I am really getting fed up with misinformation spread by those supposedly on my side (the anti-mandate, anti-Malthus, pro -“vaccine safety “ side)
Here is Steve Kirsch with the latest
He says after 9 minutes CPR its rare for anyone to be alive
According to this that is BS
These patients were examined 30 days after their cardiac arrest, and researchers found that more than 27 percent had good brain function. The victims who had good brain function averaged 13 minutes from the time their heart stopped beating, to the time it started beating again. The ones who didn’t fair so well averaged about 22 minutes of CPR efforts before their hearts started beating again. Yet some people even had favorable outcomes after as long as 38 minutes of resuscitation efforts.
I kindly corrected Steve by Twitter,
….but I am still so shadow banned there I thought I should let him know by commenting on his Substack (which I find the need to do more than I like).
Alas, within minutes of my Tweet he decided to restrict comments to paid subscribers.
This a great censorship tool used by some substack authors. Limit comments to the faithful or paid contractors bots, justified as incentivizing paid subscriptions (as if anyone pays to be able to comment).
No big deal, I will just comment by posting my own substack despite only having the reach of an amoeba.
Question Everything and Everyone. The ELite are Hegelians and fund both the official narrative and counter narratives to herd you into their respective pens.
Apparently Steve has disabled all comments (paid and unpaid) due to a spammer. I would update my post but substack no longer allows me to edit on my phone (perhaps because they are phasing out support for an old ios 14 which I upgraded to with a new old phone last year after they stopped supporting ios 12)