Perhaps people are waking up after all
Dels show this week delved into a taboo subject and perhaps enlightened some people with the help of Sean Stone about our Evil Controllers
My recent post was timely I think
It is the Fourth element that allow conspiracies among these EviL doers, who may just as well be called ELites .
They are Successful Psychopaths with Power and likeminded friends
They control governments, central banks and corporations and pretty much every institution with their money and social networks, meeting with each other in various forums too numerous to list. Bilderbergers, CFR, Trilateral Commission, WEF-Davos, Jackson Hole, Atlantic Council, etc.
What ideology unites them? A fusion of Globalism, Gnostic -Hermetic Transhumanism and a distaste for the Useless Class, a pestilence on their Earth. We are genetically inferior and incapable of ascending the evolutionary ladder to Homo Deus let alone to that Transhuman state where Man becomes God.
You see, the ELites religion is based on a Gnostic-Hermetic belief that some men, such as themselves , are made of the divine spark of the creator and are meant to upgrade and become Gods like their Creator
[Note: ʼĒl (also 'Il, Ugaritic: 𐎛𐎍 ʾīlu; Phoenician: 𐤀𐤋 ʾīl;[2] Hebrew: אֵל ʾēl; Syriac: ܐܺܝܠʾīyl; Arabic: إيل ʾīl or إله ʾilāh; cognate to Akkadian: 𒀭, romanized: ilu) is a Northwest Semitic word meaning "god" or "deity. EL as in ELite or 11 as in 9/11 and the II shaped towers may have significance]
They are indeed Religious Zealots. ELiminating the pestilence on this planet (you) is not EVIL. To them you are the EviL ones consuming the planets limited resources and denying these resources to future upgraded humans and Gods.
Agenda 2030, SDG Goals, COVID Jabs, Net Carbon Zero, ONE HEALTH , and the coming Financial crash are all programs to reduce your consumption and numbers, and end Democracy
This post perhaps does a better job
Evil began to flourish after the Subversion of Christianity and the resulting Nihilism and the growth of Secular Religions like Scientism and Militarism
These secular religions are not constrained by Christian Morality and Values and are accepted by a Population driven to Mass Formation Psychosis
Over the course of history the psychopathic ELite have always made up most of the ruling class. For much of history they have needed us to fight against the other psychopathic elites.
As time marched on, the ELites formed groups with other like minded elites, taking the form of religions, secret societies, or alliances with other monarchs /leaders and fighting the other elite groups.
Psychopaths tend to be low empath people. Some argue they may have empathy but are able to switch it off. In any event the dumb ones end up in jail or mental institutions.
Some of the very smart ones become the ELite. Supposedly psychopaths make up 3% of the population. Perhaps only 1/1000 of that 3% is capable of being one of the elites (number pulled from my arse)
So say 0.003% of the population are psychopathic low empath elites. There are 5 billion adults . 15,000 elites. There are only 3 ,000 billionaires , but I guess the younger ones haven’t had time to accumulate so much money
But you may ask why would all or most of the elites be low empath psychopaths. IMO its because they have a competitive advantage over those who are just as smart but are limited in their actions by their empathy.
In the 20th century following WWII, they basically decided they cant continue fighting each other, or they themselves risked doom. Over the next 55 years they worked out their differences and met in Rio in 1992.
Agenda 21. The new enemy was us. They united against the little people . The Fourth Industrial Revolution or Fourth Turning, maybe the Fourth Reich, call it what you will
Further more, due to Technology and automation they no longer needed us as much and they imagined a Future where AI and Robotics would reduce that need exponentially.
I enjoyed Sean Stones discussion of Michael Aquino. He showed some clips I had never seen before.
I mentioned Michael Aquino in my Techno-Satanism series
Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino joined the original Church of Satan in 1969, becoming one of its chief officials by 1975 when he founded the Temple of Set
He was in Military Intelligence, U.S. Army, and qualified as a Special Forces officer, Civil Affairs officer, and Defense Attaché.
He attended 16 separate military schoolsduring 1968-87, including advanced courses in "Psychological Operations" at the JFK Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and "Strategic Intelligence" at the Defense Intelligence College, at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C.
As early as April 1978, the U.S. Army had circulated A Handbook for Chaplains "to facilitate the provision of religious activities." Both the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set were listed among the "other" religions to be tolerated inside the U.S. military
Aquino was deeply involved in what has been called the "revolution in military affairs" ("RMA"), the introduction of the most "Third Wave," "New Age" ideas into military long-range planning, which introduced such notions as "information warfare" and "cyber-warfare" into the Pentagon's lexicon.
In the early 1980s, at the same time that Heidi and Alvin Toffler were spinning their Tavistock "Third Wave" views to Air Force brass, Aquino and another U.S. Army colonel, Paul Vallely, were co-authoring an article for Military Review.
The article, titled "From PSYOP to Mindwar: The Psychology of Victory," allegedly endorsed some of the ideas published in a 1980 Military Reviewarticle by Lt. Col. John Alexander, an affiliate of the Stanford Research Institute, a hotbed of Tavistock Institute and Frankfurt School "New Age" social engineering.
Although the article was never published in the journal, the piece was widely circulated among military planners, and was distributed by Aquino's Temple of Set.
Aquino and Vallely called for an explicitly Nietzschean form of warfare, which they dubbed "mindwar.""
And what is "mindwar?" For Aquino, "mindwar" is a permanent state of strategic psychological warfare against the populations of friend and foe nations alike.
"In its strategic context, mindwar must reach out to friends, enemies and neutrals alike across the globe ... through the media possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth. These media were, of course, the electronic media—television and radio. “
Aquino argues, mindwar must target the population of the United States, "by denying enemy propaganda access to our people, and by explaining and emphasizing to our people the rationale for our national interest.... “
Rather it states a whole truth that, if it does not now exist, will be forced into existence by the will of the United States."
Aquino would later be caught upin a series of pedophile scandals involving the sexual abuse of hundreds of children, including the Franklin scandal, and children of military personnel serving at the Presidio U.S. Army station in the San Francisco Bay Area.
In 2016 Michael Aquino published a book titled Mind War. He is also author of Temple of Set. Notice the symbology used for Mind War and Mind Star
Aquino supposedly received a direct revelation from Satan, later published as The Book of Coming Forth by Night (1985). In the book, Satan identified himself as Set, presented the twentieth century as the beginning of a new satanic dispensation and included Crowley’s prophecy of a new Age of Horus, marked by power politics and mass destruction.
The temple was dedicated to Set, the ancient Egyptian god of chaos, sometimes interchangeable with the dying-god Osiris, and regarded by Grant as Sirius, which according to Albert Pike is the “blazing star” of Freemasonry.
Aquino had also composed a “Call to Cthulhu” ritual before he left the Church of Satan, and adopted aspects of Lovecraft’s mythos. Aquino devised the “Ceremony of the Nine Angles,” which includes an evocation of Lovecraft’s deities, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep and Shub-Niggurath.
Impressed by the power and conquests of the Third Reich, Aquino also dabbled in Nazi occultism. In Church of Satan, his account of his time within the organization, Aquino provides a communication he sent to prominent members, including LaVey, in 1974, where he discusses in detail the relationship between Nazism and Satanism:
“According to Satanic criteria, the importance of Nazi Germany is that it succeeded in touching the very core of human behavioral motivation factors. In short, Adolf Hitler knew what really makes people tick, and he formed a political party designed to make those desires legitimate and respectable in German society. As you know from the Satanic Bible, people are motivated basically by crude and bestial emotions—greed, lust, hatred, envy of others’ success, desire for power, desire for recognition, etc. Civilization has repressed such anarchic emotions in order that people may live together with a certain amount of peace. When one deliberately unleashes those emotions, consequently, there is going to be a bit of unpleasantness—war, domestic purges, or the like. The keys are there for those who can read them. “
Ever since the profusion of accusations of SRA that emerged in the 1980s and 1990s, following the publication of Michelle Remembers, these reports have been dismissed as a “moral panic” and the result of “false memory syndrome.”
The concept of ‘false memory’ was in fact the brainchild of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, the US Army Intelligence Officer who headed Psychological Operations. In classic Psy-Op style, Aquino appeared on Oprah dressed in theatrical pop-satanism garb, to muddy the waters after multiple children identified him as a Luciferian pedophile.
Aquino was implicated in major USA cases involving CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse and MK- ULTRA mind control, including the Presidio Preschool, and Franklin scandals.
Aquino and Orne’s False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) and its Australian counterpart (AFMA) were formed specifically to counter the tidal wave of disclosure by victims of CIA child trafficking and Project MK-UKLTRA which began in the 1980s and peaked in the early 1990s before the CIA effectively shut it down.
The FMSF Board comprised former CIA and military doctors with backgrounds in behaviour modification
Anthropologist Jean LaFontaine, in the 1998 book Speak of the Devil, didn’t deny that rituals took place, but strangely suggest that they were invented by child abusers to frighten their victims or justify the abuse whose primary goal was sexual gratification, rather than ritualistic or religious.
Aquino was also a prime suspect in a series of pedophile scandals involving the sexual abuse of hundreds of children, including the children of military personnel serving at the Presidio U.S. Army station in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Furthermore, even as Aquino was being investigated by Army Criminal Investigation Division officers for involvement in the pedophile cases, he retained highest-level security clearances, and was involved in pioneering work in military psychological operations ("psy-ops").
On Aug. 14, 1987, San Francisco police raided Aquino's Russian Hill home, which he shared with his wife Lilith.
The raid was in response to allegations that the house had been the scene of a brutal rape of a four-year-old girl. The principal suspect in the rape, a Baptist minister named Gary Hambright, was indicted in September 1987 on charges that he committed "lewd and lascivious acts" with six boys and four girls, ranging in age from three to seven years, during September-October 1986.
At the time of the alleged sex crimes, Hambright was employed at a child care center on the U.S. Army base at Presidio. At the time of Hambright's indictment, the San Francisco police charged that he was involved in at least 58 separate incidents of child sexual abuse.
According to an article in the Oct. 30, 1987 San Francisco Examiner, one of the victims had identified Aquino and his wife as participants in the child rape. According to the victim, the Aquinos had filmed scenes of the child being fondled by Hambright in a bathtub.
The child's description of the house, which was also the headquarters of Aquino's Satanic Temple of Set, was so detailed, that police were able to obtain a search warrant.
During the raid, they confiscated 38 videotapes, photo negatives, and other evidence that the home had been the hub of a pedophile ring, operating in and around U.S. military bases.
Aquino and his wife were never indicted in the incident.
On April 19, 1988, the ten-count indictment against Hambright was dropped by U.S. Attorney Joseph Russoniello, on the grounds that, while there was clear evidence of child abuse (six of the children contracted the venereal disease, chlamydia), there was insufficient evidence to link Hambright (or the Aquinos) to the crimes.
Parents of several of the victims charged that Russoniello's actions proved that "the Federal system has broken down in not being able to protect the rights of citizens age three to eight."
Russoniello would later be implicated in efforts to cover up the links between the Nicaraguan Contras and South American cocaine-trafficking organizations, raising deeper questions about whether the decision not to prosecute Hambright and Aquino had "national security implications."
On Feb. 5, 1999, in U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, an extraordinary hearing occurred in Paul A. Bonacci v. Lawrence E. King, a civil action in which the plaintiff charged that he had been ritualistically abused by the defendant, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring linked to powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment.
Three weeks later, on Feb. 27, Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King, who is currently in Federal prison, to pay $1 million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci's attorney John DeCamp said was a clear signal that "the evidence presented was credible."
During the Feb. 5 hearing, Noreen Gosch stunned the court with sworn testimony linking U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide pedophile ring.
"Well, then there was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He's founded the Temple of Set. And he was a close friend of Anton LaVey (founded Church of Satan) .
"I know that Michael Aquino has been in Iowa. I know that Michael Aquino has been to Offutt Air Force Base [a Strategic Air Command base, near Omaha, which was linked to King's activities]. I know that he has had contact with many of these children."
A second witness who testified at the Feb. 5 hearing, Rusty Nelson, was King's personal photographer.
He later described to EIR another incident which linked King to Aquino, while the Army special forces officer was still on active reserve duty. Some time in the late 1980s, Nelson was with King at a posh hotel in downtown Minneapolis, when he personally saw King turn over a suitcase full of cash and bearer-bonds to "the Colonel," whom he later positively identified as Aquino.
According to Nelson, King told him that the suitcase of cash and bonds was earmarked for the Nicaraguan Contras, and that "the Colonel" was part of the covert Contra support apparatus, otherwise associated with Lt. Col. Oliver North, Vice President George Bush, and the "secret parallel government" that they ran from the White House.
From Whitney Webb
Buried in a May 1989 article in the Omaha World Herald’s probe into King’s Credit Union and sex ring, is a telling revelation: “In the 61/2 months since federal authorities closed Franklin, rumors have persisted that money from the credit union somehow found its way to the Nicaraguan contra rebels.”
The possibility that King’s fraudulent credit union was covertly funding the Contras was supported by subsequent reporting by the Houston Post’s Pete Brewton, who discovered that the CIA, in conjunction with organized crime, had secretly borrowed money from various savings and loans (S&L) institutions to fund covert operations.
One of those S&Ls had Neil Bush, George H.W. Bush’s son, on its board and it had done business with King’s organization.
Another link between King and the Iran Contra team is the fact that King had co-founded and subsequently donated over $25,000 to an organization affiliated with the Reagan administration, Citizens for America, which sponsored speaking trips for Lt. Col. Oliver North and Contra leaders.
One of the investigative journalists who researched the Craig Spence ring later told DeCamp that Spence’s ring was connected to King:
The way we discovered Larry King and his Nebraska-based call boy ring, was by looking through the credit card chits of Spence’s ring, where we found King’s name.”
It was later revealed that King and Spence were essentially business partners as their child trafficking rings were operated under a larger group that was nicknamed “Bodies by God.”
Exactly how many groups operated under this umbrella group, “Bodies by God,” is unknown. Yet, what is known is that the rings run by both King and Spence were connected to each other and both were also connected to prominent officials in the Reagan and subsequent George H.W. Bush administrations, including officials with ties to the CIA and Roy Cohn and his network.
It is also worth noting the role of the FBI in all of this, particularly in the Franklin child sex abuse scandal. Indeed, Larry King’s child sex abuse ring was quickly and aggressively covered up by the FBI, which used a variety of under-handed tactics to bury the reality of King’s sordid operation.
Aquinos wife is named Lilith
From his book , Temple of Set (below)
Jacob Frank claimed to be the reincarnation of Sabbatai Zevi in the 18th century. Frank taught his followers that they needed to do Evil to bring forth the Messiah and converted to Christianity along with many of his followers. He was imprisoned at a Monastery in Poland at the sire of the Black Madonna. Frank claimed the Black Madonna represented Lilith. According to Kabballah Lilith is the Black Goddess from Solomons time. The Black Goddess is the Godess of Evil
Are we in a Satanic Mind War?
There are clearly dark forces among us engaged in psychological warfare using weaponized propaganda and memes.
Perhaps this is a religious war, a Crusade to wipe out the last remnants of christian morality which exists more out of habit and cultural memory than the dictates of religion.
Some of you don’t like using the word Satanic, sounds too religious. I agree, its more comfortable just calling it Fascism or Transhumanism, but both are just other names for what is Satanic. Its important to understand Satanism , or Fascism if you like , comes in flavors appealing to the Left (Woke) and Right (Libertarianism)
In 1964, Anton Szandor LaVey became the next great influential figure in Satanism, effectively becoming the ‘founder’ of modern Satanism and responsible for its development as a sophisticated and comparatively public religio- philosophic system. LaVey founded the Church of Satan (CoS) in San Francisco on April 30, Walpurgisnacht, 1966 and through the church articulated his understanding of what it means to be Satanic.
One distinctive and influential feature of LaVey’s Satanism was the premise that the secular-scientific world- view was essentially the correct one and that religious world-views are fundamentally wrong and to be rejected. As such ‘Satan’, as a real individualized spiritual figure, does not exist and supernatural powers are simply natural laws as yet undiscovered
Closely allied with this was the embracing of Libertarianism/Objectivism in the mould of Ayn Rand, so much so that LaVey’s ‘credo’, the Nine Satanic Statements, was modelled on passages from Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.
This placed LaVey in a curious political position in regards to many members of the CoS, and society in general, as the late 1960s ushered in the era of flower-power and hippydom. As youth culture moved to the left, LaVey was moving to the right and flirting with the trappings of Nazism and the Ku Klux Klan.
While LaVey did not acknowledge Rand’s influence in the Nine Satanic Statements in the Satanic Bible, he did express his debt to her elsewhere, describing the Church of Satan as being ‘just Ann Rand’s philosophy with ceremony and ritual added.
Today there are many branches of Satanism, in fact, modern Satanism is best considered an umbrella term for a wide variety of sets of beliefs and practices. The different belief systems reject western moral laws, replacing them with a combination of a positive self-image and a decided lack of conformity.
Satanic sects share three characteristics in common: An interest in magic, played out as psychodrama or mystical events; the creation of a community which defines the roles of membership as somewhere between people who share a mystical pursuit to those who live according to set of religious tenets; and a philosophy that thrives on non-conformity.
Satanist Branches and Left Hand Paths
Satanist themselves range from individuals who simply follow a self-centered philosophy. to organized groups with meeting houses and scheduled events. There are many Satanist groups, the best known of which are the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set. They embrace a low level of hierarchical leadership and a loosely agreed-upon and widely varied set of religious practices and beliefs.
Satanists say they follow left-hand paths, life ways which unlike Wicca and Christianity are focused on self-determination and the power of the self, rather than submitting to a superior force. While many Satanists do believe in a supernatural being, they see their relationship with that being as more of a partnership than a mastery of a god over a subject.
Below you will find listed three main styles of Satanist practices—Reactive, Theistic, and Rationalistic Satanism—and afterwards a sample of what are dozens of smaller sects which follow idiosyncratic pathways to enlightenment.
Reactive Satanism
The term "reactive Satanism" or "adolescent Satanism" refers to groups of individuals who adopt the stories of mainstream religion but invert its value.
Thus, Satan is still an evil god as defined in Christianity, but one to be worshiped rather than shunned and feared. In the 1980s, adolescent gangs combined inverted Christianity with romantic "gnostic" elements, inspired by black metal rock music and Christian scare propaganda, role-playing games and horror imagery, and engaging in petty crime.
In contrast, most modern "rationalistic and esoteric" Satanist groups are loosely organized with a set of moralities which explicitly focus on this world. Some may have a more transcendent, spiritual dimension that might include the possibility of an afterlife. Such groups tend to be more exclusively naturalistic and all shun violence and criminal activities.
In the 1960s, a highly secularized and atheistic type of Satanism arose under the direction of American author and occultist Anton Szandor LaVey. LaVey created the "Satanic Bible," which remains the most readily available text on the Satanic religion. He also formed the Church of Satan, which is by far the most well-known and most public Satanic organization.
LaVeyan Satanism is atheistic. According to LaVey, neither God nor Satan are actual beings; the only "god" in LaVeyan Satanism is the Satanist [Man]himself. Instead, Satan is a symbol representing the qualities embraced by Satanists. Invoking the name of Satan and other infernal names is a practical tool in Satanic ritual, placing one's focus and will upon those qualities.
In Rationalistic Satanism, extreme human emotion must be channeled and controlled rather than suppressed and shamed; this Satanism believes the seven "deadly sins' should be considered actions which lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.
Satanism as defined by LaVey is a celebration of the self. It encourages people to seek their own truths, indulge in desires without fear of societal taboos, and perfect the self.
In 1974, Michael Aquino, a member of the hierarchy of the Church of Satan, and Lilith Sinclair, a group leader ("grotto master") from New Jersey, broke away from the Church of Satan on philosophical grounds and formed the splinter group Temple of Set.
In the resulting theistic Satanism, practitioners recognize the existence of one or more supernatural beings. The major god, viewed as a father or older brother, is often called Satan, but some groups identify the leader as a version of the ancient Egyptian god Set. Set is a spiritual entity, based on the ancient Egyptian notion of xeper, translated as "self-improvement" or "self-creation."
Regardless of the being or beings in charge, none of them resemble the Christian Satan. Instead, they are beings which have the same general qualities as the symbolic Satan: sexuality, pleasure, strength, and rebellion against Western mores.
Among the minor sects is Luciferianism, whose adherents see it as a separate branch of Satanism which combines elements of rational and theistic forms. It is largely a theistic branch, although there are some who see Satan (called Lucifer) as symbolic rather than an actual being.
Luciferians use the term "Lucifer" in its literal sense: the name means "light bringer" in Latin. Rather than being a figure of challenge, rebellion, and sensuality, Lucifer is seen as a creature of enlightenment, the one who brings light out of the darkness.
Practitioners embrace the seeking of knowledge, delving into the darkness of mystery, and coming out better for it. They stress the balance of light and dark and that each depends upon the other.
While Satanism revels in physical existence and Christianity focuses more on spirituality, Luciferians see their religion as one that seeks a balance of both, that human existence is an intersection of the two.
Also known as Chaos-Gnosticism, the Misanthropic Luciferian Order, and the Temple of the Black Light, the Anti-Cosmic Satanists believe that the cosmic order that was created by God is a fabrication and behind that reality is an endless and formless chaos.
Some of its practitioners such as Vexior 21B and Jon Nodtveidt of the Black Metal band Dissection are nihilists who would prefer that the world to return to its normal state of chaos.
What to make of all this? I believe visible Satanism is mostly a religion for non-Elites . It is Atheistic and its purpose is mostly to create chaos and destroy the moral fabric that was woven during the reign of Christianity. As I discussed in my last post, the ELites see themselves as becoming Gods, and while they have not achieved this that is their goal. Perhaps some ELites are LaVeyan Satanists, and already see themselves as Gods . In the meantime most at least see themselves as being Homo Deus, somewhat superior to the rest of us genetically inferior humans who have been Left Behind. We are the Neanderthals of our time and will meet the same fate as resources will be reserved for tomorrows human upgrades and future ELite Gods
This is EVIL, but in their upside down inverted world, EVIL is GOOD.
None of this surprises me. I became aware of King etc. around the time of Epstein. Then I went down the rabbit hole. Australia is a Pedophile/Satanic sanctuary, absolutely horrifying.
This brings together so much. Thank you.