So between Earthquakes [HAARP?], Chinese—UFO Balloons and Train Derailments releasing Toxic Chemicals and threats of a H5N1 Pandemic they certainly are working overtime to distract us and drive the few sane people left insane
Lets start with the East Palestine (OH) Train Derailment on February 3rd that MSM didn’t pay much attention to. I didn’t really pay much notice to this since even independent media was chasing balloons and the quake, until I heard of a Netflix Movie (White Noise) that came out on December 2022 about a Train Derailment in East Palestine. Apparently a number of East Palestine residents participated in the staged evacuation in the movie.
This reminded me of Netflix Pandemic Documentary Series that came out in January 2020 right before COVID arrived to US. Curious
It also reminds me of that Lone Gunmen (X-Files spinoff) episode that was aired by Fox months before 9/11 about a hijacked (remote control) plane was directed to crash into the WTC before being aborted by the hero’s.
Makes you wonder if Hollywood is used by government to rehearse these events. Kind of like an exercise (Event 201, Dark Winter, and 9/11 type exercises before and during 9/11)
The chemical of most concern is Vinyl Chloride that was contained in 5 cars. This is nasty stuff, and when spilled would evaporate and cause a cloud of toxic vapor heavier than air, meaning it would stay at ground level. Hence, the decision to burn it. While the combustion products are even more toxic, unlike Vinyl Chloride it is lighter than air and will rise into the sky above ground. Unfortunately that Vinyl Chloride that seeped into the ground will be there for awhile, and some of it will enter the ground water. Property values in the area will not recover.
There was a 5 day evacuation for residents which was lifted. Some independent media people complaining about this saying the decision is motivated to harm people. These are the same guys like me that argued against lockdown. Talk about cognitive dissonance. I think its a good thing residents are allowed to return to their home and are not kept from doubt so by government decree, assuming the air quality is acceptable. They know the dangers. Their choice to return or not. They can drink and wash with bottled water or get their water tested to verify its safe
While its not unthinkable they would lie about air quality like 9/11, East Palestine is not quite as important as NYC to open up
Of course, this is just one train crash, not an event like 9/11 or COVID.
But then
2/13-SPLENDORA, Texas (KTRK) -- One person is dead after a truck collided with a train in the Splendora area, causing the train to derail.
SkyEye flew over the scene, where at least seven train cars were seen off the tracks. Video also showed debris crushed under the front of the train.
The crash happened along U.S. 59 north at Midline, according to the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office.
2/13. 2 dead, 70 injured in Amtrak crash
Stay tuned
Now for the Earthquake. 7.8 quake in Turkey may have killed as many as 120,000. Many Buildings collapsed like controlled demolition, even hours after the main quake.
Earthquakes happen, especially in that area. Just days before the quake some dude predicted a 7.5+ quake in the area sooner or later. This is after 3 - 7+ quakes in the world in January that he claimed after the fact were due to planetary alignments and gravitational forces. He also predicted an imminent 8.8 quake for California in 2015. Still waiting.
Others claim its HAARP. Unfortunately HAARP was handed off to some University in Alaska. Too small and outdated for the Military. Engdahl has a nice piece here on the current capabilities in his speculation on weather manipulation
Much international attention and concern has been given to a US Air Force and Office of Naval Research ionospheric research project, HAARP-- High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program-- in Gakona, Alaska.
In January 1999, the European Union called the project a “global concern” and passed a resolution calling for more information on its health and environmental risks. Washington ignored the call.
Most of HAARP research data has been classified for reasons of “national security,” leading to wide speculation of sinister activity.
In 1985 while working for ARCO Oil Company on a grant from the Pentagon’s DARPA, a brilliant physicist, Dr. Bernard J. Eastlund, filed a patent (US #4,686,605), for a "Method and Apparatus for Altering A Region In the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, And Or Magnetosphere." The patent description claimed that a specific beaming of powerful radio waves into the ionosphere could cause heating and “elevate” the Earth’s ionosphere. It could be used to control weather, altering jet streams, changing tornadoes or creating or denying rainfall. ARCO was approached by the US military and sold them the patent rights from their then-employee Eastlund.
The US military then reportedly turned the patent rights over to top military contractor, Raytheon. Raytheon is reportedly also involved in construction of every major ionosphere heating radar arrays globally. Coincidence? A HAARP spokesman denied it used the patent of Eastlund in HAARP. They did not mention any of the other sites, however.
HAARP is a highly powerful phased array of radar antennas aimed at the ionosphere.
It is sometimes referred to as an ionic heater. The ionosphere is a high-altitude layer of the atmosphere with particles which are highly charged with energy. If radiation is projected into the ionosphere, huge amounts of energy can be generated and used to annihilate a given region. Initially its own website, now deleted, stated HAARP was “a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere… for both civilian and defense purposes.”
HAARP at Gakona was officially shuttered by the US military in 2013. In 2015 officially they transferred operation of HAARP to their civilian partner, The University of Alaska at Fairbanks. The closure provided the excuse to stop the live broadcasting of HAARP's signals on a public website, which had given strong evidence of links between HAARP activities and major weather catastrophes such as Hurricane Katrina or the 2008 China Chengdu earthquake.
Operation of the facility was transferred to the University of Alaska in 2015.
Some researchers have speculated that the Gakona HAARP is a sly diversion, an innocent site open to academic scrutiny, while serious military ionospheric manipulation takes place at other top secret sites.
By 2015 the US military and government agencies such as NOAA had moved well beyond the capacities of HAARP. They oversaw construction of far more powerful phased array ionospheric radar heat arrays around the world. This included a more powerful HIPAS – a 70 megawatt facility east of Fairbanks. It also included Arecibo Observatory, formerly known as the Arecibo Ionosphere Observatory – 2 megawatt facility in Puerto Rico; Mu Radar – 1 megawatt facility in Japan. And the mother of all atmospheric heating radar arrays, EISCAT – a 1 gigawatt facility in Tromsø, Northern Norway. HAARP is only a mere 3.6 megawatt facility.
Many other phased array ionospheric heater sites are either classified secret or give little information. It is believed one such is at Vandenberg Air Force base in Southern California. Another in Millstone Hill, Massachusetts, another in Taiwan and in the Marshall Islands.
Because the Pentagon and other relevant US Government agencies choose to say little or nothing about their inter-connectedness and use in climate alteration, we are left to speculate.
The military contractor Raytheon, who got the Eastlund patents from ARCO, reportedly is involved in many such sites globally.
So could the quake have been engineered or was it just naturally occurring due to a transient planetary alignment. Perhaps the planetary alignment in conjunction with the use of ionospheric radar heat arrays ? We will never know.
Last but not least - Balloons. China or Alien UFO Aggression. Maybe China is in an alliance with Aliens to control the work and use non-Chinese as slave labor or made into human burgers for export to the Aliens Intergalactic McDonalds burger chains
Seriously though, perhaps this is just a test to see if we are all insane or dumb enough for them to roll out Project Blue Beam
Serge Monast disclosed Project Blue Beam in his book in 1994. He died of a supposed heart attack in 1996 and his book was never translated or republished
A transcript of an interview describing Project Blue Beam here. I cant validate it so take with grain of salt
NASA Blue Beam Project has four different steps. Four parts toward the implementation of the New World Religion with the anti-Christ at its head. And we must remember that the New World Religion is the basic foundation for the New World Government. Without that New World Religion, such government, such worldwide dictatorship is completely impossible. That's why the project is so not only so important to them, but was so well kept secret to now.
The first step concerns the breakdown of all archeological knowledge. It deals with the set-up of earthquakes at certain precise locations of the planet where supposedly new discoveries will suddenly explain - for them - the wrong meaning of all major religions' basic doctrines. This classification used to make the population believe that all religious doctrines have been misunderstood and misinterpreted have already started with the field of psychological preparation for populations for the first step has been prepared through films like 2001 a Space Odessy; the series, Star Trek; Star Wars which deals with space invasion and space protection; and the last film, Jurassic Park, dealing with the theory of evolution.
Now, which is important to understand in that first step is that those earthquakes will hit at different parts of the world where scientists and archeological teachings have been taught in the past where supposedly there were some hidden secrets. By those kinds of earthquakes it will be possible for them to rediscover again - supposedly, okay? - rediscover again those kinds of secrets and those secrets are meant to discredit all the religions' basic doctrines.
This is the first preparation for the plan for humanity, because what they want to do is to throw down, to shake up the beliefs of all Christians on the planet. And to do that they need some false proof, supposedly from the past, and from the far past that will "prove" to men and women that their religions are false.
The second step deals with the gigantic space show with three dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving different images according to predominating regional/national religious faith. This new god's image will be talking in all languages. Now to understand that, we have to go back a little bit in different Secret Services research done in the last 25 years. Like this one:
The Soviets have manufactured the advanced computer, even imported, and fed them with the minute psychical particular base under studies about the anatomy and the biology of the human body; and the studies about the anatomy, the chemistry and the electricity of the human brain. These computers were fed as well, with the different languages and their meanings. The dialect of people have been fed from the Nature Truth satellite. The Soviets started to feed the computer with objective programs like the ones New Messiah. It also seems that the Soviets now, the new world order people, ?? to suicidal methods with the human society by allocating an electronic wave on every mind for many persons in different societies.
Now, there are two different things in that second part. The space show and where that space show comes from. The Space Show, the holographic imaging will be used in a simulation of the ending in which you are given scenes which focus on fulfillment of that which is a desire for you to protect? to fit the needs of those adversary ??.
The results of this deliberately staged false Christ will be for the implementation of a new universal religion. Enough tricks will be foisted on us to hook us into the lie. The Project is the ability to take up a whole bunch of people as in a rapture type of situation and to whisk the whole bunch into never-never land.
The calculated resistance to the New World Religion, the New World Order and the New Messiah will be ? on a massive scale in the ensuing Holy Wars. The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophesies of old, as nature and even as that which took place 2,000 years ago.
In principal, it will make use of the sky as a movie screen, a space based laser generating satellite projects simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language and in every dialect according to region. It deals with the religion aspect of the new world order and is a large scale seduction.
Computers will coordinate the satellite and software will run the show and tell. Holography is based on very nearly identical signal, combining to produce an image or hologram with deep perception which is equally applicable ?? to ELF, VLF and LF waves. It is an optical phenomena.
Specifically, the show will consist of laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different according to predominating regional/national religious faith. Not a single area will be excluded.
With computer animation and sound effects appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiah in spectacularly convincing life-like realness. Then the projection of the Christ, of Mohammed, Buddah, Krishna, etc. will merge into one after ?? explanation of the mysteries, prophecies, and revelation will have been disclosed.
This one god will in fact be the anti-Christ who will explain the various scriptures have been misunderstood, that the religions of all are responsible for turning brother against brother, nation against nation; therefore the world's religions must be abolished to make way for the Golden Age, New Age of the One World Religion, representing the one god anti-Christ in this instance they see before them.
Does “East Palestine” and the Earth Quake somehow fit into this script. Are the Balloons being sent up as part of the Holograph show?
I personally think Project Blue Beam will be used to simulate an Alien Invasion to unite the world against an external threat. These fictitious aliens will be blamed for the
depopulation to come
Here is Clinton saying the same
The Rockefeller’s have always been in on using UFO’s and Alien threats to alter human behavior
From Orson Welles broadcast of Martians invading New Jersey in 1938 they have been testing the waters
To the 1993 Disclosure Initiative that was created by none other than financier Laurence Rockefeller (4th son of Standard Oil Founder John D. Rockefeller).
From MK-ULTRA to the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program which was devoted to identifying ETs.
Both Government and Private Actors have been conditioning the population to believe in and fear Aliens so they could one day exploit their fear to control them. Like with COVID they would need to wait until they had the technology and Information control systems in place to proceed. That day may or may not have come
And then there is the brewing Bird Flu Pandemic following another Pandemic Excercise (Catastrophic Contagion)
I mean, don’t these guys ever sleep or do they have AI working 24/7 on this crap
"Hence, the decision to burn it."
"And so we decided to pull it," said Lucky Larry.
Ya knit it all together and found the vidde-yo's to boot! Yes, it's a MEGA PSYOP, all fer us but no popcorn (mebbe fried mealworms?). I see this as one big Everything Everywhere All at Once Master Meister Plan using the clutch to change gears SO fast that Amerikans git whiplash (while bein' whooped ta shreds). Earthquakes, Weather Warfare, TrainWreck Chernobles (which also destroy farmland / eat-ables apart from the food-factory fires), and now.... CCP Balloons (99 hundert luft balloons...) AND ALIENS! The mockin'birds are poopin' technicolor confetti EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE because (I think) they're gettin' desperate. Pullin' all the stops, showin' their cards (bad bad move) and bankin' on scattershot hits because even in PowerGrabber Land their thrones ain't too stable now so it's a now-or-never Hollyweird Special Effects team fiesta to freak everyone out before the normies start to stir from their slumber and question "THE" Off-fish-ill narratives....