You may also Read Part II-Part IV of series below for a more Globalist perspective
What follows is quite long and from a variety of sources listed at the end.
You might just want to review what happened on 9/11 and Anthrax Attacks. Like Hitlers Reichstag Fires in 1999 and Putins Apartment Bombings in 1999, Authoritarian Fascism is enabled by such events.
Sources w/o links
1)Tower of Basel by Adam Lebor
2)From Yahweh to Zion by Laurent Guyénot
3)Black Gold - Ordo ab Chao by David Livingstone
4)Red Scare - Ordo ab Chao by David Livingstone
5)Treasure Islands, Nicholas Shaxson
6)The Last Circle -
by Cheri Seymour
7)Technocracy Rising The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation by Patrick M. Wood
8)Surveillance Valley :The Secret Military History of the Internet by Yasha Levine
9)Transhumanism by David Livingstone
10)Manifest Destiny, William Engdahl
11)Family of Secrets, Russ Baker
12)Gold Warrior,Stearling Seagrave
13)Collateral Damage, Heidner
14)The Big Bamboozle, Philip Marshal
15)The Pentagon's Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America's Top-Secret Military Research Agency by Annie Jacobsen
16)Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction
Book -David Enrich
17)Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army
Book by Jeremy Scahill
18)A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order by F. William Engdahl
by Whitney Webb
20) (sadly no more)
21)Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America by Robert I. Friedman
1991-On Jan 17, Iraq was attacked by aerial and naval bomardment by a coalition of 35 nations. This was followed by a ground assault by coalition forces on 24 February. 20,000–50,000 Iraqis were killed
Many returning coalition soldiers reported illnesses following their action in the war, a phenomenon known as Gulf War syndrome or Gulf War illness. Common symptoms reported are chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and gastrointestinal disorder.
1991 Bill Clinton attended the Bilderberg meeting in Baden Baden Germany to decide in the fate of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. He became a Trilateral Commission member in 1989
1991 In his Senate confirmation hearings, Barr was asked by Sen. Strom Thurmond (R- S.C.), "What are your goals during your tenure as Attorney General?"
In reply, Barr first made it clear that an attack on the leadership of the world narcotics trade, or any top-down approach to the drug problem,was strictly ruled out:
“Obviously, drugs has to continue as a top priority. In my view, it is a long-term struggle. We are talking here about the cold war. We are not talking about Desert Storm. This problem took decades to come about, and it is going to take decades to cure. But part of my responsibility and my priority will be to keep the pressure on, so we continue to make progress."
What progress? The money-laundering bankers, the covert-action drug smugglers,and the corrupters of the security and military services, are all untouchable by law enforcement, because they are "gentlemen and men of distinction" for Barr,as they were for the ancient Callicles.
1990-The first Noahide gathering, which took place in Texas in 1990, was attended by Rabbi Meir Kahane.
After Kahane’s assassination, that same year, the Temple Institute, which advocates the building of the Third Temple on Jerusalem, on the site of the first two, started to promote the Noahide project.
In the view of the institute’s rabbis, the gentiles’ upholding of the Seven Laws is an important stage in the messianic process at the height of which the temple will be built and Israel will become a theocracy that will gain the gentiles’ support.
This is the world order being promoted by the Noahide Project, which has the support of Israel’s Chief Rabbinate and of the Israeli government.
Noahides are a theological phenomenon of very recent vintage. It’s a form of Zionist mission, which seeks to create a world religion whose believers adore the Jewish people and the State of Israel – without belonging to either.
The believers are required to accept the supremacy of Judaism but are not accepted into the Jewish people and are even barred from upholding such commandments as Sabbath observance. Anyone who wishes to be a Noahide is called upon mainly to recognize the Jewish people and its state.
” Universal religion therefore implies “the recognition that humanity must accept the truth of the doctrine of Israel.” This universal religion will not be Judaism proper, but an inferior form, founded on the laws God gave to Noah and not on the more demanding ones given to Moses. The universal religion of the Gentiles will be Noachism. “
Not unlike Judaism which may may have been created by the Persian Cyrus as a subordinate version of Zoroastrianism
1991 - The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in a declaration that was passed by both houses of Congress and the President of the U. S., George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization.
They also acknowledged that the Seven Laws of Noah are the foundation upon which civilization stands and that recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society, and that justified preoccupation in educating the Citizens of the U.S. of America and future generations is needed. For this purpose, this Public Law designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day.”
March 26 was the birthdate of the now late Rebee Schneerson in 1992
1991 - November 26, Barr became Attorney General under Bush -six months after the convenient back-to-back deaths of a sitting and former senator who were involved in investigating Iran-Contra and the October Surprise.
Barr played a key role in helping Bush arrange pardon of "the Iran-Contra Six" of high-level criminals.
Barr, as Bush's Attorney General, not only helped Bush in his pardon of the Iran-Contra Six but he did everything in his power to stymie the Walsh investigation and efforts by Kerry, the chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations, and House Banking Committee chairman Henry Gonzalez of Texas, to get to the bottom of Iran-Contra, the October Surprise, BNL, BCCI, and the Inslaw scandals.
Bush was under investigation by the special prosecutor, Judge Lawrence Walsh, for his role in the Iran-Contra conspiracy. Also under investigation were former defense secretary Caspar Weinberger and two top CIA officials, Clair George and Dewey Clarridge.
They had all plotted to evade a congressional ban on aid to the counterrevolutionaries in Central America by illegally selling weapons to Iran.
1991, Under the leadership of Attorney General Richard Thornburgh and William Barr, who was then an official in the Bush Justice Department, the BCCI investigations were stopped..In exchange for leniency, officials of BCCI agreed to help Bush prosecute General Noriega for alleged drug trafficking.
Barr then reached a final settlement of the BCCI case, foreclosing all further investigations of the BCCI-linked drug apparatus. In December , now as Attorney General, Barr announced that BCCI had entered a guilty plea to certain racketeering charges, in return for which the U.S. Justice Department agreed to drop all other federal and state charges that might be brought against BCCI entities in the future.
In the plea bargain arrangement,BCCI forfeited all of its estimated $550 million assets in the United States, and there were some minor jail sentences. But the global drug apparatus, which had for a time been publicly challenged,was safe.
Most of the bank’s top officials will escape prosecution, and remnants of the bank will continue operating in some countries under new names . A French intelligence report in 2001 will suggest that Osama bin Laden built his financial network on the ruins of the BCCI network, oftentimes using former BCCI officials
According to a NYT report BCCI was more than just a criminal bank. A clandestine division of the bank called the “black network,” functions as a global intelligence operation and a Mafia-like enforcement squad … (which) has used sophisticated spy equipment and techniques, along with bribery, extortion, kidnapping and even, by some accounts, murder. The black network – so named by its own members – stops at almost nothing to further the bank’s aims the world over.
The black network, which is still functioning, operates a lucrative arms-trade business and transports drugs and gold. —According to investigators and participants in those operations, it often works with Western and Middle Eastern intelligence agencies.
The National Security Council used BCCI to funnel money for the Iran-Contra deals, and the CIA maintained accounts in BCCI for covert operations. ThebDefense Intelligence Agency has maintained a slush-fund account with BCCI, apparently to pay for clandestine activities.”
The CIA may have used BCCI as more than an undercover banker: U.S. agents collaborated with the black network in several operations, according to a BCCI black-network “officer,” who is now a secret U.S. government witness. Sources have told investigators that BCCI worked closely with Israel’s spy agencies and other Western intelligence groups as well, especially in arms deals. The bank also maintained cozy relationships with international terrorists.
The Justice Department not only reined in its own probe of the bank, but is also part of a concerted campaign to derail any full investigation.
Says Robert Morgenthau, the Manhattan district attorney who first launched his investigations into BCCI two years ago: “We have had no cooperation from the Justice Department since we first asked for records in March 1990.
In fact, they are impeding our investigation, and Justice Department representatives are asking witnesses not to cooperate with us.”
The chief of the Justice Department’s white collar crime criminal division under former President Bush was our friend Robert Mueller (who was appointed by President George W. Bush as the director of the FBI on September 4, 2001, one week before 9/11 and by Trump to head the Russia Gate investigation)
At the highest levels, BCCI officials whisked deposits into secret accounts in the Cayman Islands. —These accounts constituted a hidden bank within BCCI, known only to founder Abedi and a few others. From those accounts, BCCI would lend massive amounts to curry favor with governments … or to buy secret control of companies.
The First American takeover was assisted by Jackson Stephens, head of a powerful Little Rock investment firm and husband of the Bush for President 1988 campaign manager in Arkansas
1991 investigation of criminal insider trading connected to Harken Energy, a Houston company where George W. Bush served on the board of directors as a major stockholder with his some of his father's key campaign contributors.
On January 30, 1990 Harken, with a remarkably unsuccessful history of drilling projects, signed major oil drilling contracts with Bahrain. Five months later, Bush's company suffered an unexplained huge loss of stock value just prior to the Gulf War — but not before the future president had already cashed out, making close to a million dollars selling his own stock.
The future president completed his key insider trade eight days before Harken announced a $23 million second quarter corporate loss and about six weeks before the invasion.
Having just profited by nearly $1 million--representing a 200 % insider windfall-- the SEC investigation of George W. was led by general counsel James R. Doty who, according to a UPI report, mysteriously neglected to interview any of the Harken directors --including the younger Bush — regarding "enforcement" oversight.
1991-Robert Maxwell (1923-1991), the flamboyant billionaire British publisher, who allegedly drownedafter falling off his yacht in the Canary Islands near the northwest coast of Africa. Maxwell’s last wordsin communication were on November 5, 1991.
Maxwell’s investment bankers included Salomon Brothers, confirmed by the NY Times. Eventually, the pension funds were replenished with monies from investment banks Shearson Lehman and Goldman Sachs, as well as the British government.
There were complaints before Maxwell died about dealings between his other public company, Maxwell Communications Corp, and Wall Street bankers Goldman Sachs
How the City ignored alarm bells on Maxwell
It was 1991 when William Browder went to work for British billionaire Robert Maxwell as his “investment manager”. The BBC called Maxwell “the biggest fraud in British history”. Just how deep into the investment decisions of Maxwell did Browder participate as an investment manager.
Interestingly, after Maxwell died, Bill Browder went to work for the notorious Salomon Brothers. Browder was put in charge of the Russian proprietary investments desk at Salomon Brothers.
Robert Maxwell is Ghislaine Maxwell’s father. The scandal unfolding was the manipulation of the US Treasury auctions back then.
Salomon Brothers scandal manipulating the U.S. Treasury Auctions broke August 18, 1991 and Goldman Sachs would take advantage
After that scandal where the government was going to shut down Salomon Brothers who was the biggest bond dealer in the USA for manipulating markets, all of a sudden, people from Goldman Sachs started getting offers to take posts in government.
1991 November 10, Maxwell's funeral took place on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, the resting place for the nation's most revered heroes. It had all the trappings of a state occasion, attended by the country's government and opposition leaders. No fewer than six serving and former heads of the Israeli intelligence community listened as Prime Minister Shamir eulogized: "He has done more Israel than can today be said."
1991-Emboldened by the lack of consequences for subverting the U.S. constitution and breaking international law during the Iran-Contra scandal of the 1980s, a Bush administration group known as “the Vulcans” planned a bigger drive to crush Communism once and for all.
They waged war against the Soviet Union and Iraq under George H.W. Bush, and against Iraq and Afghanistan under George W. Bush. Belonging to this group were Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Armitage, and Condoleezza Rice.
The Vulcan’s drive to bring an end to the Cold War was fueled by a covert war chest invisible to congressional oversight. This war chest would be known by several names: Black Eagle Trust, the Marcos gold, Yamashita’s Gold, the Golden Lily Treasure, the Durham Trust or Project Hammer.
The program also seems to have lined the pockets of the individuals that executed this policy. This was done to the tune of an alleged $240 billion dollars in covert and allegedly illegal bonds
The Bush administration’s attack on the post-communist Russian Federation, was dubbed “Operation Hammer,” and it had four distinct covert elements.:
1) the CIA would secretly finance the August 1991 generals’ coup against Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev;
2) they would use their secret financial war chest to destabilize the ruble;
3) they used corrupted Russian Gosbank national bank officials to organize the theft of the country’s official gold reserves;
4) and they began a systematic takeover of strategic energy, raw materials, and high-tech state military industries in the Soviet Union via IMF-dictated privatization operations run by Yeltsin’s finance minister Yegor Gaidar.
Gaidar worked in league with Harvard’s Jeffrey Sachs and other friends of billionaire hedge fund speculator George Soros.
The funds reportedly came from a secret CIA war chest of undisclosed gold seized from Japan after World War II.
On September 11, 1991 , the same day Bush announces a New World Order -
Bush and a cadre of rogue KGB officials built a complex international network of banks and holding companies that would be used to take over ownership of the Soviet economy.
Over 300 KGB who supported this operation would later be re-located to the US in the early 1990s and pensioned.
Periodic CIA reports to Congress would review KGB and organized crime complicity in the takeover of Russia by criminal elements, but all mention of the formidable role of the U.S. would be expunged from Congressional oversight and the public record.
In the first phase of the economic attack on the Soviet Union, George Bush authorized Leo Wantaand others to destabilize the ruble and facilitate the theft of the Soviet/Russian treasury. This would result in draining the Russian treasury of between 2,000 to 3,000 tonnes of gold bullion, ($35 billion at the time).
The gold was ‘stolen’ in March of 1991, facilitated by Leo Wanta and signed off by Boris Yeltsin’s right hand man. The majority of the leaked reports from the CIA and FBI suggest the theft of the Russian treasury was a KGB and Communist party operation, but what those reports omitted was the extensive involvement of Boris Yeltsin, the U.S. banking industry and the CIA.
In the second phase, Wanta, George Soros and a group of Bush appointees would begin to destabilize the ruble.
1991-For a brief period that year, Putin took an administrative post at Leningrad State University—a fairly standard cover for a KGB operative. Then, just as the Soviet Union was dissolving, Anatoly Sobchak, a former law professor of Putin’s at Leningrad State, became mayor of Leningrad and would become one of the co-authors of Russias new constitution.
In sync with the changing times of the Gorbachev era, Sobchak had positioned himself as a strong pro-democracy politician, but he also knew that the KGB was scrambling to take charge of whatever institutions might survive—including the municipal government in Leningrad.
In addition, he was wise enough to realize that he’d be better off if he picked his own deputy from the KGB rather than allowing the KGB to choose the man who would work directly under him.
He hired Vladimir Putin, a mere lieutenant colonel, whom he had known when Putin worked at Leningrad State. Putin was still on active reserve with the KGB, which was monitoring the ascent of the new “democratic” leaders in Russia.
Putin made a killing by signing export licenses, despite lacking the proper authority to do so, for various dubious companies. In the process, he doled out more than $ 120 million in goods to highly suspect people—and the city received nothing in return.
Various Mafias stepped in to fill the breach—Azeris, Chechens, Solntsevo, the Mogilevich Organization, and, in St. Petersburg, the Tambov crime gang.
The criminals needed export licenses, tax exemptions, below-market-rate loans, business visas, and freedom from arrest and prosecution for their crimes. All of this and more was available from Putin and corrupt bureaucrats under him.
Money could not go abroad without the approval of Putin’s KVS. The same was true for businesses that wanted to be licensed and registered. He also was able to control the movement of money across international borders. All of which put an enormous amount of power in Putin’s hands—not Sobchak’s.
1991-Mogilevich reportedly cultivated a relationship with Czechoslovakia-born Robert Maxwell, the powerful British press lord who had bought control of the Bulgarian Cooperative Bank.
That became another vehicle through which Mogilevich could launder money for Solntsevskaya. Now was the time to go global.
Thanks to Israel’s Law of Return, the easiest route for Mogilevich, one favored by countless Russian mobsters, was to get Israeli citizenship.
“There is not a major Russian organized crime figure who we are tracking who does not also carry an Israeli passport,” said Jonathan Winer, the former money-laundering czar in the Clinton State Department.
Many of them, Winer added, such as Sergei Mikhailov, were not even Jewish. It was not unusual for Russian gangsters to suddenly discover a Jewish grandmother lurking in their family tree.
Not long after his arrival, according to an Israeli intelligence report, Mogilevich “succeeded in building a bridgehead in Israel . . . [and] developing significant and influential [political and business] ties” by forging relationships with both Russian and Israeli criminals to run businesses in tourism, real estate, and catering through proxies.
That included opening bank accounts in Israel, attending gatherings in Israel with other criminals, and, according to a classified FBI document, the “alleged purchase” by Mogilevich of an unnamed Israeli bank, with branches in Moscow, Cyprus, and Tel Aviv, for “laundering money for Colombian and Russian Organized Crime groups.”
The Taj Mahal had become a favorite destination for the Russian mob because Trump made a point of giving high rollers “comps” for up to $ 100,000 a visit, an amenity that casinos often offered big-time gamblers.
Later, two other Trump casinos, the Trump Castle Hotel and Casino, and the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, agreed to pay fines for “willfully failing to report” currency transactions over $ 10,000 and failing to comply with laws designed to prevent money laundering.
Ivankov’s mandate from Mogilevich was to consolidate the Russian Mafia in the US, to form alliances with the Cosa Nostra and other Mafias, to take over smaller gangs, and to bribe politicians as part of a plan to infiltrate governments in the US and elsewhere.
Ruthlessly systematic, the Russians began scrutinizing the vulnerabilities of America’s campaign finance system, the K Street lobbying system, Wall Street, and more. Even after he was locked up for extortion in 1996, Ivankov continued to order the murders of his underworld adversaries from his prison cell.
1991-just three months after the fake August KGB generals’ coup against Gorbachev was used to propel little-known Soviet official Boris Yeltsin to the fore as champion of democracy and of a new Russia, Viktor V. Gerashchenko, Chairman of the Presidium of Gosbank, the state bank of the USSR, made a shocking brief announcement to the Russian Duma, or parliament.
Of an estimated 2,000 to perhaps 3,000 tons of Gosbank state gold reserves then worth $35 billion at the market price, less than 400 tons could be accounted for.
He told the shocked members of parliament that he had “no idea” what happened to the missing gold. That, of course, was a lie.
To cover the trail of the missing gold and give his government the pretense of innocence, Yeltsin, on the advice of two former KGB generals, announced that he had hired the financial detective firm Jules Kroll Associates to track the whereabouts of the Soviet gold, as well as an estimated $14 billion in Soviet Communist Party and other assets.
Kroll Associates, which would be tied with the CIA-created AIG insurance group of Hank Greenberg and known in the US as a “private CIA,” was linked to the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6.
1991, Chubais became a minister in the Yeltsin cabinet, where he managed the portfolio of Rosimushchestvo—the Federal Agency for State Property Management, which Yeltsin decreed to be the agency responsible for devising Russia’s privatization of the state companies.
Gaidar and Chubais worked in league with George Soros, the Wall Street speculator and “colleague” of the CIA front the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
Soros, in turn, brought Harvard’s Jeffrey Sachs—architect of the Polish “economic shock therapy”—and other of his American “friends” to the Yeltsin circles.
George Soros and his Open Society Foundations had been linked to the CIA by Chinese intelligence and others. His Open Society institutions seemed to appear operational, of course just by coincidence, in every situation where the CIA’s NED front and the US State Department sought regime change to a pro-Washington government.
1991-Systematics Inc., which Stephens acquired in the late 1960s was a primary vehicle or front company for the National Security Agency in the 1980s and early 1990s to market and implant bugged software in the world’s major money-center banks and clearinghouses as part of the Reagan/Bush ‘follow the money’ effort to break the Soviets.”
The late journalist Michael Ruppert asserted that this “bugged software” was none other than the Promis software, which both U.S. and Israeli intelligence had bugged in order to spy on intelligence and which had been marketed in part by Robert Maxwell, father of Jeffrey Epstein’s madam, Ghislaine Maxwell.
Ruppert cited Systematics as “a primary developer of Promis for financial intelligence use.” Promis had originally been leased by Inslaw Inc., a small software company founded by Bill Hamilton, to the Department of Justice — which later stole it from Inslaw, forcing it to declare bankruptcy.
According to a 1995 document sent on behalf of Inslaw’s founders to then-independent Counsel Ken Starr that asked him to review Inslaw’s case, Systematics had “covertly implanted [software] into the computers of its bank customers” that allowed “allied intelligence agencies surreptitiously to track and monitor the flow of money through the banking system” and had done so at “the behest of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and its partner in Israeli intelligence.”
Inslaw also stated that the software was used by these same intelligence agencies in the “laundering of money, especially drug profits.”
Systematics also had a subsidiary in Israel that, according to a former Israeli intelligence officer, was operated by contractors for the Mossad and sold software to banks and telecommunications companies.
According to Richardson’s letter, that Israeli subsidiary of Systematics also had a Massachusetts-based front company, which was partially owned by a former U.S. intelligence official.
Two partners in the Rose Law Firm who would later serve in the Clinton administration, Vince Foster and Webster Hubbell, acquired significant financial interests in Systematics through ownership in Alltel, which purchased Systematics in the early 1990s.
BCCI itself was known to employ the Promis software after its theft by the DOJ; and one of its subsidiaries, First American Bank, also “filtered PROMIS money” — i.e., laundered the money generated from the sale of the stolen Promis software — according to the late journalist Danny Casolaro.
Casolaro had been investigating an international crime syndicate he termed “the Octopus” at the time of his death in 1991.
Casolaro believed that this “Octopus” involved powerful individuals in the private and public sectors as well as the criminal underworld and that they were collectively responsible for some of the biggest scandals of the 1980s, including Iran-Contra, BCCI and the theft of the Promis software.
Casolaro had told friends and family that he was close to concluding his investigation and several people close to him had seen documents involving money transfers involving BCCI and the World Bank to people involved in these scandals, such as Earl Brian and Adnan Khashoggi.
Casolaro went to Martinsburg, Virginia to meet with some sources to get the final piece of the puzzle and “bring back the head of the Octopus.” Two days after arriving in Martinsburg, Casolaro was found dead in his hotel room and his briefcase full of his research notes and evidence was missing. His death was ruled a suicide.
Speculation only grew following the FBI investigation, given that the FBI lied to Congress, pressured its own agents not to question whether it was a suicide and lost 90 percent of its files related to Casolaro’s death — among other glaring inconsistencies.
The person who had arranged Casolaro’s final meeting before his death was a U.S. military intelligence officer named Joseph Cuellar.
1991-The same year that Casolaro died, there were several other suspicious deaths involving people directly connected to the Promis scandal or involved in Casolaro’s investigation of “the Octopus” — including Alan Standorf, one of Casolaro’s sources; Robert Maxwell, father of Ghislaine Maxwell, Mossad operative, and salesman of the bugged Promis software; and John Tower — the former Texas senator who assisted Maxwell in selling the bugged Promis software to the Los Alamos laboratories.
1991-John Heinz chaired a three-man presidential review board that probed the Iran-Contra affair and had in his possession all the damning documents from that sordid affair, while John Tower led the infamous Tower Commission that investigated a variety of different CIA criminal activities and dirty dealings.
Coincidentally, both John Heinz and John Tower died in plane wrecks on successive days in 1991 – Tower in Georgia, and Heinz in Montgomery County, Pa.
Both men had close ties to George Bush Sr., who was a former CIA director in the mid-1970s
After Senator John Heinz died, his wife married Senator John Kerry, who was chairman of the 1988 Kerry Commission, described in the Senate Committee Report on Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy as “focusing on allegations of illegal gun-running and narcotics trafficking associated with the Contra war against Nicaragua” in relation to the CIA, Department of Justice, the U.S. State Department, and the office of the President and Vice President.
The testimony that took place during these trials (both in open and closed door sessions) was quite possibly the most damning ever against our federal government, yet mysteriously, nearly all of it was suppressed and not widely reported in the mainstream media.
Senator Kerry as a Democrat, had every opportunity to blast a Republican administration out of the water, yet he inexplicably remained silent and the status quo prevailed. Could it be that someone tapped him on the shoulder and told him that if he played his cards right and kept these sordid matters hush-hush, he would be rewarded sometime in the future?
1991-During Gorbachev’s reign, the KGB began to hide communist party funds abroad, according to top-level Western and U.S. intelligence sources.
The KGB consequently set up some two thousand shell companies and false-flag bank accounts, some as far away as Nevada and Ireland. Over the next eleven years, perhaps as much as $600 billion was spirited out of the country, in the greatest looting of a nation in world history.
No matter what happened to Russia during a political transition from communism to a quasi-market economy under perestroika, the party bosses had effectively guaranteed that they would continue to control key state resources and property.
Stealing such a massive amount of wealth, however, turned out to be a larger job than anyone had expected. The KGB ran out of people to sequester assets, so they expanded their operation to the criminal Mafiya, explained Richard Palmer, a twenty-year veteran of the CIA, whose final assignment was as a station chief in the former Soviet Union from 1992 to 1994.
in early 1992 the Bratsky Krug, or the Circle of Brothers, the ruling council of the vors, is said to have ordered Ivankov to “Go to the New Land and invade America!”
Vyacheslav Kirillovich Ivankov’s arrival in America on March 8, 1992, was tantamount to the coming of a great white shark.
Swiftly setting up offices in Brighton Beach, Ivankov recruited two “combat brigades” led by an ex-KGB officer and composed of 250 former athletes and Special Forces veterans of the Afghanistan war.
He put the combat brigades on a $20,000-a-month retainer to kill his enemies, collect tribute from legitimate businesses worldwide, “arbitrate” disputes among Russian businessmen, and establish “an international link closely connecting thieves-in-law to the United States,” according to a classified FBI document. “When Ivankov came into town, I never saw such fear,” remarked a Genovese wiseguy.
1992-President George Herbert Walker Bush met with the directors of Monsanto in the White House in a closed-door meeting, American agriculture and the American people have been the experimental guinea pig for testing the effects of planting of GMO crops paired to specific toxic weed-killers.
G.H.W. Bush after the Monsanto powwow ordered US Government agencies to treat the untested GMO seeds and their paired weed-killer chemicals as “substantially equivalent” to non-GMO plants and not requiring extra government testing
1992- President George H. Bush had personally attended the Earth Summit in Rio, and while he rejected some parts of the signing ceremonies, he did sign the Framework Convention on Climate Change .
1992 -In June 1990, Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari requested a free trade agreement with the U.S. In September 1990, Reagan’s successor, President George H.W. Bush, began negotiations with President Salinas for a liberalized trade agreement between Mexico, Canada, and the U.S.
In 1992, NAFTA was signed by outgoing President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. Earlier that year, the European Union had been created by the Treaty of Maastricht.
NAFTA was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The U.S. House of Representatives approved it 234–200 on November 17, 1993. The U.S. Senate approved it 61–38 three days later.President Bill Clinton signed it into law
1992, Chile’s Supreme Court decided that President Bush could be legally ordered to appear in Chile, to testify on the role of the CIA in the Letelier case; Chilean generals claimed that they have been wrongly blamed for the killing, and that the Bush’s CIA ordered the 1976 bombing.
The U.S. chief law enforcement officer, Attorney General William Barr, did not respond. But what he did was to hire Malcolm Wilkey as a special prosecutor to intimidate the Democratic Congress in the House Post Office affair.
1992-Barr as attorney general in 1992 authored the report The Case for More Incarceration, where he argued for an increase in the United States incarceration rate.
Today the US With about 4.4 percent of the world's population houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners.
After the passage of Reagan's Anti-Drug Abuse Actin 1986, incarceration for non-violent offenses dramatically increased.
1992- Barr played direct role in sidelining an investigation into an Italian bank that the CIA used to funnel aid to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. The scandal was known, briefly, as Iraq-gate.
The backdrop was the geopolitics of the horrific war between Iran and Iraq in 1980-88, which killed millions. In the interests of harming Iran.
President Bush authorized a program of covert support for Iraq, including the provision of targeting intelligence and commercial loan guarantees. The latter were made via the Atlanta branch of the Banco Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL).
The story was politically potent because Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had just invaded Kuwait in August 1990. President Bush had to raise an international military coalition to drive him out.
The Iraq-gate story illustrated how, once again, a U.S. covert operation had backfired. The Iraqi dictator had been emboldened by the covert support of the CIA to launch a war on a weaker American ally.
Barr made sure the Iraq-gate scheme was not fully investigated.
Under pressure to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate, Barr slyly appointed a special examiner, a magistrate with much less time and money. A retired judge conducted a cursory investigation and absolved both the CIA and Justice Department of wrongdoing.
1992- Federal Judge Bua was given oversight over Inslaw case by Attorney General Barr in lieu of an independent counsel.
1992-As attorney general during the George H.W. Bush administration, Barr played a key role in developing a secret program that served as the blueprint for the NSA’s mass surveillance of Americans’ phone records.
The data collection began in 1992 during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, nine years before his son, President George W. Bush, authorized the NSA to gather its own logs of Americans' phone calls in 2001.
It was approved by william Barrs Justice Department
The DEA used its data collection extensively and in ways that the NSA is now prohibited from doing. Agents gathered the records without court approval, searched them more often in a day than the spy agency does in a year and automatically linked the numbers the agency gathered to large electronic collections of investigative reports, domestic call records accumulated by its agents and intelligence data from overseas.
The result was "a treasure trove of very important information on trafficking," former DEA administrator Thomas Constantine said in an interview.
The extent of that surveillance alarmed privacy advocates, who questioned its legality. "This was aimed squarely at Americans," said Mark Rumold, an attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation. "That's very significant from a constitutional perspective.
1992-Obviously, there were high-crimes committed that warranted congressional hearings which led to special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh. After a five year investigation Walsh wrote that there was “a vast, lucrative international arms and drug trafficking market had prospered” just below President Reagan.
1992 on Christmas Eve of 1992, shortly before leaving office, President George H. W. Bush pardoned all six defendants in the scandal: Elliott Abrams, Duane R. Clarridge, Alan Fiers, Clair George, Robert C. McFarlane and Caspar W. Weinberger.
Elliott Abrams had pleaded guilty to obstructing justice. In 2001, President George W. Bush appointed Abrams as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director on the National Security Council for Near East and North African Affairs.
In 2011, Intelligence insider Steve Pieczenik said that Abrams was a Bush Administration operative in the false flag on 9/11, along with Cheney and Rice.
John Poindexter had been convicted of multiple felony counts for conspiracy, obstruction of justice, lying to Congress, defrauding the government and the alteration and destruction of evidence. Although the conviction was overturned on appeal in 2001, President George W. Bush named him his Director of the Information Awareness Office.
Ollie North can be seen on national television as a Fox News icon, having come within a whisker of being elected U.S. Senator from Virginia in 1994. On election eve, Nancy Reagan told a reporter that North had lied repeatedly to her husband about Iran-Contra.
1992-At the same time that Bush pardoned the convicted Iran-Contra conspirators, he authorized a procedural change which allowed Barrick (a company started with funding from Khashoggi and Shiek Kamal Adham as an original investors) to claim $10 billion in unmined reserves in Nevada
It is speculated this process needed to be expedited because it was anticipated the Clinton administration would not approve transaction without sizeable royalty requirements.
Some speculate that Bush expedited the approval so that laundering of gold could happen much sooner – that having the reserves on the books was a necessary step to begin laundering the stolen treasuries.
Not often reported, Barrick claims it paid $63 million for the company that owned those rights, although the details of that investment are not known.
1992 Barr had started the Justice Department's internal investigation of the FBI director sessions over trivial issues.
Sessions, is a native of Fort Smith, Arkansas. He was a former federal judge nominated by Republican presidents to high-ranking federal posts, including as a federal prosecutor and federal judge in the Western District of Texas before his appointment by President Reagan to lead the FBI.
Sessions FBI was probing drug-running via Mena and related money laundering via BCCI that implicated the Bush and Clinton networks, and Barr himself in various ways, including a purported 1980s money laundering relationship with Vince Foster, a partner with Hillary Clinton at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock.
Sessions was forced to resign in early 1993 by the incoming Clinton Administration, including its Attorney General Janet Reno.
Foster, by then White House deputy counsel during the first six months Clinton Administration, was found dead that summer in a Northern Virginia park in a purported suicide that has long raised questions among independent investigators about the official story.
1992-During the presidency of George H.W. Bush in the early 1990s, at the U.S.’ top biological warfare research facility at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Specimens of highly contagious and deadly pathogens – anthrax, ebola, hanta virus and a variant of AIDS were found missing, and two of the missing specimens had been labeled “unknown” – “an Army euphemism for classified research whose subject was secret,” according to reports.
The vast majority of the specimens lost were never found and an Army spokesperson would later claim that it was “likely some were simply thrown out with the trash.
1992-An internal Army inquiry would reveal that one employee, Lt. Col. Philip Zack, had been caught on camera secretly entering the lab to conduct “unauthorized research, apparently involving anthrax,” the Hartford Courant would later report.
Despite this, Zack would continue to do infectious disease research for pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and would collaborate with the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) throughout the 1990s.
Zack, in 2001, was working for the U.S. biotechnology company Gilead Sciences.
Though he first began working for Gilead in 1999, he was “handpicked” in 2001 to lead the establishment of “a new Project Management Department in conjunction with a complete restructure of R&D [Research and Development].”
Donald Rumsfeld, another member of PNAC, became the chairman of Gilead Sciences in 1997 and he served as chairman of that company up until he became George W. Bush’s Secretary of Defense in early 2001.
1992-Redfield and Birx were former Army medical officers who, in the 1980s and 1990s, led the military’s AIDS research, a specialty that seems like a magnet for hucksters and quacks.
US military documents show that in 1992 Redfield and Birx, his then-assistant—both serving at Walter Reed in Washington—published inaccurate data in the New England Journal of Medicine, claiming that an HIV vaccine they helped develop and tested on Walter Reed patients was effective.
An Air Force medical office accused Redfield of engaging in “a systematic pattern of data manipulation, inappropriate statistical analyses and misleading data presentation in an apparent attempt to promote the usefulness of the GP160 AIDS vaccine.”
A specially convened Air Force tribunal on scientific fraud and misconduct concluded that Redfield’s “misleading or, possibly, deceptive” information “seriously threatens his credibility as a researcher and has the potential to negatively impact AIDS research funding for military institutions as a whole.
His allegedly unethical behavior creates false hope and could result in premature deployment of the vaccine.” The tribunal recommended investigation by a “fully independent outside investigative body.”
Under threat of court-martial, loss of his medical license, and possible imprisonment, Dr. Redfield confessed to angry DOD interrogators and to the tribunal that his analyses were faulty and deceptive. He agreed to correct them and to publicly admit the vaccine was worthless
As astonished prosecutors watched, he then brazenly parroted his debunked perjuries in testimony before Congress, swearing that his vaccine cured HIV.Redfield’s bold gambit worked.
Bamboozled by Redfield’s brazen ballyhoo, Congress immediately appropriated $20 million to the military to support Redfield and Birx’s research project. Enraged military prosecutors wanted to court-martial Redfield.
A 1994 letter to the Congressional Committee’s Chairman, Henry Waxman, the dedicated budget hikes promised by Congress prompted the Army to kill the investigation, silence its own prosecutors, and “whitewash” Redfield’s misdeeds.
As indicated, Redfield would go on to established the Institute for Human Virology (IHV) with Gallo in 1996 before leading the CDC under Trump during the COVID Pandemic
1992, just months before joining the Clinton Treasury, Summers had been chief economist at the World Bank. There, Summers had named his former Harvard student Shleifer, a Russian-born American citizen, as World Bank “adviser” to the Yeltsin government.
1992 with the US election victory of Bill Clinton, Larry Summers, would become the new US Treasury deputy secretary responsible for Russian “reform”—himself a former Harvard economics professor—brought a group of his former Harvard colleagues, including George Soros’s Polish shock therapy adviser, Jeffrey Sachs, and economics professor Andrei Shleifer to Moscow under the auspices of their Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID).
Soon after Summers became Deputy Secretary of the Treasury in the Clinton administration in early 1993, Shleifer would join Jeffrey Sachs’s HIID in Moscow as Project Director.
That Sachs–Shleifer–Summers triangle essentially orchestrated all key aspects in the implementation of the Gaidar–Chubais “shock therapy” in the early Yeltsin years
1992-The company’s chairman, Jackson Stephens, and his son Warren helped Clinton raise more than $100,000 for his campaign. In January of that year, the bank Stephens has a controlling interest in, Worthen National, extended to Clinton a $2 million line of credit.
The name of the Worthen bank, represented by Hillary’s Rodham Clinton’s Rose Law firm on several occasions, appeared among institutions that have from time to time had liens on POM.
1992-1995 In 1991-the Bush Administration decided to bring the Mujahideen Jihad model into Yugoslavia and the former Soviet Union itself after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact in 1991.
By 1992, the internal civil war between the various federal states of Yugoslavia had spread to predominantly Muslim Bosnia-Herzegovina, situated between Roman Catholic Croatia and Orthodox Serbia.
The war in Bosnia, which lasted until 1995, gave the missing piece of the puzzle of how Khalilzad’s Afghan Mujahideen transformed into a global Jihad force, later using the name Al Qaeda.
That was the first step on the road to a US-backed Muslim Bosnia-Herzegovina state. It was also a major step in triggering the ethnic civil war in Yugoslavia that raged with such atrocities for almost a decade.
At the time, the Bosnia-Herzegovina population was almost equally divided between in three major ethnic-religious groups with one third Bosnian Muslim, a third Serbian Christian Orthodox, and a third Croatian Roman Catholic. Soon, the outside world would be fed the idea that the overwhelming majority of Bosnians were Muslims
1992-Ramzi Yousef returns to Pakistan on May 15, 1992, he uses an Iraqi passport bearing a visa issued by the Pakistani embassy in Baghdad. However, the seal on the visa is not the official one and the signature of the visa officer is faked. A senior US intelligence official will later say, “Yousef was developing high-level contacts in Pakistani intelligence through his links with bin Laden, mainly in the ISI.”
1992 August 31, Yousef and Ahmed Ajaj are able to fly from Pakistan to the US despite lacking the proper papers to leave Pakistan. US intelligence officials will later claim senior ISI officials helped Yousef enter the US.
1992 On 1 September , Ramzi Ahmed Yousef entered the United States
Ajaj was arrested on the spot when immigration officials found bomb manuals, videotapes of suicide car bombers, and a cheat sheet on how to lie to U.S. immigration inspectors in his luggage.
Yousef was held for 72 hours and repeatedly interrogated, but INSholding cells were overcrowded. Yousef, requesting political asylum, was given a hearing date of 9 November 1992.
He told Jersey City Police that he was Abdul Basit Mahmud Abdul Karim, a Pakistani national born and brought up in Kuwait, and that he had lost his passport. On December 31, 1992, the Pakistani Consulate in New York issued a temporary passport to Abdul Basit Mahmud Abdul Karim
1993-President George Bush, a Texas Yankee in Queen Elizabeth’s court, was knighted at Buckingham Palace
Bush joined a select group of American presidents, all Republicans, who have been knighted.
Because he’s an American, he didn’t have to kneel like an English knight. For the same reason, he is not entitled to call himself “Sir.”
Like Ronald Reagan, Bush was made a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath--or GCB--the highest honorary rank Britain can give a foreigner.
Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger also received an honorary knighthood Tuesday from Queen Elizabeth II.
1993, a high-ranking Russian immigration official in Moscow told U.S. investigators that there were five million dangerous criminals in the former U.S.S.R. who would be allowed to immigrate to the West. It’s nearly impossible for the State Department to weed out these undesirables because the former states of the Eastern bloc seldom make available the would-be émigré’s criminal record. “It’s wonderful that the Iron Curtain is gone, but it was a shield for the West,”
Boris Urov, the former chief investigator of major crimes for the Russian attorney general, has declared. “Now we’ve opened the gates, and this is very dangerous for the world. America is getting Russian criminals. Nobody will have the resources to stop them. You people in the West don’t know our Mafiya yet. You will, you will!”
1993-Poppy Bush joined the Carlyle Group in 1993, and became a member of the firm’s Asian Advisory Board.
1993 On February 26,, a bomb exploded under the World Trade Center in New York City, killing six people, injuring more than
a thousand and causing $300 million damage.
Ramzi Ahmed Yousef had rented a Rydervan and loaded it with powerful explosives.The van was driven into the garage of the World Trade Center, where it exploded. Using his new Pakistani passport, Yousef escaped from the United States hours later.
As reported in The New York Times, October 28, 1993:
“Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmess powder for the explosives,
an informer said after the blast.
The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and
supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad A. Salem, should be used, the informer said.”
Those looking for an excuse to finish off Saddam and expand our presence in the Middle East called for a global war on terrorism, but Clinton did not go along.
Several weeks after the World Trade Center bombing US agents go to Pakistan to search for Ramzi Yousef for his part in that bombing. Searching the house of Zahid Shaikh Mohammed, Yousef’s uncle, they find photographs of Zahid and KSM, who is also one of Yousef’s uncles, with close associates of Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
US agents are unable to catch Yousef because Pakistani agents tip him off prior to the US raids.
1993 January 25, — only five days after his inauguration — Bill Clinton appointed Hillary chairman of his National Task Force on Health Care Reform. Prior to that, she had no history as a health care reformer.
In order to carry out the assignment, she had to make a crash study, “bearing down and learning the mind-numbing intricacies of the health-care system”, The Atlanticreports.
More importantly, Hillary relied on the guiding hand of Jay Rockefeller, who watched closely over the Task Force. In their book The System, Haynes Johnson and David S. Broder notethat Senator Rockefeller was “largely responsible for creating the coalition of pro-reform groupsto campaign for passage of the Clinton plan and had opened his mansion in Rock Creek Park… to them for their first strategy meeting.”
Hillary might have been short on health care experience, but she had carried much water for the Rockefellers, especially David Rockefeller, Jr., son of the family patriarch David Rockefeller who led Chase Manhattan Bank for 21 years, as president, then
chairman and CEO.
As late as 1989, Hillary was not yet known as a national policymaker. She worked for a crooked Arkansas law firm. Radical education reformer Marc Tucker hired Hillary that year as a lobbyist for his National Center on Education and the Economy(NCEE).
Tucker dreamed of imposing a Soviet-style school-to-work system on Americans, whereby the government would manage every citizen’s life, steering young children into career tracks, then placing them in jobs after graduation, in corporations vetted by government overseers. Rockefeller money funded Tucker’s think tank and David Rockefeller, Jr. sat on Tucker’s Board.
Eight days after Bill Clinton’s election, Marc Tucker wrote a letter to Hillary Clinton which began: “I still cannot believe you won. But utter delight that you did pervades all the circles in which I move. I met last Wednesday in David Rockefeller’s office with him, [Apple Computer CEO] John Sculley, Dave Barramand David Haselkorn. It was a great celebration. Both John and David R. were more expansive than I have ever seen them — literally radiating happiness.
My own view and theirs is that this country has seized its last chance.”
Why David Rockefeller would be “radiating happiness” at the Clintons’ ascension to the White House is not clear.
1993, Maurice Greenberg’s huge insurance conglomerate AIG reportedly bankrolled the Wall Street spy firm, Kroll Associates, saving it from bankruptcy. Thereafter, Kroll became an AIG subsidiary.
After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Kroll acquired the contract from the Port Authority of New York to upgrade security at the World Trade Center, in the process beating out two other firms.
Kroll continued with the WTC security contract through the period leading up to the September 11 attacks.
1993-Hoffenberg hired Jeffrey Epstein in 1987 to help with the Towers Financial Corporation. Hoffenberg set Epstein up in offices in the Villard Houses in Manhattan, and paid him $25,000 ($56,000 in current dollar terms) per month for his consulting work.
They unsuccessfully tried to take over Pan Amin a corporate raid with Towers Financial as their raiding vessel. Their bid failed, in part because of the 1988 terroristbombing of Pan Am Flight 103over Lockerbie, which ultimately contributed to the airline's bankruptcy. A similar unsuccessful bid in 1988 was made to take over Emery Air Freight Corp
Between 1988 and 1993, Towers Financial raised over $400 million by selling bonds and promissory notes to investors, luring them in using false financial statements. Hoffenberg and his associates then used the money they had raised to pay operating costs, repay earlier investors, and to pay themselves.
Hoffenberg began using Towers Financial funds to pay for a lavish lifestyle that included a Locust Valley, Long Island mansion, homes on Sutton Placein Manhattanand in Florida, and a number of cars and planes. The Ponzi scheme was the largest financial fraud in American history prior to Bernie Madoff's being uncovered.
In March 1993, Towers Financial filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code.
Hoffenberg pleaded guilty in April 1995 to five criminal charges, cheating thousands of investors out of $462 million, surrendered to the FBI in Manhattan, and was arraigned and released on bail.
He was sentenced in 1997 by federal judge Robert W. Sweet to 20 years in prison, and was released in 2013, after serving 18 years. He was also sentenced to pay restitution of $462 million ($736,000,000 in current dollar terms) and a $1 million fine.
Epstein was not charged by the Feds. Perhaps his relationship with Clinton and intelligence protected him?. In July 2019, Hoffenberg claimed that Epstein was his “uncharged co-conspirator” in the Ponzi scheme.
Epstein went on with his jet-set parties, and also set up a Caribbean-based hedge fund, which Hoffenberg has since alleged that Epstein “created entirely with all of the fraudulently acquired money from Towers.”
1993- CIA had been surveilling Swiss accounts for a while with the help of PROMIS software, and when Foster on July 1, 1993, bought a ticket to Geneva, a round-trip one-day ticket to Geneva, these guys said, "Oops, he's going to take the money. We're going to beat him to it." And, they went in. They hacked their way into the bank and obtained the necessary authorization codes on this coded account for which no signature is required to withdraw money, by the way.
They raid his account. They take out $2.73 million. Foster apparently calls up the bank to let them know he was coming. They say, "Oh, Vince don't you know you took the money out already?" Boing... that's when he found out he was under investigation. That's when he got so mysteriously depressed. He knew he was under surveillance, or he knew he was under investigation.
Foster and his wife, Lisa, go down to the eastern shore of Maryland for a getaway weekend, and then, by coincidence, they meet Hubbell and his wife down there. He leaned on Vince to cop a plea, go quietly, or shut up and don't talk about it. There was actually a huge payment made to an account held by Lisa Foster, with more than $286,000, on the Friday before that meeting. Then he dies
1993-According to the New Yorker, Lynn Forester de Rothschild requested “financial help” from none other than Jeffrey Epstein in 1993 during her divorce from Andrew Stein.
As far as Forester de Rothschild’s ties to the Mega Group go, she was on the board of directorsof Estee Lauder companies, which was founded and is still owned by the family of Ronald Lauder — a member of the Mega Group, a former Reagan official, a family friend of Roy Cohn, and the alleged source of Jeffrey Epstein’s now-infamous Austrian passport.
In addition, Forester de Rothschild also partnered withMatthew Bronfman — son of Mega Group member Edgar Bronfman and grandson of Samuel Bronfman, who had close ties to Meyer Lansky — in creating the investment advisory firm Bronfman E.L. Rothschild LP.
1993- NAFTA was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The U.S. House of Representatives approved it 234–200 on November 17, 1993. The U.S. Senate approved it 61–38 three days later.President Bill Clinton signed it into law
This concluded a 4 year process startingin June 1990 when Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari requested a free trade agreement with the U.S.
In September 1990, President George H.W. Bush, began negotiations with President Salinas for a liberalized trade agreement between Mexico, Canada, and the U.S.
In 1992, NAFTA was signed by outgoing President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. Earlier that year, the European Union had been created by the Treaty of Maastricht.
But time ran out on Bush as a result of losing the election and the torch was passed to Clinton to get it ratified
1993-. Records obtained by the Daily Beastrevealed that Epstein had donated $10,000 to the White House Historical Association and attended a Clinton donor reception alongside Ghislaine Maxwell as early as 1993.
The Daily Beast suggests that Bill Clinton’s long-time friend from his college days, A. Paul Prosperi, was the facilitator of that early relationship, as Prosperi had a decades-long relationship with Epstein and even visited Epstein at least 20 times while he was in jail in 2008.
Prosperi was intimately involved with the 1993 fundraiser for the White House Historical Association noted above.
The relationship between Epstein and Clinton would continue well after Clinton left office in 2001, a fact well-documented by Bill Clinton’s now-infamous flights on Epstein’s (recently sold) private jet — often referred to as the “Lolita Express.” Clinton flew on the Lolita Express no less than 26 timesin the early 2000s according to flight logs.
On some of those flights, Clinton was accompanied by his Secret Service detail but he was unaccompanied on other flights.
Arguably the most infamous flight taken by Clinton on Epstein’s jet was a lengthy tripto Africa, where actor Kevin Spacey, who has also been accused of raping minors; Ghislaine Maxwell; and Ron Burkle, a billionaire friend of Clinton’s who has been accused ofsoliciting the services of “super-high-end call girls,” were also present.
Clinton specifically requested that Epstein make his jet available for the trip well in advance, with Doug Band as the intermediary.
President Donald Trump, also a friend of Epstein, is said to have flown on the plane but appears only once on flight logs.
In addition to flights, an Epstein-run foundation gave $25,000to the Clinton Foundation according to the 2006 filing tax return of Epstein’s former charity, the C.O.U.Q. Foundation.
Notably, Epstein’s lawyers, Alan Dershowitz among them, claimed in 2007that Epstein had been “part of the original group that conceived the Clinton Global Initiative, which is described as a project ‘bringing together a community of global leaders to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.’”
1993-Robert Rubin began his career as an attorney at the firm of Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton in New York City which represents many banks in NYC.
He joined Goldman Sachs in 1966 as an associate in the risk arbitrage department and became a general partner in 1971. Rubin then joined the management committee in 1980 along with Jon Corzine of MF Global fame. Robert Rubin then became Vice Chairman and Co-Chief Operating Officer from 1987 to 1990. Rubin then served as Co-Chairman and Co-Senior Partner along with Stephen Friedman from 1990 to 1992.
Within less than two years from the Salomon Brothers manipulation, Robert Rubin took a position in the Clinton Administration. Following the Salomon Brothers scandal, Goldman Sachs began to make large political donations.
From January 25, 1993, to January 10, 1995, Rubin served in the White House as Assistant to the President for Economic Policy. In that capacity, he directed the National Economic Council, which Bill Clinton created after winning the presidency.
Robert Rubin then became the 70th United States Secretary of the Treasury on January 11, 1995, until he managed to get Glass Stegall repealed.
He left the Treasury on July 2, 1999 just as the Dot.Com bubble was about to pop
1993, march 3, just one month before the official Agenda 21 book was released, Clinton hastily announced a program called the National Performance Review (NPR) and appointed Vice President Al Gore as its first director.
1993, June 29. Clinton signed Executive Order 12852 that created the President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) and the COGS, an end run around the constitution
Agenda 21 was to be implemented across America through a system of regional governance entities called Councils of Governments, or COGS, whose regional boundaries were remarkably similar to FEMA’s .
Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution states, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in thhis Union a Republican Form of Government.” Regional governance by unelected and unaccountable COGS is the polar opposite of a Republican Form of Government.
1993-September 11, Clinton signed Executive Order 12862 which created the National Partnership for Reinventing Government (as it was renamed in 1998).
3 years earlier President Bush had called for a NWO on Sep 11 , 1991
September 11 seems to have magical properties
1993.-Summers used the powerful influence of the US Treasury to funnel International Monetary Fund (IMF) dollars to the cash-hungry Yeltsin government, advising Yeltsin and Gaidar that Russia must open to unrestricted imports if they wanted to receive the IMF and other Western loans.
1993, when the Unabomber reappeared after almost a six-year hiatus by sending two bombs to the West Coast and the East Coast, it was very apparent that he had become much more sophisticated in the construction techniques and the explosives that he was using. And then he announced in that letter to The New York Timesthat he was going to begin his campaign of terrorism once again. So, the new United States attorney general at that time, Janet Reno, went to the director of the FBI and said we need to solve this before more people are injured and killed and I want the FBI to put together a real task force.
In 1996 When FBI agents led a shackled, unkempt Ted Kazcynski out of his Montana cabin , they brought to an end the longest and most expensive manhunt in the agency’s history. And almost immediately, it set in motion a stream of books, films and documentaries about the so-called “Unabomber” and the 17-year terror campaign he pursued single-mindedly across the U.S.
Not often told is that Ted Kazcynski as a 15 yo was allegedly subject to MKULTRA experiments at Harvard University between 1958-1960
Kaczynski participated in a study described by author Alston Chase as a "purposely brutalizing psychological experiment" led by Harvard psychologist Henry Murray.
Subjects were told they would debate personal philosophy with a fellow student and were asked to write essays detailing their personal beliefs and aspirations. The essays were given to an anonymous individual who would confront and belittle the subject in what Murray himself called "vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive" attacks, using the content of the essays as ammunition.
Electrodes monitored the subject's physiological reactions. These encounters were filmed, and subjects' expressions of anger and rage were later played back to them repeatedly. The experiment lasted three years, with someone verbally abusing and humiliating Kaczynski each week. Kaczynski spent 200 hours as part of the study.
1993 Waco showdown began when federal authorities rushed the communal home of a religious group, killing six of them, and losing four agents in return. The FBI then besieged the place with tanks and other armored vehicles, and ended up with the armored vehicles punching holes in the building, and injecting massive quantities of CS “tear gas.” When that didn’t work, the tanks began to demolish the building, eventually smashing about a quarter of it and damaging the remainder. A fire broke out and 74 people died in the flames, including twenty-one children. It was the deadliest law enforcement operation in American history.
After the tragic debacle, the Clinton administration claimed that Attorney General Janet Reno had been solely responsible for the final assault. There had been no White House input during the siege, and at the end, President Clinton only acquiesced in a decision Reno had made.
Years later, there are substantial reasons to doubt the truth of these claims. The evidence is strong that the Clinton White House was calling the shots
Some conspiracies suggest Waco may have been used for MKULTRA programming purposes and had to be “cleaned”
1994-September 8, US Air Flight 427 crashes in Pennsylvania killing 132
Rescuers from Hopewell Township have described the scene as "gruesome" with "body parts hanging from the trees". The largest piece of the plane, that is left intact, is believed to be the tail and it is described as being a piece of slivered metal about the size of a person. Bits of baggage, shredded parts of the plane, and severed limbs are reportedly strewn over a large area. Rescuers are believed to be hampered by darkness and the rugged terrain in the area of the crash.
Unconfirmed reports have suggested that the plane had exploded prior to impacting the ground, which would account for the debris being spread over a very wide area. Other eyewitnesses have said that it "dove into the ground under full power".
Contradictory reports continue to be received as additional witnesses are interviewed. The FAA has ordered the scene sealed, and it is being surrounded by local and state police officials. CBS News is reporting that the FBI has been called in to the case because of the mysterious circumstances under which the plane crashed. At least one unconfirmed report said that the possibility of sabotage exists and that the explosion may have been altitude detonated.
With Autullo's trial scheduled to begin , prosecutors had brought one witness, Paul Olson, to Chicago to question him about his knowledge of Autullo's activities.
As he headed home for Florida,Olson was one of the 132 passengers killed in the crash of USAir Flight 427 near Pittsburgh Sept. 8.
Olson was convicted in Virginia in 1989 of cocaine conspiracy charges and had served five years in prison, law enforcement officials said.
Joseph Autullo, 36, formerly of Ft. Lauderdale, admitted that in 1987 he delivered about 17 kilos of cocaine to Cappas' multimillion-dollar drug ring then operating on the Southwest Side and in the south suburbs.
Assistant U.S. Attorneys Mark Prosperi and Mitchell Mars said they will recommend a 21-year prison term for Autullo when he is sentenced in November. Thats pretty light. Cappas got 45 years.
Autullo was indicted in 1988 with Cappas and others, but he remained a fugitive until last year.
Federal investigators said Autullo was Cappas' Florida connection, buying cocaine from Colombian drug smugglers and delivering it to his brother, Dante, in the Chicago area.
Hmmm, I guess they didn’t want it to go to trial . Olson might have known something that could be trouble for someone
1994- September 12 . A plane slammed against the White House. It had been detected by radar at National Airport minutes before the crash, according to federal investigators who are trying to determine why Secret Service officers guarding the mansion weren't warned of the aircraft's approach.
Frank Eugene Corder, 38, a student pilot with a history of alcohol and drug abuse, stole the single-engine Cessna from an airfield north of Baltimore and died in the crash, officials said.
Startled uniformed Secret Service officers at the White House saw the descending plane at 1:49 a.m. and ducked for cover.
Corder had stolen the plane from an airfield north of Baltimore on investigators said.
Heavily armed guards protect the president and his home. Only after repeated questions did Carl Meyer, a Secret Service special agent, acknowledge that Secret Service officers had not fired on the plane to prevent it from reaching the White House. Asked how much notice the officers had of the plane, Meyer responded, "I think enough time to run for cover."
Nice distraction from the crash that took place 4 days earlier
1994, Schneerson was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for his “outstanding and lasting contributions toward improvements in world education, morality, and acts of charity.” President Bill Clinton spoke these words at the ceremony:
“The late Rebbe’s eminence as a moral leader for our country was recognized by every president since Richard Nixon. For over two decades, the Rabbi’s movement now has some 2000 institutions; educational, social, medical, all across the globe. We (the United States Government) recognize the profound role that Rabbi Schneerson had in the expansion of those institutions.”
1994- Clinton signs The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act . This was a lengthy crime control bill that was put together over the course of six years beginning in the Bush administration and roughly drafted by Bill Barr.
Its provisions implemented many things, including a "three strikes" mandatory life sentence for repeat offenders, money to hire 100,000 new police officers, $9.7bn in funding for prisons, and an expansion of death penalty-eligible offences. It also dedicated $6.1bn to prevention programmes "designed with significant input from experienced police officers", however, the bulk of the funds were dedicated to measures that are seen as punitive rather than rehabilitative or preventative.
President Clinton signed the bill with the support of First Lady Hillary Clinton.
In conjunction with Ronald Reagan Anti-Drug Abuse Acts which established mandatory minimum sentences for drug possession, and Lyndon Johnson's Safe Streets Act of 1968, which increased the flow of federal money to local and state police, prison population has exploded, especially among African Americans.
Many pieces of punitive crime legislation pre-dated the 1994 bill, on the federal, state and local levels. The prison population had already tripled in the two decades that preceded the act.
The 1994 crime bill's sentencing guidelines only applied to those charged with federal crimes. The vast majority - an estimated 87% - of the country's prison population is housed in state prisons. However, in the 22 years since the bill was passed, the federal prison population more than doubled. In 1994, the Bureau of Prisons held 95,162 inmates; today that number is 214,149.
1994, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services implemented Clintons Vaccines for Children (VFC) program, which will provide free vaccine to children at participating private and public health-care provider sites of their choice.
Children who are eligible for free vaccines include those on Medicaid, those without insurance, and American Indians/Alaskan Natives. In addition, children whose insurance does not cover vaccination (i.e., who are underinsured) can receive vaccines through the VFC at federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics. Other children can receive free vaccines at public clinics under existing programs.
1994-Hantavirus scam-epidemic in the United States . The Hantavirus presumably had jumped species, from mice to American Navaho Indians. But after killing just a few, the virus made peace with the Indians and apparently retired to its mouse reservoir. The epidemic failed to materialize.
A front-page article in the San Francisco Chronicle reported that CDC "epidemiologists [shown in space suits] across the nation are carefully monitoring the deer mouse population and the level of virus within it." But all that was left to discover of the former "Navajo flu" by the CDC epidemiologists in their space suits were healthy mice in the mountains of California.
1994 the Federal Reserve finally took up its shares in the BIS, joined the bank and appointed two directors to the board: the chairman of the Federal Reserve and the president of the New York Federal Reserve.
The decision to join the board was made, noted Charles J. Siegman, a senior official in the Federal Reserve’s International Finance Division, “in recognition of the increasingly important role of the BIS as the principal forum for consultation, cooperation and information exchange among central bankers and in anticipation of a broadening of that role.”
The American decision sent a powerful signal to the world suggesting that the BIS was still relevant, necessary and could contribute to international financial stability.
1994, the closest partners, or “clients,” of Bushs -Riggs Valmet were Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s Menatep Bank and Runicom S.A., a Swiss-registered arm of the giant Russian Sibneft Oil which, in turn, was then under the control of Roman Abramovich and his then partner, Boris Berezovsky, as well as the Moscow-based RKB bank.
Conveniently, the large scandal-plagued US accounting firm Arthur Andersen was made the accountant for Runicom.
Arthur Andersen itself later dissolved in a wave of corrupt accounting scandals involving companies such as the Enron Corporation of Ken Lay, another close Bush-family corporation, which was used to launder Russian energy assets.
1994: Barr went on to be general counsel for GTE, a large independent phone company in the Bell System era, until its merger with Bell Atlantic to form Verizon, and then was general counsel of Verizon until his retirement in 2008.
After that, he joined Time Warner as a board member (right after it separated from Time Warner Cable), making close to $2 millionin connection with the AT&T-Time Warner merger last year.
Barr assisted in the dramatic reconsolidation of the telecom industry through a tsunami of mergers, lobbying, and litigation following the breakup of AT&T in 1984.
Basically, his employers did whatever they could to frustrate the aim of the 1996 Telecom Act to create competition for local phone service, while presiding over mergers that effectively reconstituted Ma Bell. Barr was being a good lawyer—that's what his employers wanted, even as their corporate identities morphed over time.
1994, the Highlands Group was founded by retired US Navy captain Dick O’Neill as an official Pentagon project at the appointment of Bill Clinton’s then defense secretary William Perry.
Operating under the stewardship Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Office of Net Assessment (ONA), and DARPA its purpose was for key DoD, industry, and academic IO experts” to coordinate Information Operations (IO) across federal military intelligence agencies.
The co-chair and “Yoda” of the Highlands Forum has been Andy Marshall, who headed up one of the Pentagon’s most powerful agencies, the Office of Net Assessment (ONA), which conducts highly classified research on future planning for defense policy across the US military and intelligence community.
Appointed to the position by Nixon, Marshall remained in office until his retirement on January 2, 2015. Andrew Krepinevich and Barry Watts in The Last Warrior describe Marshall as “an intellectual giant comparable to such nuclear strategists as Bernard Brodie, Herman Kahn, Henry Kissinger, James Schlesinger, and Albert Wohlstetter.”
Marshall, who was strongly influenced by Friedrich Hayek, joined the RAND in 1949, at the behest of mentor W. Allen Wallis, who served as the treasurer of the Mont Pelerin Society, and who maintained a lifelong friendship with Milton Friedman, Aaron Director and George Stigler.
Marshall was “the DoD’s most elusive” but “one of its most influential” officials, and “Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz” were among Marshall’s “star protégés.”
A third co-chair was Anthony J. Tether, the director DARPA, and a Rumsfeld appointee. Before joining DARPA, Tether was vice president of SAIC’s Advanced Technology Sector.
Forum delegates include senior US military officials across numerous agencies and divisions , including ”captains, rear admirals, generals, colonels, majors and commanders” as well as “members of the DoD leadership.”
Delegates have included senior personnel from SAIC and Booz Allen Hamilton, RAND, Cisco, Human Genome Sciences, eBay, PayPal, IBM, Google, Microsoft, AT&T, the BBC, Disney, General Electric and Enron.
Other participants have included David Ignatius, associate editor of the Washington Post and executive editor of the International Herald Tribune; New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, Le Cercle member and Washington Times editor Arnaud de Borchgrave, Steven Levy, a former Newsweek editor, senior writer for Wired and chief tech editor at Medium; Lawrence Wright, staff writer at the New Yorker; Noah Shachtmann, executive editor at the Daily Beast; Rebecca McKinnon, co-founder of Global Voices Online; Nik Gowing of the BBC; and John Markoff of the New York Times.
1994 , the same year the Highlands Forum was founded, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, then two young PhD students at Stanford University, made their breakthrough on the first automated web crawling and page ranking application. Brin and Page had performed their work with funding from the Digital Library Initiative (DLI), a multi-agency program of the National Science Foundation (NSF), NASA and DARPA.
While Page’s funding was provided through the NSF, Brin was funded through a grant to Stanford managed by Brin’s supervisor Prof. Jeffrey D. Ullman, who was in 1996 part of a joint funding project of DARPA’s Intelligent Integration of Information program.
Throughout the development of the search engine, Brin reported regularly to Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham and Dr. Rick Steinheiser, both representatives of a sensitive US intelligence community research programme on information security and data-mining.
Steinheiser represented the CIA’s Office of Research and Devepment (ORD). Thuraisingham was chief scientist for data and information management for MITRE Corporation, a leading US defense contractor, where she managed the Massive Digital Data Systems initiative, a project sponsored by the NSA, CIA, and the Director of Central Intelligence, to foster innovative research in information technology. In addition to the private sector, Brin’s seed-funding was provided in part by MDDS
The primary sponsors of MDDS were three agencies the NSA, the CIA’s Office of Research & Development, and the intelligence community’s Community Management Staff (CMS), which operates under the Director of Central Intelligence.
1994- EFF worked with the FBI to pass the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, which required all telecommunications companies to build their equipment so that it could be tapped by the FBI.
In 2002, a few years before it funded Tor, EFF cofounder Perry Barlow casually admitted that he had been consulting for intelligence agencies for a decade.
1994, Maurice Strong and Mikhail Gorbachev, working through organizations they each founded—the Earth Council and Green Cross International respectively—restarted the Earth Charter as a civil society initiative.
Gorbachev was an honorary member of the Club of Budapest founded by Ervin Laszlo, a member of Willis Harman’s “Changing Images of Man” project at SRI. Based in Hungary, in 1984 Laszlo was co-founder of the initially secret General Evolutionary Research Group.
After Gorbachev stepped down, and effectively dissolved the Soviet Union, Garrison helped establish The State of the World Forum in 1995, with Gorbachev serving as chairman. According to Garrison, “Gorbachev believes we are giving birth to a new global civilization.”
1994-In June, the CEO of Loral Space and Communications, Bernard Schwartz, made a $100,000 contribution to the Democratic National Committee. He then joined a Ron Brown trip to China that led to a $250 million telecommunications deal for Loral’s satellites to be launched by Chinese rockets [in violation of US law at the time].
In October 1994, Clinton lifted the sanctions he had imposed on China for selling missile technology to Pakistan.
In early 1995, Schwartz sent a letter to Clinton urging that responsibility for satellite-export licenses be shifted from the State Department to the Commerce Department. Meanwhile, both Schwartz and Johnny Chung made more huge donations, in excess of $100,000, to the Democratic Party.
1994, Mogilevich’s Inkombank was able to have “virtually daily interaction” with the Bank of New York (BONY), one of the largest banks in the United States, meaning that he finally had direct access to mainstream international banks to launder billions of dollars.
But a British investigation code-named Operation Sword revealed that Arbat International, one of the Channel Island firms Mogilevich had started in the early nineties, was at the center of a web of companies in London and New York through which Mogilevich laundered as much as $ 10 billion.
1994-The Army acknowledged accuracy issues with HIV vaccine clinical trials led by Redfield, but concluded at the time that the data errors did not constitute misconduct.
Redfield was principal investigator over clinical trials of a treatment vaccine at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. The research was conducted at a time when there was intense pressure to come up with a treatment for HIV/AIDS, which often killed patients within a matter of months.
Hendrix, who was the director of an Air Force HIV clinical unit couldn't replicate the results, so he drafted a letter to his superiors reporting the data problems.
Redfield acknowledged he had overstated how promising the results were.
However, Hendrix soon heard Redfield make the same inaccurate representations of the data at a later conference and decided to file an official complaint requesting an investigation into scientific misconduct.
An Air Force institutional review board also recommended that the Army launch an inquiry stating: "The committee agreed the information presented by Dr. Redfield seriously threatens his credibility as a researcher and has the potential to negatively impact AIDS research funding for military institutions as a whole."
But the Army did not appear to launch a full investigation, said Hendrix, who was interviewed at the time by the military official who conducted the inquiry. The military official declined Hendrix's attempts to provide documented evidence, telling him the investigation was "informal."
Redfield was transferred from the laboratory he headed and assigned to treat patients, although the Army said he was not being punished. The Army also said the data would be corrected, and the military scrapped the program.
Congress had set aside $20 million for the vaccine after lobbying by a former senator on behalf of the manufacturer based on Redfields overstating the results
1994-George W, Bush elected Governor of Texas. During Bush’s five-year tenure as governor, 152 people were executed in Texas - more than 30 per year. This is a rate more than any governor ever
Only 1 temporary stay of execution was granted during this time
1994, the Washington Post was reporting that Carlyle Groups BDM was procuring ex-Soviet/Russian military technology, suggesting that the very discrete privatization of key Soviet Defense assets was already well under way.
This of course is speculation, and the unknown ownership of those ex-Soviet defense industries is now protected in the off-shore offices of the Carlyle Group and Group Menatep, which became the major financial power in the Soviet Union after the collapse of Gorbachev.
It might only be coincidental that two members on Carlyle’s Advisory Board are Planton Lebedev, the Chairman of Group Menatep and Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the primary Russian front man for the Riggs-Valmet operation and Russian founder –in name – of Menatep.
It might also be ‘only coincidental’ that seven of the key players in the execution of the 1991 covert economic war were also members of Carlyle: Fred Malek, George Soros, George H.W. Bush, Robert Gates, Bruce Rappaport, James Baker, and Robert Zoellick.
With the alleged releasing $240 Billion in covert bonds to finance the collapse of the Soviet Union, this small group of politicians and bankers may have created a U.S. based, private sector vehicle for controlling and profiting from those funds.
That vehicle may have been the Carlyle Group. Moreover, in managing the laundering of the Black Eagle Fund/Yamashita/Golden Lily/Marcos gold, Carlyle could became the focal organization for doing that as well.
At least six members of Carlyle that were either familiar with the creation of the gold trusts, or were advisors to Barrick Gold included: George H.W. Bush, Richard Helms, Vernon Jordan, Fidel Ramos, Paul Desmarais Sr. and Karl Otto Pohl.
It should seem no less coincidental that “on September 11, 2001... the group had organized a meeting at Washington's Ritz Carlton Hotel with five hundred of its largest investors”.
George H.W. Bush was in attendance, sitting with Osama Bin Ladin’s brother as the 9/11 terrorists executed the carnage that was to be the cover-up for the laundering of the $240 Billion in covert bonds that seem to have fed the success of the Carlyle Group.
In the aftermath of 9/11, there would be a plethora of criticism of Carlyle and its ability to channel the profits from the Iraq War and the Homeland Security Act to individuals with the ‘inside track’.
1995-In a private ceremony at Windsor Castle, Kissinger became an Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of St. Michael and St. George, a distinction given for achievement in foreign affairs.
1995 Forester de Rothschild was one of Epsteins leading advocates and had the ear of then-President Bill Clinton in the early 1990s,
Forester de Rothschild, was a member of Clinton’s National Information Infrastructure Advisory Council, wrote the following to then-President Clinton:
Dear Mr. President: It was a pleasure to see you recently at Senator Kennedy’s house. There was too much to discuss and too little time. Using my fifteen seconds of access to discuss Jeffrey Epstein and currency stabilization, I neglected to talk to you about a topic near and dear to my heart. Namely, affirmative action and the future.”
Forester de Rothschild then states that she had been asked to prepare a memo on behalf of George Stephanopoulos, former Clinton communications director and currently a broadcast journalist with ABC News.
Stephanopoulos attended a dinner partyhosted by Epstein at his now infamous Manhattan townhouse in 2010 after Epstein’s release from prison for soliciting sex from a minor.
While it is unknown what Forester de Rothschild discussed with Clinton regarding Epstein and currency stabilization, a potential lead may lie in the links of both Forester de Rothschild and Epstein to Deutsche Bank.
Journalist Vicky Ward reported in 2003that Epstein boasted of “skill at playing the currency markets ‘with very large sums of money’” and he appears to have done much of this through his long-standing relationship with Deutsche Bank.
speaking to Clinton specifically about Epstein during her “fifteen seconds of access” at the White House with the president and also introducing Epstein to lawyer Alan Dershowitz in 1996.
It should also be noted Epstein became a Trilateral Commission member in 1995
1995 August Hillary was given an informal briefing by billionaire philanthropist Laurence Rockefeller, on the best available UFO evidence.
An August 4, 1995, memo by President Clinton’s Science Advisor, Dr Jack Gibbons, confirmed that the Clintons would be vacationing with Rockefeller at his Teton Ranch in Wyoming that summer, and they would discuss UFOs: “You will probably see Mr Rockefeller on your vacation in the Tetons. He will want to talk with you about his interest in extrasensory perception, paranormal phenomenon, and UFOs.”
1995-Felix Sater grew up near Brighton Beach and, as a teenager, counted among his friends Michael D. Cohen, who later became President Trump’s personal attorney.
In 1995, everything changed for Sater. He quit the business because, he told BuzzFeed, he “didn’t want to do dirty shit anymore.” Before long, Sater was given an opportunity to take part in a telecommunications deal for AT& T in Russia, and while he was there, he entered the world of espionage. It happened one night in Moscow when an American defense contractor named Milton Blane* noticed Sater dining with “high-level Russian intelligence agents,” got his number, and set up a meeting for the next day.
They met at an Irish pub in Moscow, and Blane, clearly impressed by Felix’s mastery of Russian and his easy access to Russian military officials, proceeded to tell Sater that he worked for the US government—the Defense Intelligence Agency.”
And so began Felix’s second career. His most notable early operation took place in 1998, when he went on the hunt for Stinger antiaircraft missiles that the CIA had originally given to the mujahideen for use against the Soviets during their occupation of Afghanistan, but which were at risk of falling into the hands of radical jihadists. Felix went to work.
His attorney Robert Wolf called David Kendall, then President Bill Clinton’s lawyer, and told him that Sater had serial numbers for the Stinger missiles the Clinton administration had sought. After President Clinton was informed, Wolf then spoke to CIA general counsel Robert M. McNamara Jr. and read out the serial numbers of the Stingers. But the CIA was still skeptical.
Next, Felix provided photographs of the missiles with their serial numbers and a copy of a daily newspaper to show the photo was contemporaneous. Meanwhile, Wolf began extended talks with two men in the CIA’s clandestine division about al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and the Stinger missiles.
When President Clinton authorized the August 1998 bombing strike against al-Qaeda in retaliation for the terrorist bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, BuzzFeed reported, no fewer than ten current and former intelligence and law enforcement officials said Sater “supplemented US intelligence by providing location coordinates for al-Qaeda camps that the US military ultimately bombed in Khost, Afghanistan.”
There was much more. Sater reportedly helped the FBI find dealers in New York’s Forty-Seventh Street Diamond District who were laundering money for al-Qaeda, and took part in other daring spy missions. After he started trying to track down the Stinger missiles, he began developing sources in Afghan intelligence and Russian intelligence.
He is even said to have been involved in North Korea’s nuclear program. “I was given photographs of the North Korean military intel operative who was out there buying various components to build a nuclear weapons program,” said Sater. “He sent me intel photos, surveillance photos, as well as photos of him sitting in restaurants, of him sitting in front of the North Korean Army choir, with the instructions that this is the man that needs to be put a tail on.
After 9/11 Sater would become a business partner with Trump at Bayrock
1995- The State of the World Forum, which has received funding from CIA fronts like the Ford and Rockefeller foundations, “was founded with the purpose of working with partners worldwide to gather together the creative genius on the planet in a search for solutions to critical global challenges.”
The Forum was a five-year process of consultation that would meet annually until the year 2000. About 500 people were expected to attend, including Milton Friedman, David Packard, Ted Turner, Jane Fonda, Jane Goodall, Carl Sagan, Saudi princes, Deepak Chopra, Bill Gates, George Bush and Margaret Thatcher.
Artist Hiroyuki Hamada, explained the situation eloquently when he wrote:
What’s infuriating about manipulations by Non Profit Industrial Complex is that they harvest good will of the people, especially young people. They target those who were not given skills and knowledge to truly think for themselves by institutions which are designed to serve the ruling class. Capitalism perates systematically and structurally like a cage to raise domesticated animals. Those organizations and their projects which operate under false slogans of humanity in order to prop up the hierarchy of money and violence are fast becoming some of the most crucial elements of the invisible cage of corporatism, colonialism and militarism.
The Rockefeller Family Fund has been a consistently globalist funding vehicle ever since. And the cousins gradually rose in influence at the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, a transition marked by David Rockefeller Jr.’s succeeding his father as the fund’s chairman in 1983.”
1995- Jeffrey Epstein becomes member of the Rockefeller founded Trilateral Commission joining an elite list of members/former members including Bill Clinton , George H.W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Paul Volcker, Jimmy Carter, Alan Greenspan, etc
1995, new suspicions arose concerning the use of PROMIS in the world banking system. It was alleged Systematics, a subsidiary of Alltech Corporation comprised of Systematics Financial Services Inc., Systematics Information Services Inc. of Little Rock, Arkansas, and Systematics Telecommunications Services Inc. of Dallas, Pennsylvania, had modified the PROMIS software for sale to private banks, with the attendant back doors to allow the NSA to spy on banking operations.
The post went on to charge that Webster Hubbell had "helped work out strategies to use Systematics software to spy on commercial and central banks.
Jackson Stevens is a presidential kingmaker, a lifelong supporter of George Bush, and the Annapolis roommate of Jimmy Carter.
The billionaire Stevens‘ firm Systematics, later Axicom, had mated the illegal software with banking software.
In the late 70‘s and 80‘s Systematics handled 60-70% of all electronic banking systems in the US. Steven‘s teamed with Worthen Bank, Lippo Group and BCCI, the drug/intelligence bank to penetrate every banking system in the world. PROMIS could be used to influence and predict financial markets worldwide.
When Clinton was completely out of campaign funds it was Stevens that loaned him money to keep his campaign going.
1995-OKC bombing
February 10, 1995
-The Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995, or US Senate bills S.390 and S.761. were two bills introduced by then-Senator Joe Bidenand Senator Tom Daschleon behalf of the Clinton Administrationon February 10, 1995
It previewed the 2001 Patriot Act by allowing secret evidence to be used in prosecutions, expanding the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and wiretap laws, creating a new federal crime of ‘terrorism’ that could be invoked based on political beliefs, permitting the U.S. military to be used in civilian law enforcement, and allowing permanent detention of non-U.S. citizens without judicial review.
Biden’s bill was never put to a vote, but after 9/11 then-Attorney General John Ashcroft reportedly credited his bill with the foundations of the USA PATRIOT Act.
In February 1995 Ramzi Yousefand Terry Nichols were in Cebu City in the Philippines at the same time, three months before the Oklahoma City bombing.
From Ramzi Yousef's phone records, from the months before he detonated the first World Trade Center bomb in early 1993, show calls placed to the Filipina neighbor and close friend of Terry Nichols' in-laws in Queens, New York. The opportunity for interaction between American terrorist, Nichols, and al-Qaeda terrorist, Yousef, is evident.
April 19, 1995, Oklahoma City bombing. The Oklahoma City Bombing followed a similar pattern to the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center —a rental truck loaded with ammonium-based explosives, using similar detonation devices, based on the strategy of driving a vehicle into or near a target.
In early 1995, the ATF had an informant inside a remote community in eastern Oklahoma, that the informant had reported talk of bombings, and that the ATF – afraid of triggering another Waco – had decided to pull the informant out rather than act on her information.
McVeigh telephoned the community, Elohim City, two weeks after the informant was shut down, and there are multiple indications he came visiting days later in search of recruits.
John Magaw, who was ATF director in 1995, said in a 2010 interview that if the informant had been kept on, the bomb plot may have been thwarted.
Interesting how these agencies always have informants connected to these attacks yet don’t do anything to stop them
Some speculate this was a false flag to force then-president Bill Clinton to invade Iraq and bring down Saddam or at least push through an Anti -Terrorism bill. In any event, neither happened.
There were many other interesting things about the OKC Bombing. For those interested check out James Corbett
1995-Within days of the OKC bombing, President Clintonproposed a bi-partisan effort to strengthen national anti-terrorist laws. In 1995, both Clinton and Dole signed a bill enabling 1,000 more federal anti-terrorist agents and tougher anti-terrorist legislation. This legislation made planning a terrorist act a federal crime, eased restrictions on information gathering by the FBI against suspected terrorist groups, and provided more money for counterterrorism efforts.
While the anti-terrorism bill enjoyed bi-partisan support, the issues raised by the bombing continued to excite controversy. President Clinton made a speech criticizing voices in America that promoted hatred of government and violence against authority. He also argued that such voices encouraged actions like the Oklahoma bombing. His remarks were interpreted as an attack on a number of conservative talk radio shows. Republicans reacted angrily claiming that the president was playing politics with the Oklahoma tragedy and trying to chill free speech
1995-August , Gingrich's Progress and Freedom Foundation held a conference in Aspen, Colorado dubbed "Cyberspace and the American Dream II."
The "vision" of the conference was spelled out in a document circulated on the Internet.It stated: "People who live in an age of revolution, and who seek to shape its course, must do more than proclaim it as good....
People are open now to the new wave and the Big Change.But few believe that it will end up like a gentle event.Most expect a Tsunami,a rushing wall of change that sweeps their old world away....
We can show what needs to be done now to make Big Change work for the good.All the way through this age of revolution."
And who did Newt gather under his tax-exempt banner to plan out the revolution? He brought in his old mentor Alvin Toffler, and he brought in a crew of counterculture refugees who had pioneered the MK Ultra project of the 1960s-
1995, the National Science Foundation officially retired the NSFNET, handing control of the Internet to a handful of private network providers that it had created less than a decade earlier.
There was no vote in Congress on the issue. There was no public referendum or discussion. It happened by bureaucratic decree, and Stephen Wolff’s government-funded privatized design of the network made the privatization seem seamless and natural.
1995, after the transition to a new Internet architecture and the NSFNET Backbone Service was decommissioned,ANS sold its networking business to AOLfor a little over $30 million and became a philanthropic organization with a mission to advance education by accelerating the use of computer network applications and technology".
1995- The first large ISP’s like AOL and CompuServe began offering Internet access to the masses.
1995, Enron was able to successfully secure financing for the Dabhol Power plant in India with loans from the U.S. Export-Import Bank totaling $298 million dollars to cover about 32 percent of the costs. Enron's ownership stake was 80 percent in the Indian power plant.
Enron was able to secure another $100 million in investment money from the U.S. federal agency, Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC).
In 1996, the investment corporation provided another $200 million dollars in "political risk insurance" for the India project, according to OPIC documents.
1995-The Inslaw case met its end when Congress referred it to the Court of Federal Claims in 1995, where the Court ruled against Inslaw.
Former House Judiciary Committee chairman and Jewish-American patriot John Cohen stated: "There is a putrid stretch that reaches across party lines in Washington and involves cover-ups by various administrations and foreign governments, specifically Israel's.
Though tens of millions of dollars have been spent investigating the 'Inslaw affair,' they have all failed for one reason only. Very powerful people do not want the truth to get out."
The House Judiciary Committee laid a similar verdict: "The theft of Enhanced Promis is surrounded by conspiracy, fraud, witness tampering, retaliation against witnesses, interference by commerce by threats of violence. Violations of the Racketeer Corrupt Organizations Act. Transportation of stolen goods, securities, monies. Receiving stolen goods."
1995: New allegations began to emerge regarding the use of PROMIS in Swiss banking operations, possibly the cause of a wave of congressional resignations in 1992
1995-Meanwhile Section 230, originally introduced in the House as a freestanding bill, H.R. 1978, in June 1995, stands on its own, now as then.
Its premise of imposing liability on criminals and tort-feasors for their own wrongful conduct, rather than shifting that liability to third parties, operates independently of (and indeed, in opposition to) Sen. Exon’s approach that would directly interfere with the essential functioning of the Internet.
It is also useful to imagine a world without Section 230. In this alternative world, websites and Internet platforms of all kinds would face enormous potential liability for hosting content created by others. They would have a powerful incentive to limit that exposure, which they could do in one of two ways.
They could strictly limit user-generated content, or even eliminate it altogether; or they could adopt the “anything goes” model through which CompuServe originally escaped liability before Section 230 existed.
We would all be very much worse off were this to happen. Without Section 230’s clear limitation on liability it is difficult to imagine that most of the online services on which we rely every day would even exist in anything like their current form.
1995 New York State Court of Appeals ruling protecting newspaper opinion pieces against libel suits.
An opinion piece “A High-Tech Watergate”, by former U.S. Attorney General (and Inslaw legal counsel) Elliot L. Richardson, was originally published on the Op-Ed page of The New York Times on October 21, 1991.
Calling for the appointment of a Federal special prosecutor to investigate malfeasance by the Justice Department, the article named Earl Brian, a friend of Edwin Meese, Ronald Reagan's Attorney General, as a possible beneficiary of the government's grab of PROMIS -- in return for his alleged participation in negotiating a delay in the release of the U.S. hostages in Iran in 1980, the so-called "October surprise," which may have helped Ronald Reagan's election.
Brian sued Richardson for libel, only to have the case dismissed on appeal by the decision outlined in Op-Ed and Opinion Pages Remain Vehicles for Individual Expression.
1995, with the Republicans newly in charge of congress, Rep. Jim Leach of Iowa used his position as chairman of the House Banking Committee to launch a new investigation into money laundering, drug-running and intelligence operations at Mena.
One of Leach’s first orders of business was to request that the CIA’s Inspector General, Frederick Hitz, review the agency’s files and prepare a report on Mena.
The report was completed in November 1996. It remains classified, but a summary of the report was released by Leach.
Thought still a whitewash, the IG report for the first time admitted that the CIA did have a sustained presence at Mena through the 1980s and early 1990s.
According to Hitz’s report, the CIA conducted “authorized and legal activities at the airport.” These activities included contracts for “routine aviation-related services.” They also involved a still top-secret “joint training operation with another federal agency.”
The other federal agency is almost certainly the National Security Council, which the Inspector General’s report claims handled the “interface with local officials.” The investigation also confirmed
The confession that Leach finally extracted from the CIA regarding its operations at Mena received scant notice from the press, with only the Wall Street Journal covering the report in any detail.
The Post’s Walter Pincus wrote a short item on the report, faithfully echoing the CIA’s line that it had no involvement in “money laundering, narcotics trafficking, [or] arms smuggling.”
1995-The actual fighting in Bosnia-Herzegovina ended with the signing of the Dayton Accords in Paris on December 14, 1995 that put an end to the three-and-a-half-year long Bosnian War and opened the long-term NATO occupation of the country.
NATO, and not the European Union, was in control. Bosnia-Herzegovina, once a multiethnic federal state, was established as a de facto Muslim state, in effect, a client state under control of the IMF and of NATO.
The Clinton Administration had learned around that time of vast oil and gas reserves in the Caspian Sea and wanted to secure a pipeline through the Balkans to control that oil and, above all, keep it from the Russians
In December 1995, the American Petroleum Institute in Washington, an organization representing the major US oil companies, had issued an estimate that the Caspian Basin, north of Afghanistan, contained “two-thirds of the world’s known reserves, or 660 billion barrels.”
The Caucasus was becoming a US strategic “area of interest,” to put it mildly.
1995-trump acquires 40 Wall Street Building and named it Trump
building. The purchase price figure is still debated. New York Times wrote at the time, it was less than $8 million. Trump wrote in his book, Never Give Up, and said on The Apprentice and CNBC he paid $1 million for it. (Sounds like a gift)
The Federal Election Commission disclosure forms from 2015show he has a debt of over $50 million on 40 Wall Street for the lease of the land
Built in the 1930’s and briefly the worlds tallest building .
On the evening of May 20th, 1946, an army plane crashed into 40 Wall Street at the 58th floor. It was en route to Newark Airportfrom Lake Charles Army Air Field in Louisiana.All five passengers aboard the plane were killed. The cause of the accident – fog – was similar to the army plane crashinto the Empire State Building, which took place only the year before.
It did not collapse.
Originally the Bank of Manhattan Building It contains huge underground vaults
In 1982, 40 Wall Street was purchased by Joseph J. and Ralph E. Bernstein, who were discovered later to have been operating as a front behind dictatorial Philippines president Ferdinand E. Marcos.
It was not the only building in Marcos’ portfolio of buildings in New York City: the Crown Building on 5th Avenue and the Herald Squareshopping mall were among others likely using funds taken from the Philippine government treasury.
Once Marcos was removed from leadership, his assets in the United States were frozen, which led to a contentious feud between the Bernstein brothers and the associate of an arms dealer, who both claimed ownership of the building
Financial companies like Deutsche Bank, Manufactures Hanover’s Trust Company, Toronto Dominion Bank, Loeb, Rhodes & Co., Bache & Co., White, Weld & Company have all been headquartered at 40 Wall Street.
In 2016, Bloomberg Newsreported on the large number of “frauds, thieves, boiler rooms and penny-stock schemers” that have taken up residence in the building since it was bought by Trump, adding to the site’s fascinating history. It was also the headquarters of Trump University
Maybe there is Marcos Gold in those vaults and this is why banks like Deutsche Bank continue to loan him Money despite his bankruptcies
1995 -the CDC rang the alarm once again, this time threatening with an imminent Ebola Virus pandemic. The deadly killer virus was expected to leave its hidden reservoir in the rain forests of Africa to claim Europe and the United States.
The article in Time magazine was peppered with "CDC sleuths" in space suits and color electron micrographs of the virus, although the electron microscope cannot take color pictures, and no virus is colored.
A CDC virologist suggested the virus could leave the rain forest if "we get a virus that is both deadly to man and transmit- ted in the air."
A European epidemiologist who heads the United Nations' AIDS program echoed the CDC's alarm, warning, "It's theoretically feasible that an infected person from Kikwit could go to Kinshasa, get on a plane to New York, fall ill, and present transmission risk there."
But within a month the epidemic had faded away in Africa and not a single Ebola case was reported in the United States or Europe.
1996-July 17, Trans World Airlines Flight 800 exploded and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near East Moriches, New York, after takeoff from John F. Kennedy International Airporton a scheduled international passenger flight to Rome, with a stopover in Paris.
All 230 people on board died in the crash; it is the third-deadliest aviation accidentin U.S. history.
Accident investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board(NTSB) traveled to the scene, arriving the following morning amid speculation that a terrorist attack was the cause of the crash due to numerous witnesses reported seeing a missile
One month after the explosion, chemists at the FBI crime laboratory in Washington found traces of PETN, an explosive component of bombs and surface-to-air missiles.
Nevertheless, on November 18, 1997, the FBI closed its investigation by announcing that "no evidence has been found which would indicate that a criminal act was the cause of the tragedy of TWA flight 800."
Nothing came of this as well thanks to an apparent CIA /FBI coverup, no doubt at Clintons request since this was an election year. If known to be a foreign terrorist attack his inaction after the 1993 WTC bombing would be rehashed
1996-After Commerce Secretary Ron Brown’s desperate meeting with Clinton over corruption charges in which he threatened to expose campaign finance impropriety’s if they could not help .
Ron went on a trade mission, this one to Croatia to cut a deal between the neo-fascists who ran the country and the Enron Corporation. Yes, that Enron.
He never got there. The Air Force plane that carried Brown, the military version of a Boeing 737, crashed into a hillside outside Dubrovnik. Brown and 34 others were killed.
The crash took out the US Secretary of Commerce and 33 others, and prevented any further investigation into Ron Browns illegal activities on behalf of the Clintons
Many conspiracy theories allege this was not an accident
1996-Just a few years into the Clinton presidential administration, Leslie Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein would play a major role in Southern Air Transport’s relocation to Columbus, Ohio, leading to concerns among top Ohio officials that both men were not only working with the CIA, but that Wexner’s company, The Limited, sought to use the CIA-linked airline for smuggling.
1996 September 27, :The Taliban conquer Kabul establishing control over much of Afghanistan. A surge in the Taliban’s military successes at this time is later attributed to an increase in direct military assistance from Pakistan’s ISI.
The oil company Unocal is hopeful that the Taliban will stabilize Afghanistan and allow its pipeline plans to go forward. According to some reports, “preliminary agreement [on the pipeline] was reached between the [Taliban and Unocal] long before the fall of Kabul .…
Oil industry insiders say the dream of securing a pipeline across Afghanistan is the main reason why Pakistan, a close political ally of America’s, has been so supportive of the Taliban, and why America has quietly acquiesced in its conquest of Afghanistan.”
The 9/11 Commission later concludes that some State Department diplomats are willing to “give the Taliban a chance” because it might be able to bring stability to Afghanistan, which would allow a Unocal oil pipeline to be built through the country.
1996 al-Qaeda had assume control of Ariana Airlines, Afghanistan’s national airline in 1996, for use in its illegal trade network. Passenger flights become few and erratic, as planes are used to fly drugs, weapons, gold, and personnel, primarily between Afghanistan, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Pakistan.
About nine of the 9/11 hijackers work at the Kandahar airport in 2000, which is Ariana’s main hub
The Emirate of Sharjah, in the UAE, becomes a hub for al-Qaeda drug and arms smuggling. Typically, “large quantities of drugs” are flown from Kandahar, Afghanistan, to Sharjah, and large quantities of weapons are flown back to Afghanistan.
About three to four flights run the route each day. Many weapons come from Victor Bout, a notorious Russian arms dealer based in Sharjah.
Afghan taxes on opium production are paid in gold, and then the gold bullion is flown to Dubai, UAE, and laundered into cash.
Taliban officials regularly provide militants with false papers identifying them as Ariana Airlines employees so they can move freely around the world. For instance, one flight on a Ariana small plane in 2000 lists 33 crew members.
A former National Security Council official later claims the US is well aware at the time that al-Qaeda agents regularly fly on Ariana Airlines. (However, US intelligence will not learn of the widespread use of forged Ariana IDs until after 9/11.)
The CIA learns of Bout’s connection to Ariana and the Taliban in 1998, but takes no action .
Much of the money for the 9/11 hijackers flows though these Sharjah, UAE, channels. There also are reports suggesting that Ariana Airlines might have been used to train Islamic militants as pilots.
1996, the central banks or monetary authorities of China, India, Russia, Brazil, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Saudi Arabia joined. BIS. The BIS’s future was assured.
1996- Trump’s trip to Moscowto allegedly negotiate for a Trump Tower Moscow
The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on ‘collusion said On page 650of this thousand-page doorstop of a report, that Trump went to a party at the Kempinski hotel on a visit to Moscow in 1996 and: ‘at the party, Trump may have begun a brief relationship with a Russian woman named XXXX XXXX.’ The name is of course redacted.
The report says that Trump may have met the woman again when she came to New York two years later. It quotes a Russian newspaper story as saying he welcomed a number of guests to an event in New York ‘among whom was the charming XXXX XXXX,
“Miss Moscow”…Trump recalled that two years ago, during his stay in Moscow, [she] was for him the most beautiful hostess of the capital, whose charms were not overshadowed even by Claudia Schiffer and Tina Turner, who lived in the same hotel. He recalled with pleasure the excellent company with which he spent time in Moscow.’
According to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, “Counterintelligence Threats and Vulnerabilities,” Leon Black was on the Trump trip, along with David Geovanis and Bennett LeBow, two men Black knew from his days as head of mergers and acquisitions at Drexel Burnham Lambert, the long defunct Wall Street investment bank.
Black came out of Drexel and Drexel attempted to entrap its clients with sex. Connie Bruck’s The Predators’ Ball described the famed annual bash for Drexel’s raiders. One part was when the heavy hitters were brought to a room full of enticingly beautiful women.
1996, prize-winning investigative journalist Gary Webb wrote a series for the San Jose Mercury News that linked North’s project to the CIA and further to the distribution of crack cocaine in the 1980s into Los Angeles, the profits having been funneled to the Contras. Webb found that the influx of Nicaraguan-supplied cocaine had fueled the widespread crack epidemic that swept through urban areas.
In 1998, CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz confirmed much of what Webb had alleged, reporting that Contra-related entities involved in the drug trade had been protected from law enforcement by the Reagan-Bush administration.
1996-There would be no stone left unturned, President Bill Clinton assured Americans on Veterans Day six days after his re-election in November 1996, in efforts to get to the bottom of the array of illnesses colloquially known as Gulf War Syndrome.
With his next breath Clinton heaped praise on the presidential advisory committee on Gulf War illnesses, whose prime finding, leaked three days earlier, had been that there is no Gulf War syndrome and that any adverse symptoms associated with the name could be attributed to psychological stress experienced by the vets.
1996-Maria Farmer says she contacted the New York Police Department in 1996, then the Federal Bureau of Investigation. She offered to share everything she knew about Epstein and the constant stream of young women and girls being brought to Epstein’s houses. According to the NYT, the FBI has never acknowledged speaking to Maria in 1996, though she believes they had to have some record of it because — years later — FBI agents came back to her with questions.
1996-delivering on his campaign promise “to end welfare as we know it” Clinton signs the , The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
This gave states control of welfare, ending six decades of federal government control of the programs. In dismantling that model, he created something new: the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, or TANF, which changed the financing and benefit structure of cash assistance. Instead of welfare being funded in a more open-ended manner, now welfare was funded by federal block grants to states, along with a requirement that states had to match some of the federal dollars.
Building on policies that had been passed by Reagan, and a foundational principle of “personal responsibility,” TANF added work requirements for aid, shrinking the number of adults who could qualify for benefits. This legislation also created caps for how long and how much aid a person could receive, and well as instituting harsher punishments for recipients who did not comply with the requirements
Millions would lose or see reduced benefits
1996-Bill Clinton’s friend and ubiquitous Democratic fundraiser Johnny Chung told Federal investigators that he funneled nearly $100,000 from the Communist Chinese military to the Democratic campaign in the summer of 1996. The money was handed to Chung by the daughter of the top commander of China’s People’s Liberation Army, General Liu Huaqing, who was also one of the top five members of the Chinese Communist Party’s ruling Politburo.
1996 Trump bought the Miss Universe pageant family (. Miss U.S.A., Miss Teen U.S.A., and Miss Universe)
The first Miss Universe crowned on Trump’s watch was Miss Venezuela, Alicia Machado. Hillary Clinton famously invoked Trump’s treatment of Machado during the first presidential debate. Machado remembers him calling her “Miss Piggy” because she gained weight and “Miss Housekeeping” because she’s Latina.
Trump invited reporters to observe Machado exercising, against her protests. She told The New York Times earlier this year, “I was about to cry in that moment with all the cameras there. I said, ‘I don’t want to do this, Mr. Trump.’ He said, ‘I don’t care.'”
In 1997 former contestants say Trump unexpectedly entered the Miss Teen USA dressing room. The same year the reigning Miss Universe, Brook Antoinette Mahealani Lee, recalls Trump asking her about the looks of his daughter Ivanka, who was co-hosting the pageant. “‘Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?'”
Also that year, Miss Utah, Temple Taggart, recalls Trump kissed her against her wishes. “He kissed me directly on the lips. I thought, ‘Oh my God, gross.’ He was married to Marla Maples at the time. I think there were a few other girls that he kissed on the mouth. I was like, ‘Wow, that’s inappropriate,'” Taggart told The New York Times.
She says he did the same thing a few months later at Trump Tower, where he had invited her to discuss her career. To succeed in the entertainment industry, Trump advised 21-year-old Taggart to lie about her age. “We’re going to have to tell them you’re 17,” she remembers Trump saying.
One of the women testifying in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial (Jane) says she was sexually abused by late sex criminal and financier Jeffrey Epstein and British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell testified Epstein took her to meet Donald Trump at his Florida club when she was 14 years old.
The woman, who was testifying under the pseudonym “Jane,” said she had competed in the 1998 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant (not clear if this was before or after the meeting)
1996-Clinton administration officials helped Enron during the company's negotiations over a natural gas project in Mozambique.
The top negotiator on the gas project for Mozambique was Minister of Mineral Resources John Kachamila, who complained of "outright threats to withhold development funds if we didn't sign," with Enron.
Kachamila said U.S. diplomats, "especially [U.S. Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission] Mike McKinley, pressured me to sign a deal that was not good for Mozambique. He was not a neutral diplomat," according to the Houston Chronicle.
The Clinton administration's U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) was also reportedly involved in the pressuring of Mozambique to sign the deal with Enron.
USAID is especially powerful because of the volume of money it pumps into the developing world. Mozambique was receiving over $40 million dollars during this time from USAID.
1996- President Bill Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996, a law that deregulated the telecommunications industry, allowing for the first time since the New Deal nearly unlimited corporate cross-ownership of the media: cable companies, radio stations, film studios, newspapers, phone companies, television broadcasters, and, of course, Internet service providers.
The law triggered massive consolidation, culminating in just a handful of vertically integrated companies owning the bulk of the American media market.
A handful of powerful telecommunications companies absorbed most of the privatized NSFNET providers that had been set up with funds from the National Science Foundation a decade earlier.
San Francisco Bay Area’s regional provider became part of Verizon. Southern California’s, which was part-owned by the military contractor General Atomics, was absorbed by AT&T. New York’s became part of Cogent Communications, one of the largest backbone companies in the world.
The backbone went to Time-Warner. And MCI, which had run the backbone along with IBM, merged with WorldCom, combining two of the biggest Internet service providers in the world.
1996-William Browder left Salomon Brothers and joined with Edmond Safra (1932–1999) founding Hermitage Capital Management in 1996 for the purpose of investing initial seed capital of $25 million in Russia during the period of the mass privatization after the fall of the Soviet Union. Beny Steinmetz, who is an Israeli businessman, with investments in diamond and precious metals mining among other things, was allegedly another of the original investors in Hermitage Capital Management. This was the firm Safra through Dov Schlein solicited me to invest $10 billion.
1996 article entitled, “The Money Plane,” published by New York Magazine which detailed how the “Russian mob gets a shipment of up to a billion dollars in fresh $100 bills,” Edmond Safra’s bank, Republic National, was directly implicated.
After reporting that the Russian mob had long been using “an unimpeded supply of freshly minted Federal Reserve notes to finance a vast and growing international crime syndicate,” the author of the article, Robert Friedman, asked the obvious question, “So then why are Republic National Bank and the U.S. Federal Reserve continuing to supply millions of crisp, clean $100 bills to banks that so many money-laundering experts agree are tainted?”
And that’s a great question especially since the article went on to quote an official from the office behind regulating Republic National Bank, the Comptroller of the Currency, who stated that the U.S. government “sees nothing wrong with it.” Keep in mind that when this article was published Clinton was still president and Bill Browder was already working with Safra.
1996 June 25,, a tanker truck loaded with 25,000 pounds of explosives rips through the U.S. Air Force military housing complex Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing 19 U.S. airmen and wounding nearly 500 others.
The terrorist attack that blew off much of the eight-story Building 131, leaving a crater 50 feet wide and 16 feet deep, was the deadliest attack against U.S. forces since the 1983 bombing of a Marine barracks in Beirut that left 241 dead.
The bombers, later identified as members of the pro-Iran Islamic militant group Hezbollah, parked the truck near the towers that were home to 2,000 American military personnel who were assigned to the King Abdul Aziz Air Base to patrol southern Iraqi no-fly zones. They escaped before setting off the explosion.
Both Robert Mueller and his longtime ally James Comey performed crucial roles in establishing that the Khobar Towers bombing had been a Hezbollah operation run by the Iranian Government – and, starting upon this basis, in helping to develop the case that Iran “is the foremost state sponsor of terrorism.”
However, as has been made clear by several great independent investigative journalists, on the basis of far more-solid documentation than the official account, the Khobar Towers bombing was instead entirely a fundamentalist-Sunni operation, specifically perpetrated by Al Qaeda, which hates Shia and which also hates America’s military presence in the Middle East.
Osama bin Laden’s claim of the bombing’s having been done by Al Qaeda, was, in fact, entirely honest and accurate.
1997, the crown colony of Hong Kong officially reverted to Chinese sovereignty, becoming the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the PRC. According to the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the “One country, two systems” principle, “Hong Kong’s previous capitalist system and its way of life” was to remain unchanged for a period of 50 years.
1997-Epstein became a trustee of the Leon Black Family Foundation, dating from 1997.
1997- The President supported and signed the FDA Modernization Act of 1997, the first major food and medical products reform in 35 years. The Act cut approval times of new drugs in half, simplified the review process for medical devices, expanded participation in experimental treatments for AIDS, Alzheimer's and cancer patients, and protected consumers by ensuring accurate food labeling.
It provides financial incentives to industry to test drugs on children, has had a deleterious impact on children’s dignity, health and welfare. Those lucrative incentives offered an opportunity to accelerate the pace of FDA approval for pediatric drug marketing. FDAMA resulted in a radical shift in federal policy to accommodate an expansion of pediatric trials. Children who are precluded from exercising a human adult’s right to informed consent to research are increasingly sought as test subjects even when the trials offer no potential benefit for them. Prior to FDAMA children were protected under federal regulations that prohibited their recruitment for experiments that were not in their best interest.
1997-FDA officials felt increased pressure from a variety of sources from a Republican controlled Congress to ease the regulations on broadcast advertising for drugs. In August, a few months after David Kessler left the FDA, the agency released the Draft Guidance for Industry: Consumer-Directed Broadcast Advertisements. It outlined the ways in which pharmaceutical manufacturers could meet the brief summary requirement in broadcast ads by clarifying the ways in which the product labeling could be adequately provided
Instead of airing the entire brief summary, the ads could refer consumers to (1) a toll-free telephone number, (2) print ads, (3) a website, and/or (4) their pharmacists or physicians, from whom they could obtain complete information about the product's risks and benefits.
Consumers' confusion over the reminder ads for prescription drugs on television was a major factor behind the policy change . Total spending on DTCA advertising rising from $1.3 billion in 1998 to $3.3 billion in 2005 to 10billion in 2016
Purdue Pharmaceuticals then started marketing OxyContinas being an abuse-and-addiction-resistant opioidthat could be taken safely more often than the recommended twice-per-day maximum
Painkiller prescriptions in the early 90s were increasing 2-3 million per year. Then, from 1996 to 2000, Purdue doubles its pushers – whoops, sales force – dedicated to selling OxyContin.
The results were immediate. In 1996, painkiller prescriptions jumped by 8 million.
In 1998, following a successful promotional video featuring a doctor proclaiming “[OxyContin does] not have serious medical side effects,” prescriptions jumped by 11 million.
1997-William Sessions, director of the FBI from 1987 to 1993, was not above doing a complete about-face when it came to Russian organized crime. In 1997, after he returned to private practice, he traveled to Moscow and alerted the world to the horrifying dangers of the brutal Russian Mafia.
A few years later, William Sessions decided to take on a Russian client. In this case, the client had been charged with racketeering and was trying to negotiate a deal with the US Department of Justice, and was so powerful that he not only had made the FBI’s “Ten Most Wanted” list, but had now gotten a former FBI director, William Sessions, to represent him. Sessions’s client, of course, was Semion Mogilevich.
In the end, Mogilevich did not get the plea deal he wanted. But the mere fact that the former head of the FBI had a client who, according to the US Department of Justice, represented an enormous national security threat provides a sense of how deeply the Russian Mafia had penetrated America’s defenses.
1998-President Clinton’s signing of the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and called for immediate action by the US to implement the agreement. The Protocol, which was agreed to by 160 nations in 1997, commits its signatories to controlling climate change by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions
1997 January 29 The Wall Street Journal reported on activities at the Mena, Arkansas, airport that involved then-Governor Bill Clinton in a cover-up of illegal drug trading activity.
Mena, Arkansas was the spook hub for unmarked weapons going out and cocaine coming in. This led to the 1980s explosion of cocaine and crack. The article stated: “At the center of the web of speculation spun around Mena (Arkansas) are a few undisputed facts:
One of the most successful drug informants in U.S. history, smuggler Barry Seal, based his air operation at Mena. At the height of his career, he was importing as much as a thousand pounds of cocaine per month, and had a personal fortune estimated at more than $50 million. After becoming an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration, he worked at least once with the CIA, in a Sandinista drug sting. He was gunned down by Colombian hit men in Baton Rouge, La., in 1986.”
1997- There has been speculation for years that Clinton’s decision to pardon Rich may have been the result of “leverage” or blackmail that Israel had acquired on the then-president’s activities.
The Mossad-linked “Mega” spy scandal broke in 1997, whereby Israeli intelligence had been targeting Clinton’s effort to broker a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine and had sought to go to “Mega,” likely a reference to the Mega Group, to obtain a sensitive document.
In addition, Israel is known to have acquired phone conversations between Clinton and Monica Lewinsky before their affair was made public.
Author Daniel Halper — relying on on-the-record interviews with former officials and hundreds of pages of documents compiled in the event that Lewinsky took legal action against Clinton — determined thatBenjamin Netanyahu told Clinton that he had obtained recordings of the sexually-tinged phone conversations during the Wye Plantation talks between Israel and Palestine in 1998.
Netanyahu attempted to use this information to get Clinton to pardon convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard. Clinton considered pardoning Pollard but decided against it after CIA Director George Tenet threatened to resign if the pardon was given.
Investigative journalist and author Gordon Thomas had made similar claims years priorand asserted that the Mossad had obtained some 30 hours of phone-sex conversations between Lewinsky and Clinton and used them as leverage.
In addition, a reportin Insight magazine in May 2000 claimed that Israeli intelligence had “penetrated four White House telephone lines and was able to relay real-time conversations on those lines from a remote site outside the White House directly to Israel for listening and recording.”
Those phone taps apparently went well beyond the White House, as revealed by a December 2001 investigative report by Carl Cameron for FOX News.
According to Cameron’s report:
[Israeli telecommunications company Amdocs] helped Bell Atlantic install new telephone lines in the White House in 1997…[and] a senior-level employee of Amdocs had a separate T1 data phone line installed from his base outside of St. Louis that was connected directly to Israel…
[I]nvestigators are looking into whether the owner of the T1 line had a ‘real time’ capacity to intercept phone calls from both the White House and other government offices around Washington, and sustained the line for some time, sources said. Sources familiar with the investigation say FBI agents on the case sought an arrest warrant for the St. Louis employee but [Clinton] Justice Department officials quashed it.“
Both Amdocs and Verint Inc. (formerly Comverse Infosys)] are based in Israel – having arisen to prominence from that country’s cornering of the information technology market – and are heavily funded by the Israeli government, with connections to the Israeli military and Israeli intelligence…
The companies’ operations, sources suggest, have been infiltrated by freelance spies exploiting encrypted trapdoors in Verint/Amdocs technology and gathering data on Americans for transfer to Israeli intelligence and other willing customers (particularly organized crime).”
Given the extent of phone tapping of the U.S. government by Israeli intelligence-linked companies and Netanyahu’s previous use of intercepted phone calls to pressure Clinton to pardon Jonathan Pollard, it is entirely reasonable to speculate that some other trove of intercepted communications could have been used to push Clinton to pardon Rich in the final hours of his presidency.
Also notable is the fact that several figures who heavily lobbied Clinton over the Rich pardon had ties to Epstein, who also had ties to Israeli intelligence and Israeli intelligence-linked tech companies. For example, Ehud Barak, a close friend and business associate of Epstein, and Shimon Peres, who introduced Barak to Epstein, were the major playersin convincing Clinton to pardon Marc Rich.
Furthermore, as will be shown in a subsequent section of this report, Jeffrey Epstein had developed ties with the Clinton administration beginning in 1993 and those ties expanded, particularly in 1996, when Epstein’s intelligence-linked sexual blackmail operation was underway.
Clinton would later fly on Epstein’s infamous private jet, nicknamed the “Lolita Express,” and Epstein would later donate to the Clinton Foundation and claim to have played a key rolein the creation of the Clinton Global Initiative.
In addition to the role of figures close to Epstein in securing Rich’s pardon, Epstein himself appeared to share some level of connection with Rich’s former business partners.
For instance, Felix Posen — who ran Rich’s London operations for years and whom Forbes describedas “the architect of Rich’s immensely profitable but suddenly very controversial business with the Soviet Union” — appears in Epstein’s book of contacts. In addition, Epstein’s offshore structured investment vehicle (SIV), Liquid Funding, has the same attorney and directoras several Glencore entities: Alex Erskineof the law firm Appleby.
The significance of that connection, however, is unclear, given that Erskine was connected toa total of 274 offshore entities at the time of the “Paradise Papers” leak in 2014.
Catherine Austin Fitts told MintPress that it could suggest that Epstein’s Liquid Funding — 40 percent of which had been owned by Bear Stearns, and which may have received a “secret” bail-outfrom the Federal Reserve — is part of the same shadow economy “syndicate” as Glencore.
This possibility merits further investigation, given that Glencore is partially ownedby British financier Nathaniel Rothschild, whose father, Jacob Rothschild, is on the board of advisers of Genie Energy, which includes Michael Steinhardt as well as several alleged associates of Epstein, such as Bill Richardson and Larry Summers.
In addition, Nathaniel Rothschild’s cousin by marriage, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, is a long-time associate of Jeffrey Epstein with considerable ties to the New York City “Roy Cohn machine.”
Marc Rich had long-standing ties to the Rothschild family, going back to the early 1970swhen he began commodity trading at Philipp Brothers.
1998 -The most comprehensive review of the biological effects of millimeter waves was conducted by a team at the U.S. Army Medical Research Detachment at Brooks Air Force Base, in San Antonio, and published .
The research group observed “[p]rofound MMW effects … at all biological levels, from cell-free systems, through cells, organs, and tissues, to animal and human organisms.”
Significantly, it also noted that “many of the reported effects were principally different from those caused by heating, and their dose and frequency dependencies often suggested nonthermal mechanisms”—which is to say that, once again, the research showed bioeffects from microwave frequencies that occurred well below the power levels required to cause heating.
EMF researchers have pointed out that millimeter waves are less able to penetrate skin than lower-frequency waves, suggesting they should therefore be less dangerous. Yet the variety of bioeffects described by the Army Medical Research team were “quite unexpected from a radiation penetrating less than 1 mm into biological tissues,” as the report stated.
The researchers admitted to being confounded by the evidence, saying that the observed effects “could not be readily explained.”
The report added that “biological effects of a prolonged or chronic MMW exposure of the whole body … have never been investigated.” The safety limits, it pointed out, are “based solely on predictions,” an approach it deemed “not necessarily adequate.”
1998 United States embassy bombings were attacks that occurred on August 7, 1998. More than 200 people were killed in nearly simultaneous truck bombexplosions in two East Africancities, one at the United States Embassyin Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the other at the United States Embassyin Nairobi, Kenya.
The attacks, which were linked to local members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, brought Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and their terrorist organization, al-Qaeda, to the attention of the U.S. public for the first time, and resulted in the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) placing bin Laden on its ten most-wanted fugitiveslist.
In response to the bombings, President Bill Clintonordered Operation Infinite Reach, a series of cruise missilestrikes on targets in Sudanand Afghanistanon August 20, 1998, announcing the planned strike in a prime-time address on U.S. television.
The United Nations Security Councilpassed Resolution 1189condemning the attacks on the embassies.
On August 20, 1998 Bill Clinton launched 79 cruise missiles at seven defenseless targets in the Middle East. One was a pharmaceutical plant in the Sudan called El Shifa. A pair of outstanding articles in Covert Action Quarterly (CAQ, Winter, 99)
According to a well-researched article written by Richard Becker, Sara Flounders and John Parker in CAQ, the El Shifa pharmaceutical plant was responsible for over 50% of Sudan’s medicine. This included 90% of the most critically needed drugs. In their words:
“…the bombing will inexorably cause the suffering and death of tens of thousands of innocent people all over Africa, many of them children, by depriving them of basic medicines against malaria, tuberculosis, and other easily curable diseases.”
1998, the PCSD produced its own book, Sustainable America , that stated Agenda 21 policies for the U.S. NPR was renamed the National Partnership for Reinventing Government.
Agenda 21 declared that in order to put resources back into balance with current human consumption, there will have to be a significant shrinkage in population: A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be one billion.
While it does not suggest ways to get rid of 5-6 billion people outright, it does suggest that we must lower our standard of living to the point of being in balance with what they think the environment can supply to us.
1998-, the Clinton administration required the inoculation of all military members with the anthrax vaccine known as Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed(AVA) and by the trade name BioThrax.
In 1999 at Offutt Air Force Base, the first ever Anthrax refusal court-martial in the United States Air Forcewas prosecuted. In the case of U.S. v. Bickley, Captain Jeffrey A. Lustick, USAF, prosecuted an airman's refusal to submit to the immunization. The airman was convicted and later administratively separated from the U.S. Air Force
1998 Larry Page and Sergey Brin moved into the garage of a house owned by Susan Wojcicki (today she is CEO of Googles You Tube) the sister of Brin’s future wife, Anne Wojcicki.
They had an initial $100,000 check from Andy Bechtolsheim, the cofounder of Sun Microsystems, a powerful computer company that itself had come out of an ARPA-funded 1970s computer research program at Stanford University.
David Cheriton, also connected to DARPA, invested $100,000 in Google at same time as Bechtolsheim
In 1996, Bechtolsheim left Sun Microsystems to co-found Granite Systems with Cheriton, whose research at Stanford had received the support of the DARPA for over 20 years.
Cisco and Granite executives are intimately connected to the Pentagon. Lawrence Zuriff, a managing partner of Granite, was a participant of the Highlands Forums.
Zuriff had previously been an SAIC contractor from 1993 to 1994, working with the Pentagon on national security issues, specifically for Marshall’s Office of Net Assessment.
During his time at SAIC, Zuriff wrote a paper titled “Understanding Information War,” delivered at a SAIC-sponsored US Army Roundtable on the Revolution in Military Affairs.
1998-If Salomon had not been merged with Travelers Group in 1997 (which owned retail brokerage, Smith Barney), no doubt Salomon Brothers would have collapsed in the 1998 Long-Term Capital Management debacle created by one of their own – John Meriwether.
Safra lost $1 billion in Russia during the 1998 Long-Term Capital Management crisis over Russian bonds and investments which was why he put his bank, Republic National Bank, up for sale to HSBC in 1999.
1998-On December 16, President Bill Clintonannounces he has ordered air strikes against Iraq because it refused to cooperate with United Nations (U.N.) weapons inspectors.
Clinton’s decision did not have the support of key members of Congress, who accused Clinton of using the air strikes to direct attention away from ongoing impeachment proceedings against him. Just the day before, the House of Representativeshad issued a report accusing Clinton of committing “high crimes and misdemeanors” related to the Monica Lewinskyscandal, in which Clinton had–and then lied about–an illicit sexual liaison with an intern in the Oval Office.
In 1999, the US spent $1 billion dropping bombs in Iraq; in 2000, that number was up to $1.4 billion.
1998-Phil Gramm as head of the Senate Banking Committee achieved the passage of the Gramm-Leach-Blitey Act.
In terms of offshore bank trading programs, what it meant was that no longer did banks have to work with agents or intermediaries in concert with trading components; they could now work directly with one another, and also cut out the middle man.
Enron entities made bank trade profit monies offshore and brought them onshore by borrowing against these cash assets, or loans. Loans too are non-taxable events
Gramm was married to Wendy Gramm who was former head of the Commodity Futures Committee, which allowed Enron to do its energy dealings
When she resigned from the CFTC, she became a highly paid with perks, member of the Board of Directors with Enron.
1998-In December 1998, Philip Zelikow co-signed with John Deutch an article for Foreign Affairs entitled “Catastrophic Terrorism,” in which they speculated on what would have happened if the 1993 WTC bombing (already arbitrarily attributed to bin Laden) had been done with a nuclear bomb:
“An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people and/or disrupted the necessities of life for hundreds of thousands, or even millions, would be a
watershed event in America’s history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented for peacetime and undermine Americans’ fundamental sense of security within their own borders in a manner akin to the 1949 Soviet atomic bomb test, or perhaps even worse. [...]
Like Pearl Harbor, the event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States might respond with draconian measures scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance
of citizens, detention of suspects and use of deadly force.”
1998, Russia defaulted on $40 billion in debt, causing the ruble to plummet and Russian banks to close. The ensuing financial panic sent the country’s oligarchs and mobsters scrambling to find a safe place to put their money. That October, just two months after the Russian economy went into a tailspin, Trump broke ground on his biggest project yet.”That project was Trump World Tower, briefly the tallest all-residential tower in the world.
As Bloomberg Businessweek reported recently, it wasn’t long before one-third of the units in Trump Tower’s most expensive floors were purchased, either by individual buyers from the former Soviet Union, or by limited liability companies connected to Russia.
“As the Russians knew,” notes Unger, “real estate was a far more efficient way to launder billions in flight capital, and Trump’s newest projects were perfectly suited to their needs..”Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. made that very claim at a real estate conference in New York in 2008, saying “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Donald Trump Jr. added, “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
A Reuters review found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses bought as much as $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in South Florida. The buyers include Alexander Yuzvik, a former executive in a Moscow-based state-run construction firm involved in the construction projects of the FSB and GRU; Andrey Truskov, co-owner of Absolute Group, the biggest wholesale electronics business in Russia; and Alexey Ustaev, the founder and president of St. Petersburg-based Viking Bank, one of the first private investment banks established in Russia after the fall of Communism.
1998/September , Andreas Bechtolsheim and David Cheriton, both connected to DARPA, invested $100,000 each in Google. Bechtolsheim’s pioneering DARPA-funded research at Stanford was the foundation of Bechtolsheim’s establishment of Sun Microsystems, which he co-founded with William Joy. In 1996, Bechtolsheim left Sun Microsystems to co-found Granite Systems with Cheriton, whose research at Stanford had received the support of the DARPA for over 20 years.
Cisco and Granite executives are intimately connected to the Pentagon.Lawrence Zuriff, a managing partner of Granite, was a participant of the Highlands Forums. Zuriff had previously been an SAIC contractor from 1993 to 1994, working with the Pentagon on national security issues, specifically for Marshall’s Office of Net Assessment. During his time at SAIC, Zuriff wrote a paper titled “Understanding Information War,” delivered at a SAIC-sponsored US Army Roundtable on the Revolution in Military Affairs.
1999-The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the United States’ principal foreign intelligence and spy organization, chartered the first government- sponsored venture capital firm, dubbed In-Q-Tel, in February 1999. Envisioned as a platform to expand the research and development (R&D) efforts of the CIA into the private sector, In-Q-Tel’s mission is “to identify, adapt, and deliver innovative technology solutions to support the missions of the Central Intelligence Agency and broader U.S. Intelligence Community.”
In-Q-Tel represents the twenty-first century fusion of U.S. spy efforts with the venture capital industry.
An office within the CIA, called the In-Q-Tel Interface Center (QIC), serves as the link between the CIA and In-Q-Tel.QIC communicates unclassified problem sets to In-Q-Tel,for which In-Q-Tel is then charged with combing the private sector for potential fits with the technologies being developed by promising start-ups. Typically, In-Q-Tel makes twelve to fifteen investments per year. When In-Q-Tel finds a company that seems poised to deliver, it will usually invest between $500,000 and $3 million, with about 15-20% of that figure going toward an equity position in the company and the remaining sum covering licensing agreements and contracts to develop the company’s technology to fit the specific needs of the CIA.
George Tenet, under whose direction In-Q-Tel came to life, reflected in 2007 that “[t]he In-Q-Tel alliance has put the [CIA] back at the leading edge of technology, a frontier we never should have retreated from in the first place.” Whether or not this assertion is true, another question altogether is whether an independent venture capital firm is the best vehicle to accomplish such a mission.
1999-After Google’s incorporation, the company received $25 million in equity funding led by Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. According to Homeland Security Today, “A number of Sequoia-bankrolled start-ups have contracted with the Department of Defense, especially after 9/11 when Sequoia’s Mark Kvamme met with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to discuss the application of emerging technologies to warfighting and intelligence collection.”
Similarly, Kleiner Perkins had developed “a close relationship” with In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital arm, named in reference to Q, the fictional inventor who supplies technology to James Bond. The idea was to essentially replace the functions once performed by the ORD , by mobilizing the private sector to develop information technology solutions for the entire intelligence community. In addition to the CIA, In-Q-Tel has also been backed by the FBI, NGA, and Defense Intelligence Agency, among other agencies. Gilman Louie, is a former CEO of In-Q-Tel , was a participant of the Highlands Forums. As was fellow board member Dr. Anita Jones, a CFR member and MITRE trustee , who served as director of DARPA and head of research and engineering at the Pentagon.
From 1987 to 1993, she also served on SAIC’s board of directors. From 1993 to 1997, she also co-chaired the Highlands Forum. She was also on the board of the NSF.
In-Q-Tel has been investing in companies engaged in social media mining and surveillance. Dataminr streams data from Twitter in search of trends for law enforcement agencies and hedge funds. Geofeedia collects social media messages in order to follow activists for police departments and corporations.
Pathar is hired by the FBI to mine social media in order to determine networks and signs of radicalization. Netbase scans billions of sources online and Recorded Future monitors the world’s online traffic to predict future events
1999- cable was an upstart provider of internet access, serving about 300,000 Americans, compared to 35 million who got access over copper phone lines. Barr argued strenuously that "open access" rules (then applicable to phone lines) also be applied to cable: After years of mind-numbing litigation, Barr and his employers eventually succeeded in getting the FCC to change the rules that had been intended to foster competition in local phone service. Most of the 6,000 or so competing phone providersthat had emerged by 1999 could not survive on the incredibly thin profit margins the resulting regulatory structure allowed them, and fell over dead. Meanwhile, the incumbent phone companies obtained permission from the FCC to sell services beyond phone calls, like data and long-distance products, and quickly consolidated: GTE became part of Bell Atlantic, which became Verizon.
Today, the pre-1984 Ma Bell has been effectively reborn in the form of giant conglomerates Verizon and AT&T. And Barr was there for all of that, working to re-merge and re–vertically integrate his part of the telecom industry into a powerhouse. Now Verizon is focused on premium wireless services, where profit margins are highest; it doesn’t want to be thought of as a basic wired data transport company---the 21st century equivalent of a telephone company.
And when it comes to cable, it’s amazing how prescient Barr's 1999 testimony was. In fact, the cable industry (after its own wave of consolidation) has come to dominate "a large percentage of local pipelines," particularly in urban areas. In its last earnings call, Comcast touted its “connectivity centric” business model and saidit has 47 percent of the US high-speed internet access market, but hopes to get more. Indeed, the cable industry routinely accountsfor more than 100 percent of net new subscriptions to high-speed internet access, as consumers who can afford cable flee DSL.
In other words, the controllers of the bottleneck---that last segment of a communications network between a neighborhood node and homes and businesses, sometimes called the “last mile”---want a tighter bottleneck, and we've got less competition than ever.
Requiring everybody to open up their “last mile” facilities to competition, thus breaking open any local chokehold over access to the consumer, would have been the only way to insert competition into the equation, as former Justice Department Antitrust Division head Anne Bingaman argued in 1999. But we didn't do that, partly because of Barr and his employers.
DOJ Antitrust Division head Makan Delrahim has made the sensible argument that (today’s) AT&T, which owns the second largest distributor of pay TV, satellite company DirecTV, will likely use Time Warner programming to advantage AT&T’s distribution business---to the further detriment of rivals---if AT&T is allowed to keep Time Warner.
Delrahim knowsthat talented lawyers can find ways around rules such as "don't discriminate in favor of subdivisions of your conglomerate.” Behavioral limitations---often used to resolve antitrust cases---just don't work. That's why, sometimes, conglomerates with market power at one level need to be kept from the other levels of the supply chain, particularly when those conglomerates are effectively operating private, unregulated infrastructure utilities. Legions of antitrust scholars have said this makes total sense.
But Barr’s ideas about consolidation and the appropriateness of making an information distribution business more profitable by controlling key inputs and making them unavailable to other distributors were formed during his go-go years of merging and acquiring in the telecom industry. And so Barr, in an affidavit filed in the AT&T-Time Warner case, said Delharim’s argument against the merger seemsat risk of being based not on "a well-versed substantive analysis, but rather political or other motivation."
Having spent much of his private-sector career sticking Ma Bell back together after her 1984 breakup, Barr said he views Delrahim's recommendation that AT&T be required to divest big parts of the combined company if the merger were to be approved as "inexplicable" and "extreme."(Because of the nearly $2 million he stands to gain from that deal, Barr will have to recuse himself from being involved with it if he is, as expected, confirmed as attorney general.)
For more than two decades, William Barr was one of the most talented lawyers around at undoing behavioral limitations attached to mergers and statutes. Now Barr is about to be Makan Delrahim's new boss. Vertical integration is likely back in vogue again.
1999- McDade detailed a December meeting at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico attended by the heads of the intelligence divisions of the U.S. [CIA], Great Britain [MI6], Israel [Mossad] and Canada [CSIS]. McDade said the topic of the discussion was UNIQUE ELEMENTS, and that during this meeting it allegedly was revealed that all four allied nations share computer systems and have for years. The meeting was called after a glitch was found in a British computer system that had caused the loss of historical case data.” McDade continued with this scenario by telling the astonished group: “The Israeli Mossad may have modified the original PROMIS modification [the first back door] so it became a two-way back door, allowing the Israelis access to top U.S. weapons secrets at Los Alamos and other classified installations. The Israelis may now possess all the nuclear secrets of the United States.” According to Seymour, he concluded by saying that “the Jonathan Pollard [spy] case is insignificant by comparison to the current crisis.”
1999 George H.W. Bush, on April 26, a seemingly rather uninteresting event took place in Langley, Virginia, when the Central Intelligence Agency’s Headquarters were given a new name.
Oddly enough, the building was named for a man who had served as CIA director only one year. It was named for a man who had been knee-deep in Iran-Contra, BCCI and more during his term as Vice President of the United States. As for the celebrated War on Drugs, while Nancy and Ronald Reagan were mounting a campaign to “just say no” to drugs in the early 1980s, the Bush covert operation was supplying cocaine in epidemic proportions to America with a pipeline from Columbia using contractors like Barry Seal. This is just some of the special activities that were found in the Bush-Baker years.
1999-Following the Russian financial crisis of 1998, Browder remained committed to Hermitage’s original mission of investing in Russia, despite significant outflows from the fund. Hermitage became a prominent shareholder in the Russian oil and gas. It was in 1999 when VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation (Russian: ВСМПО-АВИСМА) - the world’s largest titanium producer- filed a RICO lawsuit against Browder and other Avisma investors including Kenneth Dart, alleging they illegally siphoned company assets into offshore accounts and then transferred the funds to U.S. accounts at Barclays.
Browder and his co-defendants settled with Avisma in 2000; they sold their Avisma shares as part of the confidential settlement agreement.
1999-Republican National Bank was owned by Israeli Safra who was a Browder investor in Hermitage and flew 40 billion in USD to Russia in the 90’s
On May 11, HSBC, one of the most corrupt financial institutions of our time, announced a $10.3 billion deal to purchase Edmond Safra’s holdings including the Republic National Bank of New York and Safra’s shares in Bill Browder’s firm, Hermitage Capital. The announcement came only nine months after Russia’s economy collapsed and Browder’s clients, lost over $900 million. It was also nine months after $4.8 billion in IMF funds was deposited in an undisclosed account at Safra’s bank and well before the public became aware that that same money was dispersed and stolen through the Bank of New York, off-shore companies, and foreign financial institutions.
1999 December 3 Safra was killed in suspicious firethat broke out in his Monte Carlo home. Although some believe that Safra was killed by the Russian mafia, Lurie reported that a Swiss prosecutor investigating the missing IMF money believed that Safra was killed “because of his revelations to the FBI and the Swiss Prosecutor’s Office investigating the disappearance and laundering of $4.8 billion of the IMF stablilization loan.” One of the more interesting things to note here is that the prosecutor implied that Safra not only spoke with the FBI about the missing IMF funds but with Swiss authorities as well.
1999-Browder claims he went to Russia in 1995 to regain his roots. However, he ended up among Russia’s highest profile investors linked to Safra who in turn was linked to Boris Berezovsky, who was close to Yelstin. Yeltsin was going to run for election in 2000 a second time. This is when the plot to takeover Russia was hatched. Yeltsin was threatened to be exposed by the Bank of New York money laundering and he was to resign, keep the money, and appoint Berezovsky ???(Putin) president. Yeltsin realized he was set up so that is when he turned to Putin (makes no sense). Berezovsky fled to London (because he sought to expose the Putin coup) others fled to Israel, and Putin then probably had Safra killed. Since Safra controlled Hermitage Capital, it was seized.
1999-, the bombings that killed nearly three hundred innocent Russians were likely the product of a “false flag” operation that enabled Putin to consolidate power,much as Adolf Hitler did after the Reichstag fire. “To blow up your own innocent and sleeping people in your capital city is an action that is almost unthinkable,” writes Karen Dawisha. “Yet the evidence that the FSB was at least involved in planting a bomb in Ryazan is incontrovertible [ . . . ] and it strikes at the heart of the legitimacy of the Putin regime.” But few Russians were aware of what had really happened. As the newly appointed prime minister who had been put in charge of the war, Putin won popularity overnight. On December 31, 1999, the last day of the millennium, Boris Yeltsin resigned and appointed Putin acting president. He became president having pledged to chase Chechen terrorists everywhere, famously promising to “rub them out in the outhouse,” if necessary.He had promised to stop the plundering of the Russian state by rich oligarchs. But very few Russians knew that Putin had been a primary actor in the same kind of activity in St. Petersburg. And as for cleaning up corruption, one of Putin’s first acts as president was to pardon Boris Yeltsin, thereby guaranteeing immunity from prosecution to the outgoing president.-
In addition to overseeing the massive flow of flight capital that resulted from “privatization,” Putin had a deft touch when it came to consolidating his power. That became apparent when, just after becoming prime minister, Putin recruited two oligarchs who were among his closest confidants, Roman Abramovich and Lev Leviev, to undertake the highly unlikely mission of creating a new religious organization called the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia.
The idea was to bring together various Orthodox Jewish communities in Russia through an Orthodox Hasidic sect known as Chabad. To anyone familiar with the long and bitter history of anti-Semitism in Russia, Putin’s outreach on behalf of Jews was extraordinarily unusual.
Putin differed from previous Russian leaders in that he openly celebrated and rewarded his friendships with his Jewish high school teacher and Jewish sparring partners from judo practice.* But Putin’s professed philo-Semitism, however genuine, was also vital to his political agenda. One of the imperatives of power in post-Soviet Russia was that the Russian chief of state had to keep the oligarchs under his control—and that included Jewish oligarchs. Until Putin’s ascent, the leading Jewish organization in Russia had been the Russian Jewish Congress, or Rossiiskii Evreiskii Kongress (REK), which had been cofounded by Vladimir Gusinsky. A former theater director turned media mogul, Gusinsky was unique among the oligarchs in that his wealth was created from the ground up rather than from taking over formerly state-run properties.
Putin got Abramovich and Leviev to create the Federation of Jewish Communities in Russia, under the leadership of Rabbi Berel Lazar, a leader in the Hasidic movement called Chabad-Lubavitch. Founded in the late eighteenth century, the tiny, Brooklyn-based Chabad-Lubavitcher movement is a fundamentalist Hasidic sect centered on the teaching of the late Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, who is sometimes referred to as a messiah—moshiach—a savior and liberator of the Jewish people. It is antiabortion, views homosexuality as a perversion, and often aligns itself politically with other fundamentalist groups on the right.
Its biggest donors included Leviev, an Israeli billionaire who was an Uzbek native and was known as the “King of Diamonds” thanks to his success in the diamond trade, and Charles Kushner, an American real estate developer who was later jailed for illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering. Kushner is also the father of Jared Kushner, who married Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, and later became a senior adviser to President Trump. Leviev’s friendship with Lazar dates back to 1992 and, according to Haaretz, made Leviev “the most influential, most active and most connected person in the Jewish community of Russia and made Lazar the country’s chief rabbi.”
1999-May 14, President Bill Clintonapologizes directly to Chinese President Jiang Zemin on the phone for the accidental NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, that had taken place six days earlier. Clinton promised an official investigation into the incident.
Clinton called the bombing an isolated and tragic event and insisted it was not deliberate, contrary to what Chinese officials were claiming. At the time, American forces were part of a U.N. effort to help end a bloody sectarian war in Yugoslavia. Three people were killed in the embassy bombing and 20 others injured.
The bombing incited protests at the U.S. and British embassies in China and briefly threatened to derail talks between the U.S. and China regarding weapons proliferation, international security and human rights.
Despite Clinton’s public and written apology, Chinese newspapers and officials insisted that the U.S. had deliberately attacked the embassy. Chinese movie theaters banned American films and radio stations refused to play American music in protest.
1999-Alex Brown was acquired by Bankers Trust in 1997, which, in turn, was purchased by Deutsche Bank in 1999. Krongard’s last job at Alex Brown -Bankers Trust was to oversee “private client relations.” This means that Krongard personally arranged confidential transactions and transfers for the bank’s unnamed wealthy clientele.
After “Buzzy” Krongard’s departure to the CIA, his successor at Alex Brown -Bankers Trust was his former deputy Mayo Shattuck III, who had worked at the bank for many years. In 1997, Shattuck helped Krongard engineer the merger with Banker’s Trust, and he stayed on after Deutsche Bank acquired Bankers Trust – Alex Brown in 1999
1999 in Bosnia , Kathryn Bolkovac, a U.S. policewoman served as a U.N. peacekeeper. Her post was with the International Police Task Force which was arranged by DynCorp Aerospace. She was assigned to run the IPTF office that investigates sex trafficking, domestic abuse and sexual assault.
She ultimately alleges that peacekeepers, U.N. workers and international police are visiting brothels and facilitating sex trafficking by forging documents and aiding the illegal transport of woman into Bosnia.
DynCorp responds by firing Bolkovac, who returns to the U.S. and files a wrongful termination case. She wins the suit but says she's still blacklisted.
Put bluntly, DynCorp was involved in a sex slavery scandal in Bosnia in 1999, with its employees accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as 12.
Dyncorp, hired to perform police duties for the UN and aircraft maintenance for the US Army, were implicated in prostituting the children, whereas the company's Bosnia site supervisor filmed himself raping two women. A number of employees were transferred out of the country, but with no legal consequences for them.
This was one of two cases involving DynCorp and sexual scandal in Bosnia. The other, involved air plane mechanic Ben Johnston who sued DynCorp, alleging he was sacked because he had uncovered evidence that Dyncorp employees were involved in 'sexual slavery.
1999-Since the late 1990s, Deutsche had been peddling products to hedge funds, including the enormous Renaissance Technologies, that helped them avoid taxes.
The firm recruited engineers and mathematicians, including an IBM programmer named Robert Mercer, a right wing zealot who once noted that he enjoyed spending time with cats more than with people. Mercer eventually rose to the top of Renaissance, helping it become one of the world’s most successful hedge funds.
Robert Leroy Mercer is an Americanbillionaire hedge fund manager, former principal investor in the now-defunct Cambridge Analytica,computer scientist who was an early artificial intelligenceresearcher and developer, and former co-CEO of the hedge fundcompany Renaissance Technologies.
He is also a major funder of organizations supporting right-wingpolitical causes in the United States, such as Breitbart Newsand Donald Trump's 2016 campaign for president. He is the principal benefactor of the Make America Number 1super PAC.
In November 2017, Mercer announced he would step down from Renaissance Technologiesand sell his stake in Breitbart Newsto his daughters.
Renaissance was always looking for a new, sharper edge, and that’s where Deutsche came in.
The bank hatched a plan in which Renaissance parked billions of dollars of securities and other assets with Deutsche. The bank legally owned the assets, but Renaissance handled the trading of them.
Once a year,Renaissance could withdraw profits from the Deutsche account and get taxed at along-term capital gains rate of 20 percent—about half what it would have faced without the Deutsche structure.
The strategy generated billions of dollars in tax savings for Renaissance. Deutsche collected fees totaling $570 million from Renaissance and other hedge funds for setting up the structures.
1999-Bankers trust had moved on to derivatives. The Wall Street Journal described the bank’s strategy as “trolling the fringes of banking,” targeting low-end clients and selling them complex instruments. Ina sign ofthe industry mores at the time, Bankers Trust became a media darling, lavished with awards for innovative, aggressive investment banking.
By design, Bankers Trust pushed the envelope. Soon it pushed too far. Derivatives it had sold to some big companies, including Procter & Gamble, blew up. The resulting litigation exposed what everyone suspected but no outsiders had known for sure: Bankers Trust was flagrantly ripping off its clients.
Bankers Trust’s next bright idea was to focus on investments in the “emerging markets”—countries with hot economies but few safeguards against fraud and financial implosions. That strategy worked for a year or two, and then in 1997 a crisis emanating from Asia bulldozed the markets that Bankers Trust had just entered.
By the fall of 1998, Bankers Trust was the eighth-largest U.S. bank, with $135 billion in assets and more than 20,000 employees in dozens of countries, and it was falling apart.
Bankers Trust was the very embodiment of a“too big to fail”institution.Worried officials at the Federal Reserve,charged with safeguarding the American financial system, knew that Deutsche had been sniffing around for a big U.S. acquisition.
If the Fed could get the Germans to take Bankers Trust off their hands, well, it wouldn’t be an American problem anymore—or so the central bankers figured. A call was placed to Deutsche: You’ll be in our good graces if you solve this problem for us. In October, Breuer flew to Washington and met in a hotel room with the CEO of Bankers Trust to discuss a possible deal.
Inside Deutsche, some senior executives, including Jain, warned Mitchell that Bankers Trust was a third-rate institution with a lot of third-rate employees and a deep well of managerial, financial, and accounting problems. Jain expressed his preference to acquire a more conservative and well-respected firm like Lehman Brothers.
Bumors of the Bankers Trust acquisition talks spread, and two weeks after Breuer’s hotel meeting in Washington,the Financial
Times reported that negotiations were under way. The article sparked a rally in Bankers Trust’s publicly traded shares—bad news for Deutsche because it made the prospective acquisition more expensive. But when a German reporter a few days later asked Breuer whether the bank was involved in takeover talks—he denied that anything was afoot: “In this industry everybody speaks with everybody.But there were no takeover talks,” he lied.
The remarks sent Bankers Trust’s stock tumbling.And so even before the deal was consummated, Deutsche’s history with Bankers Trust was built on deceit.
The week after Thanksgiving—Deutsche agreed to acquire Bankers Trust for about $10 billion.
. Prior to the merger, Deutsche’s markets- and investment-banking arm had generated 29 percent of Deutsche’s total profits. A year later, the share was 85 percent. Much of those profits were now derived from derivatives, a defining feature of Bankers Trust and now of Deutsche.
No longer was Deutsche a predominantly German institution catering mainly to European clients. Once and for all, the power had shifted to the investment bank; there would be no more existential debates among top executives about whether the bank should continue its pursuit of WallStreet.
1999-Congressional efforts to "repeal the Glass–Steagall Act", referring to those four provisions (and then usually to only the two provisions that restricted affiliations between commercial banks and securities firms),culminated in the 1999 Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act(GLBA), which repealed the two provisions restricting affiliations between banks and securities firms.
The argument, embraced by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, who was appointed by President Ronald Reaganin 1987, was that if banks were permitted to engage in investment strategies, they could increase the return for their banking customers while avoiding risk by diversifying their businesses.
Soon, several banks began crossing the line once established by the Glass–Steagall Act through loopholes in the act. For example, the act stipulated that while a Federal Reserve member bank could not deal in securities, a bank could affiliate with a company that did as long as that company that was not “engaged principally” in such activities.
One of the most prominent deals that exploited this loophole was the 1998 merger of banking giant Citicorp with Travelers Insurance, which owned the now-defunct investment bank Salomon Smith Barney.
In November 1999, President Bill Clintonpublicly declared "the Glass–Steagall law is no longer appropriate"
Some commentators have stated that the GLBA's repeal of the affiliation restrictions of the Glass–Steagall Act was an important cause of the financial crisis of 2007–2008. Nobel Memorial Prize in Economicslaureate Joseph Stiglitzargued that the effect of the repeal was "indirect": "[w]hen repeal of Glass-Steagall brought investment and commercial banks together, the investment-bank culture came out on top".
Economists at the Federal Reserve, such as ChairmanBen Bernanke, have argued that the activities linked to the financial crisis were not prohibited (or, in most cases, even regulated) by the Glass–Steagall Act.
2000- Trumps savior Wilbur Ross went into private equity in forming WL Ross & Co. He still runs it, but he sold it to investment firm Invesco in 2006 for some $375 million.
In 2013 Invesco partnered with Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and others to buy 5 industrial properties from the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Brooklyn for $240 million.
Trump and Ross are also neighbors in both Florida and New York. Not only is Ross’ 16,000-square-foot home just up the road from Trump’s 126-room Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, but the two also share a 57th-Street address in Manhattan. Ross’ penthouse is just two blocks from the president-elect’s Trump Tower triplex.
2000-President Clinton delivers remarks to the World Economic Forumin Davos, Switzerland. He was the first US President to attend the annual meeting. Donald Trump would be the 2nd in2018
A year after Clintons attendance we got 9-11. A year after Trumps attendance COVID -19 made its move
2000-Microsoft co-founder and creator of the modern PC Bill Gates left his position as the Chief Executive Officer of his company during January of 2000. Gates left his position in order to spend more time doing charity work with the “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” a private charity foundation that he and his wife created. Gates remained in his position as Chairman of Microsoft until 2014 and also became the Chief Software Architect until 2008. Steve Ballmer took over as CEO in 2000 and was then replaced by Satya Nadella in 2014.
2000-In Aden, Yemen, the USS Cole is badly damaged by two suicide bombers on October 12th. Neither Clinton or his successor Bush responded before 9/11
1999-2000, 2002: Epstein is a founding participant in the Edge Foundation's Billionaires' Dinners, which is part of the Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) Talks. Serge Brin and other leaders of Google visit annually. The same goes for Nathan Myhrvold and other leaders of Microsoft. Jeff Bezos of Amazon and the Sun Valley(like many here) is a regular.
Rupert Murdoch visits in 2002; Bran Ferren, an unofficial representative of the high-tech national security state, mingles with the crowd the same years as Epstein. Key atheist, "rent-a-skeptic" scientists as Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and Steven Pinker, as well as Edge Foundation founder and head John Brockman, fly in on Epstein's private jet. To what extent underage girls are present is unknown
December 2000: Both Epstein and partner-in-crime Ghislaine Maxwell attend an exclusive 94-people dinner hosted by Conrad Black, founder of Hollinger Internationaland a member of the Bilderberg steering committee , the Pilgrims Society, and the 1001 Club.
Among the participants are Henry Kravis, Michael Bloomberg, "conservative godfather" William F. Buckley Jr., Norman Podhoretz and wife Midge Decter, Richard Perle, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Richard Holbrooke, key Clinton friend and Bilderberg steering committee member Vernon Jordan, Henry Kissinger, who was spotted talking to Donald Trump; Happy Rockefeller, the widow of Nelson Rockefeller; Lord Weidenfeld, Elaine Wolfensohn, the wife of World Bank president and close David Rockefeller friend James Wolfensohn; and Mort Zuckerman.
Most of these people Epstein would have already known through Greenberg, Wexner, Maxwell, the CFR and the Trilateral Commission. They represent the elite of the elite - of the elite.
2000-Between September 1999 and July 2000, insiders at dot-com companies cashed out to the tune of $43 billion, twice the rate they’d sold at during 1997 and 1998. In the month before the Nasdaq peaked, insiders were selling 23 times as many shares as they bought.
So, who ended up holding the bag? Average investors. Over the course of the year 2000, as the stock market began its meltdown, individual investors continued to pour $260 billion into US equity funds. This was up from the $150 billion invested in the market in 1998 and $176 billion invested in 1999. Everyday people were the most aggressive investors in the dot-com bubble at the very moment the bubble was at its height — and at the moment the smart money was getting out.
By April 2000, just one month after peaking, the Nasdaq had lost 34.2 percent of its value. Over the next year and a half, the number of companies that saw the value of their stock drop by 80 percent or more was in the hundreds. And for most, no recovery ever came, even for the biggest names.
Coincidently the Taliban banned Opium production impacting the flow of drug money
2000- President Clinton signed into law a bill normalizing trade relations with China.
The law,passed by the House by a 237-197 margin in May and the Senate by a vote of 83-15 in September, changes U.S. trade law to establish permanent normal trade relations with Beijing, eliminating Congress' annual review of China's trading status.
The bill allows China to move one step closer to joining the World Trade Organization and is part of a U.S.-China trade agreement that includes lower tariffs on U.S. goods sold there.
2000-just weeks before the contentious November 2000 US presidential election that saw the US Supreme Court unconstitutionally determine the victory of the Bush–Cheney Republicans, an influential Washington think tank named the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) issued an extraordinary report based on the 1992 Defense Planning Guidance prepared by Dick Cheney, then President George H.W. Bush’s Secretary of Defense.
The members of the PNAC included Cheney, his earlier assistant at the Pentagon, Paul Wolfowitz, Don Rumsfeld, and other key members of what would be the Bush–Cheney neoconservative presidency.
The PNAC report, financed by the Bradley Foundation and the John M. Olin Foundation,both linked with the US military industry, was prepared as a military blueprint for the incoming administration.
The report called for a most aggressive US military agenda at a time when many were asking if the world even needed NATO following the end of the Cold War and Russian moves to build down her nuclear force.
Besides mentioning the necessity for a New Pearl Harbor to fund the rebuild it states the desire for “advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific genotypes that may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."
Among PNAC report recommendations were :
Remove Saddam Hussein, by war if necessary.
Deploy global missile defense “to provide a secure basis for US power projection around the world.”
Control space and cyberspace, and create a “new military service—US Space Forces—with the mission of space control.”
Exploit the Pentagon’s “revolution in military affairs,” including moving to high-tech, unmanned weaponry, such as drones.
Develop a new family of more effective nuclear weapons.
The US “should seek to establish a network of ‘deployment bases’ or ‘forward operating bases’ to increase the reach of current and future forces.”
It must move beyond western Europe and northeast Asia to increased permanent military presence in southeast Asia and east Asia “to cope with the rise of China to great-power status.”
Redirect the US Air Force “toward a global first-strike force.”
End the Clinton administration’s “devotion” to the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty with Russia.
“Preserve Pax Americana” and a “unipolar 21st century” through securing and expanding “zones of democratic peace, deter rise of new great-power competitor, defend key regions (Europe, East Asia, Middle East), and exploit transformation of war.”
Virtually every item of that PNAC report was realized after 2000 during the George W. Bush presidency. Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and the team around Bush senior who had drafted the so-called Wolfowitz Doctrine in 1992 implemented that doctrine through the presidency of Bush’s son. They named it the War on Terror.
Among the members of that high-powered PNAC military think tank were key neoconservative war hawks that would soon serve in key positions in the new administration of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, as well as run Bush’s War on Terror after September 11, 2001
In addition to Cheney—who, as Bush’s vice president, de facto ran foreign policy, much as George H.W. Bush did for Reagan two decades before—the PNAC members included Zalmay Khalilzad, an Afghan American who became George W. Bush’s special envoy to Afghanistan after the US invasion in 2001 and later ambassador to US-occupied Iraq. It included I. Lewis “Scooter’” Libby, who became chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney. Also in PNAC was Peter W. Rodman, who in 2001 became the Bush administration’s Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. The PNAC also included Donald H. Rumsfeld, soon-to-be secretary of defense for the Bush–Cheney presidency.
The PNAC members signing the September 2000 report included Paul D. Wolfowitz as well, as Rumsfeld’s undersecretary of defense. Wolfowitz had authored the controversial 1992 Pentagon Defense Planning Guidance, dubbed the Wolfowitz Doctrine, that called for US “preemptive” wars against any potential challenger to America’s “sole superpower hegemony.”
2000 Thiel is also on the advisory board of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI), formerly the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Founded in 2000, MIRI advocates ideas initially put forth by I. J. Good and Vernor Vinge regarding an “intelligence explosion,” or Singularity, yet another version of the End Times, which MIRI thinks may follow the creation of sufficiently advanced AI. One of the directors of MIRI was Ray Kurzweil, a head of engineering at Google and the prophet of transhumanism. According to Kurzweil, once the Singularity has been reached, machine intelligence will be infinitely more powerful than all human intelligence combined. Afterwards, Kurzweil says, intelligence will radiate outward from the planet until it saturates the universe, effectively becoming God.
An important exponent of the transhumanist agenda is Ray Kurzweil, a head of engineering at Google, under whose stewardship the company, which normally subscribes to the dictum of “don’t do evil,” has recently broadened the scope of its business to cover the gamut of transhumanist interests, including artificial intelligence (AI) and even longevity. Thiel says of himself, “I’m not like Ray Kurzweil where the singularity is near and all you have to do is sit back and eat the popcorn. It’s something that we have to choose to work on and we have to make it happen.” Thiel also explained that he was taking human-growth hormone pills as part of his plan to live 120 years, and that he was interested in parabiosis, which includes the practice of getting transfusions of blood from a younger person, as a means of improving health and potentially reversing aging.
In 2006, the MIRI, along with the Symbolic Systems Program at Stanford, the Center for Study of Language and Information,, and Peter Thiel, co-sponsored the Singularity Summit at Stanford. The 2012 Singularity Summit was held at the Nob Hill Masonic Center, in San Francisco.
2000- Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation. Established by convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The foundation funded Martin Nowak’s research at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton, New Jersey, which studies the evolution of molecular biology with the use of mathematics. Nowak is the Professor of Biology and Mathematics and Director of the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, a type of updated eugenics, at Harvard. Epstein actively funded several universities and science institutes including the Santa Fe Institute, MIT and MIT’s Media Lab.
Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation held conferences at the luxury estate on Epstein’s private Caribbean island of Little St James, referred to as “Sin Island,” where Epstein is to have procured “sex slaves” for various high-powered personalities. Recent conferences have included topics such as gravity, language evolution and global threats to the Earth. Many notable scientists have attended the conferences, including Minsky, Gerard ‘t Hooft and Stephen Hawking. John Brockman, Steven Pinker, Daniel Dennett, Katinka Matson, and Richard Dawkins flew to a TED conference in 2002 aboard Epstein’s plane.
2000-investigation was launched after a local telephone company manager in the U.S. raised suspicions in late 1996 or early 1997 about an employee of Amdocs, an Israeli company that sells billing software for telephone companies. The Israeli employee worked as a subcontractor on a program for telephone billing for the CIA, and is married to an Israeli woman employed in a diplomatic position in the Israeli Embassy in Washington.
The American telephone company manager's suspicions came to the attention of the CIA, the reporters said, which turned the matter over to the FBI. It was an FBI search of the husband's workplace that discovered in his possession what Waller and Rodriguez called "a list of the FBI's most sensitive telephone numbers, including the Bureau's black' lines that FBI counterintelligence used to keep track of the suspected Israeli spy operation."
In the words of the Insight investigators, "the hunted were tracking the hunters." Wrote Waller and Rodriguez: "More than two dozen U.S. intelligence, counterintelligence, law-enforcement and other officials have told Insight that the FBI believes Israel has intercepted telephone and modem communications on some of the most sensitive lines of the U.S. government on an ongoing basis.
The worst penetrations are believed to be in the State Department. But others say the supposedly secure telephone systems in the White House, Defense Department and Justice Department may have been compromised as well. The problem for FBI agents in the famed Division 5, however, isn't just what they have uncovered, which is substantial, but what they don't know yet."
2000-In an Oct. 15, 1996 memo from John Palmisano, senior director for environmental policy and compliance at Enron, it was noted that the Clinton administration sought the company's help in gaining support from China and India for proposed climate change regulations.
Palmisano's memo, which was sent to Thorn, Hillings and a variety of other Enron corporate officials and lobbyists, noted, "the Administration is concerned about getting China and India into the family of nations committed to both carbon emissions trading concepts.
"We have been asked how we can help in this regard and how natural gas might be part of [joint implementation] activities in China," Palmisano wrote in the memo. Joint implementation involves a wealthier "donor" country that invests in pollution reduction measures in a "host" country in exchange for "credits," which the donor nation may use to meet its own pollution reduction targets. The Palmisano memo was written following meetings in Washington, D.C. with Clinton administration officials.
Palmisano's memorandum indicated he had met with several representatives of Clinton's Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the State Department and the Office of Management and Budget.
The memo continued, "there seems to be an opportunity to get Administration support, and maybe money, to identify natural gas related activities in China that link to climate change in general and joint implementation in particular. I was approached twice during last week on this issue."
2000-President Clinton announced the Millennium Vaccine Initiative on May 31, 2000 which calls for sharp increases in vaccine research at the National Institutes of Health, new investments for the purchase and delivery of existing vaccines and a substantial tax credit for the private sector to speed the development of new vaccines.
2000-A Feb. 7, 2000 memo from Jeffrey Keeler, Enron's Director of Environmental Strategies, to various Enron executives recalled another attempt to secure the company's help.
"I spoke with Jeff Seabright of the White House Climate Change Task Force today, who asked if Enron might become involved in supporting an initiative in the FY 2000 budget request on the subject of 'international energy collaboration.'"
Keeler noted how the proposal could benefit Enron because it "provides $100 million, spread across various agencies [Dept. of Energy], USAID, Commerce Dept. [Export, Import Bank], [U.S. Trade and Development Agency] for collaboration on energy technologies ..."
Climate change in general and the Kyoto Protocol on climate change specifically were the target of criticism in some quarters of Congress, and Keeler's memo explained one way in which some of the objections to Kyoto could be decreased or eliminated.
"The White House would be interested in our assistance in building support for such 'international' support," wrote Keeler, while also cautioning against the use of word "Kyoto" when referring to climate change initiatives.
2000/1999-according to usa today
“In the two years before the Sept. 11 attacks, the North American Aerospace Defense Command conduct[s] exercises simulating what the White House [later] says was unimaginable at the time: hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets and cause mass casualties.”
One of the imagined targets is the World Trade Center. According to NORAD, these scenarios are regional drills, rather than regularly scheduled continent-wide exercises. They utilize “[n]umerous types of civilian and military aircraft” as mock hijacked aircraft, and test “track detection and identification; scramble and interception; hijack procedures; internal and external agency coordination; and operational security and communications security procedures.”
The main difference between these drills and the 9/11 attacks is that the planes in the drills are coming from another country, rather than from within the US. Before 9/11, NORAD reportedly conducts four major exercises at headquarters level per year. Most of them are said to include a hijack scenario
2000-Though planes being flown into the Pentagon would later be described by government officials as “unimaginable” and “unthinkable” after the attacks, a simulation of planes being flown into the Pentagon had been conducted less than a year prior to September 11, 2001 .
On October 24-26, 2000, a “hypothetical” military exercise was played out featuring an airline crashing into the Pentagon killing 341 people followed by yet another May 2001 Department of Defense “hypothetical scenario” which saw hundreds of medical personnel training for a “guided missile in the form of a hijacked 757 airliner” crashing into the Pentagon
2000-December, the U.S. Supreme Court rules to end the vote recount in Florida in the Bush v. Gore case, giving the presidency to George W. Bush after a prolonged legal battle following the election.