Coleys Toxin-A Long Suppressed Cancer Therapy
Coleys Toxin (the long forgotten and suppressed Cancer Treatment, not unlike the suppression of Vitamin C , Steroids, Thiamine combination therapy for Sepsis)
This is a supplement article to my Cancer Moonshot post.
From this article is an interesting story
….the curious case of a German immigrant and dockworker ….. Records showed that the man was admitted to Memorial Hospital in 1883 with a malignant tumor in his neck. He was later discharged, having neither undergone surgery nor showing any further evidence of a tumor in his neck. Fascinated, Coley sought the man out, found him alive and in good health, and asked about his experience. What Coley learned was that while in the hospital waiting for surgery, the man had contracted a virulent case of erysipelas, a grave and painful strep infection of the skin. 2 Erysipelas is usually accompanied by intense pain, redness, and high fever. In the pre-antibiotic era, it was not uncommon to see temperatures as high as 105 degrees for weeks at a time in a patient suffering from erysipelas. Nor was it uncommon for patients to die from erysipelas. This patient, however, recovered, and his sarcoma vanished. The surgical procedure was cancelled and the man was discharged.
Cases like this are typically attributed to “spontaneous remission for unknown reasons,” but Dr. Coley began to investigate the history of fever and the role of the immune system in treating cancer and other diseases. He discovered in the scientific literature that most so-called spontaneous remissions occurred in patients who had had a concurrent acute febrile illness. He also found a history of physicians using fever therapy in the treatment of their patients. And he learned that European doctors were injecting cancer patients with bacterial toxins to induce fevers.
Each of these endotoxins can provoke significant fevers on its own, but since Coley was using only the part of the bacteria that provokes the immune response, he surmised that there would be a greatly reduced risk of life-threatening infection compared to simply injecting patients with live bacteria. Dr. Coley injected this mixture—known as Coley’s Toxins—into patients at increasing doses, depending on their tolerance, provoking fevers of up to 105 degrees on a daily basis for a month. Amazingly, Coley’s gamble (with other people’s lives) paid off. The death rate plummeted, and the benefits of the fever therapy remained.
Coley treated nearly a thousand patients, mostly with inoperable sarcomas, and his toxins—eventually there were thirteen different formulations—were made available to physicians across Europe and North America from the pharmaceutical firm Parke Davis and Company. 5 A 1945 study calculated a 60 percent cure rate among more than 300 cases of inoperable cancer. 6 This is astonishing and, in fact, far surpasses anything modern oncology has to offer for stage 4 cancer patients.
Coley’s Toxins were outright banned in 1962 when the Food and Drug Administration refused to acknowledge them as proven drugs. The postwar years were, of course, also the early heady days of radiation, chemotherapy, and the cusp of the genetic revolution—a time when treating a sick patient with something as simple as the induction of a fever began to seem quaintly medieval compared to blasting a patient with the latest technological firepower.
The irony is that Coley is now considered the father of “immunotherapy,” which was reported by the Atlantic in 2016 to be one of the most promising “new” cancer therapies in decades. Medical institutions such as University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), and Stanford are increasing their use of “immunological therapies” in their treatment of cancer patients. (Treatments cost up to $100,000 per year)
Not mentioned in the article is the FDA then refused to approve promising trials for Coleys Toxin because the treatment involved creating fever in patients. Lol, imagine that, a safe treatments trial for cancer being rejected because its side effect was Fever but Fever is perfectly fine as a vaccine adverse event because it shows the vaccine works
Another major factor relates to the state of knowledge about immunology and cancer. Coley could not explain how his toxin therapy worked. An understanding of how the cells of the immune system fight cancer was still decades away. In the absence of this knowledge, it was easy for mainstream cancer researchers to dismiss Coley’s work as quackery.
In 1965, the American Cancer Society added Coley’s toxins to its “Unproven Methods of Cancer Therapy.” This inclusion effectively marked Coley’s toxins as beyond the pale among mainstream cancer researchers. The ACS would eventually remove Coley’s Toxins from the list (10 years later) but by then the damage had been done.
From here we see a recent attempt to revisit Coleys Toxin
At last, the time seemed right to revisit Coley’s toxins, with a deeper understanding of how the immune system functions. In 2007, CRI funded a phase I clinical trial of Coley’s toxins for patients with a variety of cancer types. The trial was conducted at Krankenhaus Nordwest hospital in Frankfurt, Germany, under the direction of Elke Jäger, M.D., a member of CRI’s clinical trials network. Patients received subcutaneous injections of Coley’s toxins twice a week until fever was induced, and then for four additional doses.
Unlike previous clinical trials of the toxins, this one was conducted with toxins manufactured according to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines, with standardized bacterial components. The trial also incorporated laboratory measures of immune responses—blood levels of cytokines, for example—which were not previously possible, and targeted specifically patients whose cancers expressed the specific molecular flag called NY-ESO-1.
Like all phase I studies, the main objective of this study was not to determine clinical efficacy but rather to establish safety and determine optimal dosing. Nevertheless, there were some tantalizing findings. The toxins were effective at inducing fever and robust surges in cytokines.
One patient with metastatic bladder cancer had a clear clinical response to treatment, experiencing a 50% reduction in his cancer that correlated with elevated levels of cytokines.
Given these intriguing results, Jäger says she and her colleagues are eager to do further testing of Coley’s toxins, but there are logistical hurdles that make that challenging. For one thing, the cost of preparing another batch of Coley’s toxins would run about $1.2 million. It costs so much to make the drug, she says, because of the complexities involved in manufacturing a bacteria-derived product according to GCP guidelines.
There are also difficulties getting approval to conduct studies of the toxins the way Coley used them. For Coley, fever was an important component of the therapy—the induction of fever was a sign that the toxin therapy was working. And he kept giving the toxins at increasing doses so that the fever was maintained. And this went on for weeks and sometimes months at a time.
Modern hospital institutional review boards (IRBs) will not permit such an approach. Even getting the German hospital to allow fever as a goal in this study was a challenge. “We had to work very hard to convince the authorities that fever is a study endpoint,” says Jäger.
A final hurdle—and perhaps the most pertinent one today—is the fact that cancer immunology has progressed so far in the past few years that other approaches have far eclipsed Coley’s toxins. Considering the current excitement being generated with checkpoint inhibitors and CAR T cell therapy, for example, no one is really interested in starting at the beginning again with Coley’s toxins.
In some ways, the question “Why aren't Coley’s toxins still in use?” is the wrong one to ask. It obscures the extent to which many current immunotherapies are, in fact, direct descendants of Coley’s toxins. Take, for example, Toll-like receptors agonists, which are being tested alone and as adjuvants in cancer vaccines. Coley’s toxins are believed to have worked in part by binding to and stimulating TLRs on immune cells. But it was not until the 1990s that scientists discovered that TLRs even existed.
Coley himself found that the toxins were most effective when given after surgery as a way to prevent recurrence. This mirrors contemporary immunotherapy approaches that combine surgery with cancer vaccines.
In total about seven hundred individuals received Coley Fluid but only 86 received it as a single agent. Of these 86, 18 patients (21%) had complete responses (no detectable cancer) and 43 (50%) had partial responses (confirmed regression).
Not mentioned Coleys Toxin would be much cheaper and effective than Immunological Drugs and Treatments on the market costing patients over 100,000 per year without cure in most cases, just prolonged remission (months or a couple of years) if lucky before they need to try a new drug. Not enough profit in it.
This book looks at an attempt to Reinvent Coleys Toxin and get it approved
The book summarizes these results and contains detailed narratives of two patients who received Coley Fluid as a single-agent and achieved durable complete responses (one melanoma and one B-cell lymphoma). Many more patients received Coley Fluid in combination with other immune therapies. The book contains detailed narratives of two patients who achieved durable complete responses in combination with other therapies (one breast cancer and one synovial sarcoma).
We also supplied Coley's for three dogs with terminal cancer and two out of three completely recovered.
Interestingly, the first account of using Coley Fluid to cure canine cancer was presented to the 1907 annual conference of the American Medical Association and published in the AMA Journal; and Coley Fluid was a curative treatment for arthritis in the 1920s (the references are given in the book). Isn't it strange how quickly we have forgotten our medical history?
This is the story of a small company with limited financial resources that brought back "Coley's Toxins" and proved a modern version of this historical product was able to induce complete and lasting regression of cancers that no longer responded to conventional therapies.
Coley's Toxins were invented in 1893 by Dr. William Coley when he was 29 years old. In the following 43 years Dr. Coley treated about one thousand inoperable (incurable) cancer patients with better results than would be expected for a comparable group of patients today.
Until the last pharmaceutical manufacturer ceased production in 1951, Coley's Toxins was a mainstream cancer therapy with thousands of physicians treating many tens of thousands of patients. Outcomes were respectable but not as good as achieved by Dr. Coley.
Dr. Coley's patients fared better than those treated by other physicians because Coley's Toxins prepared for Dr. Coley's personal use were more effective than the commercially available formulations.
Beginning in 2006, MBVax Bioscience produced a modern version of the formulation used by Dr. Coley and provided it free of charge to physicians anywhere in the world who could legally import the product and administer treatment.
Clinical results included complete regressions (cures) of inoperable and/or metastatic breast cancer, lymphoma, melanoma, lung cancer, esophageal cancer and stomach cancer. In spite of these results and the support of leading cancer researchers, medical regulators in Canada, Europe and the U.S. denied permission to commence clinical trials.
So let me just say this. If you think The Cancer Moon Shot is a real attempt at curing cancer for the masses so they can live longer lives then just put your brain in a bag and order a new one