COVID Situation in Taiwan
The Western Press most likely is pretty much ignoring Taiwans COVID outbreak except to blame it for moving away from its Zero COVID model, which presumably means the Shanghai model (Lockdown, business closures and quarantine). I cant say for sure since I don’t read or watch much of the PRAVDA Press in Amerika these days.
Why? Because one of the most masked and Vaxxed nations on the planet that is also prescribing new wonder meds from Pfizer and Merck at a frantic pace has the worlds highest COVID case and death rates.
Truth be told, if nobody was testing , tracing, jabbing and counting cases and deaths we probably wouldn’t even know there was a problem.
"'If we had not been told that there was an epidemic in the country, you would not have known there was such an epidemic and you would not have done anything about it”
Here is the situation
(80% of cases and 70% of deaths occurred in May this year)
Context-Taiwan experiences 12,000-14,000 deaths per month in a normal year
Vaccination began April 2021
1st booster began December 2021, 2nd Booster began May, 2022
Booster Rate increased from less than 1 % at start of January 2022 to 65% in May 2022
Last Year-COVID Deaths
Began April last year. Population 23 million. Vaccination rate approaching 90%, mask wearing ubiquitous and mandated
Data sources
2022 CFR Questions
Date. Deaths -cases (CFR)
1/1-4/2. 4- 6.8k (0.06%)
4/3-4/9. 0- 2.6K -
4/10-16. 0- 6.2k. -
4/17-4/23 2- 13.8k (0.01%)
4/24-4/30 9- 64k (0.01%)
74 cases in April died in May
Total deaths from cases Jan 1-April 30 is 89
There were 93.4k cases 1/1-4/30
Calculated CFR ~ 0.1%
Lets look at May numbers
5/1-5/7. 42-200k (0.02%)
5/8-5/14. 142-383k (0.04%)
5/15-5/21. 294-540k (0.05%)
5/22-5/28 571 - 566 K (0.1%)
Total. (1049-74 (April) )/1,589k cases
Cumulative Calculated May CFR 0.07%
However, many deaths from 5/15 onwards not reported or have not occurred and we can expect deaths to be reported well into June. Using current deaths and dividing by cases through 5/14 a more reasonable estimate of CFR is 0.17% and that may be understated since some percentage of COVID deaths are in patients who live longer than 2 weeks
What is responsible for this rather drastic jump in CFR compared to January-April?
What has changed?
The booster rate has increased from 0.8% on Jan 7 to 65.4% on May 29. Meanwhile the unvaxxed population has dropped from 19.9% to 12.2% in the same period.
A 2nd booster was approved for the elderly on May 16 and children 12+up are eligible for boosters. Age 5-11 have recently been approved for vaccination including Moderna which has yet to get EUA in US
Meanwhile , Taiwan has embarked on a massive distribution of prescriptions for Pfizer and Merck’s Covid drugs at a rate higher than any other country , most of it in May 3.97% vs 3.2% in US
Furthermore increased testing and dx should be driving CFR lower as it approaches true IFR (last year CFR was 4-5% but this was mostly due to only more serious cases were tested, much like 1st wave in US when CFR was 3.4%)
For more on last years CFR in Taiwan
However, perhaps increased testing of those dying of natural causes are leading to increased number of deaths being dx as COVID DEATHS
Last but no least , the increased volume of cases could have a negative effect on the quality of care.
Mean Time of Death after COVID confirmation
A significant number of the deaths are occurring on day of COVID confirmation (day Zero)
5/12-6/17 death on or before confirmation
5/20- 12/48
5/21-15/ 59
5/25 -15/76
5/26 22/104
5/27 25/126
5/29 26/145
5/30 31/109
Based on this sampling 220/951 (23%) were dead same day or earlier as confirmed dx. Might be too many people waiting too long before heading to the hospital, or something caused sudden symptoms resulting in death that was dx as COVID (Dying with but not from COVID)
How long do those who make it beyond Day Zero live?
Median-Time of Death after Cfmd Case
(Exclude day zero deaths)
5/12– 5 days
5/13- 3
5/14- 4
5/15- 5
5/16- 5
5/17- 4
5/18- 4
5/19- 4
5/20- 4
5/21- 3
5/25- 4
5/26- 3
5/27- 4
5/28- 4
5/29- 7 (outlier ?)
On average 1/2 of deaths after Day Zero happened in 4-5 days
So basically we have 60-65% of confirmed cases who die that are dead by day 4-5. Leaving 35-40% that die after day 5
I only have time to look at one day for now, but here is May 26
5/26 deaths Days to die after cfmd case (104)
0-7 79 (22 day zero)
8-14 = 19
>14. 6
So while this day may not be representative , less than 6% made it past day 14
I’ll look at some more data when I get a chance and update this
I am a bit surprised Omicron deaths are so quick especially with all the vaccination and prescription drugs. Of course, nobody dares try IVM , HCQ or Fluvoxamine because WHO and FDA say no (unless as part of a Trial which to the best of my knowledge is not being do e except on some Chinese Medicine Product)
Pre-Omicron Survival Time
But, while the LoS in hospital for patients that recover increases with age for all age groups, the survival time of hospitalized patients that died is lower for the age groups seniors (median time of 6.7 days)and elderly (median time of 5.7 days) as compared to the working age group (median time of 12.1 days).
To investigate the length of stay in hospital, we should make a distinction between patients that recover or that die. While the median length of stay for patients that recover varies between 5 days (in the young population) to 15.7 (in the elderly), the median length of stay for patients that die varies between 5.7 days (in the elderly) and 12.2 days (in the working age population).!po=0.694444
Natural Mortality rate
Using Taiwans age stratified case rate
Age Annual Mortality Taiwan Case %
10-19 0.01%. 10%
20-29 0.04%. 17%
30-39 0.19%. 19%
40-49. 0.25%. 17%
50-59 0.50%. 12%
60 -69 1.15%. 9%
70 -79 2.29%. 4%
80 -89 5.82%. 1.6%
90-99. 16.55%. 0.4%
0.005 annual mortality rate
0.0002 chance of death every 2 weeks
1/5200 by natural causes every 2 weeks
1/2600 every month
So of 1.8+ million cases in May ~ 350 deaths 2 weeks after dx, 700 after 1 month of dx should be expected
If taking into account natural mortality actual COVID CFR could be 1/2 the calculated rate
Elderly case rates may be skewed low due to concern elderly positive cases may be hospitalized/quarantined regardless of symptoms
FWIW-here is age stratified CFR
Since almost everyone who dies of COVID does so within 1 month of COVID lets look at the monthly mortality rate side by side with the COVID CFR for the over 60’s
Age Annual Mortality COVID CFR
~Increase RIsk
of Death
60 -69 0.1%. 0.08% ~ x1
70 -79 0.19%. 0.32% ~x2
80 -89 0.49%. 1.14%. ~x2
90-99. 1.27% 3.32% ~x3
Having COVID certainly increases the risk of death in 70+ by 2-3 x
Of course, the mortality rate is for those of average health for that age. Over 90% of deaths are in those with multiple comorbidities and some of those are DNR
In Taiwan I believe you are only eligible for DNR if 2 Doctors certify you are a terminal patient, unless thats been changed recently
Time for Deaths to be Reported After Case Confirmation
Based on 5/30 daily report
within 7 days or less -45%
38% 1-2 weeks
14% over 2-3 weeks
3% over 3 weeks
This is to refute those saying it takes 2-4 weeks for deaths for confirmed case reports to be reported in daily death reports, implying CFR is far higher
I need to look at more data but am doing this manually.
Looking at 1 day on 5/27
5/27-126 deaths, 56 were DNR
13/27 90+ DNR
17/45 80’s DNR
10/26 70’s DNR
11/20. 60’s DNR
2/4. 50’s DNR
2/2. 40’s DNR
1/1. <10. DNR
DNR in Unvaxxed under 70
14/27 under 70’s were unvaxxed
8/14 Unvaxxed under 70’s were DNR
All Deaths
45 No symptoms (Asymptomatic COVID KILLS? )
14 deaths it was unknown if they had symptoms
67 deaths had COVID symptoms
Vaxxed 74. (32 no symp, 9 unknown)
Total unvaxxed 52 (13 no symp, 5 unkown)
A larger % of unvaxxed had symptoms
An increased percentage of deaths are among the boosted population
Deaths. Population
Boosted/Unvaxxe Boosted /unvaxxed%
5/3-5/10. 25%/42%. 60.2%-15.1%
5/13-5/20 29%/41%. 63%
5/21-5/28 34%/41%. 65.4%-12.2%
Boosted pct deaths increased 36%
Boosted population increased 9%
Unvaxxed-death pct Unchanged
Unvaxxed population reduced 19%
Non Covid Annual Deaths (vax campaign began around April 2021)
174,346 -April 2020-Mar 2021
185,186. April 2021-Mar 2022 (+6% increase compared to same period in 2020-2021)
10,840 extra deaths
840 COVID deaths
10,000 additional non-Covid deaths
To put in perspective thats 150,000 extra deaths if adjusted for US population size. Now maybe the previous year was a really low deaths year or something
Selecting a few special months with high yoy deaths
Ist dose
June 2021 increased 19.77% yoy~1.5m d
May 2021 increased 13.83% ~0.5m d
1st dose/2nd dose
Aug 2021 increased 12.41% ~2.3m, 0.6m 2nd dose
Nov 2021 increased 10.03% ~6 m 2nd d
Mar 2022 increased 10.96% ~1.8m booster d
May 2022-??? 1.2 m booster d
Whats Taiwan VAERS data look like
Multiply x 15 for US equivalent
1491 deaths x 15= 22k+ deaths
US Vaers deaths~12K
But Taiwan has a higher vax uptake, so on a per dose basis ~ 1/36k doses leads to a reported deaths and ~ 1/41K doses in US. Pretty close. With a centralized health care system Taiwan probably picks up more deaths. They don’t acknowledge the vaccines as causative though
Vaccine incentives (Coercion/Mandates)
Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said the workers will be required to be fully vaccinated by January 1, meaning they need to receive their second dose by December 17 at the latest.
Here is a list of establishments that will require their workers to be vaccinated:
All grades of education from kindergartens to senior high schools; after school care centers; community colleges; test preparation programs; learning establishments for adults, infant care facilities; childcare centers
Competitive and leisure sport centers; swimming pools
Arts and performance groups for all education levels up to senior high schools
Social welfare community activities and programs (including elderly services); dementia help centers; holistic health improvement businesses
Visual media projection businesses; arcades; internet cafes; karaoke establishments; board game and mahjong establishments
Ballroom restaurants and wedding venues
Cosmetics-related establishments
Exhibition halls
Nightclub-related businesses, including bars, bistros, and establishments such as saunas and special teahouses
Chen said it is absolutely not compulsory, adding that if people do not get fully vaccinated, they can replace vaccination with testing, per CNA.
TAIPEI, Jan 20 (Reuters) - Taiwan will mandate the use of passes that provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination for entry into entertainment venues, the government said on Thursday, as it seeks to reduce infection risks while tackling a small rise in domestic Omicron cases.
The Central Epidemic Command Centre said that from Friday entry into venues including bars and night clubs would require proof of full vaccination, either by showing a physical vaccine card or a new digital card.
About 17 USD
Require booster by 4/22
The booster shot requirement is also for group travelers and gym patrons and staff in these areas
Hospital capacity
Us COVID AT PEAK USED 12% of hospital bed capacity
This statistic depicts the number of hospital beds in Taiwan from 2010 to 2020. As of the end of 2020, there were around 169 thousand hospital beds available in Taiwan, an increase by approximately 1.5 thousand beds compared to the previous year.
From this 5/26 report you see about 7500 beds occupied by COVID
Its really hard for me to understand how this can be so high. Are they really in hospital treat COVID, this suggests a hospital CFR of around 1.4% which is almost unheard of (hospital CFR generally 7% in US). I am unaware their treatment protocols differ much from the US and WHO sanctioned protocols
CDC Study
The percentage of hospitalized COVID-19 patients who received IMV (3.5%) or died while in the hospital (7.1%) during Omicron was lower than during the winter 2020–21 (IMV = 7.5%; deaths = 12.9%) and Delta (IMV = 6.6%; deaths = 12.3%) periods overall, and for both adult age groups (p<0.001). Mean length of hospital stay during Omicron (5.5 days) was 31.0% lower than during the winter 2020–21 (8.0 days) and 26.8% lower than during Delta (7.6 days) periods overall, and for both adult age groups (p<0.001).
Based on this you have less than 2500 with moderate symptoms and 1000 with serious symptoms
I am speculating most of the serious cases end up as deaths, and I suppose many of those hospitalized for moderate or no symptoms are either to provide Remdesivir or are high risk confirmed cases who are hospitalized as a precaution, and there may be some in hospital for other reasons who test positive incidentally, but I really do not know
From the below study it seems the percentage of hospitalized cases with severe disease was much higher in South Africa
Clinical severity of COVID-19 in patients admitted to hospital during the omicron wave in South Africa: a retrospective observational study
During the omicron wave, 15 421 (33·6%) of 45 927 patients admitted to hospital had severe disease,compared with 36 837 (52·3%) of 70 424 in the Asp614Gly wave, 57 247 (63·4%) of 90 310 in the beta wave, and 81 040 (63·0%) of 128 558 in the delta wave (p<0·0001). The in-hospital case-fatality ratio during the omicron wave was 10·7%, compared with 21·5% during the Asp614Gly wave, 28·8% during the beta wave, and 26·4% during the delta wave (p<0·0001).
Fear Porn
But new Omicron Variants are coming. Mommy!!
Examination of 3,395 samples from blood donors earlier this year, at the tail end of the fourth wave of infections, showed that 87% of South Africans had previously been infected with the virus, while just over 97% had either had a previous infection or a vaccination or both. The study was lead by Stellenbosch University’s DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Epidemiological Modeling and Analysis and the South African National Blood Service.
The findings demonstrate the ability of the Omicron variant, especially its BA.4 and BA.5 sublineages, to infect those who already have protection against the disease. Still, despite the proportion of positive tests nearing a record daily cases as the latest surge peaked, hospitalizations were well below previous waves and relatively few deaths were recorded.
Waning boosters-studies
Neutralizing Antibodies Against the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant (BA.1) 1 to 18 Weeks After the Second and Third Doses of the BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(5):e2212073. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.12073
This study detected a rapid decline in Omicron-specific serum neutralizing antibody titers only a few weeks after the second and third doses of BNT162b2.
For those aged 65 and older, there were almost no Omicron-specific serum neutralizing antibody titers after dose 2 (see Figure 2, panel B).
For those aged 65 and older, there were almost no Omicron-specific serum neutralizing antibody titers by week 8 after dose 3.
The article mentions that conserved T-cell immunity and non-neutralizing antibodies may still provide protection against hospitalization and death even as neutralizing antibodies wane, but the study did not actually measure T-cell immunity and non-neutralizing antibodies.
The Effectiveness of mRNA Vaccine Boosters for Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 During a Period of Predominance of the Omicron Variant of SARS-CoV-2
The estimated effectiveness (95% confidence interval) during days 7 to 34 after a booster was 51.3% (50.2, 52.4) overall
Efficacy of a Fourth Dose of Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine against Omicron
Vaccine efficacy against any SARS-CoV-2 infection was 30% (95% confidence interval [CI], −9 to 55) for BNT162b2 and 11% (95% CI, −43 to 44) for mRNA-1273 (Figure 1C). Most infected health care workers reported negligible symptoms, both in the control group and the intervention groups. However, most of the infected participants were potentially infectious, with relatively high viral loads (nucleocapsid gene cycle threshold, ≤25)
Protection by a Fourth Dose of BNT162b2 against Omicron in Israel
Starting in the fifth week after the fourth dose, the rate ratio (RR) for infection began to fall. The adjusted rate of infection in the eighth week after the fourth dose was comparable to that of internal controls. The RR for the three-dose group relative to the four-dose group was 1.1, while the rate ratio for the internal control group, compared with the four-dose groups, was 1.0.
The RRs comparing controls with fourth-dose recipients were larger and lasted longer for severe disease. In the fourth week after the fourth dose, the adjusted rate of severe disease was lower by a factor of 3.5 than in three-dose recipients and a factor of 2.3 than in internal controls.
The adjusted rate of severe illness in the fourth week after the fourth dose was 1.6 cases per 100,000 person-days, compared with 5.5 cases per 100,000 in three-dose recipients and 3.6 cases per 100,000 in internal controls. The adjusted rate differences were 3.9 fewer cases per 100,000 person-days and 2.1 fewer cases per 100,000 than the three-dose group and internal controls, respectively.
Protection against confirmed infection appeared short-lived, whereas protection against severe illness did not wane during the study period (6 weeks)
Estimating the effectiveness of the Pfizer COVID-19 BNT162b2 vaccine after a single dose.
After initial injection case numbers increased to day 8 before declining to low levels by day 21.
Vaccination results in a rise in covid infection rates for the first week or two before there is a fall.
Sage-increased infection/hospitalization after vax
400% increase in symptomatic covid from before vaccination to the day of vaccination, in the hospitalised population. They say:
“We observed an abundance of patients admitted to hospital within 7 days of vaccination “.
A separate study from Brazil, later published in the Lancet, showed a 69% higher rate of covid in vaccinated healthcare workers (HCWs) compared to the unvaccinated in the first 13 days after vaccination.
Breakthrough infections with SARS-CoV-2 omicron despite mRNA vaccine booster dose
Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against Omicron or Delta symptomatic infection and severe outcomes
In contrast to high levels of protection against both symptomatic infection and severe outcomes caused by Delta, our results suggest that 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccines only offer modest and short-term protection against symptomatic Omicron infection.
Omicron: 3 vaccine doses are not enough to stop the new COVID variant, warns BioNTech CEO
Breakthrough infections with SARS-CoV-2 omicron despite mRNA vaccine booster dose
High rate of BA.1, BA.1.1 and BA.2 infection in triple vaccinated
ConclusionWe report high incidence of omicron infections despite recent booster vaccination in triple vaccinated individuals. Vaccine-induced antibody titres seem to play a limited role in risk of omicron infection. High viral load and secretion of live virus for up to nine days may increase transmission in a triple vaccinated population.
Viral RNA trajectories were similar and suggestive of infectivity by all omicron sublineages, implying that three vaccine doses offer limited protection against BA.1, BA.1.1 and BA.2 infections and onward transmission.
Analysis of viral RNA levels revealed a peak day three after initial positive test, and that the majority (91%) of the participants were positive with Ct < 30 nine days after initial positive test.
23 of 61 (38%) participants remained asymptomatic > 48 hours after first qPCR-positive sample, with a median pre-symptomatic Ct value of 28.9 (range 19.4-38).
Six participants (9%) remained asymptomatic throughout the whose le course of their infection
Peak viral load and time to viral clearance was not significantly different between participants with asymptomatic course of infection and those with symptoms at any time point during the infection (p=0.06 and p=0.095, respectively).
Among the 55 participants with symptomatic infection (91%), “common cold” symptoms dominated.
Our findings emphasize that vaccine-induced antibody titres play a limited role in omicron infection risk prediction.
Increases in COVID‐19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
Waning Immune Humoral Response
to BNT162b2 Covid-19 Vaccine over 6 Months
Shedding of Infectious SARS-CoV-2 Despite Vaccination
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Among Vaccinated Healthcare Workers, Vietnam
Findings: Between 11th–25th June 2021 (week 7–8 after dose 2), 69 fully vaccinated healthcare workers were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 62 participated in the clinical study. 49 were (pre)symptomatic with one requiring oxygen supplementation. All recovered uneventfully.
Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020. Time from diagnosis to PCR negative was 8–33 days (median: 21).
Interpretation: Breakthrough Delta variant infections are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity, and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, explaining the transmission between the vaccinated people.
Vax kids data
The Flimsy evidence to vaccinate children
Evaluation of mRNA-1273 Covid-19 Vaccine in Children 6 to 11 Years of Age
Effectiveness of the BNT162b2 vaccine among children 5-11 and 12-17 years in New York after the Emergence of the Omicron Variant
Examining time-since-vaccination, ≤13 days of full-vaccination, 12-17 years IRR was 4.3 (95% CI: 3.4, 5.3; VE: 76% [95% CI: 71%, 81%]), but by 28-34 days it was 2.3 (95% CI: 1.9, 2.7; VE: 56% [95% CI: 48%, 63%], Figure 2). For children 5-11 years,IRR at ≤13 days was 2.9 (95% CI 2.7, 3.1; VE: 65% [95% CI: 62%, 68%]) and at 28-34 days it was 1.1 (95% CI: 1.1, 1.2; VE: 12% [95% CI: 8%, 16%]).
For children 5-11 years,at 28-34 days after full vaccination the VE was 12%
Association of Prior BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccination With Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children and Adolescents During Omicron Predominance
In a test-negative, case-control study conducted from December 2021 to February 2022 during Omicron variant predominance that included 121 952 tests from sites across the US, estimated vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection for children 5 to 11 years of age was 60.1% 2 to 4 weeks after dose 2 and 28.9% during month 2 after dose 2. Among adolescents 12 to 15 years of age, estimated vaccine effectiveness was 59.5% 2 to 4 weeks after dose 2 and 16.6% during month 2; estimated booster dose effectiveness in adolescents 2 to 6.5 weeks after the booster was 71.1%.
Estimated vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection for children 5 to 11 years of age was 60.1% 2 to 4 weeks after dose 2 and 28.9% during month 2 after dose 2.
I could go on about the self testing program and process for confirming a positive case, quarantine and isolation requirements, contact tracing/close contacts, lack of visitors for COVID patients at hospitals, etc but these change so quickly I am not up for it