Before I begin, lets define Fascism
Here is what the Encyclopedia Britannica says about Fascism-
Although fascist parties and movements differed significantly from one another, they had many characteristics in common, including extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft(German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.
Corporatism developed during the 1850s in response to the rise of classical liberalism and Marxism, as it advocated cooperation between the classes instead of class conflict. Corporatism became one of the main tenets of fascism, and Benito Mussolini's fascist regime in Italy advocated the collective management of the economy by state officials by integrating large interest groups under the state.
Whether or not a true quote, the following often attributed to Mussolini captures the essence of the relationship between Fascism and Corporatism: "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."
The attraction to Fascism in the Western Democracies, also known as Nazism (Germany’s National Socialism) or Mussolin’s Corporatism came about in the 1930’s at the same time Scott and Hubbels Technocracy Movement and while the Eugenics Movement was well entrenched in both US and Britain
The roots actually go back to the 1920’s when corporate America’s leaders reestablished cartel agreements with IG Farben . But it took the Depression that began with the Stock Market Crash engineered by those bankers who would go on to establish the Bank of International Settlements in 1930 to finance the next Great War, and the disillusionment with Communism which was a great experiment that failed miserably under Lenin and then Stalin
This is discussed in The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century
Check this out on Amazon (a cheaper version available on kindle)
[warning this is written with a partisan bias at a time it looked like the neocons on the right were in the middle a Fascist coup following 9/11. Its clear today Fascism is a bipartisan ideology with the so called “left” leading the charge.]
Of course, those who went on to establish and lead the CIA like Allen Dulles is also discussed. For a thorough study of Allen Dulles read
The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government
How Western Bankers and Industrialists helped rebuild Germans economy and build up its Military Machine is discussed by Anthony Sutton in his book
Much of what follows, except where indicated is from David Livingstones Orb ab Chao
Ordo ab Chao: Volume Four:
And the Tower of Basel
Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World
Before we jump to the post war period lets flash back a bit
The history of the Military-Industrial Complex and its Fascist attraction begins in World War I. While the close coordination between the private sector and the military was largely new to the Truman and Eisenhower administrations, its origins were in the mandates of Progressive reform which attempted in earlier part of the century to rationalize the U.S. economy and integrate it with public policy. The close relationship between the military and the civilian business world was formalized in World War I.
Entry of the US into World War I funded my massive tax increases and debt heralded the rise of conscription, mass propaganda, the national security state and the FBI
Congress passed the Espionage Act of 1917, which has been described as an “overt assault upon First Amendment freedoms.”
The law criminalized attempting to cause insubordination to the war effort, willfully attempting to cause insurrection and obstructing the recruiting or enlistment of potential volunteers. Another section of the law gave the postmaster general the power to ban from the mail any material “advocating or urging treason, insurrection, or forcible resistance to any law of the United States.”
Congress passed an amendment to the Espionage Act — called the Sedition Act of 1918— which further infringed on First Amendment freedoms. The law prohibited:
Uttering, printing, writing, or publishing any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language intended to cause contempt, scorn … as regards the form of government of the United States or Constitution, or the flag or the uniform of the Army or Navy … urging any curtailment of the war with intent to hinder its prosecution; advocating, teaching, defending, or acts supporting or favoring the cause of any country at war with the United States, or opposing the cause of the United States.
In one of the more high-profile examples of censorship during this time period, officials arrested famed labor organizer and socialist presidential candidate Eugene Debs who criticized the war and the draft. Debs famously stated during his speech in Canton, Ohio: “You need at this time especially to know that you are fit for something better than slavery and cannon fodder.”
Federal officials charged Debs with violating the Espionage Act of 1917. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld his conviction in Debs v. United States (1919).
Wilson created a body named the Committee on Public Information (CPI), to propagandise the war by the mass brainwashing of America. The group was led by a muckraking publicist/advertising man named George Creel, and the CPI was known as “The Creel Commission”, but it appears Creel was only a ‘front’, with little contribution to the events that actually occurred.
The CPI was staffed with a heavy slate of psychologists and carefully-selected men from the media, academia, advertising, and the movie and music industries. Two of the most important members were Walter Lippmann, whom Wilson described as “the most brilliant man of his age”, and Edward Bernays, who was the group’s top mind-control expert.
Bernays planned to combine his uncle Freud’s psychiatric insights with mass psychology, blended with modern advertising techniques, and apply them to the task of mass mind control. Movies were already powerful new tools for misinformation and opinion control, as was radio, and TV would soon be added to this list.
“Wilson’s agreement to create the CPI was actually a turning point in world history, the first truly scientific attempt to form, manipulate and control the perceptions and beliefs of an entire population.”
With Wilson’s authority, these men were given almost unlimited scope to work their magic, and in order to ensure the success of their program and guarantee the eventual possession of Palestine, these men and their committee carried out “a program of psychological warfare against the American people on a scale unprecedented in human history and with a degree of success that most propagandists could only dream about”.
In his 1922 book Public Opinion, Lippmann wrote, “The only feeling that anyone can have about an event he does not experience is the feeling aroused by his mental image of that event … For it is clear enough that under certain conditions men respond as powerfully to fictions as they do to realities.” And it was this psychological manipulation that these men employed to turn an entire nation of peaceful Americans into rabid war-monger
Development of economic war agencies and The War Economy
These agencies were formed during the WWI to help the federal government establish a system of identifying companies that would be used to produce war-related goods.
These companies were allowed greater access to basic things such as raw materials, workforce, fuel, as well as transportation compared to those that were involved in activities that were considered insignificant (Tindall & Shi, 2013). In other words, the agencies were formed to contain companies that chose not to cooperate with the federal government.
One of the main reasons why these agencies set the prices for most goods they prioritized those cooperating with them. That is, they allowed them to earn good profits based on the fact that prices for industrial war were set by these agencies at a level or point that could easily benefit them a lot (Tindall & Shi, 2013).
These agencies awarded contracts to those companies that cooperated with the government and also negotiated good terms with them (Tindall & Shi, 2013). In addition, cooperating businesses could easily take part in illegal activities or without being summoned. Several business leaders appreciated the opportunity brought by the war and expanded their companies as there were ready markets and ready labor.
Although Fascism was as yet unnamed, the Public-Private partnerships established in WWI and restrictions on Freedom during Emergencies would grow over the next century
Bernard Baruch
In 1910, Bernard Baruch had become one of Wall Street’s best-known financiers, regarded as “The Lone Wolf of Wall Street” for his refusal to join any financial house. In 1916, Baruch left Wall Street to advise President Woodrow Wilson on national defense and terms of peace. He served on the Advisory Commission to the Council of National Defense and, in 1918, became the chairman of the new War Industries Board (WIB).
Under his leadership, the WIB successfully managed the US’s economic mobilization for the war.Throughout the remainder of the war, private businesses and the military worked closely to fulfill wartime needs.In 1919, Baruch was asked by Wilson to serve as a staff member at the Paris Peace Conference, and he supported Wilson’s call for the creation of the League of Nations.
During the inter-war years, business leaders and the military met regularly to draw up plans for economic mobilization in case of war. The result was a series of industrial mobilization plans drawn up between 1930 and 1939. In the end, the military realized the degree to which it was dependent on the cooperation and capacity of business for the materials it needed, while business became more aware of what the present and future needs of the military might be for supplies of all types.
1917-The Ranger Oil Boom started on October 17, 1917, after oil was discovered at the J.H. McCleskey No. 1drill well when oil roared up from 3,342 feet (1,019 m) below ground in Ranger, Texas. The strike was notable because the threatened exit of Soviet Russia from World War I meant a lot of oil output was lost to the Allies. Before WWI Russia accounted for 30% of the world's oil production, more than any other country.
On December 15, 1917, an armistice between Soviet Russia and the Central Powers was concluded. According to a story from USA Today, the oil from the Ranger Oil Strike helped win World War I.
H. Roy Cullen, H. L. Hunt, Sid W. Richardson, and Clint Murchison were the four most influential businessmen during this era. These men became among the wealthiest and most politically powerful in the state and the nation
1919 following World War I Colonel House and Round Table members formed the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), for the purpose of coordinating British and American efforts.
They also formed an American branch the following year known as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded by Col. House with the financial assistance of John D. Rockefeller Jr., son of Standard Oil’s founder, who then headed the company. The early CFR included members like J.P. Morgan, Paul Warburg, and Jacob Schiff.
CFR went on to become the public face, the brain trust, and the central nervous system of what critics refer to as the Deep State — the unelected “permanent government” that has hijacked our country.
1921- Tavistock was set up by Major John Rawlings Reese, on the orders of the Round Table's Royal Institute of International Affairs (also known as Chatham House).
The RIIA, along with the American Council on Foreign Relations, had been founded in 1919 during the Versailles Peace Conference, both being early New World Order executive arms.
Reese was the man who dreamed of "building a society in which it is possible for any member of any social group to be treated [psychiatrically], without resort to legal means, and even if they do not desire such treatment."
1932 Tavistock was put under the directorship of the German psychologist Kurt Lewin. Lewin would become a founder of the National Training Laboratories and director of the Harvard Psychological Clinic, and-one of the key players in the original creation of the OSS in America.
Lewin is credited with much of the original Tavistock research into mass brainwashing, applying the results of repeated trauma and torture in mind control to society at large.
If terror can be induced on a widespread basis into a society, Lewin has stated, then society reverts to a tabula rasa, a blank slate, a situation where control can easily be instituted from an exterior point.
Put it another way: By the creation of controlled chaos, the populace can be brought to the point where it willingly submits to greater control.Lewin maintained that society must be driven into a state equivalent to an "early childhood situation." He termed this societal chaos "fluidity."
1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s (1933–1945) attempt to plan for economic recovery after the Great Depression adapted the scheme of the WIB for his short-lived New Deal program, the National Industrial Recovery Administration (this first attempt at Fascism was later blocked by the Supreme Court and FDR was outraged).
Baruch pushed to have his protégée, former General Hugh Johnson, with whom he had worked at WIB, to be placed amongst on Roosevelt’s “Brain Trust.” Others belonging to the Brain Trust included Felix Frankfurter, Louis Brandeis—who introduced the group to the ideas of John Maynard Keynes—and Benjamin Cohen. Cohen, a student of Frankfurter, served as counsel for the American Zionist Movementand attended the 1919 Paris Peace Conference and helped to negotiate the League of Nations mandate for Palestine. Cohen also worked for Louis Brandeis as a law clerk.
Within a week of Roosevelt’s nomination, one member of the Brain Trust, Rexford Tugwell, worried that Baruch now dictated president’s financial policies.
At the first meeting of the Cabinet in 1933, Baruch and Johnson came with a copy of a book by the Italian Fascist theoretician Giovanni Gentile, Mussolini’s Education Minister, which each Cabinet member read it with “great care.”
In 1933, Roosevelt put Johnson in charge of the National Recovery Administration (NRA), the prime agency of the New Deal, known by its “blue eagle” campaign. The NRA essentially legalized cartelization, by allowing thousands of businesses to organize “under fair trade codes drawn up by trade associations and industries.”
Although reluctant to trust private businessmen, New Dealers saw in the NRA as an opportunity to champion the interests of consumers, farmers, and labor. In practice, however, the codes of competition that were drafted under the NRA reflected the power and interests of the large corporations.Time nevertheless made Johnson “Man of the Year.”
Gerald C. MacGuire told General Smedley Butler that J.P. Morgan’s interests behind the Liberty League’s Business Plot against Roosevelt wanted Johnson installed as a Secretary of General Affairs to run the country.
MacGuire also said Roosevelt would fire Johnson within a month, because he “talked too damn much.” Roosevelt fired Johnson in September 1934, after which he became one of his Roosevelt’s vocal critics. In 1940, Johnson would join the national board of the America First Committee (AFC).
The so-called “Senate Munitions Committee” then came into being because of widespread reports that arms manufacturers had deceptively influenced the American decision to enter World War I.
With the war mobilization conducted under the supervision of the War Industries Board, unprecedented fortunes were built by the war producers. During the 1920s and 1930s, dozens of books and articles appeared which argued that arms manufacturers had duped the United States into entering World War I for their own profit.
Butler went on to rise in public profile with his 1935 book War Is a Racket, where he criticized the United States’ foreign wars, such as those he had been a part of, which he claimed were waged for the profits of millionaires.In a speech to the American Legion, Butler said:
I spent 33 years [in the Marines] and during that period I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalists. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
Hearings in 1934 by the Nye Committee led by U.S. Senator Gerald Nye were intended to hold war profiteers like Baruch and Du Pont company officials, the “merchants of death,” to account.
The Nye Committee, officially known as the Special Committee on Investigation of the Munitions Industry, was a United States Senate committee established in 1934, to investigate the financial and banking interests behind United States' involvement in World War I. Nye created headlines by drawing connections between the wartime profits of the banking and munitions industries to America's involvement in World War I.
Nye promised, “when the Senate investigation is over, we shall see that war and preparation for war is not a matter of national honor and national defense, but a matter of profit for the few.”
Although the Nye Committee failed to achieve its goal of nationalizing the arms industry, it inspired three congressional neutrality acts in the mid-1930s that signaled profound American opposition to overseas involvement.
1934-Technocracy grew out of the efficiency movement during the US progressive era in the early 20th century. It capitalised upon the principles of scientific management suggested by Frederick Winslow Taylor and the economic ideas of social-economist like Thorstein Veblan, who famously coined the term “conspicuous consumption.”
Veblan was among the founding members of a private research initiative in New York funded by John D. Rockefeller called the New School For Social Research. This soon led to the creation of the Technical Alliance.
Howard Scott, the leader of the Technical Alliance, subsequently joined M. King Hubbert at Columbia University. In 1934, they published the Technocracy Inc. Study Course.
This was a blueprint for a North American Technate. It proposed a society led by science, engineering and academia rather than politics. Hubbert wrote:
“Technocracy finds that the production and distribution of an abundance of physical wealth on a Continental scale for the use of all Continental citizens can only be accomplished by a Continental technological control, a governance of function, a Technate.”
Technocracy demands that the activity of every citizen be continually recorded and controlled. It requires constant surveillance of the population.
This enables the Technate’s total energy expenditure to be calculated in real time. The data is then collated and analysed in order for the central committee of technocrats to manage and distribute the Technate’s resources right down to the level of the individual.
Scott and Hubbert planned a new monetary system based upon energy consumption, with goods and services priced according to the energy cost of production. Citizens would be allocated the new currency in the form of “energy certificates.”
In the US of the 1930s, this was a technologically impossible task. Though popular for a decade or so, the people came to realise that the suggested Technate was something of an absurdity.
Despite the seemingly preposterous system proposed by Scott and Hubbert, the Rockefellers in particular could see the potential to use technocracy to enhance their control of society. They continued to bankroll the technocracy movement and associated programs, for many years, regardless of waning public interest.
In 1932, IBM and the Technocracy movement shared the basement of Hamilton Hall, which is where Hollerith tabulator was developed. Both IBM and Technocracy played a role in Nazi Germany
Technocracy is a system of dictatorial rule based upon the allocation of resources. In 1938, Technocrat Magazine described it as follows:
“Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population.”
1935-Nazism and Zionism shared more than one ideological foundation; they had as their common enemy the assimilationist Jew. They also had a common goal: the emigration of Jews from Germany.
Reinhardt Heydrich, chief of the SS Security Service, wrote in 1935 in Das Schwarze Korps, the official SS journal: “We must separate Jewry into two categories: the Zionists and those who favour being assimilated.
The Zionists adhere to a strict racial position and by emigrating to Palestine they are helping to build their own Jewish state. […] The time cannot be far distant when Palestine will again be able to accept its sons who have been lost to it for over a thousand years. Our good wishes together with our official good will go with them.”
It would be exaggerating to say that Hitler was ideologically a Zionist,
nevertheless, the Nazis were largely favorable to the project originally formulated by Herzl, who had boasted in his diary: “I believe I have found the solution of the Jewish Question. Not a solution, but the solution, the only one,” repeating further that Zionism was “the only possible, final, and successful solution of the Jewish Question.”
The first Zionist association inspired by Herzl’s book, the National-jüdische Vereinigung Köln , declared as its goal in 1897: “The Final Solution of the Jewish Question lies therefore in the establishment of the Jewish State.”
As Hannah Arendt has shown in her controversial book Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), Nazi policy was pro-Zionist until 1938, and “all leading positions in the Nazi-appointed Reichsvereinigung’. [compulsory organization of all Jews in Nazi Germany] were held by Zionists.”
This created “a situation in which the non-selected majority of Jews inevitably found themselves confronted with the Nazi authorities and the Jewish Zionist authorities.”
Arendt was the first Jewish intellectual to unveil that (e.g., by Tom Segev in The Seventh Million ): “There existed in those first years a mutually highly satisfactory agreement between the Nazi authorities and the Jewish Agency for Palestine—a ‘ Haavarah’ , or Transfer Agreement, which provided that an emigrant to Palestine could transfer his money there in German goods and exchange them for pounds upon arrival. It was soon the only legal way for a Jew to take his money with him. The alternative was the establishment of a blocked account, which could be liquidated abroad only at a loss of between fifty and ninety-five percent).
The result was that in the thirties, when American Jewry took great pains to organize a boycott of German merchandise, Palestine, of all places, was swamped with all kinds of ‘goods made in Germany’.”
Some sixty thousand wealthy Jews benefited from this Haavara Agreement , making a decisive contribution to the Jewish colonization of Palestine. This collaboration between Ben-Gurion’s Jewish Agency and Hitler’s Nazi government started in 1933 and ended officially in 1938 with Great Britain’s entry into the war. But the Lehi or Stern Gang, a dissident faction of the Irgun, led by future head of state Yitzhak Shamir, continued to bet on the Germans.
In a document dated January 11, 1941, it recognized that “The evacuation of the Jewish masses from Europe is a precondition for solving the Jewish question,” envisioning “the establishment of the historical Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, and bound by treaty with the German Reich,” and, with that aim, “offers to actively take part in the war on Germany’s side.”
The talks came to an end with the arrest by the British authorities of several Lehi members, including Yitzhak Shamir, for “terrorism and collaboration with the Nazi enemy.”
Ben-Gurion protested against the plan to open all borders to the persecuted Jews on the pretext that “pity will take over and the energy of the people will be channeled to save Jews from various countries.
Zionism will be removed from the agenda not only in public opinion in Great Britain and the United States, but elsewhere in Jewish public opinion. If we allow the separation of the refugee problem from the problem of Palestine, we will endanger the existence of Zionism.”
1936, Aldous Huxley and the leading synarchist Jean Coutrot founded the Center for the Study of Human Problems (CSHP), which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Also included in the CSHP were controversial Jesuit priest and associate of Julian Huxley, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, as well as Maria Montessori, the founder of the Montessori Method of education, and Alfred Sauvy the French demographer who coined the term Third World
The CHSP were inspired to fulfill the “Plan,” which coincided exactly with the ideas of Wells’ Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution.Wells wrote:
“…It will appear first, I believe, as a conscious organization of intelligent and quite possibly in some cases, wealthy men, as a movement having distinct social and political aims, confessedly ignoring most of the existing apparatus of political control, or using it only as an incidental implement in the stages, a mere movement of a number of people in a certain direction who will presently discover with a sort of surprise the common object toward which they are all moving… In all sorts of ways they will be influencing and controlling the apparatus of the ostensible government.”
Huxley and H.G. Wells were members of the Fabian Society, a British socialist organization whose purpose is to advance the principles of democratic socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow. The Fabian Society founders were influenced by John Ruskin, the English art critic, Social Darwinist, Freemason, occultist and pedophile, who inspired the Round Table’s imperialistic ambitions.
Leading Fabians included Bertrand Russell, George Bernard Shaw, and Aldous’ brother Julian Huxley. Shaw revealed that their goal was to be achieved by “stealth, intrigue, subversion, and the deception of never calling socialism by its right name.”
Nazi eugenics actually began in the United States, and emerged in Germany under Rockefeller funding. Joseph Mengele’s superior, Otmar Verschuer, as wartime director of the Rockefeller Foundation created the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics, and Human Heredity in Berlin, and secured funds for experiments at Auschwitz from the German Research council. The foundation's German centers combined the search for organic signs of mental illness with eugenic projects.
Now, lets look at the Dulles Brothers and Prescott Bush involvement, excerpted from Nazi Hydra
In 1922, Averell Harriman traveled to Germany to set up a branch of W. A. Harriman in Berlin, and hired George Herbert Walker to run both the New York and Berlin offices. During his stay in Germany, Harriman met the Thyssen family and agreed to help them set up an American bank.
Early in 1924, Hendrick Kouwenhoven, managing director of Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, traveled to New York. Meeting with Walker and the Harriman brothers, they founded the Union Banking Corp. Two of the directors of Union Bank, Groninger and Kouwenhoven, ...contributed lavishly to Himmler’s Circle of Friends.
In 1926, August Thyssen died. The eldest son, Fritz, expanded the Thyssen empire by creating United Steel Works (Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG). Thyssen also brought Friedrich Flick on board. The Thyssen-Flick union was designed to suppress the union movement. With the merger, George Walker hired his son-in-law, Prescott Bush, to manage the United Steel Works account.
One division of United Steel Works consisted of the Consolidated Silesian Steel Corp. and the Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Co., both located in the mineral-rich Silesian area of Poland. Until the Depression started in 1929, the arrangement was extremely profitable for all four men - Thyssen, Flick, Walker and Bush.
Congressional investigations after the war showed that United Steel had supplied more than 50 percent of the pig iron in Nazi Germany and also was a major supplier of all other ferrous metal products needed by Hitler’s war machine.
Due to the Depression, Harriman merged with Brown to form the Brown Brothers Harriman firm. Internally, the Harriman Corp., formed by Harriman and Bush, held Flick’s two-thirds share of the stock of Consolidated Silesian Steel Co. Having lost property after WWI, Thyssen and Flick were nervous about Hitler’s invasions of Europe, and they sold Consolidated Silesian to Union Bank.
Under the complete control of Harriman and Bush, the company became Silesian American Corp., part of UBC and Harriman’s portfolio of 15 corporations.
1924-The Dulles brothers were the masterminds behind the Dawes Plan, which had the support and backing of J.P. Morgan. Under the Dawes Plan, the United States loaned money to Germany so it could pay international reparations to England and France. In turn, England and France repaid the United States. For a while, this financial merry-go-round was successful and the Dulles brothers’ clients reaped a financial windfall.
From 1924-31, Germany paid the Allies about 36 billion marks in reparations, but received about 33 billion marks borrowed under the Dawes and Young Plans. This resulted in shifting the burden of German reparations to the buyers of German bonds sold by Wall Street firms at hefty commissions.
General Electric Corp. also played a tremendous role in the Dawes and the later Young Plans. Owen Young was a member of GE’s board and part of the brain trust behind the Dawes Plan. General Electric had large investments in Germany and benefited immensely from the Young Plan.
Gerard Swope, president of General Electric, and Walter Rathenau, managing director of GE’s German subsidiary, opposed free enterprise. Rathenau’s views of the interwar period’s new political economy are summed up in this quote:
The new economy will, as we have seen, be no state or governmental economy but a private economy committed to a civic power of resolution which certainly will require state cooperation for organic consolidation to overcome inner friction and increase production and endurance.
It is obvious that Rathenau believed corporations should hold the ultimate power and that the government’s only role was to pave the way for corporate rule. Swope held similar beliefs.
He called for an antitrust law exemption for the electrical manufacturing industry. In 1931, Swope proposed forming cartel-like trade associations governed by a central quasi-governmental agency. Such laws would only serve to limit competition, as did the cartels and trade associations of Nazi Germany. FDR obliged with the NRA before it was struck down by the Supreme Court
1926, Allen Dulles resigned from the State Department and went into private practice with his brother at Sullivan & Cromwell. In the 1920s-1930s, several Wall Street firms figured prominently in guiding investments into Germany, but almost every deal involved the services of Sullivan & Cromwell.
Coinciding with the Dawes Plan, John Foster Dulles arranged a large loan for Krupp...... At Dulles’ bidding, Sullivan & Cromwell blandly accepted Krupp’s assurances that all military hardware had been destroyed. The Krupp loan opened a new era at Sullivan & Cromwell. It was the start of a massive investment in Germany by U.S. banks, who competed with each other for the services of Sullivan & Cromwell in arranging German loans.
Within a year, America had loaned Germany $150 million. Such massive lending worried both the German and U.S. governments. The State Department privately warned bankers and lawyers of the growing indebtedness of Germany.
Almost 70 percent of the money flowing into Germany during the 1930s came from U.S. investors. Dulles gained much of his and his clients’ profits from investments in Nazi Germany.
In the 1930s, he created an incredible interlocking financial network between Nazi corporations, American Oil and Saudi Arabia. Here, Allen had help from his brother, Foster. Perhaps the best-known deal arranged by Dulles was between IG Farben and Standard Oil of New Jersey. What is generally not known is that IG Farben was the second largest shareholder in Standard Oil of New Jersey, second to only John D. Rockefeller.
Another Rockefeller-controlled corporation that Dulles worked to protect was United Fruit. Both United Fruit and Standard Oil of New Jersey continued to trade with the Nazis after the outbreak of war. In the 1930s, Dulles arranged for the wealthy Czech family, the Petscheks, to sell their interest in Silesian Coal to George Murnane. Murnane was used merely to hide the Petscheks’ interest. Dulles then sold the shares to his friend, Schacht, the Nazi economic minister.
After the sale, Dulles became director of Consolidated Silesian Steel Co. Its sole asset was a one-third interest in Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Co. Friedrich Flick controlled the balance of the shares. This was one of the companies seized from Prescott Bush for trading with the enemy.
In May 1933, after the Nazis consolidated power, an agreement was reached in Berlin coordinating all Nazi commerce with the United States. Under the agreement, Harriman International, headed by Oliver Harriman, first cousin to Averell, would lead a syndicate of 150 firms and individuals to conduct all exports from Germany to the United States.
By 1934, with Hitler in solid control of Germany, the profits from the Thyssen-Flick union soared to more than 100 million. Both Union Bank and the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart were overflowing with money. Prescott Bush became managing director of Union Bank and took over the day-to-day operations of the German plan. Instead of divesting himself of Nazi money and activities, Prescott Bush hired Allen Dulles to hide the Nazi assets. Dulles’ client list from Sullivan & Cromwell shows his first assignment at Brown Brothers Harriman as June 18, 1936. The entry listed his work at Brown Brothers Harriman as “Disposal of Standard Oil Investing Stock.”
By 1934, John Foster Dulles was publicly supporting Nazi philosophy. In 1935, he wrote a long article for the Atlantic Monthly, “The Road to Peace.” He excused Germany’s secret rearmament as an action to take back its freedom.
In the 1930s, Dulles helped organize the America First group, to which he gave $500 a month before Pearl Harbor. Later, he would claim no association with the organization. Dulles continued his support for the Nazi line right up to the time Germany invaded Poland. Dulles’ excuse for the invasion of Poland was much like blaming the victim for the crime.
In 1936, the Schroeder Bank of New York entered a partnership with the Rockefellers forming the Schroeder, Rockefeller and Company Investment Bank. Time magazine described the partnership as the economic booster of the Rome-Berlin Axis. Both Allen and John Foster Dulles were lawyers for the firm.
Allen Dulles also was on the board of the Schroeder Bank. Six months after the start of the war in Europe, Larkin secured $25 million for the Nazi government. Accompanying the money was a detailed account of the assets and backgrounds of 10,000 Nazi sympathizers in the United States. In essence, the Nazi government was offering the sympathizers a chance to buy marks with dollars at a discounted rate through Chase Bank. This scheme was only open to those willing to return to Germany; a rush on the German mark resulted.
Chase’s support of the Nazis was in outright defiance of the U.S. government
With the outbreak of WWII, John Foster Dulles’ praise of Nazi Germany severely tarnished his image. Throughout the war, he stayed home and used sanctimonious pronouncements to rebuild his image, but he did not give up his secret Nazi ties.
The most significant action Dulles took during the war severely crippled America’s war effort. The military depended on diesel motors for trucks, tanks, submarines, ships and aircraft. There was no substitute for the direct fuel injection in diesel engines. While the United States plotted to bomb Nazi diesel plants in Germany, the legal maneuvers of John Foster prevented America from manufacturing more efficient diesel engines at home.
In 1934, Dulles handled the legal end and George Murnane handled the operational end. Together they made a deal in which Bosch sold its international interests to Mendelssohn & Co., of Amsterdam, with a right to repurchase them later. In 1935, Murnane joined the board of directors of the American Bosch Co. Fritz Mannheimer, the head of Mendelssohn, was a German agent. In 1937, Murnane became chairman of the board at American Bosch. Throughout this period, American Bosch Co. tried to get the German company to reduce the 5 percent royalty it had to pay. In exchange, American Bosch volunteered information about costs, prices and other competitive data. The deal delighted the Nazi government, because it provided an outline of American war production before the U.S. entered the war.
As the war approached, the Nazis sought to further camouflage the true owner of American Bosch, and Dulles and Murnane arranged another sale. This time, the Wallenbergs of Sweden appeared to have bought American Bosch. Besides the critical fuel injectors, Bosch also produced walkie-talkies for the Third Reich. To further cloak German ownership, Dulles fabricated a maze of corporations that seemed American, without transferring control outside Germany. He had the Wallenbergs put their shares in Providentia, a Delaware corporation. Dulles was the sole voting trustee of the corporation and had full authority to dispose of the shares.
In July 1941, the Navy Department approached American Bosch on behalf of Caterpillar with the intention of manufacturing diesel equipment. American Bosch responded that it was willing to change its exclusive rights; however, the corporation’s rights were indivisible and thus the company was unable to grant the request.
In May 1942, authorities confiscated American Bosch under APC. A secret government document dated Oct. 11, 1944 concluded that Dulles must have known that American Bosch was German owned. Nevertheless, Dulles was successful in delaying the widespread manufacturing of diesel engines for five years during the critical period when America sought to rebuild its military might.
The Justice Department’s antitrust lawyers found that other Sullivan & Cromwell clients were prominent causes of bottlenecks in war production. However, prosecution was delayed until the end of the war; otherwise, war production would have suffered adversely.
In 1946, the chemical companies signed a consent decree paying a minimal fine of $5,000. A list of those who faced or signed consent decrees reads like a list of Fortune 500 corporations, including Allied Chemical, American Agricultural Chemical and Merck.
The real extent of the damage caused by John Foster Dulles, acting as an intermediary in setting up deals between the rich and the Nazis, is unknown. However, according to documents assembled from the State Department by Ronald Pruessen, Dulles acted as a fixer or intermediary in deals worth more than $1 billion. Note that the total is only for deals that Pruessen uncovered, thereby establishing a floor value...
In 1940, Professor Gaetano Salvemini of Harvard was quoted as saying that 100 percent of American big business was sympathetic to fascism. Corporate America’s support for fascism was so great that U.S. Ambassador to Germany William Dodd proclaimed: A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime
Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there.
Propagandists for the fascist groups try to dismiss the fascist scare. We should be aware of the symptoms. When industrialists ignore laws designed for social and economic progress they will seek recourse to a fascist state when the institutions of our government compel them to comply with the provisions.
1942-The deals with the Nazis were so extensive at Brown Brothers Harriman that Prescott Bush had 23 firms seized from him for trading with the enemy. Five firms were seized from Bush in 1942, another 18 firms shortly after the war. The 18 firms had been allowed to operate during the war only because seizing them had been judged detrimental to the war effort and their continued operation posed little risk to the Allies.
Before the firms were seized, Prescott Bush hired the Dulles brothers to conceal the Nazi ownership in these firms. This deliberate act closed any window of deniability; it was treason by both Bush and the Dulles brothers. It confirms that both parties knew that the continued operation of these companies was in violation of U.S. policy and of the Trading with the Enemy Act, and that both parties freely chose to aid the Nazis when the U.S. was at war with Nazi Germany.
After the war, the U.S. government seized another 18 companies related to the Harriman-Bush Union Bank for violations of the Trading with the Enemy Act. Several companies seized had continued the Thyssen relationship after takeover of Union Bank in 1942.
In October 1950, the government conducted one of the last seizures of Nazi assets under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The seizure concerned the U.S. assets of a Nazi baroness named Theresia Maria Ida Benedikta Huberta Stanislava Martina von Schwarzenberg. Brown Brothers Harriman continued with the subterfuge, claiming the baroness was a victim of Nazi persecution. However, government investigators concluded she was a member of the Nazi Party.
Meanwhile, in 1951, after the death of Fritz Thyssen, the Alien Property Custodian released the assets of the Union Banking Corp., to Brown Brothers Harriman. Prescott Bush received $1.5 million for his share in Union Bank’s blood money, and filed for his 1952 Senate race.
Now for the post war period
Other Sources without links
1)Tower of Basel by Adam Lebor
2)From Yahweh to Zion by Laurent Guyénot
3)Black Gold - Ordo ab Chao by David Livingstone
4)Red Scare - Ordo ab Chao by David Livingstone
5)Treasure Islands, Nicholas Shaxson
6)The Last Circle -
by Carol Marshall
7)Technocracy Rising The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation by Patrick M. Wood
8)Surveillance Valley :The Secret Military History of the Internet by Yasha Levine
9)Transhumanism by David Livingstone
10)Manifest Destiny, William Engdahl
11)Operation Paperclip, Annie Jacobson
1944-As later discovered by US army counter-intelligence, a meeting was held in great secrecy on August 10, 1944 at the Hotel Maison Rouge in Strasbourg, at which were present the most powerful industrial, political and commercial interests of the Nazi regime, who were there to discuss how to manage Nazi assets to save them from what they recognized as an impending defeat. The meeting was the culmination of a year’s preparation by Deputy Fuhrer Martin Bormann.
The plot was outlined in the Red House Report produced by a French spy who was at the meeting. German industrialists were ordered to make contacts and alliances with foreign firms. They were especially to exploit the finances of German firms that had already been used as fronts for economic penetration in foreign countries, such as the steel giant Krupp, and the Hamburg-America Line shipping company, whose American operations were taken over by George Herbert Walker.
1945-TAVISTOCK Institute of Human Relations, was founded under a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, when it separated from the Tavistock Clinic. Tavistock became known as the focal point in Britain for psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic theories of Sigmund Freud and his followers. Tavistock is ostensibly a British charity concerned with group behavior and organizational behavior. Tavistock engages in educational, research and consultancy work in the social sciences and applied psychology. Its clients are chiefly public sector organizations, including the European Union, several British government departments, and some private clients. Its network now extends from the University of Sussex to the US through the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Esalen Institute, MIT, Hudson Institute, Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, Heritage Foundation, the Center of Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown, US Air Force Intelligence, and the RAND Corporation.
1945-At the end of World War II, Reese called for the creation of "psychological shock troops" who would fan out from the Tavistock Institute to engineer the future direction of society.
Tavistock, born from the collaboration of the international monied elite, military intelligence, and the materialistic psychiatric community, refers to its self-admitted "military" orientation as Operation Phoenix-again, a Freemasonic symbol that it shares with the infamous Vietnam War assassination program.
One is reminded of the Freemasonic legend " Ordo Ab Chao," Order Out of Chaos, which could just as easily describe the Tavistock method of destroying a target subject, or a target population, prior to reprogramming; the Tavistock modus operandi.
1945-According to one of the fields pioneers, anthropologist Gregory Bateson, cybernetics, an approach to controlling societies, is the biggest bite out of the Tree of Knowledge that mankind has taken in the last 2,000 years.
Bateson was a leading member of the Cybernetics Group, which would become a CIA project that both directed the evolution of the personal computer, and contributed to the CIA mind-control. MK-Ultra was imported to the US from the eugenic practices of the Nazis, in relation to their psychiatric studies into the roots of schizophrenia, which sought to explain the causes of neurosyphilis, bwhich was the source of Nietzsches insanity.
1945-MK-Ultra was an extension of the enduring collaboration between the CIA and the Nazis, which persisted after World War II. In 1945, when the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and given direct responsibility for Operation Paperclip, a precursor of the CIAs notorious MK-Ultra program of human research into behavioral modification was begun.
Operation Paperclip was a project of the OSS, whose contacts with Nazis inside the Third Reich were initiated by Allen Dulles, later head of the CIA. Dulles had been stationed in Berne, Switzerland, where he was the organizations Swiss Director. Through Operation Paperclip, over 1,500 German scientists, technicians, and engineers from Nazi Germany and other foreign countries were brought to the US for employment in the aftermath of World War II. At the end of the war, Nazi psychiatrists were rescued from Germany under the supervision of Montagu Norman and John Rawlings Rees, a doctor at the psychological warfare unit called the Tavistock Institute
The Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) was created solely and specifically to recruit and hire Nazi scientists and put them on weapons projects and in scientific intelligence programs within the army, the navy, the air force, the CIA (starting in 1947), and other organizations. In some cases, when individual scientists had been too close to Hitler, the JIOA hired them to work at U.S. military facilities in occupied Germany. The JIOA was a subcommittee of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC), which provided national security information for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The JIC remains the least known and least studied U.S. intelligence agency of the twentieth century.
The German chemical company I.G. Farben directly financed Joseph Mengeles experiments at Auschwitz. In 1940-41. I.G. Farben built a gigantic factory at Auschwitz in Poland, to utilize the Standard Oil-I.G. Farben patents with concentration camp slave labor to make gasoline from coal. The SS, who were paid by Standard Oil funds, guarded the Jewish and other inmates and selected for killing those who were unfit for I.G. Farben slave labor.
Mengele was among the hundreds of high-ranking Nazis which the US intelligence and military services extricated from Germany during and after the final stages of World War II, known as Operation Paperclip. Of particular interest were scientists specialising in aerodynamics and rocketry, such as those involved in the V-1 and V-2 projects, chemical weapons, chemical reaction technology and medicine.
However, Christopher Simpson shows how the CIA hired former Nazis for their expertise in propaganda and psychological warfare,Monarch programs were developed. The project was begun in the 1950s and coordinated by the British psychological warfare unit called the Tavistock Institute, with the Scottish Rite Freemasons, the CIA, and other British, American, Canadian, and UN agencies.
1946-After being condemned to death for war crimes , Aufbau member and Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg declared: “Within fifteen years we will begin to be talked about again, and within twenty years Nazism will again be a force.” According to historian Dr. Michael Pinto-Duschinsky, an adviser to Jewish former slave laborers, “the continuity of the economy of Germany and the economies of post-war Europe is striking. Some of the leading figures in the Nazi economy became leading builders of the European Union.”As related by A.N. Wilson, historian and friend of Oswald Mosley’s fascist wife Diana Mitford, “In old age, she used to say, what we were all struggling for and fighting for was what we’ve now achieved, which is a united, peaceful Europe with Germany at the top.”
As Carl Oglesby explained, while it is popularly assumed that the Nazis suffered defeat, on the contrary, the evidence as of 1990 is that... Nazism did not surrender unconditionally and disappear, that indeed it finessed a limited but crucial victory over the Allies, a victory no less significant for having been kept a secret from all but the few Americans who were directly involved.
The fact that the Gehlen Org evolved into the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), West Germanys foreign intelligence serviceseems to represent the fruition of the Nazi plan to regain power in a defeated Germany.
Many former Nazis received the support of Odessa members at the polls. Dr. Gerhard Schroeder, who served with Hjalmar Schacht during the Third Reich, became Interior Ministerin the Bonn government.
Hans Globke, who had worked for Adolf Eichmannin the Jewish Affairs department and helped draft the 1935 Nuremberg laws, became Chancellor Konrad Adenauers national security advisor in the 1960sand was, according to the Guardian, the main liaison with the CIA and NATO.
Kurt-Georg Kiesinger, a Nazi since 1933, was elected chancellor in 1968and many other former Nazis continued to exercise great influence in the West German government.
Hjalmar Schacht was also the first member of the Pan-European Union (PEU)headed by Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, which he co-founded with Archduke Otto von Habsburg.
Of the 24 directors of IG Farben indicted in the so-called IG Farben Trial(1947“1948) before the subsequent Nuremberg Trials, 13 were sentenced to prison terms between one and eight years, but most were quickly released and several became senior industry executives in the post-war companies that split off from IG Farben and other companies.
1946-The European Union began with the founding of the European Movement by Joseph Retinger, who was also one of the founding members of the Bilderberg Group, which was funded by the CIA. In 1946, Retinger helped create the European League for Economic Cooperation (ELEC), dedicated to the establishment of a common market, the precursor of the European Union.
Retinger was then brought to America by Averell Harriman, then US ambassador to England, to secure support for the ELEC. Retinger visited David and Nelson Rockefeller, John Foster Dulles and then CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith.
The ELEC were soon joined by president of France Giscard dEstaing, and Hermann Abs, a key figure in pursuing the preservation of Nazi power after the war.
Abs had joined the board of Deutsche Bank during the rise of Nazis and also sat on the supervisory board of IG Farben. It was Abs who was put in charge of allocating Marshall Aid to German industry and by 1948 was effectively managing Germanys economic recovery.
According to historian Dr. Michael Pinto-Duschinsky, an adviser to Jewish former slave labourers, the continuity of the economy of Germany and the economies of post-war Europe is striking. Some of the leading figures in the Nazi economy became leading builders of the European Union.
Count Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi was an Austrian politician and philosopher and a pioneer of European integration, as the secret head of a synarchist group whose aim was to create a united Europe.
The creation of a united Europe was central to the vision of Saint-Yves dAlveydre, the founder of synarchism, a call for which appears on the first page of his rst book on synarchy, Keys to the East. The need for Europe to unite a single, synarchist state, Saint Yves tells us, is prompted by the rise of Islam as a world power, which threatens a weak, fragmented, and materialist West.
1947, Interior Minister Édouard Depreux had revealed the existence of a secret stay-behind army in France codenamed “Plan Bleu.” The next year, the Western Union Clandestine Committee (WUCC) was integrated with NATO to coordinate secret unorthodox warfare. The network was supported with elements from SDECE, and had military support from the 11th Choc regiment, a section of which split and became part of the Organisation armée secrète (OAS).
The OAS attempted to prevent Algerian independence by acts of sabotage and assassination in both France and French Algerian territories. This included several attempts to assassinate president Charles de Gaulle, one of these being featured in a fictionalized version recreated in the 1971 book by Frederick Forsyth, The Day of the Jackal, and in the 1973 film of the same name.
In Italy, where it was known as Gladio, the stay-behind network was responsible for the infamous “Strategy of Tension” during the 1970’s to destabilize the country. The intent of the Strategy of Tension was to discredit the political left,as the Italian Communist Party (PCI) was very close to entering government. Le Cercle member and chief Gladio operator Stefano Delle Chiaie was a principal organizer for three of the most infamous incidents of the Strategy of Tension, the 1969 bomb in the crowded Piazza Fontana of Milan (16 deaths, 90 injuries), the 1970 coup attempt of “Black Prince” Prince Valerio Borghese (who wrote an introduction to Evola’s Men Among the Ruins), and the Bologna station bombing of August 2, 1980 (85 deaths, 200 injuries).
1947-One of the most successful of Tavistock-offshoot organizations is what was originally known as the National Training Laboratories (NTL), and now the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences,
Located in Bethel, Maine, the mission of the NTL is to give Lewin-inspired "group dynamics" sessions to American leaders. Again, during group sessions "dissonance" or stress is introduced to destroy the individual's previous beliefs, and then a new, group-oriented personality is coaxed forth.
NTL would process many of America's corporate leaders in its programs, while simultaneously running the same programs for various segments of the government,
1948, President Truman submitted to Congress the second largest peacetime budget in American history, claiming the need to meet the threat of totalitarianism across the world. The budget totaled $39.6 billion, with nearly half of it dedicated to military spending and international affairs. These enormous expenditures created an entirely new industry in the United States devoted to the production of weapons for the Pentagon. The industry, which became known as the military-industrial complex, became one of the largest industries in the United States and a crucial part of the nation’s economy. Similar to mobilization during World War II, whole corporations were sustained by government military contracts alone
1948, President Truman summoned Allen Dulles to be part of a working group tasked with making proposals on how the work of the fledgling CIA could be improved. The group’s efforts resulted in National Security Report 50 (NCS50), which for the most part reflected Dulles’s own vision: covert operations should be one of the CIA’s central functions, and Wisner’s OPC should be incorporated directly into the CIA. In 1950, Allen Dulles himself became chief of planning for the CIA. Shortly thereafter, he became Deputy CIA Director, and in 1953, was appointed Director of Central Intelligence. At that time, his brother John Foster Dulles was Secretary of State.
To Eisenhower, who continued the strategy adopted by Truman, after coming into office in 1953, “Psychological warfare is the struggle for the minds and wills of men.” He regarded it a “basic truth” that “humans are spiritual beings; they respond to the sentiment and emotions as well as to statistics and logic… The minds of all men are susceptible to outside influences.”
Truman administration of 1945 to 1953 opened a change in policy towards the containment of communism. The new direction led the National Security Council to adopt a formal strategy that authorized a broad array of covert action strategies including “propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage.”
Their extent was limited only by “plausible deniability,” to ensure the concealment of US government involvement.Programs included the State Department’s support of film, radio, art, and exchange programs, and the Voice of America broadcasts.
1948-Working closely with Bormann and Hjalmar Schacht in transporting the Nazi assets to safety outside Europe was Schacht’s son-in-law, Otto Skorzeny, Hitler’s “favorite commando,” whom the OSS had was described as “the most dangerous man in Europe.”
Skorzeny, who was simultaneously an officer of the SS, the Gestapo and the Waffen SS, achieved infamy during the war for his many daring exploits, including the successful rescue of the deposed Mussolini from captivity. Julius Evola was one of the first people to greet Mussolini when he got out of prison.
After the war, Skorzeny surrendered himself to the Allied forces, and the newly formed CIA, arranged for Skorzeny’s escape from the internment camp at Darmstadt in 1948.
Skorzeny had worked closely with Bormann and Schacht in creating the infamous ODESSA network, which maintained escape routes called “ratlines,” to shuttle ex-Nazis to various safe havens around the world.
According to Serge Klarsfeld, it was the banking contacts of Skorzeny’s close friend Francois Genoud’s that set in motion the ODESSA networks, which transferred millions of marks from Germany into Swiss banks.
1948-On August 3, , Whittaker Chambers, a former U.S. Communist Party member, testified under subpoena before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) that Hiss had secretly been a Communist, while in federal service. ASC/MARL worked very closely with the FBI and with Joseph McCarthy and the House UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC).
Although the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC ) is often associated with Senator Joseph McCarthy, he had no direct involvement with the HUAC. Nevertheless, he shared numerous fascist connections with its instigators.
In 1938, the HUAC was established as a special investigating committee, reorganized from its previous incarnations as the Fish Committee and the McCormack-Dickstein Committee. Congressman Hamilton Fish III (1888 – 1991), of New York, introduced House Resolution 180 on May 5, 1930, which proposed to establish a committee to investigate communist activities in the United States.
Fish had visited the Soviet Union in 1923, when he was head of the firm Hamilton Fish & Company, Exporters and Importers. After his return to the United States he introduced a resolution into Congress calling for the establishment of commercial relations with Soviet Russia.
Subsequently, he became one of the most bitter anti-Soviet propagandists in the United States, and an ardent opponent of Roosevelt’s New Deal. The Fish’s daughter Lillian Veronica Fish married David Whitmire Hearst, the son of William Randolph Hearst.
In the early 1930’s, as chairman of a Congressional committee to investigate “American communism,” Fish was the chief spokesman of the White Russian anti-Soviet émigrés in the United States,working closely with Boris Brasol and George Sylvester Viereck
The America First Committee (AFC) had utilized the services of Fish’s secretary George Hill, who according to an inquiry, “served as handyman of a propaganda ring” managed by Viereck. Both Hill and Viereck were subsequently convicted as a consequence of their roles in this clandestine arrangement.
Fish used his congressional office to distribute copies of the Protocols of Zion. Accused of anti-Semitism, he responded, “It doesn’t bother me any. There’s been too much Jewism going around anyway.”
A non-interventionist until after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Fish was nevertheless also responsible for a number of legislative and diplomatic moves aimed at helping Jews out of Hitler’s Germany
The Fish Committee recommended granting the United States Department of Justice more authority to investigate communists, and strengthening of immigration and deportation laws to keep communists out of the United States, leading to the establishment of the HUAC. The Chairman of the HUAC was Representative Martin Dies of Texas, hence it is also known as the Dies Committee.
The first Chief Investigator appointed by the Dies Committee was Edward F. Sullivan, a little-known former labor spy and anti-Soviet propagandist, who had been associated with the anti-Soviet Ukrainian nationalist movement in America.
In August 1936, Sullivan was featured as a main speaker at a national conference in Asheville, North Carolina, which included by William Dudley Pelley, James True, who was publisher of a fascist bulletin in collaboration with Sullivan; and Ernest F. Elmhurst, alias E.F. Fleischkopf, a Bund member and Nazi agent. When Sullivan’s controversial record was exposed, Dies reluctantly removed Sullivan as his Chief Investigator. Sullivan’s place was taken by J.B. Matthews, a self-described “fellow traveler” of the Communist Party, USA who became an ardent anti-communist.
Sullivan’s writings, which were recommended by Nazi Propaganda Ministry, were widely publicized and distributed by leading American fascists and Axis agents. Articles by Matthews appeared in Contra-Komintern, an organ of Alfred Rosenberg’s Aussen-politisches Amt.
1949-The return of the Nazis took place under the rule of Konrad Adenauer (1876 – 1967)—Knight of Malta, member of Coudenhove-Karlergi’s PEU, the Kulturbund, first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) from 1949 to 1963, and one of the “founding fathers of the European Union.” Adenauer allowed former members of the Nazi Party back into the highest levels of business and government in West Germany, based on the argument that the country needed their expertise.
Adenauer was the first leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), which attracted conservative, anti-Communist former Nazis and Nazi collaborators into its higher ranks,like Hans Globke (1898 – 1973) and Theodor Oberländer (1905 – 1998).
Globke, helped to formulate the Enabling Act of 1933, the law that effectively gave Hitler dictatorial powers. He worked for Adolf Eichmann in the Jewish Affairs department and helped draft the 1935 Nuremberg laws. Globke had a later controversial career as Secretary of State and Chief of Staff of the German Chancellery, writing a law that restored back pay, pensions, and advancement to civil servants who had served under the Nazi regime.
Globke became a powerful éminence grise of the West German government, working as Adenauer’s national security advisor in the 1960s and was, according to the Guardian, “the main liaison with the CIA and NATO.”
Oberländer, who had participated in Adolf Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch, became a member of the Nazi Party in 1933 and a member of the SA. Oberländer is considered by some historians to be among the academics who laid the intellectual foundation for the Final Solution. After the war, he worked for American intelligence as an expert on Eastern Europe until 1949.
Oberländer served as Federal Minister for Displaced Persons, Refugees and Victims of War in West Germany from 1953 to 1960, and as a Member of the Bundestag from 1953 to 1961 and from 1963 to 1965.
1949- NATO was established in April. NATO carefully established departments of clandestine warfare which managed the secret armies and allocated their tasks. Only a few trustworthy intimates were to know of their existence. As each secret unit was eventually exposed, the name Gladio came to be applied to all of them.”
However, the expected Soviet invasion never occurred. And thus, these secret armies found another purpose, they were to be used against the people.
The desire was that by staging false-flag operations that were blamed on communists, this would in turn invoke panic and revulsion and would send voters flocking to the welcoming arms of a secure Right-wing government.
Richard Cottrell writes:
“Bands of secret soldiers and their cohorts were ordered to shoot, bomb, maim and kill their own citizens. The United States forbade any sovereign European states to seat communist ministers in government. All movements of the Left fell under suspicion as cloaks for Moscow.”
Italy, who had the largest and most powerful communist party in Europe, would be first on the list.
The Communist Party of Italy, admired for leading the fight against Mussolini, was expected to win in Italy’s first post-war election in June 1946. This, of course, was considered intolerable under the Iron Curtain diktat.
In 1959, an internal NATO briefing minute (dated June 1st, 1959) slipped into the hands of a British newspaper, revealing the task of the stay-behind units had been formally switched to confronting “internal subversion”. The secret armies were henceforth to play a “determining role…not only on the general policy level of warfare, but also on the politics of emergency.”
What this meant was that a secret army of stay-behind units, under the direction of NATO, in absence of a Soviet threat, were to direct their actions to internal matters which would include espionage and acts of terrorism on the citizens of Europe with the support and cover of those nations’ police units. This would be used to further centralise control within Right-wing governments who supported the NATO apparatus.
Operation Gladio, which used the tactic Strategy of Tension, functioned on three basic levels. The first was a guerilla war to be fought primarily on the streets, in order to stiffen loyalties away from the Soviet Union.
The second level, was the political front and would involve NATO inspired conspiracies, such as claiming certain governments were in secret cahoots with the USSR, in order to evict democratically elected governments unfriendly to the NATO state apparatus and replace them with more pliable puppet regimes.
The third level was the assassination (hard and soft) of figures who were deemed obstructive to NATO’s aims.
Examples of these include the assassination of Italy’s ex-Prime Minister Aldo Moro in 1978, Sweden’s Prime Minister Olof Palme in 1986 (known as Sweden’s JFK), Turkey’s Prime Minister Adnan Menderes in 1961 along with two cabinet colleagues, and U.S. President Kennedy in 1963. As well as the soft assassination (character assassination) of UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson. These assasinations would be followed by a NATO and U.S. support putsch.
Attempted assassinations from Operation Gladio include President de Gaulle (more on this shortly) and Pope John Paul II (for details refer to Richard Cottrell’s book
1950-With ties to Egypt, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and the Vatican, Skorzeny’s ratlines operated out of Argentina, and helped many other war criminals find refuge in Latin America and the Middle East. Those who reached safety included Bormann; the most notorious Nazi war criminals, including: Klaus Barbie, known as the “Butcher of Lyons”; Franz Stangl, Commandant of the Treblinka extermination camp; Gustav Wagner, Commandant of Sorbibor extermination camp; and Alois Brunner, an official in the Jewish deportation program. Most famous was Adolf Eichmann, the chief architect of the Holocaust. An entire Waffen SS division, the notorious “Galician Division,” consisting of 8000 men were smuggled to England and given “free settler” status.
1950-There were allegations that Schacht’s International Bank of Settlements (BIS) had helped the Germans loot assets from occupied countries during World War II. During the period of 1933–45, the board of directors of the BIS included Walter Funk, a prominent Nazi official, and Emil Puhl, as well as Hermann Schmitz the director of IG Farben and Baron von Schroeder, the owner of the J.H. Stein Bank, that held the deposits of the Gestapo.
Funk boasted that by 1938, the German state had confiscated Jewish property worth two million marks, using decrees from Hitler and other top Nazis to force German Jews to leave their property and assets to the State if they emigrated. Puhl was instrumental in moving Nazi gold, some of which had been looted from countries occupied by the Nazis, and some also stolen from Jewish victims incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps. Gold or jewelry as well as gold teeth were even removed from corpses before being passed on to the Reichsbank.
Funk and Puhl were both convicted at the Nuremberg trials after World War II, As a result of these allegations, the Bretton Woods Conference in July 1944 proposed the liquidation of BIS.Though initially approved, the liquidation of the bank was never undertaken, and the decision to liquidate the BIS was officially reversed in 1948.
1950-Ter Meer had handled IG Farbens negotiations with Standard Oil and oversaw the building of IG Auschwitz. Found guilty of war crimes, ter Meer was sentenced to seven years imprisonment in 1948. He was freed in 1950 and later joined the supervisory board of Bayer. Bayer was one of IG Farbens successor companies,.
In 1964 Bayer set up a foundation to honor Fritz ter Meer on his eightieth birthday with a donation of 2 million deutschmarks. Bayers foundation honoring him was renamed in 2005 and existed until 2007.
1950- in August , Adenauer began to pressure the Western Allies to free all of the war criminals in their custody, especially those from the Wehrmacht, whose continued imprisonment he claimed made West German rearmament impossible. Adenauer had been opposed to the Nuremberg Trials, and after becoming Chancellor, he demanded the release of the so-called “Spandau Seven,” among whom were Albert Speer and Rudolf Hess.
1950-Francois Genoud joined the pro-Nazi National Front in 1934, and two years later he traveled to Palestine where he met the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Amin el-Husseini.Working for both Swiss and German intelligence agencies, Genoud traveled extensively in the Middle East. During World War II, he played an active role in negotiations between Allen Dulles, the head of the OSS, and Nazi SS agents looking to end the war.
Genoud is notable for being the executor of the last will and testament of Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels, and for reportedly making a fortune from publishing Goebbels’ diaries for which he held the posthumous rights along with Hitler’s and Bormann’s works.
Nazi hunters such as Serge Klarsfeld and Simon Wiesenthal, journalist David Lee Preston and others have asserted that Genoud was no less than the principal financial manager of the hidden Swiss assets of the Third Reich after World War II.
1951, in January General Dwight Eisenhower, commander of NATO forces, issued a statement which declared the great majority of the Wehrmacht had acted honorably.
1951, German Chancellor Adenauer met with McCloy to argue that executing the Landsberg prisoners would ruin forever any effort at having the Federal Republic play its role in the Cold War. In response, McCloy reduced the death sentences of most of the 102 men at Landsberg—hanging only seven of the prisoners while the rest of those condemned to death were spared.
1951-McCloy commuted the death sentences of a number of Nazi war criminals, and gave early releases to others. This included Fritz Ter Meer, the senior executive of I.G. Farben. The two most powerful Nazi industrialists, Alfried Krupp of Krupp Industries and Friedrich Flick, whose Flick Group eventually owned a 40 percent stake in Daimler-Benz, were released from prison after serving barely three years. Krupp, the ultra-wealthy German industrialist who was represented by Otto Skorzeny in Argentina, and Hjalmar Schacht, subsequently went on the payroll of Aristotle Onassis.
Krupp industries achieved infamy for their brutal use of slave labor during World War II
Because of his stature in the legal world, his long association with the Rockefellers and as a presidential adviser, McCloy was sometimes referred to as the “Chairman of the American Establishment.”
McCloy was a president of the World Bank, which along with the IMF was a creation of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), whose chairman was David Rockefeller.
Prior to the war, McCloy had been legal counsel to IG Farben. He became friendly with W. Averell Harriman, and worked as an advisor to the fascist government of Benito Mussolini. In his dealings with Germany, McCloy worked closely with Paul Warburg, as well as his brother James in America. In 1936, he traveled to Berlin where he met with Rudolf Hess, and shared a box with Hitler and Herman Goering at the Berlin Olympics.
In 1941, Skull and Bones member Henry L. Stimson selected McCloy to become his assistant secretary of war. McCoy forged a pact with the Vichy Regime of Darlan, displaced Japanese-Americans in California to internment camps, refused to recommend the bombing of Nazi concentration camps to spare the inmates on grounds that “the cost would be out of proportion to any possible benefits,” and refused Jewish refugees entry to the US
1951,, Truman created the Psychological Strategy Board (PSB). The PSB was headed by another OSS veteran C.D. Jackson, the first Deputy Director of Central Intelligence at CIA. The PSB’s primary aim was to seek the breakup of the Soviet Union through propaganda. Covert operations were not limited to the communist world, but included the “free world” as well. As Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Ian Johnson explains, “put less euphemistically, the US government would secretly manipulate public opinion at home and in scores of other noncommunist countries.”
1951-Lord Bertrand Russell, who joined with the Frankfurt School in this effort at mass social engineering, explained the basis of the strategy, in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society:
I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology.... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda.
Of these the most influential is what is called “education.” Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part.... It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment. ...
The subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship...
When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.
1951 quote by philosopher Hannah Arendt
“It has frequently been observed that terror can rule absolutely only over people who are isolated against each other and that therefore one of the primary concerns of a tyrannical government is to bring this isolation about. Isolation may be the beginning of terror; it certainly is its most fertile ground; it always is its result.
..This isolation is, as it were, pre-totalitarian; its hallmark is impotence insofar as power always comes from people acting together, acting in concert; isolated people are powerless by definition."
1952-Population Council, a nongovernmental organization established by John D. Rockefeller III. The Oil tycoon served as the Population Council’s first president.
1952-Wisner ran most of the early peacetime covert operations as head of the OPC, which integrated into the CIA’s Directorate of Plans in 1952, under Dulles. By mid-1953 the department was operating with 7,200 personnel and 74 percent of the CIA’s total budget. According to Daniel Brandt: Wisner created the first “information superhighway.” But this was the age of vacuum tubes, not computers, so he called it his “Mighty Wurlitzer.” The CIA’s global network funded the Italian elections in 1948, sent paramilitary teams into Albania, trained Nationalist Chinese on Taiwan, and pumped money into the Congress for Cultural Freedom, the National Student Association, and the Center for International Studies at MIT. Key leaders and labor unions in western Europe received subsidies, and Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty were launched. The Wurlitzer, an organ designed for film productions, could imitate sounds such as rain, thunder, or an auto horn. Wisner and Dulles were at the keyboard, directing history.
1952- In 1951, senior CIA officer Kermit “Kim” Roosevelt, Jr., grandson of the president, and a member of Dulles’ “Park Avenue Cowboys,” had opened secret negotiations with Gamal Nasser in Egypt.Agreement was soon reached that, following a coup against King Farouk, the US would assist in building up Egypt’s intelligence and security forces.Under the leadership of Allen Dulles, the CIA embarked on a project of hiring ex-Nazis in Egypt, who were led by Gehlen, Schacht and Skorzeny.
The Germans in Egypt began conspiring with Nasser and his Free Officers who, in turn, were working closely with the Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow the king. On July 23, 1952, the Free Officers carried out a coup d’état with assistance from the Brotherhood and the Nazis.
1953-When he became head of the CIA, Knight of Malta Allen Dulles hired the services of Reinhard Gehlen, the most senior eastern front Nazi military intelligence officer who, just before the end of World War II, had turned himself over to the US. In exchange for his extensive intelligence contacts in the USSR, Dulles and the OSS reunited Gehlen with his Nazi associates, to establish “the Gehlen Organization,” which then functioned within the OSS, and later the CIA. In 1950, it was McCloy who had been given the task of appointing a new head of the West German Secret Service. After discussing it with Wisner, McCloy decided on Gehlen.
Gehlen was subsequently installed by the Americans as the first chief of West Germany’s secret service, the Bundesnachtrichtdienst (BND), under West German Chancellor Adenauer.
1953-Kim Roosevelt was also the formal leader of Operation Ajax, organized by Wisner and Dulles for the overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected President Mossadegh in 1953, who threatened to nationalize England’s prized Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC).
1953, the Operation Mockingbird media network was overseen by Dulles, by which time Mockingbird had major influence over 25 newspapers and wire agencies, the most valuable being The New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and Time and Life.Other organizations included the ABC, the NBC, the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Newsweek, the Mutual Broadcasting System, the Miami Herald and the old Saturday Evening Post and New York Herald-Tribune. One of the most important journalists under the control of Mockingbird was Georgetown Set member Joseph Alsop of the New York Herald Tribune, whose articles appeared in over 300 different newspapers.
1954-The American Jewish League Against Communism (AJLAC ) held a copy of an FBI report on Communists within the US government, which they decided to expose to the American public. The AJLAC settled on supporting Senator Joe McCarthy and had Roy Cohn appointed as his chief counsel. Schultz had come across a pamphlet called Definition of Communism, written by G. David Schine. Schultz then introduced Schine to Sokolsky, who introduced him to Cohn, who in turn introduced him to McCarthy.
Cohn was described by Michael Kruse in Politico as, “a tangle of contradictions, a Jewish anti-Semite and a homosexual homophobe, vehemently closeted but insatiably promiscuous.”Cohn’s anti-Semitism and staunch anti-communism was portrayed as from one who strongly identified as a Jew, but who felt that Jewish organizations did not do enough to support those Jews who were advancing the fight against communism. Cohn was remembered by college friends as “reacting almost violently to any Jew suspected of pro-communist leanings”
A TV producer claimed that Cohn had said that “although not all Jews are Communists, but all Communists are Jews.”
Cohn was also a member of the US Department of Justice’s prosecution team at the 1951 espionage trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Cohn’s direct examination of Ethel’s brother, David Greenglass, produced testimony that was central to the Rosenbergs’ conviction and subsequent execution. On June 18, 1952, Cohn was awarded a plaque by the AJLAC for outstanding accomplishment in the cause of Americanism and his noteworthy devotion to the principles of Judaism.
The trial brought Cohn to the attention FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, who recommended him to McCarthy. In 1955, Hoover was made a Thirty-Third Degree Inspector General Honorary in the Southern Scottish Rite Jurisdiction, and was also awarded the Scottish Rite’s highest recognition, the Grand Cross of Honor in 1965.
1954-Dulles and Wisner orchestrated the overthrow of the Socialist President Arbenz of Guatemala in 1954, an operation known as PBSUCCESS.
Substantial evidence points to the role of the United Fruit Company—later known as Chiquita, which had several direct ties to the White House and the CIA—as instrumental in this coup.
United Fruit had acquired their holdings in Guatemala cheaply through a deal that was settled by John Foster Dulles through the firm of Sullivan Cromwell. Allen Dulles, who led the coup, had served on UFCO’s board of trustees.In the end, more than a hundred thousand Guatemalan peasants were tortured and killed by the American-trained anti-guerrilla rampages. Military dictators ruled for the next thirty years, provided with weapons and training by the Americans. The term “banana republic” actually originated in reference to United Fruit’s domination of corrupt governments in Guatemala and other Central American countries.
1954-First Bilderberg meeting in Holland and created Bilderberg Group. The Netherlands Prince Berhard was an officer of Reiter SS Corp and was on board of IG subsidiary Farben Bilder. After the war he became a top official in Royal Dutch Shell
1954-As Secretary of State, Dulles used Sullivan & Cromwell to help carry on his support for former Nazi businessmen. He supported Republican Sen. Everett Dirksen’s bill to return all property held by APC to its previous owners. The value of the property confiscated was worth up to $200 million. The proposal horrified former Allies. Releasing the property would have returned the property to the Nazis and their collaborators.
1955-The Heart of the Military-Industrial Complex” has been the American Security Council (ASC), founded in 1955, the successor organization of the America First Committee (AFC), who used the fear of communism to justify the build up of the military. Its boards was filled with retired senior military officers, executives of major corporations, including some of the largest military contractors, and numerous denizens of the New Right. Wes McCune of the Washington, D.C.-based Group Research, which monitors the political right, described the ASC as “not just the representative of the military-industrial complex, it is the personification of the military-industrial complex.”
The network of the ASC-affiliated organizations defended American corporatism by continuing the Nazi tradition of using the notion of a conspiracy to denounce the purported threat of communism. By purportedly opposing the “globalist” agenda—of the likes of the Rockefeller-dominated Council on Foreign Relations—they disguised themselves in anti-establishment and populist rhetoric, in order to advance their fascist agenda.
In a democratic society, to maintain the illusion of abiding by the will of the people, the elite proponents of fascism are also caught in the quandary of requiring the support of the masses at election time. It therefore becomes necessary for them to posture as representing the common people, even going so far as presenting themselves as their defenders against exploitation by the elite.As explained by Roderick T. Long:
The progress of liberalism and of industry had the effect of shifting wealth, at least in part, from the traditional aristocracy to new private hands, thus creating new private interest groups with the ability to operate as political entrepreneurs; hence, perhaps, the tendency toward the emergence of a plutocratic class nominally outside the traditional state apparatus. Likewise the progress of democracy meant that plutocracy could hope to triumph only by donning populist guise; hence the paradox of an elitist movement marching forward under the banner of anti-elitism
The ASC cosponsored a series of annual meetings from 1955 to 1961, which inspired President Eisenhower’s famous exit speech, called National Military-Industrial Conferences,which included the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), Chambers of Commerce, and several university institutes. Elements of the Pentagon, National Security Council, and organizations linked to the CIA discussed cold war strategy with industry leaders, such as United Fruit, Standard Oil, Honeywell, US Steel, and Sears Roebuck.
The key organizer of these events was America First Committee (AFC) founder General Robert Wood, the man most responsible for establishing the ASC, in Chicago in 1955. Wood felt the US lost the Korean War because of communist infiltrators within the country. This factionalism and paranoia of a “communist conspiracy” was nurtured by the ASC, which Wes McCune of the Washington, DC-based Group Research, characterized as, “not just the representative of the military-industrial complex, it is the personification of the military-industrial complex.
This factionalism and paranoia of a “communist conspiracy” was nurtured by the ASC, which Wes McCune of the Washington, DC-based Group Research, characterized as, “not just the representative of the military-industrial complex, it is the personification of the military-industrial complex.
The ASC’s early members included Bernard Baruch, Douglas MacArthur, James Jesus Angleton, Walt Disney, Jay Lovestone, James Burnham, Sam Rayburn, Ray S. Cline, Thomas J. Dodd, W. Averell Harriman, Nelson A. Rockefeller, Henry and Dame of Malta Clare Boothe Luce, Eugene V. Rostow, John G. Tower, Lyman Lemnitzer, John K. Singlaub, Larry P. McDonald, Sid W. Richardson and Albert Wohlstetter. Important funders of the ASC included General Dynamics, General Electric, Lockheed, Boeing, Motorola, and McDonnell-Douglas. Patrick J. Frawley, who has been referred to in Power on the Right as “the most visible, resourceful, and possibly wealthiest,” is believed to have been the most generous individual donors.
1955-During 1955 and 1956, he was also study director in nuclear weapons and foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). David Rockefeller and Kissinger first met in 1954 through their membership in the CFR, after which Kissinger was invited to sit on the board of trustees of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Kissinger was also a member of the Bilderberg Group, the Aspen Institute and Bohemian Grove.
Eisenhower would draw many Cabinet members from the CFR, such as his Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. Dulles gave a public address at the CFR headquarters, Harold Pratt House in New York City, in which he announced a new direction for Eisenhowers foreign policy: There is no local defense which alone will contain the mighty land power of the communist world. Local defenses must be reinforced by the further deterrent of massive retaliatory power.Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policyrs. The book of the same name that he published from his research in 1957 gave him national recognition, topping the national bestseller lists.
The pioneers in the field of study known as strategic studies,luded Kissinger and ASC founder Albert Wohlstetter, both important advisors of the RAND Corporation.
RAND (Research and developments to the United States Armed Forces. It is financed by the US government and private endowment, corporations, universities and private individuals, including the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, both known CIA fronts.
The achievements of RAND stem from its development of systems analysis. Important contributions are claimed in space systems and the United States space program, in computing and in artificial intelligence. RAND researchers developed many of the principles that were used to build the Internet.
Ultimately, RAND is the core of the Military-Industrial Complex, a broad network of political influence that includes the Rockefeller-founded Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission, as well as the Hudson Institute, Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, Heritage Foundation, the Center of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) at Georgetown, US Air Force Intelligence, MIT, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and Esalen.
1955-The first New Right, succeeding the Old Right, was centered around the libertarians, traditionalists, and anti-communists at William F. But it is ckley’s National Review which was founded in 1955, and which was closely aligned with the John Birch Society and the American Jewish League Against Communism (AJLAC).
“The guts of the New Conservatism,” wrote Murray Rothbard, “was the mobilization of Big Government for the worldwide crusade against Communism.” From Rothbard’s point of view, it was Buckley and his journal, the National Review, who were largely at fault for this “betrayal.”
According to Rothbard:
…we should now ask whether or not a major objective of National Review from its inception wasto transform the right wing from an isolationist to global warmongering anti-Communist movement; and, particularly, whether or not the entire effort was in essence a CIA operation.
Buckley not only worked for the CIA, but was a Knight of Malta, a member of the Mont Pelerin Society and the Council on Foreign Relations, and served as the first president of Chodorov’s Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI).Buckley’s father, William F. Buckley Sr. was an oilman whose holdings at the time of his death in 1958 were estimated at $110 million.[120] One of Buckley’s favorite authors, Albert Jay Nock, became a personal friend of his father. Another of his father’s friends was ASC founder Merwin K. Hart. In 1941, Buckley, then 15, attended an America First rally in Madison Square Garden addressed by Charles Lindbergh.[121]
At the end of World War II in 1945, Buckley had enrolled at Yale University, where he became a member of the secret Skull and Bones.
1955-The Heart of the Military-Industrial Complex” has been the American Security Council (ASC), founded in 1955, the successor organization of the America First Committee (AFC), who used the fear of communism to justify the build up of the military. Its boards was filled with retired senior military officers, executives of major corporations, including some of the largest military contractors, and numerous denizens of the New Right. Wes McCune of the Washington, D.C.-based Group Research, which monitors the political right, described the ASC as “not just the representative of the military-industrial complex, it is the personification of the military-industrial complex.”
These relationships include political contributions, political approval for military spending, lobbying to support bureaucracies, and oversight of the industry; or more broadly to include the entire network of contracts and flows of money and resources among individuals as well as corporations and institutions of the defense contractors, private military contractors, the Pentagon, the Congress and executive branch.
The network of the ASC-affiliated organizations defended American corporatism by continuing the Nazi tradition of using the notion of a conspiracy to denounce the purported threat of communism.
By purportedly opposing the “globalist” agenda—of the likes of the Rockefeller-dominated Council on Foreign Relations—they disguised themselves in anti-establishment and populist rhetoric, in order to advance their fascist agenda.
In a democratic society, to maintain the illusion of abiding by the will of the people, the elite proponents of fascism are also caught in the quandary of requiring the support of the masses at election time. It therefore becomes necessary for them to posture as representing the common people, even going so far as presenting themselves as their defenders against exploitation by the elite.As explained by Roderick T. Long:
“The progress of liberalism and of industry had the effect of shifting wealth, at least in part, from the traditional aristocracy to new private hands, thus creating new private interest groups with the ability to operate as political entrepreneurs; hence, perhaps, the tendency toward the emergence of a plutocratic class nominally outside the traditional state apparatus. Likewise the progress of democracy meant that plutocracy could hope to triumph only by donning populist guise; hence the paradox of an elitist movement marching forward under the banner of anti-elitism.”
1955 cofounder of Technocracy Inc Hubbert went on to create Peak Oil Theoryon increased to an unsustainable level. Hubbert is often revered as a founding father clearly promoting fascist principles which Hitler made unpopular. Hence the need to give fascism and eugenics new names to continue the progress of these elitist ideals
1955? .Though Cohn was ruthless and seemingly untouchable as McCarthys counsel and helped the senator destroy many careers during both the red and lavender scares, his antics in relation to his work on the committee would eventually lead to his downfall after he attempted to blackmail the Army in return for preferential treatment for committee consultant and Cohns rumored lover, David Schine.
After he was forced to leave McCarthys side due to the scandal, Cohn returned to New York to live with his mother and practice law.
A few years later New York Judge David Peck, a long-time associate of former CIA Director Alan Dulles, orchestrated Cohns hire to the New York law firm Saxe, Bacon and OShea ” which would later become Saxe, Bacon and Bolan after Tom Bolan, a friend of Cohns, became a partner in the firm.
Upon his hire, Cohn brought the firm a slew of Mafia-linked clients, including high-ranking members of the Gambino crime family, the Genovese crime family and, of course, Lewis Rosenstiel.
1950’s Le Cercle has been described as “an international right-wing propaganda group, which brings together serving or retired intelligence officers and politicians with links to right-wing intelligence factions from most of the countries in Europe.”Le Cercle was founded at some point in the 1950s, by synarchists Jean Violet French intelligence agent, and Antoine Pinay, former French prime minister and original founding member of the Bilderberg Group. Pinay was a vice-president of the Comité International pour la Défense de la Civilisation Chrétienne (CIDCC), a largely French body created in 1948, and whose first President was Belgian Paul Van Zeeland. A further CIDCC Presidium meeting was held in Paris in December 1962, for the first time including an American representative, ASC member and Shickshinny Knight of Malta, Major-General Charles Willoughby.
Earlier in 1962, Willoughby had founded an American section of the CIDCC, that was funded by his close associate, H.L. Hunt.
The long-serving Chancellor of West Germany, Konrad Adenauer, and the prominent Bavarian politician and federal minister, Franz Josef Strauss, acted as co-founders of Le Cercle. Pinay and Adenauer, the first chairman, appointed Jean Violet secretary general and entrusted him with the organization of Le Cercle.
Le Cercle’s goal was to promote a higher degree of pan-European political and economic integration from an ideological foundation in Roman Catholic conservatism.Also included in Le Cercle were the founding fathers of the European Union: Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet. The Germans and Frenchmen were soon joined by government members from Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands—the other founding countries of the European Economic Community (EEC) created in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome.
Pinay and Violet were staunch supporters of Opus Dei, and Otto von Habsburg was Opus Dei’s candidate as monarch to rule over a united Catholic Europe. According to Adrian Hanni, “The Christian democratic and often Catholic background of its early members left a long-standing mark on Le Cercle’s identity, an affinity reflected in the high number of members from Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta among its ranks.”
1956-article in the Rockefeller-financed Eugenics Review, “The very word eugenics is in disrepute in some quarters…. We must ask ourselves, what have we done wrong? We have all but killed the eugenic movement.” Osborn had a ready answer: people for some reason refused to accept that they were “second rate” compared to Osborn, Rockefeller, Sanger and their “superior class.”
1956-Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s Special Studies Project begun ultimately resulting in the Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports. This report stated that global health issues, together with oceanography and meteorology, were important areas to support due to their international dimensionsand being interconnected problems that span the globe. One of the main architects of the project was Henry Kissinger.
1957-A study initiated in 2012 by former justice minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, reported that 77 percent of German senior ministry officials in 1957 were former Nazis—a higher proportion even than during the 1933-45 Third Reich. Historians had previously found that in the 1950s, more than 70 percent of West Germany’s top judges also had former Nazi connections.Of those 90 officials, 34 had been members of the SA. A report released in 2015 found that between 1949 and 1970, 54 percent of Interior Ministry staffers were former Nazi Party members, and that 8 percent of them had served in the Nazi Interior Ministry, which at one point was run by SS chief Heinrich Himmler.
1958-Department of Defense outfit called the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)”better known today by the slightly retooled name of Defense Research Projects Agency (DARPA). was created. A crash program to protect the United States from a Soviet nuclear threat from space, it launched several groundbreaking initiatives tasked with developing advanced weapons and military technologies. Among them were Project Agile and Command and Control Research, two overlapping ARPA initiatives that created the Internet. Roy Johnson, an executive at General Electric, was chosen to head the new agency.
1958-MITRE a nonprofit company was born out of the Cold War, spun out of perhaps the worlds most famous tech campus, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (The MIT acronym provides Mitre the first half of its name). In the late 1950s, facing the threat of a Soviet nuclear strike, the U.S. Air Force called on MIT to help it create an air defense system that would help it detect incoming bombers. The institute came up with the Semi-Automated Ground Environment (SAGE). The system combined radar, radio and network communications to detect incoming enemy aircraft, alert and continually update nearby Air Force bases, which would scramble jets to intercept approaching threats. It was the first air defense system of its kind in America, and Mitre was founded by MIT administrators in 1958 to manage SAGE and its future development.
Over the next 40 years, Mitre was behind the scenes of now-famous air surveillance technologies such as the Airborne Warning and Communications Systems (AWACS) and the Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (STARS). It also played a significant role in the development of much-used tech like GPS and the commercial airline Traffic Collision Avoidance System. More recently it has been involved in Covid response and developing tools to hack consumer wearables, among other things
1958-Consider the opposition between pro-Nazi Zionists and anti-Nazi Zionists in the 1930s. The Hegelian synthesis between the two is best embodied by Joachim Prinz, who in 1934 expressed sympathy for the Nazi racial laws, and in 1958 was elected president of the American Jewish Congress , the very organization which in 1933 had called for total economic war on Germany.
The dialectical opposition between Zionism and communism is another case in point. Both originated, again, in the same milieu, and the very nature of their opposition is perhaps best represented by the friendship between Karl Marx and Moses Hess. Theodor Herzl, we remember, used the threat of communism in his Zionist diplomatic overtures to Russian and the German leaders: Support my movement, and I will rid your cities of their revolutionaries..
1958-One of the blackmail parties Kaufman described Cohns suite as a beautiful suite Maryd her ex-husband engaged in sexual activity with these minors.
Roy Cohn was providing protection. There were a bunch of pedophiles involved. Thats where Cohn got his power from ”
Perhaps the most damning confirmation of Cohns activities in Suite 233 comes from statements made by Cohn himself to former NYPD detective and ex-head of the departments Human-Trafficking and Vice-Related Crimes Division, James Rothstein. Rothstein later told John DeCamp ” a former Nebraska state senator who investigated a government-connected child sex ring based in Omaha ” among other investigators, that Cohn had admitted to being part of a sexual blackmail operation targeting politicians with child prostitutes during a sit-down interview with the former detective.
The fact that Cohn, per Rothsteins recollection, stated that the child sex blackmail ring was part of the government-sponsored anti-communist crusade suggests that elements of the government, including Hoovers FBI, may have been connected at a much broader level than Hoovers own personal involvement, as the FBI closely coordinated with McCarthy and Cohn for much of the red scare.
1959, immediately after Fidel Castro drove the dictator Batista out of Cuba, then Vice-President Richard Nixon established and chaired a Special Committee within the National Security Council for the purpose of carrying out a non-Congressionally authorized operation to mount a covert war against the new socialist government of Cuba, using expatriate right-wing Cubans who had been loyal to Batista.This secret operation was then code-named “Operation 40.” In late 1959, Nixon, with the direct participation and cooperation of CIA Director Allen Dulles, undertook the supervision of the recruiting of expatriate, right-wing Cubans who had fled from Cuba to Miami, Florida. Dulles assigned CIA Agent and former Marine Corps officer Carl Jenkins to supervise the training of these forces in guerilla warfare tactics in Florida and under the CIA-installed regime in Guatemala.
Nixon secretly reached out to one Robert Maheu, the Chief of Staff and de facto Director of billionaire Howard Hughes’s financial empire. In early 1960, Nixon selected Robert Maheu, the Chief of Staff and de facto Director of billionaire Howard Hughes’s financial empire, to attend a secret meeting in Florida with two men representing Santo Trafficante, John Roselli and Sam Giancana.
According to their own documents, Giancana was “the chieftain of Cosa Nostra and the successor to Al Capone.” Maheu told Roselli that he has been retained by international businesses suffering “heavy financial losses in Cuba as a result of Castro’s action.”
1960 Nixon recruited an “important group of businessmen headed by George H.W. Bush and Jack Crichton, both Texas oilmen, to gather the necessary funds for the operation.”Crichton, a former OSS officer, was an oil and natural gas industrialist from Dallas, who was among the first of his ranks to recognize the importance of petroleum reserves in the Middle East.
1961-it was in his farewell address on January 17, 1961, that outgoing President Dwight D. Eisenhower first warned the American public about the growing influence of what he referred to as the “military-industrial complex.
“The MIC is characterized as an informal alliance between the military and the defense industry which supplies it. It can be defined as, “an informal and changing coalition of groups with vested psychological, moral, and material interests in the continuous development and maintenance of high levels of weaponry, in preservation of colonial markets and in military-strategic conceptions of internal affairs.
The military is therefore now supplied by private corporations, whose motives are not the security of the nation, but an insatiable need for profits, driven by sales, where demand is created by war. Peace is not profitable. It is therefore necessary to orchestrate a perpetual state of war. Thus, the manufacture of the “necessary enemy” is a condition of fascism. In the case of the United States, that enemy have been the “commies.”
1961, when Robert Kennedy had re-grouped Operation 40 as Operation Mongoose, with the mission of overthrowing Castro’s government, he also decided that Edward Lansdale, Staff Member of the President’s Committee on Military Assistance, should be placed in charge of the operation. Lansdale would hire American Mafia family heads Carlos Marcello, Santos Trafficante, Meyer Lansky, and Lucky Luciano in the U.S. war against Fidel Castro in 1961, much as he would hire the Italian Mafia families to wage an illegal operation against the Italian Communist party.
L. Fletcher Prouty, a U.S. military intelligence officer and historian, claimed that the JFK assassination was a coup d'état carried out by the intelligence and military communities to stop the Kennedy from taking control of the CIA after the Bay of Pigs, and that it was orchestrated by his old boss, ASC member General Edward Lansdale
Lansdale was a United States Air Force officer who served in the OSS and the CIA. When Allen Dulles sent Lansdale to Vietnam in 1954, he told Eisenhower he was sending one of his “best men.”
During the war, Lansdale had worked in the Philippines with Shickshinny Knight and ASC member and General MacArthur’s right-hand man, General Charles Willoughby.
1961-outgoing President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about the Military Industrial Complex as well as governments influence in science in his farewell speech
“..Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.
In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.
Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.
The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever prese and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientifictechnological elite.
It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system -- ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society.”
1961 Julian Huxley speech honoring Margaret Sanger and warning of a population crisis of quantity over quality
Huxley was the first director of the United Nations Economic, Social, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), whose constitution was written by Bonesman Archibald McLeash.
UNESCO has been a major phalanx in the New World Order program, advocating the "appropriate technology" of of windmills and solar power rather than industry for the Third World, and mass sterilization drives implemented in those same countries.
Julian had some years earlier coined the term Transhumanism
Julian Huxley is a direct descendant of "Darwin's Bulldog", Thomas Huxley.
1961-Aldous Huxley: "There will be in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing... a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies."
In Brave New World Revisited he stated, "The twenty-first century... will be the era of the World Controllers... The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles and mysteries.
Under a scientific dictatorship education will really work-with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution.
There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown."
Huxley had been a member of the Children of the Sun, a British drug and homosexuality cult whose roster of members illustrates a number of ideologies shared by British one-world elitists at that time and now.
1962 the Council on Foreign Relations initiated a program to bring selected Air Force officers, on their way to flag rank, to the Harold Pratt House for a year of research and reflection with their civilian counterparts,” Grose writes. “This became a pilot project, with no intent at pun, and succeeded to the extent that the Army, Navy, and, eventually, Marine Corps asked for and received similar access.”
Below is a link to the Alumni
In 1967, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund invited the Council to devise a similar fellowship program for promising scholars aged 27 to 35 from university faculties and the civil service.
“Over the coming decades, with each year’s Military Fellows and civilian International Affairs Fellows, plus visitors from the expanding Committees across the country, the corridors of the Harold Pratt House awoke to curiosity and youth, to stimulate the thought habits of the mature members.”
1963-JFK Assassination
1963-Eric Trist, the chairman of Tavistock's governors described his and Tavistock's work on mass brainwashing, delineating in detail his theory of "social turbulence," based upon the theories of Hegel, although again, Trist is far more quick to cite Lewin.
Trist postulated that the administering of a series of traumatizing shocks upon a society would destabilize it, lowering the overall character of the society's reasoning.
Trist suggested that by late 1963 the world had moved into a condition of "permanent social turbulence" that would serve to usher in a new condition of society, a new paradigm, and a new possibility for remaking the face of the planet.
The real "shocks" of the 1960s, particularly in America, were the Cuban missile crisis, which brought the world to the brink of thermonuclear destruction; the sequence of brutal political assassinations (John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert F.Kennedy); escalation of the Vietnam War following the JFK murder and its coverup; and the urban riots and student riots that were orchestrated following these earlier cataclysmic events.
1964-When the central bankers of the European Economic Community set up their Governors’ Committee to coordinate monetary policy, the committee was located not in Brussels, the home of the European project, or Frankfurt, the site of the Bundesbank, but at the BIS headquarters. The BIS helpfully provided the Governors’ Committee with the necessary secretarial and administrative support.
The following year, in 1965, the BIS even reached agreement on its 1930s investments in Germany—the Young Plan loans. The Reichsbank had serviced the loans and paid interest until the end of the war in April 1945. After a twenty-year break, Germany agreed to resume paying interest on the loans but deferred the capital repayment until 1996. The deal was brokered by Hermann Abs, who had returned to Deutsche Bank. Like Karl Blessing, Abs had expertly whitewashed his Nazi past.
There was no mention of Abs’s role at the bank that organized the plunder of Nazi-occupied countries, or his former position on the board of IG Farben. Abs had been the most powerful commercial banker in the Third Reich and now enjoyed similar status and acclaim in the new West Germany. He was also a welcome guest in the world’s treasuries and chancelleries.
Abs sat on the board of so many companies, including Daimler Benz, the Federal Railways, and Lufthansa, that a law, known as “Lex Abs,” was passed limiting the number of positions an individual could hold to ten.
When Per Jacobssen died in 1963 after just seven years at the IMF, Abs became a founding sponsor of the Per Jacobssen Foundation. The list of his cosponsors reads like a roll call of the transnational financial elite and includes some familiar names, such as Eugene Black, the former president of the World Bank; Marcus Wallenberg, tutor to Thomas McKittrick and vice chairman of Enskilda Bank; Roger Auboin, the former general manager of the BIS; Rudolf Brinckmann, the veteran BIS director; Jean Monnet, the architect of European unity; and Marius Holthrop, the BIS president.
Abs died in 1994 at the age of ninety-two, garlanded with honors and acclaim. A gushing obituary in the Independent newspaper, a normally skeptical British publication, acclaimed him as the “outstanding German banker” of his time. Which was true enough, as Abs had embodied a century of German banking, although not in the adulatory sense that the writer had envisaged.
1965, Wackenhut was boasting to potential investors that the company maintained files on 2.5 million suspected dissidents – one in 46 American adults then living. Richard Babayan, claiming to be a CIA contract employee, said “Wackenhut has been used by the CIA and other intelligence agencies for years. When they [the CIA] need cover, Wackenhut is there to provide it for them.”
1965-Henry Regnery, ASC member and founder of Regnery Publishing, along with Knight of Malta and Skull and Bones member William F. Buckley, established the Philadelphia Society in 1965 .Members have exercised considerable influence over the development of the neoconservative movement in the United States. Also contributing to its founding were M. Stanton Evans and Milton Friedman. Former Presidents of the Society include Edwin Meese, Midge Decter and George H. Nash.
Philadelphia Society meetings attracted hardline conservatives and neoconservatives such as Heritage Foundation founder Paul Weyrich, neo-Nazi Roger Pearson who was affiliated with the Pioneer Fund and who founded the neo-Nazi Northern League, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, William Casey, Richard V. Allen, Richard Pipes, Ernest W. Lefever and Frank Shakespeare. Notable speakers at past meetings of the Society have included Vladimir Bukovsky, Friedrich von Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, Irving Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, George J. Stigler, George Gilder, Victor Davis Hanson, Eric Voegelin and Paul Ryan.
1965- The Club of Rome grew out of an international conference called “The Conditions of World Order,” at the Villa Serbelloni in Bellagio, Italy, which was owned by the Rockefeller Foundation, and which was sponsored by the CIA-front, the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), with a grant from the Ford Foundation and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
1966 A YOUNG ECONOMIST WORKING at the New York headquarters of Chase Manhattan Bank was riding a company elevator when a former State Department operative handed him a memo. It isn’t clear if Chase management knew of the memo: This came from Washington, not from Chase. But the young economist, Michael Hudson, was astonished by its contents. Hudson had gotten into banking by chance: After studying economics at New York University in 1960 he took a job in real estate banking, and later, when an opening came up at Chase to look at what are called balance-of-payments issues, he was the only applicant. Now a respected (if controversial) American economic commentator, Hudson said his time at Chase—during which, incidentally, he fired a “nasty little twit” called Alan Greenspan1—taught him most of what he ever learned about international economics. In those days Chase was the oil companies’ preferred bank, and it had asked Hudson to study the petroleum industry’s impact on the U.S. balance of payments to provide ammunition that would help the oil companies claim they were “good for America” and help them lobby for special government perks. One of his tasks on this project was to find out where the oil companies made their profits. At the producing end? At the refineries? In the gas stations? David Rockefeller, Chase’s president, arranged for Hudson to meet Jack Bennett, Treasurer of Standard Oil of New Jersey, now part of the ExxonMobil empire. Bennett gave him his answer. “The profits are made right here in my office,” the oilman said. “Wherever I decide.” He was talking about transfer pricing, the practice I explained in chapter 1, where banana companies trailed their accounts around the world’s tax havens in order to shift paper profits into the low-tax countries and the costs into the high-tax countries. Bennett showed Hudson exactly how large, vertically integrated multinationals could shift profits around the globe, apparently without breaking the law. The company would sell its crude oil cheap to a shipping affiliate registered in zero-tax Panama or Liberia, which in turn sold it on at a high, nearly retail price to its refineries and marketing outlets. In the high-tax countries where the oil is produced and consumed, the subsidiaries buy at a high price and sell cheap, so they are unprofitable and pay little tax. But in the middle, in zero-tax Panama or Liberia, the subsidiaries buy cheap and sell dear, making vast profits. But these havens levy no tax on those profits.
To this day, accounting standards effectively hide this kind of trickery, letting companies shovel results from different countries into a single category (often called simply “international”) that cannot be unpicked to work out who takes what profit where. “Only the immense political power of these extractive sectors,” said Hudson, “could have induced their governments to remain so passive in the face of the fiscal drain.”
1966 -Wackenhut acquired the files of a former HUAC staffer, making it the owner of the largest privately held file on alleged American dissidents, with over 4 million names. Stewart Brand was hosting his multi-media show, America Needs Indians. It was also the year that the Freedom of Information Act was legislated. That year the FBI and CIA began operating CHAOS and COINTELPRO simultaneously in the US.
Today Wackemhut is called G4S Secure Solutions.and owned by a British security firm
1966- As a result of a 1963 NAS report, Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act in 1966, including a provision earmarking funds from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for population control programs to be implemented abroad.
The legislation further directed that all U.S. economic aid to foreign nations be made contingent upon their governments’ willingness to cooperate with State Department desires for the establishment of such initiatives within their own borders. In other words, for those Third World rulers willing to help sterilize their poorer subjects, there would be carrots.
For the uncooperative types, there would be the stick. Given the nature of most Third World governments, such elegant simplicity of approach practically guaranteed success. The population control establishment was delighted.
An Office of Population was set up within USAID, and Dr. Reimert Thorolf Ravenholt was appointed its first director in 1966. He would hold the post until 1979, using it to create a global empire of interlocking population control organizations operating with billion-dollar budgets to suppress the existence of people considered undesirable by the U.S. Department of State.
1966, Secretary of the Interior Stuart Udall began to make use of newly available Medicaid money to set up sterilization programs at federally funded Indian Health Services (IHS) hospitals.
These sterilizations were frequently performed without adequate informed consent.... Native American physician Constance Redbird Uri estimated that up to one-quarter of Indian women of childbearing age had been sterilized by 1977; in one hospital in Oklahoma, one-fourth of the women admitted (for any reason) left sterilized.... She also gathered evidence that all the pureblood women of the Kaw tribe in Oklahoma were sterilized in the 1970s....
1967-Moshe Dayan was minister of defense when the Israeli military attacked the defenseless USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, killing 34 crewmen and wounding 174.
To this day, the mainstream media refuses to say a word about the attack on The USS Liberty. And not one single U.S. president has given the surviving crew of The Liberty due public recognition—not Nixon, not Bush I, not Reagan, not Bush II and not Donald Trump:
All of them gave The Liberty survivors the royal snub.
And when is the last time you heard any Republican House or Senate member say anything about The USS Liberty?
1967- Digital government databases popped up across the country. Naturally, the Federal Bureau of Investigation led the pack. It began building out a centralized digital database in 1967, by order of J. Edgar Hoover. Called the National Crime Information Center, it spanned all fifty states and was available to state and local law enforcement agencies. It contained information on arrest warrants, stolen vehicles and property, and gun registrations and was accessible via a dispatcher service.
By the mid-1970s, the system was expanded to support keyboard terminals mounted in police cruisers for immediate data search and retrieval.
By the end of 1970, a national defense intelligence center had 25 million files on individuals and 760,000 files on “organizations and incidents.” The Army Intelligence Command had several databases that could cross-reference this information and map out relationships between people and organizations.
1967-George H.W. Bush is elected to House of Representatives. Bush and CIA’s Thomas Devine (Bushs oil Business colleague) traveled to Vietnam the day after Christmas , Devine was in his new CIA capacity, operating under commercial cover.
Handwritten notes from the trip show that Poppy was especially interested in the Phoenix Program, which he referred to by the euphemism “pacification.” The two remained in Vietnam until January 11, 1968.
Whatever information they were seeking, they left just in time. Only three weeks after the freshman congressman from Texas and his CIA sidekick departed Saigon, the North Vietnamese and Vietcong launched the massive Tet Offensive.
For the CIA, the hot item at the time was the so-called Phoenix Program, a secret plan to imprison and “neutralize” suspected Vietcong.
One person involved in Phoenix’s early stages was Felix Rodriguez, a Cuban exile and CIA operative. Rodriguez would go on to become a great friend of Poppy Bush’s, even visiting him in the White House.
Operation Phoenix begun in 1967 was overseen by Ted Shackley, CIA station chief in Saigon from 1969-1972; later CIA deputy director for operations.
Some sources have claimed that Singlaub was involved in Phoenix on the military side, although he denies this vigorously. He certainly was close to many people involved, including Shackley.
William Colby told a Senate hearing that Phoenix killed over 20,000 Vietnamese civilians (men, women and children) suspected of being communists; others put the total over 70,000.
Congressional hearings declared that Phoenix was a ‘totally unlawful operation’. Yet Phoenix continued in rogue violation until the U.S. pulled out of Saigon in 1975.
“Phoenix was the creation of the old-boy network,” says Colonel Stan Fulcher, who was part of the operation, “a group of guys at highest level – Colby and that crowd – who thought they were Lawrence of Arabia.”
The same old boys were in El Salvador, this time using proxies, including Taiwanese officers trained by Ray Cline’s special warfare academy.
Journalist Douglas Valentine explains: “What these ‘old Phoenix boys’ all have in common is that they profit from antiterrorism by selling weapons and supplies to repressive governments and insurgent groups like the contras. Their legacy is a trail of ashes across the third world.”
1967 at Queen Elizabeth's palatial estate in Deauville, France, a conference was convened. It was intended to update participants on ongoing projects of the Tavistock network.
This was the "Conference on Transatlantic Technological Imbalance and Collaboration," sponsored by the Scientific and Technological Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly and the Foreign Policy Research Institute.
Among the projects mentioned at the conference were the collaboration of Emery and Trist on "social turbulence," and the SRI-Tavistock "Images of Man" project.
Participants in the conference included Tavistock's Harland Cleveland; Willis Harman of the Tavistock offshoot Stanford Research Institute;
Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, the future Carter national security advisor and the Trilateral Commission's founding executive director; and Fred Emery, who delineated the stages of societal disintegration in his Futures We Are In.
Other participants were Dr. Aurelio Peccei, later to head the zero-growth fixated Club of Rome, then chairman of the Economic Committee of the Atlantic Institute, an important NATO think tank; and Sir Alexander King and Sir Solly Zuckerman, advisors to the British crown.
1967 a “ long march through the institutions” was a slogan coined by Communiststudent activist Rudi Dutschketo describe his strategy for establishing the conditions for revolution: subverting society by infiltrating institutions such as the professions.
The phrase "long march" is a reference to the prolonged struggle of the Chinese communists, which included a physical Long Marchof their army across China.
One of the leaders of Cultural Marxism, aka Critical Theory is, Herbert Marcuseand he corresponded with Dutschke in 1971 to agree with this strategy, "Let me tell you this: that I regard your notion of the 'long march through the institutions' as the only effective way...".
No doubt the infiltration has been underway for decades. He also wrote an essay in 1965 called Regressive tolerance. Read it and weep
1968-Lyndon LaRouche penned a prophetic essay, "The New Left, Local Control, and Fascism," which warned that the student radicals of the 1960s
counterculture would be the fascist stormtroopers of the late twentieth century,unless the majority of Americans woke up to the danger.
1968-SRI International was closely interwoven with the U.S. government, the Department of Defense and the CIA.
Its sociology department, the Center for the Study of Social Policy, was established in 1968 by the U.S. Office of Education with the aim of "exploring alternative future possibilities for the society and their implications for educational policy."
The center then began studying "World Macro Problems" to come up with a plan on how the world needed to evolve to meet the challenges of the future and change people so that he better lived up to the demands of the post-industrial era.
1968-Following Ramparts’ publication of information exposing the CCF as a CIA front, Kristol left in the late 1960s and became affiliated with AEI. The stated mission of AEI, created in 1938, and which included Milton Friedman among its early advisors, follows an economic doctrine of neoliberalism.
AEI’s founders included executives from Eli Lilly, General Mills, Bristol-Myers, Chemical Bank, Chrysler, and Paine Webber. To this day, AEI’s board is composed of top leaders from major business and financial firms
1968-Founded at Accademia dei Linceiin Rome, Italy, the Club of Rome consists of current and former heads of state, UN bureaucrats, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the globe. It stimulated considerable public attention in 1972 with the first report to the Club of Rome, The Limits to Growth.
The Club of Rome was founded in April by Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist, and Alexander King, a Scottish scientist. It was formed when a small international group of people from the fields of academia, civil society, diplomacy, and industry met at Villa Farnesina in Rome, hence the name.
The founders of the Club of Rome were all senior officials of NATO. The Club of Rome raised considerable public attention with its report Limits to Growth(1972), which sold 12 million copies in more than 30 translations, making it the best-selling environmental book in world history. The result of a ground-breaking exercise in cybernetic modelling at MIT, it predicted a Malthusian scenario, which forecasted that economic growth could not continue indefinitely because of the limited availability of natural resources, particularly oil.
1968-Rockefeller Foundation’s annual report and five-year review, which under the heading “Problems of Population,” states that “very little work is in progress on immunological methods, such as vaccines, to reduce fertility, and much more research is required if a solution is to be found here.”
To address the problem, the Rockefeller Foundation vowed to solicit and fund “established and beginning investigators to turn their attention to aspects of research in reproductive biology that have implications for human fertility and its control.”
1968-Paul Erlich’s bestseller The Population Bomb convinced millions that world’s biggest crisis was overcrowding. Groups such as the Population Council and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) had already formed but they now began to attract serious private and government funding.
Two of the biggest private sponsors were the Ford and Rockefeller foundations. Oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller III served as the Population Council’s first president.
1968-Robert McNamara, a staunch believer in population control, resigned his post as Secretary of Defense to assume the presidency of the World Bank. From this position he was able to dictate a new policy, making World Bank loans to Third World countries contingent upon their governments’ submission to population control, with yearly sterilization quotas set by World Bank experts. Cash-short and heavily in debt, many poor nations found this pressure very difficult to withstand. This strengthened Ravenholt’s hand at the USAID immeasurably.
1968-The founding fathers of neoconservatism (Norman Podhoretz, Irving Kristol, Donald Kagan, Paul Wolfowitz, Adam Shulsky) are disciples of Leo Strauss.
Born into a family of German Orthodox Jews, Strauss taught mainly at the University of Chicago and was a specialist in Thomas Hobbes. Strauss’s thought is often elliptical because he believes that truth is harmful to the common man and the social order and should be reserved for superior minds (while religion is for the rest, as the necessary opium of the people).
the neoconservatives of the first generation mostly came from the left, even the extreme Trotskyist left for some luminaries like Irving Kristol, one of the main editors of Commentary . It was at the end of the 60s that Commentary became, in the words of Benjamin Balint, “the contentious magazine that transformed the Jewish left into the neoconservative right . ”
1968- RFK KILLED paving the way for Nixon and more importantly Henry Kissinger to take control
As Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under the presidential administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and as a proponent of Realpolitik, Kissinger played a prominent role in American foreign policy between 1969 and 1977.
During this period, he pioneered the policy of détente with the Soviet Union, orchestrated the opening of relations with the People’s Republic of China, and negotiated the Paris Peace Accords, ending America’s proxy war against Russia in Vietnam.
1968-Crime Control and Safe Streets Act which mandated carefully limited conditions for wiretaps.
1969-Operation Phoenix begun in 1967 was overseen by Ted Shackley, CIA station chief in Saigon from 1969-1972; later CIA deputy director for operations. Some sources have claimed that Singlaub was involved in Phoenix on the military side, although he denies this vigorously. He certainly was close to many people involved, including Shackley.
William Colby told a Senate hearing that Phoenix killed over 20,000 Vietnamese civilians (men, women and children) suspected of being communists; others put the total over 70,000. Congressional hearings declared that Phoenix was a ‘totally unlawful operation’. Yet Phoenix continued in rogue violation until the U.S. pulled out of Saigon in 1975.
“Phoenix was the creation of the old-boy network,” says Colonel Stan Fulcher, who was part of the operation, “a group of guys at highest level – Colby and that crowd – who thought they were Lawrence of Arabia.” The same old boys were in El Salvador, this time using proxies, including Taiwanese officers trained by Ray Cline’s special warfare academy. Journalist Douglas Valentine explains: “What these ‘old Phoenix boys’ all have in common is that they profit from antiterrorism by selling weapons and supplies to repressive governments and insurgent groups like the contras. Their legacy is a trail of ashes across the third world.
1970’s The Neoconservative movement articulated a different vision from the Old Right. While Neoconservatives were not opposed to the New Deal as were the Old Right, they thought the subsequent developments in the Great Society and the New Left went too far.
Neoconservatism was a movement of anti-Soviet liberals who embraced an interventionist foreign policy, particularly in the Middle East.They espoused especially strong support for Israel and believed the United States should help ensure the security of the Jewish state.
Although they were mostly defended by the “New Rights” National Review, the neoconservatives represented a faction which was not part of the tradition of the American Jewish League Against Communism (AJLAC)or the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI), the traditional enemies of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), which was founded in 1906 with the assistance of Jacob Schiff.
The neoconservatives instead had their intellectual roots in the AJC’s monthly review magazine Commentary. Historian Richard Pells concludes, that “no other journal of the past half century has been so consistently influential, or so central to the major debates that have transformed the political and intellectual life of the United States.”
Effectively, neoconservatism was triggered by the repudiation of the politics of the American New Left. As noted by Robert Lind in The New Statesman, “Many of them started off as anti-Stalinist leftists or liberals. They are products of the largely Jewish-American Trotskyist movement of the 1930s and 1940s, which morphed into anti-communist liberalism between the 1950s and 1970s and finally into a kind of militaristic and imperial right with no precedents in American culture or political history.”
The leader of the neoconservatives was Irving Kristol, who founded Encounter magazine, which like Commentary was closely associated with the CIA’s front in the cultural Cold War, the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF). Explaining the flip-flop to the opposite side of the political spectrum, Kristol said: “a neoconservative is a Liberal who has been mugged by reality.”
As Commentary’s editor Norman Podhoretz explained, neoconservatism “came into the world to combat the dangerous lies that were spread by the radicalism of the 1960s and that were being accepted as truth by the established liberal institutions of the day.”
Neoconservatives organized in the neoliberal American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Heritage Foundation to counter the liberal establishment.The Heritage Foundation is part of a network of right-wing and neoliberal think tanks funded by charitable foundations and known CIA fronts, who in turn are funded primarily by ExxonMobil. These included a number of other Rockefeller-affiliated foundations like the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Sarah Scaife Foundation and John M. Olin Foundation, who are also responsible for funding the Heritage Foundation and the AEI.
Following Ramparts’ publication of information exposing the CCF as a CIA front, Kristol left in the late 1960s and became affiliated with AEI. The stated mission AEI, created in 1938, and which included Milton Friedman among its early advisors, follows an economic doctrine of neoliberalism. AEI’s founders included executives from Eli Lilly, General Mills, Bristol-Myers, Chemical Bank, Chrysler, and Paine Webber. To this day, AEI’s board is composed of top leaders from major business and financial firms.[9]
John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, in their controversial bestseller, The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, list the AEI as a principle aspect of America’s powerful Zionist lobby, which is dominated by American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the foremost pro-Israel lobbying organization in the US. AIPAC was founded in 1951 by Isaiah L. “Si” Kenen. Kenen originally ran the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs as a lobbying division of the American Zionist Council (AZC), an umbrella organization of American Jewish groups, which focused on Israel and included the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), which was initially founded in 1897 as the Federation of American Zionists (FAZ). Former ZOA presidents during the period included the Sabbateans Brandeis and Stephen Samuel Wise.
1969, Le Cercle’s founding Franco-German axis was weakened when the political tide reversed direction in Europe. Willy Brandt of the Social Democratic Party became chancellor in Germany, and General de Gaulle lost power in France.
The new climate forced Le Cercle to reinvent itself and to expand to include conservative leaders from Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Britain and the United States.
In 1969, Gelli who would soon become head of Le Cercle/P2 developed close ties with General Alexander Haig who was then Assistant to National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger.
As an internal report of the Italian anti-terrorism unit confirmed, it was Ted Shackley, founder of the Secret Team, and then director of all covert operations of the CIA in Italy in the 1970s, who introduced Gelli to Haig.
The links between the US and Italian Masons were established through the activity of Frank Gigliotti, agent of the OSS with close ties to the Sicilian Mafia. Gigliotti personally recruited Gelli and instructed him to set up an anti-Communist parallel government in Italy in close cooperation with the CIA station in Rome.
Gelli and Haig were joined together as members of the Knights of Malta, which has close associations with the CIA. P2 was sometimes referred to as a “state within a state” or a “shadow government.”
During a fraud investigation, a search of Gelli’s villa discovered a list of 953 members of P2. The coded list mentioned three cabinet ministers, thirty generals, eight admirals, including the head of the armed forces, the heads of two intelligence services as well as the civilian collator of intelligence, 43 MPs, police chiefs of Italy’s four main cities, the mayors of Brescia and Pavia and the editor of the influential Milan daily Corriere della Sera. P2 also included eventual Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
In the 1970s, Le Cercle became an Atlanticist organization, pursuing the objective of a strong alliance between Europe and the United States. High-ranking American personalities thus began attending Le Cercle meetings, such as Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, CIA-directors Knight of Malta Bill Casey and William Colby, who was also a member of Opus Dei.
Casey, a former member of the OSS, was closely involved with the Black Eagle Fund conspirators. Casey was John Singlaub’s case officer in World War II, while Paul Helliwell was Singlaub’s direct superior. According to Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, authors of Gold Warriors, “This put Casey in a position to know a great deal about the Black Eagle Trust, and one source insists that Casey’s financial skills made him one of the key players, along with Paul Helliwell and Edwin Pauley, in implementing the Black Eagle Trust under the guidance of Robert B. Anderson and John J. McCloy.”
Casey also was a close friend of Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles, worked with Ray Cline, and became involved with Edward Lansdale in the hunt for the Golden Lily treasure.
Cline was CIA Chief of Station in Taipei from 1958 to 1962. During this period, he was also a channel for financial and logistical support for the founding meeting of WACL in 1958. Cline would become CIA Deputy Director of Intelligence from 1962 to 1966, and, after resigning from the CIA in 1969, would serve as Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) at the State Department, where he would contribute to the coup against Allende in 1973.
1969-Congressional hearings of July 29, 1969, organized by Rep. George Bush (R-Tex.). Bush arranged testimony by Gen. William Draper of the Population Crisis Committee. Draper, in a 1971 article, had likened the developing nations to an “animal reserve,” where, when the animals become too numerous, the park rangers “arbitrarily reduce one or another species as necessary to preserve the balanced environment for all other animals. . . . But who will be the park ranger for the human race? . . .
Following these hearings, Bush gained Congressional support for Third World population control programs backed by President Nixon and his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger.
For more on Bush during the Nixon years read this
1969-Responding to lobbying by General William H. Draper, Jr., the former under secretary of the Army and a leading overpopulation fear monger, Nixon approved U.S. government support for the establishment of the U.N. Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA).
With this organization as a vehicle, vast additional American funds would be poured into the global population control effort, with their source disguised so as to ease acceptance by governments whose leaders needed to maintain a populist pose in opposition to “Yankee Imperialism.”
1969-Pentagon official Donald MacArthur on June
9 requested $10 million
to develop, over the next 5 to 10 years, a new, contagious microorganism which would destroy the human immune system. Such research could be categorized as “defensive" as in order to defend oneself against a possible new virus, one must first develop the virus.
1969-LIFE magazine reported that Cohn and Rosenstiel had for years referred to one another as “Field Commander” and “Supreme Commander,” respectively. Media references to these nicknames appear in other articlesfrom the period.
Though LIFE and other outlets had interpreted this as merely an anecdote about the nicknames shared in jest between close friends, the fact that notorious crime lord Meyer Lansky also calledRosenstiel “Supreme Commander” and the fact that Cohn and Rosenstiel would later become intimately involved in the same pedophile sex ring suggests that there may have been more to these “nicknames.” After all, the mob to which Rosenstiel was connected often used military-themed titles like “soldier” and “lieutenant” to differentiate the rank and importance of its members.
Once he had made his connection with Hoover, Cohn’s star began to rise even higher in Washington. Hoover’s recommendation of Cohn would become the deciding factor in his appointment as Sen. McCarthy’s general counsel over Robert Kennedy, a rival and bitter enemy of Cohn’s.
1969, the first year that the ARPANET came online, a group of students at MIT and Harvard attempted to shut down research taking place at their universities under the ARPANET umbrella. They saw this computer network as the start of a hybrid private-public system of surveillance and control—“computerized people-manipulation” they called it—and warned that it would be used to spy on Americans and wage war on progressive political movements. (8)
1970 -the Phoenix Program of assassination in Vietnam implemented the National Police Evaluation System in conjunction with the VCI Neutralization and Identification System to track Vietcong “from identification to neutralization”
This may have been an early version of “PROMIS” (software that tracks data-banked information). Bill Hamilton had returned from Vietnam in -1967 and worked for NSA. He later developed software that was called Prosecutors Management Information System or PROMIS and is the focus of the infamous Inslaw case. (6)
1970-As noted by Sage Stossel in The Atlantic, “The Nixon-era White House was notoriously riddled with intrigue, behind-the-scenes machinations, and paranoia.” David Rockefeller had consulted with Kissinger on numerous occasions, as in the case of Chase Manhattan’s interests in Chile and the threat of the election of socialist-leaning President Salvador Allende in 1970. Chase was one of a number of corporations doing business in Chile, along with ITT and Pespi-Cola, who were concerned about Allende’s left-leaning policies. A coup against the democratically-elected Salvador Allende in Chile, known as Project FUBELT, was unofficially endorsed in 1970 by the CIA and President Nixon, who was personally beholden to Donald Kendall, the President of Pepsi Cola.
It was around that time that Kissinger famously said, “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people.”
1970 the London-centered market was measured at $65 billion in all currencies and still growing fast. Daniel Davison, the head of Morgan Guaranty’s London office, gushed about London’s minimal regulation and generous tax treatment. It was, he said, “a banking bazaar unrivalled in history. The Moscow Narodny Bank, whether it is appropriate Bolshevik doctrine or not, sits almost cheek by jowl with the Bank of China, and rubs elbows with the capitalist banking institutions of the West. There are about three times the number of American commercial banks in the City as there are in New York. The City of London beats Baghdad as a bazaar by a country mile.” The whole character of the City began to change. City gentleman reeled at the sight of Goldman Sachs’s star trader, Larry Becerra, turning up for work on a Harley-Davidson in jeans and cowboy boots, and at the sounds of “holy fucking shit” that began to fill the dealing rooms. Within a few years of Goldman Sachs’s opening its first international office in the City in 1970, its London operation was accounting for a quarter of the firm’s entire business and its offshore satellites a slice more. “The days of friendly co-operation and friendship changed dramatically in the mid-seventies when it became an ugly business,” remarked one British banker, John Craven. “That’s when unpleasant practices came in—in terms of paying investors under the table in order to take bonds and even a little bit of improper entertainment of guests in flats in London—and it undermined the whole spirit of the thing.” ( 6)
1970 Brzezinski’s book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. It was this book that led him to Rockefeller and other elitists behind the Green Movement that was promoted by the Club of Rome
“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how.
Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control.”
.” It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous control over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date files, containing even the most personal details about health and personal behavior of every citizen in addition to the more customary data. "
These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information.
Our existing institutions will be supplanted by pre-crisis management institutions, the task of which will be to identify in advance likely social crises and to develop programs to cope with them.
1970-Alvin Toffler had coined the term "anticipatory democracy" in his book Future Shock, a popularization of early work by Boulding in 1956-,The Image: Knowledge in Life and Society, which Boulding wrote while on a Ford Foundation Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University.
That 1956 book also formed the basis for a decade-long project at Stanford Research Institute,headed by Willis Harman,called "The Changing Images of Man." Along with Toffler's writings,this too helped popularize the Aquarian Conspiracy.
Anticipatory Democracy called for the elimination of the nation state and the creation of Russellite one-world supranational agencies to regulate the world economy, control global re sources,and control the workforce.
To create the appearance of popular participation, he called for the proliferating of local "feedback" groups that would stifle dissent by drawing numbers of people into brainwashing environments in which they would appear to participate in decision-making and give an illusion of Democracy
1971-following George H.W. Bush second unsuccessful bid for the U.S. Senate, Nixon named him his ambassador to the United Nations.
Among the hot-button issues on which he was expected to hold forth were the China-Taiwan dispute, Vietnam, and the Middle East conflict.
Not only did Nixon appoint Poppy to the U.N.; he also upgraded the post to that of full ambassador, a title previously conferred only upon envoys to foreign states. He even made Bush a member of his cabinet.
This was most unusual, but it put Bush in a unique position: although he traveled to Washington regularly for cabinet meetings, he was “a Washington outsider” by dint of his being based in New York.
When the Watergate scandal erupted, nobody thought to include George H. W. Bush in the circle of blame. He was literally out of sight, out of mind. But not necessarily out of the loop.
1971-David Rockefeller’s Chase was one of a number of corporations doing business in Chile, along with ITT and Pepsi-Cola, who were concerned about Allende’s left-leaning policies. A coup against the democratically-elected Salvador Allende in Chile, known as Project FUBELT, was unofficially endorsed in 1970 by the CIA and President Nixon, who was personally beholden to Donald Kendall, the President of Pepsi Cola.
It was around that time that Kissinger famously said, “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people.”
1971-The secret history of the US involvement in Vietnam was revealed when Daniel Ellsberg smuggled reams of documents from the RAND Corporation. Known as the Pentagon Papers, they detailed the history of the US’ political-military involvement in South East Asia from 1945 to 1967.
The study was begun in 1967 by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, who had become disillusioned by the futility of the war and wanted future historians to be able to determine what had gone wrong.
Researchers, including Ellsberg, RAND Corporation experts, civilians and uniformed Pentagon personnel, obtained Pentagon documents dating back to arguments within the Truman Administration on whether the US should help the French in their effort to put down Communist-led Viet Minh in Vietnam.
One of the scholars called in early to help guide the project was Harvard’s Henry Kissinger.
The Pentagon Papers were first brought to the attention of the public on the front page of The New York Times in 1971.
To ensure the possibility of public debate about the papers’ content, on June 29, US Senator Mike Gravel, an Alaska Democrat, entered 4,100 pages of the papers into the record of his Subcommittee on Public Buildings and Grounds.
These portions of the papers, which were edited for Gravel by Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky, were subsequently published by Beacon Press, the publishing arm of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations.
On June 18, 1971, The Washington Post began publishing its own series of articles. Benjamin Bradlee, the executive editor of The Washington Post, became a national figure during when he challenged Nixon over the right to publish the papers and oversaw the publication of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein’s stories documenting the Watergate scandal.
Bradlee was married to Antoinette Pinchot, the sister of Mary Pinchot Meyer, the wife of Cord Meyer, a key figure in Operation Mockingbird, a CIA program to influence the media.
Antoinette was also a close friend of Cicely d’Autremont, who was married to CIA counterintelligence chief James Jesus Angleton. Bradlee and Angleton became friends but the two allegedly parted ways after the murder in 1964 of Mary Pinchot Meyer, whose CIA connections and affair with President John F. Kennedy made her death the object of intense scrutiny.
Bradlee and Angleton gave conflicting accounts of the events surrounding the search for and disposition of the diary in which Pinchot Meyer recorded her affair with Kennedy
1971 , in response to increasing inflation caused by the Vietnam War Nixon imposed wage and price freezes, surcharges on imports, and the unilateral cancellation of the direct international convertibility of the United States dollar to gold.
Nixon had followed the advice of his Treasury and notably, that of the Under Secretary for International Monetary Affairs, Paul Adolph Volcker. Volcker had come to the Treasury from the post as Vice President at David Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank
Although Nixon's actions did not formally abolish the existing Bretton Woods system of international financial exchange, the suspension of one of its key components effectively rendered the Bretton Woods system inoperative.
While Nixon publicly stated his intention to resume direct convertibility of the dollar after reforms to the Bretton Woods system had been implemented, all attempts at reform proved unsuccessful. By 1973, the Bretton Woods system was replaced de facto by the current regime based on freely floating fiat currencies.
1971-Frank Snepp, a coworker in the Agency’s Saigon office, recalls that in 1971 Shackley sent a series of cables to Kissinger boasting of his CIA agents’ efforts to ensure the success of their candidate in the approaching South Vietnamese elections. The cables became known as “Shackleygrams.”
1971-The Watergate “plumbers” were first assembled to gather incriminating evidence on Ellsberg.
On June 28, 1971, two days before a Supreme Court ruling saying that a federal judge had ruled incorrectly about the right of The New York Times to publish the Pentagon Papers, Ellsberg publicly surrendered to the United States Attorney’s Office. He and Anthony Russo faced charges under the Espionage Act of 1917.
However, E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy had been assigned by the White House to break into the Los Angeles office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist, Lewis J. Fielding. Therefore, due to this gross governmental misconduct and illegal evidence gathering, the defense dismissed all charges against Ellsberg and Russo on May 11, 1973.
In 1971, Hunt and Liddy recruited five men including Sturgis, and two other anti-Castro Cubans, Virgilio Gonzalez and Eugenio Martinez, as well as Bernard Barker, and Southern Baptist CIA agent James W. McCord, Jr., for the Watergate burglary.
1971-Written in 1971 to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Lewis Powell Memo was a blueprint for corporate domination of American Democracy.
1971-Nixon closed the gold window, ordering a suspension in the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets. This effectively put an end to the Bretton Woods Agreement which would soon be replaced in 1974 by the Petro Dollar when OPEC agreed to require transactions for Oil to be paid in USD
1971, an entity was set up in Switzerland by a protégé of Henry Kissinger named Klaus Schwab titled “The World Economic Forum”.
One prominent founding member was Maurice Strong, a Rockefeller connected Canadian elitist that had become a founding father of the modern environmental movement and co-architect of the Club of Rome.
One of the initiatives that Strong had helped build in 1970 was the 1001 NatureTrust which was project devoted to raising capital for the World Wildlife Fund for Nature and the new environmental movement. One of the founders of the WWF? Sir Julian Huxley.
The other ominous entity formed in 1971 was the Rothschild Inter-Alpha Group of banks under the umbrella of the Royal Bank of Scotland. The stated intention of this Group would be found in the 1983 speech by Lord Jacob Rothschild: “two broad types of giant institutions, the worldwide financial service company and the international commercial bank with a global trading competence, may converge to form the ultimate, all-powerful, many-headed financial conglomerate.”
What Lord Rothschild was referring to was the destruction of Glass-Steagall bank separation laws across the Trans Atlantic which had kept commercial banking, investment banking and insurance activities compartmentalized in separate worlds since WWII. In 1986, this destruction of the dividing walls in banking began with Margaret Thatcher’s Big Bangfollowed soon thereafter by Canada’s destruction of the Four Pillars.
Although it took another 14 years, the final nail was put into the Glass-Steagall coffin when Clinton destroyed the law as one of his last acts in office.
1971-President Richard Nixon initiated his famous "War on Cancer", and ordered that offensive bio-warfare research especially “genetic engineering of viruses” continue under the umbrella of orthodox cancer research. Immediately a major part of the Army’s bio-warfare research was transferred over to the National Cancer Institute where retroviruses were created for the first time.
On that day Nixon signed the National Cancer Act, allocating US $ 1.5 billion over three years for cancer research and control declaring: “I hope that in the years ahead we may look back on this day and this action as being the most significant action taken during this Administration.”
The National Cancer Actincreased the priority of cancer research in the federal budget and established a model of public-private cooperation built around a nationwide network of research laboratories and cancer centers.
President Richard Nixon announced that the U.S. army's biowarfare laboratories at nearby Fort Detrick, Maryland, would be converted to research on the cause, prevention, and treatment of cancer. As part of Nixon's so-called War on Cancer, the military biowarfare unit was retitled the new Frederick Cancer Research Center. Litton Bionetics was named as the military's prime contractor for this project.
1972, when he replaced Richard Helms as CIA director, James Schlesinger made it clear that he intended to forcibly retire hundreds of agents who were dead wood, or part of a Dirty Tricks clique under Helms long engaged in operations that violated American laws, including assassinations. When it then became known that the CIA was involved in the Watergate break-in and other domestic break-ins, Schlesinger ordered an internal investigation and preparation of a complete list of all Agency projects that might embarrass the government. The resulting 693page report, called ‘the Family Jewels’, led to leaks about assassination programs like Mongoose, death squads like Phoenix, and other wet-work hidden by national security. By the end of the 70’s over a thousand CIA agents were sacked or obliged to take early retirement.
1972-three business organizations merged to form the Business Roundtable, the first business association whose membership was restricted to top corporate CEOs. In part at the urging of Bryce Harlow, lobbyist for Procter & Gamble, this new organization combined two groups focused on relatively narrow business issues with an informal organization called the March Group. The March Group had grown out of a meeting with top Nixon administration officials and prominent executives and was designed to bring together many of the nation’s most powerful CEOs. Within five years the new mega-organization had enlisted 113 of the top Fortune 200 companies, accounting for nearly half of the economy. The Business Roundtable quickly developed into a formidable group, designed to mobilize high-level CEOs as a collective force to lobby for the advancement of shared interests. President Ford’s deputy treasury secretary Charls Walker, a leading corporate organizer about whom we’ll say more in a moment, later put it this way: “The Roundtable has made a lot of difference. They know how to get the CEOs into Washington and lobby; they maintain good relationships with the congressional staffs; they’ve just learned a lot about Washington they didn’t know before.
1972-July 5 and Aug. 9, the Soviet Union secretly contracted to buy 16.45 million metric tons of wheat, corn, barley and soyabeans from six multinational grain companies.
Details of the transaction - probably the largest commodity deal in history - were not made public by the U.S. government at the time.
The grain sales helped spur the fastest rise in food prices since the Civil War. U.S. grain stocks were depleted. In 1974, American food assistance to developing countries was reduced because of concern over the availability of grain for flour millers and farmers at home. Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D-Wash.) nicknamed the episode "the great grain robbery."
By Sept. 1, 1972, the USDA had received two reports from the CIA's office of economic research leaving no doubt about the magnitude of the transactions that had taken place. A CIA memorandum to the USDA dated Aug. 11 stated:
"In July and August, the Soviet Union negotiated further purchases of unprecedented quantities of grain from U.S. companies. These new contracts, taken together with additional orders for Canadian and French grain, place total purchases for fiscal 1973 at more than 20 million tons."
1972, the Rockefeller-funded Population Council joined forces with the World Health Organization, creating the Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation and by 1995, the task force reported they had developed a prototype of an anti-hCG vaccine that would prevent women from carrying a baby to term.
In the early 1990s, “a series of scandals over WHO-led vaccination programs in the Third World led to allegations that tetanus vaccines in places like the Philippines and Kenya were being laced with hCG in order to implement population control by stealth,” Corbett says. The subsequent controversy chilled campaigns promoting population control via vaccines.
1972 -Club of Romes “Limited Growth “ published
1972, almost as soon as the ARPANET was rolled out on a national level, the network was used to help the CIA, the NSA, and the US Army spy on tens of thousands of antiwar and civil rights activists. (6)
1972, Shackley transferred from Saigon back to the United States where he became head of the CIA’s “Western Hemisphere Division.” Thomas Clines became his deputy. When Shackley took over the division, one mission for him was the coup against Allende in 1973.
It was core members of Shackley’s “Secret Team,” also known as Operation 40, and JFK conspirators Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt, who were involved in the infamous Watergate Scandal.
However, the wily Kissinger escaped investigation in the Watergate scandal, though Seymour Hersh suggested in “Kissinger and Nixon in the White House” that he was as deeply implicated as those who were convicted for the crime. “That Kissinger had lied about his role … was widely assumed in the Washington press corps, and even inside the Watergate Special Prosecution Force, but Kissinger was permitted to slide by with his half-truths and misstatements.”
The team of Watergate “plumbers” had been assembled by E. Howard Hunt, who had retired from the CIA in 1970. Through the Brown University Club of Washington, Hunt met Charles Colson, who served as Special Counsel to President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1973. Charles “Chuck” Colson was an Evangelical Christian leader, a member of Vereide’s The Fellowship, and founded Prison Fellowship, Prison Fellowship International, and BreakPoint. Once known as President Nixon's “hatchet man,”
Colson gained notoriety at the height of the Watergate scandal, for being named as one of the Watergate Seven, and pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice for attempting to defame Daniel Ellsberg.
Hunt and Colson soon developed a strong association. Hunt was hired as a consultant by Colson and joined the White House Special Investigations Unit. Also in the summer of 1971, Colson authorized Hunt to travel to New England to seek potentially scandalous information on Senator Edward Kennedy, specifically pertaining to the Chappaquiddick incident and to Kennedy's possible extramarital affairs.
1972-On June 17, the five were arrested while installing electronic listening devices in the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters in Washington, DC. Hunt’s phone number was found in the address books of the burglars.
1972-Shanghai Communiqué, in which the United States acknowledged PRC’s claims on Taiwan as its own territory. And this had happened 8 years before the two countries established full diplomatic relations. A decades-long loss of international support for the Republic of China (Taiwan) regime led to the loss of its UN seat in 1971 to the government of PRC as the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations. At the time, Taiwan also ceased to be a member of UN agencies, such as the World Health Organization.
1973- SWIFT was founded in Brussels supported by 239 banks in 15 countries. It started to establish common standards for financial transactions and a shared data processing system and worldwide communications network. Fundamental operating procedures, rules for liability etc., were established in 1975 and the first message was sent in 1977."] . The way we monitor them is by basically forcing foreign banks to buy bugged software and bugged computers that let our NSA (National Security Agency) which is the intelligence arm of the government, to basically surveil wire transfers all over the globe.
1973-The Gladio network extended to South America where it provided for the brutal activities of Operation Condor to protect American economic interests and bolter their neoliberal agenda.
According to Paul. L. Williams, Operation Condor, was created to suppress communist influence in South America, and got underway in the early 1970s, when Opus Dei gained the support of Chilean bishops for the overthrow of the democratically-elected government of president Salvador Allende.
Because Opus Dei was vehemently anticommunist, the CIA began to funnel it millions to thwart the growth in Latin America of liberation theology, which emphasizes a concern for the liberation of the oppressed. The CIA had begun funneling millions of dollars in 1971 to the Chilean Institute for General Studies (IGS), an Opus Dei think-tank, for the planning of the revolution.
Opus Dei was represented in the government of dictator Augusto Pinochet by Hernan Cubillos, an Opus Dei member and Pinochet’s foreign minister.
Opus Dei worked closely with CIA-funded organizations, such as the Fatherland and Liberty, which subsequently evolved into the Chilean secret police, Direccion de Inteligencia Nacional (DINA). Officially launched in 1975 at a meeting in Santiago, Chile, between the chief of the political police, the Chilean secret police, DINA and representatives of the CIA, Condor was a secret operation whereby the right-wing dictatorships of Latin America united their “services” against activists and progressive opponents to military regimes.
The goal of Operation Condor was eradicating “Marxist subversion and terrorist activities,” to eliminate the principal obstacles to the neoliberal economic policies Washington sought to impose on Latin America, in collusion with the World Bank and the IMF.
Condor’s key members were the governments in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil. The United States provided support, with Ecuador and Peru joining later in more peripheral roles.
The original pro-Nazi network in Latin America maintained by Skorzeny, Luftwaffe hero Hans Ulrich Rudel, ex-Goebbels employee Johannes von Leers and Klaus Barbie, had been established in the late sixties by recruits of Aginter Press director Yves Guerin-Serac and his network of OAS exiles. Della Chiaie’s Aginter Press was also sponsored by the WACL. When delle Chiaie was asked if he was ever a member of the WACL, he replied that he was not because he believed that the WACL “operated as a CIA front.” During a 1997 hearing before the Commission on terrorism, Chiaie talked about the WACL and spoke about a “black fascist International” and his hopes of creating the conditions of an “international revolution.”
The WACL (World Anti Communist League) were also behind the death squads in South America, and in league with P2 members of Operation Condor. The ties between the legal political organizations, death squads, the ASC and WACL can be found in several countries including El Salvador, Guatemala, and Argentina. Such was the case in the 1970’s with the Argentine Anti-Communist Alliance (AAA), founded by a friend of Gelli, P2 member Jose Lopez Rega. It was an organization of right-wing murder, terror, and propaganda whose activity was coordinated with the military regime. It was also the Argentine branch of the WACL.
Delle Chiaie and Skorzeny’s Paladin Group contributed personnel to Jose Lopez Rega’s Triple A, which was involved in that country’s Dirty War of 1973 to 1981.Rega was known as El Brujo (the Warlock) and the Argentine Evola.[]P2, which Rega belonged to, also had branches in France, Switzerland, the US and South America, and included among its members several Argentinian leaders, including Rega’s son-in-law Raul Alberto Lastiri who was interim president of Argentina in 1973. Lastiri organized new elections in 1973 and delivered Argentina’s government to Juan Peron, who had just returned to the country after twenty years of exile since a coup in 1955. When Juan Peron died of a heart attack in 1974, he was succeeded by his third wife and vice-president Isabel Peron. Rega become her Minister of Social Welfare.
In The Great Heroin Coup, Henrik Kruger disclosed that the Fascist International created by Skorzeny was:
…not only the first step toward fulfilling the dream of Skorzeny, but also of his close friends in Madrid, exile Jose Lopez Rega, Juan Peron’s grey eminence, and prince Junio Valerio Borghese, the Italian fascist money man who had been rescued from execution at the hands of the World War II Italian resistance by future CIA counterintelligence whiz James J. Angleton.
1973-Kissinger was also a member of the Trilateral Commission, founded in July by David Rockefeller and another Bilderberger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, to foster closer cooperation among Japan, Western Europe and North America.
Brzezinski was a professor at Columbia University and a Rockefeller advisor who was a specialist on international affairs.
Brzezinski was its first Director from 1973 to 1976. Other founding members included Alexander Haig, Caspar Weinberger, George H.W. Bush, as well as Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker, both later heads of the Federal Reserve.
In his 2002 autobiography Memoirs, David Rockefeller confessed the goal he and those within his network have pursued:
“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
1973-By the 1960’s, the CIA was running the drug trade throughout Southeast Asia, and expanding its control worldwide, especially into South America, but also throughout Europe. The CIA supported its drug trafficking allies in Laos and Vietnam. Air Force General Nguyen Cao Ky, while serving in 1965 as head of South Vietnam’s national security directorate, sold the CIA the right to organize private militias and build secret interrogation centers in every province, in exchange for control over a lucrative narcotic smuggling franchise. Through his strongman, General Loan, Ky and his clique financed both their political apparatus and their security forces through opium profits. All with CIA assistance.
The risk of having its ties to drug traffickers in Southeast Asia exposed, is what marks the beginning of the second facet – the CIA’s infiltration and commandeering of the various government agencies involved in drug law enforcement.
Senior American officials arranged for the old Bureau of Narcotics to be dissolved and recreated in 1968 within the Justice Department as the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. The CIA immediately began infiltrating the highest levels of the BNDD for the purpose of protecting its drug trafficking allies around the world, especially in Southeast Asia.
The CIA’s Counter-Intelligence Branch, under James Angleton, had been in liaison with these drug agencies since 1962, but in 1971 the function was passed to the CIA’s operations division.
In 1971-President Richard Nixon’s declared the War on Drugs. Nixon identified drug abuse as “public enemy number one in the United States” and launched a failed, costly and inhumane federal war on Americans that continues to today.
A year earlier the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 authorized the government to seize drugs and drug equipment. Congress would expand the range of property subject to forfeiture. Cash, bank accounts, jewelry, cars, boats, airplanes, businesses, houses and land all became fair game.
Early the following year, Nixon created the Office of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement (ODALE)
In 1972, CIA officer Seymour Bolten was appointed as the CIA director’s Special Assistant for the Coordination of Narcotics. Bolten became an advisor to William Colby and later DCI George H.W. Bush.
In July 1973, ODALE was consolidated, along with several other federal drug agencies, into the newly established Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as a new “super agency” to handle all aspects of the War on Drugs
With the establishment of the DEA, the CIA was in total control of all foreign drug law enforcement operations and was able to protect traffickers in the US as well
1973 Nixon’s Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, another Rockefeller protégé, orchestrated events that erupted in the October, 1973 Yom Kippur War, a war that was actually manipulated to trigger an OPEC oil embargo that would raise the price of the world’s most valuable commodity by 400% in months.
For rich nations like the United States, the resulting financial blow was severe. For poor countries like India, it was devastating.
The US dollar went from a gold-backed currency to a petrodollar-backed currency. Washington made sure OPEC would sell oil only in US dollars, a pact that held until Saddam Hussein broke it decades later.
Paul Volcker’s role in August, 1971 to decouple the dollar free from gold was key to the Petrodollar strategy. Saudi Arabia, Iran and others in OPEC recycled their huge petrodollar gains to London where Chase Manhattan and other New York and London banks relent it to developing countries at low “floating” interest rates.
1973-The Bilderberger meeting that preceded the Oil Price shocks discussed countermeasures for such an event. Kissinger was an invitee but unable to attend. No doubt he participated in the pre-meeting preparatory discussions that no doubt take place in the months before the meeting takes place
1971-1974 Wage and Price Controls
Late in the day on Sunday, August 15, 1971, The White House announced that President Nixon would address the nation at 9:00 P.M., on the state of the American economy.
With the Congress away on recess and the rest of the Government trying to escape the August heat, Nixon declared he was imposing a 90-day freeze on all wages and prices -- the first peacetime controls program in U.S. history.
Second, he closed the gold window, ordering a suspension in the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets.
Third, he declared a state of national emergency and imposed a 10% surcharge on all goods imported into the United States.
Nixon’s speech launched the U.S. economy into a decade of unprecedented turbulence, punctuated by episodes of hyperinflation, shortages, high interest rates and stagnation. Most adult Americans today were either too young to experience these traumas or are now so old as to have forgotten them. But Nixon’s dramatic statement was a watershed event.
On Monday morning August 16, 1971, following the President’s address, bedlam reigned in Washington. Companies and workers wondered what to do under the freeze. Lawyers and lobbyists tried to find out, but nobody had any answers.
The President established a Cost of Living Council composed of Cabinet members and other senior Government officials to run the new program.
Connally proceeded to explain what a wage and price freeze meant: a freeze meant that neither prices nor wages could rise, “except for cucumbers”.
As Connally explained to Virginia Knauer, the President’s Consumer Adviser, “Remember, Virginia, when it’s a cucumber you can raise the price, but when it becomes a pickle, it’s frozen”.
Early in the Council’s deliberations it was decided that the freeze could not simply be lifted after 90 days without some follow-up program and the Council approved a plan to usher in a period of more flexible wage and price controls called Phase II.
The Council didn’t want the administrative burden or political responsibility for actually runnng Phase II, so it established a Price Commission to impose price controls and a Pay Board to limit wage increases. But the Council remained in overall charge.
Phase II, like the freeze, was a political ten-strike for Richard Nixon and for the U.S. economy. Inflation slowed, economic activity recovered and organized labor grudgingly agreed to moderate wage demands. The principal union chieftains had been named to the Pay Board and their cooperation was effectively marshaled by George Shultz, who was at that time Director of OMB
Phase II rules essentially allowed companies to pass through increased labor and component costs but, by establishing pre-notification requirements and profit margin limitations, they limited company eligibility for price increases. The real action was on the wage side.
The wage freeze and the follow-on Phase II wage standard, limiting wage increases to no more than 5.5%, reduced the inflationary pressure on prices. The labor leaders on the Pay Board were willing to support wage restraint in order to lower the rate of inflation so long as there was discipline on the price side.
A key objective of Phase III (as the next step in the controls program was inevitably called) was to eliminate the bureaucratic red tape imposed on companies by the price control regulations.
Both the Price Commission and the Pay Board were to be scrapped and the new program was to be self-administered -- a concept that proved to be exceedingly elusive in practice.
A new general price standard was aimed at holding inflation to no more than 2.5% in 1973.
Companies would be told that they must moderate their pricing behavior so as to be consistent with this goal. This meant they could “self-administer” the regulations as guidelines to measure company pricing against the inflation goal, but they could also apply exceptions to themselves, “as necessary for efficient allocation of resources or to maintain adequate levels of supply”.
George Shultz by this time had succeeded John Connally as Treasury Secretary and assumed the role of Chairman of the Cost of Living Council.
Shultz scheduled a press conference at 11:00 A.M. on January 11, 1973 in The White House briefing room to introduce Phase III. It was a disaster. Instead of announcing the “self- administered” controls program envisioned by the Phase III planners, he characterized Phase III as “voluntary”.
While he said that the Administration retained the authority to re-impose mandatory controls in sectors where inflation threatened to get out of hand, his clear message, which the journalists duly communicated to the American people, was that controls were lifted and prices were free to rise. “
Within a matter of months, prices of virtually all commodities -- food- stuffs, minerals and petroleum -- would explode, reaching historic highs. The rate of inflation shot up to 11% by the summer of 1973, leaving Phase III in shambles.
1973 ushered in a period of very tight supplies in wheat and feed grains worldwide. In 1972, the U.S. had sold over 20 million metric tons of grain to the Soviet Union and dollar devaluations in December 1971 and again in February 1973 sharply stimulated export sales of other agricultural commodities. The Administration had anticipated some pressure on food prices during the first half of 1973 and had retained mandatory, though looser, controls over the food industry during Phase III.
The results, however, were worse than even the most pessimistic predictions. During the first quarter of 1973, consumer food prices shot up at an annual rate of 29.8% while the wholesale price index for farm products rose at an annual rate of 51.9%. Red meat prices alone surged at an annual rate of 90% during the quarter.
On March 29, 1973, in an abortive attempt to slow the onslaught, the Council slapped a freeze on red meat prices, but this step backfired as ranchers retaliated by withholding supplies and creating meat shortages. Meanwhile, other food prices continued their seemingly inexorable rise.
By early June 1973, Phase III was thoroughly discredited. Public criticism was mounting and there were pressures in Congress and from business leaders for the Adminisration to take stronger direct action.
On June 13, 1973, he decreed a second price freeze and directed the Cost of Living Council to develop a new controls program to be called (what else?) Phase IV.
There were other strong pressures at work on Nixon during the spring of 1973, inflation aside. The Senate Watergate Committee had begun its hearings and the Nation watched the riveting testimony of former Presidential Counsel, John Dean, accusing the President of covering up the Watergate burglary. Every morning that spring, it seemed, The Washington Post revealed some new evidence of White House misconduct and Nixon’s popularity was slumping badly. Nixon had been forced to rid himself of his top White House assistants H.R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman, so he brought back as one of his senior advisers, Melvin R. Laird, whom Nixon had known since they entered the Congress together as freshman legislators in 1947 and who had been Secretary of Defense during Nixon’s first term.
Nixon went before the Nation and for the second time in less than two years imposed a freeze on prices. Wages were not to be frozen since wage settlements had not caused the inflationary price hikes of Phase III. Twice during his speech, Nixon cautioned against the seductiveness of controls, warning that “rigid, permanent controls always look better on paper than they do in practice”.
He stressed the importance to returning to a free economy stating, “We must not let controls become a narcotic -- we must not become addicted”.
The Cost of Living Council was not addicted, but still found itself with a new Presidential order to administer a 60-day price freeze and design a Phase IV controls system which would restore public confidence in the Nation’s economy. The planners confronted economic conditions which were far more difficult than they had faced in August 1971.
In the first six months of 1973, industrial prices had risen at an annual rate of 12.5%. Food prices and world market prices for metals and petroleum had climbed even faster.
Phase IV was to be a move “from the freeze to the squeeze”; companies were to be forced to absorb cost increases at the expense of profits before passing them along in the form of increased prices.
The Administration explained its policy as “spreading the bulge”. The inflationary bubble of 1973 was expected to be a temporary aberration which would dissipate as demand slackened in the face of higher prices and additional supplies became available.
Farmers were furious with the second freeze. The 1971 freeze had occurred in August when most of the harvests were complete and farm prices had begun their seasonal decline. Freezing prices at early June levels created havoc and forced the Council to end the freeze on farm products a month early.
Red meat prices remained frozen, however, and ranchers retaliated by withholding livestock from slaughter. Consumers began to hoard meat supplies and, by August 1973, there were serious meat shortages across virtually the entire country.
In July 1973, it appeared likely that the U.S. would exhaust its supplies of soybeans before the next harvest with potentially disastrous consequences for thousands of U.S. industries which depended upon soybean-based products for their livelihood. Spot prices for soybean futures on the Chicago Board of Trade leapt from $3.44 per bushel in January to $6.95 in mid-summer. At the Council’s urging, the Commerce Department imposed an embargo on overseas sales of soybeans in order to protect domestic supplies and prices began to moderate.
The shortages which had been feared did not occur and no actual disruption of export sales took place. But the Government’s soybean embargo severely discredited the U.S. agriculture community’s reputation as a reliable supplier. Vital U.S. customers in Asia and Europe began to diversify their purchases of agricultural products to the long term detriment of American farmers who had spent many years cultivating export markets and increasing U.S. export earnings.
Petroleum price increases were a particular source of concern to the Phase IV planners. Supplies were suddenly tight and prices were rising. If Phase IV was to retain any shred of credibility, strict controls had to be applied because of the pervasive effect of petroleum prices on the economy.
Crude oil price postings had been virtually flat for many years as a result of chronic over- supply in world markets. In the twenty years 1949-1969, crude oil prices in the U.S. ranged between $2.54 and $2.94 per barrel and American consumers had come to assume that low prices for gasoline and other oil products were an inalienable birthright. But price stability ended as U.S. production declined and world demand surged.
Phase IV regulations placed a ceiling on the price of domestic crude oil at $4.25 per barrel. It was the Council’s intent to increase this ceiling by about 25 cents every quarter so that by April 30, 1974, when the controls program was scheduled to expire, crude oil prices would be in the $5.00-$5.25 range, comparable to expected world price levels. Events were to prove these assumptions fatally wrong.
October 20, 1973 became known as the Saturday Night Massacre when Nixon fired Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus for refusing to dismiss Archibald Cox as Watergate Special Prosecutor. It was a night of high drama and political intrigue in Washington.
Only a handful of people paid attention to an item moving over the news ticker that same evening reporting that OPEC nations had doubled the price of their crude oil exports.
This action raised world crude oil prices to almost $7.00 per barrel, creating a huge spread above the U.S. ceiling price, fixed at $4.25, and causing major problems for the Phase IV rules. In early December, the Council raised the U.S. ceiling price $1.00 to $5.25 per barrel.
The public was furious, Ralph Nader filed suit to set aside the increase, Congressional hearings were immediately called and the Council’s decision was attacked on all sides. The conventional wisdom at the time was that OPEC was weak and ineffectual. The public was therefore indignant that U.S. oil prices were being raised ‘just to pay off some desert sheiks’.
The public soon discovered just how badly they had miscalculated OPEC’s resolve and its leverage. In the wake of the Yom Kippur Arab-Israeli conflict, OPEC declared an embargo upon shipments of oil to the U.S. and other Western nations and, by the first quarter of 1974, in the greatest supply disruption the nation had ever experienced , American motorists were forced to endure long lines at the gas pump.
To make matters worse, on the last day of December 1973, OPEC again doubled oil prices, to levels above $12.00 per barrel. The spread between the U.S. crude oil price ceiling and rising world prices increased. This created the need for a new “entitlements program” to ration low-cost, price- controlled U.S. crude oil among American refiners by forcing the domestic producers to transfer hundreds of millions of dollars to the refiners purchasing much higher priced foreign oil. This program lasted for several years until the crude oil price ceilings were finally scrapped and prices were allowed to find their equilibrium.
This bitter legacy -- shortages of gasoline, heating oil, red meat, soybeans and numerous other products -- together with ruinous price increases, finally discredited price controls in the eyes of the American people.
In the end, the Congress simply allowed the Economic Stabilization Act to expire on April 30, 1974. Thus, the only peacetime experiment with direct economic controls in U.S. history came to an inglorious end.
1974 Michael Ledeen, who would go on to become a leader of the American neoconservative movement, lived in Italy into the late 1970s, where he had been consulting for Italian military intelligence and cultivating strong connections to the right-wing in Italy, including the Propaganda Due (P2), and its Venerable Master, Licio Gelli.
An avid proponent of Machiavelli, Ledeen was actively involved orchestrating the black terror, having been involved in what has been called the Strategy of Tension in the 1970s.
On the orders of the White House, Frank Wisner, Director of the CIA covert action department Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), set up “stay-behind” secret armies across Western Europe in cooperation with MI6 and NATO. They made use of a fascist network of terrorists, to carry out false-flag terror operations that could be blamed on the communists, to undermine their influence in those countries.
Ledeen’s fascist views had been shaped by George Mosse, a German Jewish émigré, best-known for his books and articles that redefined the discussion and interpretation of Nazism and fascism. Mosse directed Ledeen to Italy in 1965, where he was adopted by two senior figures, Renzo De Felice and Count Vittorio Cini, former Minister of Communications in Mussolini’s wartime cabinet, who provided him access to the Masonic archives in Rome and Venice. De Felice is best known for a massive biography of Mussolini, where he argued that Mussolini was a revolutionary modernizer in domestic issues, but a pragmatist in foreign policy who continued the Realpolitik policies of liberal Italy, 1861-1922.
In 1974, Ledeen moved to Rome to study the history of Italian fascism. Two years earlier, he authored a doctoral dissertation titled Universal Fascism: The Theory and Practice of the Fascist International, 1928–1936.
Like Mosse, the work denounces the popular notion that fascism succeeded in gaining the support of millions “solely because they had been hypnotized by the rhetoric of gifted orators and manipulated by skillful propagandists.” “It seems more plausible,” Ledeen counters, “to attempt to explain their enthusiasm by treating them as believers in the rightness of the fascist cause, which had a coherent ideological appeal to a great many people.”
For Ledeen, as for the fascist theoretician, Giuseppe Bottai, that appeal laid in the fact that fascism was “the Revolution of the 20th century.”
For the first time, maintained Ledeen, there was an attempt to mobilize the masses and to involve them in the political life of the country,” describing the fascist state as “a generator of energy and creativity.”
Ledeen lists the precedents of Columbus and his crew likely being Jews, and the Jesuits being founded by Marranos to suggest that it is plausible that Machiavelli was a secret Jew. More specifically, Ledeen believes that Machiavelli’s philosophy was characteristically un-Christian, and concludes that he was “at least kinda Jewish, and maybe even very Jewish.” According to Ledeen: (basically Judsism is fascist?)
Machiavelli tirelessly denounced the soft, forgiving, turn-the-other-cheek themes of Christianity, and called instead for a return to older, pre-Christian values of manly virtue, courage and a willingness to do the hard, sometimes even evil things that are required of great leaders, a theme that is found explicitly in several Mishnaic lessons, as well as implicitly in the Torah.
According to Ledeen, Machiavelli praises ancient Roman and Spartan kings, generals and Caesars, and a few contemporaries, but history’s great leader in his estimation was the leader of both a new religion and a new state:
Moses. Ledeen explains that the example of Moses’ slaughter of the worshippers of the Golden Calf makes him the greatest example of the most successful kind of leader: one who is willing to use force to accomplish his mission. By Ledeen’s interpretation, the commandments revealed to Moses included the prohibition against murder, so he knew that the means he employed were “evil,” but he recognized that they were necessary. Likewise, explained Ledeen, “Machiavelli is not telling you to be evil, he is simply stating the facts: If you lead, there will be occasions when you will have to do unpleasant, even evil things, or be destroyed.””
1974 United Nations World Food Conference, which set up the World Food Council (suspended in 1993), derived from a Rockefeller proposal for a World Food Bank.
Just weeks before Nelson Rockefeller would be appointed Vice Presidentof the United States, the Rockefeller machine had been threatening administration officials held over from the Nixon Administrationto go along with the agenda, including that of a world food authority. Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz “capitulated” to these demands during his role at the November 1974 UN World Food Conference in Rome and backing the “Malthusian” eugenics views on controlling the world food supply in conjunction with efforts to limit the population.
Butz, who officially heads the U.S. delegation, call for the establishment of a new “world food agency” along the same lines proposed by the UN’s Food and Agricutlure Organization (FAO). The Rockefeller Foundation-authored FAO proposal would establish a supranational agency allowing the Rockefeller cabal fingertip control over world food supplies.
Significantly, just one month after the pivotal 1974 United Nations World Food Conference, Henry Kissinger officially issued the National Security Council document “National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.”(NSSM 200 for short).]
1974-Nixon was replaced by his vice-president Gerald Ford, a former member of the Warren Commission, known for his pro-Israel positions. One of his first decisions was to recognize Jerusalem as capital of the Jewish state, in violation of UN resolutions(another Cyrus).
He would appoint Nelson Rockefeller as his Vice President
Under Ford, the infiltration of Israel into the heart of the American state apparatus entered a new stage, which we will explore in the next Part.
The Global Fascists were now in control of the White House and they would never relinquish it
1974- United Nations passed Resolution 3201, Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order . Contrary to the resolutions call for more government control neoliberals then Called for public-private partnerships (PPP) to be introduced as a way to finance the development of the new order. It would involve private corporations putting up cash in return for government favors with the result being a sort of Fascist bonding of industry and government. The government favors could be in the form of free tracts of land, tax breaks, special zoning considerations, waivers of regulations, exclusive rights to development, etc. The net result of any public-private partnership is loss of city autonomy and sovereignty and loss of citizens’ rights to determine their own future.
1974-President Gerald Ford named George H.W. Bush to be de facto US ambassador to China in —five years before the US officially recognized the People’s Republic of China. Bush served in Beijing for a year, making critical contacts with Chinese leadership until he was named to head the CIA in December 1975, where he was until January 1977, when President Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, chose a new CIA director.
1974-National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200, “Implications of World-Wide Population Growth for United States Security and Overseas Interests.” This memorandum was completed on Dec. 10, 1974, under the direction of Kissinger. It became U.S. official policy on Nov. 26, 1975.
The document cited the World Population Plan of Action drawn up by the First United Nations Population Conference in Bucharest, Romania, in the summer of 1974, and stressed that the plan would only succeed if it were enforced by United Nations agencies and using the power of countries like the United States. NSSM-200 concentrated on 13 developing countries, which it declared were responsible for 47% of the world’s expected rate of population growth.
The basic thesis of the memorandum was that population growthin the least developed countries(LDCs) is a concern to US national security, because it would tend to risk civil unrestand political instability in countries that had a high potential for economic development. The policy gives "paramount importance" to population control measures and the promotion of contraception among 13 populous countries to control rapid population growth which the US deems inimical to the socio-political and economic growth of these countries and to the national interests of the United States since the "U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad" and the countries can produce destabilizing opposition forces against the US.
It recommends for US leadership to "influence national leaders" and that "improved world-wide support for population-related efforts should be sought through increased emphasis on mass media and other population education and motivation programs by the UN, USIA, and USAID."
This document called for using “food as a weapon” to aid in Third World depopulation efforts. One part of the proposal discusses withholding food aid to induce population reduction and family planning on the basis of food shortages. Kissinger states, “It is questionable whether aid donor countries will be prepared to provide the sort of massive food aid called for by the import projections on a long-term continuing basis,” suggesting that Western nations might opt out of giving rations to countries that have not followed international programs to cut population numbers.
The veiled threat is clear as Kissinger, a top Rockefeller envoy places a high priority on reducing population, is directing U.S. foreign policy, in the name of national security, to essentially blackmail countries into compliance with “family planning” programs to implement contraceptives, sterilizations and abortions to reduce the birthrate with the leverage of food supply and food aid.
1974- The crisis in confidence resulting from the quagmire in Vietnam and Watergate was then exacerbated by a series of revelations that began to appear in the media. First there were revelations of the U.S. Army's spying on the civilian population, including the FBI’s COINTELPRO plan to “destroy” the Black Panther party.
Then on December 22, 1974, The New York Times published a lengthy article by Seymour Hersh detailing operations engaged in by the CIA over the years that had been dubbed the “family jewels.”
The Family Jewels is the informal name used to refer to a set of reports that detail activities, considered illegal or inappropriate, conducted by the CIA from the 1950s to the mid-1970s. The reports were commissioned in 1973 by then agency director James Schlesinger, to identify any CIA activities that conflicted with the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947—in other words, illegal.
Hersh’s article also claimed that the CIA had conducted efforts to collect information on the political activities of US citizens, as well as experiments on US citizens, during the 1960s. These revelations convinced many Senators and Representatives that Congress hadn’t been vigilant enough in carrying out its oversight responsibilities.
1974-Senator Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson of Washington and Representative Charles A. Vanik of Ohio, two Democrats who were concerned about Soviet anti-Semitism, had passed a bill that allowed the Soviet Union to enjoy normal trade relations with the US, but only if it let Jewish refugees immigrate to America.
In the aftermath of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment, more than six hundred thousand Soviet Jews emigrated from the USSR, but the KGB made certain that emigration was not limited to innocent victims of anti-Semitism.
Instead, the Soviets opened the gates of their gulags, just like Fidel Castro did later, during the Mariel boatlift of 1980, and released thousands of hard-core criminals, among them convicted murderers, psychopaths, thieves, and the like, many of whom settled in Brighton Beach.
1974 - Licio Gelli—an Italian financier who had served as a liaison officer between the Italian government and Nazi Germany, a former member of the MSI and Venerable Master the rogue P2 Masonic Lodge—met secretly at the US Embassy in Rome with Knight of Malta Alexander Haig, formerly the NATO Supreme Commander, who had meanwhile become President Nixon’s White House Chief of Staff.
Receiving the blessing of Le Cercle member Henry Kissinger, the US National Security Adviser, Gelli left the meeting with a promise of continued financial support for the CIA’s Gladio network and its plan for the “internal subversion.”
Le Cercle had a wide range of contacts with rightwing intelligence and propaganda agencies, including the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), Heritage Foundation, Western Goals, Institute for the Study of Conflict (ISC), Freedom Association, Interdoc, the Bilderberg Group, the Jonathan Institute, P2, Opus Dei, the Moonies front CAUSA, IGFM (International Society for Human Rights), and Resistance International. Amongst Le Cercle’s intelligence contacts were former operatives from the American CIA, DIA, United State’s INR, Britain’s MI5, MI6 and France’s SDECE, Germany’s BND, BfV and MAD, Holland’s BVD, Belgium’s Sûreté de l’Etat, SDRA and PIO, apartheid South Africa’s BOSS, and the Swiss and Saudi intelligence services.
Le Cercle maintained very close links with the WACL. Numerous groups participated in the WACL, including the Unification Church, also known as the Moonies, founded by Sun Myung Moon, Knight of Malta, self-professed “messiah” and founder the conservative Washington Times newspaper. In 1964, Moon founded the Korean Culture and Freedom Foundation, a public diplomacy agency which promoted the interests of South Korea and sponsored Radio Free Asia. Former US Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, and Nixon were honorary presidents or directors at various times.
The P2 Masonic lodge, or Propaganda Due, was deeply implicated in the Strategy of Tension and its operation of Gladio. Adhering to a fascist ideology, P2 was headed by Licio Gelli, a former member of the MSI, known as the “Puppet-master.” Gelli was a member of the Memphis-Misraim Masonic Lodge, the synarchist branch of Freemasonry, prior to his founding of P2. During the war, Gelli had been a member of Mussolini’s notorious “Blackshirts” and later acted as liaison officer to the Hermann Goering SS division. Gelli also fought for Franco with Mussolini’s Blackshirts, and at the end of World War II was arrested and faced possible execution, but was rescued by joining the US Army Counter Intelligence Corps.
P2 operated illegally, in contravention of the Italian constitution banning secret lodges and membership of government officials in secret membership organizations. P2 operated under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of Italy from 1945 to 1976 as a pseudo-Masonic or “black” or “covert” lodge.
The Grand Orient of Italy was founded in 1805, for which both Garibaldi and Mazzini had been Grand Masters. According to John Michael Greer, in The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies, P2 was a “textbook example” of an attempt to establish a synarchy, as it united politicians, the Catholic Church, and the Mafia-controlled tax-free drug economy guaranteed by the historically falsified prohibition of psychotropic substances.
Along with the mafia—which was also purportedly founded by Mazzini-P2 also involved Opus Dei in the scandals of the Banco Ambrosiano and the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), commonly referred to as the Vatican Bank.
As head of P2, Gelli became chief intermediary between the CIA and the SID.
The name “Gladio” was derived from the short sword used by Roman legionnaires, in line with the Italian Fascists’ fascination with Roman paganism, which was inspired by Evola. Gladio were part an international network of fascist thugs coordinated by the CIA, MI6 and NATO, known as “stay-behind” units, with the purported purpose of resisting a Soviet invasion from within. Instead, they were mainly employed in carrying out violent acts of terrorism, which were falsely blamed on communist groups to undermine the influence of communism in various parts of Europe. The codename for the NATO “stay-behind” units in Europe was Operation Gladio, sometimes called “Super NATO.”
1974-The Gladio operation was initially codified under the umbrella of the Clandestine Co-Ordinating Committee of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), the military arm of NATO, and operated by the secret services and initially funded by the CIA. In addition to the CIA, they also operated under the patronage of MI6 and the Mafia, and consisted of numerous ex-Nazis and other neo-fascist terrorists. According to US journalist Arthur Rowse, a secret clause exists in the North Atlantic Treaty requiring candidate countries, before joining NATO, to establish clandestine citizen cadres, controlled by the country’s respective security services, standing ready to eliminate communist cells during any national emergency.
The pretext of the U.S. involvement in Gladio’s Strategy of Tension was revealed in a Pentagon document, titled Field Manual FM 30-31B, detailing the methodology for launching terrorist attacks in nations that “do not react with sufficient effectiveness” against “communist subversion.” The manual states that of particular concern is when leftist groups “renounce the use of force” and embrace the democratic process. It is then that “U.S. army intelligence must have the means of launching special operations which will convince Host Country Governments and public opinion of the reality of the insurgent danger.”
The various stay-behind networks, composed of former Nazis and other fascists of various stripes who served as the shock troops of America’s covert war on communism, would be responsible for much of the brutality perpetrated by various dictatorial regimes around the world. In Germany, they had as a central focus the Gehlen Org, also involved in ODESSA “ratlines.” In France the unit was called “Glaive,” again named after a Gladiatorial sword. Austria‘s unit was named “Schwert,” also meaning sword. In Turkey they were known as the Counter-Guerrilla, and in Greece as “Sheepskin.” Sweden’s unit was called “Sveaborg.” In Switzerland it went by the title P26. Other units in Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Norway, Luxembourg, Denmark and Holland remain unnamed. In the U.K., the unit was simply known as “Stay-behind.”
In 1947, Interior Minister Édouard Depreux had revealed the existence of a secret stay-behind army in France codenamed “Plan Bleu.” The next year, the Western Union Clandestine Committee (WUCC) was integrated with NATO to coordinate secret unorthodox warfare. The network was supported with elements from SDECE, and had military support from the 11th Choc regiment, a section of which split and became part of the Organisation armée secrète (OAS).
The OAS attempted to prevent Algerian independence by acts of sabotage and assassination in both France and French Algerian territories. This included several attempts to assassinate president Charles de Gaulle, one of these being featured in a fictionalized version recreated in the 1971 book by Frederick Forsyth, The Day of the Jackal, and in the 1973 film of the same name.
In Italy, where it was known as Gladio, the stay-behind network was responsible for the infamous “Strategy of Tension” during the 1970’s to destabilize the country. The intent of the Strategy of Tension was to discredit the political left, as the Italian Communist Party (PCI) was very close to entering government. Le Cercle member and chief Gladio operator Stefano Delle Chiaie was a principal organizer for three of the most infamous incidents of the Strategy of Tension, the 1969 bomb in the crowded Piazza Fontana of Milan (16 deaths, 90 injuries), the 1970 coup attempt of “Black Prince” Prince Valerio Borghese (who wrote an introduction to Evola’s Men Among the Ruins), and the Bologna station bombing of August 2, 1980 (85 deaths, 200 injuries).
As stated in sworn testimony by Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a former member of the Avanguardia Nazionale and Ordine Nuovo, who is currently serving a life-sentence for the murder of three policemen by a car bomb in Peteano in 1972, and who quoted Evola and Guénon in justification of his actions:
You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the State to ask for greater security. This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the State cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.
In his autobiography, David Rockefeller states that he first learned of Le Cercle in October 1967 when he and Henry Kissinger were invited to join by Pesenti.
Gelli was involved in most of Italy’s scandals in the last three decades of the twentieth century.
P2 was also implicated in the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro in 1978, by the Red Brigades, a pro-Soviet terrorist group. Recognizing their growing support for the Italian Communist Party (PCI), Moro wished to reach an accommodation with them, and offer their leaders Cabinet posts in a new centrist ruling party. During a meeting with Henry Kissinger, Moro was told that such a move would be viewed by the Americans as “profoundly dangerous and mistaken.” In a later meeting with an unnamed intelligence official, Moro was told he must abandon any idea of cooperating with the communists “or you will pay dearly for it,” and that “groups on the fringes of the official secret services might be brought into operation” if he didn’t desist in his plans.
Another theory proposes that the Red Brigades had been infiltrated by the CIA or Gladio. The Red Brigades, or Brigate Rosse in Italian, had also been simultaneously infiltrated by Mossad since 1974.
1975-Project Democracy would originate out of a Trilateral Commission meeting on May 31st, in Kyoto Japan, where the Trilateral Commission’s “Task Force on the Governability of Democracies” findings were delivered. The project was overseen by Trilateral Commission Director Zbigniew Brzezinski and its members James Schlesinger (former CIA Director) and Samuel P. Huntington.
It would mark the beginning of the end, introducing the policy, or more aptly “ideology”, for the need to instigate a “controlled disintegration of society.”
1975 the CFR launched a public study of global policy titled the 1980’s Project. The general theme was “controlled disintegration” of the world economy, and the report did not attempt to hide the famine, social chaos, and death its policy would bring upon most of the world’s population.
The study explained that the world financial and economic system needed a complete overhaul according to which key sectors such as energy, credit allocation and food would be placed under the direction of a single global administration. The objective of this reorganization would be the replacement of nation states.
However, before this could occur, nation states would have to falter, or at least give off the impression of faltering.
The failure of the nation state is not a natural phenomenon but rather is the outcome of a fascist coup; involving a banker’s dictatorship, economic looting and permanent warfare (the Cold War never ended) to hinder national industrial growth.
Among the most effective strategies towards this end has been color revolutions, which just so happens to be the NED’s specialty practice and has included, to name a few, the nations of Yugoslavia, Georgia, Iraq, Lebanon, Burma, Iran, Egypt, Yemen, Ukraine and the ongoing Hong Kong protests.
1975 the invading Wall Street ruffians had fully overtaken the plodding British banks and were beating them in market after market. “There was never any sense that old English bankers were competing with us in any way,” said Michael Lewis of Salomon Brothers. “It was much more, ‘how much did we have to pay them to clear out of town and do something else with their lives.’” By then, the Euromarkets had grown to exceed the size of the entire world’s foreign exchange reserves.
At the same time, a new source of dollars had begun to feed the markets, as the OPEC oil shocks hit in the 1970s, and oil-rich countries’ surpluses were re-lent through the Euromarkets to finance deficit-plagued oil consumer countries. This gigantic financial recycling via London and its satellites, to be lent out to Latin America and elsewhere, often amid great secrecy and corruption, laid the foundations for the subsequent debt crises of the 1980s. (5)
1975-On May 9, 1975, the Church Committee decided to call acting CIA director William Colby. That same day President Gerald Ford’s top advisers, Henry Kissinger and early neoconservative Donald Rumsfeld, helped draft a recommendation that Colby be authorized to only brief rather than testify, and that he would be told to discuss only the general subject, with details of specific covert actions to be avoided.
Of particular concern to Kissinger were the Church Committee’s revelations about covert United States involvement in Chile in the decade between 1963 and 1973.
1975-When Congress began launching investigations into these abuses, President Gerald Ford tried to control them with the creation of the Rockefeller Commission in 1975, headed by his Vice President, Nelson Rockefeller, brother to David Rockefeller. The commission issued a single report in 1975, touching upon certain CIA abuses including mail opening and surveillance of domestic dissident groups, and publicized the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind control project.
It was replaced by the Pike Committee five months later, which investigated illegal activities by the CIA, FBI, and the NSA. The Pike Committee established important protocols for the declassification of intelligence documents, which would continue to evolve. It also created a precedent for the oversight of the Executive Branch and its agencies, leading to the creation of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, which now has the autonomy to declassify any of the information it receives.
1975, the Pentagon officially relieved ARPA of its responsibilities for running the network and placed it under the direct control of the Defense Communication Agency. The army, navy, air force, and National Security Agency had all started building out their own networks based on ARPANET technology. They maintained links to the original ARPANET infrastructure, but the physical network, with its limited 56K modem speeds, was beginning to show its age. (8)
1975 -Rockefeller Commission investigating CIA illegal activities. Notably, before the Rockefeller Commission report was released to the public, a deputy White House chief of staff named Dick Cheney deleted eighty-six pages detailing CIA assassination operations. The Rockefeller report was not honest.
As vice president, Nelson Rockefeller headed up a doctored whitewash of CIA crimes during the 1970s. Nonetheless, even news of sanitized CIA scandals had a devastating impact on US covert operations around the world. (10)
1975, Sen. Frank Church, the chairman of the Senate panel probing U.S. Intelligence agencies says the government has the technological capacity to impose “total tyranny” if a dictator ever came to power. “There would be no place to hide,” . Church said the eavesdropping technology given the government by intelligence agencies would enable the government to impose total tyranny “and there would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know , such is the capability of this technology.”
1975 Ford named George H.W. Bush as Director of the C.I.A recalling him from China. Bush begged Carter to reappoint him after his inaguration in January 1977, but Carter declined, choosing to name Stansfield Turner, who then started to clean house. Bush moved back to Texas and started his plans to campaign for President in 1980. At that time, he began to consolidate a secret cabal of disgruntled intelligence persons removed from the C.I.A. Covert operations and went rogue.
1976-Swine Flu scare while Bush was 11th CIA Director. United States mass vaccinated 45 million people in four weeks with the swine flu vaccine. The official toll of people who qualified by government standards as having Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) was more than 200, 11 of whom died.* There was a clustering of cases in the second and third weeks after vaccination. The epidemic never arrived, and the ill-conceived campaign was labeled a fiasco..CDC and IOM today agree that the vaccine led to “an increased risk” of GBS.
Dr. John Anthony Morris was a bacteriologist and virologist who worked for thirty-six years at NIH and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), beginning in 1940. Morris served as the chief vaccine officer for the Bureau of Biological Standards (BBS) at the National Institute of Health and later with the FDA when the BBS transferred to that agency in the 1970s. Dr. Morris irked his superiors by arguing that the research carried out by his unit demonstrated there was no reliable proof that flu vaccines were effective in preventing influenza; in particular, he accused his supervisor of basing HHS’s mass vaccination program for the swine flu primarily on a scientifically baseless fear campaign and on false claims made by pharmaceutical manufacturers. He warned that the vaccine was dangerous and could induce neurological injuries.
His CDC superior warned Dr. Morris, “I would advise you not to talk about this.” When vaccine recipients began reporting adverse reactions, including Guillain-Barré, Dr. Morris disobeyed that order and went public. He declared that the flu vaccine was ineffective and potentially dangerous and said that he could find no evidence that this swine flu was dangerous or that it would spread from human to human.
In retaliation, FDA officials confiscated his research materials, changed the locks on his laboratory, reassigned his laboratory staff, and blocked his efforts to publish his findings. The FDA assigned Dr. Morris to a small room with no telephone. Anyone who wished to see him had to secure permission from the chief of the lab. In 1976, HHS fired Dr. Morris on the pretext that he failed to return library books on time. Subsequent events supported Dr. Morris’s skepticism about the swine flu shot.
1976- William Barr worked at CIA when CIA Director George H. W. Bush, fresh from his post as U.S. envoy to China, rallied the agency to undertake covert activities that included propaganda, regime change, infiltration of groups, creation of scandals, assassinations , drug running and revolutions.
Barr prepared briefs for Bush’s stonewalling responses to congressional probes, led by Sen. Frank Church and Rep. Otis Pike, that attempted to bring the Bush and [Secretary of State Henry] Kissinger covert action under the rule of American law….
1976-Senate Committee investigation headed by Frank Church. The Church Committee conducted a comprehensive investigation of intelligence agency abuses, including CIA-sponsored coups, illegal mail opening and wiretapping, the FBI's COINTELPRO and harassment of Martin Luther King.
In 1975 and 1976, the Church Committee published fourteen reports on various US intelligence agencies and alleged abuses of law and of power that they had committed, with recommendations for reform, some of which were later put in place.
Among the matters investigated were attempts to assassinate foreign leaders, including Patrice Lumumba of the Congo, Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic, the Diem brothers of Vietnam, General René Schneider of Chile and CIA Director Allen Dulles’ plan (approved by President Dwight D. Eisenhower) to use the Sicilian Mafia to kill Fidel Castro of Cuba. Under recommendations and pressure by this committee, President Gerald Ford issued Executive Order 11905 to ban US sanctioned assassinations of foreign leaders.
Congressional investigations and reports also revealed CIA connections with journalists and the media. The most extensive of these investigations is in the Church Committee’s final report, which concluded that:
The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda. These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets
1976-From 1975 to 1976, Church headed the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, which took a fresh look at the JFK assassination, headed by Richard Schweiker and Gary Hart, with regards to how the FBI and CIA worked with the Warren Commission. “However,” explained Russ Baker, “along with subsequent investigative bodies, [the Warren Commission] failed to assemble, much less connect, even the most obvious of dots.
Virtually everybody on the commission was a friend of Nixon’s or LBJ’s – or both.” The Warren Commission had included among its members the least trustworthy of all American political leaders, involved in overt conflicts of interests, like John McCloy of the CFR, and Allen Dulles, CIA Director until he was forced to resign by Kennedy following the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.
The CIA was found to have destroyed or kept from investigators critical secrets connected to the assassination.According to subcommittee head Richard Schweiker, upon close examination the Warren Commission had “collapsed like a house of cards,” and the Kennedy assassination investigation was “snuffed out before it began” by “senior intelligence officials who directed the coverup.”
At the time of the Church Committee investigations, a bootleg copy of the Zapruder film, which had been kept from public view by Life Magazine by its owner C.D. Jackson, who coordinated Operation Mockingbird, was shown on national television for the first time.
The American public was stunned to see Kennedy thrown backwards from what supposed to have been a shot from the back of the limousine. As a result, the United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) was established in 1976 to investigate the assassinations of Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.
1976-, Wohlstetter was the dominant figure at the RAND Corporation, the defense and information think tank in the Los Angeles area. He ended up at the University of Chicago where he joined Milton Friedman and Leo Strauss, and in 1974 wrote a publication which accused the CIA of chronically underestimating Soviet military capability.
After Nixon was forced to resign in 1974, the neoconservatives allied themselves with two right-wingers in the administration of his successor Gerald Ford, who used the escalation of terrorism as a pretext to adopt a hard line against Soviet communism. They were Le Cercle member Donald Rumsfeld, the new secretary of defense, and Dick Cheney, Ford’s Chief of Staff.
1976-While Nixon and Kissinger had initiated a period of détente with the Soviet Union, Rumsfeld resuscitated the old paranoia by now giving speeches about the Soviet’s “steadiness of purpose” in building up their military defenses relative to those of the United States.
The CIA denied the allegations, confirming that they were a complete fiction. But Rumsfeld used his position to persuade Ford to set up an independent inquiry, which he insisted would prove that there was a hidden threat to America. That inquiry would be run by a group of neoconservatives, one of whom was Paul Wolfowitz.
Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz wanted more power over the CIA, and so the neoconservatives chose as the inquiry chairman a well-known critic and historian of the Soviet Union Richard Pipes, an ally of Le Cercle chairman Brian Crozier.
Known as Team B, it was begun by President Ford in May 1976, and invited a group of outside experts lead by Wolfowitz to evaluate classified intelligence on the Soviet Union who would have access to the same evidence as the CIA, but to see if they could come up with different conclusions. CIA Director William Colby was asked to approve the initiative, but refused, stating it was hard “to envisage how an ad hoc independent group of analysts could prepare a more thorough, comprehensive assessment of Soviet strategic capabilities than could the intelligence community.”
Colby was removed from his position in the “Halloween Massacre,” referring to the major reorganization of Ford’s Cabinet in 1975, when several prominent moderate Republicans in the administration were replaced by more conservative figures. And although his top analysts argued against the inquiry, Bush checked with the White House, obtained a go-ahead, and by May 26 signed off on the experiment.
When Team B’s desired conclusions turned out to be completely unsubstantiated, they instead fabricated the assumption that the Soviets had developed systems that were so sophisticated that they were undetectable. According to Dr. Anne Cahn, who served with the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, between 1977 and 1980, Team B’s numerous assessments of secret Soviet capabilities were all “fantasy.” “If you go through most of Team B’s specific allegations about weapons systems, and you just examine them one by one,” she wrote, “they were all wrong.” She notes, for example, that they proposed, absurdly, that radars were laser beam weapons.
Nevertheless, the neoconservatives set up a lobby group to publicize Team B’s findings. It was called the Committee on the Present Danger, which a growing number of politicians joined, including a presidential hopeful, Ronald Reagan.
1977, Le Cercle’s Brian Crozier created his intelligence network The 6I with funding from both the CIA and the Heritage Foundation to serve as Le Circle’s own internal intelligence service separate from any single nation’s government.
In his book Free Agent, Crozier described 6I as “a private sector operational intelligence agency” to “provide intelligence in areas which governments were barred from investigating” and “to conduct secret counter-subversion operations in any country in which such actions were deemed feasible.”
6I included four-star Army General Richard G. “Dick” Stilwell, formerly of the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA). Stilwell had worked closely with the CIA in the 1950s and 1960s to develop US counterinsurgency policy, which laid the groundwork for the American pacification program for Vietnam. After serving in the DIA, Stilwell was appointed Reagan’s Assistant Secretary of Defence in charge of administration, and joined the board of the ASC.
1977-in the wake of the Church Committee investigations, the CIA had been forced to back off from its recruiting of agents from within the media. Therefore, as an alternative, the CIA made use of intellectuals at think tanks like CSIS, whose work was made public in publications like the National Review, Commentary, New Republic, and Harper’s.
CSIS’s funding is provided in part by the Rockefeller Foundation, and major funders from Big Oil and the Military-Industrial Complex, including ExxonMobil, Bank of America, Boeing, Chevron, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Saudi Aramco. CSIS is formally a branch of Georgetown University, but its offices are all independent of the administration or faculty of the university. It conducts policy studies and strategic analyses with a specific focus on issues concerning international relations, trade, technology, finance, energy and geostrategy.
Members of CSIS
made their way to the pinnacles of American policymaking, particularly during the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations. The CSIS board of trustees included many former senior government officials including Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, William Cohen, George Argyros and Brent Scowcroft. Within the intelligence community, CSIS is known for having “some of the most insightful analysis and innovative ideas for strengthening our national security,” according to former CIA Director John Brennan.
1977- Operation Mockingbird. Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein, writing in an October 1977 article in Rolling Stone, claimed that more than 400 American journalists worked for the CIA from inside of leading news organizations, but that the Church Committee report “covered up” CIA relations with news media, when top officials of the CIA, including former directors William Colby and George Bush, persuaded the committee to restrict its inquiry and to deliberately misrepresent the actual scope of the activities in its final report.
This is already much too long. I will end this at the dawn of the Trilateral Commission Era that begins with the Carter Presidency, and the World Economic Forum. The ouster of Richard Nixon who may have been the last Liberal American President (which shows just how far right both parties have become) essentially ended our Democracy in all but name (not that I was a fan of Nixon) . The west is Fascist in all but name at this point.
They will spend the next 55 years weakening Democracy , destroying American Culture and doing a controlled demolition of the Main Street Economy to lower living standards of the Middle Class in order to siphon of wealth the the Elite and equalize living standards between East and West in preparation for the Future Global Government
I will continue in Part II-IV
They are not quite there yet but they plan to complete the mission by 2030. Fortunately for them Americans are blinded by partisan politics and embrace Fascism so long as their guy or party is in charge. This gives them the ability to move forward by alternating leadership every 4-8 years. Each party plays its role just like WWF Fake Wrestling