed the NIAID’s emerging pandemic threats program, refers to the 10-year, $200 million Predict project that he oversaw as a mere “pilot project” for the new endeavor.
While Carroll told The Intercept that he and others are “still negotiating” possible federal support for the Global Virome Project, a 2017 State Department cable suggests that the U.S. had already begun funding the project. “Significant USG support for GVP-related research already exists, including the Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Program, which is jointly supported by NIH, USDA and [National Science Foundation].”
Meanwhile, the fate of the China Virome Project, which was begun in the hopes of working in conjunction with the Global Virome Project, is unclear. Rather than collaborating on health security, the U.S. and China are now positioned to operate as competing superpowers in a biological arms race, engaged in separate efforts to hunt down the world’s most dangerous viruses.
So they aren’t slowing down at all.
Lets see what the White House has to say
Biological threats are increasing, whether naturally occurring, accidental, or deliberate, and the likelihood of a catastrophic biological event is similarly increasing.
There are compelling reasons to expect that the frequency will increase further in the years ahead
New infectious diseases have been emerging at a quickening pace due to increased zoonotic transmission from animals, driven by population growth, climate change, habitat loss, and human behavior, and these diseases are spreading faster with increased global travel.
[ not to mention GOF and reverse genetics that accelerate this evolution]
• The number of laboratories around the world handling dangerous pathogens is growing in part as a response to increasing pandemic risk, boosting the likelihood that a contagious pathogen could be released accidentally.
[No sh*t Batbrain, look at all the money you are spending on them]
• As the technologies of modern biology become more powerful, affordable, and accessible, there is also the disturbing possibility that a malign actor could develop and use a biological weapon, including one that is highly contagious, in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention and UN Security Council Resolution 1540.
Conclusion: There will be an increasing frequency of natural — and possibly human-made — biological threats in the years ahead
The mission of transforming U.S. pandemic preparedness and biodefense capabilities should be managed with the seriousness of purpose, commitment, and accountability of an Apollo Program.
There should be a centralized ‘Mission Control’, acting as a single, unified program management unit, that draws on expertise from multiple HHS agencies, including NIH, CDC, BARDA, FDA, and CMS, as well as other departments such as DoD, DoE, and VA. (As an example, the Countermeasures Acceleration Group (formerly ‘Operation Warp Speed’) is led by a single joint program management unit.)
Goal: Have the ability to rapidly make effective vaccines against any virus family.
(1.1) Vaccine design, testing, and authorization. Enable design, testing, and review of a safe and effective vaccine against any human virus within 100 days after the recognition of a potential emerging pandemic threat.
(1.2) Vaccine production. Enable production of enough vaccine for the entire United States population within 130 days and for the global population within 200 days after its recognition as a potential emerging pandemic threat
To ensure availability of diagnostic platforms in pandemic response, promote large-scale use of inexpensive, accessible, and reconfigurable testing platforms in medical care and public health in ordinary times, to enable routine testing for circulating viruses, including in home settings.
So get ready for the next one. Its coming. But don’t worry, Mission Control is on it. Hopefully this will be as Fake as the Moon Landing 😃. Too bad Stanley Kubrick is not around to film it. Hopefully whoever does can get someone like Dr Strangelove/Peter Sellers to play Fauci