Exposing Pfizers GOF or More Psyops?
So some supposed Director of Research & Development at Pfizer talks about getting ahead of the virus with serial passaging through monkeys and point mutations, call it GOF or Directed Evolution, its the same thing
I probably should pass on this and wait for more information, but I am bored
This seems the best take on it
Of course, we have to be skeptical. I mean, even Pfizer cant be this stupid.
Besides the liability concern (unlike the vaccine GOF/Directed Evolution is all liability unless you are the Government or doing government funded research), such research can not be predictive. Monkeys are not humans and besides, in the wild we have a multitude of variants interacting among humans of varying ages and health conditions in many regions of the world taking antivirals like Paxlovid, Modernas drug whatever its called, Ivermectin, and HCQ
In other words, it wont tell you squat. Besides, they have literally millions of full genome sequences over time with which to evaluate the viruses evolutionary track. There is no legitimate reason to play with live viruses. Remember, all they need is the sequence of a new virus and in days they can design a new vaccine. That was the beauty of mRNA vaccines, remember
If they are doing GOF or Directed Evolution, is the Government involved in any ways in terms if funding or a liability waiver. If so we need the details. Maybe House Republicans can get off their arses.
Or did Project Veritas just get played? Is this an actor who pulled a fast one?. The guy couldn’t keep a straight face and its not clear who he thought he was talking to, nor was there any attempt by PV to describe how they validated his identity. Frankly, if this the quality of Pfizers Directors -of anything, even their Building Maintenance Director- I would sell my shares (if I had any).
Is Pfizer pulling a sting on PV to discredit them? The guy didn’t actually have any first hand information since he kept referring to “they”. Everything is what he heard in a meeting. This might be called hearsay. At the start he said it (serial passaging and point mutations) was just under discussion but then said there were experiments going on to decide how to proceed, without mentioning the specifics of the experiments.
Is this a psyop to try to deflect from who is really behind the variant production, so if the next variant proves more potent we look to Pfizer and not the real entity? Malones involvement makes me think so, seems he likes to point to CIA, Wuhan Institute of Virology/EHA/Fauci and now this is setting up Pfizer as the patsy. No mention of the folks running Operation Warp Speed (China called it Project Light Speed, BioNTech has its own deal with China).
Why would Pfizer agree to be a patsy ? In return for protection from their willful misconduct in the trials that could erase their liability exemption? Remember, Pfizer does not have their own vaccine. They just have an agreement to distribute and market BioNTechs Vaccine. Pfizer may well make more money on their own product (Paxlovid) than their share of the profits for BNT’s product.
I honestly don’t know, but keep an open mind, trust nothing and nobody. Question everything.