Well , just as many of you thought you were free of the BS after having been given a pause so the COVIDIANS could declare victory, here it comes again.
Some of you may be surprised, thinking its Incredibly stupid and insane, after all , these measures like Masking clearly failed and guys like Del Big Tree said we were WINNING.
But as I have repeatedly said over a number of posts there is no WINNING until the criminals are rounded up and prosecuted. Nobody has gone to jail for killing up to 2 million Americans and harming many more millions with Masking, Lockdowns, unsafe Vaccines, deadly treatment protocols, restricting the use of safe and effective drugs, etc
Trillions in profits were made, and billionaires net worth increased significantly and fallen as COVID Is winding down
Billionaires wealth went from 7.7 trillion in 2017 to to $10.2 trillion in 2020. It fell from $13.1 trillion in 2021, to $12.2 trillion in 2023.
Incidentally, the COVID hype started right around the time of the Jackson Hole meeting (8/24-8/26)
The Federal Reserve's Jackson Hole Economic Symposium is a three-day annual international conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City at Jackson Hole in the United States attended by central bank leaders from around the world.
The M2 money supply has decreased almost $ 1 trillion in the last year
The ELITE Psychopaths got away with the greatest Crime Against Humanity ever and made Trillions, so why would anyone think they wouldn’t try it again? They just need a few guys like Del to tell you all that your WINNING and you will sit on your couch and watch the show cheering each Win , which is really no more than a crumb thrown to give you hope that it will go away without you having to get off your couch.
Of course, I was not sure they would come back with Sars-Cov-4 (Omicron was Sars-Cov-3) or try an entirely different virus. It seems they will go with the former. Poor Ralph is being kept busy making all these new variants.
To what extent they will go this time I am unsure. Lockdowns would be a hard sell without Trump and without a Democrat controlled House to approve spending. Lockdowns are expensive and I don’t see a Republican controlled Congress giving Biden Trillions like a bipartisan Congress gave Trump.
Yet, many of our large Corporations are part of the WEF/MIC machine so they might reinstate remote working and mask mandates, perhaps even requiring the new bivalent vaccine or require testing for the Un-Up to date. Airlines might require Masking and Cities/States might make them required for Public Transportation. Retail Stores and Restaurants might require them as well. And of course, many of the schools will bring back masks and some might require vaccines
I guess we will just have to watch and see.
But as we enter the Election Season, who benefits from the COVID Sequel?
Its looking like the 2 choices will be Trump and Biden (or his designated successor on the ballot). Trump handled Phase I of Operation Covid, Biden handled Phase II. Who gets to handle Phase III?
If they really want to go with nationwide Lockdowns again they really need Trump for that as the Right would not go along with Lockdowns unless their guy was in the White House. The Left will bend over for anyone whispering BOO in their ear.
I don’t think Lockdowns are the plan though. By now everyone but the Cult of COVIDIANS knows that this is not a Scary Virus, unlike in the spring of 2020
Americans are sick and tired of COVID, and they have short memories. Neither sides Party Loyalists decides elections. Its the Center that decides. A Vote for Biden will be seen as a Vote for “Forever Covid”. So even though Trump was at the helm for Phase I, he will be forgiven and so I declare the COVID Sequel is a Win for Trump.
Under Trump they might roll out a new Virus which will be deemed even scarier than COVID, and then Trump can Lock us Down Again. Wash, Rinse, Repeat
The Vaccine for the next Virus will be done faster than Warp Speed and just as unsafe. Then we will see how Trump handles Mandates given he won’t have to worry about being re-elected.
That said, I always look for an alternative hypothesis. This includes some semblance of Lockdowns under Biden and announced plans for expansion of mail in voting, coupled with a criminal conviction of Trump so as to trigger acts of violence (perhaps even false flags) that would lay the ground work for Martial Law and suspension of the Constitution, and maybe even postponing the 2024 Election
I really hope that one doesn’t happen. Some of you might think the Military would step in if it did , however Military Leadership today are Globalists Controlled (CFR, Atlantic Council, Military Industrial Everything Complex) and everyone else under their command, many of whom are Patriots, just follow orders.
Indeed, I sometimes wonder if we are not under secret Military Rule since 9/11, or even 11/22/63. For those that like numbers, we are coming up on 22 (11+11) years since 9/11, and 60 years since the 11/22/63 coup. They might want to celebrate by coming out of the closet.
Of course, maybe this COVID Sequel is such a bust they go to Plan B, whatever that may be. Whatever it is, its probably not good.
Thanks Pete, with regards to the injections, I understood that Dr David Martin unearthed the patents to the suite of SARS and then, featured in an email going around the traps of the criminal elite were statements acknowledging that the intended ‘vaccines’ were really bio-weapons. Dr Sasha Latipova and Katherine Watts tied the whole business into this all being a military operation. So it’s difficult to know whether all of this information is accepted as being, to all intents, an attack by recalcitrant scientists, billionaires and military elite on the western population and is all just being simply ignored entirely. It feels like it’s 1938 ish....