Lets start with Conscious parallelism (aka tactical pricing) . This refers to businesses changing their prices to reflect the prices of competitors within a market without colluding or communicating with competitors. Thats the story to give collusion legal cover.
One of the weapons the Globalists are using to lower the Wests living standards as part of the WEF Great Reset is to reduce carbon emissions via reduction in consumption is “Economic”. Inflation is the bullet
Most people have never heard of the Business Round Table. Set up in 1973 (same time as TLC and WEF). Its members are leading global corporations in America, many of them WEF members
In order to set off the Inflation bomb and get a million businesses and consumers to go along, its quite simple.
First off create inflation expectation. Thats simple with the MSM. Create isolated supply shortages to support the narrative
Then a couple of the leading companies increase prices blaming supply lines or energy prices (which are manipulated by Wall Street Futures traders)
Conscious Parallelism does the rest.
Consumers expect inflation, so accept them and start stocking up on goods expecting even higher prices. This creates excess demand which spurs more increases.
Business owners expect higher cost of doing business and increased cost of materials so want to stay ahead of the game and raise prices
Some businesses simply get greedy and raise prices beyond what is needed so as to maximize profits. This is especially prevalent in Industries where only a few companies control most of the market share. One raises prices and the others follow in lockstep. Conscious Parallelism they say, I say Collusion. One is legal, one is not.
Its like a stampede. We set off a couple of the bigger cattle and they all start running in same direction (higher prices)
However, unlike in the Volcker years you wont see the same degree of higher interest rates on savings and loans. Too much debt. The system would crash. Larry Finks “Going Direct” will allow the Fed to keep money relatively cheap.
So big business will be able to continue to borrow money cheap and roll over existing loans. Asset prices will climb even faster.
The only one going to feel the pain is the middle class and working class, and the welfare class/retirees. Wages and COLA’s for benefits wont keep pace. They will burn through their savings, consume less, and be receptive to conditional UBI (comply with mandates)
Some of you will believe the increase in the money supply is responsible for the cost of a hamburger on main street. I got to break the news. That new money created is in the hands of the 0.1 % and is in the clouds.
It never sees Main Street although the robots they buy to control you or take your jobs will soon be running Main Street and start to Replace Policemen and many working class jobs
Much of that money is destined to lock up resources in the Global South . These resources are needed to build the Digital Gulag. See this to understand why these resources are so important to them.
This was agreed to in COP26 at Glasgow while you were all mesmerized with the Rittenhouse show trial and now with the Will Smith “slap”.
However, inflation was not rising fast enough and living standards were not dropping fast enough, so they got Russia to invade Ukraine (he was losing popularity due to great anger at Russias COVID policies which were right in Lockstep with Europe and US), then we Sanction Russia, and have China Lockdown Shanghai (which will reduce flow of goods to West) . And have the Fed raise interest rates enough to clobber Main Street but not to hurt the Elites too much.
And while they are at it why not throw in a bird flu to wipe out a bunch of Chickens and maybe African Swine Fever to knock off the pigs. Crop shortages due to lack of Fertilizer will reduce the Cattle and open the Synthetic Meat Market wide open for Bill Gates
Interesting comparison between inflation/unemployment in the 1970’s and early 80’s to today.
I describe the start of this in the early 1970’s after Nixon pull the dollar from the gold standard and tried to stem inflation with wage and price controls
The Zero Hedge article fails to take into consideration the changes made to calculation of unemployment and inflation since then so as to understate both. Unemployment and inflation are far higher than the official stats from BLS (aka Bull -Lol-Shit)
The stats were manipulated to mask the Controlled Demolition of the American Economy as it was being deindustrialized so-as to support the New international Economic Order .
This was called for by the WEF and Trilateral Commission (both formed in early 70’s for this purpose and backed by David Rockefeller, Kissinger and Klaus Schwab) working through the UN that called for a redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor nations.
It was actually a debt trap that would be used to enslave states of the Global South with crippling debt that would cause them to default when interest rates would be spiked by Volcker in the late 70’s
The only wealth that would be redistributed in coming decades was from the poor and middle class to the ruling Oligarchs and China’s party elites, who had signed on to the New World Order Project when Mao passed on
The Trilateral Commission also called for the removal of Excess Democracy in 1975 because the people had too much influence over government and they were determined to change that
Since them every President has been beholden to either the Trilateral Commission or WEF Globalist dictates. Even those who promote Nationalism and American Prosperity while doing the exact opposite
Fed chairman Paul Volcker [who was also a member of the Trilateral Commission and had called for a controlled demolition of the World Economy before being appointed] raised key US interest rates in 1979 (at the same time as the Bank of England) by 300% to near 20% levels where he triggered the worst US recession since the 1930’s.
Volcker blamed the extremely high inflation of 1979-82 on worker wage demands. He conveniently ignored the true cause of global inflation then, soaring prices of oil and grains through to the 1980’s as a result of geopolitical actions of Volcker’s patron, David Rockefeller, in creating the oil shocks of the 1970’s.
Since the brutal Volcker interest rate operation it has become orthodoxy for the Fed and other central banks to say rising inflation must be “tamed” by rising interest rates. In fact the ones to gain are the main banks of Wall Street who hold US Treasury debt.
After the Volcker hit the focus turned on turning the US into a Bubble Making Economy. Jobs were sent to Japan , the Asian Tigers and then China. We stopped making things, hammered the unions, made the rich richer with tax breaks which they used to send more jobs off shore, increased the debt, and well, you know what happened. Bubbles here, bubbles there, bubbles everywhere. Then Sir Bubbles Greenspan himself (also a TLC member) popped the biggest bubble. Actually he jumped ship before it burst but he lit the fuse. But the banks got bailed out while Main Street got murdered.
In the final phase of the Demolition, Trump laid the charges with COVID and Biden has lit the fuse with sanctions on Russia after provoking them to invade Ukraine in the interests of their security.
From Engdahl’s well written article
Causes of Recent Inflation
The cause of the alarming inflation rises since the 2020 COVID lockdowns has little or nothing to do with rising wages or a booming economy. Raising rates to create a “soft landing” or so-called mild recession will have virtually no effect on real inflation.
Prices are soaring for the very necessities that families must spend on. According to a study by US economist Mike “Mish” Shedlock, more than 80% of the components of the US Consumer Price Index used to officially measure inflation is made up of so-called “inelastic components.” That includes above all cost of housing, gasoline fuel, transportation, food, medical insurance, education. Most families are not able to seriously reduce any of these necessary living costs regardless of higher interest rates.
Food cost is soaring as global shortages of grain, sunflower oil and fertilizers appear, owing to skyrocketing cost of natural gas to make nitrogen fertilizers. This was well before the Ukraine conflict.
Eliminating Russian and Ukrainian wheat exports because of sanctions and war can cut up to 30% of world grain supply. Drought in USA Midwest and South America, and heavy floods in China are adding to exploding food costs.
Natural gas is rising because of the foolish EU and Biden Zero Carbon agenda to eliminate all hydrocarbon energy in the next years.
Now because of the suicidal sanctions by the West against Russia, a major source of global diesel fuel, Russia, is being eliminated. Russia is the second largest crude oil exporter in the world after Saudi Arabia. It is the largest natural gas exporter in the world, most to the EU.
Some 50% of world semiconductor high-purity neon gas critical for the lasers needed for lithography to make chips comes from two Ukrainian companies, Ingas and Cryoin. Both got their neon from Russian steel plants. One is based in Odessa and the other in Mariupol. Since the fighting there began a month ago, both plants have shut.
Moreover, according to the California-based firm TECHCET, “Russia is a crucial source of C4F6 which several US suppliers buy and purify for use in advanced node logic device etching and advanced lithography processes for chip production.” As well Russia produces about a third of all world palladium used in car catalytic converters and in sensors and emerging memory (MRAM).
As mentioned in Part I another reason for the supply shortages and inflation is defacto collusion (aka Conscious Parallelism to mask its illegality) engineered by the WEF and various Business Round Tables and facilitated by ESG scores. The purpose is to reduce living standards in the West and accelerate depopulation in accordance with the WEF Great Reset Agenda.
Besides the shortage of fertilizer which is now exacerbated by a War in one of the Worlds Biggest Bread Baskets there is also an evolving biologic component to reducing Food Supplies using viruses and PCR tests. This from Ice Age Farmer:
Arkansas joins Georgia in “bird flu” emergency. Note exemption based on faulty PCR test, which forces people to test their birds, ensuring the “outbreak” will continue to grow via false positives.
ie They are now using the COVID “testdemic” script to destroy animal agriculture. Heavens to Betsy, man.
“Under the emergency rule, it is prohibited to exhibit poultry and domestic waterfowl or move poultry or domestic waterfowl from or within an affected area.
“Poultry and waterfowl cannot be sold, bartered, traded, auctioned, or given away at fairs, swap meets, auctions, flea markets, and similar events and locations within an affected area.
“Poultry with commuter agreements or premovement avian influenza testing by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or antigen capture are exempt from this provision.”
Another virus at play that targets hogs which was being used in the Ukrainian Biolabs is African Swine Fever. This one decimated Chinas hog population.
“In the last 12 months, cases in domestic pigs in Europe have been reported in Bulgaria, Germany, Latvia, Moldova, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and the Ukraine. Cases in wild boar have been reported in Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, the Ukraine and, most recently and most concerningly, mainland Italy”
Keep an eye out for new outbreaks. Lets not overlook Bill Gates investments in synthetic meat.
Obviously food shortages are tied in to inflations as low supplies and high demand cause prices to rise. The poor are and elderly on fixed income are more susceptible to disease and death as a result of high prices and inadequate supplies
Using Food as a Weapon is not a new idea. It was conceptualized in the 1970’s by Henry Kissinger, also a member of the Trilateral Commission who was mentored by David Rockefeller and was Klaus Schwabs mentor
1974-National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200, “Implications of World-Wide Population Growth for United States Security and Overseas Interests.” This memorandum was completed on Dec. 10, 1974, under the direction of Kissinger. It became U.S. official policy on Nov. 26, 1975.
The document cited the World Population Plan of Action drawn up by the First United Nations Population Conference in Bucharest, Romania, in the summer of 1974, and stressed that the plan would only succeed if it were enforced by United Nations agencies and using the power of countries like the United States. NSSM-200 concentrated on 13 developing countries, which it declared were responsible for 47% of the world’s expected rate of population growth.
The basic thesis of the memorandum was that population growth in the least developed countries(LDCs) is a concern to US national security, because it would tend to risk civil unrest and political instability in countries that had a high potential for economic development. The policy gives "paramount importance" to population control measures and the promotion of contraception among 13 populous countries to control rapid population growth which the US deems inimical to the socio-political and economic growth of these countries and to the national interests of the United States since the "U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad" and the countries can produce destabilizing opposition forces against the US.
It recommends for US leadership to "influence national leaders" and that "improved world-wide support for population-related efforts should be sought through increased emphasis on mass media and other population education and motivation programs by the UN, USIA, and USAID."
This document called for using “food as a weapon” to aid in Third World depopulation efforts. One part of the proposal discusses withholding food aid to induce population reduction and family planning on the basis of food shortages. Kissinger states, “It is questionable whether aid donor countries will be prepared to provide the sort of massive food aid called for by the import projections on a long-term continuing basis,” suggesting that Western nations might opt out of giving rations to countries that have not followed international programs to cut population numbers.
The veiled threat is clear as Kissinger, a top Rockefeller envoy places a high priority on reducing population, is directing U.S. foreign policy, in the name of national security, to essentially blackmail countries into compliance with “family planning” programs to implement contraceptives, sterilizations and abortions to reduce the birthrate with the leverage of food supply and food aid.
In the same year at the the United Nations World Food Conference, Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz headed the U.S. delegation, and called for the establishment of a new “world food agency” along the same lines proposed by the UN’s Food and Agricutlure Organization (FAO). The Rockefeller Foundation-authored FAO proposal would establish a supranational agency allowing the Rockefeller cabal fingertip control over world food supplies.
So it seems NSSM 200 has been expanded to include the Western Nations including the US
Conclusion-Those who survive the coming demolition will probably wish they had not . You will be dependent on UBI and deprived of Freedom and Privacy through Digitial ID, programmable CBDC, constant surveillance through the Internet of Bodies and Things , Social Credit Scores and rationing of food , energy and health care for sustainability while being used as human guinea pigs for biological experiments and genetic engineering.
You will also be the new commodity to be traded on Human Capital Markets much like Livestock and Commodities. Take a peek into the future.